* JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1904. VOL. XXXIV. NO. 26 ful game on the latter's grounds Sat­ PERSONAL MENTION. LOCAL NOTES BRIEF MENTION urday. The score standing 16 to 14 in favor of the visitors. Neither team Judge Prim was a Medford visitor Deneff visited In Medf rd The wedding announced to ta*re place J. W. Hobbs, the big, good-Datured mm ». < ID II' exe * t-> i.' n bad a full complement of its best Monday. Weduesday. CHI8 YOUNG WOMAN APPEALED II STANDING OF THE TEAMS. at Jacksonville Sunday did net mate ­ deputy revenue collector, who travels M * -y ’ s Ac d mv * r ail* a. i • ’e players R mer and Flynn and Cleve­ VAIN FOR HELP. J. E. Barkdull, wbo haa been quite W. I' Kinn -y of Lake Creek tarried P. C. land and Marksbury were tbe batter­ through this section as well as other rialize. It will occur later, however. Won. Lost. -eas ii. e-t o i ne Jack» nvnl ’ 2 .750 Ashland .... ...6 ill, is able to be about again. in Mud (ord une day this week. parts of Western Oregon, had a joke most i-pa' i-us b»li wa- d »¡t*i Wheu Hop« had Aliuoat Settled Into Uttar Medfoid......... ...4 ies. .500 4 E. D. Elwood,who recently returned Mr. and Mrs J. C. Pendleton visited W. J. D Anderson of Climax was a an exptctiut ai d eu e, and ii wa Deepair Relief Cauie from au recently perpetrated on him in Eu­ from Cblco, Calif, has become inter­ .375 5 Jacksonville.. ...3 Unexpected Source, Meaford visitor last week. 5 .375 Gold Hill....... ... 3 mote than pieai-ed with -he p e idid gene, where he lives. Mr. Hobbs, ested in Hotel Nash and Saloon with la Medford one day tM« week. Mrs. Emma Heidebreder, of No. 1323 Mrs. C. D Reed visitec, her daugh­ Misses Clara Rader and Maggie pritfciam presented, which *e pre ent whose business takes him into the sa­ C. C. Ragsdale. Joy street, Burlington, Iowa,whose hns- ter, Miss Kate, in Medford, Monday. Krause were Medford vis tors Wednes­ b low. loons and kindred places on ills tours l«nid is an employee of the Rami Lumber Jacksonville vs. Ashland. W. R Stansell's saw mill has been day. of inspection, claimed that he could “Juns Ga'lends." The droutby conditions prevailing R. B. Dow, county recorder elect, Co., tells a story of pitiable suffering: Jacksonville again went down to de­ moved to Sardine creek from Coleman tell the brand and age of any kind of Sheriff Rader and County Clerk Orth Marco, En.elm*n. spent an hour in Medford Tuesday “For about five years,” she says, "I feat Sunday, being beaten by Ashland throughout tbe State were partially creek, where a fine body of pine tim­ made tbe Butte Creek section a visit “ I ne Angtl-’ St renadr-,” lutd a host of physical ills that kept me an ou Neuber & Taylor’s grounds by a relieved by scattering showers dui ing liquor by tasting the same, and be ber has been secured. moruing. Wednesday. invalid and puzzled the doctors. Some score of 14 to 2. There were some good the latter pari of last week;but, as a was promptly put to the test by a “ Tbe Farewell,” pa e L. Niedermeyer of North Jackson­ crowd of political friends. He was of them thought I was going into con­ H. D. Reed, a merchant of Gold Hill, Tbe parting < f Naomi Ru Miss Lulu Jones la in charge of tbe rule, the amount of precipitation wa« sumption. At times I was so weak that plays, but no especial feat ures. Er­ .net sufficient to do much god, and blindfolded and was then given vari­ bas made an assignment for tbe bene ville, one of our leading farmets, was Pacific Spates Telephone Co.’s office In pha. with us Saturday. I could not comb my hair or even wash rors were numerous, most of which “Nonnata Pathetic,” B e huveu. more rain Is badly needed for al) crops. ous Kinds of liquor, and in each In­ fit of his creditors. Bls assets are near­ Mr. and Mrs. R. Rouse and Mr. and Jacksonville. my face. Then excruciating pains ran were charged against the Gold Bricks, stance he named the braud or vintage ly equal to his liabilities. “Fille du Regimen',” D niz tie. Tbe extremely dry spell has had a Mrs. Arglee Fryer Green left Wed ­ whose pitchers during five of the last suddenly up my thigh and I had to be Mrs W H. Simmons visited n Jack­ of the liquor tasted by him. But "Va i*us Patuway» Le B o*-,” damaging effect on spring grain, and A single stick of timber,30x42 inches, sonville Sunday. nesday for