Miss M. Cartledge gives some helpful advice to young girls. Her letter is but one of thou­ sands which prove that nothing is so helpful to young girls who are just arriving at the period of womanhood as Lydia E. Pink­ ham's Vegetable Compound. “D rab M rs P inkham : — I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege­ table Compound too highly, for it is the only medicine I ever tried which cured me. I suffered much from my first menstrual period, I felt so weak and dizzy at times 1 could not pursue my studies with the usual interest. My thoughts became sluggish, I had headaches, backaches and sinking spells, also pains in the back and lower limbs. In fact, I was sick all over. “ Finally, after many other remedies had been tried, wi* were* advised to get Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable to steal,the will of George Washington from the clerk’s office of tho Fairfax county court house. The doors of the vault were shattered by the explosives used, but the document, which re­ poses In a glass case with other valua­ ble papers, was unharmed. It is sup­ posed the would-be thieves fled with­ out accomplishing their object because uf the unexpected loud exp'osior. The will is in Washington's writing and cover 69 closely written pages, each of | which bears the signature of our first 1 president. I. W. Harper is the “Gold Medal” whisky of the world. Highest awards at Paris, 1900; Chicago, 1893; New Orleans, 1885. Unbeaten-and Unbeat able! Sold by E Helms, Jacksonville. The results of the recent trials of swindlers who have been robbing the public all over America show very clearly that the sufferers by misrepre­ sentation and fraud need not look to the courts for redress A prominent journal in commenting upon the recent Whittaker Wright tragedy in London, remarked. “Had he been tried in this cduntry he would never have been con­ victed;” and the same might be ap­ plied to every similar case of the kind which has.cropped up in our courts of late. This immunity has made indi­ viduals of this class daring, and* in­ stead of profiting by their escape through laxity, not of law itself, but in the execution, they have at times the audacity to air themselves before an outraged community in an attempt to make themselves out tbe injured par­ ties. The failure of the courts to do justice and the recognition that they are rapidly becoming tbe safe-guards of the criminal classes will lead to trouble eventually, when people find they have no other course but to protect them­ selves against outrage and robbery. America's Great Lumber In­ dustry. Russia leid* the world in the pl tilt­ ing of forests; the United State* in their wfiol sale destruction. Yet this vast d.‘Struct! >u means vast wealth to the nation, and is the re­ sult, in part, of that cry going up over tbe entire civil zed world, “More v ood.’’ Few Americans—In fact, few lum­ bermen—mHz: the extent of tiie lumber industry nf this country. We real with wonder the value of ttie iron, the coal, and tiie petroleum pro­ duced in the Uuited States. Like- wi e tiie production of America gold and silver means tremendous wealth. The vastness of tl.e wheat crop is al- Yet the ni st beyond conception, value of all iron, coal, petroleum, gold, silver, platinum, nickel, alum- lead, c ipper and Hum, zinc, wheat produced in the United States d ¡ring 1895 was $1 Iti.i'OO.OOo less than the value of tbe timber crop five years far ler. In 1900, lumbering rankel fourth among the great manufacturing in­ dustry and the capital invested. In America tills Industry is mure highly devel >p«M than in any other part of the world. There are four distinct lumber-pro­ ducing districts in the United States, namely, the Northeastern, comprising tiie northern New E gland States, New York and Pennsylvania; the Lake, evtuprisii.g the St ites of Wis­ consin, Michigan and Minnesota; the Pacific comprising the Slates of Washington, Oregon ¡inri Calif »mia; and i lie Southern Yellow Pine, In­ cludid in eleven states— Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Missis- sippi, Louisiana, Texts Arkansas and Missouri. Of these four lumbering districts the Soutnei n toiay stands first. Here are situated 43 per cent, of the saw­ mills, here is employed 50 percent, of the labor, here Is produced 28 per cent of all Americin lumber manu­ factured from coniferous trees, and here is i lie region wliioh at present is taking tbe greatest strides forward in development. Com potiini, and I aiu pleased to say that after taking it only two weeks, a wonderful change for the better took place, and in a short time I was in perfect health.