THE TARIFF PLANK. It 1« GivinK the Mauairera of the G. O. P. Much Anxiety. WS 10 null BRIEF MENTION Gay Childers, who has been in Klam ath c unty, returned Friday. la* M KU-rnan returned Friday J Vv.. * hum a nip to SioKljou county, Calif C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr. C. J. Anderson of Foots creek and W H Lewis of Central Point were in TERMS: town Friday. One Tear, in advance... 81.50 I Frank Ankeny, superintendent of Six Months...................... 1.00 the Sterling mine, and bis wife were among us Friday. Office With Pacific States Telephone Co O. Caster was in Jacksonville Thurs­ Ryan Building, California St. day, on buslneat with the county com ­ missioners” court. Enternd at the Postofilce at JacksonvU'e, Ore., Miss Frances Nunan, who has been as Second Class Mall Matter visiting in California for sometime past, returned Friday evening. THE greatest 'hypocrite in the world Mrs. A. E. Reanies of Jacksonville in religious matters is the one who and Mrs. G. E. Howland of Grants prays the loudest. The soldier who Pass made Medford a visit Thursday. never ’ smelt powder” is frequently A. Jeldnuss of Elliott Creek district, found to be the greatest braggart. the well-known miner, made our town The political orator who talks moat a visit Friday, accompanied by his loudly of honor and patriotism is family. * often the one whois moat cloaaly allied Sheriff Dunlap of Lake county was with thoae who are raiding the public in the valley Thursday, visiting rela­ and abusing the confidence of the peo­ tives while ou his way home from ple. Salem. Mr. anil Mrs C.C. Beekman return­ ALONG with strikes, new kinds of ed Friday from a short visit in San breakfast foods, etc., comes a new Francis»» They wt're accompanied by trouble which unfortunately may worry their daughter, Miss Carrie. some of us, and that i> the threatened diamond famine. The mines of South L. Werth of Ashland was among our ern Africa are nearing exhaustion and i visitors during the past week. lie is a there is no other source of supply to brother of Wm. Werth, a pros|»rous which the world can turn. The De­ farmer living near Central Point. Beer« Co , which handles 98 per cent of I Mrs. M. Chapman of Williams creek the entire output, cannot fill its con­ has been visiting her daughters,Mrs. tract for a display at St. Louis. E. W. Tryer of Medford and Miss Kate Chapman and Mrs. J. W. Reeve T he work of delimiting the Canada- of Jacksonville. Alaska boundary, according to the A. C Howland, superintendent of finding of the London tribunal, will be i the Three Pines Mining Co.’s mines, begun this month,and will be prosecut­ located in Jump-off-Joe district, Jose­ ed by several parties of Canadian and phine county, has been visiting in Metl- American surveyors, operating con­ ford and Jacksonville. jointly, until the end of Septemb«. E W. Anderson, the genial miner, From Xouut St. Elias northward lo was down from Watkins district a few the frozen sea, the line has already days ago. £ been laid along the 41 st parallel accord J. H. Trusty and his family, who Jng to treaty. This portion of the bave been living in Trail Creek district, boundary was not in dispute. From removed to Jacksonvllle lately. St. Elias cast and around the coast trip to the head of Portland Canal, a A. A. McGill and O. M. Selsby, well- distance of 550 miles, the mouutain known citizens of Ashland, bave pur­ peaks will be assumed as boundary chased the saloon business conducted points wherever such have been mart-1 by D. T. Irwin at Al. Helms’ old place ed on the map accompanying the fiud- . and have already taken possession. ing ot the tribunal. Thos. W. Reid and Milton Armstrong have returned from their placer mines T he brilliant Japanese successes at ____________________________ in Galice Creek district. They have Chefoo, June 6.—But two miles sep­ finished work for the preaent season Kincbow and Nanehan Hill are unset­ TWO SETS OF PLUNDERERS. arated the Japanese and Russian ar­ tling the ideas of war that we have and are well pleased with the result. been painfully acquiring during the Beef Trwat and Cattle Baroni Are mies on the Liao Tung peninsula on £. F. Raymond I of Big Butte has June 2d, according to Chinese who Robber« of the Same Ilk. past half dozen years. Bloch has pure hast'd of Mrs. S. A. White 40 acres save arrived here from Dalny. The organization of the western cwt-1 taught us in theory and South Africa The Japrnese army, reinforced by of tiue land in Griffin Cnek district, In practice that assaults upon intrench­ tie barons to fight the beef combine is the men who landed at Dalny, occu­ part of which is already set in alfalfa; ed positions defended by troops armed an anomaly, as both are after the pied Twing Ching and also Sanchimpo, consideration 82500. The sale was ne­ same game of plundering the public. with modern weapons are almost hope­ The barons bave handl'd themselves southwest of Dalny. They then pro­ gotiated by the real-estate firm of less. But the Japanese