The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, May 04, 1904, Image 1

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i nus
GRIP THAT FAILED republicans
NO. 18
is to be installed at once. D. B. Pro­
vost, of Ashland, received the con-
IN its next issue T he T imes will
Beautiful weather is prevailing, and tract at $<>158 25.
Miss Maude Prim has been visiting
In a late issue of the Telegram ap- in Medford.
priut a letter from Di«trict Attorney
crops are growing rapidly.
The County Commissioners’ court pear portraits of Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
Miss Kate Reed spent last Sunday Reauies aueut the Woods escheat
case. He has been wrongfully charg­
will be In session this week, beginning
near Jacksonville.
One of the Worst A—aulta Known—.Toha
ed, for politic 1 purposes, and he finds
Little Contest for the Nomi­ Wednesday.
Wm. Bybee, the well-known pioneer, no trouble in proving tbis to be a
11.« Attack«-«!Three Times and
and Mrs. H. C. Perkins of Grants Pass
Given Up for l>ea<L
Mrs.Susie Neil has become a resident and was born in Lane county. He has was a Medford visitor Monday.
nations—All is Serene.
Ashland, where she will engage in been traveling through China recently
An encounter with highwaymen on a
Fred Downing,tbe well-known horse­
lonely road in Dutchess Co., N.Y., would
teaching music.
T he chairmanship of the Jackson
as a correspondent for Leslie’s Week­ man, returned from Butte Creek Mon­
Tbe Republicans of J ackson county
have been preferable to the experience
county Democratic central commlt-
Grants Pass will on May 12th vote on ly. The bride was Miss Maude Gage of day.
throngh which Mr. John H. Robinson, will meet at Gold Hill on Friday, the
the proposition to appropriate $1500 for San Francisco, a niece of Governor
Elder E. A.Child is at Central Point, tee is in compel ent bands. L. L.
of Manchester Bridge, N. Y., actually 6th, for tbe purpose of nominating
Gage and a most estimable young lady. holding a successful protracted meet­ Mulit is a young man of executive
passed. Iu the former ease he would candidates for the different local offi­
ability and organlz ng ability. He
Mr. and Mrs. Perkins may return to ing.
doubtless have been quickly relieved of ces to be bestowed by the voters at tbe
has the confidence of the party and
his watch anti money, and would have June election.
ing near Jacksonville for sometime America next fall.
E. Hays and his mother left for Big
will be ably supported throughout the
been left iu a more or les.« bruised and
There are 133 delegates in the con past,is now a resident of Agate.
The Medford and Jacksonville base­ Butte this morning, to spend the sum­ campaign which is nowon.
dazed state by the roadside. But the
Dent fail to register at once, if you ball teams Indulged in a practice game mer.
loss of valuables would have been rela­ vention, so that the precincts will be
C. C. Ragsdale, R. H. Whitehead
tively small aud within a few days he
No wonder that there are so few
Some indiscreet partisans of Sena­ that there Is also a presidential election day afternoon, which wasan excellent and G. E. Allen were in Jacksonville
wonltl have recovered from injuries and
for the Republican nomi­
one and quite interesting. The latter Monday.
shock. Besides, such un attack would tor Carter, at tbe time of the conven­ this year.
will be given at the
not be soon, if ever, rei>eat«>d. Told by tion held April 9tb, announced that
Dr. T. E. Beard has returned to won by a score of 7 to 3. Hutton was
Alex. Reid, the miner, who has been Republican convention that will be
himself, his story is as follows :
Ashland would not be represent­ Grants Pass, after an absence of sev­ In the box for.Jaeksonville and pitched visiting in Medford, returned to Gallce
held at Gold Hill Friday. It is an ac­
“ I was attacked three times during ed at the coming convention, because
eral years, and has become associated a splendid game, only two hits being Creek Monday.
cepted fact that the Democrats have
three years by grip, complicated with of tbe affront given tbe florid little
pneumonia, and uiy sufferings were ter­ boss when be attempted to control the with Dr. J. S. Moore.
I Anderson M. Cannoa, the attorney, nominated a first-class ticket io every
The Gold Hill News has changed supported by Barlow on the receiving i has located at Salem for the prsctioe particular, and the prospects of its
rible. I had some of the best physicians
in the county but none of them could selection of the delegates to tbe state hands again, C. L. Allen being suc­ end and the balance of the team, in
election are very fiatterlDg indeed.
of his profession.
give me any relief from the fearful pains and congressional conventions. It is ceeded by a gentleman frum California. eluding Isaacs of Meuford. Ila mad ale
and Patterson twirled the spheroid for
Misses Corinne Linn and Kate Ply-
in the back of my head, just at the base
We wish them success.
