The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, March 09, 1904, Image 1

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    Taxpaying is Lively
S. C. Swaggorty and his son were
Sheriff Rader lias had the tax roll
in his hands but a short time, but has recent visitors In Medford.
already collected about $40,000, exclu­
Sugar of all grades has advanced 10
Many a Life Spent in Sufferinif lieeaiiss
Troubles Were Allowed to Develop
At This Time.
Every mother of agrowing girl should
remember tluit there will ooiue a time
when her daughter will be a girl no
longer but will share with her the bless­
ings of womanhood. Unless nourish­
ment keeps pace with growth the founda­
tions of a life of suffering are laid at
that time. Mrs. John MacKinney, of
No. 478 Thirteenth street, Detroit,Mieh.,
writes a timely word. She says :
“ I did not get proper care at the first
critical time in my life and for seven­
teen years I suffered as a result. I had
dizzy spells, felt a constant fear that
something dreadful was alxmt to happen
and was afraid to go out alone. My
breathing was very short and I had pal­
pitation of the heart so badly that I
could not go up stairs nor walk even
moderately fast. I was so nervous that
I could not sit still. At different times
for years I was under the care of the
best physicians in Detroit nnd I tried n
numlter of advertised medicines. Noth­
ing helped me until, on the advice of a
neighbor, I tried Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
for Pale People. I felt relie vast before
the first box was finished and I kept on
taking them until I was cured.
“ Lsist winter my little girl had rheu­
matism and I gave her Dr. Williaius’Pink
Pills and she got well right away. My
niece was thought to be going into cou-
sumption and, upon my advice, she tried
the pills. They curv'd her cough and she
is now well and strong. My entire fam­
ily are enthusiastic pver Dr. Williams’
Pink Pills for Pale People and we can­
not say enough in their praise,”
These pills effect such cures be­
cause they go to the root of the disease.
Ollier remedies act on the symptoms—
these marvelous vegetable pills remove
the cause of the trouble. They have
proved themselves to be an unfailing
specific for all diseases arising from im­
pure blood and weakened nerves—two
fruitful causes of nearly all the
ills to which humankind is heir. Dr.
Williams’ l*ink Pills for Pale People are
sold in boxes at 50 cents a box, or six
boxes for *2.50, and may be had of all
druggists, or direct from I>r. Williams
Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y.
Á Serious Accident.
C. W. Parker, of Ashland, who in
company with h*ls brother-in-law, J.
Leslie Corbett, is developing a quartz
mine owned by them on Wagner
Creek, about ten miles west of Ash­
land, was the victim of a frightful ac­
cident from the explosion of giant
powder, Friday afternoon. Mr. Par­
ker at.d a companion, J. H. Gilder­
sleeve, had prepared three charges in
the tunnel, one of which went out.
Parker went back to relight it, when
it exploded. Besides Internal in
juries, the effect of which can not be suffered a compound
fracture of the right ft rearm, a frac­
ture of the knee, one eye is almost
destroyed and the other slightly in­
jured. Dr. H. M. Shaw, who is in at­
tendance, reports him to be in a seri­
ous condition.
Spring Humors
Come to most people and cause many
troubles,—pimples, boils and other
eruptions, besides loss of appetite,
that tired feeling, fits of biliousness,
indigestion and headache.
The sooner one gets rid of them the
better, and the way to get rid of them
and to build up the system that has
suffered from them is to take
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Forming in combination the Spring
Medicine par excellence, ct unequalled
strength in purifying the blood as
shown by unequalled, radical and per­
manent cures of
Scald Head
All Kinds of Humor
Blood Poisoning
sive of the railroad company’s portion,
which would almost double that
Next Tuesday will be the last day
on which the three per cent rebate
allowed under the law can be taken
advantage of, and a large number
of taxpayers more will yet report at
the tax collector's office before that
privilege expires. This isevidenceof
the fact that money is still plentiful
in Jackson county, notwithstanding
that the hay and grain crop was
short last season.
Taxes are somewhat higher than
they were last year, and those who are
not familiar witbthe reason of this are
inclined to criticise the County
Court, which is composed of Judge
Prim, Democrat, and Commissioners
Thos. Riley and J. Patterson, Repub­
licans. This is unjust. As a matter
of fact, they have managed affairs so
well that they were able to levy two
mills less for county purposes than
they did the year before, besides re­
ducing the county debt considerably.
