Svelti/ Ureg<»u Bh m cerati c X JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1904 VOL. XXXIV. 1 Get Rid of Scrofula Bunches, eruptions, inflammations, sore­ ness ot tbe eyelids and ears, diseases of th« bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting, are only some of the troubles it causes. It is a very active evil, making havoc ot the whole system. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Eradicates it. cures all its manifestations, and build» up the whole system. Accept no substitute. / / T here 1« a good deal of humbug in the neutrality business. Although all nations assent to tbe abstraction that there should not be auy interference between two quarreling countries, and that they should be left free to settle their differences without outside aid being extended to them, in practice statesmen and tbe business men of neutral countries lie awake at night studying out methods of ignoring or evading the so-cailed neutrality laws A ccording to tables complied by Alexander Supan tbe population of the world is 1,503,300,000. The to tai area of land on tbe surface of the earth is 144,110,000 square kilometers, about 215,000.000 square miles, making tbe average density of population about ten per square kilo meter. The greatest density is In Europe, forty per square kilometer, and tbe least is in the polar regions, north and south, where 91,000 in habitants are distributed over an area of about 12,873,000 square kilo­ meters. T hk judgment of the Southern Pa­ cific Company was commendable when it placed at Its managerial helm C. H. Markham. His recent business trip to Oregon emphasizes the feeling that tbe people of this state also have cause for congratulation over tbe fact of bis se­ lection for tbe position to which his talents entitle him. Mr. Markham has a kindly feeling for Oregon, and knowing through close business touch its needs and advantages is in a better position to advise for the promotion of its best interests. Among other things he said: “I was very food of Oregon, from the first time I came to the state, and it seems like home to 00me back again. There is nothing I could tell regarding tbe Southern Pa­ ctfl« that would be of interest, for my jurisdiction terminates at tbe Oregon line; but there is every prospect of good business ahead for the Pacific Coast railroad in both Oregon and California, from all that I am advised.' I T here is an impression more or less prevalent among young farmers that a man must leave the farm if he would get all that Is coming to him. Some think that tbe farmer has tbe hard­ est lot of all; but you do not hear the people of tbe town express either one of theA views There is not a man reared among rural surroundings but would delight to return to the farm again. We have advised young men to go on tbe farm to earn their start in life. In our opinion a first $500 or $1000 can be saved quicker on a farm than any where else. It Is one thing to earn money and another thing to save it. There are individual men, it is true* with greater posses- sions than any farmer; but they are so few that tbe most fortunate 30 will have been outstripped by tbe most successful .30 farmers. The next 30 farmers will have twice as much as the next 30 business mon. Let the farmers exalt their own occupation^* It Is honorable. There is no aris­ tocracy except the aristocracy of in­ dustry. T hk fierce general attack which the Japanese have made on the fortifi­ cations of Port Arthur plainly shows that it is the intention of their aim to bring the present war to an early fin­ ish. Lt is in line with tbe rapidity and energy with, whicb they have punued Kuropatkin’s forces and with tbe recklessness with whicb they h^ve sacrificed men. It 1« evident that If the Japanese could mamtuin ndt finite y the ground they have won Port Arthur mun fall without any attempt to carry it by Sturm, for Its supplies sooner or later would give out. Apparently, however, the Jap­ anese realize that time makes for tbe Ru-sians by furnishing the latter op­ portunity with fresh men to taxe tbe front, and .they are determined to take no chances on this score. In so doing they are displaying keen gen­ eralship. Japan’s resources, both in matter of men ar d suesns, are not adapted to a prolonged strain. Taken with Cramps Wm Kirmse, a member of the bridge gar g working near Llltleport. w «s taken suddenly 1)1 with cramps and a kind of cholera. His ca«e was so severe that he had to have the memitera of the crew waiton him and Mr. Gifford was called and consulted. He told them he had a medicine in the form of ChamberlalnVColic, Chol­ era sud Diarrl uea Remedy that he thought would help him < uX, and ac- cqrdlrgiy several doses were adminis­ tered with the result that the fellow was able to be around next day. Tbe incident speaks quite highly of Mr. Gifford’s medicines.