The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, June 08, 1904, Image 1

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    • VOL. XXXIV.
River River Valley League.
Jacksonville.. ...4
Ashland ....
Demonstrate* the Power of Dr. Williams* Gold Hill....... ... 1
Pink Pills to Restore Vigor to Shat­
Medfoid......... ... 1
tered Nerves.
Mrs. Leander Lane, wife of the minis­
ter of the Christian Church, of No. 2010
I street. South Omaha, Neb., tells how
her (laughter has been enabled to resume
her professional work as a teacher after
suffering for nearly three years from se­
vere nervous prostratiou :
•• When she was passing from girl­
hood to womanhiMMl," says Mrs. Lane,
•• she suffered greatly from difficulties
peculiar to her sex. The physician did
not help her, but a few boxes of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills brought about the
perfect regulation of her system.
, •• While she had escaped from one
grave trouble, she unfortunately began
to overwork, first as a student and then
as a teacher in a large Iowa institution
for orphan boys. She enjoyed her work
and was very enthusiastic, but the strain
finally told on her. She became pale,
weak, nervous, unable to sleep; she had
no appetite and she suffered from se­
vere headaches. Then came a complete
breakdown ami her work had to be given
•• In this emergency we again tried Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
came at first slowly aud we sometimes
doubted whether she was gaining, but
we noticed that whenever she stopped
taking the pills she fell buck, ami when­
ever she resumed the use of them she
revived and so we kept up the treatment
until she recovered her usual health and
was able to take a position in one of our
universities where she is happily at
work. My mother, my daughter and
myself have a well-founded confidence
in the merits of Dr. Williams* Pink Pills
and are always ready to recommend
This is simply one more proof that
these pills seek disease at its source
aud effect fundamental cures. They
cure various diseases because these have
a common origin in impaired bioodor
nerves. They put the entire system in a
healthy condition, because they intro­
duce vigor that is distributed to every
part. They arrest physical decay when
it seems inevitable and fiml a road to
restoration when the' doctor misses it.
They are sold by all druggists through-
rat the world.
P. C.
Jacksonville vs. Gold Hi 1 at Jack-
son ville, June 5, 1904.
This was one of the most interesting
and well played games of the season.
It was well attended and created
considerable enthusiasm.
Innings were consumed before the
final tally was made by Jack-onvilie.
The score stoid 7 to 6 in favor of the
home team.
Romer, who bas been play >ng with
tie Eugene team, has been signed by
Manager Beeuian of the Nuggets and
will wear the Gold Hill uniform. He
is a clever player aud will give a good
account of himself.
The following is tne score:
R. H
P.O. A. 1.
Total....... ...44 7 11 0 33 15
E Donegan, If 6
Ordway, sa.. ...5
P Djregao, cr..4
bliube, c.... ....5
Kiuger, 3o. ....5
Lester, p.... ...5
Nunau, 2b.. ....4
Barlow, rf.. ....5
Orth, lb.... ....5
0 0
1 1
1 2
1 3
I 1
1 1
2 2
0 0
0 1
▲ B. R. B.H. P O. À.
Miller, ss... ...4 1 0
3 0
Romer, p .. • • • • 5 0 1
3 0
Gasquet, lb. ...6 1 0 10 3 3
Miicneli, 2b ...5 1 2
4 6 0
0 0 1
.> cCormiek, 3b.6 1 2
Courtney, rf ....5 0 1
0 1
Eddings, if.. .. 5 1 1
1 1 0
De;emater, of. 4 0 1
2 0 0
Conn, c....... ....4 1 0 13 1 0
— — —
■rav —
Total....... ...44 6 8- 32 6 5
Earned ruts, Jacksonville 1, Gold
□ ill.
Double plays. Mile) ell to Gasquet,
Nunau to Ordway, E Dooegau to
Struck out by Romer, 10; by Letter,
Three ba.-e hits, McC rmick, Strube
B .ses oa balls, Lester 3, K >mer 4.
Bases on hit by pitch: d ball, Lester
I, Romer 1.
Time2 hours and 35 minutes.
Attendance 500.
UmpLe Barkdull.
Received Another Verdict.
Scoter Reames.
Miss Birdie McCarty has traded her
reputation for 110,000 of James D
Heryford’s money. After 15 minute’.»
deliberation Friday afternoon the
jury which bad for three days listened
to the famous breach of promise case
in Judge Bellinger’s court at Portland
brought in a verdict for 110,000 in fa­
vor of the Wisconsin schoolma'am
who sued the wealthy Lakeview cat­
tleman for 170,000damages. Miss Mc­
Carty certainly earned the money.