O uk Republican friends insist that
of my skull. For two weeks I was so ried out, however. Tbe Ashland pre­
the visitors, with Gasquet behind the male were among their Medford
John L. Pennington of Ashland is at bat, and acquitted themselves credita­ friends Saturday.
tbe scandals of this administration
low that no one except the doctor and cincts and these directly sympathetic
mv wife was permitted to come into my with them have oue-fourth of the al­ the U. S. Soldier’s Home at Santa bly, as also did the others.
Roberta Bros, and Will. Gregory of should have no part in next fall’s
room, andonee I was given up for dead.” lotted delegates, and their- absence Monica, Calif, In a critical condition
the festive grangers, spent campaign, and that tbe grafting,
“ No one ever had the grip worse than would cause a great hole in the con­ from a cancer in the face.
boodle-snatching arraignments, in­
I did unless he died, and I would have
Wbat is Medford going to do about a pices of Snowy Butte Lodge, A. O.
dictments aod convictions, which
died too if it had not been for Dr. Wil­
J. M. Hansbrough of Roseburg, the
Fourth of July celebration ? It should (J. W., proved an unqualified success,
have filled even conservative news­
liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. I time to oool off all thoughts of seces­
Republican politician, tarried here the
papers to overflowing, are “ordinary
happened to read of two cases of grip
a neat sum being netted. The attend forepart of the week.
are already moving in this matter.
incidents.” Why not see wbat tbe
that had been cured by them, so I got a there may by some very sore spotg.
ance was large and all present glad
Mr. and Mrs. N. Cooke of Central people think about it?
Tbe Republicans have w plurality of
box. After I had taken one box I felt
Fish seem to be more plentiful in the they were there. The music and
much better, and three boxes cured me between 150 to 250 in tbe county; yet streams now than they have been this supper gave entire satisfaction. Among Point visited in Medford and Jackson­
ville one day last week.
completely. I know this medicine isa theie is little strife fur most of tbe spring. The water is high and roily,
O ne of the striking features of the
grand good thing and I heartily recoin . nominations. This may be due to the which interferes with successful fish­ those who attended were a number of
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Thrasher, who convention which nominated Binger
mend it as the only thing that saved my
“harmony” that prevails among ing.
who assisted materially in enlivening recently arrived in the valley,are now Hermann for Congress was the utter
residents of Jacksonville.
lack of enthusiasm with which his
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are such an
Only two names are mentioned for us Monday. In company with bis
was received. Not a cheer
excellent remedy for the grip aud its
We are in receipt of an invitation to
after-effects, because they expel poison representatives—H.Von der Hellen of brother he is mining in Pleasant Creek attend the wedding of Miss Julia E Willow Springs precinct Monday, broke from the lips of the delegates.
from the^bhxxl, supply tonic and nutri­ Wellen and D. H. Jackson, who lives district and meeting with considerable Olwell, the accomplished and amiable driving a fine Altamont colt.
There was a ripple of band claps and
tive elements to every orgau and uerve, near Ashland. At tbis time it seems success.
T. A. Olson of Big Butte is in Med then a chilling silence Never was a
and, in short, forward all the processes as if they will be tbe nominees.
Frank Guthrie, a former conductor well, who is well and favorably known ford, because of tbe arrival of boun­ political candidate’s bard-won victory
that tend to rapid and complete recovery.
J. W. Merritt of Central Point, who
nine coldly received and never has a
One of the most striking results of the CJuld bate bad tbe nomination for of the S. P. Co. and well known in in this valley, and Wm. J. Collins, an cing youngster in his household.
