The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, May 11, 1904, Image 2

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    Bemoererti® firnes
Printed Every Wednesday, by
Times Pi Anting Company
C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr.
€)□♦* Year, In advance ......... ..........»1.50
Six Months............................. ......... 1.00
Office With Ptclflc Stete» Telephone Co.
Ry en Building, California St.
ELECTION Monday, June 6, 1904
For Supreme Judge:
THOMAS O’DAY......... of Multnomah
For Food and Dairy Commissioner:
S. M. DOUGLAS ..................... of Lane
JOHN A.JEFFREY .of Marion County
T. H. CRAWFORD, .of Union County
W. B. MILLER..of Columbia County
J.H. SMITH .......... of Clatsop County
For Co'ngreasman First District:
ROBT. M. VEATCH............... of Lane
Professor Uppaginstitt in his stupendous sensation, the camel back loo*!
A danger defying demonstration of daring. desperate and delirious disaster.—
New York American.
other pointe where the men voted in
favor of the reduction, as they did at
the Greer and Shenango works of the
For Ctrcult Judge First Judicial District
American Sheet and Tin Plate com­
JAMES R. NEIL................. of Jackson ’ Size Must Be Decreased if They pany at New Castle, Pa., the plants
will likely continue to'operate at the re­
For District Attorney Jackson and
Are t® Be Full This Year.
duced wage scale. The whole situation
Josephinb Counties:
from the Amalgamated association's
A. E. RE AMES.................... of Jackson
standpoint Is serious, and it will re­
For Joint Representative Jackson and WAGES RI^UCED, MILLS CLOSING quire the greatest diplomacy ou tbe
part of the officials of the organization
Douglas Counties:
to hold It together.”
W. O. BRIDGES...................of Douglas
The Wool and Cotton Reporter of
Mhrch 31 mentions a 5 to 10 per cent
reduction in wages at the Arlington
Lawrence, Mass., affecting 2,000
For Representatives:
of tbe 4,000 operatives, which took ef-
H. S. EVANS....................... of Ashland
The Republicans are doing their best feet March 28. It also says that the
J. J. HOUCK...................... of Gold Hill to deceive the people as to the real woolen mill at New Castle, Del., and tbe
For County Judge:
conditions in the business world. They Chester (Pa.) Manufacturing company
CHAS. PRIM.................of Jacksonville are pouring speeches Into congress for have closed down for Indefinite periods;
also that the West Warren Cotton
use In the coming campaign tbe tenor mill, Massachusetts, has shut down
For County Commissioner:
W. L. McCLURE......... ..of Gold HU) on which is "stand pat,” “all is well,” No. 3 mill and that tbe mills of thf
“prosperity is still rampant.” despite a Lonsdale (R. I.) company will in fu­
For Sheriff:
few facts to the contrary. They would ture run only five days a week.
J. M. RADER.................. of Eagle Point
Turning to the New York Journal of
have tbe country believe that we are
For County Clerk:
rapidly recovering from the temporary Commerce of March 31, we learn that
JOHN. S. ORTH......of Jacksonville setback to Industry which occurred some of the drawer finishers in the
For Treasurer
last winter, from October to January, Harrower Knitting mill at Troy, N. Y.,
D H.MILLER .................. of Medford when wage reductions became general are on strike because of a cut of 2H
cents a dozen on tbe goods bandied.
and when nearly half the mills in Again on April 1 it tells us that 30,000
For Assessor:
textile operatives in Philadelphia are
FRED E. FURRY.............. of Phoenix many industries bail to close. .
Although there never was more Im­ idle because of poor conditions in the
For Recorder:
portant business for congress to attend cotton and woolen goods trade and
ROBT. B. DOW................. of Medford to than at present in order to bring re­ that "in tbe next few weeks it Is prob­
lief from the tyrannical trusts which able that many more mills will sus­
For School Superintendent:
GUS SAMUELS.......of Central Point have put up prices and increased tbe pend operations and that the number
cost of living to the highest point of men, women and children out of
For Surveyor:
known, while reducing wages in employment will be Increased mate­
F. ROUNDTREE......... of Jacksonville
rially.” It says that “many mills are
all directions, yet it is the alm and running on half time and some have
For Coroner:
• policy of the Republicans to adjourn closed down entirely. Among the lat­
DR. H. P HARGRAVE...., f Medford congress just as soon as the appropria­ ter are the Dobson Cloth and Blanket
tion bills can be rushed through. They mills at Manayunk and the Winfield
will then begin to circulate their "stand Manufacturing company.”
C ongress adjourned for the term pat” and "prosperity’’ speeches, hoping
Other trade and commercial organs
April 28iu, which la one of the earliest to lull to sleep the great mass of voters contain similar news as to Industry,
adj ournwenta that baa taken place in and to keep them ignorant of the real i k<Jnly two or three weeks ago 190.000
facts as to the industrial depression’
many years. The leaders of the ma­ which is still on and which cannot be soft coal miners voted to accept a re­
jority deemed it expedient to do this, vanquished even by Republican rheto­ duction In wages of over 5t> per cent
not desiring to make any capital that ric. The Republicans know that every It has become known that tbe average
was avoidable for the opposition in day they remain 1 q Washington prill reduction in wages of those of the
168.000 employees of the steel trust
thia presidential year.
not only bring to light new scandals In who were not discharged a few months
their administration, but that it will ago was more nearly 30 than 10 per
S peaker C annon , at a dinner re­ add new evidence of the depression cent
cently given by the Fellowship club in which is now running its course. They
The window, flint glass and silk in­
Philadelphia, said for the benefit of know that the Democrats hesitate to dustries are perhaps In as bad condi­
picture conditions as bad as they really
his newspaper friends: **The news­ are and that if congress adjourns at tion as are those of steel, textile and
paper man is the best friend you can once the Democrats will practically be coal mining. Railroad earnings are
have. He’s as honest as a postman. He’s without frankable speeches to offset greatly decreased notwithstanding
that thousands of men were recently
a man who does more work for politi­ the frankable prosperity speeches of laid off and that hundreds of thou­
cians for less money than a Methodist the Republicans. This, they think, will sands have bad their wages reduced.
preacher does for his congregation.” give them another opportunity to fool Only a few days ago President Mellen
the voters. This accounts for much of of the New York, New Haven and
their unseemly haste to adjonrn con Hartford railroad announced that tbe
S ecretary H itchcock has order­ gress.
trade depression in New England had
ed Supervisor Holland and inspector
That the business world, after some become so -severe that bis road had
Nessler to proceed to the Chemawa , slight recovery in February and early found it necessary to curtail its pas­
Indian Training School in Oregon and March, is again on the down grade is senger service.
make a thorough investigation of ' reasonably certain. The testimony of
These are some of the facts that in­
charges of mismanagement that have , tbe trade papers is conclusive. Thus dicate that Republican tariff end trust
that great trade journal, the Iron Age, legislation is rapidly reducing the size
been made against Superintendent
in Its Issue of March 31, mentions nu­
Potter. It is alleged that gross irreg- merous wage reductions and closed of the workingman's dinner pail. Not
only have money wages declined
ul aritles have taken place in connec­ mills, some of which are:
greatly recently, but the cost of liv­
tion with the conduct of the outing
“McKinley lodge,‘Amalgamated As­ ing, according to Dun's tables of
system, and large sums are alleged to sociation of Steel and Tin Plate Work­ prices. Is now 43 per cent higher than
ers, Elwood, Ind., all hot mill men. when the Dingley tariff bill became a
have been misappropriated.
numbering 500, has decided to quit law. If dinner palls are to be full
work rather than accept the 20 per this year they must be very, very
T he timber and stone aet will not cent reduction in wages proposed by small. To get a feeling of fullness
be repealed for another year at least, the American Sheet and Tin Plate com­ the workingmen must wear shorter
so that people who desire to get a pany and is indorsed by the officers of belts than usual and keep them buckled
timber claim will have a fair opportuni­ the Amalgamated association.”
up tight.
“At New Castle, Pa., the men In tbe
ty. The commission appointed by the
A'Few Queatlon».
President recommended the repeal of lodges of the Amalgamated association
employed In the tin plate mills in tbe
Republicans are crowing
this law, and the Senate acted upon Greer and Shenango works of tbe
antitrust law it is
that recommendation and passed the American Sheet and Tin Plate com­
well for the voter to quietly ask if any
bill to repeal. In the House the op­ pany have voted to accept the reduc­ of these laws have ever really Injured
position put up by interested parties tion of 20 per cent in wages which the trusts or benefited the people.
was stronger and when the bill reach went Into effect on March 2L At South Have these antitrust laws ever stop­
ed the committee, that body reported Sharon, Pa., the men in the lodge of tbe ped the depredations of a single trust?
in favor of postponement until next Amalgamated association have voted Are not the beef trust, the Standard
not to accept the reduction in wages.” Oil trust and the pipe trust doing the
A Pittsburg special says: “While the same kind of plundering now that they
officials refuse to give did before the courts decided against
T hkbk la much public censure of the
to whether tbe vote them? Did railroad rates drop when
allowance of tbe attorney fee of »1000
Is in favor of or against tbe reduction the Northern Securities company lost
I d tbe John Woods eset eat case. The in wages we learn from reliable
in the courts? If so, why did the
Ashland Tidings severely criticises the sources that the tin plate workers have prices of railroad stocks advance so
piocteding», which Is right and prop­ voted against a reduction. It Is not rapidly in Wall street during the two
er. It la simply an outrage, especial known at this time what action will be weeks following the decision?
ly as there was no necessity for tbe ser­ taken by the association tn this event
The ¿tepublieans do not intend to
vice of a special counsel anyway. Dis­ but it Is probable that a number of the harm the trusts. They are not putting,
trict Attorney Kearnes bad nothing to union tin plate mills will be closed. At these rich criminals in stripes.
do with the matter, as tbe Tidings has
charged probably al the suggestion of
Deafness Cannot be Cured
Gus Newbury. It forgot to add that
By local applications, as they cannot
Judge Hanoa could have stopped this
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
Clinton E. Stewart, the successful There is only one way to cure deaf­
w bolesale looting of the estate of tbe
pioneer, as he bad It Tn his power to horticulturist, who started tbe fine ness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
fix the attorney fee at whatever sum young orchard two miles west of Med­ inflamed condition of the mucous lin­
ford, on tbe Jacksonville road, has ing of the Eustachiau Tube. When
be pleased.
sold it to W. W. Armstrong of Salt this tube Is inflamed you have a rum­
bling sound or imperfect bearing, and
T he celebrated Warner Valley land Lake City for »30,000.
when it is entirely closed Deafuess is
cate is declined again to come up be­
the result,and unless the inflammation
fore the public and this time, provid­ ed I j apple and pear trees, which will can be taken out and this tube restor­
ing the aiate Land Board sees mat­ be one of the best properties in Ore­ ed to its normal condition hearing will
lie destroyed forever; nine cases out of
ter» in tbe light in which it is being gon when the saplings are In bearing. ten
are caused by Catarrh, which Is
Mr. Stewart is enterprising and en­
put before them at the present time, it
ergetic, and well deserves bis success. nothing but an inflamed condition of
will be in aseuse In which the State will Il was less than thre^years ago when the mucous snrfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
be very much concerned. It is the case tbe greater portii n or the orchard he
any case of Deafness (caused by
wherein the United States Land De­ has just sold was covered with plue catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's
part mental uring the month of Novem­
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulais,
tbe future as yet.
ber ol last year, notwithstanding tbe
F J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
protest of Governor Chamberlain, is­
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
sued a patent to 4800 acres of arable
Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti­
land in what is known as the Warner
Live agents to sell Dr. White’s pation.
Valley, Lake county (although classed Eectrie Combs, patented Jan. 1, ’99.s
as swamp land) to tbe Warner Valley Cure dandruff, hair falling out, sick
Stock Company, as a result of which and nervous headache«, yet cost no
actioa a number of homesteaders and more than an ordiuary comb. Bells
on sight. Agents are wild with suc­
pre-emptors were turned out of house cess. Send 50c for sample (half price)
and home and throws upon their own Write quick. The Dr. White Electric
Another Big Sale.
Comb Co., Decatur 11 i.
Mrs. Edgar Hafer, who has been
quite 11), is convalescent.
John H. Simon, the miner, was one
of our visitors Thursday.
Geo. E. Howland of Grants Pass has
been hereon business during tbe week.
Thos. Riley and J. Patterson were io
Jacksonville last week, on official busi­
Mrs. N. Lange 11, who has been visit­
ing at Red Bluff, Calif., returned Wed­
Miss Dollio Ankeny of Eugene is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. John S.»Orlh
of Jacksonville.
County Surveyor Jones has been on
Applegate this week, inspecting the
road to Watkins.
Misses Dora and Myrtle Hurley of
Willow Springs spent a<few hours in
Medford Friday.
W. T. Campbell, who is located at
Glendale, has been visiting in Jackson­
ville and Medford.
Mrs. Jos. S. Reach returned to Jack­
sonville from California Thursday, to
spend the summer.
Emmett Beeson, H. H. Goddard and
Mr. Robison of Talent were Jackson­
ville visitors Thursday.
Frank Yocom, who has the DeBar
farm, located near Central Point, rent­
ed, was in Medford Thursday.
Judge Crowell has returned to Elk
Creek, accompanying Supt. Ber-
riam. He will be gone some time.
Messrs. Ream and Eaton, expert
miners from Colorado, are in this sec­
tion inspecting our mineral resources
C. B. Watson and E. D. Briggs, the
Ashland attorneys, were in Jackson­
ville Thursday, on profeaslonal busi­
Mrs. Delia Barbe has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. E. A. Langley, who is
engaged in Mrs. Corwin's millinery
store at Medford.
We are sorry to laarn that Jacob
Walz,one of oldest our pioneers, has suf­
fered a severe paralytic stroke and is a
precarious condition.
Dittmar Bros.of Redding, Calif.,who
are interested in one of tbe leading
mining journals of the Pacific Coast,
ar? in Jackson county.
Judge Hanna returned from Klam­
ath county Thursday evening, where
be has been holding circuit court and
incidentally looking after his fences.
Rev, J. W. Crutchfield, who was
formerly pastor of the M. E. Church,
South, in Medford, is here on a visit,
en route to Albany from California.
Dr. Alex. Patterson, who was for­
merly located at Central Point, was on
a northbound train this week, en
route to Gardiner,his last place of resi­
dence in Oregon. He recently return­
ed from an extended visit in Great
H. E. Foster, the scientific mining
man, was in this section quite recently,
for the purpose of looking after inter­
ests in Forest Creek district he la man­
Dr. E B. Pick el has returned from
Klamath county, where he performed
an operation or Ur. G. W. Mtston.who
lost one of his legs in a runaway not
long since.
Granville Naylor, the well-known
pioneer, who has been •topping in
Siskiyou county, Calif., for aererai
months past, returned to Medford
Wednesday evening.
Prof. A. P. Armstrong spent a few
days in this section during the past
week, looking after bls interest located
near Jacksonville. He was met at Med­
ford by A. J. Carpenter.
Ralph Woodford will be in charge of
tbe Medford Pharmacy for I. Huma-
•on, who is doing politics and baa
other business to look after. Homer
Rothtrmel is Druggist Strang's first
assistant now.
lion. Willis Kramer of Myrtle Creek,
a prominent citizen of Douglas county,
was on the south-bound train Thurs­
day, en route to Ashland. He la a
candidate for re-election, with excel­
lent chances of success.
It Is reported that Jeff. Myers, presi­
dent of the Lewis & Clark Exposition,
was in Medford one day this week. We
think that he was mistaken tor
John Paul Jones, the genial traveling
passenger agent for the S. P Co.
Republican Nominations.
The Republicans of Jackson county
met in Gold Hill Friday, May 6th,
and nominated candidates for the lo­
cal offices to be voted for at the June
J. W. Merritt of Central Point act­
ed as president and W. A. Carter of
Gold Llill as secretary of the conven­
The following nominations were
For Representatives, H Von der
Hellen of Wellen and D H Jackson if
of Dunn.
For County Judge, Geo. W. Dunn of
For County Commissioner, George
Brown of Eagle Point.
For County Clerk, Geo. L. Davis of
For ¡Sheriff, J. Edward Thornton of
For County Treasurer, Ivan Huma-
son of Medford.
For Assessor, Peter Applegate of
For County Recorder, Chas. A. Dick-
Ison of Sam’s Valley.
For School Superintendent, P. H.
Dailey of Jacksonville.
For County Surveyor, Garl T. Jones
of Medford.
For Coroner, Dr. Warren L. Camer­
on of Medford.
An Open Letter.
From the Chapin, 8. C. News: Early
in tbe spring my wife apd I were tak­
en with diarrhoea, anoso severe were
the pains that we called a physician
who prescribed for us, but his medi­
cines failed to give any relief. A
friend who bad a bottle of Chamber­
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy on band gave each of us a
d<se and we at once felt tbe effects.
I procured a bottle and before using
the entire bottle we were cured.
It is' a wonderful remedy and
should be found in every household.
H C Bailey, editor. For sale by all
Now is the time to register.
It is reported that the Portland
Browns will play a game with tbe Med
ford Grays about the middle of June.
It will be well worth seeing.
Henry Laws, who lives near Wood­
ville, was in Medford Thursday. He
has a nice little farm which he will dis
pose of at a reasonable figure.
Notwithstanding the accident which
befell Norris & Rowe's circus in Call
fornla this week it will fill all of its
dates in first-class style.
Senator Fulton has recommended
Hon. W. C. Hale for an Alaskan judge­
ship; also T. C. Powell to be U. S.
Marshal of the same territory.
Six divorces were granted in the cir­
cuit court Thursday by Judge Benson.
Further particulars are given under
our report of the county records.
A. C. Taylor and L. J. Lawton of
Grants Pass are now in Goldfields, the
new Eldorado of Nevada. A letter to
friends speaks well of that country.
W. E. Stacy, formerly a resident of
Sam’s Valley, has been granted a di­
vorce from his wife, Tennessee Stacy,
by the circuit court of Josephine coun­
Geo. W. Isaacs, Sr., the well known
pioneer, had the ankle of one of his legs
broken the fqfepart of tbe week, by
falling while walking in tbe yard of his
Larkin Reynolds returned from Cul­
desac, Idaho, Friday morning. He
say» that his father, Dan Reynolds, is
comfortably located there, but is not
enjoying tbe best of health.
0. M. Ruch will give a ball at his
hall on Applegate, in honor of the can­
didates of all parties, Friday night,
May 20th. He has enlarged and Im­
proved the building considerably.
Lester Bailey, the photographer, has
laid aside bls camera and la selling con­
fectionery, cigars and soft drinks at
Jacksonville in company with W. H.
Miller, having bought C. T. Davidson’s
Blue prints of township maps, show
Ing all vacant land, fifty cents each
For reliable information concerning
government land write to Frank E.
Alley, Abstracter, Roseburg, Oregon.
Dr. Lowe, the optician, has gone to
New York city, to take a graduate
course on the eye, its diseases and oph­
thalmic mechanism. He will also visit
bls old home In Geneva, N. Y., and
tbe St. Louis Fair.
T. C. Norris has moved his stock of
furniture, harness, et«., from Jackson­
ville to Medford, and can be found in
the Halley block, next door to the
poutoffloe. He is giving a number of
bargains in his line.
The Democratic State Central Com
mittee, at its meeting held in Portland
May 3d, filled the vacancy caused by
ths declination of Hon. W. S. Crowell
to be a candidate for tbe office of Dis­
trict Judge, by nominating E. B Dufur
of Foots creek.
The Bybee plaoers, on Rogue river,
which have been worked in a desultory
way for a number of years, have been
sold by Dr. Flanagan and his associates
to C. E. Emerson, a new arrival from
Alaska, who will equip them for more
extensive work.
Wright A Shaffer have a very prom­
ising quartz ledge two miles north of
Applegate pastoffice. They have done
considerable development work and
have a ledge two feet in width, which
from mortar tests they think will go
from 150 to M0 per ton.
Jacob Myers, one of the earliest pio-.
neers of Southern Oregon, died al his
residence in Sam’s Valley, where he
bad lived so many years, May 2d. He
was nearly 90 years of age. Mr. M.
was a good citizen and neighbor, up­
right and kind, and had the respect of
all who knew him.
Tbe executive committee of the
Democratic County Committee held
a special
session at Gold Hill
Wednesday evening and formulated a
plan of campaign. There were pres­
sent L. L. Jacobs, Frank E. Bybee,
J. W. Brlner, T. M. Jones and J. £.
Bark dull, secretary.
Henry W. Orth and Miss Oral Jones
of Jacksonville, a well-known young
couple, were married by Rev. J. D.
Murphy in tbe Catholic church last
Wednesday evening. Only relatives of
the contracting parties were present.
They have the congratulations and
beet wishes of their many friends.
Guaranteed Forest Reserve Scrip for
sale, in large or small quantities, by
Frank E. Alley, upstairs over Land
Office, Roseburg. Oregon. Will place
same for non-resident purchasers.
The coroner’s inquest held over tbe
remains of the late J. C. Conn, who
mysteriously disappeared from Sliver
Lake on tbe morning of March 4, 1994,
bls body being discovered last week
near the bridge on Bridge Creek, by
Fred Austin, who is working for the ZX
caltie company, decided that Lt was a
case of suicide.
Ther e died In Ashland, May 2d, a lady
whose age Is placed from reliable data
at 101 years. Her name was Miss M. Mc­
Afee. She came to Ashland from
Iowa on the 10th day of April with the
family of F. E. Jordan, with whom she
was related. She was adopted by Mrs.
Jordan’s grandfather, at Bradford,
Penn., when 12 years of age, and was
living with the third generation of the
Burns family at the time of her death.
One of the greatest blessings a mod­
est man can wish for is a good, reliable
set of bowels. If you are not the hap­
py possessor of such an outfit you can
greatly improve the efficiency of those
you have by the judicious use of Cham­
berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets.
They are pleasant to take and agree­
able in effect. For sale by all druggists.
A petition has been presented to the
city council of Ashland on behalf of
citizens interested in base-ball, asking
its co-operation to raise the sum of »250
required to prepare the base-ball
grounds and suitable equipment for the
Ashland ball club, to meet the condi­
tions of its entranoe Into the valley
league. It was explained that Medford,
Jacksonville and Gold Hill had each
raised sufficient money to put their
teams in good shape to play the games
scheduled for the season. A committee
was appointed to canvass the town to
raise the »250. The local ball players
have already made their guaranty of
»500 as a condition of their league mem­
bership and the »250 desired is simply
for local equipment.
Forgetful DIsrHclI'x Luck.
For all aches from head to foal
St. Jacobs Oil
him !
ot the human family, and to re­
leve and cure them promptly.
In conversation with tbe writer ths
late Lord Rowton told the following
1 story: Tbe talk bad turned u [ hj > j Mrs.
Brydges Willyams, tbe lady who left
her fortune to Lord Beaconsfield and
about whom there bad Just been a con­
troversy in the London newspapers.
“Dizzy told me tbe story of that epi­
sode. He received one mornpg a let
ter from Mrs. Willyams, whom he did
not know, in which she said that she
had read his novels with much Inter­
est. and would like to make bis ac­
quaintance. She also asked a question
which rendered it necessary for him to
answer tbe letter. Unfortunately tbe
letter was left in bis greatcoat pocket
and Dizzy did not wear tbe coat until
several months after, when be hap­
pened to be in the south of England
and in tbe very town in which Mrs.
Willyams lived. Coming across the
letter in such circumstances, it oc­
curred to him to call upon her. and
Mrs. Willyanis was so flattered at. as
she thought, Ids carrying the letter so
long about him and then calling that
she decided on leaving biin her for-1
tune. That shows how wise it Is not
to answer letters,” added Lord Row­
ton.— London Truth.
Josephine County Demo­
cratic Ticket.
Claim That the Tariff Doesn’t
For Representative... .Robt. G. Smith
Create Trusts Knocked Out.
This falling of your hair!
Stop it, or you will soon be
bald. Give your hair some
Ayer’s Hair Vigor. The fall­
ing will stop, the hair will
Hair Vigor
grow, and the scalp will be
clean and healthy. Why be
satisfied with poor hair when
you can make it rich?
« M t hair nearly all eame not. I then tried
Ayer's Hair Vigor and only one bottle etoppe.1
the falling New balr came In real thick and
ju,t a little curly." -M m L. M S mith ,
Saratoga, N. Y.
»10» a bottle.
j . c . atbhco .
M for
Thick Hair
F. R.
Phyalclan and Surgeon.
For Sheriff....................C. L. Lovelace
Jame« A. Slover
..H. C. Perkins
For Aeeeesor..
Savoyard Prove« That the Steel Trust
1« a Tariff Protected Monopoly—A
Party of Word», but Not Deed».
How the Attorney General Diacrim-
For Treasurer..
..J. T. Taylor
For Commissioner
. John Wells
Office in Orth’s Building.
Hours—2 tO 5 and 7 to 8 J . m
For School Supt.... Dennis H. Stovall
A Cure For Plies.