Through two long trials she has «a*
and beard herself called all the names
that may be cast at an unscrupulous
or wanton woman. Twice she sat in
the witness chair and confessed to tb«
voluntary surrender of her virtue,
while the mao denied that she had
ever fallen from the straight and nar­
row path.
This was the second trial of the
ease, the fir»u which resulted in a ver­
dict of $22 000, having b<en set aside
by Judge Bt Linger on the gr> und that
the amount awarded wa* excessive.
Under the inst uctions given by
the court to the jury about the only
question to be decided by the jury was
toe amount of damages, and the ver-
det will not te set aside.
innings! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ruas ....5 00001 0000 1
Hits.....2 10 1 1 12 0 10 1
Innings—1 2 3 4 5 6 789 10 11
Runs ....0 200200110 1
Hits.... 0 2 0 1 0 1 1200 1
Medford vs. Ashland.
In Sunday's game at Ashland Carmel
Martin, the wel'-known pitcher, made
his first appearance in Southern Ore­
gon this season. He did good work in
the box, striking out 13 men. Rims-
<jale was quite effective up to the 5tb
inning, when the Medford Grey* had
four tallies to their opponent’s none
He struck out 8 men. After that
Ashland bad them at their mercy.
It was quite^n interesting game
and was witnessed by a big crowd.
Its principal features were the home
runs of Northrop and Thoma-, the
Greys'left fielder and first baseman.
The summary of game is:
Score—Ashland II; Medford 4.
Home runs—Toomas and Northrop.
Struck out—Ry Ramsdell, 8; Martin,
Bases stolen—Medford, 2; Ashland,
* ’
Two-base hits—Medford, 1; Ashland,
Double plays—Medford, 0; Ashland,-
8- .
First base on called balls—Off Rams­
dell, 2; Martin, 1.
Spring Medicine
There is no other season when good
medicine is so much needed as in the
The blood is impure, weak and
impoverished—a condition indicated
by pimples and other eruptions on the
face aud body, by deficient vitality,
loss of appetite, lack of strength, and
want of animation.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Make the blood pure, vigorous and
rich, create appetite, give vitality,
strength and animation, and cure
all eruptions. Ilave the whole family
br^ln to take them today.
-Hood’s Sarsaparilla has been used in
our family for some time, and always with
good results. Last spring I was all run
down and got a bottle of it, and as usual
received great benefit.’’ Miss B zulab
Boves, Stowe, Vt.
Mood’s Sarsaparilla promises to
euro and keeps the promise.
The Flag of Victory.
The thirteen Stars and Stripes was
triumphant at Saratoga In 1777, also
in the War of 1812, Mexican War,
Civil War and Spanish War. With
such a record our Hag has been truly
oalled “The Flag of Victory ” on ac­
count of the un< qualed record of cures
made by the famous Hostetter’s Stom­
ach Ritters it ha* also been truly call­
ed "The leader of it* else» ”lr fact, it
is so safe aud tellable that prominent
physician* all over tue country never
oesltate in recommending it to their
most delicate pai tents, knowing from
past experience that tf a cure is pos*i-
nle the Bi tiers will effect it. A sin­
gle bottle is all that is necessary to
con\Ince you ot Its value in cases of
i indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation,
biliousne.-s or malaria. Be sure to
The poetoffice department urges all
who use the mails to have written or
printed on the upper left-hand corner
of the envelope their names and poei-
offioe addressee. Your box number
and postoffice address is sufficient, if
preferred. It is not necessary to say
return in 10 days, as the poetmtsters
have their regulations and do not re­
quire to be reminded of them. If the
letter for any reason cannot be de'iver-
ed it is promptly returned, and it saves'
the trouble of sending it to the dead
letter office, and have it opened to find
the address of sender, should it happen
re it* fl
Base Ball Notes.
B Probably the best ball game of the
season was played In Medford Thurs­
day, on the grounds of the Athletic As­
sociation, between the home team and
the Ashland nine. It was full of excel­
lent plays, some of which were even
brilliant, while errors were conspicu­
ous by their absence. Medford won
by a score of 4 to 2, certainly a very
good one. Hutton andNorthrop were
the winner's battery, while Jack Clove­
land and Charley Jacobs represented
the vlsltorsin a like capacity. We re­
gret thauour limited space precludes a
more extended account of the game.
Barkdull umpired the game and gave
general satisfaction.
Jacksonville and Gold Hill played a
very ragged game on what is called
the Nugget’s grounds—mining claim
would probably be nearer it. The
Gold Bricks were bogus this time
and played like escapes from a
kindergarten, while their opponeutB
did very lltl'e better. The score stood
12 to 11 in favor of Gold Hill The
batteries were Brous and Moore
I for Gold Hill and Lester and Cruger
for Jacksonville. Both teams were
short some of their beet players which
will in some measure account for the
poor game put up.