*- I felt buoyant, full of life, and found all work a pastime. I am indeed glad to tell my experience How’s I his? with Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege­ We offer One Hunched Dollars Re­ table Compound, for it made a dif­ ferent girl of me. Yours very truly, ward for any case of Catarrh ttiat Miss M. C abtlrdok , 533 Whitehall SL, cannot be cured by Hall’s Cat arm Atlanta. G.v” — fSOOO forfttt If origin»! of Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Stow kttar ••»«■• MJutetfewvSaMra We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly tionor-'ble In all business transactions aud financially HEBE ANU THERE able to carry out any ooligations Charles S. Fee, formerly general made by his 'firm. W aldinu , K innon & M arvin , passenger agent of the Northern Pacific Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. at SL Paul, has arrived in San Fran­ Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter­ This is for You—Read It cisco, to succeed Traffic Manager Mc­ nally, acting directly u[on tbe blood and mucous surfa.'.es of the system. Cormick, who has been promoted to a Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per Wtiat is the use of going about . bigger position in Chicago. bottle. Sold by all Druggists. with a clouded mind when you can Take Hall’s Family Pills' for con- brighten it up with Cupldene? What The Chinese Exclusion Act passed in tipation. is the use of giving up your prospects 1902 will stand regardless of the expir­ in business or even in toe social world ation of the Chinese treaty next when Cupideie will make you bright December, and is Independent of tfee and alert” Cupldene actsquicker and more effectually than any other rem­ treaty, according to tbe opinion of the of nature. Cupidene restores U. S. Attorney-general and other law­ Tbos. D. Conklin of Vallejo, Calif., edy lo-i manhood and hra< es the nervous yers. who formerly resided in Medford and system removing all t ffects of pa*t fol­ The Sacramento division of the Gold Hill, al-o once owning a farm on lies and excesses. Sold at 81.00 a b< X Southern Pacific, to which the mileage upper R >gue River, has begun an ac­ or six for 85.00, by Ch is. Strang, Med- ford. from Dunsmuir to Ashland has recent­ tion against John W. Prall, tbe cap­ ly been added, is said to be the largest italist, f >r alienating his wife’s affec­ railroad division in the United States tions, placing bis damages at 810,000. How the Family Skeleton It embraces a total of 760 miles. Tbe following is a copy of tbe com­ Was Brought Out plaint tiled by M. (J. Hoge, Mr. Conk­ Some men are punished for being hwv ES." said the pink cheeked school- honest. Recently a tramp found 810,- lin’s attorney; g ma'am, "you’d be surprised at 000, lost from a train by the Wells-Far­ 1. That Mel vina C mklin is, and at the time mentioned hereinafter was, * the array of family skeletons go & Co.’s Express, and returned tbe trotted out for the teacher’s inspection the wife of this plaintiff. money to the company. Weary Willie 2. That on or about the 30th ay of by tbe pupils of every primary school. was rewarded for his honesty with a May, 1902, while the plaintiff and said All the trials and tribulations of a fam­ good job. Melvina Conklin were living happily ily are retailed to the teacher, some­ There is news of a fight between together as man and wife, tbe defend­ times in a most embarrassing fashion. General Wood's forces and the Moros ant wrongfully contriving and intend­ For instance, the reading lesson the at Taraca river. The Moros attacked ing to iojure the plaintiff, and to de­ other day was about somebody's pet the Americans and were repulsed with fraud him of the affection and society dog and how much its master loved it. Little Willie Smith was moved to say: great slaughter. Their leaders, how­ of hissaid wife, Melvina Conklin, at “ ’We got a dog to our house, it’s got ever, escaped. A . mericans loat