wHfw '" r, ....i.... .. ..n.-i. . " "- ,i i , i waaaaaaaiBaai 1 ....'- . - - smtkMBjjLsJLiLLJ!--LJJst&- "Jll . -.- '' ft".-'''-'' .- .? aKlTtf t 14 , Aiw r?-j' - ' 'iw ag - -. v , ,, 4 ' , jf-Jii: - ,v -i "i .?;', iujtw iiif TSm fi - A' T ' ;-t , , -J . l'i9B ft f ',-; -,!, li.. ' .-rr&l ll,l-lliHii',I, V i,i,wji iiB..,miwtT iii'iiSgiMdwidMBaiSMi jjjjgjjjjjijiaajaajsa " " "" ' ' -'" " r"'')4"'! t!?3 V i--M araJU-aia"aM"M- l(. -v.. ,'ili y vi PV .1 r.i ?- ti',1 v: 7ji flfl H -J UWJi ' l? . J w :"! LK' 'Hi-' f 'N it U M xintm 3f to: srass Wft h w p ,'. n- 1 to to BftaaMaBBH r K, Of ,SsTBr;jErssIM MfyilBl Br'- J "Tt ""'..T;" v. i .L-L.'iJ.i. ' ui-'Li.- , iMum;,Wuu.r!a. kaaNd tastfe. BBeVto 4toleto wrft. tor- ltoeiriur 'wmm. .ad to to wobW the fcSS: ttTSyrtrarm? st:, fefiS?fi.K!aEaffi: Ktecffl's feat -- '- .. . -a- --J...-. -- - ""IIT1in IHUMftMBH MHUIWI JMi WTS 'HI Wl ivJ i" . . -w- -t -T- .-- r -- -- r4T, 'rifde(M. kn, .t lv- , Rrnt lit' aUaswUofl, tt yoitr nonlW;lO. as wJrtlng SACK. latter: of the bfl! daty " to i tlHitoto of Ibalr etU . Judge U M ' itwaVi ro imertHM ben- f4e; and ccnd to Him i our treat Ij hut blast It Imcnt oT'tM' biTecnlnveJ .. .-.-,.- be oartli bu rid hs boun MrlMit toi guBtltnt Urn to KWr wt MB M.imlowi hd the dNetotUm..( bank nates.. klwIilHl. nllh,h):tB Bldcr- bt Mtmt Mnxr.iaaf eytottT. tbcwtb vaetW beblad er ewa4 lMw(f It w dem krlMtito, .Mttorterto U At.of I'MlhmwBtrt IftM.-jfhWh wptr toi tboJcHK of BOtos firem Uw bantiW ttoMvrl mntr .for (he Jfcek .ef'EsgHwUlwiijrto keep on hattu gow mj surer e)itM mc tMrd ef Ita eeaiblM i4nuli'Ha Md dno aits. If HttopreperWesww MiMreHmHNj ItofMtt toteeare uweraTsruuiiiij i ih e?, wUb tfco wbele of Qret Briula. ni to Mtte extet tbe coatiiieat of Kurope, m field for lt elrautatios ; .wwilerlnt It uUmH ILtM Me prefertien vewd terumiy b liMiSelrat under our 'utfikuue eywem. Baoh of our faurtceabuBdndliankhM but limited clrcumfercoee fat Its olreuls tloo, and In the coanw of a very few day tbe ilep onltcra and aete heldets might do mead from a beak a mSelentunontit in Kfeeie to carapel It to eurpead, even Hough U had eoln la Hi Taut U equal to one-third o( lie lawdlato WaWlItien. .Ami ret I a net aware, with toe eseep Ilea of the bank of' I,6uWn, that aty8iatc bank tbtoaghoutf toe U9)n hMbeen reqnireu bjriueaarter to keen.thia or any other prefortton of cold and elfrer eeaiparnd with the amount jr 11 eembiaed eireulatiim and lepeetti. y What baa been tbe eenaeaueaee! la a rcetat re port made by, the Treatury Department on, tbe eemllHen ef,tbe benka tbroagbkt tbe UlSerCSt State, aaaenllnff in roturna lUtaJ leAauke A is Tn.d cl . ubandHHM.I aweunt f actual epeeie In their voullaU landed 'MkJi sriM. our iHuiteal oe- of the Ren- all the rkh abund ill thete ad letory In- n adeplo unsurpa.1' of anleuN of BatloBol 'UPnsDUCiij Jrlvate en osed, and irown out of it. The re- !ch la chleBr from abroad. Hie anoro. . ! M 1MI re Terr WB,n(9.838. of their clretilatlon iu.77fu! 821, and or their depehi S230,3li32.l 'ttm It appears that these bank inHume-' Kivra mm BunmuwBie leee than toedol ' 1.1 '?u ,.aTe? f Ma Mf c'WPrrd with their circHlatea and depelt. ttwwi palpable, tberefere, Ht the tery flt pree-' - 1-. .1 1 V eiHipeaeionj emd Ue- I lT.V ,A,.pe?P, ,ttf Hhl eurrencr I with all ita dteattrous eevequence. life truly trondorful that they should hare 10 iB cooimutu to preterra, their credit, when a demand for the pa.taeat of ewe-1 erwlh or their laatdiate llaeHUIe would haedriTea them Into inaolrency.v And thl I the eendltleaofthe banks, andtiatwtih.' UndlDK thatfonr hundred mullonirf-oid from California bate flowed Inspon uawltb-1 in me last eigut years, end thntide still io tlnuea to flow. Iudeed, such has been the esirararanee nf barik rmtlia ui il. luV' fspe- ftisaiah a asViaato prevenWw warily. The MetoM of toe tost Itoe of toe wHe aii alwwtiwrir ,ptoTWrtoe toutojrttaeeer