©emo®rati® Printed Every Wednesday, by Times Printing Company SHIP SUBSIDY HUNTERS ' WHAT “STAND It llepre«entii a Dire Extreme, n Par­ ty Forced A&aiimt n Wall. Foiled at the Treasury Door, They Try the Window. C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr. TERMS: One Year, in advance... Six Months...................... WILT METHOBS OF ARTFUL MEN. Endeavorlug to Secarc a Monopoly of the Philippine Carrying Trade. ‘•God ifelp the Wetttm Farmer»!0 Office With Pacific States Telephone Co , Ryan Building, California St. Entered st the Poatoffice at Jackaonvll'e, Ore., as Second Class Mail Matter P resident R oosevelt has suggest­ ed and Senator Fairbanks of Indiana has agreed to accept the vice-presi­ dential nomination on the Republican ticket if tendered him. This evidently means that it will be Roosevelt and Fairbanks. S bcbetary T ah has directed that Fort Walla Walla be made a perma­ nent army post. In so doing he revoked the order issued by his predecessor early in the winter directing that the Fort be abandoned. Ever since the issu­ ance of the adverse order of Secretary Root Senator Ankeny has been endeav­ oring to secure its revocation, and only by persistent efforts has he succeeded. T here has been considerable of a change in the diplomatic service of this government. The President hue appointed John Barrett of Oregon,now minister to Argentina, minister to the new Republic of Panama, vice Buch­ anan. Barrett is to be succeeded at Argentina by Arthur Beaupre of Ill­ inois, now minister to Colombia. Beaupre will be succeeded by W. W. Russell of the District of Colombia. M r . C leveland ' s letter on Demo­ cratic reorganization and reunion of­ fers no enthusiasm for his party. It is an old sermon in not even a new dress. There is no thrilling shibboleth in his wearisome words that would stir the party and spur it to triumph. Just as Roosevelt is new blood In the Republi­ can fold, just as bis creed is a thrilling call to the clansmen, so does the Demo­ cratic party need new blood, new and radical ideas and a creed of pronounc­ ed and tumultuous progress that will call in the farthest wandering faction. Such a creed and such a call Mr. Cleveland cannot supply for an oc­ casion on which such a man as Mr. Roosevelt is to be the opposing candi­ date. R ussia has a population of 113,000,- 000, while Japan has less than 45,000,- 000. Russia’s native and reserve army footingls 1,200,0(0, while Japan’s total force does not exceed 421.000. If tbe outcome of tbe conflict between the two nations could be correctly predict­ ed by their relative strength, it would seem that there could be but one end­ ing, and that favorable to Russia. But the Russian base of supplies is a long way off, some six thousand miles. Food and other war supplies and troops must be transported that immense dis­ tance over a single track railroad to meet the Japanese practically on his own dunghill. Russia has a big job before her. N othing ever happens in any line that is so unusual that something in the same line has not previously oc­ curred that exceeded it, and there is always some old settler around who can remember It. Nothing ever oc­ curs that is the “worstever,” because some one can recall an event of the same character that happened when he was a boy that “beat it all hpller.” It is probable that tbe “worst” can never happen, for if it should, the rec­ ord can be cited which can always be depended upon to disclose something that greatly surpassed it, and which happened “in the spring or winter of ’52.” And It is a source of supreme satisfaction to be assured that our par­ ents have passed through trying ex­ periences that can never come to us. The very worst is said to be behind us. PAT” MEANS. Senators Frye, Hale and Beverldflre Special Attorneys For Monopoly. The old ship subsidy crowd are again haunting the capitol at Washington. They have, however, learned some things by experience. They are not go­ ing directly after what they want and asking Uncle Sam to put his hand In his pocket and give them $5.000,ODO to $10,000,000 a year because they are in tho business of ruunlug steamships. They have discovered that this is so obnoxious to the people that even a Republican congress hesitutes to fulfill the pledge of Senator Hanna, who in return for a campaign fund of about $500,000 In 1898 pronilsetl to let the shipowners write their own bill. The ship subsidy hunters are no less greedy now, but they are more dis- creeL Realizing that the Republicans dare not pass a general subsidy bill Just before a presidential election, they have planned a special commission to consider the need of government aid to shipping. This committee is to report the first day of the short session of congress. Just after the election, and during that session u ship subsidy bill is to be driven through. So the Repub­ lican leaders promise. But the hungry shipowners are un­ willing to wait a full year without a morsel. Hence they are pushing two bills. Introduced by Senator Frye, which. If passed, will not only give them a taste of subsidy, but which will be the entering wedge, they hope, for subsidy legislation which will open wide