Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1904)
THE LARGEST SHOW ON EARTH WILL EXHIBIT AT The Coming State Fair. Medford, Saturday, Sept. 3 INGLING «ssSEST 7, % 6 ONLY 'T PAIR 'l EUROPEAN NOVELT\ OF 7 ■' eldreds < FULL GROWN IGIRAFFES / I riders . yv IN pAPTIVITY JERUSALEM AND THE CRUSADES T I CHARACTERS IN h CAST SOO OANClNS GIRLS- 50 MUSICIANS 200 CHORUS os stor sirs organ 2000 costumes 1200 . singers , . V L*. '41 N V X > h? JT iWâ tiwV / 4, Wf- z ABSOLUTCLV AN AD DITIONAL TRAIN OF OAR« AR« RCOUIRBO TO CARRY TH« SCAN- ■RVrWMDRO«CS. AR MOR«. WAR IMFLC- MIRT«. ACCCSSORIC« ANO PCORL« OR TH« NIWLY AOOCO ANO «NORMOU«LV orano • motacli or JERUSALEM CRUSADES " ■ AHO TH«---------- OOUMI «R LCNG1 RAILROJ CARS . 40 ELEPHANTS 1280 PEOPLE 108 E CAGES 650 HORSES <WECEOWNS $3,700,000 CAPITAL $7,400 a •V ¿V w î® rA 4 le- I 1^ Í / H '• SPicTACLE «JERUSALI M. ;v 1 IGG *0 3 LONG MILES or MEW a 1; ANO COSTLY <4^5ù»ts actîhc S^ als ?/A parade Z SUCH AS THE r0HLX R hin 6^ WORLD HAS NEVER in captivity [¿?SEEN BEFORE or ACROBATS PARADE GLORIES FREE UPOR THE STREETS EVERY MORNING AT 10 O’CLOCK TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 2 ANO • F. M. •HEBO-GENT TIIKET ADMITS TO EVERYTHING. DOORS OPEN AT CHILDBEN UNDER I2.HALF PRICE Medford, Saturday, Sept. 3 I Sbeepndbn and cattlemen of Crook A LITTLE ADVICE. and adjacent counties who met last The order that the Igorrotes on St. week came to an agreement aa to the Patronize yjur home merchant, DO Louis Pike should wear pant« has been , use of the range, mutual ojnceesions matter what inducements may be Of- rescinded. There will be no nude de : being made, and it is now believed that fered you elsewhere, the advantages, they will get along more amiably. parture. if any, are only apparent, and not During the past fortnight the Des- real. Salem is to have a linen mill. It will Every mtn in the community de handle a ton of flax fibre a day, esti ' chutes Irrigation company has «elected mated for the year as the product of under the Carey act 74,000 acres more pends on the community as a whole I land, making the total holdings of the for his livelihood. Even those in the three thousand acres. Hattie Steflleban. a bride of three company 214,000 acre«, all of which, It employ of large outside corporations weeks, suicided at Denver, Sunday, by 1« expected, will be reclaimed to agri would have no employment here If taking carbolic acid because her bus culture by water taken from the Des this were a howling wilderness. We chutes river. are all interdependent and the pros band criticised her pancakes. perity of the whole community li the i A discovery which is expected to Gold mines are good to have, but prosperity of each. other mines may be even more valua prove of great interest has just been The home merchant helps support made by Hughes Le Roux, who Is on ble. Pennsylvania's anthracite output a mission to Abyssinia. He has found the county government, the town last year had a value of $300,000,000. wbat is said to be the original manu government,the schools, churches and Mrs. James Kioman, who «hot W script, containing in the ancient lan other Institutions of which you re W. Korn, of Mabel, Lane county, has guage of the country a contemporary ceive the benefit. His purse is open secured the necessary $1500 bonds and account of the visit of the queen of to the call of charity and civic im been released from the county jail In Sheba to King Solomon, from the un provement. He is helping build up Eugene. Mrs. Kinman is only 17 years ion of whom the Abyssinian mon your town and to advance its best in old. terests. archs claim to be descended. / In digging a well a Brownsville man The money you spend with your A$ the closing session of the Amer struck what he claims is a paint mine, home merchant comes back to you di • strata seven feet thick of regular red ican Federation of Catholic Societies at rectly or indirectly. Even though paint. So Brownsville expects to p«i«t Detroit, Aug. 4, a resolution was be send the most of it awry for the it red, if it does not change Its name. | I adopted advancing the solution that cost of the goods he sells you, his pro no public moneys be pain