tkm. ia.;a,Bnk.oeW4,ifiHv4W, reWe lhe tomes and ore.HU f renrtow; buniiwd (Kale Manke la teh wawrtr a to pMraM toe trab)oae eapanslnns and eontrao tn',itcr eurreey, whleh aSleVM toe bountry tbrnogliwt toe wiletoBee. of toelato !), wttm.H aKtorttotoreMWfeii ale,i la dSM. an. effort! was mde by tbe Sank ef Jtoiknd to eurtaH the leeues of toe aewtfjr bmke, wader toe taort raTeraWe elrwaMtariosa. ,Tho paper Mrreney had, bea expanded to a rutoene extent, and tbe boaklpul frtoaUlsw.tose4ratIt,; kaJIsssk; sstiJVIIssilf(Ba "W eawwpjni . Two jiweiw.sseseHWjiM 11 nceeedinely semmeneed asyeteto of curtail feewt oMu lontii and lataes. In tlie vain hepetoat the joint-stock and private banke of the kingdom would be compelled to fel low ,t rexampie, i luanu, newever, mat as It eoatracted they expanded, and at the end of the tireeeas. In emnlsy tbe lanruaie of a Tory ,hih ofliclni authority, " whatever I reduotien ef the iper circulation was ef-1 Keeti by tbe wank or jHigumi (in lew.) WM.mere than made up by the Issue ef the oeuntry banks," Mat a Hank of tho United States wouhl net. If It oonld, restraa the issues end laansl or State banks, Ixtcause u doty as a tkh later of the currency must often be In dkeet eoflUiet with the Immediate interest of It steekheldera. Jf ws cxect one agent tore atraJn another or control another, their In ternes must, at lcsHt in some degree, be an tagenistic Bat the directors of a bank of tbe Vnlted Slates would feel tho same Inter est and thesaiuo Inclination wlh the direct ors of the Slate bank to expand the cur- to accommodate their favorites and ef our on MfrttoMl, to eMiMerattott'fer tht saaisstsMwaa that Hreat Drltotn fltd. InsHsirusp'et at Wait, lpUcdlN M-eiam poelHoa with ourselves. TTMlst Welwve M right to.'AoaM toe sincerity of tb Brttteh 1 11 liiibil hi ihcrir'snostrueHnn ef tbe treaty, It h at the naia itoie y deliberate I coat icttoe; That mi ooawrnctnsi m in oppo IUab last. U Ma lattof had Its 8Jl. UndwJwT'We AdmlalitraUM TtogvtllO ttoM wfi liseiUuMUetwMto1t) v- it ftt, tba-Tfwnieea-sTpesftWe, er llssie iMsaou MusWtod a ireitv ba-- log tobbsMtVto obJectTTlew wtt Kgied re- oratsenbl W. Ibe-VirVeesUT tneviMC m 4WaoulMeswkJ a ireity bar b! l.uJ am lbe 17th uf OeUtieri 1SS. awi.ws-ttod Vy.the freshkat -WAli Ij lrseff:'eilber (n it ertclnal or Bmndcd fonriwonld haVe sceommebed me oreei inienuea wimoni gi ing wria 10 new and embarrassing complications ,bt, tween the two gorerBmeats, may perhaps be well questioned, Certain It is, beWtver, It was rendered mceii less eJijoctloanbi by the dlRVreat amendments mads to It by, the ScnatU1 Tbe treaty, as amended, was rati fled by me en tbe 12th March, 1867, and was transmitted to 'London for' ratification It' 4be Krltkd) Gevernment. That Ooreramiml 'expressed Its willingness to concur In nil the amendment msrto ly,tbe Senate, with , the tingle exception of the clattsotelstlbg to .Hasten and the othtr islands In lhe flay of Honduras. The article In the' original treaty, as submitted to the Senatu. after re citing that thrae Inlands end their inhabt to seewiag saes Kansus ever an swe rle, aorM the -IttoaMfs. j. WbilH', entoftalalag tbeee aentlawnl, I bail neveeHteleva'.'nef refuse to contribute to any reatoaaVUt adjastssentof the Ceatral Amerioaa ituetslonsahieh la. iM'pracittaMr Inbowdttenlwlth tbe Amertoafi rMtorptirta: Hop 'of toe treaty, ,0ertre! tbbi.parr riecewi oeca rreeniiy saaae nj.nre K $M etnWntlh afrteadlyijtrrt.whiehl tlly reetoroeato: bat wbeHwr tori renewed ft 'Trttf relt lii'Mceesa I' am' notice pared to etprees an wdatoft, ''.Vbrk-r ie rbjff will dcterahw. - - ' ' - JWtto K ranee ear' aitstc. rttaWoa of Wet, i V: wssa;.frsia fcliU :'iMW ,WfMwc, to' 3t rrtneb MrerHntent have 1a many reeentlu stanees', wbkb need net be ennMerated, evlneed a spirit of good wilt and kindness towards our country wwefl 1 nearuirreei" ttroeato. It Is. nnlwUbrtaadtog, Hiaefa