Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1904)
ITrppV A Jayne’s Carminative Balsam —The Standard Remedy for Summer Complaint. Cramps, Colic, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach and Vomiting, also for Dysentery, Diarrhaa or Looseness. Asiatic Cholera. Cholera Morbus, and Cholera infantum. JAYNE’S CARMINATIVE BALSAM has been used with great success for 73 years. Wa will send Free to any person who will enclose a two-cent stamp in part payment for the mailing, a trial size bottle of JAYNE’S CARMINATIVE BALSAM. Write your Name, Town and State plainly to insure your getting the same. JL * PERSONAL MENTION. i Sent to Jail. Crops and Weather. Miss Bessie Nickel eturned Monday from a trip to Colestin. Two splendid specimens of the The past week has been dry, warm, genus hobo were landed in the county and in most sections quite smokey. Dr. W. F. Kremer of Grants Pass jail Monday, the result of being too The grain harvest lias proceeded un was in Medford Monday. handy with other people's property. interruptedly, and in the Willamette 1 Mrs. F. E Rapp of Talent went to They call themselves Roberta and valley and the southern part of the Address: Philadelphia. | Newport one day this week. Raster, but it Is doubtful if those are state most of tbe fall grain has been Miss Marie Nickell was among those the Daroes worn by their parents. thrashed. Fall wheat yields ei6t of COUNTY RECORDS. who went to Colestin Sunday. The chances of one, If not both, to du the Cascades continue excellent, but Geo. Walter of Applegate, the well- time in the Oregon penitentiary are In the Willamette valley and South Matters of Importance Transacted at known pioneer, was among us Tuesday. flattering. ern Oregon hardly an average crop has The large*t aum ever paid for a prescription A very bad pest is visiting the c nanged hands in San Francisco Aug. 30. 1001. They were seen loitering about the been secured. Early seeded spring Mins Pauline Reuter has returned the Court Houae. Josephine The transfer involved in ooin and stock «Ut,- watermelon Industry In from a visit to Portland and Thu 8. P. depot at Medford by Chief of wheat made a good crop, and that SOO aad was paid by a party of business men county, says the Grants Pass Ob Police Angle Saturday night, and seeded late is turning out better than Dallas. REAL ESTATE. for a specific for Bright’s Disease and Diabetes server. It appears in the way of a wiiicb hitherto Incurable diseases. M. Dally who has been at Hilts, when Prof. G. R. Carlock’s grip expected, notwithstanding Hugh Sanders to P A Knotts, 4 They commenced the serious Investigation of small gray bug and does its work at much of it has already been cut for (which he had deposited on a bench appearances the acres in secs 16 and 21,tp 36,,3 w; 1110. Caiif., is spending his vacation near in the waiting-room while .he went hay on account of the straw being too tbe specific Nov. l&, 100U They Interviewed night. From all Wm Hall to R H Hibbs, s| of swj Roxy Ann. scores of the cured and tried It ont on Its hirm results from a puncture of the across the street) was found to be short to be harvested with binders. mettle by putting over three doxen cases on of sec 32, tp 35, 2 w; $3000. Senator Carter and his wife of Ash plants a few inches above the ground. missing they were suspicioned at O its are below the average in quan the treatment and watching them. They also D J Abraham to Maurice Abraham, land, are back from a four month's • go physiciens to name chronic, Incurabl When a plant is thus affected ft soon tity Barley yields are variable, but once. has sec 2, nI of sw) sec 1, el sec 3, nwj trip in the East. essea, add administered it with tbe physician withers and dies. This pest Joe Howard, former chief, took up mostly good. The quality of all grain or judges. Up to Aug. 2S elghty-aeven per bothered the melons for several sea- »ec 11, tp 35, 1 w; 11. John P. Jones, the genial traveling the clue, and on Sunday was rewarded this year is better than usual. oent. of the teat eases were either well or pro sons past, but not to such an extent L A Pike, adm estate of Hyman passenger agent of the S. P. Co., was by obtaining the evidence that left no Pasturage is getting very short and greasing favorably. is Abraham, to Maurice Abraham, nF of with us Tuesday. There being but thirteen per oent. of fallurea, as to cause much damage. It doubt uf the guilt of the parties, and