have assaulted together into what might be termed ceeded along the east coast toward White & Trowbridge. positions that were not only intrench­ the grass trust and are trying to get Port Arthur. On one side of the army Thomas Riley and J.Patterson,coun­ ed but fortified, and have stormed the farmers of the western states to are high mountains and on the other ty commissioners, were in Jacksonville them as gallantly as if the defenders help them to fight the beef trust. As Bide is the sea from which the Japan­ Wednesday and Thursday, bolding the had been armed with flintlock muskets. the cattle barons are even worse rob-1 ese gunboats are supporting the flank June term of court. bers than the beef barons, in that they 1 of the army. On June 2d the Japanese Port Arthur, on the tip of its peninsu­ monopolize all the valuable govern j Blue prints of township maps, show forces were within seven miles of the la, is now closely invested by fend and ing all vacant land, fifty cents each ment land and through their retainers outer forts of Port Arthur, only two sea. To understand its situation we For reliable information concerning prevent, by force of arms if necessary, only tolook al a map of the position of any owner of a small herd or a settler miles from the Russian army, which government land write to Frank E. is ready to protest their further ad­ Alley, Abstracter, Roseburg, Oregon Cornwallis at Yorktown. from intruding at the peril of his life. vance. Robt. Dnncan, a brother of Chao. To show the power of these cattle The Chinese believed that there herons they have succeeded in forcing Duncan, who lives at the junction of R u SSIA, In her agreement with the would be a big battle at this point It President Roosevelt to give up hjs in ­ the Medford —Central Point roads, ar­ Is also stated by the Chinese that the powers, could have prevented any trouble with Japan,by evacuating Man­ tention of removing the Vurlsxl wire Japanese have moved their base to rived In the valley a few days ago. fences with which the barons have un­ charía In accordance wi.h treaty, but lawfully inelosed about all the govern Dalny from Talienwan. The larger Be may locate. evidently did not think the Jape could ment land on the western plains. Polit­ Japanese ships are anchored outside Alex. Orme of Gold Hill, former put up such a good fight. If Russia ically both«these combines are Repub­ and the smaller ones Inside the har­ sheriff, was in Medford Friday. He wat.led the right of way for a railroad licans aud liberal contributors to the bor. Troops are being landed, they wil! soon leave on an extended propect- say, from small vessels, apparently to Port Arthur, no doubt such an ar­ campaign fund of that party, which ing trip, in which he has the best coming from Pitzwo or the Elliott rangement could have been effected. probaly accounts for their immunity islands. wishes of many friends. Russians appear to blame England and from punishment by the administra Judge Day went to Ashland Thurs­ the United States for the trouble, Ina tion. Farmers will best conserve their CUTTER BEAR DISABLED. day, to be preseut at the meeting of the own- Interests by steering clear of both desire to secure trade or territory. The the beef trust ami the gruss trust, who Is Struck by the Schooner Spokane and Southern Oregon Pioneer Society, of United States distinctly stated it want­ are monopolists and will plunder the which he is secretary. He found that Both Vessels Are Badly Damaged. ed no territory whatever; but Russia, I farmers after they bave settled their, San Francis»»—In hazy weather every body else had forgotten about it. England, France and Germany wanted own differences. Saturday, off Point Reyes, the revenue W. D. O’Brien, the miner, who for­ slice and are still pursuing that policy. cutter Bear, famous for the part «he merly operated in this section with J The Tariff Tax. The United States would rather see took in the relief expedition to the K. Carpenter, was on a southbound It has been estimated by expert Arctic with the Thetis some years China and Japan bold their territories train, en route to the Orient In behalf and bave their subjects stay there, as i statisticians that the tariff tax paid tc I «go, was nearly sunk as a result of of a syndicate operating in tin, Friday. this country don’t wantthem to invade the treats by the bead of the family! being struck by the heavy laden lum­ exceeds by more than five times what ber schooner Spokane. A stout hull W. H DeZeng and his partner. J. E. America. is received by the government am! | saved the Bear, but she emerged from Chamlwcr, prominent miners who are that the average for each family dost J ohn D. R ockfeller , Jr., in a re­ ly approaches 8100. These "figures are the encounter badly crippled and bad operating in Siskiyou and Jackson '»unties, were lu our town Friday. cent talk to bis bible class, said: ‘ Faith obtained by making careful estimate? to put back to port. She was steaming leisurely along L’liey report that