. .- Pi . of ' H " j - 4. E if ? I retentive .efficiently power M to ywllHta, fcr mIihMw ef the into he teW, a Mere M loetm fcr ifcm Mnjfeflto r. V)li-5r. Ntoffliffl Nilm to riitregtrd ilie will 0M1J eenewto. lbe .uJVJsi. .u'fc C?2 T?!7w!? vSlj rV"i!.,Y5?i Jtit. I i" "ft 1 MiuiMit 7m tH71S"arJZ5SMIHB entsTho truth It, that mfstliw juthwi. l qwer mmm m mrre an :,. ' p.. "" . . . .am ami wrww m "m!Wmgm wetXAt2i kBH Bt lh1lttoia.hrvrtthout Uverfl" ii " aTtfr myfct.iiBftn' A mkklnt &BKiwWiluZ ?!!!- .iiS Mm tbbmejftw ttstrtlon my lie. til!1 .f" ZfL.ZZ' TfF . .iff"- W'y a ff'of riff Urrltnrlnl imMKh ItoetnlAHw.- TWelellon will be i.m- d by ) rt,.lW . fcnetfctaa a tflM trter of $4,87o air I P ?P? fti iSS T THHBSSi -a . I .- .. . .BtWT, .. i . .. -- -'waYVVa t UBKaiiLK-aiB ' "monat or tn punn debt at the oem The ttif dHHilffifl Sfi!Ki51,h prewtVMlyejrWM antra and CrSBJIMBI J",WW,3H8 tV. . I Hi knar fni. '-""T HBMfW g'?Mlt'Wwwl dNSliH r itetHl'-kraeter,'itHUlra that wo ihnnkl eJnirneli miHWH a n ill bo effectual in restraining our elileemi Turin eaiuniiiting tui.li outrage. I rrgret mlHrrm you that the Fretlelent of,I'aragtty hat relosed la ratify the trail it between the United Statet nnO that 'Wte.at anicnded by tho Simita.tha alcnlna bl whu.li tni mentioned in the mettflgaoq my prcdccetior In Oonnron at llio nnen ing uf jit Miilon in Dorembar, ieS3. Th reaiunt aiti(nd fur lint rcfutal will np patrjiniiha eerraapondanca wrewllh tu n.lllod. It bring litnimble to atcerlaiti ilia fit nsit oftlm n(fcr'l.B I'Uta and in tritium. rltt for navigation by ttumn, Ilia United tilatet r-leniner Walor Witch waa win llilllior fnr thai purpona in Itfo.T. iTilt enlrrpriia wat uccrrully carrlad nn un lil FtibfliBry, 182)5, whan, whiltl In lh iwacelul prnaanution of her yage wp the Tarnna1 rivar, the slnamtr wet fired npnn by a i'LTsigtiojan Kurt. Tho Sre Wat rc turned, hut at (he Walrr Witrh iVat vt tniall I'urcB, and nnt detlsned rurufTrnnlve uieratiunt, the rr-llrrd from ihs ennflict. ,' TJie prtflbit upon uhleli the altsck 'wat made waj. a dirnseiiC the PrraMcril ol I'aragnay erOetober,lr!5t, prohibiting for. vlgn tvMiela bf-wor fnim navigating the riven ol tbat'tilate At 1'araeuMr, how ' ever, waj tha uvtnerof but run bunk of thnrlverdr that mme, thA other belong ing to Corlentei, a SlMlo of the Argentine Confederation, lliu right nHli government to expect that tiluh a di'crea wodld lie ibeed cannot e aqknnwledged. ,Uutlhe Water Witoh waa nut, prujjrly''iM-,klng, a vttnel'or.vVar. t?M mil tinall ateamor, engaged in a aciatilio enlerprlio, Intend ed A)r the advanlaee uf commercial Ufalee generally. .Under iheie circumstance, I j tmennttratnea to coiuultr the nnacK up un her at unjuttifitbla, and at calling lor ntlTactiunTroni the I'nrnguayan govern iik in. Cfl'ien tie m aamfielor mate ewu - Ulniftg tint Mil of a hMe Mr) ofj people ol anf 8(aa or TerrWry & an I purtirtit amyatomg ifweatio iKtttu LaUviirv lit KiavtVl tMMW ImMtM r rr.. .'..: ci.. .? .t. '.:? a uireci voie. imw wits, irren, wn n mr C.ingret t peat over all tubordinate and intermediate agenriet, and (iruceed to tho tourca ol all legitimate power under our iMtUiHMrtMr' How vain would any other principle prove in practicoi This mty be llliulra. ted by thn e4te of Kami. ShmiM.ilw i.. .j.Iii..iii. ii,Ttiu. ..i.i.'. .-:. i tutlon oilher niaintainirw or eboliahlnr Uvery, agalntt tha aentimani of tha peo pie, inn coma nave no oibcr ellecl limn M enhiinne and th rktinptrata tha tilt ling tfiltiioit dbrlrta the brief nefled rouuirert io make the conntlliition cenfurtir to the Irrettatible 'will er the mnjiirily. Tho frierula and tuppuftcrt tif the Ne-hrati-a and Kamat art, n'hnn airuggllng on a recent occailoil 'to 'utatn In wlio pfbvttiont bufbre the gretk tribunal uf ilia Arsercan 'people, never differed about lit true maahtttg on thiMulijeel. Everywhere IlirugnoHi ihb union tnuy publicly pletlg. ml their faith ahd Ihelr honor, lint lli-v would cheerrlly aubioil tho qiieatinn of alavarv to the bona kdt people of TCantaa. wihoul any rettnution or qualilicalion .. i. All . -1 ..r. . . '. .. A wiiaioTtr. .in "tin uniicu upon inegram doctiue of popular tovreiguty, which It the vital principle ol our free imtltuiloni. Moil It Ilioii been intinualad from alir, quarter that it would be ,a tufflelcnt com plianee with the rentiltilleneer.tho organ ie law fur, the tnambera nl a convention, lharealler to be eluded, to withhold the question of alavery from the people, and