to them the door of Uncle Sam's big treasury. These two bills were unani­ mously reported by the two commit­ tees of the senate presided over by Sen­ ators Frye and Lodge. Both were re­ ported without hearings, without ln- vestigatlon and wlthout consideration, One of these bilks provides that all shipments by sea of government sup­ plies shall be in American vessels. The other extends our coastwise laws to the Philippines, or. In other words, pro­ vides that all freight and passenger traffic between the United States and the Philippine Islands shall be in American vessels. The object of both bills is to give an absolute and unconditional monopo­ ly to American vessels in all Philippine business. The Philippine trade is com­ paratively small. There is not enough of it to warrant the establishment of regular lines. Nearly all of It 4s now- done tn foreign tramps and at a rate Immeasurably lower than could be maintained by regular lines. As innocent and harmless as these bills appear, they are so bad that so ardent a Republican as former Secre­ tary of War Root strongly opposed them In letters written to Senator Frye Secretary Root was in favor of govern­ ment aid to shipping; but. realizing the full meaning of giving American ves­ sels an unconditional monopoly, he said that he would rather contract to give them an advance of 50 or even 100 per cent over present freight rates than to consent to the passage of these two bills. The printing of Secretary Root's two letters opened the „eyes of many to the enormity of the proposed legisla­ tion. Frightened at the greatly in­ creased cost of transportation which wonld result from these bills, the east­ ern cordage manufacturers and the western binder twine dealers compelled Senator Lodge to grant a hearing in op­ position to these bills. But at this hearing Senator Lodge arranged to have present all the shipping interests, and then he and Senator Hale of Maine and Senator Beveridge of Indiana con­ stituted themselves as special attorneys for the shipping people and in opposl tion to the opponents of the bill. The result was that the opponents were only enabled to get in their testimony In halfway fashion. But this testimo­ ny nevertheless showed that the bill would more than double freight rates on all products to and from the Phil­ ippines, and this Increase would in the end be paid by the producers of the products that we ship to the Philip pines, it showed that by far the heav­ iest sufferers would be the consumers of binder twine. It show ed also that the heavy freight rates from the Phil­ ippines to Atlantic, ports would be practically prohibitory and that the hemp from the Philippines would ei­ ther be sent to England or, if it came direct to this country at all, it would come by the Pacific ports and that the transcontinental freight rates would place the eastern cordage manufactur­ ers at such a disadvantage that they would probably be driven out of busl- ness. The result of this would be to throw the western fanners into the hands of the Chicago trust—the Inter- national Harvester company—and then, as one man put It, "God help them!” The farmers and the people generally must always pay the cost when Uncle Sam gets generous to the corporations and trusts. Government favoritism is good for the favorites, but it is hard on the people who foot the bills. BYRON W. HOLT. T estimony submitted at the trial of the St. Louie, mt inters of the city house of delegates, at Fulton, Mo., lets light in on some of the most dastardly corruption of officials every shown up in this country. The depravity to which official representatives of the people can descend, as well as the cold­ blooded audacity of corruption that has existed in St. Louis,is a revelation. According to the evidence of six former members of the house of delegates, nineteen delegates received $2500 each for passing the light bill in 1899. If the testimony of these witnesses is to be credited; those experts in bribery met together, not to protect the inter­ ests of the city, but for the purpose of distributing boodle, selliLg themselves to the highest bidder. The six witness es further testified that they had ac cepted bribes frequently. One of them was so accustomed to be bribed that he could not tell how often, whether fifty times or more. When such dam­ Aecoaapliahed Facta. aging evidence against officials is The president says the Panama mat­ brought to light, one wonders where ter is “an accomplished fact” So is the “grafting” In tbe postal and public thia rascality will end. land departments, but that is no rea­ So much has been said about the son why the guilty parties should not Foraker pro-trust bill that it is worth be punished. while to state just what it is. Tho bill was introduced In the Senate by Senator Foraker of Ohio, and has the purpose of permitting “reasonable re­ Tht Yreka Jouinal says that there straint” of trade. The Sherman anti­ seems to be a great deal of unrest at trust and the inter-state oom me roe McCloud, Cal.,on account of the man­ laws forbid all restraint of trade com­ agement reducing wages and raising binations or agreements. Hence the tbe rent of all