Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1904)
-, Orc.., Tful'I-' »1 S'xW Simes I VOL. XXXIV. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1904. NO. 35 BRIEF MENTION. | Clarence Hafer, 1st base; Ed Bodge, for many years a prominent citizen of LOCAL NOTES. short Btop; George Davis, center field; tbe county-seat, leaving there for Saturday is circus day. Dr. Cameron, right field; Ed Potten- Tacoma in the eighties. Judge Dunn and bis family are Every summer much valuable tim Jesse Steveos and Walter Lerwell ger, left field. Single—Hunt Lewis, Vacation days are almost over and Mrs. Mamie Dox and Miss. Zepha ber is burnei, aud although the I are in tlie Klamath county jail, school will soon begin. pitcher; Tom Macaulay, catcher; Fred visiting at Ashland. Basye, who recently had operations ge\ernment has established a system charged with the larceny of cattle. Francis Voyle, the miner, went south Weeks, 1st base; Shorty Miles,2d base; performed, are both conva’esclng. Next Monday is Labor Day and no whereby a force of rangers is kept in They were brought to Klamath Falls Alf. Weeks, 3d base; Carl Narregan, I on Thursday. public business will be transacted their Clarence Reeve has gone to Happy tbe forests to prevent fire and ex Thursday afternoon by Sheriff Oben- shortstop; Homer Rothermel.left field; Mrs. Gue Samuels Is visiting relatives The City Council will be in regular Frank Isaacs, center field; Ray Crys Camp, Calif., where he will be em tinguish the flames after they* bave ! chain and Deputy Sheriff Sam Walker, living In Jacksonville. . ployed in ar extensive placer mine. , started, it is the same okl story to who with a posse of 14 men left Fort monthly session next Tuesday even tal, right field. Henry Orth tarried a couple of hours ms sisters went as far as Medford ing- I Klannth the day before on a hunt a more or less degree. '■i *’ It is rumored that the Southern Pa- in Medford Wednesday. with him. Jackson county has been com ! for the thieves. Fifteen miles from any Miss Bertha Corum of Central Point cific will put its lands on the market E. C. Faucett of Watkins did busi Mr. Ellison, an experienced miner, paratively free from forest tires this 1 settlement in Che’ry Creek canyon, precinct is leaching a term of school in within a couple of months. This sale ness in our town Monday. has bonded the Ambrose quartz mine, season: but Josephine, Linn, Lane, ! a very secluded place, tho criminals Pay no district, Josephine county. would greatly facilitate development in located near Willow Springs and once Jas. Buckley, Jr., of Applegate was - were discovered and arrested. They Clackamas and other Oregon counties Ray Toft has a large quantity of Southern Oregon, for not only Is the owned by the late George Schumpf, a recent Jacksonville visitor. had with them 18 head of Melhase bave nut been so fortunate, and in wood that he wishes hauled to Medford. laud held out from settlement now, but of Ingrana A Houston. With two men Mrs. Coulter has returned from her each an immense quantity of val Brcs.’ cattle and seven of George W. He will pay 82 a cord. even prospecting for.minerals is almost *he is developing it, and the prospects Loosley. They waived examination uable timber has been consumed. that it will be a fine producer are ex C. H. Jones of Stockton, Calif., has at a standstill, no one caring to devel trip to Portland and Seaside. One of the greatest pieces of folly before Justice of tlie Peace Emery of been operating in government lauds in op a mine on property that cannot be Druggist Briggs Is in the hills, en- cellent. V is preventing fires to be set in the Fort Klamath and were plactd under Southern Oregon recently. joying a well-earned vacation. i purchased. David Coppie, who has been visiting ■ Miss Gannon, Sec’y Detroit w hills aud government reservations ' 85000 bonds each. Wood River valley in this section during the past few W. H. Miller and J. H. Hoffman The September term of tbe county | stockmen bave for the past year or months, one day this week left for Amateur Art Association, tells until the brush and u idergrowth be PERSONAL MENTION. were Medford visitors Wednesday. Absolutely Pure ! two been missing cattle, and their court will be held next week, beginning ' Thurman, Iowa, where he expects to young women what to do to come so high and thick that when the the 7th prox. Mrs. L. R. Webster of Portland re inevitable tire comes the whole efforts