the milk supply in the dairy districts tbe parties were satisfied and cloaed the trans- thought that most of the ground sec 1, fee 2, ej of sec 3, nw of sec 11, D, Campbell, the successful miner, ; he immediately arrested them. With is diminishing, Hop burs a>e form aatton. The proceedings ot the Investigating utilized this year for the industry tp 35, 1 w; 4600. was up from Evans Creek district a an audacity, that might be inter- ing nicely and the vines continue free oommittee and tbe clinical reports of the teat 1 John A Cook to Samuel Morris, lots few days last week. oases were published and will be mailed tree I will be untit for further use in that pre ted as being imbecility, they of- of lice. It is expected that even with 7 and 8, blk 32, Gold Hill; «400. line. The mclan patches west of application. Addreaa Jos» J. F ultok C o . I W. F. Ashpole of Eagle Point was fered the grip for sale and foimd a favorable weather from now on tbe E B Pickel to M W Foster, nA of I town are those most affeoted. In one in Medford Monday, to feel of tbe purchaser in Mr. Ferguson, who did crop will be smaller than last year, patch there have been about 32 acres lots 8, 9 and 10, blk 2, Medford; notwithstanding the ircreased acre stock market, which doei not suit his not mistrust that it was stolen. totally destroyed, and many others are «1000. Riberts and Kaster were taken to age. Corn is doing nicely, but it fancy a little bit. Geo H Andrews to Robert B Reame, nearly as bad. The only melon fields .Jacksonville and had a preliminary would be benefited by rain, while Mr. and Mrs. E A. Hicks and Miss I free of the pest are found on the Up lot 7, blk 80, Medford; «60. examination in Justice Dox’s court( potatoes and gardens are actually Geo H Andrews to Robert B Reame, Cora Cameron have gone to Tolmau per Applegate. It is stated by some There was nothing for the magistrate suffering for moisture; late planted Springs, to camp a few weeks. growers that the too frequent plant lot 9, blk 80, Medford; «50. to do but to biod them over to appear potatoes will, however,.turn out well Geo H Andrews to Lizzie Reame, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.Gay lelt for New at the Septemter term of circuit if good rains occur within tbe uext ing of the same groupd to melons is port, on Yaquina Bay, Sunday even court, and he placed their bonds at two weeks. Early apples, Crawford mainly responsible for the develop lot 8, blk 80, Medford; «50. ment of the pest. State of Oregon to Agnes Owens, ing, for a short outing. •500 each, that was equivalent to peaches and blackberries are ripe and lota 2 and 3, sec 36, tp 36, 1 w, 55 Mrs. E. J. Kubli, Misses Issie McCul holding them without bail. being marketed. acres; «110.22. The contents of Prof. Carlook’s Cur«* Sciatica. ly and Frances Barnes went to Ashland CANDY grip were found at the camp the EP Bennett to Albert^ Tayler, Tuesday, on a short visit. Rev- W. L. Riley, L. L. D., Cuba, Taken with Cramps. criminals had made in the yard of cathartic 54 acres in lot 23, Enoch Walker New York, writes: "After fifteen Chas. O. Ramsey Is In Douglas coun F. Osenbrugge's wagon depository. Win. Kirmse, a member of the days of excruciating pain from scist(« place; «5500. ty, but will return to this section as bridge gang working near Littleport, rheumatism, under various treat Wm Owens to James and Calvin wis taken suddenly ill with cramp - soon as fruit-packing begins. ments, I was induced to try Ballard’s Herblae and a kind of cholera. His case was i Snow Liniment; the first application Owens, 160 acres in sec 12, tp 37, 1 w; W. S. Barnum, president of the R. Renders tbe bile more fluid and thus so severe that he had to have the giving my first relief and the second «1. R. V. R., left for the north the fore help* the bloqd flow; It affords prompt members of the crew waiton him and entire relief. 1 can give it uniyualttied Lucy E Payne to Jesse Copeland, THE part of the week, on a short business relief from biliousness, indigestion, Mr. Gifford was called and consulted. recommendation.” 25c, 50, «1.00. For lot 1, sec 10, tp 39, 1 e; «1. HeeMoi. Palatable Pou nt. Taste Good. Do sick and nervous headaches, and tbe He told them he bad a medicine in Sale by Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point. Hood. Rover Slohen. Weaken, or Gripe. Nr. Sac. jOc Lavinia E Bull to Sarab A Griffith, trip. ove-indulgence in food and drink. the form of Chamberlain'sColic, Chol Fred Knox and Al. York, two of Herbine acts quickly a dose after era and Diarrhoea Remedy that be ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... land In sec 33, tp 37, 1 w; «1200. S»»ra.g Bwa, Ckl«»,«. x.