tbecompany buildings. effect of this bill, if adopted, would be It is said that those affected do not to undo all national anti-trust legisla­ publicly express disappointment; but tion . It permits any kind of a combina­ tion in restraint of foreign trade. Thus, it is thought that se reral of tbe best bands will seek employment in other so far as that trade is concerned, the camps. Another soil ree of disaffec­ two great anti-monopoly measures of tion arises from tbe report that the the national statutes would be com­ manager has gone East u> import a pletely repealed. This feature of the few thousand Swedes from Minnesota bill was very likely suggested by the and Wisconsin, to work at eastern great railway interests and some of rates, or about two-thirds of wages now paid at McCloud. Before this the trusts especially interested in the tbe company employed Italians, but conquest of foreign trade. In a recent discharged them. Because of reduction speech in Minneapolis Mr. Hill declar­ in wages, higher house rent, with ed that the restraints imposed on higher prices for provisions, clothing, labor troubles may occur, to put foreign commerce by certain provisions etc., Siskiyou county to much expense, of the inter-state commerce law seri­ ike Shasta county has endured in ously Interfere with the develop ment Rhe Keswick mining trouble. of American foreign trade. We hope the Foraker bill will be snowed under. Trouble Feared at McCloud. BRIEF MENTION. The Siskiyou Electric Power Co. ‘ Thousands Have Kidney Trouble which bought the electric works at and Don’t Know it. Ashland, several months ago, last week IIow To Find Ont. took formal possession, by paying the Fill a bottle or common glass with your balance of the purchase price of $40,000 water and let it stand twenty-four hours, a Messrs. Roseborougb, Churchill and sediment or set- J tling indicates an Steele came from Yreka, Calif., to at­ — - unhealthy condi- tend to the final transfer. Mr. Steele tion of the kid­ will lie in charge of the plant, and will neys; if it stains your linen it is be assisted by J. W. Potter, John D. evidence of kid­ Stewart. Chas. King and Mr. Owen. ney trouble; too The new owners will make a number frequent desire to of improvements and sell electricity pass It or pain in the back is also to parties wishing to use it during the convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­ day time. der are out of order. FAVORITE LILIES. When und How to Set the Bulb» ^Health ; ' gome Ka«ily Grown Vu riet le«. Next Thursday is “St. Patrick’s day i acow The lilies, with the exception of can in the mornin, ” an event dear to all Democracy's disposition towurd exist­ jidutn and exelsuin, may be planted ing evils und Injurious institutions Irish mon. “ For 25 years I have to advantage in November. Auratuui, missed taking Ayer’s Sarsaparilla i which have fastened themselves in sub­ Judge Bellinger has appointed John the beautiful gold banded lily of Ja every spring. It cleanses my a stantial growth Is, and ought to be, Miner Booth of Grants Pass as U. S. blood, makes me feel strong, and g pan. Is best set ten or twelve inches sane. There is no desire on the part Commissioner. does me good in every *'ay. ~ deep; the others from four to six Inches of Democracy to wreak mischief, to John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.T. J. MeElfresh and his family wore in deep. The laneifolium or speclosum destroy without regard for the wel­ varieties are perhaps the most popular fare of legitimate businiw. There Is Medford a few days since, on their way lilies grown, as they are of easy cul­ Pure and rich bicod no mind to do violence where sound to Jacksonville. ture and produce large flowers of deli method will achieve a better end. Mr. and Mrs. C. F Shepherd of Ash carries new life to every cate beauty on strong stems. Democracy will pursue no hysterical land, who have been visiting in the The laneifolium lilies include album part of the body. You purpose, but rather a calm and scien- East, returned home Friday. (white), rubrum (white, shaded with title course of eradication consistent are invigorated, refreshed. Taxpayers are flocking to the county­ with the least disruption. Wliat to Do. You feel anxious to be There is comfort in the knowledge so But, on the other band. It will by no seat . nd Sheriff Rader and his deputies The Name Witch Hazel. often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- means content Itself with the kind of are kept busy writing tax receipts. The name Witch Hazel is much abus­ Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every active. You become strong, conservatism expressed In Mr. Roose­ C. Kleinhammer, who raises some of ed. E. U. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the steady,courageous. That’s velt's famous backdown message on tbe finest apples in the valley, has are the inventors of the original and back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part the tariff and trusts. In which he de­ o.ily genuine Witch Hazel Salve. A of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability what Ayer’s Sarsaparilla clared that the evils in these instltu- been shipping a large quantity of them certain cure for Cuts, Burns, Bruises, to hold water and scalding pain tn passing south. Ezema,, Tetter, Piles, etc. 