a large quantity of gives substance to the religious aspira­ based upon the amounts which are tions of the soul, assuring us that they spent for each of the more Important the coast., and was thirty miles west­ snow «till lies in the mountains. President Mulkey of the Southern rest oa truth and fact and are not articles consumed. The most exas­ northwest of Point Reyes whe nout mere castles in the air. The trouble perating thing in the monopoly the tar of the thick weather the bowsprit and Oregou State Normal School attended jibboom of flie big schooner Spokane the commencement exercises of the with us men is that we do not have iff gives the trusts and corporations is slid over the port rail and struck the sufficient faith, We should have more that it allows them’ to sell their sur cutter’s foremast, carrying it away, Jacksonville High School aud deliver­ faith in God and more faith in our fei- plus productions cheaper abroad than with the rigging, yards and everything ed an able ami interesting address. He here, which shows the enormous prof low men. The fact that we have al) its realized from the home market attached. Thirty feet of the Bear’s is in demaud everywhere. been deceived at times by people we When the trusts export their products bulwarks were also crushed with the Henry C. Maury, a thrifty young have placed faith in should not make they bave to pay freight and other ex i rail, and the stanchions disappeared Tarnier living on the Jacksonville -Cen us lose heart.” These are good penses and the tariff tax that all oth­ In the wreckage. The Bear’s side was tral Point road, and Mils Dora Eaucelt words, and If they bad been uttered by er countries impose except England, i cut to the water’s edge. The railing of Applegate will be marrietl in Med­ some country minister struggling and yet undersell the same class of i and part of the tipper deck and a num­ ford, at the residence of Jas. D. Fay, along on the premise of 8250 per year products product in the country the.v ber of the stanchions were also car­ pretty soon. Congratulations and best ried away. they might have found lodging in some export their products to. wishes are in order. earnest heart Coming as they do Jr., who has been J. B. Duggan, Dug| Mr. Babcock'« Opinion. CAR WRECKED BY TREE. from a man whose family 1s under prej spending a* ibort time at the placer It is pleasing to know that Repre­ udice more or less justified, they for sentative Babcock, chairman of the Re Street Car Rushes Down Hill, Killing mines in Forest Creek district, in which One Person and Injuring Sixteen. the most part become as sounding publican congressional committee^ Is he Is interested, left for the south a few Burlington. Ia., June 6.—A well-filled days ago. Hi« fat her, J. B. Duggan, brass or tinkling cymbal. not suffering from insomnia caused by dismal forebodings of Republican de­ electric street car rushed down Valley Sr., and Robt. McGill, the superin­ DURING the past few days a mile feat It is the opinion of Mr. Babcock street hill yesterday and was wrecked jost in the lives of a great many young I that the country is content with polit by a tree. Many of the passengers tendent, are «till there. Doctors everywhere recommend people has beeumaiked by grad­ leal conditions as they are—his party jumped. Mrs. Joseph Keehn was killed Harper Whiskey for the enervating in power and be in office. We give his and sixteen persons were badly in ­ uating exercises, in which thej Is jured. Several suffered legs and arms effect« of hot weather and as a safe­ formed the central figures. Proud par view of the matter for what It guard against malaria— ixxiause of its worth.—New York American. broken and many were badly cut about purity. Sold by E. H. Helms, Jack­ enta, loving friends and patient instruc­ the head and shoulders. sonville, Qre. tors listened attentively to youthful The Ciar of Panama. The brakebeam on the open electric plans for Increasing and perpetuating A Germanic Congress is to be held at Theodore Roosevelt Is now president car broke just as the car began the all the virtues, for strengthening and of the United States and czar of the descent. The car dashed the Universal Exposition in St. Louis down the perfecting forms of government, and Panama canal zone. From the Carib­ long incline at a frightful speed and September 16 and 17 to celebrate the for other projects unheard of until bean sea to the Pacific hia right there the injured were strewn on both eidea achievements of German culture. At they are announced In the dainty little Is none to dispute.