The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, March 16, 1904, Image 1

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“Blind Pigs” Raided.
The Tidings says that a storm
which has been gathering over the
heads of the alleged violators of Ash­
Saved from Fatal Rcniilta of Second Ka land’s prohibition ordinances during
counter with Grip by l>r. William»*
the past two mont'is broke suddenly
Pink Pills.
last Kriday afternoon, and there was
Not content with smiting down it« a mild sensation in town when Chief
Victim once, the grip often repeats tht of Police Good arrested and brought
attack, and enlists in its service so many
before Recorder Rerry the following
fees to health that it seems bent on mur­
J. R. Murray, Thos. Roberts,
der from the first. Discouragement set*
and the members of
in and there is danger of his succumbing
through sheer hojielessness of over get­ the firms of Noilop & Norris and
ting to the eud of what am known at Selsby <!t Snyder. Recorder Berry
tlie after-effects. It is just here that Dr. fixed their bonds at 9100 in each in­
Williams' Piuk Pills have proved such stance, which were furnished, and
a help to thousands of dispirited people the hearing of Selsby & Snyder, of
“I suffered from two attacks of th«
the Ashland House, was set for March
grip,” says Mrs. Mary M. Etz, of No. 30S
West Clinton street, Elmira, N.Y., “and 12th.
The complaints charging defendants
the second attack was followed by terri
ble after-effects. I suffered for nearly a with the Illegal sale of liquor were
year and during a great part of that time sworn to by Chief of Police Good,
my symptoms were ooustautly inotvaa upon information furnished by T. K.
ing in severity, although I was uudui Roberts, who is well known in differ­
the care of a doctor and a nurse.
ent parts of the county, but who now
“ There was an incessant ringing
lives near Woodville. W. E. Phipps,
noise in my ears which was distracting
to an extent that I cannot describe. 1 city attorney, appealed for the prose-
had very weak heart action and I be­ cui ion.
A jury trial was demanded Uy the
lieve that my kidneys became affected.
There were terrible ¡tains in my back defendants, who «ere represented by
and limits and my feet and ankles were E. D. Briggs, and six of the best men
swollen. I had night sweats and some­ in Ashland sat as jurors In the case,
times a qpld numbness Would come ovei bringing In a verdict of guilty.
vny limbs.
Whether the other defendants will
“ My trouble was complicated with
trial or will plead guilty is not
sciatic rheumatism and at times I could
not raise my foot two inches from the known. This proceeding will prob­
floor. The rheumatism grew gradually ably dheourage any further illicit
worse as my system was weakened by dealings in liquor in Ashland, at
the poison the grip had left in my body. least for the present.
About this time a friend of mine whe
lives in Cortland recommended that 1
try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale
People. I did so and had taken but one
box before I was relieved. In all, I took
six boxes and was cured. One remark­ Quite a number of Medford’s young
able thing I noticed alxiut the pills was folk went to Ashland Saturday, tl;e
tliat they begun to give me strength ut­ time set for the basket ball contests
most as soon as I began the treatment. previously announced. Ganiard's spa­
I shall be glad to have you publish my
statement and I hope the pills will be a> cious opera house was tilled with an
much of a blessing to others as they enthusiastic crowd, and the excellent
playing of all gave general satisfac­
were to me.”
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People tion.
are sold by all dealers or will be sent post­ The Medford H igb School Girls, who
paid on receipt of price, fifty eeiitsa box:
six boxes for two dollars and a half, by had twice beaten the Normal Girls,
the l>r. Williams Medicine Co., Sche­ went down to defeat in this, the last
nectady, N.Y.
game between the teams for the seas­
on, the final score being 8 tc 4 in favor
S enator H ansbrougb , chairman of the latter. The playing in the sec­
of the public lands committee,introduc­ ond half of the game was especially
ed a bill February 20th, amending the clever and fouling was less frequent
lieu land law In a way to rob it of its than in previous contests. The vis­
objectionable feature«. It provides itors exerted every energy to hold
that wherever lands covered by patents their laurels, but played in bad luck.
or unperfected claims are Included in a
The contest between the Normal
forest reserve, hereafter created, the boys and a Medford team was also an
owner of such lands may, upon relin­ Interesting and close one, the score
quishing title to the Government, have when time was called i i the second
his lands and Improvements appraised half being 11 to 10 in favor of the vis­
and be paid by the Secretary of the itors. The Normal boys led until the
Interior the full appraised value of the last moment, when their opponents
same; but he shall not have the right basketed a ball from the field and
to select other land in lieu of that re­ changed the tally In their favor.
linquished. A second section provides
that “no forest reservation shall here­
after be created covering any lands
within the limits of any railroad
grant.” The last section provides that
The following is a list of jurors
persons owning lands within existing
reserves may surrender their holdings drawn to serve at the regular Mirch
and select in lieu thereof tracts of equal term of the Circuit Court for Jackson
area, but of approximately the same County:
Union—Miles Cantrail, Robert J.
value as the tract surrendered.
