nU'' MttiumwjM,, .mwu mwwiiiwiiii Wry". "Vi v.n II . ' 1! ' , .w w , . U - UJ A- N V. f vi .wy yibaef' . ...liMWkJKi '!X3mgft$?-r imainniHi'rsij Mil iiiMMMttlBpapH P Bi-Ia !. -;t W-,;S" fV- " - ,- "5 Wftl i fp i)' ii " ; V H " iIIMAI '5fOTHl. 'JwiWSf1 'CwMf.TATW!( 'Of1ATI.--Tfl etn4r practice wbleh Dr. JiO, Young baa acquired ia California J to be attributed la a graat BWMure ot,9f)r loH!cill wwpmos, bat tohlsllbwsmy. Ttmm ! with jrdlAewBlirin bbi braaaherabar waey.may somUII him, at'fc.W ity.frtt if charge. When aiMrea by tetter-: wit a written answer (a required, the uattal fee (810) will bo asaebsd. 0ke knur. Vsm 10 o'eleek X; K.t to 8 r. m. In rallihplaelBfftbeBMalrMUBdarB abarga r rir. VonnirMB mIt m a weedy and BBHtHir. TlMlDMtr'SUBlfofM)Ml tlco bM beau to taka,M pa? Hwe a eare m effeeted. "No ewe, no pay, la Ma awtlo, Loiters ami eerllSente lanumrable, fre theec vrbo hare been eared ol lea; itaftdltw nud ehrenlo dhraw nnder hi trentmeut, art rilwnyi open to tbo Inipeetlan'ef thepl HoaUhlereem. HkmleBlabllllyrAaWjr oml thar otiahiy demoastrqieii in bie nunr: nos jnetUeal works, copies af.nhlch eaa'be bad at hit flWe. Hatlnir beu rotl an honorary Mnbr flf. tba iloyol 'Cllgo of nurgtoMf iiOfluen, im nignwi -eirarRiai body in eilaloneo, be feVa confrlent that hto errteed cannot fall to be appreciated In n illieerntngWMmintty. OeaniltatlafirooaH, coraeraf Jloiitgmuery and California tel, ovtr I'tcWo JbpteM Co.'a effi,'8An 'JFran- OlltO. ,3 ZM3 YolMKlccrs! There Ii a petition with Mr. Bark, nt tho "Jaoktoiivlllu Restaurant," atk ing'Congrew 'to pay Ilia exjientcs of Capt. Olnej's nnd'Cnpt. Walkot b com iianlci. All tho oftloora and men bo longing to tlidio compnulev, and all wlto furnlhetl luppllcs, nrp rcquestud to call and itgn the petition. AlAMY ULAIKAtm. DR. GUYSOTT'S Improved Extractor Yellow Dockand TIIU OHiaiAL AND OKSUINK IB TVT VV IN QUART DOTTLCH. Willed l acknowledged, la ba (lie bail Bariaparllla tnada'j and it carllfitd by Ika woadtrful cure it ln parfornied. Itcmauibsr tlU la tlia only Tiuo and Orlg ,fnal Artlola. TliU mtdlclne tvlion utad according to diraclion, Will cwrc wltliout tHll, Pcrolul, or Klnfi'i Evil, CaacartFumora, r.rupllona of Iba akin, Erytipalai, Clironlo Bore T.ytt, Tilngtvorm or '. '.Tetter, Scald Head, Itliaum .. aliimil'alni In lhallonaa and JoinlOld Hor, Ulcorf, BwaIN baa; of lb dandi, By phi Hi, Dyipla, Salt . Vi, . I... lihtum, Uiieaaaa of " ' "lha1Klnnay,'iotauri pillta, 1)1iim arlilng from' the uaa of Mercury, Mn In ilia Side and Shouldera, Genera) Debility, Jaundice and Coillveneu.' .llwt Ttmc Medlclno Known. 'Tlio Yellow Dnob and Haruparllla la peculiarly adapted Tor fematea of delioale health, resulting from ilia Irregularity of memtrual ditclnrgei, and other dlieaiea peculiar to their tax. We anura Ine af flleled.laat.a Botila or 'two of Dt.Gura oTT'a EXTRACT OF YELLOW DOCK AND BAUHAl'AHILLA wlllat oaeareg' ulate lh dlfficullie and rauow the nat ural inaralne. .t'.lUTIUN 1)0 not Ue impoieu upon by unprincipled Vlru'gshte. 