—Philadelphia Rec o* the track during the entire length tlie convention of the National Ger­ programs. But let no one make light ord. man Alliance in Baltimore laat Septem­ of the hill. _ of these subjects and there efforts. If The will of the late Amanda W. ber it was resolved to hold such a con­ Triumphs of Moders Surgery. a student overreaches himself in gress, "not,” says the circular of the Wonderful things are done for I he Reed, widow of S. G. Reed, who died Alliance, “to glorify Germanic enter­ choosing a subject no harm is done bls human body by surgery. Organs are in Pasadena. Calif., has been admitted bearers, and the student wit) in time taken out, scrap» d. tolls bed and put to probate in th? county court at Port­ prise and virtue, but to further the in­ beccme as fully aware of bin over­ back, or they ««ay be lemoved entire­ land. A great part of her fortune, terests of science and international confidence as though It were pointed ly; bones are spliced; ppes take, the •vhieb is estimated at upwards of 81,- brotherhood. The German-Amerlcans out at the time. There is a tendency, place of diseared sections of veins; 000,000, is left to charity. Of thia sum believe that such a congress will be a*f antiseptic dressings are applied to already noticeable, to select common­ wounds, bruises, burns and like in­ 8150,000 is devised for the purpose of great scientific value, and, at the same place subjects with which the studeu'» juries before in Hani ma I ion sets in, erecting, equipping aDd supporting an time, lead to a bettor understanding are better able to deal and which they which causes them to beai without institution of learning in Portland, to between the Germanic races.” will take more pride in exhibiting in maturation and ip one-tiitrd the tin e be known as the Reed Institute, In The Rogue River Fruit Growers’ rtquired by the old treatment. memory of the late Simeon G. Reed, later yearn. Whatever the subject, Chamberlain's Pain ~ Balm acta on this the deceased husband of the testatrix. Un’.on held a regular meeting at the however presented, let the critic re same principle. It is an antiseptic office of J. A. Perry in Medford, Sat­ ' euch ' injuries . member that graduation stands fur and phen applhd to How's That. urday. There was a fair attendance. something. If be cannot discover w bat causes them to Leal very quickly. It We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ­ The following officers were elected for also allays the pain and soreness. it Is, let one of the graduates tell him. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your ward for any case of Catarrh that cah- the ensuing term. President, S. L. uot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. home and it will save you time and Bennett; secretary, J A. Perry; treas­ F. J. C heney & Co., Toledo, O. Sued by Hi« Doctor. money, not to mention the iocouven- We, the undersigned, have known urer, Jackson County Bank; directors, ”A doiBor here has sued me foi IflBCC and stiff» ring which such in- F. J. Cheney for the last 15years, and 8. L. Bennett, J A. Perry, H. F. 842.50, whicn I claimed was excess! ve juries entail. For sale by City D ug believe him perfectly honorable In all Meader, G A Hover, J. W. Mitchell, for a case of cholera morbus,” says R Store. business transactions, and financially White, of Coachella, Cal. “At the j abh: to carry out any obligations S. W. Boyd, A. W. McPherson, A. An­ WANTED. made bv bis firm. trial be praised his medical skill aud drews. Wm Carroll. The Union’s op­ medic I ae. 1 asked him If it was not W aldind K innan & M akvin , Live agents to sell Dr. White’s erations last season were sueceeBsful, Ch am be rl tin’s Colic, Cholera and' Kectrie Combs, patented Jan. 1, ’99,s Wholesale Druggist«, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is la ken inter­ notwithstanding a numlter of mistakes Diarrhoea Remedy he had OMd, as I i Cure dauun.IT. Hair falling out, sick bad good reason to L. lieve it was, and and nervous hcadaclcs, yet cost no nally, acting directly upon the blood1 and drawbacks that are al waj s inciden­ be would not say under oath that it more than an ormnaiy comb, bells and mucous surfaces of the system, tal to the initation of such enterprises. was not.” No ductor could use a bel­ on sight. Agents are wild with tuc- lestlliioriisls sent free. Price, 75c It is expected ^hut next year’s results will r'" be much u more icmuuerative, as all ter remedy than this in acase of chol- ctws. Send 5bc fur sample (half price) per bi tt.le Sold b)’ all Druggists. err morbus, it never fails. 8 rid by Write quick. The Dr. While Electric Take Hall’s Family Pills for constl- ‘he ®«® ibers will tell iLiuugb the Union this time. i-'ity Drug btore. - i Comb Co., Decatur 111. patiun. C™ i., -wi.iv in Senator Aldrich says the Republic­ ans will revise the tariff when it is necessary to do so, but as the senator manages the Republican tariff pro­ gramme and iu turn is eontrolltHl by the trusts the time for revision is cer-1 tain to be lu the distant future. Those of us with small iucomes, at the mercy Japanese Defeat Slavs in Battle of high trust prices, have seen the ne , Near Watangtien-Both cessity for tariff reform ever since the ; Sides Lose Heavily. combines boosted 'prices beyond the ability of the poor man to pay. The Rockefeller group of industrial trusts, Tien Tsin, June 6.