—Elkader, L.wa Argus. This medicine never fails. Keep it Jin your home, It may save life. Foi sale by City Drug Store. aimes State Normal School at Mon­ mouth. BRIEF MENTION. I PERSONAL MENTION. NO. 34 LOCAL NOTES. Studies will be resumed at St. Mary's Academy Monday, Sep 5tb. The pros­ Geo. Walter of Applegate made our; Sheriff Bader was among his many Mrs. A. M. Berry has been in Jack­ pects for a large attendance at this moat excellent institution of learning ' town a visit Thursday, on business friends in Medford Monday. sonville lately. President Ressler of the Oregon State are flattering. connected with the Johanna Blecher J. C. Pendleton, former county Mr. Kennedy, the miner, was with Tnnklinil Normal school at Monmouth has re­ estate. assessor, did business in Ashland Mon- us yesterday. John Knight, ex-sheriff of MarioD trlP t0 the Fast and is Mrs. Wright of Bhoenix died Aug. ; day. county, is in this section, in tbe Interest busily engaged in preparations for the E. W. Voyle made Medford a flying of the Quaker Nursery, located near flf JEU opening of the new school year, whicb 20th aud was burled Monday. She was Mrs. Chas. Nickell and Miss Marie visit Wednesday. * ‘ ----------- 1 occurs September 20th. The school a highly respected lady and 72 years Nickell returned from Colestin Sunday Salem. He sells first class stock ut a John Spiker, the miner, who went reasonable figure and guarantees it evening. Sixteen Persons Perish in Twin ,re “‘“'"‘“’‘i ,T‘ old. north some time ago, has returned. J. W. Opp was in Medford Tuesday. ( prosperous year in the history .of the John X. Miller, tbe Trail Creek sage, H. G. Van Dusen, state fish warden, J. D. Walker of Barron was a Jack- ' Cities—Property Loss school. Last year 51 graduates were Tbe prospects are favorable that he has been in thi9 section lately, on of­ writes us: ‘We have had a miracle. sonvlile visitor twice lately. has sold his mines, located a few miles Mise MacTavlsh taught a tive-months ficial business. Over Two Millions. 4 sent out, the largest number in recent west of Jacksonville. Miss Frances Barnes Is In Medford, term of school in this district, and I Hl ■ years, and all of them have made con- Jas. Eaton started South Saturday the guest of Mrs. Chas. Nickell. ! tracts for good positions, while the' A substantial root is being put on haven't heard a word of complaint.” night and got as far as Ashland, where St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 22.—Death tc applications for teachers are still pour the court house. Fred Ficke has the1 he spent Sunday. D. D. Besse of Talent, the miner, was J. W. Dunkin, who has been a resi­ to the office. in contract and doing tbe work ex­ at the county-seat last week. sixteen persons and destruction tc ing :n“ in in t0 office- The - — enrollment 7;-------- — — dent of Gall’s Creek for several years, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Gay, are back Misses Lelia Prim and Leona Ulrich left for Santa Monica, Calif., lately, property, both private aud public, esti next year's senior class indicates that a peditiously and well. from Newport, after a ten days outing , still larger number of graduates will be A. W. Shearer, who has been In are among those camping at Cinnabar. to enter the National Soldiers’ Home. mated in round numbers at $1,000,000 at the sounding sea. sent out next year. Medford, visiting his family, on Tues ­ Miss May Buffer, the trained nurse, He is a veteran of the Civil War. rode on a scorch iu-g gale which ton J. L. Hammersley, the Gold Hill Tbe action of the Board of Regents day left for the Oro Grande mine«, is at Gold Hill on professional business. The R. R. V. R. will run excursion down the valley of the Mississipp: reorganizing tbe course of study, pro­ Absolutely Pure StevtP’s Fork district, of which he is attorney, was in Medford Monday Robt. Wagner, a miner who has bad trains to Medfcrd on circus day, Sept. about 9 o’clock Saturday night fron viding for both a three and a four foreman. evening, on professional business. 