Gold Hill-E. C. Wells, Joseph 11.
W.llow Springs—Fred Straube, W.
K. Price.
Eagle Point—John Daley, G. F.
Lewis, T. C. Dugan.
In what it is and what it does—con­ Central Point—H. Corum, W. Freil,
taining the best blood-purifying, M. S. Welch.
Phoetsix— Elmer Coleman, Arthur
alterative and tonic substances and Fuiry, Dan Anderton.
effecting the most radical and per­ Jacksonville—M. M. Taylur, Chris
manent cures of all humors and all Ulrich, Geo. N. Lewis.
eruptions, relieving weak, tired, Medford—J. H. Butler, A. M.
languid feelings, and building up Helms, E. E. Gore, Thos. Collins, G.
the whole system—is true only of L. Schermerhorn.
■Ashland—F. M. Drake, E. C. Sher­
man, E. P. Hughes, C. R. Minkler,
No other medicine acts like it; John R. Norris, Gio. R. Hargadine.
Mound—Wm. J. Gregory, A. W.
no other medicine has done so
much real, substantial good, no Beebe.
Basket Ball at Ashland.
Jury List for March.
To Itself
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
other medicine has restored health
and strength at so little cost.
“1 was troubled with scrofula and came
soar lotting my eye.ight For four month« 1
could not aee to do anything. After taking
two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla I eould see
to walk, and when I had taken eight bottles 1
eould nee as well as over.” Svsu A. H aib »
ton . Withers. N. C.
Mood’s Sarsaparilla promise« to
cure and keep« the promise.
I f you want alive city push the
hustler. Few towns are without men
who have more push and energy than
means to carry out their plans. Per­
haps the bustler may occasionally
make a mistake, possibly he may over­
reach in hie efforts to build up the
town; but keep him going, help him
push. He may become weary and
should be encouraged. Don’t get jeal­
ous of him and throw cold water on
bls efforts. It is more difficult to build
than to tear down; that is why so
many are engaged in destroying what
the few are creating. Half a dozen ac­
tive men in town are worth more to it
than a hundred passive men. It takes
more enterprise than money to build
up a town. Get behind the hustler and
keep pushing; don't pullback. If you
can't push, crawl out of sight and sit
down. If you can't say agood word,
s#y nothing.
This is Tax=Paying Time.
Sheriff Rader and bis deputies
have been unusually busy during the
past week, many taxpayers availing
themselves of rhe opport polity to get
the three per ceut rebate for piompt
payment. Considerably over half of
the total amount on the tax roll has
;ilready been paid. This privilege
expired on the 15th.
Taxes will be delinquent after the
first Monday In April, when a penalty
of 10 per ceut and interest at the rate
of 12 per cent a year will be charged.
A number of people are chagrined
to find their taxes higher than usual.
This should not be surprising,as state
and the county school taxes are nearly
double what they were last year,
thanks to the last Legislature, which
made a number of extravagant appro­
priations. As a matter of fact, the
tax for county purposes is two mills
less than it was the year before, so
that those administering county af­
fairs cannot be charged with this in­
crease of taxes.
------- -------------- *■-------------- —*
A Sad Case.
Grandma Lewis, widow of John
Lewis, who died at Eagle Point
about ten days ago, has been com­
mitted to the insane a.-ylum. She is
about 87 years of age and one of the
pioneers of Oregon. Dr. Officer, who
conducted the examination, gives no
hopes of her ultimate recovery. Mrs.
Lewis is violent at times and must
be carefully guarded. She was taken
to Salem Tuesday by W. E. Finney of
Jacksonville. Her sad late causts
much sorrow amoog a number of rela­
tives and many irlends.
IM Kind You Haw Always Botigli
Moore, two popular representatives of
the dramatic profession. The enter­
tainment promises to be much of a
A ball will be given at Ashland on
the evening of St. Patrick’s Day.