The increase In the tax rata is en­
tirely due to the last Legislature,
which made a number of very large
appropriations and compelled a levy
for state taxes almost double that of
the year previous. Besides, it increas­
ed the amount to be raised for school
purposes. Taxes would have been
several mills lower this year if the
Legislature bad not met at all in 1903-
According to the “Republican”
Hervey Lindley, the president of the
Klamath Lake Railroad Company,
has agreed to extend hlaroad to Klam
ath Falls this year, it possible, but
by positive agreement to bo there
not later than January 1, 1906, if the
people if Klamath county will sign
a subsidy of »150,000, pajable one-
third when the first ten miles of the
road is completed, one-third mure
when the second Un miles is complet­
ed, and the balance when the road is
finished into the corporate limits of
the town of Klamath Falls. The
woik of raising the bonus has been
placed in the bands of J. G. Pierce,
and be has been granted fall author­
ity to act for the railroad company in
this matter. Further, Mr. Lindley
will put up bonds of the road with
the banks there as collateral security,
to guarantee the building of the en­
tire road to that place, within the
time above stated.
Almost Ready for Business.
Dr. C. R. Ray been granted au­
thority by tiie County Court to place
poles and fixtures for the transmis­
sion of electricity from bis dam at
Gold Ray to Ashland on the south and
the Josephine county boundary line
on the north. It will thus be seen
that he will soon be ready to supply
light and power to nearly all of the
towns in Jackson county.
Dr. Ray gives the Information that
the power bouse is about completed,
the flood gates have been put in, the
water wheels are in place and have
teen tested and found to run all right.
He states that the high water did
not damage bis works in the least.
'Phe water was fully eight feet deep as
it flowed over the dam.
During th e
last storm
it was not as high in
Rogue River within six inches as it
was during the flood of a couple of
weeks before. Above the dam the
water was higher this year by four
inches than it was at any time last
winter; but this may be accounted for
by the fact I hat last, wi^er one sec­
tion of the dam was nut completed.
•alt Rheum
»100 Reward, >100.
Bolle, Pimples
Readers of this paper will be pleas­
ed to learn that there is al least one
dreaded disease, that science has been
Dyspepsia, Etc able to cure in all its stages, and that
Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is
Accept no substitute, but be sure to it
the only positive cure no* known to
iet Hood’s, and get it today.
ihe medical fraternity. Catarrh be­
ing a constitutional disease, requires
constitutional treatment. Hall’s Ca­
T he attention of President Roose­ tarrh Cure is taken internaliy, acting
velt to the ruthless slaughter of elk directly upon the blood and mucous
faces of the system, thereby de­
has been called none too early, and it is sui
stroying the foundation of the dis­
gratifying to know that drastic meas­ ease, ar d giving the patient strength
ures are to be taken to suppress the by building up the constitution and
evil. While the Order of Elks has a assisting uature in doing its work.
decided interest in the preservation of The proprietors have so much faith
in its curat ive powers that they offer
this noble game, it is unfortunately One Hundrid Dollars for any case
true that the use of elk teeth as badg­ that it fails to cure. Send for list of
es has stimulated the wholesale de­ testimonials.
F. J. O rkney & Co.,
struction of elk simply for the sake of Toledo,
Sold by Druggists, 75.
the teeth which could be obtained, and
Take Hall’s Family Pills for con­
for which fancy prices would be paid. stipation.
The Tacoma lodge of the order Is en­
titled to commendation in its offer to
not only assist in policing the Olympic,
Wash., region, but in pledging itself
to use no more elk teeth as emblems of
Secretary of State Dunbar has pre.
the order until the slaughter for the pared a circular letter which he is
sake of the teeth shall be stopped. This sending out to all Indian War veter­
action should receive the co-operation ans who have unpaid claims against
of all other lodges of the order,especial­
the state. He informs them that
ly in this state.
since the appropriation lias been ex­
hausted be has no further authority
to audit claimi or issue warrants;
but he will preserve the claims and
present them to the next legislature.
ThiB Is In accordance with a gener­
al law prescribing the duties of the
Secretary of State. The claims now
In the hands of the Secretary of State
amount to »35,228,0«. It is under­
stor d that Adjutant-General Ganten-
beln has received claims amounting
to »15,000 more. Whether the re­
maining claims will be paid rests en­
tirely with the legislature.
ought to be settled by al) means.
Legislature Must Decide.
---------------------- •
cents per hundred pounds.