13d, leaving Jacksonville as follows: 7 THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE a large experience, is in tbis section. a point near the confluence of the years' course, will also contribute to John C. Lewis of Portland, who C. B. Smith, lhe genial searcher for Mrs. M. A. Pryce and Mrs. M. Jones and 9:45 a. tn.; 1:00, 3:30 and 7:15 p. tn. Minnesota and Mississippi rivers, neai the expected Increase in enrollment. hidden treasures, left for Portland heavily Interested in the mtoes of Gold Hill spent Sunday afternoon in Trains return after the performances. Fort Snelling. At about that point A number of tbe graduates of this and Monday evening, to attend the annual Seuthern Oregon, is in Medford. Round trip, 25 cents. the fury of the elements seemingly di other normals are making inquiries meeting of the American Mining Con­ Medford. John Clune and P. C. Norris, 1 ac- Frank Johnson, who owns a farm lo­ vided. and^with a roar descended or concerning tbe ad vaneed course with a gress. Judge Neil was in Medford several | companied by their wives and Mrs. the Twin Cities and their environs. cated in Eagle Point district, not far view to entering it. The State Board i C. W. Parks, a prominent merchant: Biuoks, spent Sunday at Colestin. I times this week,. on professional busi­ Claim-jumpers are already in evi* Minneapolis, Aug. 22.—The centei ot Washington has officially accredited from the Rogue River ferry, lost his ness. ! of Roseburg, has been appointed post­ dence in the Sucker Greek district, of the storm hit the business section isidor Jacobs and bls sister, Miss house by fire a few days ago. Most of I at Nicolette avenue and Sixth avenue the advanced course, so that graduates master of tbat city, vice W. A. Frater, ' Eda, who live at Corvallis, were in Wm. Puhi, lhe «Xpert tonsorial ar­ the contents were saved. Tbe loss and are making trouble for tbe estab­ Here the front of the Glass block wai will be entitled to all the privileges whose term of office expired some Medford not long since, on land busl- ■ tist, and his family are rusticating on amounts to several hundred dollars, on lished locators. David Briggs,ao owner blown out and a huge skylight was accorded to graduates of lhe Wash­ time ago. Applegate. neat. which there was no ineuranoe. A de­ of the Briggs mine, is tbe first to blown off. All of the stores in this ington normals. Miss Emma Hoffman, eldest daughter concerning tbe A. Lempke, a well-known citizen of fective flue wns tbe cause of the blaze. make complaint Mies Issle McCully, who has been The faculty baa been strengthened of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoffman, who district had windows blown in. and al “ jumpers. ” As is customary with Grauts Pass, visited friends living at suffered more or less damage to stock by tbe election of a critic teacher, a has been in California for some time visiting Mrs. J. S. Parson and other Rev. W. Hendrtekx, a prominent men of tbe “ jumping ” type, tbe Jacksonville Sunday. The mammoth skylight of the Guar graduate of the Illinois State Normal past, is spending her vacation at her friends living in Ashland, is at home member of the Missionary Union of method employed is that of overlap­ anty Loan building fell twelve storlet School, and an experienced supervisor again. Rev. Emil L. Girardi of L09 Angeles New York, is delivering a course of through the interior court and great of primary work in city schools, also & home on Applegate. has been making Rev. Arthur Lane a five lectures at the U. 8. Hall in ping. They locate an adjoining Eugene Casa jtnd bis family were on Owen Keegan, court-house janitor, claim and shove the bou.xiary over damage was done by water to offices short visit. Jacksonville to large and attentive The street car service was tied up foi physical director who was captain of is on duty agaln^ after a few weeks the southbound train Tuesday morn­ several pegs too far. Mr. Brigga R. N.’ Bishop, the mining expert, audiences. He is one of the ablest and states that this has been done, a several hours, trolley wires being both the football and tra^c teams in spent at Dead Indian springs. George ing, on route to San Francisco from who is operating in tbis section, went most Interesting lecturers that has “jumper” haying occupied one end ot , Henry has been acceptably filliog his Grant« Paas. down in all parts of the city as the one of the large eastern universities. over visited Southern Oregon, and north Tuesday evening. result of falling trees. The loss is es position In tbe mean time. C. L. Reames, deputy district attor­ bis holdings. tlmated at fully $1.000,000. Rheumatism. Chas. J. Nunan and George Von der pleases even those who do not believe Forest fires have driven many bears, ney, and his wife, also Misses Ella Orth Tbe sympathy and support of all The storm did great damage at St When pains or irritation exist on ' panthersl deer and other