Mrs. Ida May Ferree, the keeper of
Miss Ida Stewart, of Ashland, is
a boarding house in Portland, was
teaching the Table Rock school.
The weather is beautiful once more, granted a divorce from Sylvester Fer­
ree, a locomotive engineer, because of
and Spring seems to be hero at last.
cruel treatment. They were married
Geo. Lyman and Mr. Smith, who
at Grants Pass in 1892. Mrs. Ferree
live not far from Gold Hill, did busi­
testified that her husband threatened
ness in Medford Monday.
her life with a revolver, and she was
Ernest Nute and Guy Moore haye afraid he would carry his threat into
been pruning the Karewski orchard, execution. Ferree did not appear in
which adjoins Jacksonville.
court to make any defense. He says
Rev. F. G. Strange will hold services that his ex-wife is entirely too gay and
at the Presbyterian church In Phoenix oxtravagant to suit his ideas.
Sunday morning and evening.
William Edgar Graham, who man­
Thursday is the anniversary of St.
aged amateur dramatic performances
Patrick's day, and the shamrock will
at Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass,
be much In evidence everywhere then.
last fall, has an excellent company or
Ashland will vote Thursday on a bis own, which started on the road
proposition to authorize the issuance from Sacramento a short time since
•20,000 bonds for a sewerage system.
and is meeting with considerable suc­
Circuit court will meet in regular cess. Alfred Aldridge and Corinne
session on Monday, March 28lh. There Snell, both actors of acknowledged
are not many important cases on the ability, are the leading man and lady
of this aggregation of dramatic talent.
Messrs. James and Jo <nson, who are They will appear in Jacksonville
experienced miners, have gone to Ster­ Thursday, Friday and Saturday even­
ling and Applegate districts on a pros­ ings, presenting three standard playa.
pecting tour.
For Qood Reasons.
Orchardists are pruning and getting
ready for next season's operations.
Tl at the Rio Grande is the most
The prospects for a bountiful fruit popular oi.e between the Pae i tie Coast
crop are excellent.
and the East is evidenced by the fact
Quite a number of those who left that the greater per cent of trans­
continental travelersuse it.
their homes east of the Rocky Moun­
F irst , the'*scenic attractions in
tains in search of homes have reached view from trains are unequaled in
the world.
Southern Oregon.
S econd , the daily personally con­
The case of Nancy Carter vs. M. S. ducted tourist car excursions being
Wakeman, involving a water right in especially adapted for ladies traveling
Pleasant Creek district, will be appeal­ alone or with children, affords a
comfortable inode of travel at rates
ed to the supreme court.
wrt bin reach of all
Homer Davenport, the noted car­
T hird , it, is the only route between
toonist, will lecture at Ashland April the East and West passing directly
4th, under the auspices of the S. O. through Salt Lake City or modern
Chautauqua Association.
F ourth , the choice of two distinct
Mrs. Lillie Smythe, wife of Joe. routes through the heait of the
Smythe of Grants Pass, died of fever Rocky Mountains.
F ifth , three fast through trains
Saturday night, in her 24lh year. The
daily between Ogden and Denver
couple had been married only six weeks. equipped with eveiy modern conveni­
Chas. W. Parker, the miner, who ence.
There are* many other reasons why
was so seriously injured in an explosion
tins route is the most couifortabie
in a Wagner Creek mine, not long and enjoyat le in the whole country.
since, died at his home in Ashland
You can learn a great deal on the
subject of through travel, and receive
Monday evening.
some very beautiful and Interesting
Mrs. Otis Krause, of Klamath Falls, booklets, by calling on or writing to
who was dangerously ill for a time, is the undersigned. W. C. McBride
in a fair way to recover.
Her life Gen’l Agent or M. J. Roche, Travel­
was despaired of for a time. Drs. Har- ing Passenger Agent,124 Third Street,
Portland, Ore.
gus and Maston are in attendance.