Ira L. Greninger, formerly of Gold
.Hill, is reading law in the office of his
uncle, Justice J. A. Buchanan of Rose­
Burglars are paying some attention
to Ashland. Several minor burglaries
are reported, including the robbery of
W m. Tate’s store.
March is not so far behind February
with Its 10.58 inches of moisture. About
an inch and a half fell during the first
week of this month.
Jas. and Fred Cornutt have pur­
chased a house and lot in Central
Point of Jas. F. Wilson, who will re­
move to Jacksonville.
Bert Bostwick of Applegate had a
b<?ie of one of his arms fractured by
being thrown from a buggy in Medford
Saturday. His companions escaped in­
Monroe Gorden, administrator of the
estate of U. Gorden, deceased, was in
Medford Sa day. He is offering for
sale two head of horses and 40 head of
stock cattle.
Mrs. A. N. Drake has extended to
March 15th the offer of »300 reward for
the-reeovery of the body of her hus­
band who was lost near Dad’s creek,
Douglas county, on Jan. 18th.
We are informed that there are sev­
eral cases of the prevailing disease,
yclept the “Manila itch/’ but which
the doctors call a type of small pox, at
Phoenix. None are of a serious nature
as yet, however.
Rev. Clarence H. Lake of The Dalles
will be the new pastor of St. George's
Episcopal church at Roseburg, having
been called to fill the va.ancy caused
by the resignation of Rev. John Daw­
son, who recently went to Portland.
If troubled with weak digestion,
belching or sour stomach, use Cham­
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
and you will getqu’ck relief. For sale
by all druggists.
Central Point will hold its annual
town election next Monday. Not much
interest is being taken in it, there prac­
tically Is being no opposition, unless it
may be for trustee. But one candidate
for any of the other places has as yet
put in an appearance.
Ed. Knighten, who died rather sud­
denly at Eagle Point not long ago, was
the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
G. Knighten and a native of Southern
Oregon. He had been in poor health for
some time past. The remains were
buried in the Phoenix cemetery.
The will of Johanna Blecher, who
died lately at her farm in Poorman’s
creek cistrict, devised »1000 to Joh’i
Christopher and the balance of the
property to H. H. Blecher (who died
since the will was made) which will be
divided among his heirs, who live in
Schneider & Bristow, who are oper­
ating a saw mill on Anderson Creek,
with success, manufacture a superior
quality of lumber of different kinds.
They have a considerable quantity for
sale, which they are disposing of at
reasonable rates. Tbeir address is
Thirty dollars each have the Japa­
nese section men in Southern Oregon,
in fact the whole state, agreed to sub­
scribe to the war fund,
Already the
committees of the Portland Japanese
association have secured over 19000,
and by the end of the month it is ex­
pected the fund will be swelled to
Larkin Reynolds had one of his legs
seriously injured a few days ago. while
at work in the Opp mine, situated a
few miles west of Jacksonville. He was
at work in the shaft, when a bucket of
ore held by a peg in the windlass
suddenly descended and struck one of
his nether limbs near the ankle, injur­
ing it severely.
J. U. Willeke and A. Gangwisch
have purchased of Mrs. T. Cameron
the Blatt placer mining property, com­
prising 80 acres, which is located a
few miles west of Jacksonville. The
price paid was »1000. The new pro­
prietors will fit up the mines, which
are quite valuable, and operate them
with improved methods.
Chas. A. M. Schllerholtz, ex-speciai
agent of the U. S. land office, who will
live long in the memory of many per­
sons who filed applications for land in
the U. S. land office at Roseburg, is
now acting as an attorney for a Michi­
gan syndicate of timber buyors, who
are contesting fora lot of land in Crook
county. He is at present located In
Those wishing to attend the Lewie
& Clark Exposition next year will be
favored with unusually low rates, to-
wit; To Portland and return from
Chicago and common points, »50; to
Portland and return from St. Paul,
Omaha, Kansas City and common
points, »45; to Portland and return
Denver, Colorado Springs,
Pueblo and common points, »40.
Applications under the timber and
stone act and homestead laws received,
final proofs taken, and all business
connected with U. S. government
lands promptly and accurately attend­
ed to “y Cbas. Nickell, U. S. Commis­
sioner for the District of Oregon.
Office with the S outhern O rego -
N1AN, Medford. Phone 211.
The Jackson County Ministerial
Association held its regular bi-monthly
meeting in Jacksonville Monday even­
ing Owing to the Inclement weather
there was only a fair attendance.