—Four thousand with w bom Senator Aldrich is eounect- Russians belonging to General Stakel- ed. will hardly consider it necessary to revise the tariff unless to raise it to i berg s brigade on May 31st attacked higher plane. 1500 Japanese occupying a position The Republican leaders are now try live miles south of Wafangtien. The ing to agree oa tariff and trust planks to be incorporated in the platform to Russians were repulsed, losing 200 be adopted at Chicago, and the same killed and 400 wounded. The Japan­ juggling with words that will allow ese lost more than 100 killed. both factions to stand on the platform Tokio, June 6.—The Russian gun- is certain to be presented to the vot­ boat Gilliak was torpedoed and do- ers. Senators Aldrich and Lodge are said to be preparing the planks under stroyed at Port Arthur Saturday. Chefoo,. June 6.—The Russian con­ the close supervision of President «ul here has received news that a large Roosevelt, and,the voter that will not be able to find what he wants will be Japanese vessel has been sunk by a mine off Tallenwan. The news tas hard to please. Yet the fact remains that the protec □ot been confirmed. tionists and trust Interests will write Cossacks Repulsed. the platform and also control the ac I Tokio, June 6.—The Japanese and tion of the Republican national con vention. anil as every revision of the Russian forces located north of Pulan- tariff by the Republicans has resulted Uen, which were in a series of brushes in increasing duties it is certain that during the early part of last week, had if the Republican party wins the elec­ another encounter on Fridav, June 3d. tion it will not be considered neces­ □ear Chu Chia Tun. On that day the sary to revise the tariff, and more cer ( Japanese cavalry met the Russians at tain that if any revision is attempted noon. The Russians numbered 2000 the protection the trusts now enjoy wil) men and were composed of infantry, be maintained. Dun's index figures detachments of cavalry and artillery. for May show that high prices for al) They were pressing the Japanese cav- the necessaries of life «re still main­ airy when th*e Japanese assembled tained, and yet wages are declining, their entire force and engaged the en- with a vast number of workers unem- emy. The Russians drew off grad- ployed and many imported industries □ally and at 5:30 tn the afternoon they running on short time, and yet the retired to Telissu. The Japanese had high tariff, which the Republicans de­ tour men kilieu and four men wounded clare produces prosperity, is in full n this fighting. working order. The price of many­ A report has been received here farm products is falling, and yet the from General Kuroki, saying that on cost of living shows but little if any Friday last a detachment was dis­ decrease. The beef trust, the coal patched from Ai Yang Cheng (Al Yang trust, the salt trust, the oil trust, the sugar trust and the minor combina­ Pienmen, to the northeast of Feng tions are paying large dividends, fos­ Wang Cheng) to make a recoaais^gnce tered in most cases by the protection toward Chaimatsi (Simatsi, 35 miles north of Feng Wang Cheng.) This de­ the tariff gives them. It would seem, therefore. Seqator tachment encountered 600 Cossacks Aldrich to the contrary notwithstand­ and after a brisk engagement the Rus­ ing. the Repub’lcrn national platform sians retreated. General Kuroki re­ should declare when the tariff will be ports that the Russian loss was heavy. revised and if the revision shall pro The Japanese had one man killed and vide for higher or lower duties, espe­ three wounded. cially on trust products. But Two Miles Separate A-mien. ! CENTRAL POINTERS. I A Bad Fix Ayers J. W. Gilmore is having a flue barn built by Mr. Warner. Mis. White nf Ashland hash en vis­ it ing her sister, Mrs. J. II. Gay. D. W.Khaverof Seattle visited bis Sometimes the hair is not ftiend, Merchant Robnett, recently. makes svery motion of the body painful, the surest properly nourished. It suffers and qukkaat way out of tha trouble la Io uae James Barmey and Jack R >gers for food, starves. Then it have gone to Washington, to seek a falls out, turns prematurely, location. gray. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a promptly. It srarma, relaxes, cures. Price. Sftc. and SOc. M -s. I. F. Williams and her daugh- ter, Miss Etta, are vlalUug relatives living io Kan-as. J H. Gay’s cottage is complete and HERE AND THERE is an ornament to our town. H. Co­ hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows This is a great country. W bile New rum did the palm icig The dwelling-house of Will Owe >, York has been sweltering Montana has long and heavy, and all dan­ one of Ct an till R buetl’s aalesme t, had six Inches of snow. druff disappears. Is nearing rompletiou. ••Mr hair was coniinu out terribly I was If the country can be saved the com­ almost afraid to comb it But Ayer’s Bair Ti e people of the Christian Church Vigor promptly atop|Md the falling and also mencement day orator Is determined restored the natural color ” have the lumber on the eruud that the deed shall be done. M rs . E. .. For sick headache take Chamber­ lx»well. Mass., for E. B Magiuder aud Louis G >» lsb y lain ’ s Stomach and Liver Tablets and Spectators, Incensed by Failure a quick cure is certain. For sale by are at Sacramento,Calif., where they all druggists. to See Bull Fight, Fires went to >eek a location. U. S. Senator Mathew S. Quay, the the Building. Mrs HIme* of Washington, a mis­ famous Republican leader of Pennsyl­ sionary < f the Christian Church, lec- vania,died at Beaver,Penn..after a long turtd b few evenings ago to a go< d- I St Louis, June 6.