to be regretted that two Mttons wbaM produa uons are of euefa a ebsraeter as to initte ibe meal extenslv txebsages and freett com-: merclal Intereenrse, iboatd eontlnne to en ferae aaelent and obsolete restrictions of trtt'le agalnut eaeh other. Oar commercial treat? with France U In this respect aa ex ception from eur treaties with all ether, commercial nation., It jealoaily lutes dis criminating duties both on tonnage and 00 artklv. the crowth, prod nee, or manafas j tore or tbe one country, wbea arriving, la .TBkMla belonvlnir to the other. I More than forty years a-o, on the 3J tl1Ii treaty -.1 sowimsr-stt llonflj' toeptww of, kU'desUMJ toe, war Meaiasr illi Urilaf:iJaWbM lha Otiveritiass&r Whilit nut mlniitr to eacupy Kfuira) ) to ike eill!n.;liolitii tuidcorditUn-pefee itb lifliMiane i.isgieat miBiwsri iHiMeasufesyia. eactire by 11 fow.,thoe'JjMt cni wlHchhhe sStiofl of I rixht la etnllBLind whirh', long be pff sTflfTSi-. tbstfbe HtWftVv ..... ..-, . MMaH pnT :g. Tatorta,-.-jrv? MHiatVraimfC!iKtf' UsSId,. batSsV CMtiD sail ill' 9k rmsMto whhwld, front p reciisi"smsmsman n.unmu THgqmFiWft && ton "having len, by a Conveatiou'Uar h March, 1B15, Congres passed an act offer ling date the 2tb day of Angutt, 1850, be lag' to all nations to admit thelc remls la I tween her HrlUnlo Majesty and tberepub! den with their national production! Into the , lie of Hondaras, eewttltuled an,l declared a porta of the Called SUtes upon tht same free trr1trT utt&tr the sateralrrutv of thai I term with our own vessels, provided they !ssld republic of Honduras," stipulated 'would reciprocal to us similar a'hsntsges. 3 H that "lhe two contracting parties do hereby , Th!s act eonflncd the reciprocity to the Vro .'' mutually engage to rtcwntr.c and respect, ductlon of the respectlvo foreign nations .'.In all fnturo time the iadependenee aad ',ho might enter Into tht proposed arrangs- rency, friends with loans, andlodcclaralareedlvl, lUtult Rnvli baa ba.m nurrxtM.rlasealnro.'iIn all future time the ladfMnil gard to tho last bank. .rights of the said free territory ai a jrt After all, we must mainly rely upon the of tbe republic of IIondurs,' patriotism and wisdom of tho Elates for the M Upou an examination of this convention WFCvcnttoa aad redress of the evil. K they between Great Britain and Honduras, ef meftisl (italics 'for tacli wf'lhe power. Mi!, reprrsrnU t cannot fail tn.fct adssp Inlsroti tq all that concerns tlmwrlfarof tlminJr, pendent repuhii.a ou'nur own cuntinenf, at wall as cf the en)plri of Briir.il, , Our difficulties with Ntjv (irsntda, uluch a "licrt time since bnr othrtti. anlng mpert, are, it Is to be linpt-drln n lair Irsin ursettlemsnt In a mautiir jut snd hnnerabla to both paitlos." TNie lithmns orVcntra Atactica, Inclu ding tlmt of Tsnams, I the grea't lilgliwnr between the Atlantic and Pacific, itrV which a Istga portion of llia.cuinmerc f the world is deitiiicd'tnpsrs. Tli'aUiiile.1. Btaies aromor deeply interested than any tillirr nation In nrewrvini tho rresdnr'ii and ssturilyof slllhe co3imuniralii' larroit Ihlslithmus. It U our duly, ther". 'fore, to ttkf-care. llial they shall "nu(b liutetruptid cither by Invsilon from our ovn cunlry or by r between the III dependent plates of Central America, lUiiderour Ires If wllh Neiv Grsiiadsiif ,nl ,l2lh December, 18ff? we. ate bound to ''. guaranty lhe neulralily of the lithuiut cf "Ili'anams, through which the Panama rU- will afford us a real sneele bmla for our na per circnlatlou, by increasing the denomin ation of bank notes, llrat tn twenty, and af terwards to fifty dollars ; If thry will require that ,tho ln.uk s shall at nil times keep on hard at least one dollar or geld nnd silver for every three dollars of their circulation and deposits ( and if thry will provide by a self-executing enactment, nhlob. nothing csn arrest, that the moment they suspend they ", into liquidation,.! Udleve tbatnk I;fWw-,ltn a weekly publication by eacb tnk of a at.temtnt of It condition. re us agalast future tus-lymcnt. ptuton, posaess the pow bankrupt law, nppllea- nstllutloM throuEkwU iwm ataaaai rliat na r . and whether tdr In all tht have been nf oo-opcrat- 1 present oe- Kxiitiag mU. 