wild at Imais and Frances Donegan, got back from Hellen have gone to tbe springs, to with him. His answers to the queries local mining men are with the owners Louis Park, a suburb about six miles any part of the body, the application pl seed in the question box, some of Colestin Sunday evening. of the claim tbat made Sucker Creek I spend their vacation. from Minneapolis. The loss here is jf Ballard's Snow Liniment gives from their mountain homes in Clack­ which are very impertinent and silly, famous, and tbe offenders will be Thos. J. Keaton and E. P. Bower, Mrs. J. Russell and Miss Frances Nu- estimated at $60,000. p’ompt relief. E W. Sullivan, Prop. amas county, the animals entering and put there by smart Alexanders, quietly told to withd'aw their pegs nan, who have been stopping at Coles- the mining and timber experts have Glencoe, Minn., Aug. 22.—The tor Sullivan House, El Reno, O T, writes towns, where they have been shot. prove him to be equal to any emer­ and place them where they belong. nado struck the township of Rich Vai June 6, 1902: “1 take pleasure in rec­ Blue prints of township maps, show lln, during the past several weeks, re­ returned from Northern California. gency. Father Hendrickx will lecture ommending Ballard ’ s Snow Liniment ley and Bergen Saturday night about ing all vacant land, fifty cents each turned home tbe 'orepart ot the week. Frank Cameron, one of Applegate's at Medford and Ashland during the There is but little doubt tbat tbe all who are aflteted with Rheuma­ For reliable information concerning • o’clock, killing four persons, Mary to trouble will be settled peaceably, and tism. It is lhe only remedy I have Geo. H. Merritt of Central Point thriftiest farmers, brought a load of next fortnight. O’Donnell, aged 13, and the 7-year-old found tbat it gives Immediate relief ” government land write to Frank E. tbat no more breaches of mining eti­ I hogs to market this week. was in Medford Monday, on his way quette will occur in tbe new Eldo­ son of Patrick O'Donnell and Freder 25c., 50c.. and $1.00. Fc- Sale by Dr. Alley, Abstracter, Roseburg, Oregon to San Francisco. He will return to rado. J. Nunan, the pioneer merchant, is lek Gross and his mother, and destroy J. Hinkle, Central Point. G. P. Mims, one of the bright, active Z a Eugene by the time the U. of O. back from Cinnabar, where he spends Ing thousands of acres of grain and young operators In mines, bailing from Big Sale of Prone«. many barns, houses and sheds. his annual vacation. Fashions of the Early Au- Spokane, spent a few days during the O|Mns. The Pioneer Press building, a thir Will T. Tteames, formerly of Jack ­ J. Fitzgerald of Spokane, who is in­ past week with J. F. Reddy of the tumn. L. Nledermeyer, who owns tbe By­ teen-story brick and steel structure at Tbe Corvallis Prune Processing * sonville and Gold H1U, but dost of terested in the copper belt, was in our Blue Lead. He is now 00 his way to bee farm, located just north of Jack­ Packing Company is running night the corner of Fourth and Robert Berkeley, Calif., is paying this section city Tuesday, accompanied by a friend. streets, was literally riddled by the sonville, lost Dearly 800 bushels of and day, preparing for delivsry to Rich fabrics, fine laces, exquisite Touopab, Nev. a visit, after an absence of over two Jas. Geary of Trail Creek was In the grain in tbe stack by tire last Friday wind and flying debris. Nearly every needle-work and, above all, the skill H. E. Ankeny, who wm s'.rlcken New York buyers tbe last nd plausible stranger joy the pure atmosphere and splendid Mr. Thompson of Antelope was in drowned last Sunday while fishing near shaped body. Instead of the form of a and are particularly suited to seml- water for which that resort is noted. I oomes around after banking hours. | Medford Wednesday, feeling of the what is known as Douden Rapids, be­ baby being seen inside, however, th« fotmal occasions. The softest silks Mrs. Sherry A. Roden burger of Cen sheep market, which he found dull. tween Gold Hill and Gold Ray. throat of the orchid was a perfect are fashionable for these dressy Stop That Cough! representation of a little bird, some blouses, such as taffeta, having a ell- tral Point has sold her 50 acre tract, McKoight used a salmon hook, and Rev. Arthur LaDe will hold services When a cough, a tickling or an ir­ ' in the Catholic church Sunday at 8:30 the surrounding circumstances Indicate going so far as to say it was that of a very sheen and ^oft weave, or crepe- l located in Willow Springs district, to silks in pale colors, the (lark ritation in the throat makes you feel robin. Bird and cradle were both of finished that a large fish seized it; that the line -hades being used for blouses to ac­ Martin Liveem, late of California, who uncomfortable, take Ballard’s Hore­ a. m ; also at Medford at 10:30 a. m. pale yellow. The eyes ofi the bird company tbe street costume of voile, intends to handle poultry. Tbe con­ hound Syrup. Don ’ t wait until tbe SCOTTS EMULSION isms as a W. C. Sparks of Thompson creek, he was using wound itself around his were dark brown. The rest of the cloth or mixed stuffs. 