Medford, Jackson couoty, Oregon, mange awful. Papa wanted to l.iM it. two killed and six wounded. wickedly, willfully and maliciously but mamma said she’d get a divorce if The Lake county Republicans have debauched and carnally knew the said he’d be such a cruel brute. Then ]»apa. placed tbe following ticket In the field: Melvina Co iklin, without the private he -kicked the dog. and mamma, she throwed the sugar bowl and went aud_ Sheriff, E. E. Rinehart; county e’erk, consent of this plaintiff. bad’isterics, and tbe doctor came and'— E. N. Jaquisb; county treasurer, Fred 3. That bv reason of the premises “1 shut him off at that point, but Ahlstrom; assessor, Chas. Umbacb; the plaintiff was deprived of the tom- Willie routed me a moment afterward commissioner, Walter Dent; school su- fort, society, aid and assistance by saying: poriatendent, J. Q. Willite; surveyor, which he otherwise would have had “ ‘Ob. teacher, your cheeks is just from tbesaid Melvina Conklin.and has like my mamma's! D'yea rub red stuff P. M Curry; coroner, E. Lake. suffered great distre s of body and Ore go- Guaranteed Forest Reserve Scrip for mind, to his damage in the sum of on every day too?’ ”—Portiaud nian. sale, in large or small quantities, by ten thousand dollars. Wherefore Frank E. Alley, upstairs over Land plaint iff prays for judgment against Office, Roseburg. Oregon. Will place the defendant for tbe sum of ten same for non-resident purchasers. thousand dollars and the costs and d’sburs« mt nts of this* action to be U. S. Senator Fulton has in­ taxed. troduced a bill increasing the salary of Henry B. Miller at Nlu Chwang from - Tke Gra»d Caifoi. 83000 to $4000. Niu Chwang 1» now Once, crossing a little tributary « practically a besieged city. Tbe cost the Colorado. I found that every drop of living has doubled and Consul Miller splashed on my clothes hardened to u is unable on his salary to support him­ lump of mud and that where the wa­ self aad family. The State Depart ter was but a foot deep my horse wai meat stronglyrecommends the passage nearly washed away by its force. That fact, Iloger i’ocock says in an of the Fulton bill. article in Pearson’s, told me'the secret It's a doctor’s business to study Grand canyon. Like the Nile, health. Doctors confidently recom­ of the mend Harper Whisky. Sold by E. H. the Colorado flows through a desert but the river of Egypt meanders softly Helms, Jacksonville, Oregon. and muddily over low plains, spread­ Chief Newell of tbe reclamation ser­ ing when it la full into harmless lake», vice of the government bas promised whereas thia headlong sluice of run­ to advance out of tbe reclamation.fund ning sand, launched at the ^ked about 875,000 fer the purpose of build­ rocks, has the cutting powers of a huge ing a dam at tbe outlet of Wallowa ■tee) saw. Tbe country baa risen per­ Lake, on condition that the landhold­ haps an inch a year, but tbe torrent ers in tbe valley below will agree to instead of spreading out over the land, He—What did you say when that id- bear a pro-rata share of tbe expense of has sawed through the lifting rocks Tbe country has risen to a height of lot I ji nibton proi>osed to you? building ihe dam and thereby return 8,000 feet while still the Colorado She— You'd better propose and see. tho money. There is no doubt that flows at tbe ancient level, only 2,000 the settlers will gladly agree to tbe feet above the sea. That is tbe reason The Cheaper Way. proposition, as they would not be call­ of this profound abyss for 600 miles The great ship labored heavily in the ed upon to pay more than 81 per acre, through the very foundations of the ■form. “Captain,” Implored the passengers, which amount would be very small I world. In alt 36,000,000 cubic miles of compared to the great benefit to their solid rock have been ground in this "have you tried everything to save property which would accrue from vast mall and buried into the gulf of us?” California- “Everything,” replied the captain, complete irrigation. "but one. There is a cargo of oil In the Word comes from Redding that tbe hold”— Graupuer Ranch for Sale "Then why In heaven’s name do you detectives working on tbe Copley rob­ not pour it on tbe troubled waters?” bery case have found tbe cabin where Very desirable stock ranch, 878 they demanded indignantly. the robbers stayed near Keswick. They acres, located <>n upper Sterling Creek. “Because,” replied the captain, shak­ found all the clothes that the robbers Fine timber, 300aoies fencea and in ing his head helplessly, "we have just were suppose«* to have worn sunk In a cultivation. Investigate. Fora quick received a mareonigram stating that 56-foot shaft. Tbe stuff from which sale at very low price. Address 249 oil has been advanced two points and tbe masks were made was found and N. E. 2d Street, Portland. is likely to go higher. It were cheaper for u» to drown.”