'There, tlons were overinatched by the good It, or bad effects following use of liquor, will do for you. 2 #7 and that to disturb the evils would be Dr. E. E. Emerson, formerly of Med are many counterfeits of this salve wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant SI Mabottk All draffisti. dangerous, In tuet, the operation of ford, and his wife have returned from some of which are dangerous, while necessity of being compelled to go often they are all worthless. In buying Aik your doctor what b® think»» of Ayer • attacking them at all seemed to him California and are located at Central Witch Ila el Salve see that the name during the day. and to get up many times Sarianarilla. lie know» all about this grand during the night. The mild and the extra­ to be so very delicate that lie declined Point at present. old family medicine. Follow LU advice and E C. DeWitt & Co.. Chicago, is on ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon we will be co . Dowell, Mro. to advise It He announced the doc­ the box and a cure is certain. Sold realized, it stands the highest for its won ­ A wedding will take place at by all Druggists. trine of toleration of Ills and submis­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. Sonoma, Calif., in a short time. The sion to injury. If you need a medicine you should have the I Vf Denux'racy will not consent to view contracting parties are well known in best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. PERSONAL MENTION You may nave a sample bottle of this as “necessary evils” such matters as Medford and Central Point. PROFESSIONI CARDS. wonderful discovery federal corruption, mulcting tariff pro­ J. O. Fuller, who is engaged in min­ I. L. Hamilton is making San Fran­ and a book that tells» tection and the palpable disorders of ing tn Douglas county, is visiting rela­ cisco a business visit. L-. more about it, both sent| b the trusts. absolutely free by mail, R. G. GALE, M. D tives living In Jacksonville. His oper ­ Speaking upon the tariff. Representa­ Sheriff Rader was among his many address Dr. Kilmer & Home of Swamp-Root. I tive Williams In his recent and widely ations arc showing up well. friends in Medford Thursday. Co., Dinghamton, N. Y. When writing men­ ¡Office in Orth’s Building. read address exhibited the sound and Eugene Kienlln, the brewer, and H. tion reading this generous off 3r in this paper Carl Narregar. was in Jacksonville Hours—2 10 4 and 7 to » | . m discriminative views which character­ H. Barton, tho watchmaker, both well- Don ’ t mile any mistake, but re ­ LILIL'M LAXCIFOLlUkl HUBBUM ize the Democratic attitude, saying known citizens of Grants Pass, died today on professional business. member the rame. Swamp-Root, Dr. rose and spotted with deep red.) and that his party had no desire to de­ during the past week, of pneumonia. W. E. Thompson of Watkins, tbe Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad Oregon Jackson vii le dress, Binghamton, N. Y. on every inelpomene (rich blood crimson, heavily molish the tariff at a single blow, to miner, was in our city Thursday. spotted). These lilies grow from two A supply of fresh vegetable seed, di­ bottle. explode It with dynamite or to pull J. M. Bristow and J. J.Winningham, to four feet high and bloom in August. A. E REAMES, down Its pillars and throw down tbe rect from Washington, D. C., hue been Everybody knows the splendid tiger the miners, were in Medford Friday. attorn e Y-A T-LA w , structure with a crash. It would re­ received at the S outhern O regonian Elies, with their rich tones of scarlet quire a considerable time to recon­ office. It will be distributed free while J. C. Pendleton,former county assess­ Oregon. Jacksonville. or orange salmon, spotted with black. struct a tariff on Democratic princi­ it lasts. or, was in Medford during the week. The tbunbei'gianums range from lemon ples. In his opinion, though, the par­ •»“Office lu Red Men'« Butldlnr A. E Smith of Douglas county arriv­ Twenty jears ago Or g.»n farmers color to orange red. Ilansonl Is a fine The citizens of Central Point and ty’s final Intent was clear. To Democ­ ed here Friday, and will remain a while. dark yellow. The superbum, or Turk's vicinity have repaired tho approach were paying $50 an acre to have their racy a tariff virtually represents a tax ROBT. G. SMITH, A. W. Sturgis and Geo. S. Howard timber lands cleared. Now timber cap. Is a deep orange red, thickly spot­ upon consumers. A Democratic tariff, to the bridge across Bear Creek, that therefore, should as nearly as might was damaged by the high water, and were Jacksonville visitors a few days lands that have es» aped the cLaiers ted. ATTORNEY AN’D COUNSELOR AT LAW Llllum brownll has beautiful flowers be provide for equal taxation of con­ it is being crossed as usual. ago. are selling at $50 ac acre. Timber of Immense size, inside creamy white, Graat'* Pass, Oregaa. sumers, for an equalized charge upon The U. S. Grand Jury will meet in Hon. G. F.Schmidthlein of Woodville