After a short business meeting an In­
teresting program of public services
was observed. The subject of discus­
sion was "Why More Men Do Not Ac­
cept the Gospel.” Rev. F G. Strange
of Jacksonville read a paper on this
topic, which was followed by remarks
by other ministers.
Will Delloboam and Miss Mabel
Hall, son and daughter of two of our
best-known citizens, were married
Miss Bernice Cameron of Uniontown
Tuesday. It was the occasion of the is visftiDg in Medford.
assemblage of a merry crowd, who
John Tungate of Big Butte was
started the young couple on the sea of among our visitors Saturday.
matrimony under favorable auspices.
Jos. W. Olwell was in Medford Tues­
We wish them a long life of prosperity
day, on his way to Jacksonville.
and bliss, in which we are joined by
Miss Carrie Dyer of Ashland has
visiting friends living here.
According to Information given by
Mrs. E. A. Langley is assisting Mrs.
J. A. Wilson, recorder of Banner
Lodge No. 23, A. O. U. W., Jackeon- C. L. Corwjn at her millinery store.
ville, which was established 24 years
H. Von der Hellen of Wellen and bls
ago, »40.000 has been paid to the bene­ son, Will, were among our recent visit­
ficiaries of its deceased members, who) ors.
number twenty, to-wit:
W. H. Simp­
J. T. Bradshaw of Trail and his
son, T. T. McKenzie, J. H. Evans,
family have become residents of Med­
Frank Krause, J. P. McDaniel, John
Noland, T. J. Clopton, John Miller, D.
társ. Lou Shea of Glendale visited in
Peninger, J. G. Birdseye, H. V. Helms,
and Jacksonville a few days
Peter Elmer, C. W. Taylor, T. G.
Reames, Geo. Hines, Kaspar Kubli,
Dr. T. T. Shaw and Chas. Brown
Henry Klippel, C. C. Magruder, Max
were in Medford Saturday on land
Muller and W. J. Piymale.
b usiness.
W. A. Hutton and Miss Mabel Wil­
R. H. Moore Of Gold Hill, the mer­
son, accompanied by Chas. Ramsey
chant, did business in Ashland a few
and Miss Lulu Hartzell, formed a
days ago.
party who went to Jacksonville Mon­
J. E. Toft, J. U. .Willeke and A. N.
day on interesting business.
did business with the tax col­
county clerk furnished the couple first-
named with the necessary permission
E. T. Staples of Ashland was among
and a few minutes afterward they were
friends in Jacksonville and Med­
made man and wife by Judge Prim.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutton, who are well- ford last week.
known in Medford, will begin house­
R, M.Tuke has returned from a trip
keeping at once in our city. They have to the mines of the southern part of
many friends, all of whom join in con­ Douglas county.
gratulations and best wishes for a pros­
D F. Esteb has returned, and ex­
perous and happy future.
pects to find a location somewhere in
Martin Heston of Grants Paas has Southern Oregon.
been chosen captain of the famous Ann
Chas. Dunford, our accommodating
Arbor football team, better known as transferman, did business In Medford
the “Wolverines.” It was Heston who several times lately.
covered himself with glory the two
Mrs. Frank Dickey, of Ashland, has
ia<t seasons as the star quarterback of
to Fort Worth, Texas, her for­
the team, doing a big share in carry­
on a visit.
ing the Wolverines to victory in the
H. W Jackson and J. E. Barkdull
several games they played. It was pre­
dicted some time ago that Heston was returned Friday from their trip to
tbo choice and would be elected captain Portland and Salem.
of the Ann Arbor team. He comes
Col. J. A. Waddle, representing W.
from a long line of athletes, and re­ J*. Van Schuy ver A Co., was among his
ceived his training in the pine woods customers this week.
and hills of Southern Oregon. He will
R. A. Pech, one of the energetic
graduate at Ann Arbor this year.
young farmers of Lake Creek district,
Miss Eula Howard, daughter of Mr. was in Medford Friday.
and Mrs. J. W. Howard of Grants
Chas. F. Young, one of Gold Hill’s
Pass, who promises to become a musi­ prominent business men, was in Med­
cal virtuoso, recently gave a recital at ford and Jacksonville Monday.
San Francisco. She won the plaudits
H. F. and A. S. Bailey of Ashland
of a critical audience. The Chronicle,
speaking of- the event, says: Miss have been visiting in Jacksonville.