—Cincinnati Time»- also tbe shoulder sacks in which tbe Sciatic Rheumatism Cured. Star- dynamite was carried in. It is said “1 have been subject to sciatic rheu­ that tbe detectives know tbe names of WANTED. matism for years,” says E. H. Wald­ the three men, and it wouldn’t be sur­ ron. of Wilton Junction, Iowa. “My prising to bear of their capture at any joints were stiff and gave me much Live agents to sell Dr. White’s time. It is also reported that two men pain and disci tufcrl. My jolt ts would Eectrlc Combs, patented Jan. 1, ’99.s living near Copley have been arrested crack when I sltaiuliterita up. I used 1 Cure dandruff, hair falling out, s!ck Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and have and nervous headache', yet cost no on suspicion. Tbe detectives are keep­ been thoroughly cured. Have not had more than an ordinary comb. Sells ing very quiet about the matter. a pain orrehe fr< m the old t ouble for °o sight. Agents aie wild with sue- An attempt baa been made, accord-1 many months. It is certainly a most cess- Send 50c for sample (half price) wonderful liniment.” For sale by Write quick. The Dr. While Electric ing to dispatches from Alexandria, Va. City'Drug Store? Comb Co., Decatur 1I1J Another Damage Case. f A J AI DYSPEPSIA CURE PW Wa M MS fl B I BH HS Kfl ■■ n DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT HARDY FLOWERS. Theae Are Growing iu Favor—De­ cline of the ileddJnK Fad. The great advaaiage of gardeuin with hardy plants and shrubs as com pared with teuder bedding plants has- been frequently pointed out. An objec­ tion that they have a short blooming period is all fallacious. 1 think, it is ; really meritorious thing, and for a verj small outlay one may have a liundrcit in-prises a year, hardy plants being o. ft-re«l so cheaply. It lias taken a great many years tc "111111011 varieties are unknown sav> o a few. l-'or many years geraniums, coleu* dternaiitheras. achryanthus, eeheve rias and a few similar plants seenH'1 o hold tho general sway. Then cair< ibe stately canna. ami in its wake iiov . ••omes she ever increasing demand for amiet'.iiig more substantial, and that 1,-m mJ can only be met l»y hardy per ‘imials. In lianly plants we have liecn .mid time and again we can have flow \-r . the entire year round. A year ago last December I went out •i t!i<' woods near uiy home and was surprised to find the yellow astei p. ’l.iy lopis imiriana), ami last Decern s-r in our uni-series, amt only a fev 1. ys before Christmas 1 found ii i bloom Dianthu» st mpertlorens, varioti- me-a-eas ami one very beautiful vari ■ -y ef erigeroti. tbe highly praised tore) dower, in a sheltered spot, sending up .Is dense spikes of flaming coral and braving not Ibe autumn, but tbe win ter storms. What tender plants would have been showing up so wonderfu. anti brave on the autumn landscape? Helleliorus niger and its varieties, it grown in a cold frame, will give u> flowers during the latter part of I>e ceiuber and January, and those whe an* fortunate enough to possess a few plants of petasites or Tussllago fra grans, or “winter heliotrope,” as it 1» sometimes called on account of its he Uotropcllke fragrance, can have flow ers of this peculiarly interesting plant in a warin. sheltered sj>ot during the month of February. Then alowg in March comes a won­ derful procession of both bulbous and hardy plants. II. Greensmltli Before Philadelphia Florists’ Club, Good for Children. Tiie pleasant to take and harmless Oue Minute Cough Cure gives im­ mediate relief in all cases of Cough. Croup and La Grippe, tecaue It does not pass immediately into tbe stom­ ach. but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the in­ flammation, heals