The Medford Furniture Company
has filed articles of incorporation with
the Secretary of State, the incorpora-
Most people realize that in the most
o rs being F.W. Hollis, D. R. Busey and practical of all ways, by the drain up­
J.H. Butler and tfie authorized capital on their picket books, that the ac­
stock 115,000.
tual expeose of living are higher now
L C. Johnston and Miss Minnie M. ttan for many years past; but In
Barr, a daughter of Thos. M. Barr, most instances this increase has co- e
who lives near Phoenix, were married about so gradual that few people
yesterday. They will reside in Yreka, realize just what it amounts to. A
Calif., where the groom follows his table prepared by so competent an
trade of carpenter.
authority as Dun & Co. has recently
W. F. Ash pole, of Eagle Point, who betn published by tl.e treasury de­
has been wintering his band of cattle partment at Washington, which af­
at John Louden's ranch in Watkins fords some interesting reading, even
precinct, on Monday drove them to the if figures are something the ordinary
Butte creek range, where the grass is person shrinks from. .This table
gives the cost per capita year by year
getting good.
The Jackson County Lumber Co., since 1860 of the necessaries of life.
which operated on the Blecher place, The items of li ,u«e rent, doctor bills,
located a few miles south of Jackson­ furniture and many other de irable,
ville, in 1903, will be at the old stand if not absolutely necessary, thiDgs are
this year. They will turn out a large left out. Commencing in July, 1897,
the end of the panic perkd, the table
quantity of superior lumber again.
shows a cost per capita of 962.45 for
A company, of which F. L. Nelson one year for clothing and staple foods.
and Fred M. Carter, late of the Electric From this time until March, 1903,
Light Company, will be in control, has the figures show a steady increase in
perfected all arrangements for es­ the cost of living, atd on the latter
tablishing an iee plant and cold-storage date they reached the sum of 9101.0"
warehouse in Ashland and expects to per capita for one year, or an increase
have it in operation wltbing six weeks. of 39 5 in less than six years.
TbJ principal cause for this
N. S. Bennett has returned from
Klamath county, where he went to inarktd. Increase In the cist of
take views of winter scenery at Crater living, is that a combination of mid­
Lake and its vicinity. Owing to the dlemen, the jobber and the retailer,
inclement weather which prevailed con­ as well as the manufacturer and pro­
tinuously he considered it inadvisable ducer, has placed every staple article
to attempt to use bis camera there. practically out of competition and
Mr. B. says that snow is plentiful east subject lo regulation by common con­
of the mountains and there is more or sent. Man is naturally avaricious,
leas loss among stock nearly every­ and it is not surprising- that the cost
of ti e necessities of life should ieach
Frank Bellinger has been awarded the limit. With competition good
the contract for carrying the U. S. service as well as good qualify ar.d
mads between Medford and Jackson­ fair prices wire assuied.
With the outlook very favorable
ville a day, leaving the first-
named place not later than 6:30 o’clock for a reduction in wages all over the
a. m. His bid was 1358.76. This gives country, this question of high cost of
the county-s at an extra mall. The living is one that is bound to make
Rogue River Valley Railway was the itself felt. The experience of the
next lowest bidder, offering to do the past shows that when a season ol
prosperity is followed by one of hard
work for 91 a day, or 9365 a year.
Miss Case and Miss Silsby are now times, or even by normal times the
preparing a play and a cantata to bo wage earner is tie first to feel the
given by the Glee Club of the Normal diff<rence by the reduction of his
school, at Ashland, Saturday evening, wage«.. For a time at least his in­
March 26th.
The play is a one act come is reduced aud lie must still pay
drama entitled “My Lord In Livery,” Hie same pneec for the necessaries of
and the cast is made up from the boys life. Under these circumstances
of the Glee Club, “The Grasshopper” there is t ut one tiling for him to do,
is the title of the cantata to be render­ and that is to practice economy.
Tnis Is not pleasant to contemplate;
ed, says the Tidings.
but it is one of the penalties we pay
Clarence Raymond, the expert danc­
for a reason of remarkably good times.
ing master, will close his school In
Ti e American wc rkman easily adapts
Medford Wednesday evening, after a
iiimself io conditions.
successful season.
He will go to
Grants Pass,where he has been assured
of even a better patronage. His classes
indulged in dancing parlies at both
Angle’s opera house and the K. of P.
hall, Friday night, which were both
well attended and passed off nicely.
