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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1904)
Démocratie firnes I Printed Every Wednesday, by rimea Printing Company C eas . N ickell , Editor and Mgr. TERMS : >ne Year, in advanoe..................... »1.50 ix Month* ..................................... 1.00 DEMOCRATS LISTEN TO NOTARLI ADDRESS BY THEIR NATION AL STANDARD-BEARER. les With Pacific States Telephone Co. Ryan Building, California St. Esopus, N. Y, Aug. 11.—Judge Al ton B Barker Wednesday received for mal notification of his nomination foi tbe presidency as th* candidate of tb« » T he electoral college which will be Democratic party, and In accepting ihoeen in Novmebjr will consist of 476 gave public expression for the first Hectors This is an increase of 29 over time of hia vlew» on the issues of th« four £ea*8 ago, and 239 are necessary campaign, The notification was k> a choice, against 224 then. brought to him by Representative Portland nighthawks — two-legged Champ Clark of Missouri, chairmar one«—got eurprived Monday night. of the committee representing every The police took 219 of them, found on state and territory, Clark, in a briet the »treeta between midnight and two speech. Informed the candidate of hh o’clock, to the lockup. Thia 1» not such a sweet land of liberty alter all. tcred st the Po» vortice at Jacksonvil'e, Ore., as Second Class Mall Matter I t is now quite evident that the czar of Russia wishes he bad not been so rash in the Far East If he could call back about a year of his exlstenoe ie would be more considerate toward the little brown men. Recent events have taught him to respect them. SUPPOSE the tables should turn in Colorado this fall, wonder how the members of the Citizens' Alliance would like it? For instance, if the miners •hould happen to carry the election and pul in men who would deport the leaders of the Citizens’ Alliance, wouldn’t an awful wall go up? I t looks like a sound decision, that of the supreme court of Oregon, that the Portland chief of polioe must execute the law regardless of instruct<ons from his superior, the mayor. Still, law nr no law, chiefs of police all over the country generally follow the advice of the men who appoint them, says the Eugene Guard. S ecretary or calf has Issued a C ommerce M et “ railroad accident bulletin,” which shows that for the quarter ending the 31st of last March 919 persons were killed on the railroads of tbi* country, while 12,444 were in jured. This is at the rate of 130 for each day, an awful and appalling rec ard. The damage to railroad proper ty for the same period was 12,256,477 F rom Berlin eones a story that Japan's most brilliant soldier. Genera- Kuroki, is a Pole, hia father having fled to th* Orient after the revolt in 1831, and aa nia deathbed having charged his san to avenge the wrongs of Poland upon Russia. The story reads like that •f Hannibal, sworn to eternal enmity to Rome, and lends ■ romantic interest to the achievement* of one now ac knowledged to be a genius in strategy and the ablest general developed so far ¡a the Russo-Japanese war. nomination and presented to him a formal eomsnunication signed by the committee. Standing bareheaded during a brief lull in the rainstorm, which had lasted since soon after daylight. Judge Par ker accepted the nomination and set forth his views in a speech that evok ed frequent and hearty applause. He spoke for a little more than half an hour. The ceremony was held on the lawn At Rosemount, under the trees at the north of the house, and waa attended by upward ot 600 people, the larger number of wham came from New York with the oommhtee on the steamer dagjamore The company in cluded many Democrats of national prominence, as well as a large and representative number from Tam many Hall. There would have been a gala-day gathering from Kingston and vicinity where perhaps the judge la best known, but the rain had been so heavy and continuous that few local people even ventured forth. It waa at first decided to hold the ceremonies on the Sagamore, owing to the storm, but the protest of those who wanted Judge Parker notified at KING E dward ' s appearance in a whit* ‘Nbevepipe” bat at Newmarket has given a boom to that oomfortabld but long-disused summer headgear. But he has introduced a far more revo- lutlenary innovation—a novel method of creasing his trousers. They have bee* down the front and back, but the King now has two seta of creases arranged diagonally, so that tbe tron- aera bang absolutely square, Tbe smart court Is said to have observed of this new trouser crease: "It’s a very good fashion for bandy-legged men. A fter all it is a good Idea to sub mit to the inevitable without too much resiatance—that is, without any unnec essary outward show of resistance. We should undoubtedly do all witbin our power to make our several conditions as agreeable as possible. The disposi tion to be perpetually finding fault with our surroundings Is not a valuable as- sefr in personal composition, and in- stoad of being cultivated, as is too fre- quaatly the case, should be severely repressed in the interest of one’s own welfare, as well as of the pence of mind of One’» neighbors. tt* own home was so vigorous that at be last moment the little platform »reefed on the Parker lawn was hast ly decorated with flags and the cere monies were held there according to the original plan. During most of the time occupied by Champ Clark’s speech the rain was ‘falling in a steady drizzle, but it stop ped entirely just as Judge Parker be gan bls address and hsld off until he Judge Parker began his address at T he statement made in high official 1:18 p. m. He said: quarters that, contrary to the reports Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the gommltt**: I hav* resigned the office from abroad, the United States has not •f Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals bed» sounding the European govern sf thia atat* In order that I may ac- »«pt th* reaponalblllty that the great meats with a view to ascertaining their sonventlon you represent has put upon me without poelble preludfce to the views of what should he considered aourt to which I had th* honor to be contraband In tbe present struggle be long. or to th* eminent member* of the Judiciary of thia atate. of whom I may tween Russia and Japan. This gov- how *ay aa a private cltlxan I am just erament is determining for Itaelf what ly proud. Geld Standard Established. danses of m jrchandlie it considers eon At th* v*rv threshold r'f this response traband, without suggestions from any and before dealing wltn other subject* in Juattc* to myself and to re- other power, and when a decision