'j wa our eople to wild ok. These tr at suecee- nount of tho nnd tHeoaciaWf flbedtserettoa l tlble banking very law of Merest of their nWlc welfare. tutldu. Bfben swer " to coin alue toereof," 1 eelBlnr mo- r making any in a teader.in 4bey baafnro tvlbt of.aa ear-. r etirreney. rexbmsKaa- wed with the ;ataey and m bare no idrivtot-lbU nilinguptoe ' wsilati ilo i most reason. 1 iatureto.ltio L'BUkdiuw,' ton 1 adaatod with 1 sUtt to the reltmaceban- lly abave. or lUndf4.. tbe sau's peoperty liiuaUat wstT ornraunjr ore onatrwm; of hlcli baa saw, IthUisasor- en dlsaswred rtuaHyTMM hawtosd 9UU iof sstok other. pica aimest ex rtaont iatoesM lUIngtoe v "aaar, UMaMtiW. i pubHe k to mmantQi usxsst i.t. . .. e ",' stecle uas .Inn tn nn. and depotlU; lu I86T It Unf WJ ; dollar In sevtsi and a baU oj their clreula" ror our financial ww--v veers It be bn history extravagant JxpiMTonVla tbe business i the country, followed by ruinous conlrasjorw. At auc casaive Intervals the best d mott enter- prlsiag men have been tompW to thelr-rula uj ...v v ... .... . -, crltxclllng tbn to exiihgantlmp-. t.tlrvu at tottlra Boad. wH stieaalatluns. and rulao and demorallig stoak gam- i.iin. vbw flu. ori m arr.iiL aa urn n 'ut.tbe banks oan extead . relief to the paorde. In a vain struggle rweeo their (iabtlltlea in epeeU they Meosapetledto ooutrLibnlr lean and toatMae ; aad ai last, la the boar or dWreasJben toekras alstonoe .hi maet Beeded, thnahd taebr debt ors tecether sink into lasol It b) tht paper system of 1 ravages! ex pansion, rauHag ine Bomins rieo of every article far beyond It real v; ewhen com pand with .the cost of sin ir artlelfsln eoHBirie wbere treuiatlon wise y raau lated.whleh has prevented if rem oompel- wnitretsa bmbu agaatimper ).bairt of on allowed to ithe nreMnt blbraashaaef K raw Btato- lirtitrv .sueb fames woubl tssetueivspa' WtiWbve ssjga Mtaekei L.1USJ Wse trlaslaMoia 1 aaaSMt. Jtlt rattvely vala. WTr,HH-,aaiy arronoy ut sjatoff Bar ' tvaessjkLub riisiTlirssMt rqi. Haat b( ef Uasto lfrelwtr uroistwMJ iwt Issilir On flM'totosVste HUebyUMse eTihelRit. it Into bnnk l til. liawt., I -,..- IV 1 ing la ear own markets taeturers. ha woduoed tatlona, and lias counter l large Inoldentat pro Ottc .doaaaatto manufactu revenue tarisT. ilutor our :aBufaetures om ttala.'the Meduetioa of' a eolton, iron, aad wool not only baTaaaaulradal session of tbe bene mark ore-lea or ttumsaivM, throusboutitha world. Deplorable, .however. MUv.be our pre sent HnaMslal eoaditlou. wekav Tet luUibaa iuonrever eWVlWeWl baVlVed such ylokiit expaaaioss aadooatraetoMM of iwper crwite wtt-owt 1 sting Injury, t ys toe bouvanoy of yeutii, M eoargle ef our populatloa, and toe spirit Milan sever quells iMfore dlOlcultlM. will enAle us boob 10 re cover from our ireent flancial embarrass meat, awimay even oesaJou us speadlly to mgm, wn tmun way ium laugliu In toe meantime, it it tk dutv uftbe Go vernment. brail BeeeaiMii lu lu uuiar. toBJdiaalleatlng:tfa4ffa-togoribpq'. Pi oteiwtoBed by tor ewsps of the banks, and to provide badost a reottrreaee ef toe Bmm eaUBsitynJarwluitotoly, la U.. Tbanke to tU. tTH-Lnii-si -.r- .. .it lT . . . - j: v.u tSSSLStl'SS Hrt. In W Warh eeeaJH, tbeald we UotBiied to mobe yuMATkrv utMn 1. ..' . -. . . .: uitsMtu kau!' p.u 1 f? J ?5 " ."