and sootties and cutes permanently by enatling tbe lungs to contribute pure life-giving and life-sustaining oxygen to tbe bio dand tissue*. One Minute Cough Cure is piea he is called by tbe country people about Weils, no one knows why» strikes tin quarters by striking his heels against two bells behind biui and then tolls tbe great bell of tbe clock by striking It with his battleax. The two standing knights in armor strike tbe outside bell with their halberds, and at the first stroke of tbe great bell tbe four knights on bois< back over tbe Inside dial start at a gallop and rush round and round the turret in a mimic tournament. I d wlii«-b one knight is thrown from his horse and regains bls seat in every revolution. Out of Tune. A piano tuner employed by a citj firm was sent to a certain suburb tc tune a piano. He found the iustrumepi in good condition and not in the least need of attention. A few days later tbe firm received a letter from the owner of the piano, a lady of musical Intention, stating tha* the piano bad not been properly tuned It was no better than before. After .receiving a reprimand from bls employer the hapless tuner made an other trip to tiie suburbs and again tested every note, only to find, as be tore, no fault with tiie instrument. This time he told tbe lady so. "Yes,” she said, “it does seem al) rlgfft, doesn’t it, when you play on IL but as sooi, as I begiu to sing It get« all out of tuue again.** Nothing Equal to Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel Com­ l plaints in Children. “We have used Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our family for years,” says Mrs. J. B. tooke, ot Neaerlands, Texa*. “We have used other medicines for the same purpose, but never found any­ thing to equal Ctiambeilain’s. If you will use if as directed it will al­ ways cure.” For sale by all Druggist*. • I The Besinnins. -now many stars can you see?” ■he asked. “Two more than you,” he said. “How do you make that out?” ■be asked. “I can see your eyes,” be said. And that was the beginning of it all Net Necessarily Fatal. “Almost from bis boyhood,” said Mr. Upmore, who seldom boasts, “our Johnny has been ambidextrous.” “My boy used to be troubled a good deal that way when he was llftle,” re­ marked Mr. Gaswell. “We always gave him castor oil for it.”- Exchange. Tho$l OObottIo contain« 2'4 time3thatrlal»ke. which sells for 50 cents. AT THS UABOltATOKY OF E. C. D b WITT &: COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL. . Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over Ona m ifalf MMfa« hotties. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. SOo. The Hetort Sarcnatlc. Spartaeus—What would you advise as the most effective disguise that I might assume for the masked ball to bight? Smarticus—You might put on an in­ telligent look.—Baltimore American. O Bean the Signature d 'TOTITA. Ihe Kind You Have Always Bough Admiral Makaroff and Eight Hundred of His Comrades Drowned. BLOWN UP BY Naval Battle Off Port Arthur ar Reported to Be Still ill Progress. __ Che Foo, April 14.—It has been learned, from Japanese sources here that the attack on the Russian Port Arthur fleet Wednesday was planned and put into effect in the following manner: At daylight the Japanese torpedo-boats made a demonstration before the port, and at the same time laid mines across the outer entrance to the harbor. They then retired and joined the main squadron. The squad­ ron then advanced, and as it drew near the Russian ehips were seen coming out. The battleship Petro­ pavlovsk struck one of the mines laid by the Japanese torpedo-boats and was destroyed. 8t. Petersburg, April 14.—Rear-Ad­ miral Prince Ouktomsky wires from Port Arthur that the Bezstrachni, one of the Russian torpedo-boat destroyers sent out during the night to reconnoi­ ter, became separated from the rest of the fleet, owing to the bad weather prevailing, was surrounded by Japan­ ese torpedo-boat destroyers and was sunk in the fight. Five men were saved. Admiral Ouktomsky adds: “I have taken command provisional­ ly of the fleet since the disaster to the Petropavlovsk. During soma maneuvering of the battleship squad­ ron the Pobeda struck against a mine amidships on the starboard side. She was able to regain port by herself. No one on board of her was killed or wounded.” St Petersburg, April 14.