was Imuat. •v* my sense of gratitude, express reached its attitude on the subject wss my profound appreciation of the confi 4*no* r*po**d to at* by the convention. made public. England holds similar After nominating me and subsequently receiving a communication declaring vlaws to those of our government. that I regarded the gold standard a* Irmly and irrevocably established, a mater eonoernlng whloh I felt it In- I t I* needle** to »tale that no nation , eumbent upon me to make known mv *o that hereafter no man could baa yet fully realized a correct answer rttitude uatly ear that hit support had been I Secured through indirection or mistake. to tbe question: “What are the true I the convention reiterated Its determln- interests ot tbe country?" Whenever I atlon that I should be th* standard of the party In the present eon- the question is correctly answered, in bearer teat,' Thia mark of trust and confi- I shall ever e*te«m as the highest stead of social degeneration and eco- lente tonor that could he conferred upon me natoic disputes and armed conflicts, we - an honor that, whatever may be the of the campaign, the future can aitoll have moral development, materi i ate n no degree iesen nr impair. al progress and universal peace. Tbe Admlrebl* Flatform. government -of such a country will The admirable platform upon which grow more and more responsive to th* party appeals to th* oountry for Lisa wishes ot tbe people and con Cholera Infantum. stantly less autocratic. Tbe machinery This disease baa lost its terrors of .government will not be used to since Chamberlain ’s Colic, Cholera farther tbe Interests of grasping cor and Diarrhwa Remedy came into gen porations or tbe selfish ambitions of eral use. The uniform success which tbe designing politicians. This condi attends the u-e of this remedy in all tion is not Utopian, but can be realized. cases of bowel complaints In children “There is no force In nature that can has made it a favorite wherever Its laag withhold from a nation tbe liber value has become known. For sale by ty which it deserves." These are tbe all druggists. words of a statesman. They are true; but tbe reform must begin with tbe Birds of a Feather people themselves. Failure ef Government. These illustrations present some evi dence of the failure of government te protect the citizen and his property which uot only justified the action of your convention In this regard, but made It its dutv to call attention to th* fact . that constitutional guaranees are violated whenever any citizen is denied the right Io labor, to acquire and to enjoy property or to reside where his Interests or In ' clination may determine; and the fulfill I ment of the assurance to rebuke and pun- vh all denial* of thse rights, whether brought about by individual* or govern- *«mt *«*••(♦• etlwafd be erfwroeg by ev ; ery official and supported by every citi zen. The essence of ,good government lie* 1 tn strict observance ’of constitutional lim itation. enforcement of law and order and rugged opposition to all encroach ment upon the sovereignty of the people. Power of the Law. i The foregoing suggestions but empiii- >ize th* distinction which exists between our own and many other forms of gov- eminent It has been well said, ln sub- stance, that there are but two powers in government, one the power of the sword, sustained by the hand that wields It. and the other the power of the law. sustained bv an enlightened public sentiment. The difference in tire powers is the difference In the republic—such aa powers, based on law and a written constitution, sup ported by intelligence and patriotism—and a monarchy, sustained by force exerted by an individual, controlled by laws other than those made or sanctioned by him; one represents constitutionalism, the oth er Imperialism. The preaent tariff law is unjust in its operation, exeeselve in many rate* and so framed in particular instance; as to exact inordinate profits from the people. So well understood has this view become that many prominent members of the Republican party and at least two of its atate convention* have dared to voice the general sentiment on that subject. That party seems, however, to be collect ively able to harmonize only upon a plank that admits that revision may from time to time be necessary; but it is so phrased that it is expected to be satisfactory to those in favor an Increase or those who favor a reduction thereof and to those •ppoeed to any change whatever. Judged by the record of performance, rather than that of promise on the part of that party in the past, it would seem aa U the out come in th« cver.t of its success would be to gratify tbe latter class With absolute control of both legislative and executive departments of the government since March 4, 1897. there has been neither re duction nor an attempt at reduction In tariff duties. It Is not unreasonable to aa- •utn«. in the light of that record, that a future congress of that party will not undertake a revision of tne tariff down ward In th* event that it shall receive an endorsement of its past course on that subjeot by the people. , ncnshtp an<1 while we have always sym , pathized with lhe people of every nation ¡ theli atniKgles for self-gin eminent, ths In ( Government whs not created fot a careet ( of political or civilizing evangelization in , foreign countries or among alien races by | Intervention in their affairs. The mo«4 , efficient work we <an do in uplifting the . people of othor countries is by the pre- , **ntatlon of a happy, prosperous, self- . governing nation a* an ideal to be emu- ] Iatcd, a model to be followed. The general occupation of our citizens in the-^rts ot peace or the absenoe of large military otism nor physical courage, and tor tb« , armaments tends to impair neither patr’- ettsm nor physical courage, and for th» truth ot this I refer the young men ot today of the hlstoi y of the Civil War. dispute* and broils of foreign countries, ana that because we have grown great we should Intervene In every Important ques tion that arises in other parts or the world I also protest against the ereitloB of any such military establishments as would be required to maintain the country in that attitude. We should confine our International actlvltle* solely to matters in which th* right* of our country or of our citisens are directly involved, That is not a situation of isolation, but of In- dependence. Cannot Aoaure Relief. It is a fact and should ba _________ frankly con- ___ ceded that should our party be successful in the coming contest wo cannot hope t* Organized for Own Uee. secure n majority of the senate during the next four years, and hence we shall Th* Government