?ui PI,-,B st:i(d;'brt: K swtiliefrSbe ti.IT' r""r r 10 tbe Mnrert nra. w-teapsa. - l-'i T ... j.i-.HiMm weens atreada' la asat of each bank's exist slon of specie uavmenU IVU acalli. XBe.lnsllBct I would Ibsa Hsomnal It to perform Its dutle In sueb . manner a to escape ths penally and iveserre It life. Tbe exUtesce of bank and tbe circula tion of bank paper are so IdantlRed w lib the habit of our people, that they eaneet at title, day be suddenly abolished without mae Immedmto Injury to the country. U we osald coaftoe them to their appropriate sphere, aad prevent them from administer ing to tbe spirit of wild and reckless epeeei latlen by extravageut loan nnd Issues, ttwr might be eoattaued with advantage to toe pulJIIB. Jlut thls,I ray, after long and much re flection : ir experience shall prove It to bo Impossible to tnjoy lhe fscllltle which wall regulated banks might afford, without at the same tiise suffering the calamities which the excesses of the banks hare hitherto Inflicted upon the country, It would then be fr tlu. lesser evil to deprive them altogether or the nOWW to .bHuen Mtr currtuc. and riu. line them to the functions of banks of d peelte and dtseouiit, uar relation witu foreign averamnU are, upon toe whole. In a aatiafuetorv un dUton. The diplomatic difficulties blh existed between tbe Government of Km lfu. lied Slate and that of Great Britain at she adjournment of .the last Congress, have been a stollleb Minister to this country, wm baa been eenHally jsccired. WWUt It is BTeatlv tothelat-Mal a-T- stivfeeed It Is toe sincere dsalre, oftbenov. -,i.n w iujmd 01 tne iwoeeuBtrle saabltblV iK Y lwl8"'jtblp with always to bare bad some farUl- if tot ,UKnajru. itiL.r,,1.n. ...","T " ilTEu, 6 Hu wetoiUreat DbUB absv-'i'-v-f . u. - fBafa Bated ewpioyeu in iWinJf?'"nKieii we wHh IUI pewer, and aru-wa3v1fT)aiW toehr true tow aua meaning. la tola rs specl. the conjcntlon of ApelllS. 186fl,co moBly called fee Clay u - fber treaty, has beta toe most unfortunate of all til cause tbe two goeU tdia-.ii-.il.' opposite and eentr4tory eoMtructloiM bboh hs -f-iiwaiwwMfhiM article. WWW. In lbs Unite fiUtos,. we believed that tot treaty wodd nl- u-u. upon sa e-aequaAiybytjMjiy, mn miatr wm -"DV. or PArUfv. or oetoBlie, or au or exeeetot any do mtatoa M over any pa or L'sntr-i i-Ui K fs eoatoaded by ,fce IlrHW, goreraueat HI r-t-i sVTUB HWnUi UD (II I -list lUntia-o baa-toft them hi the fcbtful posssssion of all "P" " --i Amerto wMeh was la ftteK oaeuBaney I tbe dau n.-- .-, ia fcaCtoet toe trMf I a vtrtoat r-oai ttoa-eA the Mrt efth UnluT XLlTly'J;. rlfef .Great Jtttoln, either mwmt er Mviwtvrf w ' I .-. t ItlV iUm IfwAtmA 2sttawsl T1.i fcrt May Mi 18-8, removcu mi rtstriciiou, nnu ...... ... .- .n .. , ,i.l, r . Joffered a tlmlbvr reciprocity to " h vcj- I , - ,,f0perl, wlllc(l $,wtifm aetrtTrrcrencc to ine oripa wi meir .. .-..:.. ...:...".. .... ..mt-, set wkfcout iTiiirencc to the orlrin eargee. Upon these prlttciples, onr com merelal treaties slid arrangement bare bern founded, except with France; and let us hope that ibis exception may sot tofg exist. Our relation with Ku-ria rflaata, as they bare eier bcea. en tbe most friendly foot- lap. Tbe nresent Kmnerer? aststeUas bis nredeeessor. have never failed, wbea the ooeaslpn offered, to manliest dhelr geod will to our country; and tbelr friendship ha al ways been Wghly appreeiatod by the gov crnmenl aad people of tbe United Statei. With all other European gOTeraatenls, exeent that or &wia. our relation are at 'peaceful at we cmld desire. I regret to .say that no progress whatever lias oecu I made since the adTottrBmeal of CeugTef. to- I wards the settlement of any of tbe Burner 01 rann the Z7to August, 1U6, it m found that, whlhH declaring tbe Iwy Island to be "a free territory under the sovereignty of tbe . UeimMIc orllendurai." It drerlral that re public or right without which Its sovereign-1 ty over teem oeuta scarcely be aaia to exwu. It divided teem from toe remainder onion jdurss, and gave to their Inbaldtant a sepa rata government or their own, wlfaJkylrla' tlve, execuUve and judicial cjfcerslecled iby tbemselve. It deprived the gevernmcat 'of Honduras or tbe taxing rower la every I form, and exempted the people or toe Islands rrom the performance of military duty ex cept far their own exclusive defence. 