Eula Howard, a young girl pianist of They were in Medford Sunday.
musical promise, was presented to the
N. S. Bennett has gone to Crater
public last evening in concert by her Lake, to get some fine pictures of win­
instructor, Hugo Mansfeldt, at Stein­ ter scenery around that wonder.
way Hall. This attractive little maid
J. E. Enyart, B. H. Harris and a
rendered a program of difficult compo­
from Washington have gone
sitions of varied moods, not only with
to view the situation.
careful and notable technique, but
with powers of interpretation seldom
Rev. Mr. Smith has been holding ser­
witnessed in a musician of her age.
vices on Applegate, and was listened to
Contributors to newspaper* are often by large and attentive congregations.
mistaken in the idea that newspapers
Thos. C. Norris, the wideawake deal­
need something “to fill up” with. The er in dirt, has recovered from a ten-
contrary is true,and the editorial waste day9 spell of sickness and is cm duty
basket bears out the statement. Cor­ again.
respondents and contributors should
Horace Pelton was over from Sam’s
always bear in mind that one of the Valley Monday. He returned the same
first rules of the newspaper office is day, accompanied by bls brother
that ail matter must be “boiled down’’ James.
and that “space-annihilatom” in the
Lewis Sisley and his wife, who have
shape of long articles are in no sense
been visiting relatives living at Phoe­
an aid to the editor, while short, snap­
nix, returned to their home in Idaho
py items upon nearly i ny topic are al­
last week.
ways welcome. Whenever it occurs to
H. S. Reed, the well-known operator
send in an item to the local paper
“boll it down.” A short article will of­ In mines, spent Sunday with J. D.
ten find room in the pagier—a long one Fletcher, his partner.
He was on his
rarely ever.
way north.
Malta Comtflandery No 4, Knights
W. T. Lindsay of Siskiyou county,
Templar, of Ashland, Wednesday had Calif., who has been making Medford
an official visit from Geo. H. Hill of ard Jacksonville a short visit, has re­
Portland, R. E. Commander of the turned home.
Grand Comtnandery of Oregon, who
Thos. W. Reid, the enterprising min­
was accompanied by several of the er, who is now operating in Galice
other officers of the Grand Command- Creek district, visited in Medford the
ery, including D. C. Agler, grand Gen­ forepart of the week.
eralissimo, Judge Geo. H. Burnett of
Misses Pauline and Delia Reuter were
Salem, grand Captain-General, and
in Medtord Monday. The latter left
Frank J. Miller of Albany, grand Se­
for Th»/ Dalles that evening, on a visit
nior Warden. It was the occasion of a
to her brother and sisters.
regular conclave of the local command-
Mrs. J.C. Murphy has been visiting
ory at its asylum in Masonic hall, and
addresses in the Interest of the order her son, Jos. S. Murphy of Medford,
were made by the visiting officials, af­ and his 'atnily. The latter’s wife has
ter which a lunch was served in the been very sick, but is now considerably
banquet room and a social time enjoy­ improved.
ed, suys the Tidings.
Rev. T. W. Carston of Goldendale,
The directors of Ashland school dis­ Wash , who held services in Medford a
trict have chosen the following teach­ short time since, will soon be the regu­
ers to serve during the year which be­ lar paslci? of our Baptist church, hav­
gins next September: W. F. Cameron, ing accepted a call made by it.
principal. G. W. Milam, principal of
the East School; G. R. Carlock, now of
Birth Stones
Talent, principal of the new school
building or West Ashland school.
Grade teachers: Miss Mary B. Leslie,
February —Amethyst.
Miss Maymie McWilliams, Miss Mary
Mulit, Miss Margaret Byers, Miss May
Sutton, Miss Harriet Ganiere, Miss
Deci a Willits, Miss Gertrude Engle,
Miss Ola M. Myers, Miss Mary Foshay,
J uly—Ruby.
Miss Adelaide Beebe, Miss Hattie
Gleason, Miss Grace Garrett and Miss
Carrie Bentley. Miss Lida Lottridge
and Miss Etta Johnson, two efficient
teachers, declined re-election.
Supreme Court and Trust Mag­
nates Dine With President.
Street to President
Roosevelt Re-
Is u jo y
House Hospitality.
The evidence has at last come out
that all the talk of President Roose­
velt’s opposition to the trusts and Wall
street was sheer political buncombe.
The list of guests present at the White
House at the (liuuer on Jan. 28 In hon­
or of the supreme court Included A. J.