T. L. Reynolds, son of I. Reynolds,
who has been a resident of Jackson
county for many years, living two
miles north of Jacksonville with bis
aunt, Miss Almira Metcalf, died Sun­
day night. He contracted a severe
cold about two years ago, which de­
veloped lntocousumption. Lee was an
excellent young man, and there are
many who will learn of his death with
Ashland’s best local talent, under
the auspices of Burnside Post, G. A. R.,
and Woman’s Relief Corps, will pre­
sent the Northern Lights, a beautiful
military drama, Saturday night, under
the direction of Fred and Pearl Ethier
Compounded for Stomach, Liver and Kidney ills during
the past half century is the famous Hostetter’s Stomach
I itters. It has made a very successful record of cures
and one that is far In excess of any othor stomach remedy.
That proves th? wonderful value of
Stomach Bitters
in such cast's. No one need be weak or sickly If they
will only commence taking the Bitters. It will restore
strength to the weak system, purify the blood, promote
sound sleep and absolutely cure
Nausea, Sick Her dache, Heartburn, Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Crr mps,Liver Coni plaints, Insom­
nia and Malaria, Fever and Ague.
Try It «nd he convinced. The genuine must have our
Private Stamp over the neck of the bottle.
Hon. R. P. Neil of Ashland was a re­
cent visitor.
A Democratic County Convention for-
Fred Davison, the miner, was a Jack-
Jackson county, Oregon, is hereby
visitor Tuesday.
called to meet at Wilson’s Opera
of Ashland has been
House in Medford, Jackson county,
Oregon, on Saturday, April 16th, 1904, among us several times lately.
at 11 o’clock a. m. of Baid day, to select
M. Purdin was in Jacksonville Tues­
delegates to the Democratic State day, on professional business.
Convention, to be held at Portland,
Mrs. C. R. Ray made friends living
Oregon, April 19th, 1904, and to in Jacksonville a visit Saturday.
nominate candidates for the leg­
A. W. aud H. C. Shearer were in
islative and county offices to be voted
Medford the forepart of the week.
for at the ensuing June.election. Pri­
J. E. Enyart and H. Withlngton
maries to select delegates to said Coun­
Sunday visitors in Jacksonville.
ty Convention will be held in each pre­
C.C.Pureel of Watkins precinct
cinct (as the same were existing at the
time of holding the last general June was among those in Medford Monday.
election, at lhe regular polling places
A. J. Olsen of Meadows precinct was
In said precincts) on Saturday, April in our city Monday, on a tax-paying
9th, 1904, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. trip. .
All voters who affiliate with the Demo­
Mrs. Ralph Jennings of Slerlingvllle
cratic party are requested to attend has been visiting relatives living in
and to participate iu said primaries. Medford.
The delegates to the said Convention
J. N. Buell and W. G. Allen of Eu­
will be apportioned as follows: One
gene have been doing business with our
delegate for each 25 votes cast for
George E. Chamberlain at the June
Miss Currin left Sunday for Talent,
election in 1902, and ono delegate for
each major fraction of 25 votes so east; where she will teach school during the
each precinct, however, shall be enti­ ensuing term.
tled to at least 1 delegate. The pre­
Geo. F. Barron, a leading stock raiser
cincts as named in this apportionment of the upper valley, was a Medford
are supposed to conform to the bound­ visitor Saturday.
aries of said precincts as they existed
Mrs. Langley has returned lo Med­
at the general election held in Juno, ford and will let her residence to those
1902 Delegates bolding proxies to the wishing good rooms.
County Convention must be residents
Rev. H. C. Brown has gone to
of the precincts to which said proxies Myrtle Creek to assist in the revival
The precincts under the said a i) por- services going on there.
tionment will be entitled to représenta-
N. Hosmer, one of Foots Creek’s
tion in the said convention m follows:
prominent citizens, was in Jacksonville
Dele­ and Medford last week.
W. M. Holmes, J. E. Boswell and
East Ashland .........
Wm. Witte of Central Point were
West Ashland .........
Medford visitors Monday.
South Ashland.........
H. D. Norton, a leading lawyer of
Barron .....................
Big Butte.................
Grants Pass, was in Jacksonville Mon­
Central Point.........
day on professional business.
Mesdatues Leever, Freeman and
Eagle Point..............
Morris of Central Point passed a few
Foots Creek..........
hours in Medford Monday.
Flounce Rock.........
Dr. R. G. Gale went north Sunday
Gold Hill...................
evening. We are sorry to learn that
Lake Creek............
he will leave Jacksonville.
Hon. J O. Booth judge of Josephine
East Medford .........
West Medford........
county, passed through our city a few
days ago, en route to Ashland.
Phoenix ....
M. F. Hanley, Frank Davis and Mr.
Pleasant Creek........