—Forty-five officers and men perished on the tor­ pedo boat destroyer Bezstrachni, whose destruction by the Japanese has just been announced. Washington, April 14.— The Japan­ ese minister has received a dispatch from his government emb, dying an official report from Admiral Urlu re­ garding the engagement off Port Är- thur, as follows: "According to the report of the tor- pedo destroyed flotilla, No. 3, our fleet approached Port Arthur on the 13th of April and sunk one battleship of the enemy of the Petropavlovsk type and one torpedo-boat destroyer.' No damage to our fleet No report yet from Admiral Togo.” Toklo, April 14.—A brief report from Admiral Urul of Wednesday’s fighting off Port Arthur has just reached the navy department It says Vice-Admiral Togo’s fleet attacked Port Arthur in the morning and sue ceeded In sinking a battleship of the Petropavlosk class and one torpedo boat destroyer. Tbe Japanese sus- tained no losses One Japanese was wounded. A detailed report of the engagement is expected hourly. St Petersburg, April 14.—An offi- clal bulletin has been Issued, convey­ ing the Intelligence of the loss of an­ other torpedo boat destroyer and the accidental crippling of another battle­ ship, was almost as severe a blow as the loss of the Petropavlosk. and has plunged the whole town anew into grief. The dispatch puts an end to the idea prevailing here that there had been an engagement following the disaster to the Petropavlosk. It is considered remarkable here that the Jai>anese did not take advan­ tage of this terrible accident to attack Port Arthur. Wei-Hal-Wei, April 14.—A severe naval action took place at Port Ar­ thur yesterday. There was apparent­ ly two distinct operations. Some Jap­ anese ships approached Port Arthur about daylight, and firing for two hours was heard well out at sea by the steame -s Pronto and Lokosang. The Russian fleet sallied out a'nd the Japanese withdrew. Further Japan­ ese war ships came up and obliged Vice-Admiral Makaroff to return to the harbor, which he did about 7:30 o’clock, and tn the process his ship, the battleship Petropavlovsk, struck a mine and was blown up. Only a few were saved and the admiral himself was drowned. The attack on Port Arthur by the Japanese main squad­ ron began hal fan hour later and last­ ed some little time. The notable Inci­ dent of the fight at sea arose from an attempt by the Japanese to intercept a largo Russian cruiser which was coming from the east. The Askold and a battleship of the Pobieda type went to the assistance of their com­ rade, but the forts at Port Arth r were too far off to take any part in the action against the Japanese ves­ sels, apparently four cruisers and one battleship. Their efforts seem to have been unsuccessful. The fire was con­ tinuous, but of short duration. wei, telegraphing under date of April lt3h, says: “Tho British cruiser Espleglo re ports that at 5:45 o’clock this morn­ ing she sJghted five Japanese wa" ships engaging" the cruiser Bayan, making for Port Arthur from the di-1 rection of the Yal.1. Tho cruiser As­ kold and another cruiser issued froa Port Arthur to assist tho Bayaa. At 6:45 o’clock the Russians got under the shelter of the forts, but the Bayan was evidently damaged, as quantities of steam were seen escaping. “At 8 o’clock the Japanese ships opened a heavy gun Are on the forts, which did not reply, and after fifteen minutes’ bombardment the Japanese retired to the eastward.” These are all you need With a Rock Island System time table and Car one of our folders, “Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeper,” you can easily figure out your route to any point in the Rast. The Rock island has its own lines from Denver, St. Paul and Minneapolis to Omaha, Kansas. City, Chicago, Memphis and 1,200 other towns and cities in the Middle West. It is a good railroad and its trains are as com­ fortable as money can make them. Write or call and I will take pleasure in giving you full information. Dewey of Russian Navy. St. Petersburg, April 14.