of the United States ______ b« unable to secure any modification in was organized *<>lely for the people of th< the tariff, save to which the Republican I United States While it waa contemplated majority in the senate may consent. While I that thia country should become a refuga therefore, we are unable to give assur for th* oppressed of every land who mlgnt ances of relief to the people from such be fit to dlschatge the duties of our ritl A WONDERFUL INVENTION. Finger Print Identification It is interesting to note that for tunes are frequently made by the in vention of articles of minor import ance. Many of the most popular de vices are those designed to benefit tbe people and meet popular conditions, and one of tbe most interesting of these that has ever been invented is the Dr. White Electric Comb, patent ed Jan. 1, W These wonderful combs positively cure dandruff, hair falling out, sick and nervous headaches, and when used in connection with Dr. Mrs. William Robbia, of Louisville, White’s Electric Hair Brush are posi Ky., we* recently married to David tively guaranteed to make straight Buzzaid. it is her fourth matrimonial hair curly in 25 days’ time. Thou A bar of gold representing nearly venture, She was a Mrs. Martin, a sands of these electric comb# have been sold in the various cities of the gym in money was deposited In tbe daughter of one of the best known Union, and the demand Is constantly Medford Bank Friday, by Mr. W. Bourbon county families. Sbe first increasing. Our agents are rapidly £. Olmstead, superintendent of the tparried Robert Crow He died and becoming rich selling these combs. i positively sell on sight. Send Vance Mining Co., which owns tbe sbe married John 8parrow six They for sample. Men's size 3Sc. ladles'50c Sturgis placers, located in Forest months afterwards. She and Mr. —half price while we are introducing Creek district. Sparrow did not agree and a divorce them. See Want Column of tills This is one of tbe several chunks followed. Mr«. Sparrow became paper. The Dr. White Electric Comb that have resulted from the past sea , Wm. Robbin, but again a divorce Co., Decatur, Ill. gen’s run at these mines. Their total la was found advisable. Aft|r a year of rn •bout »15,000 and represents a very lonely life Mrs. Bobbin has become dividend on the amount Invested I Mrs Buzztrd. She ba* two Crows i* the propei ty and improve menu , one Bobbin and a Buzzard at her 'taMt Profitable Mining. 25 V CT 1 I H. N. Morris of Oakland, Calif., who has been on Applegate, visiting Geo. Mrs. C. L. Hearne* returned Thurs W. Winetrout, left for home Thurs day night. Ho is a pioneer of the day from Colestln. Pacific Coast and extensively engaged MlsseB Ellen Orth and Frances Done in mining in California and Nevada gan and Mrs. H. W. Orth have return There has been invented by W. B. ed from Colestlo. This falling of your hair! Sherman and others living at Grants Sam Morris, one of Gold Hili's lead Pass two machines, one for the crush Stop it, or you will soon be ing merchants, did business id Ashland ing of ore and the other for separating bald. Give your hair some one day this week. the values from the pulp They may Jeer’s Hair Vigor. The fall Mr». B. P. Theiss and her daughter, revolulioaize the gold reduction busi ing will stop, the hair will Country Long at Peace. Miss Geraldine, joined the Medford ness. For fifty vear». yoara, with the • exception •>! ot colony at Coleetln Friday. tlie -cat with Mexico, this country h«.d Doctors everywhere recommend Har been at peace, with a standing army most Miss Genevieve Kiernan is paying par’s Whiskey (or theenervat’ngeff cts of the time of lens than ten thousand men lie who thinks that the nation had growr relatives living in Yreka,Calif., a visit. of hot weather and as a safeguard effeminate during that period should read against malaria—because of its purity. the casualty roll» of the armies on either She will be gone some time. Sold by Ed. H. Helms, Jacksonville, grow, and the scalp will be side of Shiloh. Antietam. Fredericksburg We are glad to learn that tbe condi Oregon. and Gettysburg, at Stone river and at clean and healthy. Why be Chlckamaugu I would be the la*t man te tion of Beu Haymond, the well known Judge Dunn has received advice from pluck a single, laurel from the crown ol satisfied with poor hair when anr- on* of the military heroes to whom pioneer, is much improved. Supt. Galbreath of the Insane Asylum this country owes so much, but 1 insist you can make it rich? that their most heroic deeds proceeded Dr. J. W. Robinson and bls family to the effect that E. F. Steelman ol - M t h»ir nearly all came out. 1 then tried infinitely more from devotion to the coun are back from Newport. They report Rock Point, precinct, who was com Ayer'* Hair Vigor and only one ‘»•‘‘••“‘’KS try than from martial spirit. tbe falling. New hair came in reel »n<1 As I have already proceeded at toe weather quite cocl on tbe coast. tmt a little curly." —Mas. L. M. S mith . rnitted May 20, 1903, has been ols- great length, other questions suggested Ir Saratoga, N.Y. the platform must await my letter of ac Mrs. B. N. Bunch and her daughter- charged as cured, also that V Powley, •14» a bottle. ceptance. Mr. 4’halrniati. in most grace All druggist». Lowell, ful speech you have reminded me of th* in-law, Mrs. Ray Bunch, arrived from committed Aug. 29, 1902, escaped Ju for great responsibility as well as the great The Dalles the ’ orepart of tbe week. ly 26 honor of th*- nomination bestowed unot me In the convention yo urepresent tbi« Caroline Swacker is plaintiff In a suit A. W. Sturgis, the veteran miner, day Be ...suied assured that both are api appreci ated- -so keenly appreciated that I air was at his o'd stamping ground in for divorce against Oscar Swacker. humbled in their presence. Forest Creek district, a few days ago. Tbe parties have been married nearly Accepts Nomination. Doctors everywhere recommend 50 years and resided on Foots Creek I accept gentlemen ot th*- committee, ] PROrESSIOfUl CARD». the nomination an dlf the action of th« Harper Whiskey for tbe enervating ' most of the time. Mrs S. charges ha Convention shall be Indorsed by an elec effects of hot weather and as a safe bitual intemperance and failure to pro tion by tile people. 