Southern Oregon, died in Colorado excellent young man who is prominent
use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills iu cases
Fred Furry, Democratic candidate nominating convention bad more rea­
of iuflaenza is that the depression, which county judge for the asking, has per­ not long ago. His body was shipped in the business circles of Southern Cali­ for oounty assessor, was in Medford son to feel ashamed of its m rk.
is such a try iug characteristic of the dis­ emptorily declined the honor. It now to Linn county for burial.
fornia. The ' ceremony will take place .Monday, en route to Eagle Point.
ease ami which often takes a suicidal looks as if J. L. Hammersly of Gold Hill
W. O. B ridgbs . Democratic nom­
the Church of the Sacred Heart at
Two photographers, who claim to
J. E. Barkdull, secretary of the
phase, is succeeded by elasticity of will be nominated. If Geo. W. Dunn,
Redlands, Calif., June 1st, at seven Democratic county committee, spent a inee for joint representative for Doug­
spirits. This great remedy is sold by all who is identified with Ashland, will
las and Jackson c «unties was over
in. The couple have our few hours in Jacksonville Monday.
o'clock a. m.
druggists throughout the world.
consent to run, be will probably get tion, are in the valley taking views,etc
from Yoncalla Tuesday morning
best wishes.
District Attorney Reames returned
the plum.
The Democratic County Committee Sunday from Grants Pass, where he Mr. Bridges is an active and euc'ess
A ccording to Judge Powers of
Tbe names of Geo. Brown of Eagle er or not they have the sanction of the
met in Medford Saturday, L. L. Mulit, was several days, on official business. ful business man, who keeps well post­
Utah thd Moi mon church is a trust. It Point, Capt. T. J. West of Browns­ Commission.
ed on public affairs and will ably rep­
C. C. Hogue, who ha« been supervis the chairman, presiding, and organized
is evident that this religious erganiza- boro and T. B. Elison of Roxy are
Mrs. S. H. Hull, who has been visit­ resent the real interests of the people
tion hss control of many secular af­ mentioned in connection with the ing deputy of the A. O. U. W., has re­ for the campaign. Quite a number of ing Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Lippincott of
of these two counties io the Legisla­
fairs, including, of course, those of nomination for County Commission­ signed, having accepted the position of the committeemen were present. J. E. Edge wood, Calif., returned last week.
ture. He has no toleration fur graft­
manager of the business of the Ameri­ Barkdull was chosen secretary. The
Zion’s co operative mercantile institu­ er.
their schemes will meet fit mop
tion, a well-managed and profitable
Geo. L. Davis of Medford is the can Guarantee Co., for Wubington. candidates were each assessed in ac­ genial salesman for Cranfiil & Kobnett, position ftom him .--[Roseburg Review
cordance with the importance of the
business. From the evidence in the favorite for county clerk; but he has He will make Seattle bls home.
did business in Jacksonville and Med­
Smoot case and that of Brigham H. no desire for tbe nomination. There
L. Xenard, a one legged man who ha« office for which they are nominated, to ford Monday.
J ackson county Democrats have
Roberta it is evident that the church is some talk of C. H. Thomas, assist­ been hoggin; about Hornbrook for
to feel proud of the record of
authorities have the say in things po­ antcashier of tbe Bank of Ashland, sometime past, was found dead in a
tbelr party who are now in
litical in most sections of Utah. The and W. A. Patrick of the same city. woodshed In the railroad yards there
present publicity now being accorded W. R. Coleman, postmaster of Phoenix, He was a Frenchman about 3) years Talent, T. M. Jones of Central Point est Creek district, returned from Eu­ office, at^i it is their bounden duty U>
gene Monday.
see'thkt-they-are retained. Io ad Ji
Mormon affairs cannot but work out is also talked of;
old, and was a wreck from whisky and and F. E. Bybee were chosen as an ex­
ecutive committee, who will meet at
B. L Stoner returned from Port tion the qffort s bould be made to elect
to the good of Utah and the nation.
John H. Bellinger, who lives on morphine habits.
land Sunday, after an absence of sever­ Democrats to till t he places now oc­
What is wrong cries for correction. the mountain road between Jackson­
Holly Lodge No Ifl, Degree of Honor,
weeks. He can be found at The cupied by Republicans and thus put
What is commendable cannot fail of ville and Medford, appears to have of Central Point, will entertain the
the county under complete Democrat­
as of yore.
just recognition. |t is clear enough clear sailing for tbe nomination for District Convention on May 18th and
that the Mormon leaders are in many sheriff, although a dark horse may be 19th. The first session will be held on
Mrs. J. N. Russell passed Sunday in ic government. This can be done by
cases living up to the old polygamous suggested later. The same may be Wednesday morning, beginning at 10
Medford, being the guest of Mrs. B. P. loyalty to party and energetic effort-
traditions, and no doubt the half has said of Peter Applegate, at presen t o’clock. All members are cordially in­
Theiss. She returned from Southern
not been told. It is about time these county recorder, who is willing to ex­ vited to be present.