St Louis, where the will re­ carried to bed screaming in my agony. six innings did some awful work. the*« was a p actlcal joker In the alas» song. in some sections it will be lignt in I could no longer do my work aud the 60 feet lung, dressed on all sides, was main sometime. There is a great lack of harmony in ‘ Gil'ip BrHitante,” L'ebierre. draiu upon my husband's purse was the Jacksonville team, which is one of yield. Fail wheat and barley have cros.d—there a.ways Is—and this one on a southbound train a few days ago. j A. E. Kellogg, one of Gold Hill’s Mrs. O Gilbert, who met with a leading businees men,spent a few hours Gi adust lug honor» ouuferred * *ii Mis very heavy. I craved food but what I beaded nicely and a good yield of both handed to Mr. Hobbs a small glass of Its destination was Folsom, Calif. painful accident some lime ago, is able in Medford today. water. Gnce, twice, three times Mr. ate only gave me discomfort. My liver the main reasons of the successive de­ of these cereals is premised. Ambiosine Cecelia » u^hy. to be about again. feats it bas suffered lately. Naihlng F. M. Nelson, Dooms Bros and D. w as torpid, and often I had to be carried Lincoln Savage, the efficient school Awa'dii'tfO Grammaraod p-i mas they crop will be fair, estecially west of I’m stumped, I never before tasted ting up W. R. Stanseii’a saw mill. our town Tuesday. Add re »•«. R»v. J. D Murphy. the Cascades. The first cutting of al Hon. G. W Colvig of Grants Pass, as if my thigh were being pushed out of mU'twork together better. Mr. and Mrs F. Kleinhsmmer of Sotne* iii'ig not previnu-ly sn-i-u c- Jas. D Stevens, the well-known mi­ ! the well-known politician, was here f Ufa has been secured tn vood e mdi- this brand.” my ixxiy. The lwst doctors could do was Tbe following is tbe official scoie: Applegate have been visiting relatives ed *»* the visito Guv. C amberlain, ner, has gone to Meadows, Idaho, to Tuesday, on professional business. t ion; the yi* Id was above the average to deaden it by narcotics. Once they living near Medford. JACKSONVILLE. who ne iv«r d a »b irt nut app >pri i»e though I could not live for more than enter the employ of tbe Lake Creek and the quality generally go d. Pas­ John S. Orth, our popular county two da; i. in une of my worst attacks, and very in ere-ting add*-t at waa Mining Co. He will be gone about six I ii IB SB PO ▲ C W. Conklin, Jacksonville’s under turage continues in fine condition, clerk, and bis wife have been ruatlcat- 3 0 1 0 11 0 1 but is beginning to d y up sime a frienu s-tid : ‘ Why don't you try Dr. O well lb... •ell e/elved by t o la ge >.ss m da.e months. taker, and his wile attended religious ng on Applegate a few days. XS llliar J Mik Pil's? They are the Ordway, r f.. ..4 0 1 0 1 0 1 Stock is fat and the supply or milk in Tbe grand lodge and chapters of tbe servloes in Medford Sunday Ti*e mu-leal p-rt *f the privr tn Prt f. E. E Washburn, former prin­ .3 0 0 0 0 2 o Rev. F Sack has retu*-ned from Van­ only th dig tu it ver helped my rhenma- H-it iuulk-r p •>asonic order met in annual session the dairy districts continues abun ­ Mrube, ......... was among tbe f* ature»* f tne ev nt, 0 1 o cipal of the Jacksonville schools, and Rev. J. D. Murphy will hold servloes tism.’ couver, Wash , where he attended a P D r.ejan, c f .. 0 0 o in Portland last week. There was a dant. being of a high class and splendidly his family have removed to Ashland. Ln Jacksonville and Meaford Sunday “ I to >k his.. % After using one conference of Lutheran miulsters. Strube c............. 4 0 2 0 4 2 1 Gardens and root crops are miking large attendance aud much iotereat They will live there until taking up a perf rm»d. b*'X I f* \ better. i< i 1 continued to use Collins morning, al 8:30 and 10:30 respectively. •> .... 0 o Hon Miles Cantrail of Applegate was the pills f- ~ thr. n 0 1 0 Mi-a Mu p y 'he nly member of ' *ur mouths with Collins, s s permanent residence elsewhere. 1 5 2 slow growth,owing to the dryness of waa manifested In the meetings. Miss Edith Cranfill, who haa been al among our visitors Monday. He is in steady ruveiu, ;u until I was well. Heitmuller The following officers were elected doiog 'be soil. Early potatoes are toe cla-» of 1904 acquitted b-r-elf 0 0 O Portland, attending St. Helen ’ s Ha l R W. Gray, who has the contract charge of tbe well-known Devlin place. For fou < ars I ic U en able to do all Kruwer................. 