have finally ended success His condition, which has THERE IS HQ SUBSTITUTE M.S. Jessie Farnsworth is lu Port turned Monday from a trip to Arizona. { remain avoid pain and suffering caused District Attorney Moore of Lake and land. forest is destroyed. Old settlers and fully in bringing to time at least, two j been precarious for some time past, Geo. E Neuber, T. J. Kenney and I by female troubles. These fellows Klamath has appointed H. W. Kessee Indians know that the only safe of the marauders has improved considerably under the M as M. Krause tarried In Medford a Roy Ulrich were In Medford Tuesday, I treatment of Klamath Falls as a deputy. <bail from the Umpqua and have of Dr. LeMare. j method Is to annually burn off the “ D ear M bs . P inkham : — I can con few hours Monday. scientiously recommend Lydia E. undergrowth, when it is so thin j -pent tbe past two or three summers A Bieber's store in Lakeview was Harry Clark of Grants Pass, the well- D. B. Thompson and his family have Miss Ollie Boone has returned to Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I that it would not endauger the big in Wood River yaliey, working in the robbed of jewelry aud other articles known contractor and builder, was at returned from their sojourn at Dead I to those of my sisters suffering with Lincoln county, to leach school. ! hay fields. On pretext of leaving for valued at 8500 oue night last week. Indian Springs. the Oregon Belle mine, situated in female weakness and the troubles I trees. Then the grass can grow and Fred Rapp of Talent got baca from which so often befall women. I suf you liavi a beautiful forest instead home they would seclude them-elves Twenty five cents a pound is being Henry C. Maury and Tyson Beall Forest Creek district, a couple of days !in the mou tains nearby, get as paid for hops at Salem This is a very a trip to Crescent City a few days ago. fered for months with general weak of a tire trap. I who live near Central Point, were in this week, to construct a foundation ness, and felt so weary that I had hard many cat.le together as they could good price, but may go still higher. for the new machinery. He recently Ben Beall of Central Point, the suc As Dr. W. W. Oglesby ot Lane Medford Wednesday. work to keep up. I had shooting pai ns, returned from a visit to Albany, his handle and drive them away. cessful farmer, was in Medfotd Monday. FOR PRESIDENT and was utterly miserable. In my dis ciunty well says, use the rangers to Religious services will be resumed old bome. Ed. Welch, the efficient manager of tress I was advised to use Lydia E. act as overseers, and let them allow Mrs. John S. Orth and Mias Dollle the Welch Lumber Co., made Medford at tte M. E. Church, South, Sunday, A. C. Hoofer, of Portland, manager — Pinkham’s Vegetable Com annually the cutting of such timber as Ankeny were Medford visitors Mon a business visit Saturday. by the pastor, Rev. H. C. Brown. of the Mount Pit Hydraulic it Quartz pound, and it was a red letter day to day. me when I took the first dose, for at is ripe. The Pacific coast, year after on Of New York Tbe eleventh annual exhibition of I W. N. Wright, a prominent young Mining Company’s properties, that time my restoration began. In year, produces erough timber fyr all Jump-off Joe, is superintending their Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harvey of Gold farmer of Willow Springs district, was six weeks I was a changed woman, lumber needs it the waste Is stopped The Galice Consolidated Mining tbe Southern Oregon District Agricul-. development. He has purchased a perfectly well in every respect. I felt and merely the annually ripe product Company made a strike of a peculiar tural Society will be held in Eugene, Hill spent Saturday afternoon in Med in Medford one day this week. For VICE PRESIDENT mill and plant and will install the ma ford. so elated and hap;y that 1 want all beginniug September 20 and con tine-1 Dave Buckley has gone to Bear chinery at once. This is a new mine, women who suffer to get well as I did." is cut Then let there be fires started kind a few dtys ago It recently pur H. D. Norton, the Grants Pass attor Creek,to assist Chas. Hamilton In build- but is making a good showing. The — Miss G uila . G annon , 359 Jones St., each year in the ie-erves and allow chase! a tract of graveion the bank ing for five days. -------- l «_ .