tosubilltule Ibolr own will fiir that of a .legnllyateeitained majurily of all thuir ennatftuelilt,. thit wauld have beta in f l..'vf..1i.l I2i.. t.M wl.Kl Bl&lillw rlnrliil. I!wMrvtvl..M tl.. ... Miih'uii tn'biiKltiettln I'urnguay tnaltiad truo to thr rcmlution adepttd nn, iitb imu ineir prnprrir teizan nnn Mkn ," i"i"i '"' rocnjiininj mo fromihcrfi, and Uliiorwi-ebertroalell by tight of tho neoploior all tho Territories tlia'auihorillefln an inauliip tincl nrbtira ' Including Kantat and Nebraska acliag . ry manner', Uliich rrquirri redrhM. I tlirmigli the Irgallr eaprestd will of a mtj -A drmiiiid fdr there putposonill be Jerily of aclual mldnnlt, and whenever inadolrt a' .firm but cunnliMory aplrjt ,ibe number of ih-ir nhnhimiiia juttifiet ii,j Thit'will Hit mure probdbly be granted lr J'0 I""" rontiltuiion, with or wlthnutl the Kxeciititn-thaW have aulfiorllv to use slavery, and be ai'mitivd into tha Union other tneanain the event of a refusal P"n terwt or perfect rnualllr with tha U hia It accordlnslv rtcominendad '.oilier Hiales. I.,,.. . . ... i srit iinnrcttsary to an.te in iloloil lm; alarming cnnilillun or the Territory of iansat at- Ilia lima ol inr inancuration The coaventlon to frame a. contiltution for Kanttt met on the Mrtt Mondsv in September last. Thry were called tngulh. I I bar Without alar ion may m none J-Miuir ion ill he h der leaitliBateaulhoritvi and If any nwtlon of the inbaMiante "hail refuse to vote, a. fair opporlanity to o o Mvlng won pfefewted, till, will be Useir w vaitmtarV aet, awl WWy Wll'Wfl Tg! ItO lWJWBlW tn BV BMHCRM. faVkAliV. Vtatatu. .A...U 1. . 4.- m a. a.l.A I . m..m..,T? c T... . ?,, 1,T '"J atavo.rmisi eretoaiif , Ttaaser soaao aiHrerr ty, no aeciucu try an election ; ana me quet' Uoa oa never be mere eloaily w dlitiwctly presented to tbeTeople Umb ft it at the pro cut 6mnt. abwW tbia;epforNnUy ty rejected. nc way Inrplfetl for Ter hi ao mealic tlcord, nadosalUyJit civil, wari he fore ahe can again ytsako op the lsc now to rot tanatcly tender, and again reach lac point abc baa already attained. Kanaaa liaa Ur eoHW J4 occupied too much, or the mAc atbtrM. It la hlgti time thh shtmlj be illrected to for wore ha. portanl oljacta. When owe admitted Into the Union, whetntr with of wrasoat Harary. tho cjcltctaent lieyoml her awn HmlU -rltt imh tmm away, and abe, wW then, fer the fltrt time, bVlcff, t the ottghtk) hare beo long alnce, to raanage her own affairs In Iter own war. If her OoRtlttiwi,cw Ibetub jeei of alarery, or on aay etbef aabjeel, be dlaolea-Ine .to a msjorltr ef the mmiIc. bo human power can prevent them frejs. oju&J Ing It wMMais btierT,Ua-tJam IMwj CMrGunatunefifl. i& iflar ytcii uv iiuenbiuiivii -vrbether the ptaee and quiet of the whole country are bet or greater importance man the mere temporary triumph Of either of the political partlea In Kawit. Should the CwHlltntlon without aUrery be adopted by the vole of a mrlty, the rights of properly In slave now In the Tar rltory are rneerved, The number of theee are very await i but If 11 were grentw the provision would be equally Just h4 reason tile. TbcM alavrs were brouekt Into the Territory under the Ceottltuion of tho Un lied Slate, n3 ore now the property of their mtstcra. This point hat at length been decided by the hlgbeet judicial trlbnnftl of tho country and tblt uiion the plain prln clpla that -.ben a confederacy of euverclgn Statu acquire a new territory at their Joint ; cxpenao, both equality and iuatte dcmaBd tuai tncciiitensoi one aim an ei mem teaii: hare the right to take Into It whatsoever U recognised n properly by the coMinrm Con i llieopnnting partlet stnud In hostile ar ' " by virtue or an act ol the territorial I raya-aiiisi utch othsr. mid anv rrldnil lexlslelure. whose laulul oiuteiice hid' might haye flighted Him flamrt or civil war: " Betides, at tblt crllictl moment, . .iii-i was itu wiinnui a governor liy the rvslgiiatIourOov Geary. On the lOlli of February previous, the territorial legislature had paurd a law providing fur the -Ircllnn of dvlegslet nn the lllitd filondtV lifjun- l rnnv-nllmi lu meet on the lirt mdnday of Htplenibor.i Jur the purpose nf fram'ng a lunstliuilon1 i!ici-i-iuiT iu -mrwuiuH nun ilia union '1 hit ItW wat In tha main fur and iuit : been recurtilied . T tormt atiu or hr Concrett In dilTorant ... uinerent enactments. ; .1 - . . ."T' - large proportion ol Ilia citi-en of Kns did not think proper to register their name and to vole at the election fur delttaist : but an opportunity to du litis having btenj fairly aUbrdud, tlmir mfutal to ava.il ihaui aeiret ol tneir light could In no manner allVct the leialily of the convention. The convention proceeded to frame a oonilltlltioit fur Kansas, and finally ad. iourned on the 7lh Atj nf November. Uut and it it to be regiattuij- fliat ail the qual J ' difliaully oceurrad inthecuuvention laed claelera had nut reiitlereil llmm ache and voted undir Its pmvitont. At the 'time ulT the election for dale. gitt,an estentive argonlxaliun -sisledin tbe Territory, whose uocd ubjaai it was, ifnecd be, lo put down the Jawful gnv. rrnmeut by force, and to establish n guv nnmehl ul their own under the so celled cTopaka constitution. Tho persons at tached In this ftynlutioMaty iita-nN-iu-Hbstainecl froui taking uny part in the olec Hon. Thn act ofthe territorial l-gitlature had nmitled lo protido fur submitting lu the people the constitution which might be Trained by the convention; and in Ilia tx cited ttate of public feeling throughout Kantat an appreh-ntjun rxlentively pre vailed thai a design existed lo fotao upon them a conitiiutinn In relation lu slavery ag.lntt thoir will. In Ibis emergency II btcune my duty, at It wssniy uiiquettion able right, hating in, view the union nf all - good citirent in the support ufthe terrllo jrial.lawi, to rxpres un npininn on the iiuecoiittruction of the nruvislont cun corning atuvery contained In the organic oct ufCongres of the SUlh &oy, Ibjl. uongrett declurtu It, lo be ' lite true in lent and meaning sJ thit act nut to legis 'late slavery Tm(j any Talnlory or Slata nor to exclude it therefrom, but lo-loovo the people' tlicrftoT perfectly free to form nr.il ivgulate their domeslic institutions in tlmir own wn." Under It Kansas, "when admitted at a Slsto," wat to ibe'rereWad into the Union, with or wlthuut tlvory, at their conslllalien mav prrtcrlhe at'llie lima of thoir admission. Did Cnnelet mean bv thit lanauaM (list liseydiiiegatat alocled to frame, o.oonr ttiivniusi tiiuuid lute authority luially to drcida isjic quaitiofi pi slajery r or did hy, .iiilelid ly leaving it io ilia pcopla that the ptopie if Jianoss thefnteivet sliouigo- tills tubjUl, 1 confyarpltiad never enier talned a.tkm-jtfuubt, and, thoiefore, in iny.inslruetion to Goverer Walker ol the Ubth Mar) last, I meuly said I lint wlm a eoHilHiMhHi'fhnll L-.uoiiillled tu tlio people oflhe'Verrlturyilliey tut he prO tected in tbe"esrotso of their right bf 0 ling fur or against that Instrument, and theifairexprcstl cm oftlm popular wll must mil be intertuiiled by fraud or violence."' In expressing thit unlniun, It wat far from my iiilm)oB .le-jnlwfete, .wjih lb, n.lirUInu nr ins neuueul IvanSiis. aillmr for or ageiasl slavery. Vrjiim thit I have II . ulwayt carefully abstained; Itiirusted with I ' the duty of taking 'earo that die Iowa be i M-ilhlully executed," my ouiy iute wa. lint ilis Daonleof Kantat tlioultlTusuVsh u. I'aiiwiMt the eviilxcea refliiiredr the Mtcanie act. whelUer fct br aaalnts Ua- ty jjundlnthr manner amootli tHlr o,l .lUiA.the Union. In amcrjine from tiia'tDKil'nVT of tetritnrla'l depnuildiioeVn- tollMtafttwiTtrelfn State, t wa their i !.. ..ln.ou la tnybe known Ituiir ou'?t r ww:"- 'r .i .: .si.t.r luzu uecl iiuetlion whether this tuinirla da- ihoum or tuusiu '-- .1". .., , .. - .t.. ,ccrpi an uiu tuujoci oi tuiery. ilia . , ...h. .. iiwii iriiisiuns oi our recent Slate constitutions are o atiniar and, I may add to oxcull-nt -thai tho dif. irrenee uetwoan Ibein is not essential. Under the ratller praotlee of the govern." nioiil, no cnnslitullnii Trained by the con. vcntion of a territory iirensralorv in Ii. udmlision Into the Union at a. Sutohadl nrlWrt.S.l'lneWm-p. set ny tno' latt Con-ress, requiring that the consiitu lion or Minnetiita "shoulJ be tulijeclto the nrmioval and ratlflcHlinn uflhe noonle of the proposed J tale," way bn fullowad nn future orcttiunt. i iook ii fur graniou that the canventinit of Kansas would act in accordance mills ihlt example, founded,. at it It, on correct principle; and bene I my instructions lo Governor Wnlker, inj lavur oi tuuuuuing ino consiitutinn to ma people, were expressed in general and un qualified term. In tho Kanita Nebraska Art, however, lliit riilreiflent.B'sipScablu lotba whul consiitutinn, had tint been inserted, andj ineeonvcniiun were notoeunutiy ittiertnt to submit any other portion of the instru ment to an election, except that which re. late iotiio"d(tmeilo institution 'of tltve-i ry. Thit will be rendered clear by a aim-1 pie referene lo ilt language. It wat 'nnt lo legislate tlsvtrylnto any Tawitary or (Male, lir.r to exnlude it there4fum, hut lo leave the people thereof perfectly free to farm and regulala their doinettie 'irfttilt lltint In IhalrtiMrn Iva ' Anrnrfttnvlu ilia plain construction of thr tnntanea, Ihej wordt "doineslla inslilulions'' have a Uf- rect, at they have an appropriate refer ence tu tltery. IJaineitic inslilulions" are limited to the ramily Tho relations between master and slave and a few miiert are "domestic intlilp. lions," and are entirely distinct from In slllulions qfa political character, lletides, there wa no question ,then btTore rjon great, norindttd ho thai alnce baenany serieus quettlBH'before jhe,ir''f H u. r il.. ..nMMr.exeet that whleh re lata to the ''domotllc iHatillttlun," of. tlavery- 'itie contention, oiler an excite and IrM fflnl 19 i-uo all lk ifjU tt-tT loWaiaaaM T?PW Wllsl f m m WaTs-a r HTVtae'HpK-ow Bl! WW PKaJ. VCH VIW.lWWi.. laVIIJ VVftnC WOwl rill1 JrWUfll IMWIOM ed by mMi Mretitl aMOMt totj.jUrmww in Utah, Thitt ftrtt rebelMti wltlch ha tucttted In oar Ter .It..!.. K..J 1UH.-ll. llf ...mI... .1 . weasHMiM twtlldown InaaiohaMMaarthai ,l WHW W JW anl T mr& iiaj 'vv itMPMar be to oneooraKe HMWlo render it rormMa b). We MgM to m there with wh m (at netahiaf feiee m f rotivi-" theae'JolyJjJ ,fcofi5e Ibrt raitnfo' vbnWTl VaitrV and HHte asiafe m -awoa ot wwi... n cfl. In thr manner, beet cmrrnee them that we are Ibafr friend, not their ettmie. Ig of. itert acontn'tMttaVtt. tt wIH U vls. eeeeary, to'ratae ro4v sfiHtWal riHtnMVi ) j itrra iara i rarnvariT rtkuoiaii jiu mus-rMnL At tho fnewt moment tn (ifprtMlon fa tbe revenue of th eetmtry l am awry to be oMIred to recommend imeb a enre; Vt i reel eennaesit m ine anppert m beware at, coot what It way, In inrpreealng the Inanr rectton arid In reatwtagawd nttintainUg the -orvrHffity or tw eoMttttttien aaj i4W eref H)1'"W'7 TUlMrt I TeconHnend to Con tree the eataUWA rftcat of a Territorial tovemnterrt over Ari zonn, lnorMralrbg with It tfteti vtortieiH f rtew -atcxioo m tner mar eeia tsnctHeM. I neeil)ercey aMneBrmefttoinirGfert of thH re commendarlmf. We sre boead tn prelect the live arid p-flper ty of ear oHieeMj out any ettetent MMesrtlM, Tbr prewit I nnmb-r w klrMwy' eonwdefawo, and It I rapMIlaorcitifng notwithstanding IhoiH. advantage nnderwhleh they laber. Betld, tbe proposed Territory I believed to be rich in mineral and acrleeltarnl Yeteflrccs,' esno- dally in silver and copper. The mall of the united, state in liaiirorftiaa-o now car ried ever 11 throughout It wbolt extent, and tbt ronte hi known to be tho nearest. and beKeved to be tbe beet to tbe I'acIRc. Long experience hat deeply eonvtoeed me that a fttrlct conttrnctlon of the Wiwers Branted to Cosetm it tho onlv true a well a the only aafe, theory ef t4io ConetltBllon Wbihrt this tvrlnclpl aball gtilde my puMlo conduct, 1 conaldcr it elcur thai under the wnr-maVIng power, Congrca may appropri ate money for the construction of a military road turotigu the lorrttoriea or two unuod Stat, when thl I abolHtlyneeeary for the defence of any of the Stale agalntt for- telgn invasion, 'ine uon-uint'roa hat con' atltittlon. To hive amariJy confccatrd tho , 'rod P Congrcw the power to declare ,irnnrtvln -Javennlr-ailv In th. Tirrllnrr Ji War," to rI and eupport armlea," "to wo'd hat c been act an of gfosa Injustice, and ,. f t Ide and maintain a tiary." and to call contrary .to the practice of the older Stale , ,r ,he mlV t0 Tt1 na.lon. ThtK Important and responsible publlo duties, and .aacRg them there l none r0 mcred and to llmpcratlve a thai of prctcrrlog our toll ' front the Ittvaeton of a forelt a eacnr. The CoBitltatlofl Ijm, therefore, left notblng oa thl pehtt to construction, but expreatly re quire that " the United State ahnll protect each of them rtho States agalntt InvatlOB." Now, If a military road over our own Terri tories be Indispensably necessary to enable u to meet and repel tho invader, it follow a a necesMry consequence, not only that we net the potior, but It la our Impera tive daty to construct eneb a read. Ilwonld, vatiatMMaV . Moattaatl 4k ..ui - LX. .1 . iin.. .-. ."STI-T T-iW' " m-jmn-IH 9SO.IOO.l-r OI. I SHSB1.. Iflnv tki of tbo Union which hare abolished slavery. A Territorial Qovcrnscnl wa ttblthcd for Utah by net of C'ongruM, approved, tho Mb September, 1820, and the CoMtltutlon and laws of the United State wen thereby extended orrr It " to far a tho ae, or any protUlon Utcroof, way be applioablo.'' This not wrutided for tbt apiwintmcnt by tho I'realuent, by and with the advjee and coiiKfll of the fienak, ofAa,Gorurnor, who wat to bcx-ttkknuperlnlendcuef Judlan atfuirt, a Strtary, three Judge of the court, a, Marshal, and a District Attorney. SulisoitaVnt act iirurlded for tbe aimolnt. racut uf the oMeera nccca'try to oxtciw our.l lauu ana our anuian tystcm over tno Torn-ii"? ".rB."".v w,H',T"B0"!""Bx,T1: lory. Jlrlgham Young va aiolnted the i llK "llt .SSCi.Xot drat Governor on IheSOth SeptoSicr, JMO, I w,a at ttiomi U4ur to l"" and has held tbe ofCco ever ali.ct. TVMlt ,r "", r"ifB m7l Governor Vouuc ha lieen botli i coventor I''0 l lD9 frontier. Vt llhout eea roan i . M..1... .&.... -ua mubi.". Trnm ... .. r..-..i. .-, i- in. .,,-,. .ni.l-lis 'aasunK u-..r'..w. ---t.ii.aan,thBty) au J tuMrluleudcBt ef Indian aflidra through cir thit porlod.be ha been at the tame time Duy'SaTnlt. aiSI prtes to(trtrnrmc" bcra arid dlsjHiio of their praperty by direct Inspiration and authority uemtheAUnlghty. Tilt ower ha been, therefore, absolute over both Ghnrcli and Slat. ... Tho people of Utab, almoet excluwvely, Ulnn. in Hit- rbiirali. aad bclisvlne with a "v:v . ..-..." I-; t.. ?,: --. - - ...i lanaticai fpini mat up a uvvemur , mi Territory oy otvin aneoiBtineni. vwj uj hi coromaud a if ths were direct reve lation from llcaren. If therefore, ho choos es that hi government shall conic Into col lision with tbo government of the Unite BUtet, tbe member of the Mormon chares will yield Implicit oUttkncc lo his will. Unfortunately, existing fact leav but lit. tie il.mbt that aueh I 14 d oWml . Without entering upon a tBlnHte,iiiory r,i the occurrence, It 1 anSscUnt to aay that all tbe offloeri of the United State, Judiolal ' ana cxsoutlvc. with the aingio ciceptiofl oi two Indian agent, bavo foud It ecry for thoir own perianal oafcty to withdraw rrom the Territory, and .there wo leaner re main nnv government la Uub but tbe a uoIUm nf Iwlxu-ui Young. Thl bilag vW condition or atTalr In the Territory. I eeW rnt tniaiaVe the ttath of duty. M Chief Uxecutlve MacUtrate. I wa bound to re- atero the aniircauicy of tho constitution and Uvia wliUn ita UmtU. In order to, caTuct thi .l'rnte. I appointed a new governor and other federal eeer or Utah, and acnt thcta with a mlliUry roren tor tuoir pruieo tlou,nnd toalda a,irciwafM,Inca of need, Jn the ciwenrton ef tbo lauc With the reJIfloe oetw f0" Tbe t-r t -7faZL7 -ZrXXL'-V. TV lXlS?WTw'Vll uvA-Jdlltt-'Ion. rrtrt.e SaJOaryr'ITO--AUti: tarefl.;il-t bMrotiyaMti V m to pjy enV ItenpsTaridHtehiawybytty Isesw oft rtmttod naWirt f vrtwnr wK h arvfd,-e1 L as---wgy memiitjsna sbepeofMoi.'alw'.' it- v As Mated In tbe refert of (be eclry, tbe tariff ef MmIi'K IMTi be been tare. eratiM for ,tbtf a Averred f .time,' wetter' clremMaitt''ee .trnmrerabl to a yet. eeTBsepsajeet tee Ttetst t eia revetwto meeeere, whh i aeewit i-tjavit'rt M ttnetrpe iHent, at toatt for tbe p?,'t utOertak l HI TftTlMBB! - me by tbe aewttariwef .Waro.aba ef the NatyVofthe Interter(aiHi'eribepAMa4-. ter General. Tbryn4IeentMnTlHb)end ImperVant forermettoa andi jMeetkM, wMeb I eommend to tbe favorable eenaider yHW rTm3y-i tLuliTrnendtflsry-JtatltK' of 'feeradltloftal Teglmeatorand tbe repeei of tbe SeercUry ef War -nreentfatrK reaten preving inw inerenn oi tuearmy, g r if K(rV lf iJWmjaBjMtwi kiwn CtiJA TtTnaMl I zVBLaaU (taaWaalVHi angry ilabate, fiBtlly detarmiftad, by mv jori,ty eipniyjwo, iouit tue question of tlavriry to the people, icmg4i,a4 the lost, furty three fifth tiftv delerate ere ent affixed their tiguaiuret to th eeneti . .a . af.M """ flJullliUU If'.S? IM&e7able in tWlve and m vetting to tbe taeral, religion tentlawaU of all UtKletoiHiem, iwna ngut tf miersere. , .,tAHa aImma hIim. I- vlJ linn r.T fll.M ikMlM. t titntlon BBd taw of tbe United eUates, be, come the lagltlwate uweH or AWOunwiQ tlen of tbo ,olvll ,aUVBt. fiyUMtw . tluua lo Gov. CamntlnMhave, jthefftri oeenXram4 h strlet ecoedae.wlh ckoM iliiarl nuesll .-..'....liiLitinn should or ttioBld not ...... ...... . ..i.i Indeed, till was lb .uUhwiiiU nuMle'ie whkb thalr will could he autheMttaelly etatiaiHd fi. -i.v!,.. nr Jilriaist .to a conven. ,j0 niutt Hti.y taHf.,1'1?" " W o'-dUtKewTj'tom iWaVtiat It - ..;..i: t..niu,n. u hu nfTsnlTV l OOSa 4"!V ".i UiBlVa Territory tution - - ii v-t ijf " " A urge majority or the convntiKiwe in rioai -jUlalilni' tUvaovlnXantatt They aeeerdingty inearled nllln44 apiislitutien ifir Jhia put oaelfnHarJn ferm In ilioaa whlOUiiad 11SOH 0elUU.WJ .. ... ,av ,.. . - v- . . otber tetfltetial eenwanlien. la Hte set4Jut. bewaver. niavldinc ter.the tra - . -, . . ,. sIIIoh Ham ierrtntai to a .-nt gv nient, lb qnestien be bn mlriy nod ex OUeitiy rieiro w m pt wiinnn way will nave a-coostiiuwnn-wu wtMul slaver Vi''-' -' ..ni. i us ius suuosm -p ..", Jf :tK?.H 'T-ftft 123 Wentione, tUtoW m.fr iBe.-Bi'i.f p- r.'T-'iitreewi .wouw la liui.aroJk fi.r imf.ulan Into the Ustanll JT..... liU -m i It CWfHltilrt . - wfc.1? UberJtjtoaVdJo otloetnUt, At tbelr dulgcd that no neeeatUy. I a an I.An- hjta .luw uTpreeaatien, deola4 te, )tuintnt, i" t--. mil coiumltted actte Untied Rtato. Uua Uut. tbe Terrltur auteefioanxeboiu tb.iwt1ertMoti Van Yllot. ,aq fl Utah W . -"u,w ohete, j-reviaiona r uisn tUV00gke tbe AtianKo State in tnffietrnt thee teeoc.. fuHy to defend tbete remote and dletant por tion of this Republic Experience has proved that tbe route aeree tbe letkmii of Central Amerle are at beat bat a very uncertain and unreliable mode ef eoaimuicettvU. But even it ine wa not tbe case, tbey woald at once be dot ed aealnet m In the event of war with a na val power eo much etronger than oar own m to enable lttoblockado tbe porttatellber end ef tbeee route. After all. Vberefore, wa can onlv vetr nnea b. military read tbfeegfc our ewn torrltorle! end ever i-Jnee, ee origin Ol tee goreiBcn. vjngrr-a lten In the practkse of approprlattngieeexry front lb nnUh treetury fer the conetrac- tlon of Buen road. Tbe tJllBcuUle and the expense ef eon ttraetieg a military railroad lo connect oar Atlantic end l'aclite State have been great ly exaggerated. Thedletance on tbe Arise na rente, near the WW rallel of north Itl tttd, between the western boundary of T a on tbe Klo G rande, and the eaetern beea darr of California en tbe Ceterafe, from the best exploration new wltbta onr knowledge, doe not extked fonr hundred audetventy mile, and tbe face of the country la, la the) --n-H.is.ukiij-u nrtia it - ' - . ' ... sl. tn irJ.r lorfset "" mTortroie. rer oov out reoo In oruer to,catcii , -i,. . , ,!-- the , work Itaetf by mean of H own agent. Thl j UUKU l U CVIMmiw tv " !," .. wbkh Coagret mlgbt a-ekt bygrnUefj lend or money ror by both, upon web tern I and eeotdltioM a thiar wty jt- j "-1 enoial for the cettntrT. I'revltloa might .thu bo wade not only tor tbe aae, rapid, 1 njul hiuuiOMlcel Iranseorletien of troop end mnrritten ef war, 1t also of the pnbMc meUa. The commercial interests of : wbl eeentry, both Itoetaad We. weuw be ajeeattr prewetod br atteb arose ?: abewanVH weeld be eVwwful tttrt i.,i iu.Ua Ami -Jjhatuth ndrantM or thl kind. wbctUr peetal, cetavoWie' rwviiiu. MBMt w(urjiitoal pew -T-nf vr--jy y-- - - ; i-g-j-janwv-. j-raee-o - m ---io--l kT ar.-yet mXtfi&lif a w4 -( MPfiyjaalinent, M tuearl.owUeeed wttMtt the -t arBHing pentri Fer tbetereweM lommand to tbe fideed ly" pofnAisMmt(- veagre the wbject of tbJ'etfto,JKitffta wtlbeut finally eeat itnder eitttlng elrcumtunecs, te be led I peaeabtt. I woaM eall tbe apeelal attention of Con. ff$fl M Bwfl rCOOfHRltMUVvtOt &T twfl ?cWTS' tary of tbe ISavy In favor, of tee ennetrae Ilea ef ten amall war tteetatr of Itoht draegbC For.eewe 701 tbe aevernment ha been tWieed en menr oeeaslon to Mre aecb Heamer from indrnduebi totoppty. jrttiB want. At mo preaea; memecA we have no armed veetti in tae Barrnton h peeetrte tb 'river of Cbieav We bare lwtAcw wbleh eaa enter any of tbe barber eottlb tf XerrelK, althewgtt many rMiiien r tW4:n.l doeseetW! eenMnerreaBttllr TMts tn nad out of these harbor. Seme ef oarmnttvalaable latere and meat tut tuwIWU nelata'ara that left rxpotel. Tbt cles ef vwecln of light drk. gtapeed aBd heavy' g". WM 4 ffM"Jo In cbaH defence. Tbe eet of tbrfrcenetrite tlonwlll not bexreatatw y wits rrqwin IwtaceiWHraUtely amall cxneadllnre to keep tbn In cwnmtHloa. In ttate of peace si,. win fcrtwo as edectlva a taech larger vteeli. nd fe mar uteful. One of them boutd-lt at every eUtlon wbero wo jaala. tain t aeaaerbn. al three or ioar abenbJ be ceaetantly empoed on onr Atlaatlc and M.-i....-i. 'Xi-naaanr. utilltr. and eS- cleneyceutbvarto reeenneefid them a el met7lndlpeabl. Ten ef theee all .-jvi. .iiiBH iirnmis?tai-at-tH uittutetni w (La nanl etrvlee t tvwl the tthole eett of w z. i l.tfi .a asav.I t-it I their cofwncHen wonm boi eicb .v million three bnndr4 thound dellera, or nloZnared and thirty laeneaml dollar. Too report er too rjecrttary et sow in riw k worllkTliifirrave eonelderettoH. It vST..i tanebee ef demeetle aibntetstra lien lBtrBt4teh4m bylaw. Among theeej the meet pretttnen are tee pnetie tasni and ear relatlHui wltb tbe Indian. imrmliM nr the dseal of the i.'OnilnviiHr-lli tha fatb-nibf Kepnbtle, ha been bnproved a experlenee pointed the twar, awl gradually adapted to sue craw m sum tei ueateui 01 'our wcetern State and Itrrlterlei. It be worked well ','t-Afedy ""'een State and (even TerrTteriM have Jn Ur,J nut t the Uuc,ae( HH more tbaa a tboneand million of K remain nntoM. What a bwndlew rtiMct tbt nreeento' to ebr couatry or rdere proeperlty and tr I we aavo arctofar h-.i i gt-r I to acreeotoe pueiie lamt. " Whlltt th pabtte laade, a a tenree of rrveaat, are t great lorUse tbetr pertoBee Ie I areator ae'fernlablng heme nr a hardy 1 independent reee ef beneet and laeaeiri eltlaeoi, vho detire to tnb dne a4 eat nte' tbe eell. Tbey enght to be adalnttU i taalflly with 'a Ttow of pre motief tbt e and benerelent policy. In sppreprlaU them fer aay other purpose, wj mi-Lt i m, va arMilApAdbUfcAtuv Hlba If tbey bed ' convert. Into money and pr!ll &&' the wooe4wre already jB-kIu-tj UrOr3teree,xare indi Treetwry. ' iader away tbt rtenett and nebteat theritaaee wbtejt anrpeef4e have ever e yid, apon etdeete ef dewbtfttl eenttltatlow ty er eipedtoaeyS wenWbe to vletateeB jftbe'mort Imfertant tmeto In- wvRSii? -iiHa .,J 0et4 M ,ijtiv t whHJH 1 ul.llji mil, lulialill.r.. .r '1I4- T. .', rihi itritof rJT.TT-' " at nniitUd to ballot,; .and aise i tweniy.Mu, vui. 'ikiiiLi 10 vote tHhebeM4HtintLai.aaid aiwri,b-u Ue aBsesdfBMiititMstjwt jwtsiixavery. ana M.ts wh'.Vst aVj I41UI I lit, K.b4n! HiMttea 9Per. tnveft awaesful that the FOff vliau- 1 w. erner tw bUde. eeeteeienef theee ?1 lvbeisvien r.om' the al a4vita(u. ,, Vtinnta tu wgieej fofHtf: Us like twU --': . . 1.. .. ..... ..,...,,.. eLA: iuu u... .. . .. .. .. . - ....j....... -..--. m divided nal ne "" u,""tPI-: ftr- urp,j, itnrynii.w,m rwTv"xrw J utssa flow be faet tliat ,ln,en isaUUU ertiMieH lWiU MLft 1 be Ml . fl J ..I... ...I l. .ull UL-IOI!! .1.. a.llul.. .....1.-... r...l-Ki.VH tliall lu dsleealt T " jhowu vj ","",tt"T r aw i-i wcs-tti' j-"T,w-"""-w ut, wlw etta,tuMo ot.nfM wnwaa . ... uuV C--Ktf UUIUIUMH HI-- 1 1 1IU--M -M -Hl- . tuiiniii rJ tys" r ':: . ...? ,ir, it " . i"j. j; . .. . ' .. .i..if-. 'J at "io tiavary i-i iiiinieu r-..r-zis. r'i. ?...:.v ,tr- t...lM -ll UUI 4.HIIVU y,M-vii-i- vol. alvaVfi't the hjtinet bwo UM f HuTovui-itlJo to B.tMiortljf.ujf.tb WI. gMIH. en tWHaaoectlluion by-.tlw J- -f JtH.bwuiiMi :" ana Ot cwiex uiassir duatasaAaiat tuo slavery tballex- U In.tli. Blritojufiu, eacapt .bet the .jit Metwrif la auaattaaw in ttex f bull iMlmw.uV',be IntefttreJr n" end'.ln tbA.vrntitvw4 bw Ttiere I reaeon Young baa long ho anew io petleipowenalci -ItiLitilnra from wbe wtH eekeewieoi I 11.111. nlwTtUU .&&jssie: mi&irgff& J!?EE35sEZStt iZmiV' aHWalfjf WttotM f ntiill.-lji-i. - f auperlatondsin'nf In- tuutlwHO. l&ImUalsllbi-vgnsdieXoH- t T i7 s aiM a tti flit i Mi aMieeitbe UoiUd eitaue, fflatcaMrtllturourloteVMtiM.' he .aeoiaeajiuaueo ptlru ihjiio.w 4-tfnui pBr nntf eemiqeo I nilistav mveelf to an uilaul4r rout. The repoet U VU .Iteretary of the Treae HTf wIH tMrntob a tM4i aiateotent Af Jaw ooeltio.obe Mibk taauteajand ef:Mw Mepeotttre braaajjtt paUto aeeWeate jyoHJ,upoo .tbtjptjtawot .of gwenn -nvii. )v -"- .'iTs n tyy,wm iipin.-w; Mneent ol revenue ml4 from all aenwti Into tbe reaeary uirln; hetUe4 year ending tbKh Ju,1847, wlxUy-elW inlttioB teiwriBei uniiy-onewasHeaM Are UvuitH and tblrW dottet awi elstr MiiHtto.MeS14 6T.)wblbawoant with the baktwe of..Wi,Ml,!lM MemeJn- ing R netweeenry m be aemwiitiwu of tbe yw. leo jrMl.fer.tht.ei vice et weja;.w ia W,r- 4U jTba.ntiittlo XMeditureiVr tbeateet M anjthtflHsMnae. )Bi7.avWt HI" mm wai(re otoaVitva o- .wihtprU' -lF uffhOBaEioF -j--ptLe LtJ :tavLa Utfl Trfln iii nr 1 r ill n fmr f--- ,"" "5-PT T , ' a I La r isiwwvrr'. y; v.ls X4etnc IntottJ TfentamlWab1 tjtmtociof the ftmtU ie Jr. 5?5f nod tboeaiwiW mivUM9ihfm II.ratAtlU&sVtAMl tA nmVat 411 U) JaBI. llVfi IM fHWW W2w with Vlaty etatottiM OatilMtaie fLT.3l,f t Ube eerrie oTtu H-aetut Steal yW- yti lUiacjtaat egprubturedisrii( Y,u:T., nnt ,T-jv to ' ona' the tUHMr.' Jngeena a proprietor; to;ely away perUon of ter tie ewpeee of Inereae Ibk the teie f tite. rmandr t trti eon ebbting th eat traftottotj tab tbta itoon, . tie see ciwv-j erclee. I '- - " Aetaeaekri tinder eshtieg Hwe are Bretet-.pW ether perch at the Lauu u.lat.Ttmlf rtffht ef nee emiitlea. i'"T."' . ..v r . .ilnw t -laA jtTL.ittdM mar thenibe ,Uto lor- entereaset jirivate quanUHetn c. i jpf HtoVear. wevil-l to la the )Htlito:Uiw.,! been met & portwnrot t Wtw BMB RWW vi ereWHtv J dttntntdef i Mtoth'atrttotl gpeeulat ear!, n Mw-iT b ata ay wsw KreaCy enhan obaetTfor act lttjH-the area itMe. u tnte ae'tbej Hopvrly ef (naif vh A to ihW who (totire fo p lie tut! only to keep iiaee ftlk the JH nw' uiitMuaat. J la 'order to iA.ul.ttui aVniudi oauea aTef tbe ,Ie44t Utlr 4 uuv ry-it rm-' ot unra- v..jrry,r- If Couwek aboil iitreafter grant aiir7 note aectTen to Hi er eontaante, M tbey &X2$IEttmJZ trwW-M b ytbtoH'totre iMftlw by aetaet't-nmi't. - - r. -. 'i - - .. . . . . .j r.T --t." It,MiiM'eve to ,ow,wwTiwiwyii racrvcJsa tHaMlc itVV VMajanm.tntrx.aw WpWitMn rfiaxi.--aBtajnjnetj tone, atw, tsw powyr yt etcare borne for oar J r-.,. !-W-..'T--. on Many. Mi, W'atttU- f vmtvromvm .' . ttoft tbat at m be hvoetporntcH (WVer-Un .Rial- II 1111 IA .-n matter fJtnerrf meat etill cod tl nry,aalltr ralearjiat. tbe MMaM.M oneraUene. 1 ton, are shown wee aramecr vi neet roari. com' In Hint year th tney number TMHt office ha' uMreontlmjeeVl OSl.f Thopoetsni petnten byne r .no ivngvn in 3W mil) W J iifii-iilPt are 242.601 rail itt.Sao mile of -wy-, n" ajsot tear laetjxnendita! in nee i-year to-. . .'. ..t .J .u-ii, aa sui-wn to $11,597,670. tarecthero wa meet .en tbe J IrTWw; tbe OttteHaur the ana nettetlen.otlVee HW.1W1 ; ana tb by the unpfaprl MH,Wm, gran' approved Augat appropriation or of.Maroh 3. 1867, carried to tha ct theaeeount of,t mmiI to rcur ci the department in mentor lb cyern Mlfrlsi eel xlver t Bta. Tbe rente' w eenonrrener, a t beet oatenlatod ' Jeel oMtowpl a . t . j tie taitv, uitasi may haro one both the Govern turn totbf pracllc oconewy, botn in dlturc. An overflowing i ofnrodleallly audi ltiaMon. it us ii laree annroprlatloa thev twrr would hi Beeertory io rottej reomtred to ntet tl Uo or bv loan. 11 tuiuM In onr eerfar; exnendlture .with iul In.nerforremic cojaeUttotbe.j rnwWJaVml AhmamnetnAtr I ! u ! aif lTai1tTrwfry i It ought to tie ol tnat ttne MttMo o withbeUine: lb i HUeb ttettortobt natll b'thj rttitS a mtynfentetuarrl In Ui nrttent crltf 4 duty tooeBBoe.our&jl or mi (inaracier, on tiee lo Individual i eearee. tallcaca tbat tbe meBey'trraf be faithful!- ! ecor UnuVr- tee reuerau Mil which aball hsl Re praeentolivc aj it LunaM ir ' d uj .lied br t wuriiHil. he aball Jeetlen U.tbftVooatpj ea' iaorinr uipi un.lUs dutV. ilf juwed the I'reaUUnt every, VUI prttwntM Ualea tbli beetTord. oome adtad I'ttcr.i even worse. It become Onr nenetittient aeoiri baa netoejly oerfoi ifttOii neeWng I. Ius -ennaead i l'rem tbe prtcllc exaattnaMeti f each I reretrbMbton rcn moM importaptT bu frjaserelty eee trdeul tW aUeruattoe wets either, to .Te4 It wbleh lie' w-to i bttM-bbb; rvr.waittl We h ebettM bave'tx futtJ to4thM. euttii dividual to treat tut Hetidsa,' t VraeUee4 yri-MlffilUioap toibettrkaf'tbe'eti i..i'.;n.liii-- jrvi.V- -pa 7 --: i'm t rati-a-a- v"r.- ie ' I cm'hwaWwleh b Jo Itttnt iberltk efetnr gevernessnt by tHttoing I for men tat nuis we Terri- .bvtiibatt ri!rv IT T t-MaB'WrSi M&amataUM thnaMol I yllrtyiM to. la tbetr, (Ui Khto UOtUM; l l-jgel r'ewnr"f 5.M aeiin anUftoW iiVtdaJtyy'M1' aoWl.bbuia kitvMgtV affflratdaalrallfl' Oil MCH Wmfj W i'.'"' " TtjPBW r Qiat-I-A. QlljlTPa.! XSrrUXLX&Simmtmm ''"T m. TrPW.aer U . lhsaTABtma 9 M rSm'imSk, ,. flrtajrnTi V' "f vabj; ortA tacneriue. nco-wro suitable torahtit. tbr bcy, ryeetf" j. BETS' tbtVr tof towt'aavd ibe-we) aae ecttatry, and little en y to rreauettt fo Ker'oay Wn'-rt. I ietunel. we I snail IrMtfeewitiiied.ei xretVnl': uoet tw wi ere iudoce-nie rate. J, 6hrrurri iy,ttuassutm sne tie I'retWeet at loatt (he artoetentt of wtsiott no new wit an Mr apwovai: UnUr oaefmy UaJtowdi, hllBWto''vw"7 tkt tatf-Mrbw httU ( arf to bu- P " Use i tWMo.r-Mfttr eat wtbtle incoavi 7M,-ajt, vf tint to too, bee a the wa. um at within tuTtaaf net rwultett to i prevat vt a Ui atot be a .' taaeriat toben tt mi yti ttUitSSSn bat, ior4'i-M7 . -t-taarq -jlowtng a mff, tAenvtwr of teegr) co'nvcnlctw ef a eall j yediMsfdl, -. fcajwotiotrtttjei your,iavoraiaT i r.i law dcoii: a HU UBatf aed!veceimuul- quarter