1 will. God helping me give to the discharge of th*- duties of that guard against malaria—because of its vide. They have several grown chil M. D. h R. BOWERSOX exulted office the best service of which 1 purity. Sold by E. H. Helms, Jack am capable, and at the end of the tern* dren. sonville. Physician and Surgeon. reti'e to private life. I shall -7..." not be a a rt-nom- candidate for. nor shall I accei Gov. Pardee of California, Wm. F. Mrs. A. F. Carpenter of North Jack be ad- . ination Several reason* might t..:__ „ .. , „ .... vanced for this position tint the controll sonville was in Medford Friday,accom- Herrin, chief counsel of tbe S. P., ing one with me Is that I am fully per C. If Markham, Vice-president of the Hours—2 tO 5 and 7 to 8 p. m suaded that no Incumbent of that office] I panled by her daughter. Miss Etta should ever be placed In a situation ot I same corporation, and a few other offi possible temptation to consbiet what the I Oglesby. Orcgaa Jacksonville effect of anv action taken bv him In ar Wm. Jones and Wm. Martin of cials of the golden state and railroad administrative matter of great inportanc« might have upon his political fortunes. Beagle were in Medford a few days ago. company were aboard a special car at A. E. REAMES, Independent Executive. I I The former'» health la Improving tached to the northbound train Thurs day, en route to Portland. ATTORN EY-A T-LlW, Questions of momentous consequence tc steadily. all ot the people have been in the past Blue-print maps of any townships Orcgaa. Jacksonville, and will in the future presented to th* Judge Dunn left Thursday evening Roseburg, Oregon, Land District, President for determination, and In ap- troaclilng their consideration as well a? for Salem, to attend a good roads showing all the vacant lands, for 50 C'fflce In Red Men’s Building. n weighing the facta and the argument« bearin'« ovon them lw should 1 h - unem convention called by tbo county judge* cents eacd. If you want any informa barrassed bv anv possible thought of th« tion from the U. S. Land Office, ad of the statu. Int'uence bls decision may have upon any dress Title Guarantee it Loan Co., ROBT. G. SMITH, thing whatever that may effect him per Mrs Iva Bradley aDd Clarence Mc- Roseburg, Oregon. sonally 1 make this statement, not ir I ATTORNEY A ND COUNSELOR AT LAW c* 1*1. ism of any of our Presidents from Lln of Silver Lake have been com J. S. Howard, the pioneer civil engi Washington down who have either held th.- office for two terms or sought to suc mitted to the insane asylum by Judge neer, is a great grandpa now and Grant** Pasa, Orcgaa. ceed themselves; for strong argument« Could he advanced In support of the re I Daly of Lake county. George Howard is a great uncle. This election of •* President. It is slmplv my iIce» all tbe courta Office la Hank A. J. Burcham and Isaac Pea of Kel was all caused by the arrival of a bloom hi.lament that the Interests of this coun ¡ding op attiri T rac try are now so vast and the questions pre so, Wash., have been in Southern Ore Ing boy baby at tbe residence of George sented are frequently of such oventower- Ing magnitude to' the people that it Is In- gon lately. They are friends ot W. H Well», who lives near Kerby, Josepbloe dlsnensjil.le to the maintenance of a be J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. : county, his wife Being the eldest daugh fitting attitude before the people not only Maultby of Mediord. that the Chief Magistrate should be Inde M. Purdin is back from Coos county. ter of Chas. J. Howard, formerly agent pendent. but that Independence should lx DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY known of all men. He is well pleased with that section, for Wells, Fargo & Co. in Medford. OPERATIVE Ornees .n tbe Adkins Deuel block Judge Parker concluded tits speech ol Congratulations are in order. acceptance nt ’ '* m He was giver especially tbe new town of North Bend, tremendous and continuous applause, and Wedfard, Orcgaa which he says is a “hummer.” tit. ‘and played the • Star Spangled Ban ner “ Tbe Rogue River Fruit Grower» P. P. PRIM A SON Union has begun operation» for tbe A Perfect Painless Pill ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Is the one that will cleanse tbe •eason. It is at present shipping sev The prisoner» confined in tbe county Jacksaavllle, Orcgaa system,set the liver to action, remove eral carloads of fit e pears. the bile, clear the complexion, cure Blue prints of township maps, show jail, with two exceptions, indulged in a headache and leave a go d ta-te in Ing all vacant land, fifty cents each i break for liberty Thursday evening. tlie mouth. Ttle famous little pills For reliable information concerning Four of them got outelde but two we e for doing such wotk Dl°asantly and I government land write to Frank E. recaptured soon afterward. Madison, effectually sre DeWitt's Little Early Alley, Abstractor, Roseburg, Oregon. one of tbe who burglarized tbe Risers. Bob. Moore of Lafayette, Ind., AC. HOUGH, John Rowe has been appointed super- saloon of Selsby & Magill of Medford, sav.-: “All other pills I have used ATTORNEY-AT-LAW gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's i visor of road district No 29, vice T. and Wilson, one of the boboea sent -title Early Riser-are simply per B Higmbothatn, resigned. It is a from Ashland for robbery, areatill at traot’a Pass, ... uregea. fect." Sold by City Drug Store. good appointment. large. Office over Hair-R.ddte Hardware Store Tn os. E. Nichol» of Eagle Point pre- Deputy Sheriff Crawford had given -v.----------------------------- |cinct, the well-known stockman, will I the men their »upper and was under M. D. NORTON open a butchershop at Ashland, in the the impression that be bad locked them TTOR NEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW C. W. Kahler, the Jacksonville law* building on Main street owned by him •afely in the.r cell» Evidently the lock» bad been tampered with, for yer, who died al Ashland August 4th, and his brother. J. T. Taylor, treasurer of Josephine when be went Into the jail, at about 7 left a fortune estimated at between »40,000 and »50,000, the result of county, gives notice that he has funds o'clock, to get the basket* in which •Office above S P. D.4 LCo ’i Store. , udicious management and frugality I with which to redeem warrants pro the food had been conveyed and ree tested to Jan. 15, 1899. Interest on that everything was all right, three of much more than speculation. the thug» laid bold and overpowered of a will, | them ceased July 28. Through the provisions which has just been probated, he dis John Knight, former sheriff of him. Mr. C. was able to make bi» wife tributed tbe whole of his estate to his I Marlon county, was in our town Thurs- (who was »landing outside of tbe yard) brothers and sisters or their de day. He is representing the Qi aker understand what was going on, and »he scendants. Nursery of Marion county and takes a gave tbe alarm. As it was »till daylight a crowd soon gathered and a number To bls brother, Th os. P. Kahler, he large number of