----------- . . .. Hedge is from three to four feet wide ney, was here on professional business . ing Detroit, Mich., Secretary Amateur Art (Lem to burn off the year's brush, and of Rogue River and has just com a big harn for Jas. .. M. n Cantrall. Miss Ethel Fleury has gone to Slski- { and assays well. Ot West Virginia Association. — f5000forfeit If original of aboM by taking proper back-tire precau pleted a ditch to it. In prospectia« you district, to teach school, vice Miss i Saturday. Geo. W. Lance, Jr., and bis family tetter proeinf fonulnaneso cannot bo produced. Tbe Old Hammersly mine, In Jump- Inez Kitchin, who will visit tbe World ’ s Judge Neil was In Medford Tuesday, the bar an old Ionian burning ground were in town Wednesday. They are off-Joe district, is maktng an exoellen't When one considers that Miss tions no loss will result. Had the Gannon’s letter is only one of the i government adopted this plan in wis uncovered, and up to dale at Fair soon, in company with Miss Me I accompanying hl- niece, Marian Neil, preparing to go to the World s Fair. showing under the work of develop- I that far on her way to Ashland. countless hundreds which we stead of the one now in vogue, we least 100 skulls and a corresponding I Callan of Ashland. Antone Rose, who purchased tbe ment done by F. H. Osgood, of Seat- are continually publishing in the news would have had vast areas of pro number of bones have been washed Lee Beall, who got bis start in Jack- G. W. Boone, one of tbe pioneers of McKenzie lot on Third street, will tie. This old mine was at one time a papers of this country, the great virtue son county, but Is now one of tbe prom Lincoln county, is visiting hie daugh soon have a neat cottage built on it. i * splendid producer, but afterwards A Grants Paes pirty of camper«, of Mrs. Pinkham's medicine must bo ducing forests instead of the bleak out. abandoned and its underground works just returned from Crater Lake, made admitted by alL nills and barren valleys that mark The gravel was the scene i f oue of inent citizens of Lakeview, is being ter, Mrs. H. C. Nute of Roxy. Chas. C. Pursel of Buncom was allowed to become flooded. Since Mr. the path of great forest tires. the closing battles of the Rogue congratulated by his many friends. Mrs. B. P. Theiss and her daughter, I among those In our city during the Osgood took bold of the property,a few the discovery while in the park that River War, and the bodies of the It’s a girl this time. Miss Geraldine, bave returned from past week. His saw mill is turning out mo“thi S enator B row nell I s to have a “a h*2 thoroughly the fish put in the lake a few years , . “““ 40 overhauled and a fine body of ore ex- ago have greatly multiplied and are Indians killed at that time are Cures Sciatica. S. F. Godfrey and hie family Lave t) elr sojourn at Colestin. better place than president of tbe (Ire- a large quantity of fine lumber. posed. Tbe mill has also been putin gon Senate, for which position he has Mrs. J. Russell, who has been camp-1 F. Eisman, one of Josephine county’s good shape. It is but a question of a now present in considerable quantity. Rev. W. L. Riley, L. L. D., Cuba, among the find. The majsr portion left Antioch precinct and are now on declined to be a candidate, according New York, writes: “After fifteen of them, liowev. r, are much i Ider their way to Idaho, Hie son John re ! ing at Colestin during the past several | time till the Daley will again be There is a boat on the lake, which wideawake fruit and hop raisers, did i short can be reached by the steep trail down to program. Senator Mitchell Is days of excruciating pain from sciatic than those buried in the ’50's, and mains and will be in charge of the weeks, returned home Saturday. worked steadily. under various treat were probably in the ground when Ourry place, now J. business in the central valley one day tbecliff from Eagle R >ck, and tbe quoted as saying: “I trust and be rheumatism, W. Merritt ’ «. Hon. J. S. Shook of Klamath county this week. ments, I was induced to try Ballard’s party took a ride out over tbe lake in MARKETING BERRIES. lieve I shall have an opportunity at no sonw Liniment; the first application Lewis and Clark visited the coast A light shower of rain on Saturday was on the northbound train Monday, K. K Kubli and Jas. O. Watson, this boat. While on tbe way to distant day to discharge, in part, my giving my first relief and the secund Arrowheads aod old Indian jewelry- cooled off the atmosphere and drove en route to Portland. who have been at Cinnabar for several the Advantnaea of Sectional CratM Wizard Island the boaters were sur obligation to Senator Brownell. ’ Add entire relief. 