—Incensed over illness, aged 71 years PROFESSIONI CARIÒ. sized audience. teeir failure to see a "genuine Span­ The British declare that nothing R v. J. A. Siover, the Baptist min­ ish bull fight,’’ which the authorities shall delay their peaceful mission into ister I) s returned to A'hlaod. He F K. BO* E RSOX. M D had stopped, a riot was started in an Thllret except the necessity of occasion­ lately prea hed his farewell sermon in Physician end Surgeon arena near the World’s fair grounds ally stopping to reload. New Hope Church. Physicians now declare that whisky- ; Mr-. v'i< let Anderson, who has been last night by a crowd of 25U0 men and boys, who were unable to get their drinking caures rheumatism. They i vi-'tmg ’Squire A. S. Jacobs and his Office in Orth’s Buliniti. * . tu Hours—2 tO 5 suo 7 money back, anti the building was will hereafter be compelled to speak family, returned co her home io Yam­ distinctly to show whether he has hill coun’ y lau ly. burned to the ground, The price of Or*ici Jacksonville 1 admission charged was fl. Four men rheumatism or rumatism. M ssr«. Vermi lion and McCoy, wh » were placed under arrest by the au­ Sulphuric acid will be manufactured I enne fr in Kansas last fall, accorn- A. E. RL Ah l b thorities of St. Louis county, charged from the condense»! sulphur fumes of I [ pan’ed by tl e r fi-m'lirs, do n«,t like ATTORN E V-A I with the destruction ot property. The the smelters at Keswick, Shasta coun- I our win e-climate ani have stsrud Jacksonville. crowd, thinking these men were <»n- ty,Calif. This will remove the cause for ot the return to their o’d home. nected with the show, made an at­ litigation on aceonnt of the fumes de­ Office in Red Meo'* H uihj . i . tempt to mob them, and in their en stroying vegetation for miles around. T> ev did not give our valley a fair trial. counter with the deputy sheriffs a Biue print maps of any township number were roughly handled and Rotehurg,Oregon,Land District, show­ HOBT. G. SMITH, some received scalp wounds. The ing all the vacant lands, for 50 cenas ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Al LAW building is said to have «»st >2500. It each. If you want any Information Women as Well as Men Grant's Paas, Oreg»«. from the U. S. Land Office, address Ti­ is a total loss, with no insurance. Are Made Miserable by The initial performance by the com­ tle Guarantee 4 Loan Co., Roseburg, practices all the courts -ffiee it Kit. pany of Spanish bull fighters had been Oregon. Kidney Trouble. building up itxlrt The summer resorts of Sisson tavern, advertised widely, but the governor, in response to numerous complaints, Shasta Retreat, McCloud river, Klam­ Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. ordered that it not be allowed to take ath Hot Springs, Garretson Springs place. Despite these orders a large and other localities are now open for courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon crowd assembled in the arena at the visitors. As the hot weather approach­ disappear when the kid­ advertised time. Before the regular es the mountain resorts will be greatly neys are out of order performance a number of cowboys sought for comfort and enjoyment. or diseased. Medford, Oregon Kidney trouble has drove in some bulls, which they ran The Washington authorities see dan­ become so prevalent around the ring in true wild west P. P. PRIM A SON. Y that it is not uncommon style. The crowd soon became tired ger in Japan’s proposition forsurrend- for a child to be born »TTORNKY8 AND COUNSELORS AT LAW er of so much of Manchuria as has al ­ of this and called for the* bull fight. afflicted with weak kid- The announcement was then mad« ready been taken by Japanese troops, L ' ~ neys. If the child urin­ Jacksonville, Oregon that the bull fight would be proceeded because Russia will cfoim that China ates too often, if the with. As the matadors came into the thereby breaks her neutrality, now urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child 'Will practice la all oourta of the B.