Carmel Martin has returned to Ore­
gon from Salinas,Calif., and is pitching
winning ball for Ashland.
The graduating exercises of the
Central Point school will be held this
week. Prof. W. T Van Scoy of the
S. O. S. N. S. delivered the baccalaure
ate sermon Sunday.
The box social in Morton school dis­
trict,held last Friday evening, was a suc­
cess in every way, the sum of 122 90 be­
ing realized. Miss Pheister, an excel­
lent teacher, has been in charge of the
school during the past few months.
A large sum of money was staked :n
Medford on the result of the election.
Most of it was bet on the result cf the !
contest for county clerk. The friends
of Mr. Davis were confident of his elec- i
tlon until Tuesday morning and backed
him liberally.
It looks very much as if Jackson
county had given a considerable ma­
jority for the local option proposition.
Evidently many did not vote under-
standingly on it,as communities known
to be pronounced against it cast ma­
jorities therefor.
The remains of the late Edward A.
Swope, who died In San Diego, Cal.,
May 31, will be buried in the Ashland
cemetery Sunday, June 12th. The
funeral will be under the auspices of
Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M.,
at 2 o’clock p. m.
The Portland Browns, of the Pacific
Coast League, which is now playing
winning ball in California will be here
next Tuesday, for a game with the
Med’ord Grays. This promises to be
the principal event of the ball season
and will draw a big crowd.
The Palm—Whitman Cigar Co., as a
Medford institution, is no more. It
moved its headquarters to Portland
ouring the past week, which will here­
after be located at Sellwood, a suburb
of that city. This is a serious blow to
our city, but it seems that it could not
be averted. The company has our best
The people of our city are cordially
invited to attend commencement ex­
ercises of the Southern Oregon Normal
School. The Cantata "The Gypsey
Queen,” Tuesday evening, June 14th.
will be especially fine. Governor Cham­
berlain and Supt. Ackerman will ad­
dress the class and the public at 2:30 p.
m., Wednesday June 15th.
The question of allowing hogs to tud
at large In Jackson county seems to
have been decided in the affirmative
by a large vote, notwithstanding the
fact that quite a number of votes were
cast No against the intention of the
voter. The festive po ker will there­
fore still be allowed to roam about at
his own sweet will.
The Valley Record says that E. K.
Anderson has purchased F. M. Drake's
handsome residence property in Ash­
land; consideration $4000. Mr. and
Mrs. Anderson and their daughter,
Miss Belle Anderson, will move to Ash­
land next fall and mske their home in
the new residence. Mr. Anderson has
led an extraordinarily active and use­
ful life and is preparing to ease up and
give himself the comforts of a lees
strenuous existence.
S. C. Swaggerty and his son hav
taken the contract to do logging for
the Jackson County Lumbering Com­
pany, who are operating on the Blech­
er place, located three miles south of
Jacksonville. They are experienced
loggers and the company is fortunate
in securing their services. Mrs Hamil­
ton, daughter of Mr. Swaggerty, went
with them to take charge of the mess
Medford and Gold Hill will play on
the grounds of the Medford Athletic
Association Thursday and Sunday-
next. The games are certain to be in­
teresting, as both teams have been
considerably strengthened? The pub­
lic should patronize the week-day
games more than they do, as the league
is at considerable expense and cannot
be made a success without a liberal
Gen. Joubart, one of the heroes of
the Boer war, delivered an illustrated
lecture on that notable event in the
world’s history at Wilson’s Opera
House under the auspices ot the
Baptist church on Monday evening. It
was quite Interesting and pleased the
large audience very much. Gen. Jou­
bart is a large,fine appearing man, who
looks every inch a soldier and gentle­
man. He is rapidly assimilating the
ways of this country, and promises to
be as good on the platform as on the
J. W. Hamaker was over from Klam­
ath Falls, accompanied by Wm.
Hicks, who Is generally known across
the mountains as "Old Bill" Hicks.
The latter is a veteran of the Indian
wars and Mr. Hamaker was taking
him to Jacksonville, that the old man's
identity might be established in order
that a pension can be applied for. Mr.
Hicks has lived for the most part of a
long life among the Indians, and the
matter of establishing his antecedents
is somewhat difficult.
O. O. Helman has returned from Sac­
ramento, where he has been participat­
ing in a two-days’ tournament of the
Northern California Rod and Gun club.
The tournament consisted of 16 events
an I there were about 75 marksmen
present in competition for the various
prizes. Mr. Helman was very success­
ful, and in a 20-bl rd shoot won the in­
dividual championship medal of North,
era California. In addition to this be
captured the highest general aver­
age medal, and pulled down about $100
in prize money, says the Tidings.