—The late Vice-Admiral Makaroff was appointed February 26th to the command of the Russian Pacific fleet. He was one oi the heroes of the fighting on the rivei Danube during the Russo-Turkish war. Makaroff and Skrydloff, who have since many times been honored by their government, were at the time lieutenants in the Russian navy and volunteered to make a night attack on a powerful Turkish ironclad. With a torpedo boat they succeeded in blowing up the Turkish vessel, and, it was asserted at the time, thereby made the first successful demonstra tion of the usefulness of torpedo boats in naval warfare. Makaroff originated the idea of con structing the famous ice-breaking steamer Erniak, which was built on tbe Tyne from his designs. L. B. COBHAM, Ceneral Agent, 140 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Man of Great Courage. Since the appointment to the com- mand of the Russian Pacific fleet, Makaroff has shown himself to be a man of great courage and energy Early in March he personally went to the rescue of a Russian torpedo-boat destroyer which was hard pressed by the Japanese and inspired the naval forces under bis command with a great deal of enthusiasm. He passed Easter on board a guardship at the entrance of Port Arthur, and every WILL YOU BE THERE? night personally supervised the pre­ Ç Nature’s Art.Gallery ot the Rockies in addition to the cautionary measures adopted to pre­ vent the Russians from being sur­ 4- attractions at St. Louis. This can only be done by go prised by the Japanese. ing. or retutning via the “S cenic L ine of t he W orld .’ The last engagemenL previous to fight of yesterday, in which Makaroff NRIVALED Scenic Attractions took part occurred on March 27th, NEQUALED Dining Car Service when he gallantly repulsed the second NSURPASSED in Efforts to Please attempt of the Japanese to bottle up Port Arthur. Grand Duke Vladimir, uncle of the Write for illustrated boc klet of Colorado’s fainous’sights and resorts Emperor, has received a telegram an­ nouncing that his son, Grand Duke W. e. McBRIDE, Gen'l A^ent Cyril, has been wounded at Port Ar­ Portland, Oredon thur. A thanksgiving service because ¡241 Third Street his life was spared has been held at the grand duke's palace here. It is officially announced that Vice- Admiral Makaroff was drowned at the time of the sinking of the battleship Petropavlovsk. Ho! For St. Louisfiand the World’s Fair! U Mothers and Daughters Try REX ICON A LOSS OF LAMORNA CONFIRMED Tlie Modern Remedy for Women Victoria, B. C., April 14.—E. W. Wright, editor writer on th« Portland Oregonian, who went up th« west coast of Vancouver island seeking confirmatory evidence to prove the loss of the British ship Lamorna, has returned. He says he has no doubt the Lamorna went to pieces on the I Starlight reef, Barkley Sound, ah bands perishing. Mr. Wright reports that the wreck of the American lum-, ber schooner Kaiula at Kyukoj point has been smashed up and the«Indians have saved 150,000 feet of the million feet- of lumber carried by her. KEXIOONA bxs Cured some of the worst esses ot OVARIAN and UTERINE Disorder* LElCUkRHOEA T iie R exicona C o . UK1T Ae^nts Wanted I Can I açp fai Send ter Booklet J «« 1 dl Ask The Agent FOULLY MURDERED 8on of • ------- FOR-------- Russian Officer Kilted Dynamite Outrage Tickets London. April 14.—A special dis- patch from SL Petersburg says the son of General Kazarkoff has been killed as the result of a dynamite out­ rage in his room at the Hotel Du Nord. The police, it is added, have discovered documents indicating tho author of the outrage. ------- VIA-------- EIGHT YEARS FOR ROBBERY Pocatello, Idano, April 14.—The two men who robbed the government trad­ ing post at Rosa Fork, Idaho, on' April 6, have been sentenced by United States District Judge Beatty to eight years in the penitentiary at San Quentin, Cal. The men were cap­ tured, tried, convicted and sentenced In just one week. TO sic FA> F. ST 1 ALL DULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, ALL JOINTS EASTann SOUTH Overland Trains Daiho The Flyer and Fast Mail 2 ST. AGNEWS ASYLUM REPORT Splendid Service, Vp-to date Equipment, Courte­ ous Employes. San Jose. April 14.