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 «ell and will soon be ready for niar- for the ensuing year. is spending the vacation at her home vary credit bb, '*er eff *ri b Ing origi­ for building a residence on part ot the my hou . ■id v\ • 0 P. D >negan, cf . .4 1 1 1 1 O 1 no longer have District Attorney Reames returned in Med lord. ketlng. Com bas not made oiucb nal a d beautiful In tb*>ugnt, cbo'ce GRAND LODGE. 0 0 O old Hanley farm, for Wm. H Stewart, from Portland Monday, where he has to take imine f any se rious trouble, Heitmuller......... warm advancement owing to a lr.ck of in language and nicely delivered. 2 Grand master, Thomas Gray, Port­ will soon begin work. It will be a I gave box ut Dr. Williams’ Pink E Donegan, 1 f 4 0 1 o « 0 1 Mrs. E. W. Tryer and her children, been some time on professional business. weather. ‘ ‘Echoes from tbe Past,“ tbe title of Lester, 3 b ......... 4 1 0 o 1 4 land; deputy grand master, W. H. beautiful and convenient structure. Pills to nau ou ernn lies because of after a short visit with relatives living Nunan, 2 b......... 3 0 0 o 3 4 O Tbe strawberry season is drawing her poem, wa« a dev r production and Jack Tungate of Big Butte was in rlieuma t and advised my market Flanagan, Grant's Pass; senior grand W. H. Runnells of Gold Hill, tbe Medford Tuesday, accompanied by his in Jacksonville, left for Williams Creek, touched the tenderen leelings of alb to a close. Risoberriesand cherries warden. W. T. Willi'msun, t ortland; woman j buy a box when she was com- Total .. ...31 28 0 27 15 12 to visit her parents. are ripening nicely and promise fair­ junior grand warden, L it L. Pearce, hardware merchant, was in our town mother, who was on her way to Jack­ plaininp . tne same t. ?uble. 1 heani that Rev. J D. Mu-p y awarded a num­ ASHLAND. the forepart of the week. He is an Messrs. Fry and Harmon, two young ly good yields. Apples are doing well, he was i able to throw his crutches sonville. ber of grammir and penminsbip Salem; grand trea'urer, Henry Roe, men connected wtth the U. S. Geologi­ Indian war veteran, and was here tor away, and -he told me she had got rid of AB R IB 8H PO a E but pears, prunes and peaches con­ certificate», tbat were we*l deserved Edgar Ha ’ er, manager of the Iowa Portland: grand secretary, James F. tinue uneven. cal Survey, have been do ing some work the purpose of obtaining evidence the rheumatism by the use of oue box Hulen, 2b.......... 6 2 3 0 5 8 1 Heal» deiit~re1 an add ess fiat waa Robinson, Eugene; trustees of educa ­ Lumber 6o . who has been at C* uneii Eastman c f.». .4 3 2 o O O o s* and could not thank me too much.” west of Jackson villa to substantiate his cl^oi to a pension able and instruc ive aud t >u«bed a re- 1 2 o 1 O o tional fund, John M. Hodaon, M. 8. Bluff», Iowa, on a short business visit, Testimony multiplies as to the mag Carter, If......... 6 P. R. Robinson of Foots Creek pre­ »jXMisiv.e cb "d. Hon. G. W. Dunn,county-judge eloct, returned Sunday. Woodcock and John B Cleland, all of nifioent curative powers of Dr. William» Martin, p......... 3 3 1 O 2 O 1 o Jacobs, c......... 6 2 o 12 3 o cinct, who recently sold his place to M. was in J acksun vlile Monday, looking Portland. Pink Pills for Pale People in casts ot Neil, s s............ 2 Mrs. Nettie Martin and Miss Hig­ 2 O 1 O 1 o L. McDonald, late of Talent, has got fora residence in which to live during gins of Grants Pass made Medford a rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous head­ Freeburg, 3 b. 5 1 1 o 1 3 o ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. Jack Snyder, whois well but un­ hack from California. his term of offioe. He bas secured one ache, palpitation of the heart and all Pool, lb ........... 