orders. started in pursuit of lhe escapes. One Tne brick devised the following: W. E. Olmstead, superintendent of A World Power. buildings in JacKsonvIUe known as tbe the Vance mines, bM gone to his home of them was captured in tbe Karewski There need be no fear that the asser tion so often made of 'ate that we have City Drug Store and Kahler’s law at Berkeley,Calif,on a few weeks’ visit. barn,located not far from the jail, and no* become a world power will then be another wm discovered near tbe resi without support oura la a world power, office, also the two story frame build- He is well pleased with tbe results of dence of C. L. Reamee, a short distance and aa eucn it must be maintained, but I log used as a hail by Jane McCully tbe past season. deny that it 1* at all recently thgt the further. Darkness enabled th» other United State* has attained that eminence Cabin, N. D. O.; 120 acres in Sec 1, A big fire Is raging in the Pleasant two to elude their pursuer«. • Our country became a world power over Abstract* made ta Title* *f a century ago. when, having thrown off Tp 33, 2 E; 560 acres in Secs. 25 and Creek section, Wimer precinct, which Madison wm seen at a'bpuse near foreign domination, the people established 36, Tp. 34, 2 W., and 31, Tp. 34, 1 W: Lead*. a free government, the eourcee of,whoee r«tor^’iaS^TT|L 3? ¿V; I P^mise. to do considerable damage. It Roxy Ann the next day. having gone LEGAL DOCUMENTS.) authority sprung and wm continually to proceed from th* will of Jh* people them- acres in Sec. 31, Tp 36, 1 W: 151 acre. 18 *he ™*ul‘ * ‘h® all Bind drawn up especially pertaining ts of there after articles belonging to him. salve*. It grew aa a world power as ita tbe sett lenient of estates. In Seoe 26 and 35, Tp. 36, 2 W; one ,or whlch there ta a P® “ 1 * ’ He wm hat less aad narrated what a Sturdy cltisena, to where natural In crease were added Immigrants from the Dr. C. R. Kay and J. D. Alsop, his narrow t»scape he had from the dogs iccomts Silicited, Prompt Remittaice. old world seeking to obtain here the Ub- half interest in tbe Centred Point fair erty and prosperity denied them tn their grounds; 120 acres of mining ground electrician, have returned from San after him and how he had reached a MONEY LOANED. won country, spread over the face of the hill by a »mall margin. Constable Try land, reduced the prairies and forests to on Palmer creek, mineral entry No. Francisco, where they selected the ap- er learned that tbe fellow wm likely to tnvstment securities a specialty. Jackses cultivation, built ettiee, constructed hlgh- Jaunty Scrip bought and sold. wava and railroads, till now a nation 37, Big Applegate district, and ditches, pliances necessary for furnishing Med- show up tbere.and immediately started have a oomplete set ot maps of all surveyed which at the formation of the govern etc., belonging thereto. .and» in this county, and receive Abstract* hence, nut he found that he was about ford and other placed with electricity. ment numbered only 3,000.000 in popula monthly from Roseburg Land Offioe. the Land an hour too late. tion has grown to 30.000.OOS. and from department ef the O A C. R. R. and th* State To Mrs R. M. McDonough, bls sis Guaranteed Forest Reserve Scrip fo ocean to ocean and from lakes to the gulf Laud Department at Salem of all new entries the country is the free abode of pros ter, his residence and adjoining premises sale, in large or small quantities, by xade 1 am thus prepared to make out home perous people advanced in the highest and household goods, also tbe brick Frank E. Alley, upetaire over Land Longer Sleeping Car Berths stead papers and take proofs thereon. Also I degree In tne learning of arts of civiliza- take filings and proofs of timber lands, and Roseburg, Oregon. Will place tloa It is the liberty, the advancement structure knQwn m 'the can save to parties the expense of s trip Red Men Office, same for non-resident purchasers. and the prosperity of its citizens, not any One of the few railroad companies to tbe Roseburg land office career of conquest, that make the country building, all situated la Jacksonville, that owns and operates the sleeping i bav* a Number of FlacFar** aad ether a world power. This condition we owe and the acre tract in Cardwell’s ad There will be a big crop of divorce cars in service on its lines is the Chi to the bounty of Providence, unfolded In Desirable Preeertv la aiy hand* far cases at the September term of circuit cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. th* great natural resource* of the coun dition to that town. Sale. try, to the wisdom of our fathers mani The sleeping cars un this line were One thousand dollars each to Har court, as usual. This kind of iitlga- fested in the form of government estab Sir Prompt reply made to all latter*. Charg- lished by them, to the energy, industry, ry and Floyd Kahler, sons of his I Uon become abundant—muob more formerly Pullman cars, operated by e* In accordano* with the time* moral character and law-abiding spirit of the Pullman Cbmpat-y, hu» for a doz Refers, by permission, Hon. H. K. Haas*, the people themselves. brother, Robt. Kahler, deceased. «> tb»“ »«»Y other kind. of the 1st Judcial District, and t* say en years past the railway company judge Not a Military People. To the six children of his deceased Geo. Coffenbury, the ton»orlal artist, bas owned and operated the sleeping- oualnees bouse in Jacksonville. SILAS J. DAY We are not a fnilitary people bent on and his family have returned from car equipment, in building ita sleep conquest, or engaged in extending our sister, Rachel O'Flyag, »1000 each. ing cars, a departure from the old domain* In foreign land*, or desirous of nil of the balance of his property, their sojourn on Big Butte, In time to standard pattern of cars has been securing natural advantages, however NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i great by force, but a people loving peace which consist# of a large sum of county allow Joe Murphy to spend a few made to the extent of adding about not only for ourselves, but for all the na warrant», notes, etc., after paying his weeks at Colestin with bis family, six inches to tbe width and height of UniTBD S tatbs L amd Orrica. tions of the earth. The display of great Roseburg. Oregon, June 1». MM. sleepers. This permits of wider and military armaments may please the eye debts, funeral expenses, etc., to be W. H. Olmstead of Eureka, Calif., Notice is hereby that in compliance and for the moment excite the pride of higher berths. Length has also been with the provisions given of the set of Congress of between his sister, I has been several months at tbe added to berths, so that comfort is the citizen, but It cannot bring to the divided equally June 1. 