men from the East think the state outside shaded chocolate purple. Consumption or the thing consumed. would have been better off had it sav Most lilies prefer partial shade, and practices all the ooarts Office la Hank Mr. Williams thus correctly interpret­ Portland during the month. J. N. was in Medford and Jacksonville Fri­ building up stxlra edits magnificent fir trees ins'.eadof the tall sorts should have protection Hockersmith of Roxy precinct is one day. ed Democratic conservatism. Repub­ lican conservatism is a misnomer un­ of those who has been summoned to H. Wlthington, thezattorney, was in coruignlng them to the dimes, as the from high winds. Although nearly all of the lilies may less tbe English language has stiffen'd serve as members of that body. J. M. KEENE, D. D. S Jacksonville Friday on professional value of these woods is to be further be called hardy, a winter covering of enhanced as time rolls on. a distinct loss of meaning. The Repub­ Fred Dorn of Watkins, the young business. lican party stands pat on its federal miner, has gone to Plumas county, About the only available timber in ashes or litter Is an advantage. JPERATIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY A. H. Wyland, a pioneer citizen of the United States now is on the c >ast scandals, on the trusts, on the tariff Omoes ,n tbe Adkins Deuel block Calif., to enter the employ of Herman Our Fruit In London. Climax, was in Medford during the of Oregon and Washingto'1, and at and especially on its machine organiza­ Now Is a particularly opportune time Medferd, Oregaa. tion now In tbe flower of development ‘Kling, who is operating a big placer past week. present rate of cutting and removal for the American fruit grower to es­ The Republican party Is loath to fore­ mine there for a Seattle company. Dr. J. M. Keene and W. 1. Vawter this supply etc only last for about tablish a big trade with England. That go the more abundant fruitfulness P. P. PRIM & SON. Homeseekers from the East are went to Jacksonville Thursday, to pay twenty five years longer. In tbe country has recently been swept by which eight years’ perfection of a ma­ flooding some parts of the Pacific their taxes. •TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW meantime, as clearing pr< ceeds, lum­ several very severe storms which were chine bolds forth. It is obliged to seek coast. But very few have arrived in unusually destructive to fruit trees. Mrs. Ttos. Booth of Grants Pas- is ber will increase in value until slump­ vindication upon its past record. Its Southern Oregon, although quite a Jackaanville, Oreg**. past politics. It is rigidly held by cir­ visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Wilson of age will probably reach the bifch The present crop Is absolutely ruined, cumstances to the defense of Its ca­ number are expected to come later. 'Will practice in *11 courts of tbe Slate. Of figures of $10 to $15 per thousand feet while the injury done to the trees Is Jacksonville. such that It will be a number of years Oce In the Court House last door on tbe H.Snook of Albany, who built school­ reer, its purposes, its attainments. now demanded in the waning foiests rirbt from entrance before they will again produce a nor­ Dr. C. R. Ray was in Portland re­ Change of attitude is utterly denied it houses at Ashland before, and also at of Minnesota and Wisconsin. mal output. A6 a result of these ren ­ cently on business connected with his Its forced position, from which the Jacksonville and Grants Pass.has been Within the past five years large ditions American fruit has been sell­ A. C HOUGH, times admit of no escape’ Is expressed awarded the contract for erecting the electrical plant. fortunes have been made in Oregon ing like the proverbial hot cakes. The ATTORNEY - AT - LA W In the unfortunate phrase “stand pat," high school building of Ashland, to be S. C. Minnick, who is now a promi­ timber lands as a result of the rapid price paid at the auction sales in Lon­ signifying extreme negation, excluding ... Vregaa. nent citizen of Central Point, was advance in values. From the price at don Is from 25 to 30 per cent higher draat's Pass. the idea of determination to act to Im­ completed Oct. 15th. His bid was $24,- among us recently. Office over Halr-K.ddle Hardware Store than usually obtains, and the demand 350. $5 an acre .at which timber land went prove, to move at all; denying inten­ is still insatiated. Considerable Cali ­ W. H. Sherid of Antioch precinct tion and suggesting impotence of will. The Iowa Box and Lumber Co. has begging in 1898, tea ttmis the figures “Stand pat” is the position of a dire much of its machinery in operation and spent a day in Jacksonville and Med­ 19 not an unusual price now. The fornia fruit has been received, chiefly pears and plums. New York Bartlett extreme, a*party forced against a wall. will soon be running on full time. Tbe ford during the week. H. D. NORTON, woods of Oregon have nearly all bren ¡»ears are also on the market and get­ Can there be conservatism In such an welcome sound of its whistle is heard Miss Leila Prim has been the guest bought up by Eastern timber men, ting a good price. There Is said to be TTOK NEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ultra attitude? of her aunt, Mrs. F. .Luy, returning to while millions of idle capital bare a splendid opportunity for the sale of Great** Pass, Oregea. The country is thoroughly tired of three times a day already. The factory is now filling a big order for fruit box ­ Jacksonville Thursday. been lying in Portland banks, the de­ our apples, the crop of which Is quite “stand pat” which denies not only the Thos. E. Nichols of Eagle Point pre­ positors not knowing what to do with abundant In most of the apple grow­ possibility of remedy, but the existence es from the south. ■Office above S P D. 4 L. Co ’« Store. A very small propor­ ing states.