Office I d Red Men'» Building.
Senator Aldrich in a speech at Provi­
dence, It. I., on March 23 said:
“I had a bad case of piles,” says G,.
“We believe that these duties levied F. Carter, of Atlan'a.Gt., “and con-
do not encourage or create monopolies -ulltd a physician who advised mi to ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW
try a box of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
or trusts or combinations, which are an Salve. 1 purchased a box and wa en­
Grant’s Pana, Oregon.
incident of our industrial development I tirely cured. It is splendid for piles
and in nowise affected by the imposi­
mend it. to all sufferers.” DeWitt’*
practice» all tbe oourta Office it Bac»
tion of tariff duties.”
building up »taira
Witch Hazel Salye is unequalled for
Commenting upon this foolish and its healing qualities. Eczema and
absurd statement of Senator Aldrich. other skin diseases, also sores, <ut*s
J. M. KEENE« D. D. 5.
Savoyard says in the Washington Post burns and wounds of • very kind ar-
of March 26:
I gists.
"What is the tariff for if it be not to
umcea .D tbe Adkins Deuel block
curtail or destroy competition? Can a
trust exist as long as there is competi­
tion? What is a trust but the absence
of competition? I believe that a rea­
The issueof stamped envelopes tear­
sonable tariff on trust made goods or ing the printed return card toss b en »TTOKNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW
free trade in them would do more to discontinued. Tlie card coos sted of a
beneficently compose tbe trust Issue request to returr, with two blank
than all the demagogues In the Union lines on winch to write the return ad­
•Will practice In al! courts of the Slate. Of
nee in the Court House last door oc the
will ever do or all the Sherman laws dress.
rirht from entrance
you could write on a scroll as vast as
The change does not apply to plain,
the sky.
special request,or office request stamp­
“Here is the steel trust, that will sell ed envelopes,which will continue to be
the Canadian Pacific railroad, a foreign u-ed on postmasters' requisitions.
corporation, steel rails cheaper than it The postmasters who have printed en­ Irani's Pass.
will sell them to the Northern Pacific velopes i® stock will continue to sell
Office OTer Balr-R.ddle Hardware Store
railroad, a domestic corporation. That them until tbe present supply is ex­
may be expansion of foreign trade, but hausted. Tbe order from beadquart­
it is restraint of domestic trade. If ers announces that they must not be
there ever was an occasion for an at­
torney general to run amuck, here it is. returned to the department for credit
Grant'» Paas, Oregon.
but it seems that the present attorney unless damaged.
In place of the printed envelopes
general reserves his muck running for
beneficent trusts that expand trade and office-rtquest stamped envelopes will
'Office above S P. D. 4 LCo i Store.
cheapen rates and has nothing but en­ be issued, bearing a request to return,
couragement for vicious trusts that blank lines for the name of the writer
sell to American consumers at monop­ and the printed names of postoffice
oly prices and foreign consumers at and state.
competition pri?es. For example, a
railroad corporation in the state of
Washington wanted some steel rails.
Instead of ordering them directly from Women as Well as Men
the trusts It ran amuck and got a firm
Are Made Miserable by
In Vancouver to order them and there­
by saved a lot of money. All this hap­
Kidney Trouble.
pened under the eyes of the attorney
general and Senator Aidrich. Free
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­
trade in iron and steel would not de­
stroy the steel trust, and Indeed it Is courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
not desirable to destroy It, but it would
Abstracts made ts Titles ef
disappear when the kid­
change the nature of the thing, and
neys are out of order
after the surplus water had been
or diseased.
all Bind drawn up especially pertalalnr to
squeezed out of its stock it would make
Kidney trouble has
the sett lenient of estate» .
a respectable and a beneficent trust of
become so prevalent
that it is not uncommon Accounts Silicitci, Prompt Remittance.
for a child to be bom
Republicans oppose the removal of
afflicted with weak kid­
duties on coal, hides, wool, pulp, etc.
securities a specialty. Jackaoe
neys. If the child urin­
No one who understands the relation
Jounty Scrip bought and »old.