Pooh Bah.................
Frideger were in Jacksonville Monday,
Rock Point............
interviewing the tax collector.
W. J. Scott, a prominent citizen of
Sam's Valley.............
Antioch precinct, did business in Med-
Table Rock ...........
Jord and Jacksonville Monday.
Jas. Helms, of Talent, the well known
Trail .........................
pioneer, was one of our visitors yes­
Watkins ..................
W illow Springs ....
John McNabb and F. M. Amy of
7-, 1
Central Poli*««e+e in Medford Mon­
----- / *■« —
Total number of delegatee .. ....6"
day, en route to the county -'»eat
By order of the Democratic County
Dr. Liiwu, the oculo-opticlan, after a
Central Committee.
successful professional visit in Medford,
W m . M. H olmes , Chairman.
went to Ashland Saturday night.
C. L. R eames , Acting Sec’y.
Hon. J. H. Stewart, W. J. Drumhill
and John W. Cox were among these
A First-Class Company is who interviewed the tax collector Mon­
C. L. Rearnes, the attorney, who,
Wm Edgar Graham presents the with his wife, has been visiting in
Aldridge Dramatic Co. in Jackson Berkeley, Calif., returned Sunday even­
ville for three nights, beginning ing.
Rev. E. L Fitch, presiding elder of
Thursday, March 17th. It is headed
by Mr. Alfred Aldridge and Miss the M. E. Church, South, for this.dis--
Corrine Snell, opening in the great trlct, spent Saturday and Sunday in
society drama entitled “Capital and Ashland:
Labor” or “The Lest Paradise.” It
Gus Newbury was In Ashland Mon­
is one of the best plays written in day, looking after his fences. He is a
the last fiftein years, dealing with candidate for the Republican nomina­
the labor problem. The piece is well tion for prosecuting attorney.
staged and elegantly costumed. The
Frank Gorrell, a well-known citizen
company is an excellent one and of Oakland*, Douglas county. Is in this
worthy of a liberal patronage.
section, and will locate if he can find
Mr. Aldridge and MiseSoell, though land that suits him.
new to Oregon, are both will known
Bert Harris and W. F. Entrop went
and popular throughout California, north Monday evening. They will go
being accomplished players.
to Portland first, extending their trip
Mr. Graham, who is directing the to the state of Washington.
tour, is favorably known in Jackson
Mrs. Chas S. Moore, wife of the State
ville, for his work some months ago
with our local talent. We may Treasurer, paid a visit to her sister,
therefore be assured that anything Mrs. W. C. Hale of Grants Pass, while
on her return from San Francisco.
he blings us is the best.
C. W. Sherman of Portland, the
A special train will leave Medford
general agent of the Penn Mu­
for Jacksonville at 7:30 o’clock night­
Co., has been io the valley,
ly during this engagement.
Reserved seats are now on sale. looking after the Interests of that cor­
Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents.
Henry Knutzen, former superintend­
Independent Telephone Man. ent of streets of Grants Pass, on Mon
day visited his mother, who now lives
The B. R. Electric & Tel. Mfg. Co., with her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Shear­
of Kausas Cily, Mo., have opened a er of Medford.
branch office aud slock room in Port-
Chris. Keegan,who has been in Port­
1 nd, in charge of Mr. W. D. De Var­
ney, who is an expert telephone man. land for some time, receiving treat­
It will be to the interest of Independ­ ment for his eyes, returned Tuesday,
ent telephone companies contemplate accompanied by his sister, Miss Anna.
i ig building to communicate witli
him. Address B-R Electric & Tel. His condition is considerably improved.
Co., Portland, Oregon.
L R. Welch and bis family left Med­
ford Tuesday, and will hereafter be
To the Public.
residents of Baker City. During their
stay of over two years here they made
Notice is hereby given that my wife, many friends, all of whom regret their
Mrs. Ninna Rebkopf, having left my departure, although wishing them well
bed and board, I will Dot be respon­
sible for »Dy bills contracted by her wherever they may go.
from this date.
Hon. B L. Eddy of Tillamook coun­
H enry A. R f . hkopf .
ty, who was a prominent member of
Dated Applegate, March 2, 1904.
the last legislature, spent a few hours
in Medford Monday. He is at Ashland
now. Mr. Eddy is prominently men­
tioned in connection with the Republi­
can nomination for congressman, and
would make a good canvass and run.