1878, entitled “ An set for the sale of country the brains brawn and muscle of M. McDonough, and his Vance minee, located in Forest Creek ound which is lacking in ordinary timber lands in the States et California, Ore a single immigrant nor Induce the in Mrs. R. gon, Nevada and Washington Territory.” a* course such armament aa may be neces brothers, George, Andrew aad Wm. E. strict, with hie son, who is »uperin leeplog cars. extended to all tbe Public Land Stat** by aet sary for th* security of the country and These large cars are in service on of August 4, 18#«. Loren A. Reed, ofTaomaa. the protection of the rights of its citizens Kahler. tendent of them, left for his home practically all of the lines of tbe St. County ot Pieroe, Stalo of Washing ton, has at home or abroad muat be maintained. Tho». P. Kahler 1» nominated in the Friday. day tiled in thia office h.a a worn statement Any other course would be not only faiae Paul Road, and are very popular with thia No. sm,for the purchase ot th* WH ot EH ot economy, but pusillanimous wUl as executor, and hM already c GBntenbein of porUand tbe traveling public. Section No. »8, In Townahip No. 40. Range No. I protest, however, against the feeling, 8 W., Willamette Meridian, and will ofler proof bu81ne88 connected now far too prevalent, that by reason ot qualified m such. Judge J. R. Nell Is wM here Frid to aho* that the land nought la more valuable the commanding position we have assum the attorney for the estate. | wUfa Ue Johanna Blechef Qf tor its timber or stone than tor agrlcollural ed in the world, we muat take part in the its confidence and support clearly excessive duties as burden them t is du* »tatea th* principles which were so to them that we should state our position well condensed In the first Inaugural to be In favor of a reasonable reduction addrea ot president Jefferson, and tariff; that we believe that if it Is de- points out with forcw and direction the manded by the best Interests ot both man- course to b* pursued through their ufacturer and consumer, and that a wise proper apllcation In order to insure and beneficial revision of ths tariff can needed reform* in both the legislative be accomplished aa soon as both branehea and administrative departments of th* ef emigre*« and an executive in favor of Government While unhesitating tn Ita it are elected, without creating that sens* promise to correct abuse and to right of uncertainty and in stability that has wrongs wherever they appear or how on other occasions manifested itself This ever caused; to investigate the several oan be achieved by providing that suolt administrative departments of th* a reasonable period shall intervene be Government, the conduct of whose tween the date of the enactmefit of the officials has created scandals and to statute making a revision and the date of punish those who have been guilty of a its enforcefent as shall be deemed suffi breach of the trust; to oppose the cient for the industry er business affectsd r ranting of special privileges by which by such revision to adjust itself to th* the few may profit at the expense of changes and new conditions imposed. So the many, to practice economy in the Confident am I in the belief that the de expenditure of the money of the peo mand of the people for a reform of the ple. and to that end to return once tariff is just that I indulge in the hope that should a Democratic executive be mote to tlie methods of the founders Chosen by the people et en a Republican, of the republic, by observing in dis bursing the public funds the care and senate may heed the warning and con- < caution a prudent individual observe* i Sent to give at least some measure of re with respect to his own; the protection lief to the people. of the Innocent as well as punishment Monopoly of the Trusts. pf the guilty; the encouragement of Tlie combinations popularly called trust* industry, «cniiomy and. thrift, tlie pro which aim to secure a monopoly of trad* tection of property and a guarantee of In the necessaries of life as well as in the enforcement for the benefit of all those things that are employed on the of man’s inalienable rights. among farm, in he factory and in many other which, as said in the declaration of in fields of industry, have been encouraged dependence. are "life liberty and the and stimulated by excessive tariff duties. pursuit of happiness.” These operate to furnish a substantial Liberty, aa understood in thia market In the necessities of 80.900.000 of country, means not only th* rights of people by practically excluding competi freedom from actual servitude, im tion With so large a market and h tghly prisonment or restraint, but the right remuneiatlve prices continuing long after of |>ne to use his faculties In all lawful the line of possible competition would ways, to live and work where he will naturally be reached the temptation of all and to pursue any lawful trade or engaged in the same business to combine, business These essential rights of life so as to prevent competition abroad and a g*i iranteed to the citizen by the con resulting reduction of prices, has proved stitution of each of the several States, Irresistible in a number of cases. All but the State* are by the fourteenth men must agree that tlie natural result amendment of tlie constitution of the of enacting laws that foster such inequit any United States forbidden to deprive person of any one of them without due able com ltlons is most unfortunate for the peo|>b* as a whole, and it would seem process of law as if all ought to agree that tin1 effective Governmental Power Limited. remedy would be t appropriately modify Occasionally, by reason of unnecessary tlie often li*g law. or Impatient agitation for reforms, or be Courts Not Responsible. cause the limitations placed upon the de The growth of monopoly, of which com partments of the government by the con stitution ar* disregarded by omeials de plaint is Justly made, cannot justly be siring to accomplish that which to them laid at ihe doors of the courts of this The decisions of the supreme seems good, whether the power exist* country. court of the I'nited States, the court of or not. it becomes desirable to call at appeals of this state and the court of last tention to the fact that the people in resort in many other states warrant the whom all power resides, have seen fit. assertion that the common law as de through th* medium of the constitution veloped affords a complete legal remedy to limit governmental powers conferred The fact that they and to say to departments created by it. against monopolies “Thu* far shall thou