5 0 l 1 7 O o favorably known in Klamath coun­ visit Tuesday. The former brought Grand high priest, Thomas F. Ryan, forms of weakness in either male or McKertcher, rf 6 2 1 o 1 O o of T. J. Williamson's dwe'iiugs, for­ her son for medical treatment Mrs. Chas. Nickell, wno has been ty, ou Thursday night shot and killed Oregon City; deputy grand high priest, female. They are sold by all druggist» merly owned br Mrs J.C. Whlpp. visiting Lu Jacksonville during tne past T' e Ashland *>iera house wsg fl l-d Total 43 14 12 4 27 13 1 Tuffy Potter and fatally wounded Eiward Biddle, Dallas; grant king, throughout the world. J. S. Howard, the veteran civil engi­ few weeks, returned to Meaford Tues­ witn a Urg- *od repr-a-ntativ aid! A St. Louis judge has banded down Donald McKay in his cabin about 36 neer, went to Fish Lake this week, to Lot R. Pearce, Salem; grand scribe, BY INNINQ3 miles south of Klamatb Falls. The i Frank W. Davis, La Grande; grand an opinion that 11 o’clock at night is do some work for the company which day, accompanied by Miss Beodie Nick­ eoce W<*doesday afterno »n t • wiin-s- A series of interesting firing trials 123456789 ell t-ir gradual'- n»*x~rci»e-**f *h*- S () 8. recently was undertaken by the Swed­ Ashland ........... 00032320 4—14 men bad been drinking together io : captain or best, L. Steiner, Salem; long enough for any young man to I bas appropriated its waters. Ji 8., <"i*n proved ve*y i . er-«».ioj. J. McNulty, the genial prospector, ish government. The purpose of these Jacksonville.... 00000000 2— 2 the cibio, wheo all of a sudden Sny­ grand lecturer, George H. Burnett, stay with his sweetheart. According C. C. Beekman, J. M. Cronemiller Unu»usl inter—' *as- e t re<1 ar iuno waa over from Applegate Weaneeday, to that ruling some of tbe boys of der pulled bls gun and began tiring, Salem; grand P. 8., Edward Kiddle; experiments was to examine the effect and Theo. Cameron, wbo have been SUMMARY. th'8 event, a-« It wa» well known the' accompanied by Quinn Bros , who are Southern Oregon would be guilty of with the above stated result. He R. A. captalo, Frank J. Miller, Al­ of shooting against pasteboard. Tbe attending the Masonic grand lodge and tbe chief ex-cutive of our state w< uld residents of Table Bluff, Calif., on a Heitmuller pitched 6 nniogs,Strube oontempt of court. . claims self-defense, alleging that bis bany; G. M. third vail, A. J. Marshall, trials were conducted on the wharves chapters, returned Monday. be one of several disUogui-hed visi- visit. • two visitors were attempting to get Portland; G. M. second vail, Henry of the Swedish navy, and the target 7th, P. Donegan 8tb and 9tb. Miss Jennie Griffith, (a sister of the Mrs. XV C. Hale of Grants Pau visit ­ "*r< present. Collins caught lu 7th inning. away with some property io tbe room. Roe. Portland; G. M. third veil, C. J. late Mrs. R A. Miller) wbo conducted Hon. E. B. Dufur of Foots Creek, the used was a prepared one of millboard, ed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. The clas« of 1904 *'onsiB« of: Robe*t Heitmuller played short in 7th, According to tbe last report from Buchanan, Oregon Citj; grand senti­ the largest and most successful Chinese well-known attorney, will leave for against which the fire from revolvers, Langell, Monday. She was accom ­ S. Allen, Ban a D. Allen. J. Dali* n Kruger in 9th. tbe scene of tbe tragedy, Snyder w is nel John Dukehart, Portland; grand pheasant breeding farm in Oregon in Salem in a few days, to argue the re­ rifles, carbines and machine guns was panied by her daughter, Jessie. Baughman, D n a B-ll, EUztbeth C. Heitmuller played center field in sitting up with tbe corpse of bis vic ­ secretary, James F. Robinson, Eugene; spondent’s side of the case of Ferguson directed. The pasteboard, which was which Une she had attained consider­ Gibson, Nellie E. Hare, Nan,L- Mc- Miss Allie Hanley has returned from 8tb and 9th. tim, Potter, and McKay bad been car ­ grand treasurer, D. P. Mason, Albany. vs. Kay. three inches thick, resisted completely able fame, died at her home njar Salem Callen, Fl >y E. McNeil, Ei«ln J Mc- Portland, where she has been repre­ Earned Runs—Ashland 2, Jackson­ ried away with bis lower Jaw entirely the bullets fired from the small arms EASTERN STAR. John H. Barnum,conductor of the R. June 12th, aged 38 years. senting Adarel Chapter No. 3 in the gone. A man named McManu«, who but was perforated by the projectiles ville 2. R. V. R., is at The Dalias, under treat­ K'ilnPt Nettie L McIntire, Ethel J. W irthy grand matron, Mrs. Della Louis Ulrich, w v o baa been night grand chapter of tbe O. E. S. Newell, Ech > V. Nason, O' iv I i C Poh Double plays—Hulen to Pool, Free­ was io tbe cabin at the time of the from the machine guns. The