—American Gardening. of essential wrongs. Democracy will Oregon Chapter No. 4, R. A. M., of cinct, tbe well-known stockman was a their money move along a middle course carefully, Jacksonville, held its annual banquet Medford visitor not long since. tion of Oregon people ever thought it guarding against unnecessary damage, Thursday evening, which was an elab­ worth while to use their rights in tak­ Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb arrived seeking gradually to effect desirable orate one. Quite a number of mem­ from Goldendale, Wash., Wednes­ ing up timber land, and now, when One of the most remarkable case« of a changes.—St. Louis Republic. they begin to realize the chances they cold, deep-seated on the lungs, caus­ bers of the order-from different parts day, for a short visit in Medford. ing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Ger­ have missed, they find that the Gov­ trude E. Fenner, Marion, Ind., who of the valley were in attendance and Jos. Hendricks of Klamath county Keep« Importer« Gaeaainp. ernment has little or nothing further was entirely cured by the use of One “How old is Ann?” Is easy when com­ thoroughly enjoyed themselves. was in Medford a short time ago, ac­ Minute Cough Cure. ’ She says: “The pared with that crazy quilt patchwork Train service south of Ashland has companied by a brother,who lives east to bestow on its citizens. With the coughing and straining so weakened exception of a second quality of pine puzzle, the Dingley bill, whose different been irregular during the past week, of the Rocky Mountains. They have me that I ran down in weight from in the mountains of Southeastern 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of patches, or rates of duty, were designed occasioned by a succession of slides at been visiting relatives. Oregon, all the timber land in tbe remedies to no avail until I used One by a thousand different manufacturers Wall Creek, a small stream some miles Mr. and Mrs.Horace Pelton of Sam’s state has found its way into the hands Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of and were simply pieced together by south of Ashland, which place has Valley attended the Masonic love feast of people who know how to appreciate this wonderful remedy cured me en Congressman Dlngley. Dingley, how­ tirely of the cough, strengthened my ever, still further raised the rates so as always given tbe railroad company at Jacksonville Thursday evening. its value. These people had seen the lungsand restored me to my normal considerable trouble. to have a “trading margin” that would I. W. Thomas and E. Richter were timber lands of Wisconsin, Michigan weight,health and strength.” Said by Abstract* made to Title* of leave the trusts plenty of protection John Mast has concluded that Jack- among tbe many who are wandering to and MioDesota rise in value front all Druggists. Laod*. after we had swapped tariffs with nu­ son county is good enough for him. J acksonvilte at this time of the year. $1.25 an acre to $1500 within a genera­ LEGAL DOCUMENTS. merous foreign countries, according to and last week purchased A. H. Fish­ all Kind drawn up especiallvpertalnlnr to WHITE S Walter Applegate, tbe accommodat­ tion, and they knew history would re­ the original reciprocity plan’ The man­ er’s place, located near Phoenix. There the settlement of estates. ufacturers, after making the rates as are about 40 acres of splendid land, and ing county «border, has been visiting peat itself in Oregon. A few years ago timber experts high as they dan-d, had inserted blind relatives and friends living at Ashland. accounts Solicited, Prompt Remittance. paragraphs, “basket” clauses, etc., to he paid $450o therefor. Mr. Fisher thought the supply of pine in Kansas MONEY LOANED. Miss Verna Long of Humboldt coun ­ fool the uninitiated and to fore»- tbe expects to leave us soon, we are sorry would last for fifty years at least Invstment securities a specialty. Jackson ty, Calif., is in Medford, the guest of THE 6UÂRÀMTEEB bounty Scrip bought and sold. rates on many articles much higher say. Only recenty it has been discovered have a complete set ot maps of all surveyed Mrs. Chas. Nickell. She has been than congress intended. The residence of M. Dimmer, who .ands in this county, and receive Abstracts that it will be exhausted within five monthly from Roseburg Land Office, the Land In this way, by compelling new and lives a few miles south of