Cassatt, president of the Pennsylva­
nia railroad; James Stillman, presi­
dent of the First National bank of
New York and head of the Rockefeller
banking syndicate; Wlllluui F. Draper,
head of the cotton machinery trust;
Representative Llttauer, charged with
illegal profits from army glove con­
tracts; Norman B. Ream, director of
the steel trust, besides other great
financial magnates and corporation
attorneys. As these great banquets
are in the public eye and are exploit­
ed in the society columns of the news­
papers, the invitation to the trusts and
financial'millionalres shows plainly that
all the talk about their being opposed
to the nomination and election of
Roosevelt Is but an endeavor to capti­
vate the “plain people” with the Idea
that the Republican candidate Is op­
posed to the trusts and will Btay their
extortion. The president of the United
States, like other people, does not in­
vite guests with whom he does not
wish to associate or with whom he Is
not on the most friendly terms. The
state banquet to the supreme court is
one of the great events of the Wash
lngton social season, and to be invited
to meet the chief justice and his asso­
ciates is considered a great honor and
much sought after. The guests are
carefully selected and with premedita­
tion. It is therefore strangely signifi­
cant that the president should select
the head of the great Rockefeller syn­
dicate and one of the leading members
of the Morgan steel trust to meet the
judges who have an important trust
case now under consideration and
would. If the administration was real
iy opposed to the trusts, have these
very men on trial for conspiracy in
restraint of trade. Whatever object
President Roosevelt may have had in
thus bringing the judiciary in touch
with the trusts, he li3S most certainly
served notice on the voters that he is
on the moat friendly terms with the
great corporation interests and the
most important members of the Wall
street crowd and the money power.
Those Republican newspapers that
have been attempting to fool the people
Into believing that they had a trust
buster in the White House will soon
have to be singing a new song, the
burden,of which will be that the-great
«tajuf the country are
united In support of fhe party and its
nominee, who alone will conserve the
great business Interests. The exigen­
cies of the campaign may require this
open alliance between President Roose­
velt and the trusts that the campaign
coffers may be filled, without which
the wheels of the Republican chariot
would drag heavily and the voice of
their spellbinders be busbed. The trusts
are still in the saddle and looking for­
ward to another long lease of prosperi­
ty if Mr. Roosevelt Is elected president
of the United States.
A b Uphill Game.
A Republican of any prominence
who openly favors reforming the tar­
iff or curbing the trusts is playing an
uphill game. All the powerful monop­
olies and corporations that are Inter­
ested pour out money to defeat any
Republican who shows independence,
and the great majority of the Repub­
lican newspapers attack him as a
traitor. It matters not that all he de­
sires is to see the most moderate re­
form accomplished and still claims to
believe in the doctrine of protection.
Out in Iowa, Governor Cummins has
declared for what is called the “Iowa
Idea,” which is merely to reform those
schedules of the tariff that shelter the
trusts und possibly carry the reforma­
tion far enough to prevent the trusts
selling cheaper in foreign countries
than to our people, It is reasonable to
suppose that even a protectionist, if
he is not interested in some trust or
monopoly, would favor such a mod-
erate reform. The farmers are de-
mauding It, and those whose lneomes
are limited favor any plan that will
reduce the coijj of living to match their
ability to supply their reasonable ne­
cessities. But the leaders of the Re­
publican party say, “Let well enough
alone," and they control congress, and
the corporations control them, so re­
form is Impossible as long as this
league of the politicians and plunder­
ers is kept In power by the voters.
Farmer* to Be Ignored.
The cry that 1 b going up from the
farmers of the western states for tariff
revision Is to be Ignored or denounced
as tainted with Democracy by the Re­
publican leaders. Reciprocity, humbug
as it is, that Blaine and McKinley saw
might be made useful to ward off the
breakdown of protection, is retired to
the rear and receives no word of com
tnendaUon from the “stand pat" proph­
ets and preachers.
What Will the Voters Sayf
H 1
But in order to do so it is absolutely necessary that tbe
stomach bo strong and healthy. It must be in condition
STOMACH to properly digest the food or you will receive no bene­
fit from it, and as a result you lose flesh, the blood be­
■fllTTEliS comes
impure and tbe bowels constipated.
wi" sweeten the stomach and restore it to a norma) con­
dition without fail. Then you’ll enjoy your meals, and
will not be bothered again with
Belching, Sour Stomach, Poor Appetite, Costiveness,
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness or Liver and
Kidney Ailments. •
because the Bitters positively cures all such complaints.