1 sideration was $2200. M. Bellinger ne­ disease has gone beyond control. Mr. foot aud he was rendered powerloss In bridge to carry the wakened sad the genial stockman, waa among his orchids, though exquisite, paled into and Mrs. J.A. Anderson, 354 West 5th gotiated tbe sale. bis efforts to save himself. A contusion Starved system along until it cm fted Jacksonville friends a few days since. Insignificance beside the "Cradle of Lake City, Utah, write: “We at the top of his face gave tbe impression CENTRAL POINTERS. I Dr. D. J. S. Pearce of Poorman’s I I St.,Salt firm support in ordinary food. Venus." think Ballard’s Horehound Syrup the Mr. Loutzenheiser has been visiting that be was struck by a rock and per­ Creek was in our town Tuesday, ac­ best medicine for coughs and colds. Send for free sample. his old miniug chum, A. Steel. They STRIKERS ARE JUBILANT. Mrs. Mansfield of Toto was shopping companied by his sdn, Melvin. He in­ We have ured it for several years; it had not seen each other for a number haps stunned. SCOTT & BOWNE, CW«a Pearl Street, Neer Talk. The affair was witnessed by J. W. formed us that he will soon go to Klam­ always gives immediate relief, is very of years. 50c- aud fi .00; all druggist*. Claim the Packer»’ Loss During Strike here on Saturday. pleasant and gives perfect satisfac­ Hays, who was fishing on the other Exceede Seven Million Dollars. Hon. S. M. Nealon was in after sup­ ath Falls for bls son, Dan, who has tion.” 25c, 50c, $1.00. For sale ‘ by Al. Learned, the genial boss of “The side of the river, but unable to render sufficiently recovered from the serious Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point. Chicago, Aug. 22.—The packers will plies tbe first of tbe week. Boss,” has our thanks for a fine melon. any assistance. Others were along the i accident that befell him to return apply today in the state courts for an J. A. Houston of Sam’s Valley was It was thoroughly appreciated by tbe stream at the time and severs! went to home. injunction restraining the city from in town last Wednesday. Selection Made. T imes staff. the rescue as soon as possible..- The The Philadelphia mint has been in­ •nforcing Corporation Counsel Tol­ B. Vincent is hauling lumber from Walter Baxter of San Francisco, who body was found at the end of the de­ structed by the Treasury Department man's decision on the housing of The following is a list ot books and has been apcading his vacation at Jack­ ceased’s fishing pole, securely held by strike breakers In the stockyards. Ac- Spikenard for the J. B. Welch Co. to commence the coinage of lhe first supplies required in the Central Point sonville and Cinnabar, returned home the line. sording to the packed there are about W. W. Ediugton and family of Sam’s 25,000 souvenir Lewis and Clark gold public school: BOO strike breakers who live in the Valley visited friends of this city last dollars. As soon as this number has one day this week. McKnight was about 40 years of age Chart class—Slate and pencil. yards, aud these are all strangers in Sunday. been completed they will be shipped W. T. Kinney and Thos. Farlow, two and came to Jackson county from Cali­ First grade—Wheeler's primer, slate lhe city, Those who have lived in Prof. Mulkey of Ashland spent Fri­ direct from Philadelphia to the expo­ and pencil, writing book and drawing of Lake Creek’s wideawake citizens, fornia when a boy with his parents, the city. they say, return to their did business in the central valley re­ living at Jacksonville and on Foots day here In the Interest of the Normal sition authorities at Portland. Gomes every night. book No. 1. Creek before going to Gold HdL He cently. A crumb of comfort can be taken in The meeting of the Federation of school. Second grade—First reader, slate was married, but living apart from his Labor was wildly enthusiastic for the Mrs. E. B. Watson of Portland and family. Clark Rippey, who has been in Cali­ the fact that while there Is a great deal and pencil, writing book and drawing strikers. All the speakers declared fornia the past several months, re­ of smoke; there Is, as a rule, only book No. 2. Mrs. Phil. Metschan, Jr., of Heppner that victory was only a few hours turned home this week. a little fire. It would appear that In are visiting their old home in Jackson-' Third grade—Second reader, eie* Delicate. «way. many instances only the underbrush vllle. introductory mentary arithmetic, Mrs. J. Welch of Spikenard spent a "I do so like "The strike la won," said W. M. Is consumed, leaving the tall monarchs Geo. Lyman of Gold Hill precinct will , Rossel of the executive committee of couple of days with relatives of this of the forest practically uninjured. language, tablet and pencil, writing to travel,” said coon leave for Gray’s Harbor, and mq- book and drawing book No. 3. Miss Oldish, "but lhe Allied Trades conference board, city last week. Tbe only exception to tbis rule Is spend the winter there. He is afflicted Fourth grade-^Third reader, ele ­ it Is 10 expen which la conducting the strike. “Dur- Little Fay Grimes left for Yuba City, where a tree Is coated to its top with ng the past week the packers have Cal , Sunday, where she will make her pitch, and then the fire leaps to the mentary geography, elementary arith­ with malaria. alvau** oat ateadily and the men have gained. home with her aunt and go to school. foliage of the tree with a bound. metic, language lessons, primer of "One as young Hon. and Mrs. H. Von der Hellen of The committees that have already as you,*’ said the Whenever this occurs the entire tract health, speller, tablet and pencil, writ­ Wellen were among our visitors a’ few Mr. Shuck and family, late of Marlon is doomed, for the tope of conifers are asked aid of the labor organizations polite man. ing book aad drawing book No. 4. days ago. They have been making and the business men have been re­ county, have rented tbe A. O. Freel highly inflammable. “should be able Fifth grade—Fourth reader, elemen­ Colestin a short visit. residence and will spend the winter markably successful. to travel for half tary geography, practical arithmetic, E. T. Staples and C. T. Sanford of “The business men are collecting here. fare.” W eds an Indian Maid. Introductory language, a healthy Ashland attended the meeting of the $1000 a day. Let every union man do­ Mrs. J. S. Sims and daughter, Maud, body, speller, mental arithmetic, draw­ American Mining Congress, that was nate all he can and it will not be The Dimple. who have been spending the summer Superintendent T. W. Potter, of ing book and writing book No. 5. many days before the packers will Science may point out that a dimple held in Portland this week. returned home last at Thrall, Cal., the Indian Training School at Che- send out a flag of truce. The enforce­ Sixth grade—Fourth reader, ad­ is a blemish and that it has no busi­ Magnificent Stock Show M. L. Peliett of Ashland was in mawa.^vas married at Redding, Cal., vanced geography, graded lessons In ment of the laws of the city was a Thursday. ness on a perfect face, but science great blow to the packers. They have J. S. Rodgers and family left for Thur day, to Miss Mary J. Smith, a English, a healthy body, elementary city one day this week. He will could not write books enough to con­ found that they are not bigger than Palouse, Idaho, Tuesday morning, pupil in the school since 1895. The history, speller, mental arithmetic, $25 a month to any woman or vinte doubting man of this great truth. A tine o»mp ground with room for all, frosh all laws, although they have violated where they go to make their home. announcement occasioned Iu fact if a young lady has a couple water piped into the ground, plepty of shads. great practical arithmetic, writing book No competent to do general housework. Street Car Se'vice and lots of Entertain­ the most of them without hindrance. I These good people have made many surprise, as neither teachers nor of dimples mixed in with her other Good Mrs. Sophia Muller Krause of Klam­ ment and Education for everybody. tt. The packers hav« lost $7,000,000 and features the average man will over­ warm friends here, who are sorry to pupils were aware of the romance Seventh grade—Fifth reader, ad­ ath Falls and Miss Amelia Muller of are worse off today than they were look several other faults. She may progressing under their very eyes. * vanced geography, practical arithme­ San Francisco are visiting relatives perhaps be a trifle shy on education ■ the fourth day after the strike began." lose their neighbors. The bride is about 18 years of age tic, mental arithmetic, U. S. history, living in this section. end not have money enough to buy a. A88AS8IN OF PLEHVE DEAD. and baa been prominently identified speller, graded lessons in English, Herbyie Mrs. E. Wilkinson aud ber two sons slightly damaged duke, but if a girl 1 St. Petersburg, Aug. 22.—It is re­ Rende’s the bile more fluid and thus with Y. W. C. A. work at the school. writing book No. 7. are visiting in Jacksonville, They re* has a few dimples as her stock in trade 1 ported her« that th« assassin of M. 1 helps the blood flow; it affords prompt She is quarter-blood Winton, and ber Eighth grade—(J. 8. history, civil oently returned from a six weeks’ visit she can come pretty near taking her ' von Plehve, minister of the interior, relit f from biliousness, indigestion, home was near Redding, Cal. She government, practical pick of the young men of the neighbor- i To Pick Hops in arithmetic, at Fort Klamath. tied a few days ago. sick and nervous headache?, and the would have graduated iu two years. hood. She may marry for love or meutal higher lessons In English, i --------- < ....... ove- Indulgence in food and drink. Those wishing employment at a good money, whichever she sees fit Superintendent Potter is well arithmetic, fifth reader and writing _...........- S I Herbi»e acts quickly a dose »Ber figure Should apply at once at the bop i It is mighty easy for a man. if he la It Will Be To Your Interest, meals will bring tbe patient into a I kuown in the ftate and throughout book No. 8 yards ot John Runzau, Jr., located a cenvtasod that a dimple is a blemish, ----------- flood condition in a few days. the Indian ssrvice. He 1« a man ap­ High school text books announced at few miles west of Grants Pass. He when tie has won the favor of a girl G. L. Caldwell, Agt. M. K. and T.- proaching 50 years. For the past 18 two miles west of Grants If you contemplate visiting the opening of school. who is afflicted with them to console R., Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes, pays the best wages. St. Louis Exposition, to secure reliable R. Pass. School will open Sept 5th. himself with the thought that non« of April 18, 1903: “I was sick for over years be has been In the service in information as to railroad service, two years with enlargement of the some capacity or other. It wa9 In Mrs. J. A. Harvey of Stockton, Cal., us are perfect anyway. 1 will be at the public school build­ These are tbe Largest Yards in the lowest rates and the best routes. and spleen. The Sectors did me the early ’90s that Potter began bis ing during the forenoons of Sept. 1st has been camping at Colestin with her Southern Oregon, where none Also as to local conditions in St. liver m good and 1 bad given up all hopeof career as superintendent of an Indian parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, O. Greg­ but the best hops are grown. Louis; hotels, etc. and 2d for the purpose of examining cured, when my druggist ad­ ory of Ashland, and her sister, Mrs. H. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth, If you will write the undersigned, being Picking will begin in a short time school. He wrs at Fort Toten, N. and classifying new pupils. me to use Herbine. It has made ' stating what information you desire, vised Yeo. somewhat earlier than usual. Be sure and use that old and well- D., and later at Cherokee, N. C. At me sound and well. ” 50c. For sale by ; A. X, H andy , Principal. the same will be promptly furnished. Dr. Hinkle at Central Point. Ex-Senator Cameron returned Wed­ tried remedy.M bs . W inslow ’ s S ooth ­ this latter place ha met and married Apply soou to If we do not bave it on hand will nesday from Galice Creek, where he ing S yrup , for children teething. It secure it for you if possible, and with­ his first wife, an Indian woman and TORTA.. soothes the child, softens the gums, JOHN RANZAU, Jr., out any expense to you. Address dears toe 'M l’'"- *a HaV8 *i*Ms M'/’ tbe daughter of a powerful Cherokee Dean th* lhe Kind You Hara Always Bous* has been the guest or Frank Ennis. allays the pain, cures wind colic and Grants Pass, Oregon. B. H T bumbull , They played havoc among the fish of is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. chief. She waa famed throughout her ligutu* Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, fig ristar» Twenty-five cents a bottle. that district. asetioo of tbe country as a beauty. Portland. Ore. tf tf f THE (/LB RELIABLE AT ll IIInnlAIIII turneii froin Ul lUlllillUU Jumping Claims. I Grain Destroyed by Fire. I Found a Watery Grave. SUPPORT UUth Annual State Fair Good Attractions Splendid Racing Best of Band Music $10,000 in Premiums 3Q0 Wanted RANZAU YARDS c a