1 can give it unqualibed are found in the graves. Tne ground Iu Sellinc l.ncy Berries. away some of the smoke with which it Fred Bolt of Gold Hill has been In weeks, left for Portland Wednesday prised by the leap of a troutJrom the Senator Fulton is quoted as follows: recommendation.” 25?, 50, It 00. For is rich in gold and the company will Iu discussing the marketing of Sale by Dr. J. Hiukle, Central Point. was filled. The weather bas been Medfo rd ‘ everal times lately. He bas evening work it next year, an elevitor betug *‘I trust that an opportunity will be I »tr-.i wherries a writer In Rural New water only a few feet from tbe boat. pleasanter since then. been suffering severely with uloerated now put in place for that purpose. Rev. J. Bowersox, father of Dr. Yorker has something to say about A short time later another flsb, larger afforded Senator BrowntU's loyal W. S. Barnum has returned from teeth. friends, who are numerous and include Bowersox, who has been paying our crates, which is of interest also in con than tbe first and Bome lc lncbea in Mr. and Mrs. Otis Krause of Klam town a visit, has returned to his bome nection with the raspberry and black- length, leaped from the clear our face Portland. We are informed that his myself, In some better way in thq near trip thither had some connection with ath Fails, who uave been visiting in in Portland. of the lake, The party discovered future to emphasize their appreciation Tue Soldiers* and Sailors’ Associa tbe proposition to extend his railroad Jacksonville, left for home during the they bad run upon a school of trout, of bis many and long continued ser Miss Tillie Hooks is again in charge past wees. tion of Southern Oregon will bold its to Butte Creek. as many fish could be seen in the clear vices in behalf of his party.” A Russian giving the name of of the school in Missouri Fiat district. 13th reunion at Jacksonville, begin Schloss was arrested at North Yaki Miss Edith Van Dyke is passing her She gave entire satisfaction daring Tbe R. R. V. R. will run a special depths below the bruit. I t was not always the rule that Eu ning Monday, Sept. 19th, and con Up till a few years ago Crater Lake ma, Wash., Aug. 26th, for seeding train to Jacksonville, to accommodate vacation ,at Newport. Afterward she the spring term. ropean governments awaited the initia tinuing five days. will r > to Philadelphia to study medi those wb o wish to attend the reunion was as a dead sea. It contained no threatening postal cards through the tive of the United States on questions •Wm. Mack, wh» has-been mining in The S. P. Railroad Do. will sell mails to Quaker doctors now In the of the Southern Oregon Pioneer Socie cine. fish, in fact no life of any kind, aside affecting world matter«, but it is the . Siskiyou county, Calif., for a Willam tickets,one and one-third regular fare city. He demanded them to m< et him ty, It will leave Medford at 8:30 from a peculiar little water-dog, or Hon. R. G. Smith of Grants Pass ette Vafiey company, is paying this fact now. It has been so practically for the round trip, from Portland at in the city library In the evening and^ Thursday morning. lizard, that inhabits tbe rocky crev was at Ashland Tuesday,on profession sinoe the close of the war with Spain. section a visit. tbe north to Montague on tbe south,to pay over without que-tion 8100 or suf ices along tbe shores. As there is Three carloads of cattle,belonging to al business. He will soon begin the Tbe Udied States took tbe initiative Rev. Arthur Lane will bold services Medford, and the Rogue River Valley fer the coni-equencea of his wrath. Wm. Ulrich, W. C. Ashpole and other j publication of a Democratic newspaper. but little vegetable mat er in tbe lake, at tbe outbreak of the war between SECTIONAL BEBBT CBATX. at the Catholic church in Jacksonville MI bb Marile Cronemiller, who has Sunday at 8:30 a. m.;also at Medford berry harvest. He says the fruit must it was not believed that fish could live Japan aud Russia in the note ad Railway will se»l rouud-trip tickets Three such postal cards are written. stockraisers of Butte Creek, were and thrive in it. However, a good The sheriff and that c fficial's lay de seipped to San Francisco Monday. ' been residing al Crescent City, Calif, at 10:30 