We urge all sickly men and women to try it at once.
“Stand pat uu high taxatlou. protect
the trusts and pray for prosperity!” is
the Republican cry. The voters will
have a chance to say bow they like it
next November.
S enator P erkins of California is
authority for the statement that the
United States navy ranks third ;n point
of tonnage and first for equipment.
One good battleship counts for more
than a dozen obsolete craft, the latter
being fit for little else than training
ships and police duty. It is little less
than murder to place men on antiquat­
ed warships and send them to battle.
A case in point was that at Santiago,
where the Americans sank the Span­
iards as if they were cockle shells. For
a fighting ship, whatever its class may
be, the best is none too good.
Miss Jo Orth is paying relatives and
friends living at Medford a visit.
Miss May Huffer, the trained ni uree,
has returned from a professional visit
to Josephine county.
A. Learned, of the B osb Kandy
Kitchen, who has been quite sick, is
District Attorney Reames went
north Monday evening, on a short pro­
fessional tour.
Kobt. Wilson, a well-known citizen
of Poorman's Creek, was among our
visitors Wednesday.
H. D. Kubli of Applegate and bis
family were in Jacksonville and Med
ford Wednesday.
Rev. F. G. Strange will preach at
Absolutely RM ?
the Presbyterian church in Jackson­
ville Sunday morning and evening.
MissMNellie Wulf, who Is employed
at the Depot Hotel in Ashland, visited
in Jacksonville last week.
The Habit of Doing One’s
Rev. J. D. Murphy will hold services
at the Catholic church in Jacksonville
at 8:30 a. m, and in Mad ford at 10:30
This habit of always doing one’s
a. m.
best enters into the very marrow of
Rev. Sanford Snyder held interest­ one’s heart and character, It affects
ing services at Central Point Sunday. one's bearing, one’s self-possession.
He will preach in Jacksonville next The man wh > does everything to a
finish has a feeling of serenlty;be Is not
Ben Chapman, formerly of Williams easily thrown off his balance; he has
Creek, was severely’injured not long nothing to fear, and he can look the
since, near Gold Hill, Nevada, by the world in the face because he feels con­
overturning of a wagon.
scious that be has not put shoddy into
Geo. Hoffman, John Ashpole and Dan anything, that he Las had nothing to
Chapman, Assessor Jones’ efficient do with sham« and that be has always
deputies, have begun assessing the done bis level best The sense of effi­
county, notwithstanding the inclement ciency, of being master of one’s craft,
of being equal to any emergency, the
A. A. Davis, who is developing his consciousness of possessing the ability
quartz ledge located in Kane’s Creek to do with superiority whatever one
district, is meeting with much encour­ undertakes, will give soul satisfaction
agement. A ledge eight feet in width, which a half-hearted, slipshod work­
carrying sulphurate of undoubted er never knows.
When a mao feels throbbing within
richness, has been struck.
uim the power to do what be uoder-
Geo. Walter of Applegate, one of the I takes as well as it can possibly *be
pioneers of Southern Oregon, was in done, and ail t is faculties say “Amen”
Jacksonville Wednesday, on probate to what he is doing and give their un­
business. He has been appointed exe­
qualified approval to his efforts—this
cutor of the will of the late Johanna
■ is happiness, this is success. This
buoyant sense of power spurs the
There will be a special meeting of faculties to their fullest development.
the members of Oregon Chapter No. 4, It unfolds the mental, the moral and
R A. M., Thursday evening
Con­ I the phy-ical forces, and this very
siderable preparation is being made for growth, the consciousness of an ex­
the event, and quite a number of Ma­ panding mentality and of a broaden-
sons from different parts of Southern I g bo. izon, gives an added satisfac­
Oregon will be in attendance.
tion teyond the power of words to de­
Doug Holton, who got his start in scribe. It Is a realization of nobility,
Josephine county, was on the north, the divinity of the mind.
bound train Wednesday, en route from
Southern California to Portland,where To the Citizens of Medford
be is engaged in business. His father,
and Vicinity.
Dr. D. S. Holton, accompanied him
to the land of the orange and one-
W. W. Eifert wishes to announce
that be has opened a first-class Mer­
Tailoi iQg Parlor in Karres &
Trie Republican county committee chant
Ritter Building, 7th street, opposite
met at Medford on the 9th and called the Medford Book Store where we
two conventions—one to meet at Gold are prepared to do Ladies’ and
Hill on May 9th. which will nominate Gents’ Talloi ing in first-class style.
Our emits must have the Style, Fit
candidates for the county offices; the and
Workmanship, or no sale. We
other, that will elect delegates to the have in slock a Clean, Fresh Select­
state and congressional conventions, ed Line of Nobby Suitings and Panta-
lrn ns, in which great care has been
will meet at Ashland April 9lh.
taken in selecting. Call and See Us.
D. S. Force and Canby Buck are A perfi ct tit is guaranteed. Our Mot­
nest and Fair Dealing.
furnishing the Board of Trade with to is—Bones.t
E ifm B t , The City Tailor.
500 young cottonwood cuttings, eight
feet long and one or more inches in
V egetarians have never conquer*
thickness, which will be planted along
Jackson creek with the intention of ed a meat-eating pteople; no rice-eating
keeping the waters of ihat stream people bae ever beaten down a meat
within a circumscride channel. They eating people. In recent yean the
Japanese have been consuming meat in
will receive »500 for their services.
J. H. Huffer, Sr., and W. G. Ken­ much larger quantities; and while rice
ney, the Republican leaders, were in is the staple article of food, the con­
Medford Wednesday, attending the sumption of wheat is rapidly increas­
meeting of the Republican county ing. However, the Japanese are not
committee. Mr. Huffer is a prominent meat-eaten in the. western sense, and
candidate for the Republican nomina­ the progress of the war will be watched
tion for county judge and 1s receiving with feverish anxiety by the manu-
much encouragement in bis aspirations. facturen of the patent breakfast foods.
John Lewis, a pioneer of Southern
Oregon, died at Eagle Point, one day
this wqek. He was in his 88th year
“Uncle Johnny,” as he was best known,
was one of the first settlers of Jackson
county and respected by all who knew
him. He is survived by a widow and
When you can’t eat break­
several grandchildren, as well as nu­
fast take Seott’s Emulsion.
merous friends.
Geo. H Durham of Grants Pass, the When you can’t eat bread
well-known attorney, and F. L. Coron, and
butter, take Scott’s
a business man of the same place, were
When you have
in Jacksonville Tuesday. In company Emulsion.
with C. C. Hogue and W. M. Colvlg, been living on a milk diet and
also a prominent member, of the A. O.
U. W., they went to Gold Hill that want something a little more
evening, to meet with the lodge of that nourishing,
Mahara’s band of coons and wenches
To get fat you must eat
gave a performance at U. S. Hall Sat­
urday night. Our citizens gave them
fat Scott’s Emulsion is a
a much better audience than they de­
served. That a genuine “nigger” can great
fattener, a great
never compare with a white man in
strength giver.
cleverness as a minstrel was never bet­
Those who have lost flesh
ter Illustrated. Mahara himself is a
guy of the cheapest and smallest cali­ want to increase all body
bre, and with his motley aggregation j
should be treated to a frost every- j tissues, not only fat Scott’s
where. He would be stunning as tbe Emulsion increases them all,
manager of a second hand store on
flesh, blood and
Baxter street, New York.
Loss of Flesh
For invalids, for con­
If you are going east a careful selec-'
tion of your route is essential to tbe I valescents, for consumptives,
enjoyment of your trip. If it is a for weak children, for all
business trip, time is the main con-1
sideration; if a pleasure trip, scenery who
need flesh, Scott’s
and t he conveniences and comforts of
a modern railroad.
Emulsion is a rich and com­
Why not combine all by using the
Illinois Central, the Up-To-Date fortable food, and a natural
Road, running two trains daily from
St. Paul and Minneapolis, and from tonic.
Omaha to Chicago. Free Reclining
Scotts Emulsion for bone,
Chair Cars, the famous Buffet-Library
Smoking Cars, all trains vestibuled. flesh, blood and nerve.
In short thoroughly modern through­
out. All tickets reading via the Illi­
nois Central will be honored on these
trains and no extra fare charged.
Our rates are the same as those of
inferior roads—why not get your
money’s worth?
Write for full particulars.
B. H. T rumbull ,
Commercial Agent, Portland, Ore.
J. C. L indsey , T. E. & P. A ,
Portland, Ore.
P. B. T hompson , F. & P. A.,
Seattle, Wash.
We will send you
a free sample.
Be surs that this pktora
in ths form of a label Is on
th* wrspocr of every bottle
of Enulsloa^ou bay.
scon & BOWNE,
409 Pearl St, N.Y.
S0c.Md>li aU drauMs.