As is sometimes the case immediate­
ly preceding state and national elec­
tions, and this being a year in which
both occur in Oregon, business be­
comes a little dull. There is no dis­
guising this fact. But, on the other
band, there is no anxiety as to the
NO. 23
outcome. Added to this the spring
has been six weeks late and money has
been looking for investment. Noone
Prof. S. P. Robbins went to Ashland Matters of Importance Transacted at
believes for an instant that the nation­ Tuesday.
the Court House.
al finances are going to be upset,but it
J. T. Hagan of Tolo, the miner, was
is natural that things will go a little
in Medford Tuesday.
slowly until something definite is
J T Tinsley to W R Keifer, lot* 4 5,
J. H. Simon of Gold Hill, the miner,
6, hlk 39, Ashland; $250
was in town Tuesday.
Antoinette DePeatt to CW H ilmes,
Mrs Klingel of Lake Creek was in
property in Ashland; $500
town one day this week.
G S Butler to T W Hill, land in tp
Jack Martin of Phoenix precinct •39, 160 acres; $250.
Wm. M. Holmes, a prominent citi­
wns among our recent visitors.
Ben Btail to Official Board Chris­
zen of Central Point, was kicked by a
Mrs. Fred Slagle of Coquille is visit­ tian Church and Successors, lots 9, 10,
horse Monday evening and seriously
injured. For a time bis life was de­ ing in Medford, which is her former 14, 2, Centr-1 Point; $10.
Emma Wing to C W and Alice
spaired of, but we are pleased to say home.
that prospects of his early recovery
Jos. Kester, who is one of Applegate Heimes, property in Ashland; $585.
Anna Presley aud busband to Ben A.
district’s prominent miners, was in our
are excellent.
Lowell; land in Bee 14, tp 36, 4 w; $700.
town Monday.
C D Reed to C W Palm; land in d 1 c
Misses Mae Mullt and Miss Mae Sut­
ton of Ashland have gone to St. Louis, *0, tp 37, 1 w; $700.
George Nutly to H L Alnuett; land in
to attend the exposition.
sec 10, tp 38, 2 e; $1.
W. P. Swope, a well-known citizen
J M Mast to W 8 C ay; land in d I c
of Portland, and his family were in
43, tp 38, 1 w; $2255.
Ashland the forepart of the week.
Etta Hall to M G Hoge, power of at­
Mr. Clark of Denver has been visit­ torney.
ing in Medford. He is a friend of S. A.
Ben and Anna Beall to W Freel; lots
Hartzell and bis family.
1 and 2, bl 55, Central Point; $20.
High Water in South Dakota
Jas. Garvin, one of the beet miners
W Freel to T J Kelsoe; lots 1 and 2,
in Jackson county, spent several hours bl 55, Central Point; $20.
Inundates Many Cities
in Medford Tuesday.
Ed Brace to C E Carder; n e corner
and Towns.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rodenburger of of bl 3, Medford; $1.
T J Carder to C E Carder; n w cor­
Willow Springs and Mrs.E. L. Farra of
of bl3. Medford; $1.
Deadwood, S. D., June 6.—As • re­
Carder and husband to H W
mit of a heavy downfall throughout
Same as above, $1150.
John H. Barnum,conductor of the R.
the Black Hills, which has continued
to F W Hutchison;
for nearly a week. Whitewood, Dead­ R. V. R., left Tuesday for Portland
wood and City creeks, passing within on a short visit. Will. Barnum Is fill­
F W Hutchison to H W Jackson.
the city limits, have left their banks, ing hie place in the meantime.
Same as above. $1100.
Miss Belle Anderson of Wagner
carrying away a number of houses,
M J Moon, executor, to Mary Smith;
Creek district was among the many in lot 12, bl 28, Gold Hill; $125.
barns, sidewalks and lumbgr yards.
Medford Saturday night, accompanied
J H Huffman to F W Gaines; lot 6,
The Waite building, one of the most
substantial in the city, was partially by Miss Nottage of Scottsburg.
»ec 25, and lot 5, sec 26, tp 37, 2 w, lot 7,
Miss Stella Case, the popular teacher bl 52. Medford. $1.
wrecked and the city hall badly dam­
aged. One large bridge was carried of literature and elocution in the 8. O.
M C Huffman to F A Gainea. Same
awya. Two lives are known to have , S. N. S., has gone to Norton, Kansas, as above. $L
been lost, Matthew Bender, a young to engage in teachers' Institute work.
Mollie Kirk to F W Gaines. Same
man of Central City, who was drowned She will visit St. Leuls before return­ as above. $1
in an attempt to save property, and ing.
Aztec Land aud Cattle Co. to F E Al*
Guy Shoudy, a farmer near Sturgis.
; lots 1, 2 3, 4, sec I, tp 15, 10 e.
It is estimated that the property loss
in Deadwood and other places will ex­ land of Ashland, who have been teach­ , Edmona M and W E Anderson to J
ceed *500,000. The water is still high, ing in the Medford schools, returned to A and A A Tracy; lot 10, bl 10, Phoe­
but it is believed the crest of the flood their homes Saturday. Neither will nix; $3o.
return, having secured employment
Donna M and J A Graffls to J A and
has bion reached.
Ardmore, I. T.,’ June 6.—Heavy rains elsewhere.
, R A Tracy; lot 9, bl 13, Phoenix; $35.
continue to fall in this part of the In­
J K Van Sant to T £ Hills; land in d 1
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hartley left for
dian Territory, and railroad traffic is Kansas Tuesday evening, accompa­ 39, 1 e; $275.
seriously affected. The Rock Island nied by their daughter, Mrs Clint.
G H Patrick to Almeron Carroll; lots
is operating no trains into Ardmore,
1 aDd 2, bl 29. Gold Hill; $200.
and trains on the St. Louis and San
J H Thorndike to Anna Clay; lots 1
Francisco are being operated with dif­ days at the exposition in St. Louis be­ and 2, bl 81, Medford; $1200.
ficulty, l>oth roads experiencing numer­ fore returning.
John E and E M Roaa to J A Cook;
J. A. Whitman and Gqo F. Palm,
ous washouts.
7 and 8, bl 32. Gold Hill; $380.
Kansas City. Mo.. June 6.—After ten comprising the Palm-Whitman Cigar
A D Helman to Emma Thornton; 2
days of almost continuous leaden akies Co., left for Portland Monday, where
the sun shone over eastern Kansas their factory will hereafter be located. acres in Ashland; $548.
Eugenia Atkinson to Mary Nevins;
yestenlay. With a cessation in the They were preceded by a number of
rains during the past twelve hours, their employee, who will continue in rot*3; block’26, Ashland; *4OoO.
Eoward Brace to C E Carter; prop­
most of the r.vcrs are gradually fall­ their service.
ing and seeking their banks, and
erty in Medford; $105. .
everywhere flood conditions are im­
Town of Jacksonville to Nancy Ma­
A Strong Heart
jors, n e | of lot 82, Jacksonville ceme­
Is assured by perfect digestion. Ir di­ tery; $5.
TINY TELEGRAPHIC TICKS gestion swells the stomach and puff- it
I up against the heart. This e t;- -
Chicago—James Gaylen Brown, a shortness of breath, palpitation of the
prominent turfman, has been arrested heart and general weakDe-s. Kodol
at Harlem race track, charged with , Dyspepsia Cure cures indigestion, re­
J R. Murray, who condtc's a cigar
lieves the stomach, takes the strain
embezzling $25,000 from his father’s 1 off the heart and restores ft to a full
store and soft drink establishment tn
performance of its function naturally. the old Burris stand at Ashland, near
Gmunden, Austria—Princess Mary Kodol increases the strength by en­ the bridge, reported to Chief of Police
of Baden, eldest daughter of the duke abling the stomach and digestive or­
to digest, assimilate and appro­ Good that sometime during Thursday
of Cumberland and wife of Prince Max­ gans
priate to the blood and tissues all of night he wa* robbed of $195 in gold.
imilian of Baden, is dead, aged 34 the blood nutriment. Tone» the stom­
One of a couple cf strangers who had
ach and digestive orgars. Sold by all
floated into town and bad been hang-
New York—George Richmond, engi­
i log arcund bls place is suspected
neer, author and translator of techni­
Murray’s sleeping rocm is upstairs'
cal books of international reputation,
bis st¡ore, and the apartment is
is dead, aged 45 years. He committed
also occupied by George Cole, and
Honolulu — The purchase by the
The fact that there is not to be both men were sleeping soundly when
United States government of the Kah- ' found the slightest clew to the rob­ tile money look wings. Murray hung
auiki military site, near Honolulu, has bers alleged to have robbed W. H. up bis trousers before retiring, In one
be -n copleted, the federal government Aurelius, Local Pullman ¡Cashier at Docket there beiog $195 in gold and in
paying the lease holders $19,000.
Portia? d, has led the police authori aoother about $20 tu loose sliver. The
Batavia. Java — The Netherlands ties to conclude that the robbers are silver was not disturbed. The door at
troops have captured a native fortress figments of a vivid imagination. De­ the foot of the stairs leading to the
at Tampering, in the Gajoe country. tectives Weiner and Hartman aDd rtom was found unlocked in the morn­
Island of Sumatra. The Dutch losses Chief of Police Hunt, who are famil­ ing. The man who is suspected of the
were thirty-three killed or wounded.
iar with all the details of the theft of crime is described to the police by
One hundred and seventy-six Chinese
the $2649 by alleged robbers, are firm Murray as follows: About 30 or 35
were killed.
in the belief that no robbery wa» com­ years of age, five feet and nine iache
Des Moines. la.—Chiles W. Graves,
mitted, at least that no violent rob­ ia height, pale blue eyes, dark hair,
the accused wife-murderer, who is al­
square shouldtrs, square cut coat of a
leged to have saturated his victim with bery was committed upon Aurelius.
dark color, sir ped trousers. He is
kerosene after the murder had been
alsr said to be of slim build and hav­
committed and then deliberately ap­ after learning that Aurelius lias been ing a full set ot teeth, in which there
plied the torch, has been permitted to gambling heavily aud losing in the is no gold tilling, says the Tidings.
different gambling-houses of the city
plead guilty to manslaughter.
New York—After five days of silence and that be baa been traveling a very
out of fear of the kidnapers, Mrs. Fel- rapid pace fora long time 0hst. It
ipo Basso, an Italian woman, has re­ has also been learned that be made an
ported to ine police that her daughter, effort to borrow $500 from an emploje
W. E. Coman, general passenger
a pretty child of 13 years, was stolen of the Columbia Transfer Ci mpaty
of the boutbern Pacific Oregon
last week. It Is said to be the fifth named Mack. When confronted with
lias just placed in bls office an
case of the kind within a fortnight.
this Information Aurelius denied its
of Crater Lake that is
Paris—A report has been received truth, but later, in the presence of
accurate portrayal of
here of a battle on the coast of French several officers, be told Detective Dan
Guinea between a column and 4000 na­ Weiner that he had said something the great natural wonder of the Ore­
tives. The natives were armed with about borrowing the money. The gon mountains by those who have been
flint guns and made a terrific on­ officers learned that be recently bor to the national reserve where it is lo­
slaught. They were beaten back, los­ rowed 1100 from a waitress at thte Un­ cated, as it is a splendidly executed
ing their principal chief and 300 men.
ion depot, and it is thought he has canvas.
a French lieutenant was killed and
Last year Mr. Coman sent Mrs. Jas.
numerous other obligations.
twenty soldiers wounded.
Fountain, a Portland landscape ar­
Pullman officials have been slow to
Prescott, Ariz.—After hofty hours of
to Crater Lake especially to se­
believe that Aurelius would make
desperate effort, the party of rescuers
such a production, and the can­
at work at the Hackberry mine, in the away with the money himself, as he vas, which is 30x50 inches, has been
Bigbug district, came to the bodies of has been connected with th<'C< nipany finished only rect nrly. I l is mounted
the two imprisoned miners, Mason for 17 years past and has been looked io a heavy gold frame, and the extra­
King and Perry Hawkins. The men upon as honest and trustworthy.
ordinary coloring said to be character
Aurelius has a wife and one child.
were imprisoned by the fire which
isticof the great craier’a^conieDts is
broke out at the mouth of the mine He is under $2500 bonds to the Pull­
last Thursday. Both were dead when man Company, the bond being furn­ brought out more effectively by the
contrast. The coloring of the perpen­
ished by the American Surety Com
dicular walls, their indentations, tbe
Washington—Although not officially pany, which has been notified of the
verdure appearing occa-ionallv and
announced, it is understood that the affair.
spots where snowbanks still remained
order of merit of the battleships in
Passenger Manager Fee of the South­ when tbe sketch was made, add to its
the recent record target practice, so
Pacific says there will be an im­ beauty.
far completed, is as follows: Oregon
first, and probably winner of the pen­ provement of the service between San
ant; Wisconsin second and Iowa third. Francisco and Portland and a shorten­ Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets Better than a Doctor's
The battleship Illinois is now engaged ing of time of several hours between
in target practice in Martha's Vine­ the two cities when the reconstruction
J. W. Turner, of Truhart, V*.,
of the roadbed is completed. The
Guaymas, Mexico — Army officials work of replacing the present 60-pound say* t bat Chamberlain's Stoma h and
here have been advised that three com­ rails with new 80-pound rails is now Liver Tub’ets have done Irm mure
go> d tl an anything he could get fr- m
panies of federal soldiers, which went being pushed on the mountain division the
doctor. If any physician in tht*
out in pursuit of the band of Yaquis and all wooden bridges are being re­ county was ahle to compound a medi­
which has been raiding ranches, de­ placed by steel structures. The heavier cine that would produce such gratify­
feated the Indians near San Jose de rails will permit of much greater speed ing results in cases of stomach trou­
bles, biliousness or constipation, his
Guaymas, taking many prisoners and
recovering the hostages taken by the on the road. A number of new loco­ whole time would be used in prepar­
ing this one medicine. Forsa'.e by all
Yaquis where the ranches were pil­ motives will also give heavier motive City
Drug Store.
laged and burned.
several hours’ time will be saved when
all improvements are completed.