The|Best Remedy
NO. 14
O. P. Mischler, who has been em­
ployed at the Rogue River Creamery
during the past nine months, intends
going into business on bis own account
elsewhere. He understands the busi­
ness of making uood butter thoroughly,
is energetic and reliable, and will
doubtless meet with success In his new
location. The departure of Mr. and
Mis. M. will be generally regretted.
Applications under the timber and
stone act and homestead laws received,
final proofs taken, and all busin< sa
connected with U. S. government
lands promptly and accurately attend­
ed to oy Chas. Nickell. U. S. Commis­
sioner for the District of Oregon.
Office with the SOUTBERN OREGO­
NIAN, Medford. Phone 211.
M. G. Powell of Ashland has been
visiting In Jacksonville.
Jas. Eaton is In Gall’s creek district,
engaged in mining.
W H. Lewi«, of Central Point pre­
cinct, was a recent visitor in Medford.
D. C. and John W. Herrin, also T.
K. Bolton, all of Ashland, were recent
L. B. Chase, the well-known miner,
has removed to Santa Cruz, Calif. Suc­
cess to him.
Jos. G. Martin, a prominent eltizen
of Antioch precinct, made us a call
Miss Ingram of Central Point has
been visiting her brother, Ernest In­
Absolutely Pare-
Mrs. M. Bellinger and Mrs. A. Slover THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE
visited friends living in Jacksonville
E. H. Helms went down the line this
afternoon. Said be was going to Russia Unprepared for War.
Grants Pass.
It is a mistake to suppose that Rus­
M. J. Donaldson-Selby of Sterllng-
really wanted war with Japan.
ville, the farmer-miner, was in our city
Czar was opposed to it. A
not long since.
L. B. Moulton of Glendale and E strong peace party in St. Petersburg,
Ellsworth, expert miners, were with us beaded by such prominent,far-sighted,
patriotic Russians as ex-minister of
a few days ago.
W. H Peninger, of Willow Springs Finance Witte and Prince Esper
precinct, was among those in our town Ukbtomsky, projector of the Eastern
Chinese Railway, founder of the
during the week.
Geo. Wait, the terrapin tamer and Russo-Chinese Bank, and author of
miner, was down from Squaw creek “Russia’s Mission in Asia,” has stood
out bravely against the jingoism
district a few days ago.
which has forced an unprepared na­
Rev. Sanford Snyder will hold ser­ tion into a mighty conflict—to ap­
vices at the M. E. church Sunday pease hind hunger. Russia wants an
morning and evening.
ice-free port on the Pacific; she wants
W. H. Miller has recovered from a an uninterrupted Pacific coast line;
severe attack of sore throat and is at­ she wants new trade; she wants—
tending to business again.
eventually, perhaps—China. But it
The smiling phiz of John Grieve, for­ is not likely that she really wants
mer county assessor, was seen on our these eu ugh to tight for them. The
best, ablest men of Russia know that
streets a few days ago.
T. D. Conklin, who was formerly a she is not prepared for war. The
resident of this county, is located at Alexieffs and the Pobiedonostseffs
have tiled to convince the Czar that
Vallejo, Calif., and doing well.
a foreign war would defer a political
E. L. Farra, of Central Point, one
of our most successful farmers, was in aud sicial crisis. The far-seeing
our midst Monday. Come again, Ed. counselors, and the rest of the world,
can see that war is likely to precipi­
B. R. Porter, of Table Rock, has tate such a crisis. With the. Finns
been doing business here lately. He smarting under recent outrages and
is one of our most enterprising citizens. taking no pains to conceal the fact
Mr. and Mrs Will. Young have re­ that they are planning a revolution;
turned from Fort Jones, Calif., whither the Poles only waiting the moment
they were called by the illness of Mrs to revenge themselves for centuries
Y.’s fatter.
of opp:ession; Siberia crying out for
Fied Furry, one of Phoenix precinct's autonomy; a revolt already broken
leading Democrats, was In Medford out in the Caucasus; the Jews spread­
Tuesday. So was S. F. Godfrey of ing an insurrectionary propaganda of
Antioch precinct.
undying hatred; the finances disorder­
A J. Klum, who lives in the Will­ ed; every university a center of revo­
amette valley, has been visiting Mrs. lution; millions of ignorant peasaots
Ella Cook and other relatives living facing almost constant famine, be­
in this section.
cause of the inadequacy of the em­
There will be no services at ths pire’s economic policy; with the Bal­
Catholic church in Jacksonville, as kans almost already aflame, and
Rev. J. D. Murphy will hold services scarcely a friend among the nations
of the world, what can Russia hope
at Ashland, Sunday.
C. J. McLoughlin, one of Applegate’s to gain by a mere war of conquest
best citizens, was in town Tuesday, ac­ against a united people with a supe­
companied by his son Frank. We are rior navy, financial stability, three
times as many children in the ele­
always glad to see them,
mentary schools, and the sympathy
Wm Dorn, E. C. Faucett and M. A. of the civilized world, which believes
Watkins, well-known citizens of Wat­ that the Land of the Rising Sun is
kins precinct, did business at the coun­ fighting to uphold territorial and
ty-seat during the week.
commercial integrities, not only for
A. B. Seal, the veteran commercial itself, but for the whole world.
traveler, who is well known in South­
ern Oregon, is traveling in California
for a San Francisco house.
The undersigned will pay a reward
C. A. Philbert, who has been a resi­
dent of this section for sometime, has of 95 for the return of his dog, which
wm lost in Medford Dec 23d.
He is
gone to Imperial, Calif. He carries the bright yellow in color, hM long hair and
best wishes of all with him.
a bobbed tail, with dewclaws on his
Wm. H. Gore has been in town sev. hind feet, and answers the name of
oral times lately. Many Republicans
F red S tvbgis , Forest Creek.
say that they would like to vote for
P. O. Address Jacksonville.
him for representative in June.
J. A. Armstrong, the well-known
brakeman of the S. P. Co., has re­
moved to Roseburg with his family.
He now runs south from that town.
John Walters was among us this
week. He is canvassing for a book
that should be in every household, and
The walking sick, what
Is meeting with considerable success.
Mrs. Horace Pelton and Mrs. Dr. a crowd of them there are:
Jamieson of Gold Hill were guests of Persons who are thin and
Mrs. T. J. Kenney the forepart of the
weak but not sick enough
Geo. F. Fendall of Ashland and his to go to bed.
son have been doing development work
“Chronic cases” that’s
in the mine owned by L. B. Chase and
ot hers and located a few miles west of what the doctors call them,
which in common English
W. H. Sherid of Antlcch precinct, means—long sickness.
who was operated upon by Dr. W. L.
To stop the continued
Cameron last week, for a serious com­
plaint, is able to be about again, we loss of flesh they need
are glad to said.
Scott’s Emulsion. For the
The placer mines of Harris, Norris
& Co., which are being operated by feeling of weakness they
Mr. Hawk, an experienced miner, are need Scott’s Emulsion. t
yielding nicely and promise to be a
It makes new flesh and
paying investment.
Thos. Scott, the genial foreman of the gives new life to the weak
Tolo railroad section, spent Sunday in system.
Medford. He is a strong admirer of
Billy Hearst, and hopes to see him
Scotts Emulsion gets
nominated for president.
thin and weak persons Out
W. A. Wade and Chas. Skeeters,
It makes new,
experienced miners from Josephine of the rut.
county, have gone to Foceet creek, to ; rich blood, strengthens the
enter the employ of the Vanoe Mining nerves and gives appetite
R. V. Beall, the well-known pioneer, for ordinary food.
wm one of our visitors Tuesday.
Scott’s Emulsion can be
is as frisky and strongly Democratic
taken as long as sickness
m ever, and is confident that Hearst
will head his ticket for- president this lasts and do good all the
S. B. Hamilton died at his home on
Applegate Tuesday, after a protracted
There’s new strength
illness, aged 65 years. He wm an old and flesh in every dose.
and highly respected citizen of Jack-
son county. A widow and several
We will be glad
grown children survive him. Requl-
to send you a few
escat in pace.
doses free.
S. L. Apple, ex-Probate Judge, Ot­
tawa Oo., Kansas, wjiles: “This is
to say that I have used Ballard’s
Horehound Syrup for years, and that
I do not hesitate to recommend it as
the best cough syrup I have ever us­
ed.” 26c, 50c and 91.00. Sold by Dr
J. Hinkle, Central Point, Ore.
Ba sure that this pictusa ia
lhe form of a label u oa the
arrapner of every bottle of
EtuiUaion you buy.
409 Pearl St.. N. Y.
Me. and i al drqgfMa.