*te Of ring a county official stepped up to the recognized by the United States and reaches an age when it should be able to nee tn the Court House lut door os the control the passage, it is yet afflicted with rlvht from entrance announcer and handed him a paper, other nations. bea-we ting. depend upon it. the cause of informing him that the proposed show The recently discovered gold mines the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first A. C HOUGH, could not take place. When this be in the Philippines wil) no doubt cause step should be towards the treatment of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW came known to the crowd they leaped these important organs. This unpleasant into the arena and demanded the re­ an emigration of miners to that coun­ trouble is due to a diseased condition of the treat*« Pasa. - Urcgaa. try, aud If the mines should turn out kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as turn of their money. most people suppose. «Jffiessvsr Halr-K.ddie Hardware Store Failing to get this, the crowd went to be as those of Alaska the rush to Women as well as men are made mis ­ to the office, which was in a small the islands would be very great, Al- erable with kidney and bladder trouble, H. D. NORTON, building outside, and began to stone ready coal and other minerals have and both need the same great remedy. the structure. This was followed by been discovered there and the limber The mild and the immediate effect ot TTOR NEY AND COCKSH.CR AT LAW Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold attempts to burn the arena, which is Is very valuable. Grant*« Paas, Oregaa. by druggists, in fifty- an immense building, constructed of Blue-print maps of any townships cent and one de liar pine. Bits of burning paper were Roseburg, Oregon, Land District, sizes. You may have a thrown at the woodwork and finally showing all the vacant lands, for 50 sample' bottle by mail some one went inside and dropped a cents each. If you want any informa­ free, also pamphlet tell- h «» a s * w > k **. lighted match in a pile of hay under tion from the U 8. Land Office, ad­ Ing all about it. .ncluding many of th i Title Guarantee A Loan Co., thousands of testimonial letters received the arena. The whole structure was dress Rosebv'g, Oregon. frem sufferers cured, in writing Dr. Kilmer soon on fire and before long was in Tennessee Prohibitionists have plac­ it Co.. Binghamton. N. Y., be sure and flames. r ention this paper. The fire engine that responded to ed themselves on record in state con- Don’t make any mistake, but re­ the alarm stuck in the mud, and there ' vention as opposed to the nomination member the name. Swamp-Boot, Dr. was nothing to stop the progress of of General Nelson A. Miles for the Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad­ the flames. The fire department of pre*iden?y by the Prohibitionist«, on dress. Binghamton, N. Y. on every the World's fair was called out to the ground that he was not a promi­ bottle. protect the fair buildings should it nent Prohibitionist and that he could become necessary, but the wind blew not poll the full party strength in the Special Excursion to the in another direction. South on account of his war record. WI ms ens wakes w schln« from hwd to toot. w>4 wtti ths tlesh landsr to the touch, vhao Soreness and Stiffness St. Jacobs Oil J Hair Vigor FiCHT M Poor H air World’s Fair. Some are wondering why the dally attendance at the world’s fair is not The Denver & Rio Grande in con- made public day by day. There must nictioh with the Mia-ouri Pacific, will be a good reason, and we imagine It is run a series of Per-onrtly Conducted Excursions lo the World’s Fair dur­ found In the fact ttat Uncle Sam has a ing June. Tbe^e excu sions will run lien on half the receipts for the big through to SL Louis without change Meager Details of Terrible Dis­ loan he made the organization when it of cars, making short stops at prin­ aster in Colorado. needed the money. Perhaps it doesn’t cipal points enroute. The first of «rant to pay with1 t»x> much alacrity, these Excursions will leave Portland June filh, and tie second Juue 17th. Colorado Springs, Colo., June 6.— An quite a common weakness, by the «ray The rate from Medf. rd will be 877.50 to St. Louis and return. Excuiai n- explosion of powder wrecked the Flor- ■ Applications under the timber and hts going via the Denver & Rio | stone act and homestead laws received, ence and Cripple Creek train at Find- proofs taken/ and ail business Grande have the privilege of return­ ley station, on Bull Hill, early this I connected with U. S. government ing via a different route. This is the I lands promptly and accurately attend- no st pleasant way, as well as the mast morning, in the Cripple Creek dis- lo Cbaa NlckeIli n s. Vfommis- delightful r< ute. to cross the con ti­ trlct, and resulted In the death of be- sinner for the District of Oregon. ro nt. The stops arranged give anop Office with the S outhern O rego ­ {ortunity of visiting the various tween fifteen and twenty people. Cljnts of iniete?t in and abcutSdt nian , Medford. Phone 211. akc City, Denver and Kar sa-» City No explanation of the explosion or I Reports received at Washington If ycu wish to accimpany one of further details about the loss of life from the Far East dwell at length up­ the e excursions write at once to W. can be secured. on the terrific power of the Japanese C. McBride, 124 Third st'eet, Port­ Shlmose powder, the nature of which land for «leeping car reservations. ADRIFT IN MID-OCEAN. is an absolute secret. It is not used to Steamer Pleiade» Picked Up at Sea by propel the shot, but for bursting Reduced Ratee to St. Louis the Nicomedia. charges of the army and navy Exposition. Victoria, B. C., June 8.