go. and no far have multiplied in number and increased in power has been due not to the failure ther " To secure the end* sought th« people hav* by th* constitution separated Of the courts to apply the law when prop and distributed among tlie three depart erly moved by administrative officials or private Individuals, but to the failure of ments of the government—tlie executive, officials charged with the duty of enforc legislative and Judicial—certain powers Sid it ts the duty afclhose administering ing Yhe law to take the necessary proced ure lhe judgment of the courts lit the ap each department to act so as to preserv* rather than te destroy the potency ot propriate Jurisdiction, coupled with the the co-ordinate branohe* of the govern fact that the legislative departments of ment and thus secure the exercise of all some of our stale governments as well as congress, is the manner already referred the powers conferred by the people. Thomas Jefferson, la a letter to William to nave by legislation encouraged their C. Jarvis, touching th* perpertutty of out propagation. What is needed in addition to the pas institutions, written many years after he sage of a statute revising the tariff du had retired to private life, aaid: "If the three power* of our govern ties to a reasonable basis Is not so much ment maintain their mutual independence othvr and different laws as officials hav ing th* disposition and courage to enforce of each other, it may last long, but not While this is my view so if either can assume the authority of existing laws. of the scope of the common law. if It the other.“ should be made to appear that it is a It must be oonfessed that in the course of our history executives have employed mistaken one. then I favor such further powers not belonging to them; statutes legislation within constitutional lines as will give the people a Just agd a full nave been passed that were expressly for measure of protection. bidden by the constitution and statutes have been set aside as unconstitutional Government of Philippines. until it was difficult to point out the pro It is difficult to know how any citlzea visions said to be offended against in their enactment; all this has been done with ot the I’nited States, much less a descend- a good purpose, no doubt, but in dlsre- ant^of revolutionary stuck, can tolerate Card. nevertheless, of the fact that our* the thought of permanently denying the i a government of laws, not of men. de right of self-government to the Filipinos riving its "just power* rrom the consent Can we hope to instill intu the minds ot our descendants reverence and devotlou Of the governed. ' for a government by the people while de Guard Against Usurpation. nying ultimately that right to the in habitants of distant countries, whose ter If we would have our government con tinue during the ages to come for the ritory we have acquired either by pur benefit of those who shall succeed us. chase or by force H «7on we say to th* Filipinos. "Your lives, your liberty and we must ever be on our guard against ths your property may be taken from you danger of usurpation of that authority which resides In the whole people, without due process of law fur all time," whether the usurpation be by ofllflleials and expect we will long glory in that representing one of the great departments feature of the Magna Charla, which ha* of government or by a body of men act b*eome Incorporated, in substance and ef ing without a commission from the peo fect, into the Constitution of every state ple Impatience of the restraints of law, as well as into the Fourteenth amend aa well aa of it* delays. Is becoming mor* ment t* tlie Constitution of the United and more manifest from day to day. StatesH Within the past few years many Instances Withholding Liberty. have been brought to our attention where Can we hope for the respect of the civ in different parts of our beloved country ilised world while uroduly guaranteeing supposed criminals have been seized and punished by a mob. notwithstanding th* to every citizen of tne United States that no law shall be made or enforced which rear that the constitution of each Stat* guarantees to everv person within Its shall abridge the privileges or Immunities of cltisena of the United States or deny Jurisdiction that his life, liberty or prop to any person the equal protection of th* erty shall not be taken from him with law*, and at the same time not only deny out du* process of law. Similar right* to th* inhabitants of th* The Reign of Force. Philippine*, but to take away from them In a struggle between employers and the right of trial by Jury and place their employes dynamite la said to have been lives and the disposition of their property used by the latter, resulting in the loss in the keeping of thoae whom we send to of life and the destruction of property. ' them to be their governor*. We shall cer- The perpetrator* of this offense against 1 talnlv rule it as a nation If we make any lhe laws of God and man and all others such attempt Viewing the question even from the standpoint of national selfish- engaged in the conspiracy with them should, after due trial and -conviction neea.there is no proepect that the »20.00».- have-had meted out to them the most 000 expended la the purchase of the isl ands and the >S5u OOO.OOO said to hav* rigorous punishment known to the law. This crim* added perhaps to others led been disbursed will ever come back to ui to th* formation or a committee of cltl- The accident of war brought the Philip- zsns that with the support of the mili i pines into our puaaeasiun aud »« are nut at liberty to duiegiMd the responsibility tary authority deports from the State, that came to us. but that responsibility without trial, persons suspected of be longing to the organization of which the I will be best subserved by preparing the perpetrators of the dynamite outrages Islanders na rapidly w* posa 1 Lie for self- were supposed to be members In both government and giving to them the assur oases the reign of law gave way te th* ance that It will come as soon aa they i are reasonably prepared for it. reign of force. Tbe identification of criminals by means of finger prints, introduced lu recent years in European police and penal establishments, is paralleled by a similar custom which has been used in Korea for centuries to identify fe male slaves. Iu a paper recently read before the Anthropological Society of London by a missionary from was stated that in the deeds of sale of slaves the band of the latter was placed on the sheet of paper on which the deed was inscribed, and an outline of the fing ers and thumb was traced, while, in addition, an impression was