a. m. dressed by Secretary Hay to tbe bellig from Medford to Jacksonville for 25c. be handled quickly and the right time ly number of trout, of a cold wa erents and to the powers of Europe, in Tents, straw, wood and coffee will puty for him und placed Schloss under They were a fine bunch add brought during the past four years, returned to B. R. Porter of Table Rock was in to realize a profit ter species, especial.y adapted to such Jacksonville Tuesday. sisting or. tbe scene of operations being be free to all comrades and their arrest He is a religious fauatir,with the top price. Crates should be made of heavier ma Medford Tuesday, to meet a relative environment, were put in tbe lake, anarchistic tendencies. He threaten L B. Caster has traded bis farm in confined to the territories claimed and families. J. J. Nye of Lincoln county is visit from California, who will pay him and terial than the ordinary shipping crate. and tbe recent dis<every would prove If taken care of, they will last several occupied by them. To that vigorous Each afternoon there will be ed to^low the doctors and the towu Big Butt; precinct, known as the Wll- ing in this section. Nye Creek, the his family a visit. the success of the ve'ot ure Probably years. note tbe belligerents promptly as add resses by prominent speakers, up with dynamite if he did not get kison place,for one in Idaho.and leaves famous summer resort on Yaquina Bay, in a few more years trout-fi-htog will The sectional crates shown In the Mrs. John Murphy on Wednesday be a prominent feature of atrip tn this week for his new /home, accompa- | was named after him. sented, and Europe gives its equally aud on tbe afternoon of Sept. 22d tbe money he wanted. visited her husband, who is night first figure are best for the local mar Crater Lake. prompt assent. » nied by hie family. The best wishes Senator Fulton will speak to tbe old Miss Pearl Hall of Lakeview, a suc watchman for tbe Iowa Lumber A ket, especially in selling fancy berries of many friends go with him. soldiers. The quarts may be filled fuller without cessful teacher, was on the northbound Box Oo at Medford. the top berries being mashed. The sec Each evening the Ideal posts and W. S. Richards, ex-secretary of the i train Friday, en route to New York John M. and Thos E. Nichols of tions may be taken apart when on the tbe W. R. C. will furnish entertain Socialist Party, and an able orator, City, to take a post-graduate course. Butte Creek, two ot tbe leading stock market thus showing each quart and John Million of Ashland on Satur will speak at the City Hall Tuesday ment. J. D. Cook, who (sin Jump off-Joe men of Southern Oregon, were in Med making a finer display, which means Miss AdaliDe Lee, the versatile A fife and drum corps, composed of day made an attempt to end his ex evening, Sept. 6th. Everybody is in district, looking after his lumbering in I ford the forepart of tbe week. more profitable sales, as in the second actress, who has gained a wide popu five Civil War musicians from Burn istence. He had been drinking hard vited to attend,for they will hear some-, terests most of the time nowadays has larity, will appear at United States Lewis Ulrich is assisting Assessor figure. The only way to get* rid side Post of Ashland, will furnish and was under the influence of liquor thing quite interesting. If, however, the common style crate been spending a few days at bome. Jones to get the assessment roll of is used, they should be made higher Hall Thursday night, with her splendid of pimples and other erup music during the entire eucampmenL at tbe time. Clint. Slewart, who recently sold his Large quantities of peaches and oth ready for tbe board of equalize- and the partition also higher, which C‘ mpany, in high-class vaudeville. tions is to cleanse the blood, □ The department commander, B: F. A 38-caliber revolver was the instru-1 er fruit are being shipped from Me^- j fruit farm to A. C. Allen and went 1904 Tbe program is very goo1, consist tion, which meets iu the court house improve the digestion, stim Pike, is expected to be In attendance. ment chosen and two shots were tired, ford. Much is being expressed south, north, to seek a location, Is among u on the first Monday in October. ing of singing, dancing, vootl first one missing his body entirely, which is something out of the ordinary. * again. He bas made arrangements to ulate the kidneys, liver and The peop'e of Jacks mville, whose the and instrumental music, tableaux: The R. R. V. R. will run a special i hospitality is well known, will leave but tbe second one, which entered bis Jackson county fruit has no superior go into tbe banking business at Cot sketches, etc. Those who bave seen skin. The medicine to take is nothing undone to ensure tbe success left breast just over tbe heart, will and train Thursday, to accommodate those tage Grove. few equals. it speak ia tbe bigbtst terms thereof. wishin g to attend tbe pioneers ’ reun-I Miss Myrtle Sutton, who was for probably prove fatal. of the reunion. The Siskiyou Sunset Mining A Mill- A social dance, free of admission, John Million is the oldest son cf j ing Company, Grants Pass, has filed merly a stenographer in District Attor ion. *t will leave Medford at 8:36 with music by a first-class orchestra, Which has cured thousands. Bennett Million and a well-known articles of Incorporation, with a cap- ney Reames’ office, Is now at Portland, a. m. will follow tbe performance. Misses Frances and Josephine Done- character about Ashland. He was a ital ot 81,000,000; Samuel Bowden, F taking a course as a trained nurse. Her Reserved seats can be obtained at sister has given up^the study and re gan were in Medford Monday, accom- stage driver for jears, but of late bas Fetscb, A. Fotsch J. H. Challen, N. W. H. Miller’s store. A TRUST, pure and simple, has been turned to her home near Salem, on ac panying Mr. Trlsch of Burns, their The following is a list of jurors devoted most of his time to berry G. Longfellow, directors. formed in New York to control the count of poor health. brother-in law, that far on his way raising. Thursday is Southern Oregon Pio raisin output ot Califi rnla. It is not a drawn fur the Septem ber term of the bome. neer Day, and tbe event will be appro combination of growers, organized circuit court, which convenes ou tbe Judge Prim is expected to return priately observed in Jacksonville. A for their mutual profit, the benefits of 6th prox: Medford—John Arnold, J.D.Hooker, from Cinnabar this week, accompanied will help to prevent mashing the fruit splendid program has been prepared, which will be reaped by the men who Those who are gaining flesh by bis family. Mias Maude’s health All crates should be painted one color do tbe work and produce the crop, but A. A.Davis, Alonzo Slover and strength by regular treat» O. M. Rosendale of Portland, a suc which will Include an address by Hon. and this color continued from year to Heavy thunder storms prevailed Sterling — J. M. Cantrail. ment with is considerably Improved, we are R. G. Smith, the well-known Grants It Is an abeo ute trust, dominated and year. It will make them look neat cessful mining engineer, whois well in Southern Oregon on Saturday, and pleased to learn. Jacksonville — Ed. Dunniogton, S. Pass attorney. A general invitation is Scott’s Emulsion controlled by wealthy packers and New and new. It will act as a sort of known in Southern Oregon, was during one of the showers Claus Ed. Dunniogton will In the near fu trademark. It also prevents some man York merchants. Now is the time for W. Boyd should continue the treatment asphyxiated at the residence of Elgar extended. Kleirihammer, one of the prosperous In hot weather: smaller dose Talent—Nat’l Fireslcne, F. M. Kin- the Attorney-General to get busy. This It is noticeable that the leaves have fruit-raisers of the Rogue River Val ture have a seven-room cottage built from selling your berries vAien he does L. Colllnsof Kalama, Wa-h., Thurs and a little cool milk with It will not handle them, as his o^tomers can uls. do away with any objection trust business is getting entirely too day morning. Tbe coroner’s inquest [ begun to fall from the maple trees, ley, living near Medford, was shocked on the lot where his present residence see that he does not have the colored which is attached to fatty pro Phcenlx—John Mast. now stands. It will be a fine, commo numerous. Tbe people are already ducts during the heated which is something extraordinary for brought out the theory thas R isen- by a bolt of lightning durlug the crates, and they will go where they season. Rock Point—Thomas Dungey,James dious structure. wondering where they are at.” so early in the season, Thia la ac Send for free sample. dale probably struck a match to see are—that is. if you have built up a progress of the storm. He was pass U. Smith. SCOTT & BOWSE, Chcmirts, counted for by