out for relig fits stay here and are spent with you Paisley is situated similarly to Hepp ious Instruction in any school. That or your friends or patrons or employ ner and Mi'cbeli, In a narrow canyon, an educational per capita tax be dis ers. as they are added to the wealth of with high hills above, broken by can bursed for purely secular studies only the community, and you get your yons. and the Post suggests the grad in Catholic schools, Catholic teachers •hare of the benefit. ual moving of the town to the adja receiving their salaries as other teach When you send your money away or cent mesa. ers receive theirs. ¡spend It with those who take out The Dekum building, on the corner The general land office at Washing of the town not only first cotit but all of Third and Washington streets, and ton has affirmed the decision of the lo the profits on the transaction, you 1m- the site of the old Dekum home, on cal register at Helena, Mont., in bold pjverish the community to just that Morrison street, in Portland, has been ing that a thineral claimant to govern extent, and you suffer with the rest. sold by the Dekum heirs to Charles ment land« need show only that the in Local pride and public spirit de Sweeney, of Spokane, for $425,000. dications are such as to justify a miner mands your loyalty to your borne The estimate of the hop crop for Or in further expenditure of time and merchant and your home news egon this year is placed at from 80,000 money with rea»oDablu prospeet of de- paper. Both come ip constant compe to 100,000 bales, or from 1,000.000 to , veloplng a pay mine. The old regula tition with glittering oflers and large tions required that land should pro 2,000,000 pounds, by several deal duce mineral in p tying quantities as a promises from Mie outside, but the ers who are well informed on the hop present fact The decision is most im community which yields to tempta- situation. The probable price for portant in the mineral development of sion in either case is taking «suicidal choice hops will be from 20 to 25 cents the country, as it give« miner« great course. leeway heretofore denied. on the opening sales. Spend your money at home; keep it The new $3,000,000 hotel on Fifth __ A Summer Cold. in circulation in your own town; and Avenue, Mew York, built by the Astor A summer cold is not only annoying, there is a good chance that some of it famiiy and called the St. Kegle, wants | but if not relieved Pneumonia will be will find its way into your own pocket » barroom very badly indeed; but a« i the probable result by Fall. One again. Bend It to Blankety Blank, of the front door Is within 300 feet of a Minute Cough Cure clears the phlegm, Chicago, or spend it with transient draws out the inflammation, heals, people, and that is the last you will Presbyterian church, It has been closed soothes and strengthens the lungs ever see of it. and a side entrance will be utilized. and bronchial tube«. One Minute G^A.STOnXA.. Thi. is the hotel which don't print Cough Cure is au ideal remedy for the 11» *inU Vou Haw Always Bough prices of dishes served on the menu, I children. It is pleasant to the taste Bear« th« but will charge according to fancy j and perfectly harmless. A certain cure Signatars for Croup, Cough and Cold. Sold by «f and the length ot the patron's purse, City Drug Store. Kodol I DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Ths $1.00 bottle contains 2% times the trial Mie. which sells for 50 centa. PR SPAS ID ONLY AT TH« LABORATORY OP E. C. DeWITT A COMPANY. CHICAGO. XIX. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and i Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit to you? No C^ No Pay - 50c. Bacicma with every bottle is a Te The province of Alberta,Canaria,has asked for space and will have a collec tion of the resouices of that northern country. • Space promises to be scarce,as many industrial enterprises have made ap plication. Never before in the history oFlhe fair have so uriuyexhibitors a . this time of year notified t' e secretary thattliey would be represented. The horses that will be entered em brace some of the fastest in the West, and many a spirited race will occur