- Terk. Wl MARRIED T H Moore to Alfred J Weeks and Jcsephioe county’s energetic young meals will bring the patient into a thought would help him out, and ac MA TA MAA Soldand guaranteed bv all drug cordingly several doses were adminis IU*IU*Mw (tuaw CIKS Touauev llabU- Edith Orr, lots 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, men, spent Tuesday afternoon In Med good condition in a few days. G. L. Caldwell, Agt. M. K. and T. tered with the result that the fellow ford. » H ayes —H effner -At Jacksonville, blk 45, Medford; «2600. R. R., Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes, was able to be around next day. The Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Murphy returned April 18, 1903: “I was sick for over incident speaks quite highly of "Jr. August 12, 1904, by Henry Dox. J. F M Carter to Ashland Electric THE P., O. R. Hayes and Miss Sadie Heff Power Co, property In secs 8 and 9, tp Sunday from Colestin, where the latter two years with enlargement of the Gifford’s medicines.—Elkader, Iowa, CLEANSING has been stopping during tbe past six liver and spleen. The doctors did me Argus. This inodicioe never fails. a ND HEALING ner, of Big Butte. 39,1 e. no good and 1 had given up all bopeof Keep it ¡in your iiotue, It may save weeks. CURE FOR PROBATE. 1 C artwright —W attenbürger — In being cured, when my druggist ad life. For sale by City Drug Store. Mrs. Jas. Buckley of Applegate has vised me to U9e Herbine. It bas made Medford, Aug. 8, 1904, by Rev. F. Guardianship of Phoebe J BendUre. W. Carstens, W. C. Cartwright and Report and resignation of C P Snell been visiting her sister Mrs. T. Mc- me sound and well.” 50c For sale by Andrew and Mrs. Jas. Carr, who llve Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point. la Miss Maggie Bellinger Wattenburg- as guard'an accepted. er. Estate of Rufus Cole. Chloe A Cole near Medford. Sly's Cim E. Sargent was In Medford the fore The Ray dam has been the cause of I , T yrrell —D odge —At Ashland, Aug. appointed administratrix. Balm part of the week. He is employed at further protests, and on Friday Gov- Estate of Ubas W Kahler. Will ad 9, 1904, by Rev. W.T.Van Scoy.Jolin Easy ind pleasant t uaa. Captains do ' la ‘ ernor Chamberlain received a petition 1 H. Tyrrell and Mias M. Ella Dodge- mitted to probate. Thos P Kahler ap tbe noted Dewey mine, located near jurioua drug. Another cate new in the juris- for the removal of the dam or the | Gazelle, Calif. pointed executor and D Lion, CC It is quickly absorbed Beekman and T J Kenney, appraisers. BORN. John H. McClendon, Ed. Bolt and prudence of Southern Oregou has construction of additional tishladders. ’ • Glvse Relief al on*«. It Opens and Cleanses Several letters have teen received 1 the Nisei Passages. Allays Inflammation ----- ------ — Estate of W H Caine, Sr. A E Kel 8. W. McClendon, some of Gold Hill’s been brought in tbe circuit court for “ - -------- ------- Beals and Protects the Membrane. Restores Jackson county, and promises to be at the Executive cftice recently on tbe Senses or Taste and Smell. Lance Size. H opkins —In Suda Springs District, logg appointed administrator and 1 E prominent citizens, were Medford visi K oenta. at Druggists or by mall; Trial Site W oue of mure than usual interest. It this subject, and the Governor re Aug. 1, LWM, to Mr. and Mrs. AL DeBoy, R H Moore and W A Carter tors Monday. oent*. by mail. involves the title to the U. S. Hotel ferred them to Fish Warden Van ELYBBOTBERS. M Warren St , New York appraisers. Hopkins, a daughter Miss Nora Sydow of Central Point iu Jacksonville, a two-story brick Duaen. In answer to this the latter Estate of C E Hufstader. Inventory Row»—At Peyton, Jackson county, was aboard the southbound train Fri wrote that although there are many Aug. 1, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. John of appraisement filed, showing prop day, en route to Ventura, Calif., to structure. When Mrs. Henrietta Defloboam fish below the Ray dam, there are but erty to the value of «1350. Rowe, a sou. teach school. died she left a considerable amount of few being killed in their effort to get W entworth —At Ashland, Aug. 12, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. Ed. Welch, manager of the Welch real estate, county warrants, etc. above tbe obstruction. 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Went Patrick & Mitchell, Ashland; to sell Lumber Co., which is running two She had previously deeded tbe land However, on the 12th, a petition worth, a daughter. gents* furnishing goods, etc. Capitol mills this season, did business in Med on which the county hospital stands was ¡ecelved from a number of citi C astrr —In Roxy Precin *t, Aug. 14, stock 49,000; incorporators, Elmer Pat ford Saturday. and several hundred acres adjoining zens of Gold Hill, io which they pro 1S04, |o Mr. and Mrs. Otto Caster, rick, W C Mitchell, W A Patrick. A. F. Chaney, the genial miner, was to her daughter, Mrs. Emil DeRo- test against existing conditions. a 11-pound bog. MINBR’S LISN. on the southbound train one day last boatu. By her will she gave her hus They say: W arner —At Grant) Pass, Aug. 10, Thomas F Elliott vs C D Sexton; week, on his way to Hornbrook, Calif., band, Jean St. Luc DeRoboam, the •’We do not aver that the present 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin War claim 497.29 from a trip north. furniture of tbe U. S. Hotel, a life tishladder is entirely worthless, but ner, a son. MARKS AND BRANDS. Prof. J» B. Horner of the Oregon estate in that bulldiog, a residence we claim that it is wholly inadequate Y H Allen, Sterling; horses branded Agricultural College was or the north on California street in Jacksonville, to allow more than a very small cum A on right shoulder and cattle A on bound train Tuesday en route from several thousand dollars in county ber of tbe sa,mon to proceed up the warrants, etc. To her only son, Rogue River to their spawning Klamath cou ity. right hip. new cases . E lliott —In Wimer Precinct, August Judge Prim has returned from a Augustine Schmidling, she willed tbe grounds. U. S. Hotel, to get possession of the “Thousands of fish are daily killed 12, 1904, Dayton Elliott, aged about O E Moon e vs Wm Monrce^llvorce. fortnight's sojourn at the sounding at this point ano their decomposed 40 years. sea. Judge Crowell will remain a while building after her husband's death. C B Watson attorney for plaintiff. Mr. DeRoboam has come to tbe carcasses float down the river, pollut puger»« C*flforol> Perfume» H urn —At Chehalis, Wash., Aug. 12, Pauline M McCoy vs Philip McCoy; longer at Newport. conclusion that he ought to have a ing the water to a very serious ex 1904, Joseph 'W. Hurn, aged 47 divorce. W I Vawter attorney for ■¿•.I« th» Stxt» where toe John C. Barnum Is again In charge clear lit e to the hotel building, too, lent, especially for this town, whose years. wta«t •»•« tarn» la U m plaintiff. of the R. R. V. R., as conductor, after and has brought suit to set asid* ti e supply for drinking and domestic pur VM MunL Caroline A Swacker vsOvear slack an absence of several months at Port ST. E a BLK—At Granta Pass, Aug. 7, legal pr oceedings ^whereby bis late p»esis taken from^ tbe river, and CaBfornta*« rweetest odore ltfo4, Ora, wife of Harry St. Earle; er; divorce. G W Colvin atterney for land and The Dallas. wife became pieseswor of tbe property. thus the Leal th of this community i< • gaottfly bottled for those plaint fl. aged 31 years. J. B. Taylor, who has been mining He claims that he furnished tt e greatly endangered. Either ad Bg ctoMt ristt and »co and L T Jones and Fred J Flcke vs A j near Jacksonville, returned to Med money with which the hotel was ditional fishladders should be pro gk Mi «M«U the beautiful Weeks; writ of review. A E Kearnes ford last week. He will remain until Stop That Cough! bld io by the doceued at a foreclosure vided at once or the obstruction re pwwb ef Ma wonderful Stats and C L Reames attorneys for plain the wet season opens. sale, which be says is also vo’d be moved, and your petitioners will ever When a coug|>, a tickling or an ir o«r aov Ba» arrived— ritation in the throat makes you feel tiff. A. S. Rosenbaum, who has been act cause o' a number of errors made by pray.” «•*t yoa <nna and sre th* uncomfortable, take Ballard’s Hore COMMISSIONERS’ COURT. ing as S. P. agent at Shasta Retreat, lawyers and officers; hence, as sole heir fohnn frem tbs West, RlegsPs hound Syrup. Don’t wait until the The petition ot Lee Watkins for a Calif., returned to Merlin Monday, ac of bis sister, who originally owned ^•Hfnmla PeritMDSSl disease has gone beyond contruL Mr. A tbe ptoperty and was defendant in and Mrs. J.A. Anderson, 364 West Sth change in a county road was con companied by his wife. the suit to foreclose the mortgages on St.,Balt Lake City, Utah, write: “We tinued until next term. J. S. Howard, who has been at Port it, he is entitled to tbe building. think Ballard’s Horehound Syrup the In re petition of E D Briscoe for a land, returned Monday. His trip evl J. YT. oblnsons rug tore, best medicine for coughs and bolds. county road. H. L. Smith, a mining luui of Garl T. Jones, Sam dently agreed with him, for be appears We nave used it for several years; it Jacksonville, Ore. Josephine county, died at Grants Rheumatism. always gives immediate relief, is very Vestal and John Bergman were ap more chipper than ever. • Pus, Friday evening, a« the result of pleasant and gives perfect satisfac pointed viewers. When pains or irritation exist on Mrs. J. A. Wilson left for San Fran injuries sustained in a runaway acci tion.” 25c, 50c, «1.00. For sale by any part of the body, the application Resignation of T B Higinbotbam as cisco Tuesday morning, on a visit of of Ballard’s Snow Liniment gives dent in that town on the Wednesday Dr. Hinkle at Central Point. supervisor of district No 29, accepted some weeks. She was accompanied by prompt relief. E W. Sullivan, Prop. preceding. He was driving down the and John Rowe appointed in hla Sullivan House, El Reno, O. T , writes her granddaughter, Gracie. place. tbe man who wears June 6, 1902: “I take pleasure in rec street at a dying gait, when he lust Chas. Campbell and his family left ommending Ballard's Snow Liniment control of his horses ac.d was thrown Vloleat Attack of Diarrhoea Cared for their home at Stockton, Calif., to all who are afflicted with Rheuma out of the vehicle, striking on the Monday. The latter have been visit tism. It is the only remedy 1 have back, causing, the fracture of his by Chamberlela'a Callc.Chalera EXCELStOSt f >und that It gives immediate relief ” ing jn Jacksonville for some time. BRAND •ad Diarrhoea Remedy awd 25c.. 50c., and «1.00. For Sale by Dr. apinai column and prralysis of the lower limbs resulting, also being se Ralph Jennings of Sterling, the ge J. Hinkle, Central Point. Perhaps a Life Saved. Slickers verely cut and bruised about tbe nial miner, was one of our late visitors. BAWYEB- h Bwsfotor “A short time ago I was taken with Hr«» 4 Oiled Clotl aa<- bead. It is stated that Smith Best in tbe world. tt J) violent attack of diarrheas and be He reports that cleaning-up operations not <-ra< k, peel or i-rt lieve I would bave died if I had uot bad been drugged aud had lost self- have been begun at the Sterling mine. sticky, 1-ook lol m.k mark If n< t st dealer'» gott4n relief,” says J. J. Patton, a control at the time of the accident, •end lor catalogue. S. C. Bartrum, supervisor of forest leading citizen of Patton, Ala. “A as of «500 which he is known to have M. k.Bavyvra S m . s H v nir Cast I ■■sear». »•— Arnold & Hutchins’ Carnival Com had only 430 was found on bis person friend recommended Chamberlain’s reserves In Southern Oregon, was in Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. this section during the week. He is psny is stranded In Tacoma, mort after the injury. The deceased was I bought a twenty-five cent bottle ana well pleased with the state» of affairs about 48 years of age and leaves a gaged, bankrupt and unable to pay wife and children in San Francisco. after taking three doses was entirely hereabouts. railroad fare to Spokane. One hun cured. I consider it the beat remedy Miss May me Ragsdale left for Cole- dred and fifty employes of the vari in the world for bowel complaint.’’ I Cure Sick Kidney«, For sale by City Drug Store. stin Tuesday morning, where she will ous shows grouped together at tbe Bladder and Ovarian diseases, and pass her vacation. M. Purdin will act Mardi Gras grounds nnt and Mr. Jacksonville, Orefoi. Ta* Populist leaders of the West aa chief clerk at Hotel Nash in the Hutchins kindly but firmly explained all weaknesses in either sex with Cal ifornia Yerba Lip-Tus, a simple herb are hatching a scheme for a political meantime. to them bis financial condition and of great potency. Don,I delay. Send EtUbllthtd in 1865. alliance of their party with the various GREATEST " STRENGTH John C. Lewis of Portland, the capi offered to pay them all salaries at 25 2 eta. postage