the exceedingly dry Two of the Slaters of the Holy what time it was, part of the head fly reputation for fine berries. O regon again leads all states in tbe «O9-4I5 Pearl Street, New Yarik. ing a telegraph pole near his place, Ashland—J. H. Haun, F.H. Carter, S°c. aud f I oo; all drueyiata. amount of money realized from public S. A. Parker, F. H. Crowson, J. P. ing off and Igniting a bundle of cloth summer. Last year the leaves did Dot when the bolt struck it and the shock Names went to Ashland Friday, to ing. The ensuiDg tire corsumed all begin to fall until late in September, knocked Mr. Kleinhammer to the meet the Reverend Mother, Slater lands, having turned into the treasury Dodge. Sweet Lavender. John the Baptist, who wason ber way the oxygen in the tightly-closed room, and it was away along in November be ground. A fragrance which delights tbe most •1,442,576 in the last fiscal year. This He sustained no injuries, Eagle Point—E. J. Mills, J. H. Carl to Portland from San Francisco. refined taste la given both by the foli and the great heat literally cooked fore the trees were bare. hover 1200,000 ahead of the nearest ton. however. the dead man's body. There is no St. Mary’s Academy will resume age and flowers of the true sweet lav competitor. While these receipts are President Mulkey of the Normal Mound—F. G. Stimson, H. L. suspicious of suicide. studies next Monday. It is one of the ender. Every good housewife knows more than 1500,000 below Oregon’s re Gregory. Wanted, Information School at Ashland bas left on an itln- best educational institutions for girls its value in the liuen closet, bureau and ceipts last year, the state holds its own erry of 750 miles to attend various Trail—W. T. Houston, C. W. DeCar wardrobe. by proportion. 3 here were 12,874 en low. . teachers’ institutes in the northeastern of the whereabouts of any party or in the state and well deserves the The bright, silvery green leaves, tries made In Oregon last year.embrac- part of tbe state. He will go ¡to Wal parties who remember Allen D. liberal patronage It receives. which show attractively in winter as Central Point—James Shields. Aveiy, a member of Capt. Fowler’s lng 1,170,655 acres of public land. In well as summer, the pretty flowers lowa, Baker City and Ontario,and on bls The September term of circuit court company during the Rogue River Applegate—T. R. Rock. 1903 there were 1,854,852 acres. Cash borne on loug stems aud the compact, way home will address an institute at The grand encampment special of for Jackson county will not convene War, aud who was detailed to care Willow Springs—Ralph Dean. receipts that year amounted to 82,0)5,- tbe Knights Templar, which passed Oregon City. The popularity of Pres for the wounded in hospital until until next Tuesday, Monday being dwarf habit of growth all combine to Barron—II. Applegate. 626. tbrougb here Saturday morning, kill ident Mulkey as an iuetltute-worker they were convalescent. Their testi Labor Day. There is considerable of make it a highly ornamental and very Lake Creek—Emil Pech. mony would be of great value to him. desirable additiou to any gardeu. Au ed a trackwalker named Cal Yokurn is shown by the fact that he is now en He is nearly 80 years of age, and a a docket, divorce cases predominating, extravagant profusiou of flowers is W hen one bears that Russell Sage is Union—Win. Smith. half a mile north of Tunnel 8. The gaged to take part in 11 of them. small pension would be of much ser as usual. 88 years old, the first thing that comes Wimer—J. D. Wimer. produced during a long season of vice to him in his old age. Mr. man had apparently fallen asleep to mind is what a lot of time be has The R. R. V. R. will run excursion blooru. Capt. D. J. Ferree, one of the pio Avery’s address is Newport, Wash. close to the track. He was awakened neers of Klamath county, died at the missed wasting. Make a low hedge of It—divide the trains to Medford ou circus day, Sept. by tbe passing of the first engine o' residence of his daughter, at Prairie 3d, leaving Jacksonville as follows: 7 gardeu from the law u—use it to edge the train, was dazed and raised him City, Grant county, Aug. 19th. He and 9:45 a. m.; 1:06, 3:30 and 7:15 p. m. gardens, paths, borders or beds, and Sick Headache. self and fell between the first and sec was engaged in the mercantile business Trains return after the performances. its attractive and unique features will Buyers representing