daily. jackog« of Grove s Block AooL Liver Pills. For Pain Take a Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pill, and the Pain will dis appear Like Magic. Not by paralyzing the nerve« and gland«, like oj lutn, morphine, cocaine, and other dangerous drugs, but by In creasing the ratural secretions. This action Is obtained as a result of modern dlacoveries In medicine, making It possible to relieve pain without bad after-effect«. You can safely depend upon Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills to relieve and cure such pains as Neuralgia, Headache, Stomach ache, Menstrual Pains, Rheumatism. Backache, Toothache, etc. They will also, by their calming act ion on the nerves, almost Instantly re lieve such distressing feelings as Diz ziness, Car-Sickness, Indigestion, Irri tability, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, etc. Not merely do they relieve, but they also absolutely cure, because by perse vering in their use, you do away with the cause. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are guar anteed that first package will benefit, or your money back. Never sold In bulk. "I am thankful for the good Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pill« have and are doing me. Ever since the war I have had spills of severe throbbing head ache, caused by catarrh, until six years ago, I began taking Antl-Paln Pills, tne only remedy that ever gave me relief. Since then I have not had one hard attack, because I take a Pill and it overcomes the difficulty."—GEO. SAUNDERS, Greensburg, Ind,_________ FREE jyrl,te t0 of us Dr. for Mil««* Frea Antl- Trial * JXX j X s package Paln Pills, the New Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also 8ymptom Blank. Our Specialist will diagnose your case, tell you wliat is wrong, and how to right it. DR. MILES MEDICAL. CO^ recent meeting of the Board | Free LABORATORIES, AU.KHART.INU, College Work all the Year. Ata of Regents ot the Oregon Agricultur- : al College au interesting resolution was offered by Regent John Daly, which provides for making the work Prohibitionists have practically de of the college continuous throughout cided that at tbe November election the year. alley will «eek to carry out tbe pro The professors are not to be depriv vision« of the local option law, tbat ed of vacations, but these will be was recently passed, by counties taken in such a way as not to interfere rather than by groups of precinct« A with the continuity of college work. meeting will be held aeon fqr tbe Mr. Daly said that under the present purpose of deciding the question. plan of working nearly one-third of The law provides that special elec the year is wasted in vacations. The tions may be held eitbf r by countie« resolution appeared to represent the ; or by precinct* for the purpose of vot sentiment of the board. ing on tbe question of prohibition. It does cot appear, however, that Since the passage of the law tbete baa the change will be made at once. It been con-lderable discussion concern will take a little time to accustom ing tLe method tbat would be adopted, the people to the new idea. The pro and neetings bave been held for tbe pored change is io line with what is purpose of considering tbe proposi beiog done a many of the best educa tion. tional institutions of the country. If the expected action is taken by The vacation system ts unknown in the Prohibitionists, there will be no the great educational institutions of Germany, and it Is the opinl >n of some effort at the November election tn of the leading educational authorities carry prohibition in single precincts, that vacations are much more of a but only iu cointie« as a whole. County Vote for Prohibition. detriment than a benefit to students. By abolishing the va :atlons the stu dents can save a year in the time re- q itred to secure a college iducalion 1 AND 7 P. M. ADMISSION TICKETS and Numbered Reserved Seats will be on Sale Show Day at Haskins' Drug Store at Exactly the Same Price Charged at Regular Ticket Wagons on the Show Grounds. HEBE AND THERE. According to W. H. Downing, presi dent of the state board of agriculture, the prospects for a successful state fair this year are veiy 11 illering and all departments are active. One of lhe big attractions will be “Woodmen Day” on Tuesday,Septem ber 13. The board has offered $600 in prizes for the drill teams and entries from almost every portion of the state will be made. The county exhibits will also be a splendid feature. Six couoties have made entries and others will probably be beard from. Those now entered are Marion, ¿inn, Polk, Benton and W is'HDgton, while Yamhill will also likely have an ixhihit. The prizes aggregate $1300, divided as follows: First $300; second, $25Q; third $200; fourth, $150; and four other prizes of $100 each for other exhibitors. Found 50,000 Old Peanlea. An old nail keg was recently un earthed in one of our western cities by workmen engaged in tearing down an old building. Upon opening Itthey became very much elated,as it was full ot pennies; but their joy was soon turned to disappointment, for on closer examination they were fou rd to be commercial pennies, used during the war, and .of no value now. The alove has also been the experience of sickly men and woiueu who were de ceived into trying various remedies to restore them to health; but because they contained no merit were sadly disappointed. Nut so, however, with those who selected Hostetter’s Stom ach Bitters to cure them of belching, heartburn, indigestion, dyspepsia, or malaria, fever and ague, for today they enjoy perfect health. A trial will convince you, too. They Wanted Certificates. The following is a list of these who attended the examination of ap plicant« for state and county certifi cates to teach school. SupL Dally was assisted by Profs. Carlock and Hanby: A Political Revelation. We are In receipt of a brief com munication from James Inman, of Looking Glass, anutmuei'g that his pl 'tform «8 independence»ndid .t • h> president of t"e United St, hi «-- will be ready for publication at some time in the near future He »-ay« this p>ai- f <rui will be“a revelation to tne p >liti- world, inasmuch as it will be the best of i<s lime, and that which is the best of its time is ever ahead of it- ’time—a platform that will elect its cii'ididaie without the aid or super vision of Wall street, inasmuch as 1 is iutended ior all the pe «pl--. T.i is plitfor jp is one of hum iniii and ba- merit for its backing. W< g<< w in knowledge as we go in Um', says the Roseburg Review. *----- COUNTY PAPERS. Lorena Shuck, Anna Colvig, Jennie Churchman, Mary Ashurst, Edith Duugey, Maud O'Brien, Nioa Kame, Grace Gibbon, Stella ‘Purkeyplle, Bertha Peachy,Beulah Kincaid, Clara Terrill, Jesale Ashley J. C. Barnard, Addie Hay, "Kate Broad, Alfie 0 Freel, Sarah Law, Leila L Prim and Flora Thompson. A Free Toll Road. Tuesday of last week the toll gates on the Gasquet road, located between Waldo and Crescent City, Calif., were thrown open and the highway made free for all travel. This is what should have been done after decease the of H. Gasquet. Next year, if possible, a free ferry should be put on Smith riv er and run during the winter months until such time as the finances of the county will warrant the more expen sive undertaking of spanning that «treaty <H!h a bridge. Del Norte county's acquisition of the road is to be rej deed over, for It will in a short time enjoy greatly increased traffic with Southern Oregon, says the Rec ord, If the Baby is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use that old and well- tried remedy,M rs . W inblow ’ s S ooth ing S yrup , for children teething. It soothes tbe child, softens the gums, allays the pain, cures wind colic aod is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle —. — ♦------ Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition. To St Louis and Return June 16,17,1«; July >, a, Jj August S,», IO, September f, 6,7i October j,4, J. Return limit, ninety days. The Ro<k Island System offers two routes to the World’s Fair City—via St. Paul- Minneapolis, and through Scenic Colorado. No change of cars, Ogden to St. Louis and St. Paul to St. Louis. Full information v. request. Call or write. A. H. M c D onald . General Ag’t, IO 3rd Street, cor. Alder Street, Portland, Ore. Are You Going to St. Louis P If so, purchase your ticket via tbe Rock Island Frisco Systems. Choice of routes going and return ing, via SU Paul, Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo. For rates call on your local agent. Dates of sale : June 16, 17. 18 July 1, 2, 3, Aug. 3, 8, 10, Srpt. 5. 6, 7, Oct. 3, 4, 5. For lurcher information aod sleeping car reservations call upon or address A. H. M c D onald , Gtn. Agent, 140 Third St., Portland, Oregon We are accustomed to look wltb no lenient eye upon the delinquencies, In respect to flirtation, ofouraistsr wo men; if we could catalogue the prac tice in tbe order we regard it, it would rank among the seven deadly sins. And yet there may be twosidee to tbis question, for there is certainly flirting and flirting. Tbe emancipation of the American girl of today has done much to obliter ate all trace of what was hitherto called “flirting” in its true sense Tbe freedom of companionsbip, tbe healthy moral tone induced by exer cise and open-air pastime, has oorne as iu fruit of bon camaraderie toward men, an honest appreciation of man as sn acquaintance, even friend per haps, but a something decidedly other than lover or admirer. Is tbis, then, tbe flirt, this person ality that attracts the best of every nature with which It comes in con tact*? It is rather, we think, a wise appreciation by men of ibe best that life has to offer. It is like iobaling the perfume ot roees, or tbe song of birds io spring—a little bit of Mother Nature’s best production, and as such to be regarded and revered. There is more Catarrh io this sec tion if tbe ccuntry thau all other distafe- put together, and until tbe last few years was supposed to be in curable. * For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease aod prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable. Sc lense has proven catarrh ts be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internal ly Io do«es from 10 dreps to a tea- spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney &-Co., Tole do, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Pills for constipation. New Overland Service Double daily train service to Chicago via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Nome—After closing al! the games In this city, the officials have suddenly experienced a change of heart, and gambling is again openly permitted. At present card« are the only form of gambling openly tolerated, but the gamblers have telegraphed to their friends to hurry to Nome, and these gentry are contemplating a vigorous effort to reopen roulette and othei games. Only one change of cars Portland to Chicago, and that in the day time, from one car to another on the same train. If you go east via St. Paul you will naturally prefer to ride on the famous Pioneer Limited to Chicago. General Agent San Francisco—Kaspar Kubll, groc ery clerk, testified before Coroner Le land that, after discovering a fellow clerk. Ernest R. Williams, lying in bed, with the gas fully turned on. he went back into the store and attended to the wants of a customer before see ing whether Williams was dead or turn Ing oil the gas In response to the indignant query a« to why he did this. Kasper replied that he thought business came before pleasure. Reno. Nev.—Three times since the opening of the new railroad into Tono pah a wreck has occurred on the line. Saturday a passenger train headed out of Tonopah crashed into a freight train, both running at full speed, three miles from the Bonanza camp. Both engines and a number of cars are now in the ditch, while Engineer Ward, in charge of the passenger train, ts suf fering from injuries the outcome of which cannot be determined. The pas sengers and crews jumped and were uninjuruL ______ A ! weet Breath Is a never falling sign of a healthy stomach. When the breath is bad tbe stomach is out of order. There is no remedy in the world equal to Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure for curiog indiges tion, dyspepsia and all stomach dis orders. Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of Waite Plains, Ky , writes: “I have been a dyspeptic for years; tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow worse. By tbe use of Kodol I began to improve at once, aod after taking a few bottles am fully rest red in weight, health and strength and can eat whatever I like.” Kodol digests wbat you eat and makes tbe stomach sweet. Sold all druggists. Special Excursion to the World’s Fair. 134 Third Street, Portland. Ho! For St Louis and the World’s Fair! WILL YOU BE THERE? See Nature’s Art Gallery of the Kockics in addition to the ^tXraction« at St. Louis This can onlj Le dort by go ing or returning via the “S cikic L ike cf the W ckld J NRIVALED Scenic Attractions NEQUALED Dining Car Service NSl’RPASSED in Eflorts to Please U Write for illustrated booklet of Colorado’s famous sights and resorts W. e. McBRIDE, Gen’l Agent 124tThlrd Street ASK THE AGENT I Original end only genuine French Taney Wafers for «ale by i eadla« Druggists, IS per box. bate and re- liable. Accept ao sub»tttute. J , . , D r . R obinson Special Agent. < I * * ' Tickets The shortest line between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago is wont case« of Funeral Directors and Embalmers Wemt Side, Medford, lOre. Open Nights lUc Double-Track Railway betweea the Chicago REXICONA ban Cured «orne of tbe Weeks & Baker To Oare Conattpai Take Cascare is Candy l uta.’- ne. C C fall toeui* dr«»«? sms p » and The Modern Remedy for Womeu T he R bxicona C o . Men and teams wanted to work on irrigation canal. Work commence« August 1. HMM.and lasts till snow flies. Hones 37} cents per day. Men $1 50 per day. Board aod horse feed fur nished free. Write K lamath C anal Co.. Klamath Fail«, Or, Missouri River Try REXICONA leucurrhoea TEAMS WANTED. “As the Crow Flies’* Mothers and Daughters OVARIAN and UTERINE Disorders NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. U nitxd st atm L and Omca, Roseburg, Oregon. June 1*. ISSA Notloe la hereby given that la oompltsae« with the provisions of the act of Congraaa «f JnaeS, 1S78. entitled "An act for ths earn st timber lands tn the states of California, Ma rads, Oregon and Washing ton Territory,'" aa ex tend eu to all the Public Land States by AM ot August «. 18M. Mrs. Emma H. Willia—, --------- VIA--------- of Spanaway, County of Pier estate ot Wash ington. has this day filed tn this olBoe bar sworn statement No 6224. for the purchase af ths SWM of Section No. 28.In Tv.wnahlpTts.SS S Range No. 3 W.. Will.metle Meridtaa. and will offer proof to stow that th« land sought is «tore valuable for Its tlmharer stcue than for agricultural purpoeea. nd Sa establish ber claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ot thia < Aloe at Row burg, Oregon, on Thursday, the 8th day ot Sept , UO4 he names as wlutesaea: J. ■. Gardner. W. A McCroaaon, all of Rocabwrg. Oregon. Mrs. Clara J. Wise. L. A. ke«d. «list Tacoma, Washington. Any and all persons claiming adversely above described lan 'a are requestea to Ma TO.SPOKANE. ST. PAUL. DU- their claims in this oftoe on or before aaM St* LITH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO, day of Sept., 1804. J. T. Bari>««a, lUglssor. ST. LOUIS, ALL POINTS EAST 2 Ladies, Attention! ; Portland, Oreana -------- FOR--------- The Denyer & Rio Grande in con nection wltb the Missouri Pacific, will run a series of Personally Conducted Excursions to tbe World's Fair dur ing June- These excu sions will run through to Nt. Louis without change of cars, making short stops at prin cipal point« enroute. The first of these Excursions will leaver Portland June 6tn, and the second June 17th. and SOUTH. Tbe rate from Medford will be $77.50 Overland Trains Daily q to St. Louis and return. Excursion The Flyer and Fast Mall. ists going via the Denver & Rio Grande-have tbe privilege of return ing via a different route. Tbis is the Splendid Service, Up-to- must pleasant way, as wellas the most delightful route, to cross tbe conti date Equipment, Courte nent. Tbe stops arranged give an op ous Employes. portunity of visiting tbe various points of Interest in and about Silt Daylight trip acroas th« La|^? City, Denver and Kansas City. Cascade and Rocky If you wish to accompany one of mountains the<e excursions write at once to W. C. McBride, 124 Third street, Port land for sleeping car reservations. How a Knockout Faela. The Southern Pacific Co. will sell roundtrip tickets at greatly reduced rates to St. Louis and Chicago on ac count of the St. Louis Exposition, on the following dates, June 16, 17, 18; Aug. 8, 9, 10; September 5, 6, 7; Oct ober 3, 4, 5. Going trip must be com Te Care a Cold la One Day. pleted within ten days from date of Taking Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet«. | sale, and passengers will be permitted All Drugglat« refund tbe money if It tall« to I to start on any date Wrat will enable cure. Grove’s signature i« on esob box. -Ac. them to reach destination within the ten-days limit. Return limit ninety days, but no later than Dec. 31, 1004. th. Ih» kiM Vai Kaw AI w )B BacM For full information as to rates and routes call ou Agent So. Pac. Co., at Medford. «67.ÍS If you lommip jie visiting tye St. L ui- Exp, eit on. to-ei u*e rei ab e infoima i u a- to >a>lro;d tcviee, the lowest vaie and ili- best route- Also a- lo al coi di< ion- in St. Lnui«; hotels, etc. If you will wri'e'he ur der-igned, stating wha1 informa'u ri you desl>e, the same will b p'.mptly furnished. Ir we do r.oi lave it ou hand wil secure it lor y. u l> po sible, and with out any expense'o you. Address B. H T rumbull , Commercial Agent, 142 Tuira Street, Portland, Ore. Flirts and Flirting. “How does it feel to be knocked out'?” asked a friend of an oldtime featherweight boxer the other night. “Well, I’ll tell you,” replied tbe ex knight of tbe padded mitt, "to be booest with you, I’ve been knocked out so many times tbat my experiences in tbat line have teen quite a variety but the one 1 remember most distinct ly was tne time I ran into an upper cutin Philadelphia, that put mi to tbe bad for nearly an hour. When I came to the light about me appeared to be green in color. Peter Maher was one of my seconds. “Where are we, Pete?” I asked of tbe good-natured Irishman. ’All these lights are green.’ Begorrle,’ replied Maher, ‘for all 1 know we may be in Ireland.’ Another time I got bit on the jaw while box ing in a training camp. Tbe blow put me out for about ten minutes. When I got back my senses the gang were throwing water on me. ’Save me, I am drowning!' I cried. ‘No, you’re not,'said Jack McCormick,who was standing over me. ‘It’s a nice bath you are getting.’ ’That’senuugh to kill him,’ chipped in another one of the crowd, but they were a bit scared at that, until I came to.” — “A Ballad of the Pike,” by Wallace Irwin. Copyrighted by CoUlcr’s Weekly. Published by permission. I It Will Be To Your Interest. STATE PAPERS. Leleta Norton, Alma Gilham, Ida Stewart, E<aho Hasen, Della Steward, Olive Pollland, Floy McNeill, Olah Mickey, Delia Tibbetts, Ida Meyers, Gertrude Engle, Mabel Mickey, Laura Allen, Nettie McIntire, Esther Jär vi«, Olive M. Huffer, Zudte Owens. I want to Ke tbe furnn cities all along the track, I want to go tbrouxb Pana to Jenualem and back. I’d like to sec tbe bull of it—I think I'd jest as toon Take tbe submarine to Hades and tbe airship to tbe I don't care bow 1 get there, friend, but when I make a strike It’s me fer old St. Louis jest to live along tbe Pike. the route of the famous North- Western Limited “Th« Tralnjfor;Comfort” every night in the year. Before starting on a mp-no matter where—write for Interesting Information «bout comfortable traveling. H. L. SISLER, Gen'l Act., 1SS Third St., Portland, Or««««. T. W. TEASDALE, Gan’l Pass. Agt. St. Paul, Minn. The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping car«, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than Chre* days Portland to Chicago, TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via pie Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Oregon Short Line Rail road, Union Pacific Railroad_ and Chicago & North-Western Railway to Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon. Dailv and personally conducted ex cursions In Puuman tourist sleeping cars from Portland, Los Angeles and San Francisco, through to Chicago without change. R. R. RITCHIE. Cen'l Agt.. 61- Market St., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. A. C. BAKKES, O»1 AKt.. IS, This« «U roKTUtHwona. « Chicago & North-Western Ry.