'Take none but lha HENUINE, which ii put up none dui iho 'ir.;iuin., which ii put u in QUART BQTTLETJJ, and aold by rt tnettaUt UtuagUi. WHITE t T ARK, ol Agent. 138 Washington aired, Ban FrancUeo. Alio, Imporltrtand ( Aonlt for all tho Genuine PATENT MEDICINE, and aall tlio aitno In n,uaniiite rate. lo suit, at rcduoed nov7rja Dr."Wistar'sJJlsamof Wild Cherry. For'llie Initant Relief and Rapid Cure of '.Coughs, Cold, lloariene, .Croup, Dronehltli, Ia8una,'FAln In the'Breatl or Side. ate. ATaJr question. Amwer It lo suit your (olrea. IVould'youi prefer lo ha,v heallli reilered-andjlfe prolonged by (what oar physician say U),quakry, than lo dia vclentlfieally t You all know of wonder fnl cur Sed by Dr. VIr'(liliH of Wild Cherryacdyet. you eateilaln.a blnd'of priiHlee,"baeusa' .you ebeete'le call it DJtonl medloUe. It la onlr beaaa joudo not know Dr.Vitt. Ifaur fctmi ilv physician had bibiv teat madleal aticoviirr. could. be. not aaaviii bottle and cure a patient in Tftibucie Mj,aal 1 fll.t- U ttnl. ftUm rl-.t.lj lATlk iiottie i f " ---'j t .inii tiw" ur' llI"w- It U important tbou, In. valid. Throw away )oafdaaioaaVi ur' nlim i parfcrwiHg wfMi e(M It win eare yuu. j ariMa'CAUTinaa! a mice ate Mmy counterfeil. Lk well ai,lbe aif mum. t..rnr nhrahsslna take none unlace ilbt tbeaamaol Hanlord fciFaik nt- "Udt.7,tWiie wltbT.afVyaf the above the outside wrapper, a all atbarr.iui CQUHYIHTEIT. . '1bv a. wmitk 'are the only A- ARK & WHITE 'ara IMJ wham all aia koJ(,'k J! aid. rMMs-lMaaitaia, WbaUwWjf ail Ajaan of all,Ma FaUat Mad. 5BW,.tl raaaad uumnlad aartaiae. ' ;iaio -' " -7. . . w a t w,j.o ,4)vahing tta, wu "'-' l.l.WUBUI, m9m-f Si ' VeruAvv aaW a'UM all.ka aauwa. - -.7-7- ' . VT,y; 'jPjaraSjfUlCl HO lulli 9 pHE .bfrbT !( LRAWW lb J., above larfa'kMi emoJUn Me4t la, the fiowtUlilf tawa-af Kfbfill9, tm (It roaJ'fttHtt Jawkionvllla in Althatt, 811. or WB(jli, aJ Crewnt CltywlWrt a ahant M,ruaiM!rfonaf WlllalrtailHtrarBl(r w)tk tba'ttatt jba marital iWtth. A'fcWnr' ail,ikrinii fcre, Wlt;Juh'IH '" twy' aa'd "aralh, aaU i eareftil aad kttcalWe"HMtiraiH a-daHariM (Wk)E T. VJWNU' i'iiiImiHIh Tin ijMLn?if) it. .LTTHi-f " CHIEFTAIN " m'litVkiMf; 8iHi ' Rriafc iBatldlBf, Corner or CalUWrnta Bnd'OrnigontBtreete, JACKiSONYILLE, -0, T. nniin chibftain ? is rrrTEU JL op In auperier.atyla The Sttpon ! paeletMj-and eare ha. bean taken In pre para to aaeemmodaie (he, meet falidiou t wpplled wlteulbaFlaa! IDIKLHTaTCDIRS JUf H) (DMAlftS. The room I large, and afford excel lent accomniodntlene. December 18, lt7. M8tf iNOTICE U PAY UP I AND SETTLE VP!t ANY t'KKSON HAVING CLAIMS agalnil mo, will please preient tliem and rtcalvo their pay. And Ihoae bnowlne tliemielvei Imlebu ed to me provkwi in'Firat December. 1 967, win comer a i?or ur eaiiius laimadlatelr and aetlling up by note or otherwise. JUI1H AflULHtlUn, Deo. 3S, 1S67. GOlf 1. 