_ rf11,8 IW You
Always BodPti
8«r. me
A Serious Accident.
He Lost Hrs Gold.
The Robbery Doubted
Crater Lake in Oil.
Oa. Mitetf Narine looaoDsGriD’s <nas»
J. H Hoffman made Medford a visit
District Attorney Reames went
north Wednesday evening.
Geo Walter, a prominent citizen of
Applegate, did business here a few days
Another daughter was recently born
to Mr. and Mrs. K. K Kubll of Port­
W E. Thompson, the mining expert,
returned Wednesday from a trip to
S. E. Dunnington and D. B. Thomp­
son made a trip to Ashland a few days
Misses Lydia and Maud Pernoll of
Applegate were recent visitors in Jack­
Wm. Dorn of Watkins district, the
pioneer miner, did business in our
town Wednesday.
H. F. Bailey, the energetic represen­
tative of the Singer S. M. Co., baa
been here lately looking after collec­
:nma Wulf has returned from
id and resumed her position, as
sale *dy in ¿»I. Learned’s confection­
ery store.
Mrs. T. B. Roberts has been visiting
her sisters, Mrs. W. H Miller and Mrs.
C. T. Davidson, also her brother Les­
ter Bailey.
Miss Daisy Huffer was in Medford
Wednesday, to meet her sister Mies
Ollie, who has been attending the Uni­
versity of Oregon.
There is no truth in tbe report that
Joe Murphy has bought a barbershop
in Ashland. He may still be found at
Luy’a tonsorial parlors In Medford.
Mrs Chas Campbell of Stockton,Cal.,
(nee Anna Donegan) arrived in Jack­
sonville Monday, for a visit with rela­
tives and friends. She is accompanied
by her two children.
Two prominent citizens bads scrap
over school matters, which resulted In
one getting a beitlng. Tbe other was
brought before Reoorder Dox and
fined $6, which he paid.
Rev. Robt. Ennis, who has been
away from Jacksonville for several
years, will soon return and resume
charge of the Preebj terlan church. He
will be warmly welcomed by his many
The commencement exercises of St.
Mary’s Academy will be held Wednes­
day,June 15th,wnen graduating honors
will be conferred on Miss Am brosine
Murphy. The program will be a most
excellent one.
The pupils of St. Mary's Academy
will give an entertainment at U. 8.
Hall Monday evening, June 13th. As
a splendid program has been prepared
therefor it will doub'less be a very in­
teresting event and receive tbe liberal
patronage it deserves.
The latest returns indicate the re­
election of District Attorney Reames
by a majority ranging between 50 and
75. Gold Hill and Mound, both Demo­
cratic precincts, did the mischief, New­
bury getting a majority in each. Per­
sonal matters, instead of official dese­
lection, was the cause of this defection.
Miss Josephine Donegan has re­
turned from Applegate, where she has
been teaching a successful term of
school. Her pupils gave an excelleot
entertainment Thursday afternoon. A
box social given in the evening at
Rose’s Hall was followed by a dancing
party,both of which were pleasant af­
fairs. The proceeds thereof will go
toward buying uniforms for the Apple­
gate base-ball club.
The >feat of Judge Prim is re-
by all who appreciate efficien­
cy i. < ffice and solicitude for the pub­
lic w Bare. He made a splendid coun­
ty ju ge, displaying excellent executive
ability, being attentive to his duties
and practicing rigid economy in every­
thing. We fear that a grave mistake
has been made. If anyone ever de­
served re election it was Judge Prim.
It seems very strange that it was de­
nied him.
Let me say I have used Ely’s Cream
Balm for catarrh and can thoroughly
recommend It for wbat it claims.
Very truly, (Rev.) H. W. Hathway.
Elisabeth, N. J.
I tried Ely's Cream Balm and to all
appearances am cured of catarrh. The
terrible headaches from which I long
suffered are gone.—W. J. Hitchcock,
late Major U. S. Vol. and A. A. Gen.,
Buffalo, N. Y
Tbe Balm does not irritate or cause
sneezing. Sold by druggists at 50cents,
or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 W arren
St., New York
The Jacksonville public school dosed
last Friday, after a profitable year.
Prof. Washburn has proved a suooess-
ful principal and has been ably assisted
by Prof Robbins, Miss Frances Done­
gan and Mrs M. Peter. The school
will resume studies in September
Prof. S. P. Robbins will be the princi­
pal, and two of his assistants will be
M168 Donegan and Mrs. Peter, tbe
third not having been chosen as yet.