1 1 abut prohibited that republic from erecting forti fications upon them for their protection 5 tin. Ia.wln tludM An n ia tnwa Iaa nu. fi 1 . i rt IUS?f . . I wlttd oa our fl,K '' l6 ln1i waWrlg. Had Honduras ratified thlt convention. ' nte Ferrolana, on the high elms, offthecoa.t she would bare rati Bed the baUMbthment ef Cuba,in MarehrlB55t by firing Into the ofa slate substoutiallr IidentiileB( u-iM-. mu. ..ti .,-.. 1.1 v,..? .j ... lriS!lu,.,?l,S,,T,11,1"e,Mb-l' talnUtgand nearebleg her, rrmalnt nnae Jcct to Britleb lnftuenee and eonUol. More-, knowledged and unredressed. Tho general over, bad the United States rail! tk tinnilii.mrnriMi;n.i,i.i, ,..-. treaty with Great Krltaln in Us original lovania that ..ri, iTo.i.i,i m.....M ...i. extra- to .1..... ' - I- j... . ...- --. --!." -" "" " v-.. .Mllll 1 t. T7"6 . a V V TP0,,,0,, t0 h "y purple to send out a Bew mlsltter to spirit and Bteanlngorthe Clayton and Bui Spain, wllh special instructions on all Br iicttT. as uaaeruoofl in lbs itait fl ni,niin&a .,n.ii. i..A-n .h-4w -A... . . .. - i. ' " - -...v . -....- iu...m V,.,U w W KU.riU states, tne senate rejected tbaefitirauM iMMta. -b,i iu. ,uini.iinn .;. i... 8mlb5H.Wl4 tu "? Ie.4 ,f, rwo; ,-a fJllr -nJ nmlcably adjusted, l ibis . IT 1 ,,., "g"oi Jionuarai uepesstM. iu tne meati Hut, whenever '..". ""BU' ,B B0 snowing laugusgef.wtr mlntstrr urge .the Just claim ofwir r . J."0 eo'r"wfC Prtles do hereby .clllien on tbe aotlee of toe feafckh gorern. mutually engace to reeognlre and respect went, be is met wWi tba objeetltti that Coa- ineMaBsorKuataB, Ilooaco. Utlla.Har gres have iBevor made toe appropriation baretta. Helena and 'Marat, situate In the rccesumeaded by l'realdeet I'olk. la bis n Bsy of Hondurss, aad off tho coast of the '.'nual meaeage of December, 1M7. "to be Hepubltc of Honduras, as under Ibe sorer- 'paid to toe Spanish gerKamoB tor the mr- Liltn nllllwS M of A t-irluttA. -n,nn ,!. t.l.H.. I. mlUr reeowmen I EUBnui9 1 tl tl tfisai-if as-. aslgHlng a the only .reason, that tho rati-. eeasor lu Lb intwmgc ef Ucecmbcr. IBii treaty win ureal Krltaln In Its original toward that of.the United Slairt so tona.we should hare been bound "to rt;to bcreirretu-d. Our present envoy eogatoe and refect In all future time" ordinary and wintrier vdcaipolentl taeMMlpajatlonstothe prejudice onion- Madrid baa stied to be mailed," ai proteou baaHeal JaKHl0( Aaterh 3 ready commsWd' 4M- At.TiUS can be done witoosH ia tn. " These Beoessarv for toi saaistjee kair.T.'- ZJiE:- M !f nufiig --- ".rw--- j miiUrWi 1 d nut the cd.JrBl c romtai cannot do n-T ie sa-iaa' jrre 'Hhols MUMU.M 'hil sweenls. tmuij t.. , . u.. pert Of Han J.ir-ut--, with toeadUa-. aw. w Barttoesi aad W g to their - - - Z&!ur? laixaal -- - ' .1 " t .miiiaa -a r-"""- -nw-v mrniwww m ' " it la tot too'teMh to assert, tk-itr -. ak- Uaittd Btotat toe treaty bad baa ,-L-wI ea tSauawtaHwe .w ssmui a L, MvtrM bav bs MwetUtM laths' Tho universal eoavlvteMto-ia toeTJoItad 8taWl.Vtv that :whcn,oar Jrov'erZ.,,, J.! totato If tbe' V totoe RIMOfJ 0 toeftoy aUpulsil rfblio BMratii whleaOi toerepabl e. tne and Thl Alter toe .British iheWlLX nf it cent Bteastarito swadilioa'' futoreCotir jlgntynd a part of tbe said Beptibllo of Mptoe of distribution among (Howfnr. j'tbe AmUiad case." A sTa I vGr n TM tbU amendment, datlon was made y my Ir Sestion of toe convention of the VTth Aui land entirely eoBcurring with bolb In lhe. gtist, I65S,betweeuberand l(odrat,bad' oplnloa that this Indemnity It juttlydua , T. ca. mg o ine nesiia-l unuer uie treaty wiw eptisoi tne ZJth uc lion of that gover8mnt. Had tUs been tober, l"93. 1. earnestly recommend such an Uoae, It U Stated that "her Maleslr's eor.l anurotirlation to tba &rornl,le tniuhWallnn Irrfitaent -tauUI t&Avn tul II. if .ita-......' ,- I ........... " -.n... ,.