1. II1FII! ron JOSEPHINE COUN'IT, O. i Office. In Kerbyvllle. BONDS, DEEDH, M O It T G A U Et) i I'owareol Attorn), Sea., drawn up on abort! notice, and for reaionable f. 40tf COliB BVU1IVU UAiVCU. THE trubterlbar wlihc lo leM the "Cold Hiring Itnnoh," together with the Furniture is Ilia House j alio the cron Cold Spring Ranch ia one of the bail Hand on Iba road batwean.Jackionville and Canyonvltle, about one day' travel from either place. Any pannn wilding to Keep a public houie cannot find a Ut. la location. AUEL GEORGE. atvivv KluiiJKa Table Heck Haltery AHU naiooN ITRKT. THE underilgned ho on hand, and la .alwaya relily to manufacture to order, all kind of ia a I r y , Con fee t lo n ary. CindUi, . C rack, era. Ca kee , I' I e i , Ac. All kind of Bvrupe. and everylblnir In In Jilt line of buiinrM, usually found in the Confectionary in tlio cine. For.Weddina. Dalle -or Tarlle. cat HP in gootitme, and at ui.norit nettee " - iiiu ni'iai.' ,i. ,r! .... ..'n- .HEME r& CO. Jacksonville, nee.. 1 3tf. L -I. OVEHECI, E B. TAKE THIS METHOD OF IN- iiormlnslho I'ublle that I have titled Pi at my resilience at I'leaiani (truve, two mils aut .ol Jacksonville, a luitabla building for the reception and treatment of person aailctea wttii any turn, oi ,uwi, l'atlenti will be boardtd .and treatwJ at this Infirmary at price varying with their conditions and want. Those who can net remain in the Infirmary will be exam ined and praylded wjlh medicine. and di rection peculiar m mn yiiBi .i af treatment bv whkh theusanda :liovo been cured and andreatercd to health at, very moderate chifge., I hava'amplearringement fur (lie ad. ministration of the various bind of Bath madiaated, vapor, warn, vM,fte, The dlellBfU . i.l ()atatL Tbe UlatlBfUrstitng """ " '"7 , .OMthlo Practlee aaiiaH.lw.'M. '"; 'ar,ifi ; ": " t fiii All B&a are knov WH ' 'fKl -- , The FpyP-Plhlcprao "KJEVb." .aLinYnl PdW." with egenlMHat artla Uffaanywltbtka raeu-j ,P!N .-;No pau will ba MMlved attka InfiraM.wkfaaBHOt foraWi, Jood ,guar. ante ox pay ma MS1 J ,. . niili? r ' ,Miv WU ha uMmno flAlUtbfi Tba Bb M.raaw.oaa jaJiaHjib Wk, fA l ba.4 ftnat),fte r.iii,eiaint. -.. US ?iw&sm "WlO' lv..t taitiKmiiifj . r iNj-A u liflrAT$b ' ' 4'JWi atiaii'ay- -'-n ,!, 'djl JaMa. , JiWT-WPWafW ' -J IviUl.fay.Vas'l JeaaeaankBpMaBbap b- jaaaleiawaiaaeial e1 "MKIrVITATU" ULiUIl Hi 1IIIIIIE . AQa.ill! Mrik fAlMWHMr.a5kWA f ACKMNVMWLfcj O. T." HrIIR "NEtV BTATE'M a aaej ana ,JL BA,tMBh7aitB r ftttistJ'rtf In a 4tvl nf Uanra. Tk Bllllatd Tabla are new, ana from one of ihe'beitmakera, And ' Bar ttrerwlHaiwayVbi Uf a-aasdaaaaty of rare old iFraneH.'Bran-, Hie, prima Seotch and American Whit leer, ehHe 'Wine, Ateand LsfwrBeer, and aupomr llarami qigar. w; IITllfUIIlI IllSt j-Yehting thctFhtHt, Center f !, Fourth Btrtttt, YREKA.Cnl., KeMHedf Jk Krayaa, Prop;lcl?ra, THEFroprlotora' are