Registration of voters is very slow. California not long since.
F or the first time in many years
elderly humbugs were rounded up change his present position for that
In every county the same story Is told
Jackson County Is comparatively out
County Clerk Orth has received the of the urdiness of the voters to come
and induced by process of law to en­ of assessor.
old home in Kansas, which they have of debt. Such a condition has cer­
tertain come respect for some funda­ Tbe nomination for recorder lies be­ supplies from Secretary of State Dun­ io and register their votes with the not seen for a number of years. They tainly not been brought about by im­
mental American principles regarding tween Chas. A. Dlckison of Table bar for the carrying on of the general county clerk. This is a most impor- do not expect to return.
practicable methods in the conduct
home life and common decency.
county finances or indifference to
Rock and J. H. Hu tier, Sr., of Jack­ election in June. They consist of poll t int matter, for no man will be allow­
Mayor Evans of Ashland tarried in
sonville, with the chances in favor of books, tally sheets, pencils, etc , suf­ ed to vote at the June election or at Medford Monday. He is one of the the welfare of the taxpayers. Judge
ficient for the 31 precincts in Jackson the presidential election next Novem­
Prim, who has been looking after the
tbe former.
Mr. Orth will distribute these ber, unless he Is either registered or Democratic candidates for represents affairs of the county during the past
J. M. Cronemiller of Jacksonville
tive, and was on his way to Eagle
can have tbe nomination for countj to the proper parties in due time.
proves his residence by the affidavits Point.
four j ears, is entitled to much of the
treasurer. J. H. Huffer, Sr., aod F.
Bruce Gatewood was in Medford of at lean six householders. This lat­
for this very favorable state of
There ia no other season when good M. Stewart of Medford are also men­ Tuesday. He is interested with C. R
J. L. Marriner, an expert operator affair«. He has done so well that be
medicine la so much needed aa in the tioned in tbe same son oect ion.
Dr. W.L.Camerdn and Garl T.Jooee Townsend in the Alice group of mines, and at times impossible of accom­ of dredges,was in Medford Monday, for merits re-election.
of Medford evidently have no opposi­ located five miles south of Gold Hill, plishment. and many voters lose tbelr surgical treatment. He reports opera­
The blood ia impure, weak and tion for the nominations for coroner where a cyanide plant is being in­ franchise at every election for their tions on Fools Creek progressing suc­
T here is much public censure of the
stalled. A mill and other mining par­ oegl ct. to register. It is not only the cessfully.
impoverished—a condition Indicated and surveyor.
of the attorney fee of $1000
aphernalia is already being operated right but the duty of every citizen to
* by pimples and other eruptions on the
In the John Woods escheat case. The
vote at the election, for only in that
face and body, by deficient vitality,
Ashland Tidings severely criticises the
Conductor J. A. Norman, who was wav can a government of the people
loss of appetite, lack of strength, and
proceedings, which is right and prop­
Now that the biennial election la injured by a torpedo while working at and by the people live, it is there­
want of animation.
er. It* is simply an outrage, especial
Miss Edna V. Seeley of Oregon City
again approaching and tbelr term of the big slide at Siskiyou, is at tbe rail­ fore highly important that the citi­
'y as there was no necessity for the ser­
office is about to expire, Judges Han­ road hospital at Sacramento for treat­ zens regi-ter, a thing that is so easy tiled a petition In the county court of vice of a special counsel any way. Dis­
na and Benaonare exchanging bench­ ment. Pieces of tin entered each leg of accomplishment that it is hard to Linn county asking for the arrest of trict Attorney Reames bad nothing to
es, like preachers often do their pul­ and were successfully removed from conceive why so many neglect it. Reg­ her sister, Urana Florence Seeley, a do with the matter, as the Tidings
Make the blood pure, vigorous and pits. In other words, Judge Benson one In Ashland, but treatment of the istration is free, as Is voting, but minor who is resldiug in Linn county, ch. r jes probab’y at the suggestion of
awea'ing In a vote at the polls 1« not
rich, create appetite, give vitality, Is presiding at the present term of the other proved more difficult, and it was omy sometimes difficult, but often near Corvallis. This is another result Gw No* bury. It forgot to add that
strength and animation, and care circuit court for Josephine county* feared that an operation might be nec­ imio-sible, and always disagreeable. of the actions of the “Holy Rollers.*’ Judge II «<iua could have stopped this
The petition recites that Urana
all eruptions. Have tbe whole family while Judge Hanna has gone to Lake essary.