eastern, Pacific “For several years my wife was appeal to every one with the least ond engines. The wheels ran over ! in that section a number of years, troubled with what physicians called Round trip, 25 cents. Coast, and even foreign firms, are in longing for pretty and uncommon bis shoulders and his skull was frac Geo. H. Himes,the efficient assistant plants. Rogue River Valley for the purpose of tured. He was taken to Wolf Creek, ' leaving in the nineties for Salem, sick headache of a very severe char where he served as a guard at the acter. She doctored with several phy secretary of the Oregon Historical So Always plant it tn well drained situa buying the 1904 crop of apples. We but died on arrival there. sicians at a great expense, only to state penitentiary. Mr. Ferree is sur grow worse, until she was unable to do ciety, arrived in Jacksonville Wednes tlons. It grows to about two feet, but are informed that they are offering vived by his wife three sons and a any work. About a year ago she day, to attend the reunion of the can be trimmed to any desired beigb' 81 25 a box for 4 and 41 tier Newtown® Stop That Cough! after flowt-r ng. began taking Chamberlain's Stomach Southern Oregon Pioneer Society. daughter. and Splizenbergs and a little more and Liver Tablets and today weighs When a cough, a tickling or án ir fir extra choice. It Is believed that Wm. E. Kahler, a prominent busi While there la life there la hope, The event of the base-ball season more than she ever did before and Is rltation in the throat makes you feel these < tiers will be increased as ship uncomfortable, take Ballard’s Hore will be reeled off at the grounds of the real well,’' says G. E. Wright of New ness man of Sumpter, is visitlug in I was afflicted with catarrh; could ping time approaches. Tills year’s pro hound Syrup. Don’t wait until the' Medford Athletic Association Sunday. London, New York. For Sale at City Jacksonville, accompanied by his son. neither taste nor smell and could bear Magnificent Stock Show Drug Store duct i< more abundant and of a disease lias gone bey oud control. Mr. It will be a contest, royal between pick < He was a resident of this section for but little Elv’s Cream Balm cured it. and Mrs. J. A Anderson, 364 West 5 h better quality than ever, and will many years before going to Eastern —Marcus G. Shautz,JRahwav, N. J. I Cure Sick Kidneys, 8t ,Salt Lake City, Utah, write: "We ed nines of married and single men,and Cream Balm reached me sa*ely and A One camp ground with room for all, fresh bring many thousands of dollars Into think Ballard's Horehound Syiup the a lot of scientific playing may be looked Oregon; in fact is onejof our pioneers ' the effects Is surprising. My son says I water piped into tbe ground, plenty of shade. Bladder and Ovarian diseases, and Southern Oregon. best medicine tor coughs and colds. for. The batteries will be the strong all weaknesses in either sex with Cal The remains of the late Robt. the first application gave*decided re- Good Street Car Service and lots of Fntertaln- We have used it for several years; it1 est obtainable. The lineups will prob ifornia Yerba Lip Tus, a simple lierb Kahler, who died in Eastern Oregon a , lief. Mrs. Franklin Freeman. Dover, ment and Education for everybody always gives Immediate relief, Is very i i N. H. The Balm does not Irritate or of great potency. Don,t delay. SeDd pleasant and gives perfect satisfac ably be: Married—W. Hutton, pitcher: 2 cts. postage for frek treatment. few years ago, were brought to this cause sneezing. Sold by druggists st tion.” 25<q 50c, #1.00. For -ale by John Beeson, catcher; Painter Morrl- P rof . H. W. H ill , B ox 731-A, Los section Saturday and re-interred in 50 cts. or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 fnill’ Cold CllffMI fOT OCb Dr. Hinkle at Central Point. ■on, 3d base; Warren Bodge, 2d base; Angeles, Calif. he Jacksonville cemetery. He was Warren St, New York. J TZL Mr T X z LZ- tfaM ON Burn the Underbrush. Stock Thieves Captured THEOLD REUABLE IS Democratic Ticket i Alton B. Parker Indian Relics Unearthed. Henry G. Davis Trout in Crater Lake. The Soldiers’ Reunion Quaker Doctors Threatened He Attempted Suicide. A Select Entertainment Eruptions Hood’s Sarsaparilla List of Jurors. Accidental Death CONTINUE Struck By Lightning UUth Annual State Fair A Trackwalker Killed. Good Attractions In the Market Splendid Racing Best of Band Music $10,000 in Premiums ■ • t %