prepared to ao eommodate Trarolera with I'rlvate Itnnmi, with Single or Double fled. ,. The TA II lit will be aupplled with ilia RT IN AIakkct. The BAR la furnUlied with .lie, Jlnt WlKE, l.tqu-.,-i).i, .. "" TOT BIS. HOOKS & 110MFSGW, Fliyslclans and Surguons, dFFICE "Jaektonrllla Drug Htor" opposite Union Home. fjyA comtant aapply af Drag and l'aon Medicine alwaya on, hand. R. a, 8NKr.MK0. JAI. D. TUHftKn. SIELLIIG A TUlIEl; ATTroUNEYS-AT-LAW, Office on Fourth atreet, adjolnlne.tbe Juntleta7 Offien, opposite I'oiVUDlcc Yres Ka, uai. 20lf 1H1T JEim. IMPORTER & WIIOLBBALK DEALER a lie 7tlcli08, Jowelry, Dternwkls Gold Fenr, Cloeke, Wat:h Material, 1 ooi, Ulane, &c,, c 171 WASHINGTON STREET, Dalwcen Monlg'ni'ry & Kearny ,(up stairs) Ban Frnnelteal I HAVE jurt reeelved direct from the manufacturer a large assortment of good, oflhe latest atyle antTpatterns, in the above line. DtTl have constantlyon haJ and am in regular rocaipl of full and conplete asort. merit ofgqod adapted to Ike California trade. To the trade and dealer in. the In. lerinr, i would ay, ynur order will re. caiva prompt and Gainful attention I pleaao give m a call. ROBERT JOSEI'lll. OfN. U. No butlne connected with J.rTJoiephi. 3Um3 ,V XXVju. xx. fOR-f DRIFYINI THE BLOOB ' AND FOKTIIK CUl'.K Or" AUjiiMAims,Asisiyo..rfiPir.iyjMrr r STATJC Or TliU SLOOP, ORJtAUlT it i ooMroBi or PUXILY T3MXTA1LS IXTRAffS, Aiut twiUbM oo tatetttl ptKn to Injur III cojUBTrrunoN. Tti pf.rouJftW ttrH..qt'irjjlW aac Urn ur fkWlic. .l U Pt W' U DM. (arnUbM prvaf mflWrtt ta.erla ertrr eHa aad iUwrnlir; mM f IU trf tui irlortt d valaa. It l'uw a4mltitrrf lajtntrit entue a a iro ami TJNirBRKjJtXXrBT In ram f.tpful, UmV, Tyw. Bf; t Mva JuUU., JrlfkS Kl1B. f ttfr nailtlat tfmpwmtui w m all ia dwM t tke MmelH a4 Hh rmmmI ttiMWf rf,tbe,fUa, y IWHar PiuMUr of lb tUaad-hr Kit bl lacWa. viriatt aal 'b "all at wbjab dliMM flu4i H nsf ,. -TWKW7' TUs Mt4 w Mat a by a latratrK- ijm$!4 ,MMf,,A....S'S aa. isLttir.sra rwi ui rwrweatae a ?!ST2ZI7 TL.. Mnta UvtJMMMMC UmtRUtm Sfiw VrM a'fS-i,' HtHttMB ,4ib.Ul-rft iUuhwMU-tl. WPi i .Tr7Tli w." "" "T. r..:i- - . 1. tmt kA'l&'AA ) Mf :la riV.M.iW BtiTSS MM I.IIIIWUIB I?" uETaJ ftJaalaaaba'aJ ftK'l " iiIbi?55SaVi!!: If... OaaVt. At Wkl intiaia .p-a- .....j. - tasSyl wKKaSHAaa: jeitta"ilr ' ," v ' .uUA.iA'tii WAV &(&$ -, if ITWjjilll TMIT T i . . v? ,ta,iar .. ,- ' -- i'.WrRloia iviN ioa. Rrt7 - 1 MaaaVlbJ H.1HWAM it. OLaMwiaaM ' 1 N- ' " fWSa,H ' JiSJIV ,,'.ii -; r v Wi)i B' AYR' K'-w fOCK, tiyl V." ..rt"' '?,. V .PeiBGSf w& WitiiiaCTr XeWwehr, Mae IfMhral la. . ., It fj a cKwrnYHxn.-O: t: " HWhHa OttWftw.b! a ta,p .HerrbaM'a BailtMng. W-ATOHBS'a! Jwa4ry -i.