experi­ ment by Dr. J. A. Reuter. Some time Houston, Portland; worthy grind pt- i baggageman for some time, has re- land, Flora M. Poti la nd, E seC. Parks burg to Hulen to Pool, Strube to Os- shooting, assisted in taking care of iron, O. P. Coshuw, Roseburg; associ-1 signed hla position and leftlaat Monday ments may be said to have given very G. XV. Mackey, the photographer, ago ho Injured one of his thumbs, Clyde Rhees, Chalmers L. Strange, weil, Nunan to Kruger. the wounded man, but it Is doubtful if interesting results. Bullets from the ate grand matron, Inez M. Ryan, Ore for a trip 1 b the mountains. After July and his family left for the Willamette which haa .been giving him trouble ever Delia A Steward. Roy G Walker and Struck Out—Ry Martin 11, by Helt- be can recover. carbines used are able to penetrate I gon City; associate grand patron. Geo. 1st he will act as deputy for County valley tbis evening, to be gone some since. He expects to return soon. Maude A. Z mmerman. The murdered man wa* well koown j M. Highland, Portland; grand sec- time. George may return next month. wooden planks five Inches in thickness, mulier 1, by Strube 2. The case of John A. Harvey vs. the r President Mulkey intr -duced ths Treasurer Miller. — [Ashland Tribune. 2-Base Hits—Freeburg, Collins, P. in the district about Picard, across but they could not penetrate the paste John and Ed. Wilkinson, wbo have S. P. Co. haa been appealed to the Su­ gu>*st of honor, Governor Chamber­ , rotary, Mary Scott Myets, The Dalles: the California line, near wbich town Tbe County Commissioners' court been at Portland during tbe past sever­ board, which was only three inches Donegan. grand treasurer, Clara F. Lyle, La preme Court, notwithstanding the mis- lain, who addre-t-ed tbe damson a Bases ou Balls—Off Martin 4, off the shooting took place. He was con­ thick. Grande; grand conductress, Bay L. will hold su adjourned term Wednes­ al months, attending tbe Columbia slatemeat made by Colvig and other practical subject He poloted out sidered wild and is tbe son of Mr.and Heitmuller 2,off Strube 2,off Donegan Mrs. 8 A. Potter, respectei citizens Sherwin, Ashland; associate grand day of next week, in order to finish its University, are spending their vacation claqoers of Judge Hanna that It ■ome of tbe existing dehnquen'les In 1. of Ashland. They baye gone to the ' conductress,Florence Na»berg,Marsh- business. Judge Prim and Commission at home. amounted to nothing and would never the administration of civil aff 4 •*, sg- Wild Pitch—Martin 1. scene of the shooting and will prob er Riley will retire from office then, field. Bert. Brewer, Geo. Fitzgibbon and be appealed. ge-ted remedle- for them, and exnnrt- Baseson Hit by Pitched Ball—By ably briog tbe body borne with them having served their constituents faith­ --------------- -- ------------- . Al Waddle, tbe Beau Brummels of the Louis Elwood, who has been looking ed the young people present to estab­ Heitmuller 1. fully and efficiently during tbe past traveling fraternity, have been Inter­ after Jacksonville’s telephone offioe tn lish for themselves true ideals of citi­ Bases Stolen — Hulen, Kruger. four years. Are impure matters which tbe skin, viewing their customers and others llv- an acceptable manner, resigned his I zenship and live up to them in spite Left on Bases—Ashland 10, Jackson­ liver, kidneys and other organs ean W. S Haskins bas sold the Gold Bug | jng jn Southern Oregon this week, position and on Monday went to Med­ ef seemiog difficulties. * ville 5. mine to Angus MsQueen and Clark not take care of without help, there ia W F. Entrop and bls associates are ford, where he la employed in his fath­ Superintendent Ackerman male a ' Time—2 hours, 10 minutes. Geo. P. Lindley, the clever cashier We have been informed that *25,000 Tabor of Portland and Albert Geiser such an accumulation of them. er ’ s jewelry store. He carries ths best making excellent progress with tbe pre ­ 'hoy. add res-aod d is tri outs i the di­ U mpire—Houston. of the Juckson County Bank, has gone has already been taken from tbe ledge of Sumpter. It takes elx figures to ex­ They litter tbe whole system. plomas to the class. Attendance 500. discovered not long stnee in Sucker liminary survey of the proposed rail­ press tbe price paid for this excellent to Illinois on a month's visit. He will wishes of all witb him. President Mulkey, after a few re Pimples, boils, eczema and other Pliny Strange, the clever foreman of creek district, Josephine county, by road from Big Butte Falls to central producer, which will be greatly im­ also attend the St. Louis Exposition Medford ve. Jacksonville. Rogue River Valley. marks, presented the Sberwio medal eruptions, loss of appetite, that tired and the Democratic National Conrea- tbe Ashland Tribune, and Miss Maude Buy Briggs However, this may be proved by the new owners, wbo intend J. A. McCall of Ashland, a skilled to Maude Z.mmerman. The game played on tbe grounds of Thompson, one of tbe granite olty ’ s ac ­ feeling, bilious turns, fits of indiges­ an exaggeration a« such matter« are adding 30 stamps to the mill that is lion. civil engineer, who has bad considera ­ Medford Atbletic Association was complished and popular young ladies, generally enlarged upon to more or tion, dull headaches and many other Horace D. Jones, Jr., a former reel­ ble experience in this line of work, is now located at tbe mine, on Mt. Reu­ won by the Medford ■Grays, who made les« an extent. will be married this week. In unison T he managers of the Republican troubles are due to them. ' dent of Medford, is in the valley, rep- ben. tn charge. He has two competent as ­ sir runs to the Gold Bricks* two. The witn their many friends we tender con­ campaign have realized wbat a mistake Tbe original report stated that *750 resenting Blaxe-McFall Co. Hls feature of tbe game was Henley’s bat- worth of gold wa' pounded out of 40 sistants, besides the usual amount of Dr. J. P. Easter, who surprised the gratulations and wishes for a pros­ they made tn putting Colvig on the father is a resident of San Francisco, IIng. He made two hume ru. s and • pounds ot the ore, which together with other help. There are about a dozen In public with eight strawberries that fill­ perous and blissful voyage on the sea of stump. He spent most of his time where he is employed on tbe Call. matrimony. single. lauding himself and Judge Hanna and several »mall pieces young Briggs tbe party, and they have progressed ed a box, beat his own record by pro­ Tbe base-bail magnates of Sottbern about teD miles. MEDFORD ducing six strawberries that filled a started home with; that ne took a rel­ I tried Ely’s Cream Balm and to all vilifying people who have the euprem- Remore all humors, overcome an Entrop &. Co. own a large body of box. He will next season raise some Oregon, J Court Hall of Medford, Geo. appearances am cured of catarrh. The eat contempt for him. However, in AB R BH PO A E ative, James Howard, a sou of Chas. their effects, - rengthen, tone and Moore, c... 4 ■1 4 3 O J. Howard, formerly of Medford, into fine timber located in the Big Butte that he expects to go four to tbe box. E. Neuber of Jacksonville Wm. Hulen terrible headaches from which I long dolnr 1 he rendered many of the Thomma. lb 4 o O O 0 12 of Ashland and J. H Beeman of Gold suffered are gone.—W. J. Hitcbeuca. , candidates on the Republican ticket a section and their intention Is to get tbe invigor ite the .» >le ¿ystem. Tbe breed has been named tbe Roose ­ Mil»-«, as... 4 1 1 2 2 2 tbe secret, and they returned to tbe Hill—were in consultation in Medford late Major (J. 8. Vol. and A. A. Gen., great «ervioe. They would have been 1 1 O O place afterward fora more thorough lumber to market by railroad, tbe only velt and they are all sound and firm as **I had . t rb 1 .*■ my bands so tbat 1 Northup, rf 4 Buffalo. N. Y. 2 1 3 3 O investigation, and discovered a 20- feasible way. They expect to build a well as large and luscious, saws tbe Ash Monday. Tne Balm does not irritate or cause defeated, too, had be had time to could not work, Aid's SanaparlUa Henley, p.. 4 3 3 1 1 O saw mill df big capacity at the falls of land Record. Ivan Humaton and bis family, who sneezing. Sola by druggists at 50 cts., •peak in favor of them. and it d o u«t tbe . .or. I continued Pat’sou 2b. .4 foot. ¡edge tbat is said to average *20 0 3 O O O or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren that stream, where almost unlimited Its use ti ha sores disappeared.” Mas. Isaac«, cf.. 3 0 Mrs. Jennie M. Gibson has begun a have been residents of Medford during St., New York. O 0 1 o £o the ton, with thousands of dollars io Ra ’ sdell, 3b 3 I ba O. B Rumford Falls, Me. I power can be developed. the past three years, left for Portland 0 1 o sight. 0 Rotb’inal, If 3 O Let me say I have used Ely’s’ Cream suit for divoroe from her busband, T. Milch Cow Wanted. 1 Mood Sunday, whers they expect to locate. Balm for catarrh and «an thoroughly Sarsaparilla promisee te There stems to be a big discrepancy J. Gibson, who was sent to the {«eniten- euro anu woepo tne promise. 6 8 27 10 3 somewhere. However, a number of recommend it for wnat it claims. Very Totals... 33 All Druggists tiary from Josephine county for life for The t est wishes of their many frienus truly, (Rev.) H. W. Hathaway, E.ma- At Laurelash, two miles north of JACKSONVILLE extensions have been located and con­ Ask the readers of this paper to test the klfflng of J. F. Schoenbachler,a jo with them. Jacksonville. One with recond or third Deth, N. Y. calf preferred Must be gentle, and AB R BH PO A E siderable excitement cau-ed by the the value of Kodol Dy-pepsla Cure neighbor, while tn a row over a J udge ALLEN of Loa Angeles, Cal., st'ike, which we hope will prove all Ttio*e persons who have used it and give Urge quantity of rich milk. Send 1 0 Ordway sa.. 4 1 1 2 An Alarm Clock for 2Sc. has reft'- i to grant a divorce asked line fence. The couple were married in full description and stale price, spot 1 1 Wiilner 2b. .3 3 4 1 that is claimed fur it. who have been cured by it do not If you want to net up and feel good cash. for by a wife on the grounds of insan- Heitm’er lb 3 R ob kb ? W. O jlesby 7 0 0 1 0 hesita'e to recommend it to their Lane county, March 30, 1895. Two all day take a LiiU» Eariy Ri»er ot ty. In denying tbe divorce be said : Strube c....3 0 0 2 0 friends. Kodol digests wbat you eat» children are tbe Issue of the marriage 9 twoai bedtime. These tamou little 2 1 0 1 1 cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all and Mrs. Gibson asks for custody of The residence occupied by Frank pills “Insanity on the part of either hus­ Collins 3b..3 relax t be nerve-, giv*- q iet res' 0 0 2 0 stomach troubles Increases strength Kruger cf..4 0 Northup, and| situated in tbe north­ nd refreshing sleep, witb a genii* band or wife is no ground for divorce. by enabling the stomach and digest i ’ them. Lester p....4 0 1 0 1 1 western portion of Medford, was de­ movement of ihe t owels about b g out, s ck and neivou' bi adacbe», yet cost m Send tor tree temple. rooms. Innings— I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S apply heroic measures if necessary. SCOTT A BOWSE, Cbemitt*, more than an mdinary comb. Nel question. Wbat are the advantages fire in the stove not long before. The (OMj Pearl Street. Nev York. Runs .... 0 I 0 0 0 0 I 4 *—6 Members of the Holiness Band of re Another thing he has placed under on sight. Agents are wild with suc­ toc.andMwoiallAwBiBtB. Hite.... 0 I 0 I 0 I I 4 *—8 the ban is tisbiog dose to fish-ways and disadvantages of this section9 ligious workers have been holding a flames evidently had been »mouldering cess. Send 50c for'ample (ha f price) The money is offered ly Orange Judd sometime before breaking through tbe Wtiie quick. Tbe Dr. White Electric Sacrifice Hits—Heitmuller 1, Strube through dams where fish accumulate campmeeting in tbe grove on Rogue Farmer of Chicago to draw out plain roof. Comb Co., Decatur 111. 'in their efforts to get through and are and truthful statements from actual river, just above Woodville, for the Tbe loss is estimated at several Earned Runs—Medford 1. past ten days or more,and the meetings then taken in large numbers. He has A WONDERFUL INVENTION. Two-base Hits—Heitmuller 1, Col- had tbe following notice posted by his experience of practical farmers as to will continue until the 26th inst. Fifty hundred dollars, upon which there was the merits of this and other sections no insurance. Most of the household line 1, Northup 1, Miks 1. people of this faith from different sec ­ deputy, W. R. Williams: “Notice is of the country. That paper proposes It is interesting to note that for­ goods of iRev. and Mrs. G. C. Love, Home R uds —Henley 2; hereby giveu that it is unlawful for to publish the best of the replies. If a tions of the valley have been in attend­ (who are now in Portland) stored in tunes are frequently made by the in- Htolen Bases—Ordway 1, Willner 1, auy person to take or fish for salmon ance, and their meetings are reported v< ntion of articles of minoi imp «rt- sufficient numberof answers come from the building, were also burned. The Isaacs 1. or other migratory speciesof fish with- this section it is possible that Orange as causing a religious sensation in the house belonged to Gus Samuels and a>ice. Many uf the m >»t p<*pulai de­ vices me ' iiokc de-igi e l t" benefit the Double Play—Miles to Thomma. iu six hundred (600) feet of the fish-way Judd Farmer’s commission of land ex­ neighborhood, says the Tidings. people atd meet popular conditions, was insured for *400. Bases on Balls—By Henley 1. provided for this dam. The law will perts may make a special tour to in­ undone of the most interesting ot these that has ever been invented Is Hit by Pitched Balls—By Lester 1. be strictly enforced against all offend­ vest!? ite this county. All this work the Dr. A line Eiectr cComh. patent­ Another Unfortunate. Henley 2. ers.” will certainly have a tendency to ed Jan I 94 Ti e»e wonde.ful c* mb» 5. Struck Out—By Lester 6, Henley posilively cure dandruff, hair falling widely advertise the advantages of Mrs. Jessie Riebel, of Grants Pass out, sick and uervou» headaches, and Left on Bases—Medford 4, Jackson­ Have You a Cough P this locality, increasing tbe demand E. P Hammond, the well-known was committed to the state insane when u>* d in connection with Dr. ville 6. A dose of Ballard'» Horehound Sy r- up will relieve it. Have you a cold? for land and enhancing tbe value of Socialist and weather prophet,fell from asylum last week. Sbei* 35 yearsof age White’s Electric Hair Brush are pos ­ Time of game 1:25. A dose of Herbine at bedtime and country property. a bay wagon Monday and suffered the and a native of Iowa. Her mental in* it vely guaranteed to make sfalght Umpire—Houston. hair curl) I d 25 days’ time. Thou­ frequent Mnall dores of Horehound fracture of an arm. Dr. Pickel re­ iirmity started several years ago when sands of tbe»e electric iambs have Syrup during the day will remove it. duced the fracture. she had impulses to commit suicide. been sold tn tbe various cine» of the Try it fur whooping cough, for asth­ AN official Investigation has convinc­ Medford beat Gold Hill on tbe i ma, Illa, for 1(41 consumption, t UI i 11 111 v 1 1 7 11 < for KH bronchitis. V ' UuL II I ulJJe During her more recent at! acks of the Union, aud tlie demand is constantly ed England, France and Russia that grounds of tbe latter last Sunday, in Mr». Joe McG'ath, 327 E. 1st street, Our agents are rapidly malady she has become violent, some­ increasing. Jack Conley, who is employed at Armenian villages have actually been an entertaining name, by a score of 7 Hutchit aortj^Kao., writes: “1 have becoming rich selling these combs. For Infants and Children. GREATEST STRENGTH Ray’s dam, fell a distance of 15 feet times threatening to kill herself as They positively sell on skht. Send «a ..a Lori. FINL^T FLAVOR A im D destroyed and their inhabitants slaugh­ to 4. '«"«■>» J The Kind You Have Always Bought Monday and received severe bruises, well as her children, She is said to for »ample. Men’s size 35c. ladle»’ 50c ABSOLU r¿ FuRiTY tered in customary Turkish fashion. mer a nr Flynn were the batteries for GUJAW ANTEL i_? be*t and most palatable medicine 1 including a scalp wound several inches wander about, singing loudly and di<- —hall price while we are introducing Tbe usual protest has been forthcom­ Bean the them. S-e Want Column of tbis ever used.” 25c, 50c, *1.00. ing. Acquiescence therewith will tbe respectlye teams. long. He was put on dry dock by Dr. coursing at length on religious sub­ paper. The Dr. White Electric comb Dr. Hinkle at Central Point. ffgnatanof doubtkes be granted--when there are Gold Hill beat Ashland in a frlgbt*- jects. Cameron and his Injuries repalrel. Co., Decatur, 111. more Armenians to butcher. He Was Fooled. A Hzndstme Event. Crops and Weather. Masonic Officers. Two Men Shot Fatally. Successful Commencement Mil Humors That Rich Discovery. The Prospective Railroad Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Work of the Fire Fiend. Obstructions to Fish Hump Back A Couple of Accidents. CASTOR IA