for free treatment. FINEST FLAVOR AND THE SCHOOL <ontiuue* tbe careful train labor organizations of the oountry. talist, who is interested In several cents on the dollar, saying: “Unless P rof . H. W. H ill , Box 731-A, Lt s lug and thorough instruction for which ABSOLUTE PURITY Tom Watson, Populist candidate for mines in Josephine and Douglas coun Angeles, Calif. It b favorably known. you will accept 25 cents in full for G uaranteed president recently, accepted an invita TH* MUSICAL DEPARTMENT la always tion to address the striking packing ties, has been visiting his brother, your claims you won’t get anything.” in ebarge of cow pc tent and expertenced- Tom a *.. teacbers. Board and Tuition per Session house employes at Kansas City on La C. H. Lewis. While the force of this argument The Kind You Have Always Bot^ of Twenty Weeks. $80. Studies begin leers the bor Day. September 8, IMS Mr. Donovan of Still water, Minn., Impressed itself on their minds and Ng utue For prospectus, addreaa who has been in Southern Oregon dur they thought of tbe miles and miles ing the past several months, left for of railroad ties between Tacoma and Sisters of the Holy Names. home a few days since. He expects to Spokane and tbe stern nece^jty of breakfast, lunch and dinner, most of return as he likes this section. the carnival people accepted the in Carmel Martin, the baseball artist, evitable with ill grace. who has been spending the past few LOCATED 1 MILES NORTH OF JACKSONVILLE Civil Engineer and Locator of Tbe Arnold show gave a “carnival” months in Southern Oregon, returned OWNED BV A P ARMSTRONG, OF PORTLAND. OREGON in Grants Pass a couple of years ago, to California last week. He will soon Government Land, To Pick Hops in and it was rather a “punk” affair. enter a school to prepare himself for WIMER, - OREGON. the practice of law. Sick Headache. Henry Pape, who Is an expert print for liatchiug purposes,» from Pure-Bred, High-Grade Barred Plymouth Rock "For several years my wife was Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction chickens, is dirt cheap. The Barred Plymouth Rock is the last all-round chick er, has returned to Salem. While here troubled with what physicians called two miles west of Grants he put up handsome frames contain sick headache of a very severe char en known; matures early, grows large —a good layer, and unsurpassed for th-.- acter She doctored with several phy ing railroad time cards and advertise Pass. staHle. First coms, first served. Order now, and th uh make sure of a start in these superior'fowls. There is money ill tlicm, whether raised for the tuaikel ments of business men in the most con sicians at a great expense, only to These are tbe Largest Yards In • grow worse, until she waa unable to do or for home use. It costs as much to keep a “scrub** chicken as a pure-bred. spicuous places in Medford, Jackson any Southern Oregon, where none a a work. About a year ago she but the best hops are grown. a ville, Ashland and Grants Pass. This began taking Chamberlain’s Stomach Call at the farm, or write and it is not worth half as much for any purpose. a Is a clever creation, original with Mr. and Liver «Tablets and today weighs Picking will begin In a short time a C R ARMSTRONG JACKSONVILLE. OREGON a more than she ever did before "ana is • MONTHLY MAGAZINE somewhat earlier than usual. Pape, and attracts much attention. a real well,’ says G. E. Wright of-New a 4 VaMiLV LiiiRanv a Apply soon to a London, New York. For Sale at City • a CA»TORIA. a Drug Store The Bttl ¡2 Cunsnt litaatBid JOHN RANZAU, Jr., a «•or* ths The Kind YoiHlttSAIwajls BongM a »2 Noait V earh TO vuro vouHtipauon rorevwr. Grants Pass, Oregou. a MORMON BISHOPS* PILLS have best in us- Signature «koCasoarets Candy Cathartio 10c orSfiu many SHOW’ STORIES AND I over W years Ly the leaders of the Mormon Church and their <g n Q tr cure drup*c,sL< refund numat ÌN Bright’s Disease. CATARRH I A DR. D. JAYNE <Sb SON, The Kind You Have Always Bought, anti which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and 1 as been made under his per sonal «upervbrion since its iirfancy. Allow uo one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ".Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trille with anti endanger the health of Infant* and Children—Experience against Experiment« What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea ami Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, «•lires Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tlie Food, regulates the Stomach aud Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. .OREGON . State Normal School Monmouth, Oregon Begins its 23d year on September 30. 10M Four terms in each school year, affording equal opportunities for beginning a course in September.November.February and April. The best training for teachersis the Normal Course with its assurance of good positions at good wages Write for new catalogue containing I. 11 Information, ooncernlng course of study training in actual teaching afforded under real condition» iu toan and country schools, and full details about tbe ad» anced course of study wah tbe additional adi antages attached Address Secretary J. B. V. BUTLER or President E. D. BRESSLER. He Wants It All. STATE NORMAL. Monmouth. How About Your Summer Vacation? Newport od Yaquina Bav is tbe Ideal seaside resort of tbe North Pad'- fle Coast. Mound trip tickets at greatly reduced rateron sale from all Southern Pacific points in Oregon, on and after June 1st. Ask agents for further information and a handsomely illustrated souvenir booklet, or write to Edwin Stjne, Manager C. & E. R. R., Albany, Ore., or W E Coman. G. P. A. 8. P. Co., Portland. TOniA. The Kind Y m Nne Ahnys BotsM NOTICZ IS BEREBY GIVEN THAT TBE undersigned has filed hl* final account a* ad- mlrtstrator of tbe estate of Wm «. Cook, deceased. In tbe^Coun'y Cougt for Jackson county, Oregon, im Hvn G W Dunn, tbe judge of said .■ourt. has fixed Thursday, tbe Mh day of Sept ntber l#S'. st 10 o'clock a. m., at tbe <x.u.t house In Jacsson county, Oregon, as the time and place tor tne beartnv of objecting thereto and the settlein. nt of said estate Ail persons having object ons to said account are hereby required to present tbe same at sail time and place Dated this 3d day o.' August, 11» 4. ROBT. M.COOK, Administrator. J. R. N kil . Attorney SAWYER’S DEVERS Arnold Shows Collapsed. St. Mary’s Academy, N. D. YOUNG, 3 . 15 CENTS PER EGG RANZAU YARDS VIM! VIGOR! VITALITY! PAPERS ON I.VIELY TOPICS $2 SO pcw » ca * 25 cts acor » CONTINUED S1URIES VARY »UMBER vOMRLw.a <N Htlu- followers. Positively cures the worst case. In old and young >se, dfwMpstlon, trioiiiK Iron eftecta of wlLubuse, dtv>lpstlon, exceanea, ezcotKa, or cigarette cigarutte smoking. iinoklng. Cares Leat .»«.torrhuea, Inaomnla, U-nha-d. Impoteni-y, L«at Power, Night—Lowro, Hp«rna*torrboo< "»lei in Back, Evil Daalreo, •amlnal Kmiaaiona, l.ama T Bath, Nerroa, Debility. ■ ••dacha, UrS'ieM to Marry, L ob « of fleuten, Varl- —— caM-ele.orCoaatlpae' ion, Btopa Q,alckne«a -ag Dlorharff«, Btopa Narrow, Twtiehlag of Eye- 50 id». Effect, are immediate, impart vigor and potency to every CENTS function. Don't get organs. Stimulates deipond^nt, a cure U at hand. Restores small, enaevelopea _______ _____ ____________ the brain and uerve ee «era. 60C. a box, C for tt .M by mail. A written cuarantM, Co cure 01 ■none; refuadao, with b boxea. Circular* free. Addrava, BISHOP REMtiDY CO., San Franclsea, Cat At JL P. Estabrook, Gold Hill. To Cure a Cold in One Day ftX Take Laxative Bromo Quimne TsNets./»V Z trnfi M MoB i baB-aoMtaHMiamoBiba. Thfa signature, * on every box. 25c. - - Oregon. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. The undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified a« Administrator of the estate ot Rebecca Crump, late of Jackson Cvunty, Ore All . persons having eiaim* _ gon . deceased ___ _ : 2 : zZf same, duly verified, to tbe under»igned at hi« residence near Jacksonville. Jackson County, Oregon, within .lx months from the date of this notice. Dated thl. 27th cay of July, A. D. ISM. JOHN G. CRUMP. Administrator of th« Estate of Rebecca Crump, deceased. A. E. and C. L. R xambs , Attorneys. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. The undersigned,having been duly appointed administrator of the Estate of Clarendon Mor rison.late of Jackson county,Ore .deceased .per sons having claims against said Estate are ( hereby notified to present them, with the pro per vouchers st »ached, to me at Jacksonville, Oregon, within six months from tbe date hereof Dated this di th day of July, 1904 ORIS CRAWFORD, Administrator ot the Estate at Clarendon Morrison, deceased NOTICE OF FIN A L SE TTLEM ENT WHI'T'AÇ’ea Cream Vermifuge THE 6U1RAITEEÌ WORM REMEDY THE CHILDREN’S FAVORITE TONIC, A Fatal Accident CAN’T UCK ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Want More Fish Ladders. ¡forma» A aswswc or miTSTioaa. etnuiHS paxeanco ohlt st Ballard*Snow Liniment Co» • T. LOUIS MO. th i Sold l>y Dr. J. Hinkle. Central Point. BLACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE A sallow coinidexion, dizziness, biliousness ana a coated tongue are common indications of liver and kidney diseases. Stomach and bow el troubles, severe as they are, give immediate warning by pain, but liver and kidney troubles, though less painfubat the start, are ; much harder to cure. Thedford’s j Black-Draught never fails to bene fit diseased fiver and weakened kid ney*. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw off the germs of fever and ague. It is a certain preventive of cholera and Bright's disease of the kidneys. With kidneys re inforced by Thedford’s black- Draught thousands of persons have dwelt immune in the midst of yel low fever. Many families live in perfect health and have no other i doctor than Thedford's Black- ' Draught. It is always on hand for use in an emergency and saves many expensive calls of a doctor. > Mullin*, S. C, March K), I have used Thedford * Black-Dreught • for three year* and I have not had to so ■ f to a doctor since I have been taking IL ■ [ It 1« the best medicine for ire that i* S L on the market for liver and kidney > I trouble* and dvipepaia and other W complaint*. Rev. A G. LBW IS. << NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. USITKD STATBS LAKD OPTICS. R ossburg , Oregon, May 31. 1MM. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with tbe provisions ot the act ot Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands tn the States of California. Ore gon. Nevada and Washington Territory,*’ as extended to all the Public Land States by act oX August 4. 1892. Erick Oberg ot Iron River, County ot Jackson, State ot Michigan, filed in this of!ice on May 31,lW)4,his sworn statement tbe purchase of tbe SH Sc, No. 6192 tor " of Section No 28, lc Township No. 37 South. of Range No. 3 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more than valuable for its timber or stone tor agricultural purposes, , and to estab- ____ before the Register llsh his claim to _____ said land I_______________ aud Receiver of this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on Monday, the 2*fi day of August, 1904. He names as witnesses: Jamee Skinner, E L. Giles, Wilber E'ratjklin aud Louis Oberg, all of Roseburg, Oregon. Any and ail persons claiming adversely tbe above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said *«d day of August, 1904. J. T. B ridgrr , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U n it an status L amp Orn< a, Roseburg, Ore., May 31. 1MM. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with lhe provisions of the act ot Congress of June 3, 18ft, entitled “An act for the saleot timber lands in the State* ot California. Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,’’ a* extended to all the Pub.ic Land States by act ot August «, 1802. Louts Oberg, of Roseburg, County ot Douglas, State of Oregon, filed In this office May 31, lik'd,his sworn statement No.6191). for the purchase of the W%NWM. N*s SWq. of Section No 34, in Township No. 37. Range No. 3 Wes l.and will utter proof to snow that the land sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural pur- Kses, and to establish his claim to said land fore the Register and Receiver ot this office at Roseburg. Oregon.on Monday, the 22d day of August, 1904. He names as witnesses. Erick Oberg, ot Iron River. Michigan,James Skinner, E. L Giles and Wilber Franklin, allot Rose burg. Oregon Any and al. persona claiming adversely tbe above-described lands are requested to ilia thslr ciaims in this office on or before said ttd day of Augusl, 19C4 J. T B ridgbs , Register. •••••••••••••••» •»»•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••aa ------------------ the ------------------- IOWA LUMBER eOMPANY Rough aud PresFcd I.mibtr, Movldir gs, Poors . and Window and Caiirgs, P'n ension Timbers—Everyth j g C< n j lete for a Home, Barn, Bridge or any kind of Woe den Stiucture, Furnished Promptly’. ! : : : ; : : QUALITY and FINISH Second to None Shipments to Any Point in the United States. High est Market Price Paid for Lumber From Any Mill in Southern Oregon: : : : ; THE 10WA LUMBER CO., JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. f