-.. i. tu Li:.irif Maauraetured aiad KitjjtYeI lo' jrtHes traa. WaMbae aad a ffenera awHtm Jewelry aa hand and far tale lee, jiii intiiLi SURGICAL AND MECIIANICM. DnaBTDair. I' ajKajaflfL "O AS rataraed to JariitiBM mmmii ?,. ana 11 .Wd -i 1 1 ,i, I J (be practice or bltpreleaNM AH work lirarraated. '; ;H rtatter hlmeatr ilhf t, fiom hi . bug experiea. annjnareiign practice ;lnilM- llitry, ha will bo able to giro itlileiw to all ' who wiay rarer htm vrllb acaH. 1 OlfieB-On California atrett. ah He corner, toppealta ibe ".Union." ir.3 SHmbImUbh Retire. THE i'arlneriliip .heretofore exlsttng t1M..i.runiiiavti,.l.l.i.wU Hiwdlved 'by -mutual content. Persons having elnima agalntt the firm, will pre- aeatilhe'iame Tor settlement at the "now Stale,. Billiard Saloon," lo McLaughlin dt pel, -without delay, and lime wlianr td to them, will eoma and pay their Ind IndobtedneH on or beforo the 80th day ol Ihie Bionth. orihoiraecount will be placed in tna nanu 01 an omccr lor coinciion. JOHN MoLATJOHUN, HENRY KLIPrEL, CHAS. WILLIAMS. JaeJcMnville, O.T., Dec. lt, 1867. 'PartHerafc l Nolico. TOnN UcLAUGHLIN and HENRY tf KLIPrL have tbl day formed Part nereatp in the tranMOtine or buaince. uncict the name of McLaughlin fc Kllnpcl, to take effect frdw and after the dlaaolutlonoftbe PflrtntraWn of William. McLeachlln A Kiippei john Mclaughlin, HENRY KLI1TEL. Jaekaoflvlllo, 0. T December 1, 1807. VTOTICE J8 HEREBY GIVEN that li Letter of Administration linvo been granted In me nn the estate of Woodson Tueker, deo'd, by the Probate Court Jnckson County. All person 1, therefore, imorcsicu a creunore 01 aiu estate are required lo present their account, with the proper vouchor, to me at niv reel. dence, three mite eaat the Union Mill, on nulla ureek, Jackson county. O. T.. within lone, year from Una dato.orthey will be barred lha recovery of tho same. una ism uajr 01 wacemoer, 1011, JUDtAIl XMUWl.Un, dOU Administrator, J. n. ItAMIOK. Ii. UD1TT, (Late or Sacramento San Francisco, .liUti t-UUTT. LAW OFFIOK elai SliyZir.- (Orer .Basks & Bull, Bauketa, Saw Fraaelicei Cat. H.J.Labatt, Comgakfalonar for Louisiana ij'atm.Gif -.kwiqi mat, CALIFORNIA STREET, H'Aolttaie- and Metail Jknier ia Reek, Statloaerr &e. TTAVING PURCHASED THE 1N- XJL torestofJ)(ivid,Lovnr In the above limine, 1 nuw oneruig at llie old aland a large asrortmeut ufthe beat brand of (dhw mm tmmm, Confectionery and Fruks, Bebeel Reoke, Statlesery, &C, Vary Cheap for Coili. ID- Call, If you want a Good Cigar. Jaoksonvllle, Nov. HI. 46if WDtt,ft.W SiPSQEllBS HOUSE, BY N. C. DEAN. rpilIB well known aland, situated .five JL gmllei north of Jaoksonvllle, on the Ore an Road, ha 1 been refitted and new build lag erected, end alio good etabtaa. The proprietor will accommodate the Traveling I'ublle, and hep by nwl'- llng attention lo their .Want oataiii a HbaVal baie of jnrona.- ', m -,JVav.ia..7. , 4tf 3TESSE KOBEBTS TTAB ereatJKBR-itJJfWVg W " ,Tc a R y R v.l 1-1 r NORTH JSKD OP T1IK CANYON, Where ba ia Hreparad lo accommodate Ike Taling PabKa In good atylei J EUf f JJULS,' V(t furpl.M any HiOre- n. , -1 in .-i;, -,.' kJargai'afid'watifpliad WW) Hj, and "X JVJB. AAPVAiR. GrMn, .Parti r ainHuuH mf ,jo uif mate; T" - -..-"-- taulvwr.) ion paid -to rbaea wh w'JJpt; ha call. . ; itiC .. ..-. .-: 1 HJjnmIFJF lJJMiiWv ittaad ar ilia H. JV IfffWtuPJ Ma w AwM 'JCm ' rf.w 7 -','fi HteJSa! f ba parajriailrt ttowMW.-.wa1' ,1 v -'MlMiV-i U UBfHd,wHli Hayead Sl W'aUid. .. .AnlmaU Mil arly "-"' . - 7. - , .- i..,,, . vary. attanu jpaaii-w "T" ai i.cafl iomfortable iiiftll'-'T J, aS5tHS?SMS WjMinWINea.ali twatlir a aaadaiata ttm ail? ikMaMaeaaiMaf JaBkAd' aaaTaaaslaei 11" i ." " f.'V '. i am TjL T !lammm ia ,v y . 11 . nwjpaya P;1" iBaMH M f ' b. It T .i. i. .w.iw in '1 mK i D lkat-)laaM'"ir'."'f Mtir. ttmm' H.a1 N,aM reiiCv ti oWrtc "cti iHI TH, caTsttio If ..iU-'i .;.7M,,iv n" UJ t' ..T?i an i VW ""ai!rH a 87, B auel 01 teldrtdaiffsj 1 - TKfl eitabllshnient i eentralll UMd-IH lfi imrl.,4tsitv -nf, lit Mdthe UHited mates nraucb Mhr 1 i,kkr , A,r . a a uunr.u,pirwgiiK,au, nuni f? to 75 cAnt per riicht. " .- ... M '. . . VBongie Koomv lurnuueu 1 VbB. Jomt or lodging can I toault tbetenvenlt-nee of all. Tim WkJ. ...Clf.ulin In ,!.' ft-iibuifGyinu ttlllicnciivtcin w. BAT . By nnrertlillni atteatlon and-ui flrtand convbiiane at extremely I aiee di me mireasing patronage, tin For the afeommodatio? ol mini two life In th office. v 1 There U aieiteutiv Library 1 Ik1I.1a Af n. V eewMja . i . . . I JHT-THE MOUSE IS OFENI jur-THEl ec Travel 1 will reme citsoilininoni. The What I tier Slouae'i con'l no7-3 of of. 1 LEAVE IMFORM 1 jVa' that t JsMt Stocki ol rciwf re ChoA9tt Stocki ol DRY 0100 JZrbreuvht tAthUhllei.coHt SIMMY. MQOTX.VIQES, DOMKINiCASSaUlRE. J xuwjj&a;.jww !.'""'' rj been . ih am rramitoej-i, vhich u ram at oat Lr,j, r'rh,t,A for the lattft month w confii EASLE MILLS, Au I) 1 TOILI, GIVE FOKlVfrol T T . Sfortt, and Eignt J&a TbU I a rare obwwi l 3 1: x? o FJTEHB FOR BALE large 1 elected assortment of STAPLE &JFATO DT-l JOO'S SHOES, ffiLAIML ' 'jCLOTHny jniHiai; , AndallkiBU.ofGROCEKIEls,' will tall Cheap for Cash, at hit California rieet. Jckeenvt.ll''Au B,7. r RS WANTED I ,1 Sea Otter, Land VV Beav Dear, M-ni ,, Foxe, rVr wblab fi 11 oifcer Kind or priM will k paid, r M, ROBUHtJTOi 06 CkfvrBia Ureal, near Fi aa. aiBJjUUfcjr ; M. t IIUM! WiliV.S,7rtsw,,',,j1, - Canld w h hi Mw-mltli ko UMnM:Bii -ntHij MtuaieaiWM bylUa., JPa ma ha via ,wbM wait ta t it I .urcd at flitawsi, sil4d at tka ti aar,aaakat7P asa-dfaann. I- -. ... . ,! Ale, saw c.o lhiuMtviwaiBii, artlol af law r 'w. P'?W,;!.(J .'. -t.-i . '-r.r.-.. .? w' uall and aettle ip,a caahwaaukl Aam.,m.J , SWI-' -..) "-wr -f f ' B" ' ' 07T w 1. .. :Ullii aad.Ai uurloaeat f 1 :" ". I1..I.1 ai.i .,, JWW IVf. aMaa-tt,! If...! .- ,. aetmofMca, tail .MUUoliat-Md tjrWWfBJaaW VaRPVI r- , J. J aHie,. d??- VTlL mJtoW" wb7vui 2a ali'Pfe" tC! F L"; !o Sao-Stoaa. l!RjCh'W.'; ragon j v . -i ' .,i'i.iFiiin.i -j.' :- --', - ... nMtniii ih.'t(vr,''j Da H aw( a haa aiJ92Sne'MrU honaa ft . -B'fe aralt,M asm