-". , -- ..v uiaavunj' m wK.vvi.'e iu .no jmmiuoauoH proposta ty tfawi-.btohtoea would have bad la effect the aame 'slgwaHam., y , j, wording." Whether tfal wouldbavc'ESS toe effeet) whether the mere otreamstonec of toe ewshange of the ratlfieattea ef the ijfiwsu coBveniina with HundBras prfor to point of tone to the ratification of our tren I ty with Great Britain would, "in effect," 1 have bad Mieasme stgaMeatlen as the orl- gtsai wonHog," an thus bave'nullUi-d toe amtndmtut of toe gentle, way weN be deubtod. It ts.'narbaBS. ferliuui. tt. iL- aaif latiasT T Mlsmfl BM --tJii t'li . aiwenajn,. Ped to entor into a new toast r whh tW UBHed IMMM-Jiaallar ia all rauLb, .. .t.1 - - ., . .iwn fu ,ln ju rrnsi to ratoy. would consent to A& d unquaMted leeeg j w fiosnurns orer inowiBC eoadHlaaml taytind'soBooo Bathe snail lists fconcliO,! with Great JBrltola, by .ball bare ceded, aad s suau uare aaaant.- jecttoUieprovietoBS 1 in sucu treaty,", of wwtrc,'mj?Bed. with Honduras, of tttt .toil kMBitdge impeasiWe tor me, nrovtetoo asui bc.eenlalBsiltoa B iiu, AnaA A-.lt.. tmniinU ,1 aaTL. ..iJTT.- """r""", et Britala aaat tka II.UJ BaajITT.Tr' alto fMieoa. ac'tUyWe. bsmI-I UtiuSL JPPT IT BriwMAsVBBiaismSB -""- - ssasi II 1 retoMtW.tstihjrtoM.. bave ZZTk rlaraliisiitli , ibuil. ..,. '-fiu.il wfaeMMttafc to s4wgato MMti'a7 by l eettoMsi, od to eoa3 te w. Had tost bsaa. Jkae BeasaslVJhllealtiaa !a CtteUe wtsWsW'oba,lT.re da bat and potiems utcrlhe aid Tenir lory," This obligation W founded upnn equivalents grsnlrd by the trsnly to (hi giivrtnntant and. people of the Unitsil at'lcs. , , Under these clrcumttsncut, I recoui. msnd tu Congress ihs pasasge of an act authorizing the Pretldsut, in case of ne cenily. to employ the land and naval fur ces nf the United States to carry Into el fact this gusrsntee of ncutinlity and pr trclton. alio recommend limilar Ifgl". Istion for ili security of anyutliet ruuH aeroasthe iilliaiua in wbkli wo inn) ac quire sn Interest by treaty, With the Independent republic on this continent It is both our duly aud our iu- Isreat lo cultivate tlis moat Iriendly rels-'" '--, '----A..I IndinVrefit t.. their fate, and man always r-Jotee in their (iroaperilv. Uufurtnnilalr. h.nl. n.. .1 andibr ui.our exsmpla snd adrleo" hs0 lost much of llior lufluenra in rnn.. qiisnco of thu Iswleis expsdiiions which '",N.".br!B f,"e.d ai ,,n,t ,um f them within the limits of our country. fVoihi .. .., c.Eu.a.vu iu retard our sieadf inslerial progrsas, or Impair our characle, s. a iutlont than I ho tol-rallon 0f ,c. nterprl.es ic violsilon of tho law of na liona. . It Is one of the fir.! and hlgl,t ju . of any Indepandcnt b'tsie. iu Ti. rslsilon. Ulll, .n-n.n... t .l. .. r HOnS p ofConsrcss, .A treaty of friclidsllD and commerce was coMluded at Censtautlaoplc on tbe 13th of veeemorr, ioo), betwsea tne ualltu latea V-4a. toeraUaaaUsai'af which wen exchaBgcd at VMMa,, pn the IStta of j Hue, icw., mm ins ireaiy was Frt.i.ivi by tbe rresldenl oa tbe 16th of August, 1W7. This treaty, it Is believed, will Move beneficial to American cowmrrcc. Tho Shah hMBtsalfested aa earnest tHspositlea to cultivate frl sadly relations with our country, aad has esprtoted a strong wlab that we should be represented at Teh win by a mtoUter plenipotentiary; and I reeeu Be mat au apprvuriatiua be made tor ws purpose, ItoeeM oeaarreeee ia China bare been jwawe to a revMaa of toe treaty with 3:: zrirzxir?.; . , .f- 4VI sra-TniMlsn PaltMsWl I Mir S"?,J'r The! ariWe of tUt Usato -i r." "ta.wiaM 11 in case wpe rw prove tots to be requltitm i-iB wbtoh aase the two Keveramaata mill i it. snirMtioa of toreir year from thn date of jHmrswatMj, waatasusauycwcerelw . aam. vj hhui luiuua urun. f DiUlitaa Cat .w1,.aI !. h. ...... ai. i?! ,tw,T! J twalred ontbc 7.i' pi swt wig Mfert; tost Mttof a w crirVBHMiM ry ware inwir twut ware mad the UaKad SIsIm Another ssWt was.- to be made for the I cau'du do mm purpaae !''' v,omnnsionr, lueoa. juBsttoii with Jwnwira of agla d r ranee,, wit"" " aaajisBauj wr .- w- wrreaeej-' twtirtttos toe Castoa river befw'i with members of llm crest f.-liJ 'J...1"' iou.jto rcitfsin id psopls fromci,,"f lioalil sWrea.I..n lnst.ili,rc,t, J 'J tubirclt. The mc.i eminent k-Ji " -' public Istr do not beatiai. . Ji" ' " meb hostile c.s . robbery and m Jrd Urntrsl America, itiir 11 ni r..l ,. ... .1.1. -j -'. .;,"." ""laoifrs "r.'T - """ " vinaieaie liter rights riiecaae would ba t ,ilr-,.. 1 A dillons weye ssl on fool witiiiri'ouroVrn. l.rriiorl.s 10 m.ke nrly.i. Cv.rnasIrT.r; naw..riil .n.l..n Ir...... .,., or-." S...J .. r , ." "P,'""' were Utle4 oot rr.ttn a (.road sgsltui fur iturtiair or our own P9UHlrr,to burn down our nvrn cilles, murder ud plunder oor psopln and uiurp our government, We should call my power oa esrtb to the.itricteitsceousl fii not preventing tucli enormitlet. nverslnc'lhodm(ntitratIonofGsnof., si Wsihltfrlou. act! of Car,,,... L..- beeii in ferie'to puulsiiss rarely lliacfliwo of setting on foot a militsry sipesUlKtH. wnnin 1110 liwiia Ql lUf U Bile Olsles, la; arocssd fiom ihsnce sgeinsl s rshob or. ' BISt WIlU mLnnt ki arn at auaa 'I'l... present tteulralily set ot April , IWIH. 11 but llltl mors than a Ji.rtU. r . ' .t.,t ... 1. . . " '. w" i".i aaiaiiHg lawa. unosr ibis act to rYesi, dent empowered to employ the f sad mhj naval force and the wJJiia "r th. b... pes of prsvenjlng to WKylwg H of ,. such expedition or ealerprlsellrom tbe tar. IlB-laaa .! Ii..l..Usllfiaa . a ' . s . ' r eK'-T.l'w. l""rn":T " "d uiaiv,. aim ma , aa afolfsU-llir.a j.e" ' W T a"'aa rallUlMi aa. sutliorued and"iuired tok(eau n, '" aha liaLru-.IO IShe Dart Id i , Ia snlei""' m :. Wh-." ?.". ,reds,,,l pr8b.bu' tosjy" "emp' PWtld b., w.da lo ,u afi. 'tol ffJieduIoB.rtsJos" K$I cr.ryo .toaWLjiJ r- ....," p.cr uuism sgus, the struction to Ihu Msrsbsls snd dMiici.t- 1 lerners. urn in. ui, j;..... , . ..-- ItWeVBf War iS.7.VJX "' rhutsn. .,i. .a . .:."T 'i'.y. .tii, iBa'tal''iiV'VMIllittg. .as-ii";nT," .- 5!.atu,aa 10 U Ihrtr L..T 7- raiMaal..,. i - '- ." ' . itor toaK sma t.' r:y" "" carrying uw e fi sffsaja.'at. J TWttoi nf ,h, . of fsrf. A liv at-emBMsajioBsrwt'-vii'aiete Bt4iiliuMf. me tnVsset toess'ebaBlies.-- . etvsncd iruiu aur abate. urreaeef r7"rm '"" mywn r,rr direst jH-ihMB aa ie s-mu ,. rsar'a jiriMHa atw nw fbi smb. plf.-'Tbes bosUUttos tore ntotsiaOto h,. USVmW SM IrafctooTvMI BBBtBHIHSlCaai. B,' WMsSjIM'BtMa. Mtot otisulonsd a rtei'to of rsfe atM Ihnr tu.. . the pro. ""Kirstsiaud. exaaatbL... .... . :- mi-nrvn ,ie rierpfji du d psiHsgaod, (0 IkYESul? te alr4.d-agiet4 ' W 'f; but both Tbev ". T . ,L Inl IIUHI IUU I T ariaTsTsTsTM ' atBCsa B. & i a -- 'CrBfrjil AuLfiitii. wLUl! a - I 1 1 .a J7 'ssr miirIu HUI.MBf. dnotrsil tu prove MiMr lHjB'f 4, :. ,, v f- . .aW-tvJtlwo aft otisulon. a toftotw'tow of Wte 'losses ltot lb ittzui. .JJZ, i" "ry wowrrtr. HeaawMi toaiaawraaaC l.ttCS. 1.!'.?'.' d s'"'' of too wltoVtoe iamfire sgatost tto tatoltotr tsn. .LaLsaa. ''"?." 'MB holwetn lbs arwi bbbsbi .- ,)bke.rV In 'kkaiiBi..- i .T C'V'W zi&rv.'M..;..; m; petotyjtss4y still ssjBtlBufi BW1 dlssl. 'lefsiider eik.r.u. o,lt to ButMpale waatwbi.tia mmki LsisZd ifrffi, 1 .' .. UneVr thcsai (dreuwtee3 1 lnsk rgd oa Uvg half r07j,ii " ' " "V v l fjro ,'hottff It advtosU to appoiua sUsYlaawlssasl ajaj: wiasrtraBia'wiioy imnumtoii, riha.ii doNsw, "IBSBlll tolVfi-ttadituaMl la aha MtuafaMinn - iiv ....t. ...t . :..r- -.:. vT.rvT "".iw.:.T7r..7rz:.i ..v. t- , j i":'"". .f,. "' s?issira -T-i. smn,'mrr" !rr.-. fc r 'Jr -xsr kr iSr"-, m . " . k - - Hr-aavMksr 9 r -r -unu ' , T ' i w,. .v; . 4, r jr 1 U sssfl 1. " afj .J r'.-rv ' ,.'- S V ' -AT xrA.'KS 'ijaftfri! 4jSJr . ' 1 4 i mj m ' rf 1 e.TaWaaTt-BaaTt-aaMakahaM r ... ibbbII ...