w holetxlo looting of the estate of the
is uoder the influence of Apos­
Edgar Chiles, the young man who
and Klamath counties to hold court
begin to take them today.
pioneer, as he had it in his power to
tle Crtfield, a man utterly depraved
“Hood’» Sarsaparilla baa been used in there. They thus hope to put them­ murderously assaulted Policeman Pat­
fix the attorney fee at whatever sum
without character, and that she
our family for some time, and always with selves I d touch with those of their rick of Grants Pass some time ago,
he pleased.
good results. Last spring I was all run constituents whom they have over­ and pleaded guilty to the charge in tbe
The voters of the state will pass on is living with the Holy Rollers near
down and got a bottle of it, and as usual looked for a long lime, and incident­ circuit court for Josephine county, was a so called local option liquor measure Corvallis. This sect is described as
L ike as a gambler regards the fel­
received . great benefit.** Miss Err las ally encourage them to again cast sentenced to six year's,imprisonment in at tbe election in June. Many people <jiag c omposed of people who are de­
ony bill, so does the party boas look up­
Bores, Stowe, VL
their ballots in favor of giving them tbe penitentiary. He asked for mercy, of Oregon are in favor of genuine local mented, depraved, disreputable and on the direct primary. The movement
Mood’s Sarsaparilla promises to another six years of office.
saying that be was in a crazed, drunk­ option on the liquor question; but it unfit for a girl to associate with.
looking to this new method of nomina­
ours and keopo tho promise.
It further alleges that at the Holy
To the Republicans another oppor­ en condition when he committed the is claimed that tbe one in question,
tion, through initiative, need expect
which was drawn by E. C. Bronaugh Roller headquarters the men and no support or countenance from either
tunity la offered to vote fora man who crime,
women lie arouud on the floor indis­
ALL is not harmony In Russian mili­ has joined them simply for an office­
of the political outfits in the city of
Wuatonka Tribe No. 30, Improved of Portland, under tbe direction of tbe
go barefooted and half
tary circles. It is firmly believed that like Furnish, who was put on tbelr Order of Red Men, will commemorate Prohibition Anti-Saloon League people
Portland which look upon the Republi­
Gen. Kuropatkin is destined to become ticket for governor, but was repudiat­ tbe anniversary of their patron saint, is nothing more nor less than a prohi­ dressed and that a further association can. party of the state as an institution
commander-in-chief of all the emperor* ed hy maoy thousands of them. Judge St. Tammany, May 12th, by a ball at bition measure. Voters are urged to with the followers of Creffield will ut devised and maintained fortheir own
forces, both military and Daval, in the Hanna was discovered by the Demo­ Wilson’s Opera House. It promises to secure copies of the proposed measure, terly degrade and ruin Urana Seeley. behoof and emolument, says the Ore*
Far East. Admiral Alexieff may crats in Josephine county more than be the social event of the season. Ex­ which are to be had free of charge, and The petitioner prays that the court goulan. It is up to the people. They,
remain there for some little time thirty years ago, when they were tensive preparations therefor are being study its provisions carefully. One will authorize the arrest of Urana and they alone, without consultation
as viceroy, but bis reign is considered | i largely in the majority, and has been made. The music will be furnished by who has digested the proposed law, Seeley, who is an orphan, and will with political “leaders," but acting on
practically ended. He will not be humil­ kept in office by them for the great­ Miller’s orchestra.
says: “It purports to give tbe voters commit her to the care of the Boys' their own instance, and undeterred
iated; but in order to effect harmon­ er portion of the time since then. A
in any community tbe right to say and Girls’ Home. The petition was either by hope ol reward or fear of
ious relations a way will be found to se­ heavy immigration of Republicans to
whether the sale of liquor shall be granted.
punishment, must carry Ibis reform
cure his elimination. With Alexieff the First Judicial District having cbools have engaged R. R. Turner of continued there or not. But as a mat­
The Holy Rollers are denounced in through. They must come out in June
removed from the theater of war Vice no longer made a Democratic nomi­ Napoleon, Ohio, to serve as principal, ter of fact tbe law is nothing more scathing terms that border on the and declare for the direct primary.