—At the meeting of the Agnews asylum trustees the re­ port of Medical Superintendent Stock­ ing showed 102 Z inmates April 1, 625 being men. Four resignations of at­ tendants and three appointments were made during the month. The new steel water tower is completed and work has begun on the new building for women patients. Daylight trip across tbe Cascade and Rocky ' mountains Tickets. Rates, Folders and full Information, call on or adren H. DICKSON. City Ticket Agent, 122 Thiid Street, Portland. Oregon. S.G. YERKES. G. W. P. A., «12 First Avenue. Seattle, Wash. THE GOOD ROADS BILL Washington. April 14—The Latti­ mer good roads bill will be reported favorably by the senate committee on agriculture early in the next session of congress. An agreement to that effect was reached at a meeting of the committee yesterday. It was decided to amend the bill by fixing at 1100,000 the minimum appro­ priation which each state shall re­ ceive first, the balance of tbe appro­ priation to be shared by each state in proportion to Its population. Provi­ sion was made, however, that no city should be credited with more than 10,000 population. CASTOR IA FRANK E. ALLEY ARCHITECT and ABSTRACTER J O PHONE 415 UM Double-Track Railway between the Missouri River e Marks Bld..Roseburg, Or It is interesting to note that for- l titles are frequently made by the in­ For Infants and Children. vention of articles of minor import­ ance. Many of the moat popular de- v ces are those designed to benefit the people and meet popular conditions, Bears the snd one uf the moat interesting of Signature of these that has ever been invented Is the Dr. White Electr cComh, patent­ ed Jan 1 94 These wondeiful combs Frafrant Leaved Plaata. positively cure dandruff, hair falling For the window garden we still pre­ nt, sick and nervous h< attaches, »nd fer fragrant leaved plants, such as .vlien us< d in connection with Dr. many of the pelargoniums, and such White’s Electric Hair Brush a>e | os • flowers as perfume the air daintily and | ' lively guaranteed to make stralghi not oppressively, says a southern writ­ lair curlv in 25 days’ time. Th >u- ands of these electric combs have er In Gardening. One plant of Olea I •een so d in the various citie- < f tin West Side. fragraus and one of Daphne pdorata Union, and ttie demand is constantly We always keep in the window of the •ncreus'ng. Our agent* are rapidly Medford. Ore. living room. lec 'udtig rich selling tbes • coml 8. OpexT Niglits Tin y positively sell on si-lit. Send Taking Up the Cannaa. for sample. Nidi’s size 35c. ladies’ 50 Canna plants may be scorched by the —half price while we are iutrodu Ing frost before lifting, but should be tak­ Lent. See Want Co-umn of this en up before suffering a freeze hard paper. The Dr. White Electric tomb enough to kill the stalks more than Jo., D.catur. 111. ALFALFA SEED, ¡halfway down; otherwise the sour and CASTOniA. frozen sap returning down the stalks Seed Wheat, Seed Oau* and Gra*s KM You Haw Always Bougld Seed fur sale at Into the roots may poison them so they Boa™ the will decay during early wluter, says Signature J. A. P srbt ’ s W arbhousk , | Medford. t gardening. The Kind You Have Always Bought Weeks & raker Funeral Directors and Embalmers i * Ü A-STOrtlA.. jem tk, Ihe Kind Yot Hiw Alwirs tacti Your Cold Cured for 50. BLUE PRINTS \ Of any Township in the 7 Roseburg Land District. PACIFIC COAST BASEBALL. FILING PAPERS At San Francisco—Oakland, 11; Seattle, 6. Prepared for Filingon Home At Los Angeles—Los Angeles, 0; stead or Timber Claims Tacoma. 6. Bayan Evidently Damaged. BtfT Special Attention given to At Fresno—Portland. 11; San London, April 14.—The Daily Tele­ Matters in Connection with ’ graph’s correspondent at Wei-hai- Francisco, W. the U. 8. Land Office. A WONDERFUL INVENTION. Medford Furniture Co., HouseFurnishers and Undertakers. JohnH. Butler, Funeral Di­ rector. Day Phone Main 353., Night Phone Main 251. Chicago The Clu’ca^iv-Ponland Sj>eci*I, the most luxurious train in the «KXrld. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and Jbrary car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago^ TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail­ road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway to Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon. Dally and peraonally cooducted ex- cursicxi« in Pullman tourist sleepins cars from Portland, Les Angeles ana San Francisco, tbrougD to Chicago w bout change. V a Rt rCHIR. CenTAgL «7 SAN fkanctscu . C al . A. C. BARKES. Ga>t Ag<-.,S3™rd St- jvktuamd , U kb . • Chicago & North-Western Ry.