made of each finger. Such impressions, which naturally furnished a complete Identification, have been found on deeds that date i back 1200 years. BRIEF MENTION Ayers Hair Vigor Thick Hair Á Fortune Distributed Notary Public Real Estate Agent and U. S. Commissioner for Jackson County. Huge Water Wheels. The Golden Drift Mining Co. bas received a shipment from Logans port, Ind., of five 400-horse-p-wer turbine wheels for their dam three miles up tbe river from Grant* Pass. With tbe necessary shafting and gearing, they made a three-c-aricad shipment. These five wheels will be connected to one shaft and will operate a centrifugal pump capable of delivering 9000 gallons of water per minute under a 430-foot head. Tbe pump is being manufactured in San Fran6isco and will be installed in September. This pump will supply water for working the mines at Bloody Ruo. The dam is built to accommodate 16 400-borse-power turbines, and they will be added as the needs of tbe company require. Work at the dam is being rapidly pushed by a crew of 50 men, and it is expected that tbe work will be completed next month, says tbe Courier. DeWitt I* the Name. When you go to buy Wltcli Hazel Salre look for the name DeWitt on ev ry box.. The pure, unadulterated Witch Htzel is us d in making De Witt’s Witch H uzj I Salve, which is the lest salve iu the wo Id for cuts, burns, bruises, boils, eczema and piles. The popularity of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, due to ita many cures, has caused numerous worthless You Kaew What You Ar* Taking counterfeits to be placed on tbe When you take Grove's Tastcles» Chill Tonte oeoeuse tbs formula is piai •edoa every ' market. Tbe genuine bears the name vn aad Quf- E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. Sold lottie,»bowing that It la a ur*. NoPay at City Drug Store. alus i* a tastai ass form. N which Geo. Walter is administrator. He is attorney for the heirs living in Germany. The poles on which will be strung the wires that will transmit electricity from Gold Ray to Medford have been hauled alongside the road between the two points, and m soon m tbe holes can be dug they will be put In position. Mrs. Fred Farrier of Salt Lake (nee pall) who has been visiting in Medford aud Grants P mb , will return home be fore long. Sbe has fully recovered from the severe attack of fever that at one time t^eatened to prove fatal. Harry Wilcox, a son of Scott M. Wil cox, the genial 3. P. agent, bas been acting as conductor of the R. R. V. R. Co. and filling the bill nicely. Will. Barnum was chief engineer in tbe meantime. Miss Katherine Chapman, the pop ular milliner, is offering the ladies ex ceptional bargains. She has merged tbe stock kept at Dunsmuir with that at Jacksonville, and finds that she must dispose ot much of It In time to make room for fall and winter goods.; Miss C. ha» therefore reduced the price of everything in her store fifty per cent. Remember the place*-next door to the Jacksonville poatoffice. Prospectors are scouring every mountain In this section, a greater number of veteran miners being afield than at any other time for years. As a result of this prospecting many min ing claims are being placed on record. The hills hereabouts are known to con tain many uncut mining gem» that need only the touch of the lapidary of development, the rich »trikes may be ocafldently expected in the near future. FRANK E. ALLEY ARCHITECT ABSTRACTER BLUE PRINTS Of any Township in the Roseburg Land District. PILING PAPERS Prepared for Filing on Home stead or Timber Claims (SPSpecial Attention given to Matters in Connection with the U. 8. Land Office. « PHONE «1» 0 Marks Bld.,Rostburi, Or NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U nitrs S tatbs L and O vvicb . Roseburg. Oregon, June 22. 1904. Nottoe 1» hereby ghen that in compliance with the provlaieus of the act of Congress ot June 3,1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States ot California, Ore gon. Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extended to ail the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Elwyn B McSohooler of Ross burg, County of Douglas, Slate ot Oregon, has this day filed in thia office hia sworn statement No. 62i>o, for the purchase of th* NEy» of Beet ion No. 20. Township S7 south, of range 3 west and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for It* timber and atone than for agricultural purpose*, and to eatab llah his claim to aaid land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. Ore gon, on Saturday, the loth day September, i9t>4 He names as witnesses: Elmer L. Giles, Wil ber Franklin and Jumes Skiuner of Roseburg Oregou, and Erick Oberg, of Iron River, Mich' Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this offioe on or before said 10th day of September. 1904. J. T. HHWG1C3, Keewier. purposes, aad to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Ifoceiver ot thia office at RtMMlMrg, Oregon, Thursday, tbe sth day of September.iflM. He name* aa wltaeaa- es: Mrs. Clara J. Wise, of Tacoma, W asking- t n. Mrs Emma H. Williams, ot Spanaway, Washington, J. H. Gardner, W. A. McCroaaoe. all of Roseburg. Oregon Any sou all persona claiming adversely th* above described lands are request** to fll* their claims in thia offioe on or belore ««ta »th day ot Sept., 1904. J. T. BRIDGES. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UH itbb S tatbs L ard Orrn a, Rosebu rg. Ore., J une IS, 1904. Notice is hereby given that in oompliane* with tbe provisions of tbe act ot Congress ot June 3. 1878, entitled 'An Aet tor tbe Sale ot Timber Land« in tbe State* ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extended ’o all the public land alate* by **t ot August 4. 189«. Mra. Clara J. Wise ot Taooma. County ot Pierce, State ot Washing ton, baa this day tied in thia office h*r a«or* statement No. 622». tor the purchase ot the NW h ot Section No. 28, i* Township No. 40, Range No. 3W , W.M .aad wilt offer proof I* show that the l*Ld sought is more valuable tor ita timber or stone than for agricultural purpose*, ano tc establiah har claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of thin office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday, the Sth day ot September, 1(04. She uamea aa wttneases: J. H Gardner and .Y' A. McCrosson. all of Roseburg, Ur*??’“™ «•»*■. William, Spaaawsy Washington, L a Reed, of Tacoma, Wash ington. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims tn this office on or before aaid 8th day ot September. 1904 __________________ J-T. BRIDGES. Reg is ter Mediord Furniture Co., HouseFumishers and Undertakers. JohnH. Butler, Funeral Di rector. Day Phone Main 863. Night Phone Main 261.