Admiral 8krydloff,because of the minor nation desirable, Judge Hanoa trans­ vice Prof. Young, resigned. Tbe other than a measure to enable the Prohibi­ sensitional. Their methods are scan- Then it will be carried, and placed be­
role which the fleet will play, has al­ fers his fealty to the dominant par­ teachers engaged so far are Astella tionists to hold a prohibition election dalo s and often cause degradatio • yond the power of committees to
in every county or precinct in tbe en­ and insanity.
ready expressed his willingness to ac­ ty. It remains to be seen whether Goodin, MlnDle Tuffs, Mae Bishop, tire state every year.”
nullify or pervert. It matters not
such duplicity will be approved by Edna Parker, Allie Pool, Frances Mc­
cept the post of commander of naval the majority of voters.
what professions may be made. The
Williams, Blnnche Crane, Callie Hes
forces under General Kuropatkin as
machine prefers to select its own nom­
iln and Lillian Hogan. There are still
six vacancies.
The first detailed and authentic min­
The Southern Pacific company is ' 1 he Home of England’s Wealth.
Fa ing certain death if they refused
map of Southern Oregon ever is­
An Albany special to tbe Oregonian
and allowed but t wo minutesin which removing its Japanese section hands,
The bank of England generally con­
says an association of mill men includ sued is now being prepared by Foster to make up their minds, 45 rebellious and white men take their places. At tains sufficient gold in sixteen-pound
ing all the flour millers of Southern & Gunnell, of Grants Pass. All of the convicts at the Oregon State Peniten­ Tangent., the tirât station south of b rs to make 20,000,000 sovereigns.
building covers three acres of
Oregon and the Willamette valley, or­ districts and water courses will be tiary could not retain their nerve un­ Albany, a crew of white men last The
vaiu ible ground aud in it aie employ­
shown, with the various mineral zones,
ganized here lately. Chief aim of the
der the threatening muzz'es of Win­ week took the places formerly held by ed abo it 1000 people. Over £20.000,
association is for the bettering of var­ and as far as possible every quartz and chester rifles and chose to return to Japanese, and at other points on i he 0 0 in no es have parsed over its
ious conditions affecting the flour busi­ placer property will be given place on the tasks they had forsaken and road similarchanges are being made c unters. The wealth of the average
person depends largely upo ■ his tiealtli|
ness. Improved transportation racili tbe map.
which they had sworn not to resume The section crews are also being In­ aud if you have not «his sure fouuda-
Tbe Ashland city council at a special unless better food were given them. creased, and the order has gone for h th n then you are very poor, indeed.
ties will be demanded of the railroad
and steamship companies, ruinous session opened bids for $20,000 4|-per The rebelli >n took place in the stove that the roadbed must be brought up Sickly people, however, need not be
cutting of prices will be controlled, cent sewer bonds. The Bank of Ash­ factory Friday morning, and only the to the best condition possible, and d scouraged because Hostetter’s Stom­
Bitters will make them well and
tbe standard of flour be improved land put in a bid for a (Hock of $14,000 prompt action of the prison authori­ every where It is being improved ano ach
keep them well. That is what it 1«
I and other mutual interests of tbe mill­
ties and the firmness of Warden Curtis
for, and for 50 yeaitf has neverfaded in
ing Industry conserved. Tne new or­ par und accrued interest. Tbe remain­ prevented complete demoralization If traffic possible. Thecimpany’s busi­ I L r mission. Try It for sour stomach,
ganization Is the child of the old der of the issue was afterward taken not a wholesale delivery of the con­ ness constantly increasing, extensive mdiue^tlon, dyspepsia, nausea, belch-
Improvements are under way to tit the ng, constipation or malaria, feverand
Association, by it. Tbo council at the same meet­ victs.
line to carry the additional traffic ague. It will positively cure you?
which Included practically all the mill ing let tbe contract for suppying the
Supt. James says that good prison coming
to It.
wold substitutes.
men of Oregon, Washington and Ida­
main sewer pipe for tbe system, which food is furnished and that there is
another motive for the mutiny.
Voters Must Register.
Spring. Medicine
Exchanging Benches.
Tries To Save Ber Sister.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Evidently Means Prohibition
Valley Hillers Combine.
Mutiny at Penitentiary.
Railroad Improvement
Liberated Animals Terrorize Citizens
of Rocklin.