Prof. Washburn has not yet decided
where he will go.
The annual musical recital given at
St. Mary’s Academy Hall created a
very favorable impression on the many
wbo attended,it. Tbe numbers, most
of which were of » di ssical character,
calling lor talent of a high or­
der, were very well rendered and gave
general satisfaction. A well-executed
display of needlework and penmanship
which bad been preoared by the pu­
pils was afterwards examined by invita­
tion of Rev. J. D. Murphy. It re­
ceived much praise.
Following the reward of $2500 offered
for the murderers of J. C. Conn at Sil­
ver Lake and the $300 reward for the
parties who killed 2300 sheep at Christ­
mas lake, offered by Gov. Chamber-
ialn, the county court of Lake county
offers a reward of $1050 for tbe parties
who killed tbe sheep.
Absolutely Rim
Both Republican and Demo­
cratic Candidates are
The election held throughout Oregon
Monday resulted in a sweeping Re­
publican victory. Tbe majority thrown
for that party, said to be nearly 20,000,
is the largest ever given in this state.
There was a great effort to make It
such, and it succeeded. Moore for Su­
preme J udge and Bailey for Food Com­
missioner are both elected by over­
whelming majorties. The same may
be said of Binger Hermann and J. N.
Williamson, candidates for Congress in
the First and Second districts.
In J sexton county candidates on
both tickets were elected, to wit:
Representatives, H. Von der Hollon,
D. H. Jackson, Republicans.
Joint Representative, W. I. Vswter,
County Judge, Geo. W. Dunn, Rep.
Sheriff, J. M. Rader, Dem.
Clerk, John 8. Orth, Dem.
Commissioner, Geo. Brown, Rep.
Recorder, Robt. B Dow, Dem.
Assessor, Peter Applegate Rap.
Treasurer, D. H. Miller, Dem.
School Superintendent, P. H. Dally,
8urveyoP, GarlT. Jones, Rep.
Coroner, Dr. W. L. Cameron, Rep,
Benson and Hanna succeed them­
Ths contest between Reames and
Newbury for prosecuting attorney to
very close, with chances in favor of
the former, who carries Josephine by
45 majority and leads a few votes In
Jackson as far as heard from.
A big fight was made in favor of Geo.
L. Davis for county clerk. Latest re­
turns indicate the election of John S.
Orth by a majority that may reach 120.
Per a Hundred Years.
For a hundred years or more Witch
Hazel has been re -ognized as a supe­
rior remedy, but n remained for B C.
Dewitt & Co. or Cnicsgo to di »cover
how to combine tbe virtue* of Witch
Hszel with other antlseptKs, in tbe
fuim of a sal ve. DeWitt’a Witch Haz­
el Salve Is the best salve in th- world
for sores, cuts, burns, bruises nod
piles. The high standing of thissaiye
has given rise to counterfeits, aud
the public to advised to look for tbe
name "DeWitts*' on the package, and
accept no other. Sold by all druggists.
The Windap in ledford.
Tbe flDal d-m nstration in behalf
ot tbe Republican party, at Medford,
Saturday night, was much of a suc­
cess. A vary large crowd, composed
of pe -pie from Dearly every part of
the county, was pre»ent. The torch­
light parade, which was the feature,
was a fine one and well handled.
Tbe man, gers of tbe affair made a
mistake—which we are assured will
never be repeated—in allowing a dir­
ty blackguard from Jacksonville call­
ed tblvig to occupy tbe platform aud
vent his pei>onal spleen on one wbo
was Dot a candidate nor bad any
with tbe campaign,
espei ially as no opportunity could be
given to meet this vilification. Anyone
acquainted with the facta knows that
bis statements are false, and none is
aware o< that more tbaD this very fel­
low himseir, as be was an attorney in
tbe case and was so badly whipped
that be did not even take an appeal
to tbe Supreme Court. It is always
those who are moat guilty tbemse ves
wbo are quickest to charge others
with wrongdoing. We could cite
many instances of Colvig’s baseness,
did we consider him worth our notice.
As is well known be is tire qulntes-
senceof seif-conceit a d cold-blooded­
ness, and is ridiculed and despised in
tbe community in which be lives, and
could not be elected hog pelter even if
his name was the only one on tbe of­
ficial ballot. His abuse of anybody is
considered quite complimentary by
those wbo know this man. It seems
tnst Coivig should be the last man to
be always od parade and to slander
bis neighbors; but then be is tbe
c.tiami'ion egotist and neither knows
nor sees anybody t ut himself
Disease takes no summer
If you need flesh and
strength use
Scott’s Emulsion
summer as in winter.
Send for free sample.
409-415 Pearl Street,
N ew York,
joc. and ri-oof all dnigpata.