of the Republican party to trusts, the urine Scalds the flesh or if, when the child
have a oomplete set of maps of all surveyed
tn thia eonnty, and receive Abstract»
business connections through campaign reaches an age when it should be able to ,anda
monthly from Roseburg Land Office, the Land
funds and tariff duties, will for a mo­ control the passage, it is yet afflicted with 'department of the O. A C. R R. and tbe State
Land Department st Salem at all new entries
ment suppose that the Republicans in bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of made
1 am thus prepared to make out bome-
congress intend to do anything to harm the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first vtead papers and take proofs thereto. Also I
take Blings and proofs of limber lands, and
the trusts. The Republican congress­ step should be towards the kreatment of can
save to parties tbe expense of a trip
men owe their political existence to the these important organs. This unpleasant to tbe Roseburg land office
is due to a diseased condition of the
trusts, and they lose no opportunity to trouble
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as t b»r< • Niaker »f FlatFarat
Bhow their gratefulness, although they most people suppose.
Desirable Prspertv In ay bands far
often Indulge In harmless talk against
Women as well as men are made mis­
the trusts. In theory the Republicans erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
AW Prom pt reply made to all let tara. Chart-
are most bitterly opposed to the trust and both need the same great remedy. -» In accordance with 'he time»
Refera, by permission, Hon H. K. Hanna,
cormorants; in practice they never vote The mild and the immediate effect of judge of the 1st J addai District, and to any
house tn Jacksonville.
for any measure that will curtail trust
profits. As President Roosevelt has by druggists, in fifty-
told us, “Words are good when backed sizes. Y ou may have a
by deeds, and only so.” Republican sample bottle by mail
words as to trusts are not backed by ffee. also pamphlet tell- R om ct swunp-Ro.«.
deeds. This fact was demonstrated ing all about it. including many of tbe
most conspicuously on March 23 when, thousands of testimonial letters received
by a party vote, the bouse committee from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
on ways and means voted down mo­ 8c Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and
A F amily L ibrary
tions made by the Democratic leader, r ention this paper.
The Best in Current Literature
John Sharp Williams, and by Champ
the name, Swamp-Root, x^i.
Clark of Missouri to favorably report member
12 C omfletk N ovels Y early
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad-
bills placing salt, coal, rwlne, hides, bress. Binghamton, N. Y. on every
wool, pulp, agricultural implements dottie.
and other articles on tbe free list Tbe
$2.50 wen year ; 25 cts . * copy
Democrats all voted In favor of taking
action to put these trust made goods on
the free list and thus to take the quick­
est and most certain way of curtailing
the excessive profits of the trusts. The
Republicans all voted to “stand pat”
on their trust protecting tariff measure.
It should be easy for tbe voters to de­
cide this year between the party that
For Infants and Children.
backs its words with its deeds and the
party that talks one way and votes the
Tbi Kind You Have Always Bought
Bean the
No More Return Envelopes.
Notary Public
Real Estate Agent
and U. S. Commissioner
for Jackson County.
Rich Criminal» Unpunished.
It appears that the gentlemen who
engineered the merger will not be pun­
ished for violation of the antitrust law,
for the reason that they did not know
it was good law until after a decision
was rendered settling its validity. And
the only means they had of learning
whether tbe law was valid was to do
something and then have tbs law test­
ed. Having discovered that the law
is good and that they bad violated It,
they will now be allowed to resume
their efforts to frame up some sort of
scheme that will permit thfin to ac­
complish what they sought to accom­
plish through the merger. This ex­
planation may not be quite clear to
those whe are so old fashioned as to
believe that rich criminals should suf­
fer the same penalties as poor crim­
inals when the offenses are equal.—
Turn on the Lisht.
It is well to keep the people in mind
that the Republicans in the bouse
stand like a stone wall against a con­
gressional investigation Into tbe post­
office department. Wherefore? Evi­
dently because they believe that the
half has not been told concerning its
rottenness and that the truth would
hurt them In the Impending campaign.
®sm <■ the Ught—Champ Clark.
Mothers and Daughters
finest flavor and
absolute purity
The Modern Remedy for Women
REXICON A baa Cured some of tbe
worst cases of
T he R exicona C o .
■REMEDY ; i Ladies, Attention!
■■wane or imitation ».
Ballard-Snow Liniment Co.
•T. VOOI1. mo .
Origiaal sud only genuine French
Tansy Wstera tor sal» by leading
Drusglata, *2 par box. Safe and re­
liable. Accept no substitute.
DR ROBINSON Special A genl.