Jacksonville, visiting at Rossland and Nelson, B. C. years at the present rate of denuda-, department et the O. A C. R. R. and the Slate unexpected classifications, the rates on was on Feb. 29th a scene of a jolly J. Thorndike has been at tbe Ster­ tion of the forests. And with the ex-1 Laod Department at Salem of all new entries scores of articles have been forced up. made I am thus prepared to make out home­ ling mine for some time, moving the stead papers and take proofs thereon. Also I Hundreds of Importers are kept guess gathering of his friends,among whom buildings which have been standing on tiausting of the timber supply of tbe take Blings snd proofs ot timber lands, and were P. Ensele and Paul Da mmer. It South will come the higher prices tor ing by this Dlngley puzzle. can save to parties the expense or a trip the bank of that property. His son, Oregon timber. In ten years more I to tbe Roseburg land office was the anniversary of his birth, and The pearl Importers have recently John, is still there. as it comes but once in four years it THE CHILDREN ’ S FAVORITE TONIC. had the rate of duty forced up from 20 l have • Number of FlneFarro* and ether the owner of 320 acres of timber land Desirable Property la my beads ter L. F> Lozier, who went to Wisconsin in this state will be considered: to 60 per cent, and this, too, after the was celebrated with due recognition of BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Sale. THE GKNUINK FRKFASCD OHUV ST goods had been Imported at the lower that fact. several months ago, and has traveled wealthy. For the past five years the •W Prom nt reply made to all let tera. Charg­ rate and sold on that basis. The United considerable in other states, returned American citizen could have obtained Ballard-Snow Liniment Co. es in scoordance with 'he times Kearnes Chapter, O. E. S n held an LOUIS. MO AT. States circuit court decided on Jan. 19 Refers, by permission. Hon. H. K. Hanna, Wednesday. He found the prune title to 320 acres of timber in Oregon judge of the 1st Judcial District, and to any that pearls imported in i ^ sjx and ar­ interesting meeting Wednesday even­ market overstocked, and prices low. business bouse In Jacksonville. for a mere trifle. The Government ranged in graduating sizes should t>? ing. Among the visitors were Senator SILAS J. DAY Do You Enjoy Fred L. Champlin, a member of the offered to sell 160 acres to each citizen classified as Jewelry and pay a duty of and Mrs. E. V. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. What You Eat ? 60 per cent. Tbe same pearls on a pa- D. R. Mills, Mrs. G. C. Morris. Mrs. H firm putting in the big dredge in Foots for $400 cash, and by ccmmuting a You can eat whatever and whenever you per would have the same value, but A. Silsby, Mrs.E. Bristow, Mis. J. W. Creek, Is with us today. The ponder­ homestead 160 acres in ire could be ac­ would pay only 20 per cent duty, This Losher. The irregular train service ous machinery will soon be in operation quired at the end of lourteen months. like W you take KodoL By tho use of this remedy disordered digestion and diseased difference cost one Importing flrm $50.- and the best of results are expected The days of cheap timber are now stomachs are so completely restored to that day prevented others from being 000 In one year. past io Oregon, aid the fewOrego-j health, and the full performance of their in atteD dance, Splendid refreshment from it. i 11Y2. i l 11 ; t nians wi o took advantage of the Gov-; functions naturally, that such foods as would were served at tbe conclusion of the C. C. Hogue, former grand master tie one Into a double-bow-knot are eaten The Curae of Poverty. ernment ’ s liberality can now congrat- ■ session. of the A. O. U. W., met with Medford’s without even a “rumbling” aad with a posi­ In the court that dismissed Senator E. Ehwegen, manager of the Wein- lodge a few nights since and made ulate themselves on their foresight.; tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what is Dietrich on a technicality a young man more—these foods are assimilated and who broke into a postoffice and stole 30 hard Brewing Co. ’s business in Southern some interesting and instructive re- transformed Into the kind of nutriment that Taking No Chances. We promptly obtain U. 8. and Forehm pennies and $9 worth of stamps was Oregon, will soon resume boring oper­ marks. He is doing much good for Is appropriated by tho blood and tissues. paconu&i’-l Trade M ark*orreturn eaUro sentenced to three years in the federal ations in the big well on their prop­ the order he represents. attorney • fee. Special price by oommun- Kodol Is the only digestant or combination icatinir with the publMter ot thia paper penitentiary, while an employee in the erty in Medford, which is already ‘ I saw a fine pair of ear muffers | of digestants that will digest all classes of Free search and report on patentability. Harry Van Tassel arrived from Ab Omaha postoffice who stole $2,029 waA several hundred feet deep. He be­ about the house the oth< r day and j food. In addition to this fact. It oontalna. In SWIFT & CO.,P^trryen, erdeen. Wash., one day last week, to let off with a fine of $2,000, or $29 les.