Rocklin, May ?.— As it was entering
Lakeview Tunn< I, No. 6, near Summit
in the Blue Canjon district, the special
train of Norris & Howe’s circus was
wrecked yesterday and all of the wild
animals engaged aboard the flat cars
were given their liberty. All day long
300 heavily armed circus men and
railroad employes roamed the snowy
Wilds of the mountains in the vicinity
and while they were successful, after
some harrowing eocapes, in capturing
the largest of the beast outlaws, a
number of the animals are still at
large. A lion, a lioness and a royal
Bengal tigress were among the fer­
ocious brutes that escaped and tho
incidents surrounding their capture
were hair-raising. The entire coun­
tryside is terrorized and, despite the
truthful report that the danger is prac­
tically over, the fright among the resi­
dents still exists.
The lions were captured several
hours after tbe wreck through the un­
precedented bravery of two animal
trainers—Frank Hall and Herbert
Rumley—but it was several hours be­
fore the tigress was finally roped, and
then only after the beast had received
ten bullet wounds. No fatalities oc­
curred, but in the battle with the
tigress Manager Rowe was pounced
upon by the animal and severely lac­
erated. His condition is not serious.
The wreck occurred in a very pecu­
liar manner. The forward end of the
train had entered the tunnel and the
string of animal cars were passing
into the shed when a supporting cable
caught the corner of one of the cages
and hurled the carsfromthe rails into
the ditch. The cages were crushed
into a space of two feet against the
■ide of the tunnel and rent apart, al­
lowing the jungle family its freedom.
Then began the exciting times, for it
was a battle between man and beast,
with the beast at the advantageous
Fred Coppie of Sterling vide was
among us not long since.
Frank Cameron, the Applegate stock­
man, was among us Tuesday.
D. A. Presley came down from Ash­
laud this week, on probate business.
Rev. J. D. Murphy will hold services
at Ashland Sunday morning al 10:30.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm BUckert of Gall's
Creek were Medford visitors Monday.
J. Faught, who lives a few miles west
of Jacksonville, was in our town Wed-
Al. Learned has returned from the
Shovel Creek Springs, much improved
in health.
John Spiker, who recently returned
from Colorado, is again at work in El­
liott creek district.
Mrs. A. L. Harvey of Gold Hill vis­
ited relatives and friends living in Med­
ford Wednesday.
T. R. Rock, O. A. Culy and John
Beckner of Applegate precinct were
in our town a short time ago.
J. M. Dews of Watkins precinct and J.
McNulty, who is prospecting in Apple­
gate district made Jacksonville a visit
a few days since.
Mrs. Hattie Newbury Moore, who
has been visiting in Jacksonville for
several weeks, left for her home in Ba­
ker City Tuesday.
Joe Broad, who returned from a
trip to Northern California last week,
has resumed his position with the
Greenback Mining Co.
Will. Muller will soon be in charge
of tbe Jacksonville telephone office.
He will conduct a confectionery and
cigar store in connection.
Rev. J. D. Murphy has been assigned
to Eugene parish, and will soon leave
for his new charge. His departure is
regretted by the many friends he made
during his stay here.
O. H. Price was in Jacksonville Mon­
day. In company with Mr. V m Sycle
be is engaged in developing a fine
quartz property in 8terllngvllledistrict,
with excellent prospects of success.
Mrs. Louisa Muller has purchased
the home place in Jacksonville, of C. L.
Reames, administrator of the estate of
Max Muller, paying $475 therefor.
She already had a dower interest,
amounting to one-half, in it.
Mrs. W. H. McDaniel has gone to
Hilt, Calif., to take charge of tbe lum­
ber company’s boarding house. She
was joined this week by her mother-
in-lsw, Mrs Ella Cook. Mr. McDaniel
leaves Jacksonville for tbe same place
in a short time.
At the Republican primaries, held
last Saturday, the following delegates
to the county convention were elected:
South Jacksonville — Theo Cameron,
Phil Gleave, J H Huffer, Jr., Arthur
Lewis. North Jacksonville— Dr Rob­
inson, Fred Ficke, W G Kenney, S P
Judge Benson held court for a few
hours in Jacksonville this week. It is
not often that we are honored with his
presence—about election time. And
yet Mr. Benson is one of the judges of
this judicial district, whom the voters
of Jackson oounty have at least a right
to see once in a while.
We are sorry to hear of the death of
the wife of Jas. A. Leonard of Kerby,
Josephine oounty, which oocurred
April 25th. She had been an invalid
for several years. Mrs. Leonard's
maiden name, was Naucke, being a
daughter of tbe late Wm. Nauoke, a
well known pioneer. A lady of many
estimable qualities, she was highly re­
spected by everybody who knew hor.
Absolutely SWS •
On a spot cash basis of $60,000 mill­
ing operators of Bellingham, Wash ,
have secured control of tbe Cope pro­
perty, located on tbe old Yank ledge,
in Josephine county. W. T. Cope,
former owner, retains a heavy interest
in tbe property. The purchasers are:
F. J. Barlow, D. L. bmitb, E. W.
Livermore, L. B. M. Simons and Syl­
vester Horn. Tbe mine will be work­
ed by a company incorporated under
tbe Washington law.
The deal was consummated through
O M. Crouch, John F. Wickham and
R. C. Kinney, owners of tbe Almeda
mine, and tbe property transferred
lies on tbe same ledge as that mine,
about Ij miles south of that pro­
perty. The Allen property lies be­
tween the Almeda and the Cope hold­
ings, and makes acontinuous body of
ore naarly five miles in length.
Tbe sale conveys 607 acres of ground,
100 acres of which is quartz. Tbis is
situated on tbe Big Yank ledge. Tbe
remainder 1« placer ground on Rogue
River, now being profitably worked.
The deal Is one of great importance,
aa it makes one continous line of oper­
ating mines on tbe Big Yank. Work
will begin io 10 days to install power
drills and dam tbe Rogue River. The
The new corporation will work in con­
junction with tbe Almeda and tbe
Homestake people and over 200 men
will be employed on these properties
this season, making a population in
the town of Almeda of nearly 1000
Do not hesitate to recommend Kodol
Dy-pepsla Cure to their friends and
customers. Indigestion causes more
ill health than anything else. It de­
ranges the stomach, aod brings on all
manner of disease. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat, cures Indi­
gestion, dyspepsia and all stomach
disorders. Kodol is not only a perfect
digestant but a tL>sue-building tonic
as well. Renewed health, perfect
strength and increased vitillty follow
its use.
Pacific Coast the Mecca.
“If I were 20 here is where I should
come,” said Henry Watterson, the
veteran editor of the Louisville Cour­
ier-Journal, *9 be comfortably chatted
after bis lecture on Lincoln in Port­
land. “In 50 years there will be a
population of 50,000,000 in the section
of tbe country west of the crest of tbe
Rocky mountains By that time the
dominating influences will be on the
Pacific and noton tbe Atlantic coast.
“Westward is still the course of em­
pire. By that time there will be one
aod perhaps two isthmian canals and
Portland will not be over 36 bours dis­
tant by rail from New York. Tbe
Pacific ocean will then be tbe great
highway of commerce, aod this mag­
nificent section, so.blessed by nature,
so bland in its clnnate and so riot­
ously prolific, will logically come to
tbe very forefront.
“Many cities will dot the whole
Pacific coast, achieving an importance
now scarcely dreamed of; but there
will be three overshadowing Centers
of population an 1 commercial conse­
quence, which will be In constant
business touch with tbe whole round
earth—one north and the -other south
of you.
“Here will be fouud tbe great oppor­
tunities for tbe rising generation,aod
these things will come to pass during
the life-time of the boys who are now
attending tbe public schools of Ore­
gon. If the b iy« who are here do not
mate a success of life with tbe oppor­
tunities which are opening up before
them, and si th the advautaces of
their magnificent environment, the
fault wit I e with them and not with
th< country in which they have been
*• fortunately born or bred.”
5 cents
Eight cents a pound is
what a young woman paid for
twelve pounds of flesh.
She was thin and weak and
paid one dollar for a bottle of
Scott’s Emulsion, and by tak­
ing regular doses had gained
twelve pounds in weight before
the bottle was finished.
Eight cents a pound is
cheap for such valuable ma­
terial. Some pay more, some
less, some get nothing for
their money. You get your
money’s worth when you buy
Scott’s Emulsion.
We will send you a little
There is one rational way to treat
nasal catarrh: The medicine is applied
direct to the affected membrane. The
remedy is Ely’s Cream Balm. It re
stores the inflamed tissues to a healthy
state without drying all the life out of
them, and it gives back the lost senses
of taste and smell. The sufferer who is
SCOTT & BOWNE, C hemists .
tired of vain experiments should use
Cream Balm. Druggists sell it for 50cts. 409 Pearl Street,
New York,
Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New
York, will mall It.
joc. and ¿1.004