—Apprehen- explosive shell. The result of the ex- sion in regard to the steamship Piel- plosion fing astounded U. S Army ob- The Southern Pacific Co. will sell ados, which left Japan several days In severs. The heaviest armor-piercing roundtrip tickets at greatly reduced advance of the Empress of Japan. 8hell wUh lu 8maH cavity is rent Into rates to St. Louis and Chicago on ac­ which arrived last Tuesday with up- Co„ntle98 thoU8and, oi 8harp frag. count of the St. Louis Exposition, on the following dates, June 1«, 17, 18; ward of 100 passengers for this port, whlco hurted Aug. 8, 9, 10; September 5, 6, 7; Oct­ has been in a measure relieved. i ... . . The Pleiades ran into the same 81 r wlth euch ,orco lbat the* tear ober 3, 4, 5. Going trip must be com­ rough weather than made the Em- th® «W«» « ‘«-on ship as pleted within ten days from date of and passengers will be permitted press' voyage anything but monoto- “ould a projectile fr«)1!! a machine gum sale, to starton any date that will enable The Russian war ships Variag and nous, and suffered thereby, among them to reach destination within the otuer things, her shaft being snapped, Korletz were found to be riddled, deck ten days limit. Return limit ninety and the big vessel rendered compara­ and sides, by fragments of these shells. days, but no later than Dec. 31, 1904 It is not known that any other nation For full information as to rate« and tively helpless. routes call on Agent So. Pac. Co., at In this condition she was picked up possesses such a terrific explosive. Medford. by the German steamer Nicomedia. which was making her initial voyage from Japan to Portland under the O. R and N. flag. The Nicomedia is now towing her up the straits in a lively gale, happily favorable, and the two steamers should make William Head quarantine this morning. The Plei­ ades has latterly had more than her share of adventures. She made a sen­ sational escape from Port Arthur after the war broke out, and hass Ince made The following is an excerpt one voyage between the Orient and Puget sound. It is probable that she from a letter addressed to us. will be docked at Esquimault for re­ pairs. EXPLOSION COSTS SCORE OF LIVES Sold on Merit FAIR ATTENDANCE INCREASES. St. Louis, June C.—Following are the record admissions for the week ending Saturday, June 4th: Monday, May 30th, 73,247; Tuesday, 48,400; Wednes­ day, 53.648; Thursday, 49.186; Friday, 80,185; Saturday. 93,685. Total for the week ending June 4th, 378,146. Thus far last week showed the heaviest at­ tendance of any at the fair. Have You a Cough? A dose of Ballard's Horehound Syr­ up will relieve It. Have you a cola? A dose of Herhlne at bedtime and frequent small doves of Horehound Syrup during t he day will remove It. Try it for whoop'ng cough, for nth* ma, for co Hiimpti >n, for b onchltls. Mrs Joe McGrath, 327 E. l-ed BalliirdL Horehound Svrup iu mv family for 5 years, and find it the best and most palatable medicine I ever used.” 25c, 50c, 81.00. Dr. Hinkle at Central Point. Notary Public Real Estate Agent and U. S. Commissioner for Jackson County. Abatracta asadc ta Titles af Landa. LBOAL DOCUMENTS. aliaiad drawn up MpeeiaUv pertalainr ic th« settlement of eevatee iccoints Silicited, Prompt Remittasct. MONEY LOANED. invstment securities « jslssol fount; Scrip bought snd sold havn a oompiete set of map« of all survey«« l°JhH_oounty, and receive A be tract, nonthly from Roseburg Land Office, the Lat>d ° * C. R R and the Stat» Lead Department at Salem of all new entrie, mad« 1 am thus prepared to make out home- P*P«ra and lake proofs thereon. Also 1 take filings snd proofs of timber lands, and f “V* J® pare.«« the ex pet sc ot » trlr to the Roseburg land office ’ Dealrable Pre pert* la my heads fa a «WPromot reply made to all letters »'bars w In accordance with ’he times Refers, by permission. Hon. H. K. iBdae or ika 1st Judcial Dlitriot. and uTVc* 'iuatna«« bouaa tn Jaekaonvllle. SILAS J. DAY FRANK E. ALLEY ARCHITECT AND ABSTRACTER b ¿ ue prijvts Of any Township in the Roseburg Land District. PI LI MG PAPERS Prepared for Filing on Home stead or Timber Claims *MF*Specia) Attention given to Matters In Connection with the U. 8. Land Office. « PHONE 41» 0 Bld.,Rotebar¿, Or My roast coffee trade is growing every day, especially on the better grades, for whenever my customers use a two-pound tin of Golden Gate their taste for cheap coffee is spoiled forever Golden Gate is coffee perfection. High grade grocers sell iu 1 and 2 lb. aroma-tight Medford Furniture Co., HoueeFumishers and Undertakers. JohnH. Butler, Funera 1 Di- rector. Day Phone Main 363. Night Phone Main 261.