- Opp. U.S. Patent OMce. Washington, D. C. will hunt them up so you can wear, assimilative form, the greatest known tonio lieves that artesian water can be struck join bis wife, who has been spending and reconstructive properties. than the amount of his stealings. And them during the next cold snap,” re. Kodol cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all yet there are those who complain be­ by going down a few hundred feet the winter with her parents, Mr. and marked a Lying wife, who believed disorders arising therefrom. cause there is an apparent growth of more. In that event Medford will have Mrs. Mart Hurst of Medford. They that her husband was free from bad Kodol Digests What You Eat popular distrust of the courts.—Com an opportunity of obtaining puredrink­ may locate in our city. habits. Makes the Stomach Sweet. moner. ing water, and at a reasonable cost. ‘‘Don’t exert yourself, my dear, I Bottles only. Reculer Aie. 31.00. boldine 2N E. E. Bagley, president of the Bag- beg of you, for I would not wear them the Mel aUe, which tells for 50 An unprecedented wind storm, ac­ ley Imp. Co., which is operating in by I. O. DeWITT A OO., Not a Bed of Roue», even if you found them. 1 wore them companied by rain, visited Southern W’oodvillo precinct, passed through once and paid the penalty fur the With the cost of living advanced to Oregon Wednesday night, which re- the valley Wednesday, en route to folly.’ about the highest point, with the trusts tn the saddle, with a Republican con­ ports indicate was general along the Southern California, to recuperate ““What jtenalty did you pay?” in­ gress refusing to hike any step towarC coast as far south as San Francisco' from the injuries he sustained not long quired the wife. “A friend asked me to take a drink reform, the lot of the ordinary citbcen The bay city was reported Thursday since. and I could not hear him. Is not a bed of roses. morning to be entirely cut off from telegraphic or telephonic communica­ Dressing by Lottery Kiss All the Servants tion with the north and east. The high winds coming after the phonome­ The girls employed In thé potteries It is a great relief when New Year al rain storms have played havoc are gold looking and well-dressed. Is over io Russia,says a St.Petersburg with wires and poles. In this section They have taste, which is cultivated letter. Itseemi a time of expense only minor damages are reported. by the art work of the factories. and fatigue, and is hated by all ex­ Applications under the ttmber and cept servants and children. The ser­ stone act and homestead laws received, Many of them are more stylish, per­ vants there make prodigious sums at final proofs taken, and all business haps, than their position seems to this period of the year, and every connected with U. S. government warrant, but this is easily explained. lands promptly and accurately attend­ They buy their clothes by a system visitor at house, club, restaurant, etc., ed to oy Chas. Nickell, U. S. Commis­ is supposed to give, and give largely sioner for the District of Oregon, known as “Maxims.” This means a or te set down as a brute. O ffice with the S outhern O rego - that 12 girls subscribe 25 cents week. The money i9 held by a fore- People having houses are expected N IAN, Mcdford. Phone 211. woman, and when there is sufficient to give their servants a present of a The boy who drops out of school cash to buy a hat or dress the girls GREATEST STRENGTH month’s wages and heavily fea their early In the race, smokes cigarettes, draw lots and the winner has the new finest flavor and dress, while the other subscribers porters and dvorniks. But perhaps loafs around tho streets and runs with absolut £ purity have to wait their turn. Then, in all tbe most terrible ordeal of all is the tho toughs is ready to eLter life’s con­ the glory of ribbons and finery, the G uaranteed custom which makes it a sine qua test away in tho rear. He has cut lucky pot-girl of London appears on non for a master to kiss all his ser­ down bis earning capacity to a low Sunday. vants on New Year’s day. And Rus­ sian servants are mostly apt to smell state. He will be very badly handi­ Best Remedy for Constipation. of stale spirits old leather and vari­ capped, and the chances are he will be “The finest remedy for constipation ous other disagreeable things which beaten In the race of business and of 1 ever used Is Chamberlain’s Stomach it is needless to me lion. wage earning, and when he becomes and Liver Tablets,” savs Mr. Eli But­ For Infants and Children. middle aged be will doubtless be’ong to ler, of Frankville, N. Y. ”1 bey act those who say there is no chance here gently and without any unpleasant m.liunup Aq píos -sun» ui for a poor man any more, the rich are effect, and le ve the bowels In a per­ jsn wnww.L MnjXfl q»tTU> > WH Bears the fectly natural condition.” Sold by are becoming richer and tho poor poor­ All Druggists. Signature er. / ¿Ji "TV ■I Timber Getting Scarce Notary Public Real Estate Agent and II. S. Commissioner for Jackson County. ’ Cream Vermifuge WORM REMfDY CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought