The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, March 02, 1904, Image 2

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Printed Every Wednesday, by
Times Printing Company
C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr.
One Year, in advance....................... 11. 50
Six Months...........................................1.0O
Office With Pacific States Telephone Co ,
Ryan Building, California St.
Entered at the Postoffice at Jacksonville, Ore.,
as Seoond Class Mall Matter
T he Standard Oil Company paid on­
ly 644 in dividends on a hundred-dollar
share last year, and it starts off with a
March dividend of 616 a share, where
last year’s was 420. This must make
the stockholders feel poor!
Ar Kenneth on the railroad, aboutl8
miles north of Redding, Calif , the
Sacramento river reached an extraor­
dinary height on Monday night of last
week, during the storm, requiring peo­
ple to leave their houses for safety on
higher ground. Some of the barns and
houses were fastened with ropes,for fear
that they might sail away to Frisco
Lee Ingram of Central Point visited
at the county-seat Thursday.
Politics is lying more dormant than
usual. Is the weather affecting it?
Sheriff Rader, in whose hands the
tax roll was put last week, has already-
collected 110,000.
The price of poultry is still ascend­
ant. Choice fowls are bringing 65 a
dozen, probably the best price ever
paid here.
Eagle Point, which is steadily be­
coming more cosmopolitan, now has a
barber shop, conducted by John In­
low, an excellent barber.
J. T. Taylor, the popular treasurer
of Josephine county, announces that be
has funds with which to redeem war­
rants of that county protested to Nov.
15, 1897.
Registration is progressing very
slowly. Only a few hundred voters as
yet have complied with the election law.
However, as soon as the weather mod­
erates there will be a decided change.
The old Homestaie mine, located
near Woodville, is being still further
developed by Jas. R. Cunnyngham,
who is also working the Fielder prop­
erty, not far from the other.'
Mahara’s Minstrels, which includes
several female performers, will give an
entertainment at U. S. Hall in Jack­
sonville on Saturday evening, March
Prof. Raymond, the scientific teach­
er of dancing, has been prevailed on to
remain in Medford another term, and
will not begin his school at Jackson­
ville until a later day.
Salem will be the meeting place of
the Republican Congressional Conven­
tion for the First District, and 177
J. H. Thorndike, of Medford, was tn
delegates will be entitled to a voice in
Jacksonville Tuesday.
the proceedings.
April 22 has been
Walter Jackson, the veteran con.-
fixed as the date.
The counties of
the first judicial district will be en­ merclal traveler, is among us.
County Clerk Orth and his wife spent
titled to the following representation:
Jackson, 12; Josephine, 7; Klamath 4; a few hours in Medford Thursday.
Lake, 4
Mrs. T. C. Norris, who lives in Med­
The Valley Record says that John ford, was in Jacksonville Thursday.
Carlisle, who escaped a term in the
John Arnold was among those who
penitentiary several years ago, because did business at the county-seat Thurs­
he proved that he was not a party to day.
the crime of arson, In which his wife—
Frank Olwell of Central Point is at
Mrs. Rose Hamlin Wilson Carlisle— Redlands, Calif., visiting his parents
was convicted and is now serving a and sisters.
sentence for It in the state prison, has
Mrs. Jessie Langell Farnsworth is at
gotton himself into trouble at Pendle­
Grants Pass, the guest of her sister,
ton. It appears that Carlisle, without
Mrs. W. C. Hale.
the formality of securing a divorce, to
E. A. Starr and A. T. Drieko were
which he was entitled under the
Jacksonville Friday, interviewing
statute, married a Pendleton woman
tax collector.
who afterward found out that he had
L. Stoner has resigned his position
never been divorced from his first wife,
and she is now seeking evidence to con­ at The Medford and gone north. He
may locate at Pendleton.
vict Carlisle of the crime of bigamy.
Miss Sadie Murray of Grants Pass
aboard the southbound train Fri­
Million* for Military Automobile*.
day, en route to Dunsmuir.
Included among the German army
H. W. Jackson was in Jacksonville
estimates for the present year Is one
for several millions for extensive Thursday, on missionary work. He is
trials and experiments with automo­ pretty busy nowaday.
biles for military purposes. In this,
E. Ehlwegen, the genial agent of the
however, the German government
differs from the person who suffers Welnhard Brewing Co., did business in
from stomach, liver or kidney com­ Jacksonville Thursday.
plaints. He cannot afford to waste
Judge Crowell is spending the win­
any money experimenting with this
or that remedy. For this reason ter at the hatchery- Instead of South­
most every sufferer takes Hostetter’s ern California, as reported.
Stomach Bitters at the very start,
Dr. E. Klrchgessner was on Rogue
for be knows if any medicine will
cure him the Bitters will. If you are river last week, attending Mrs. C.
among the few persons who have Swett, who has been quite sick.
never tried it, do so today. You will
Hon. J. D. Olwell, H. Withington
be thankful for the advice. It will
cure belching,flatulency, indigestion, and S. W. McClendon tarried in Jack­
dy-pepsla, const'patfon,general debil sonville a while Thursday afternoon.
ity, spring fever and la grippe. Our
J. A. Whitman has returned to the
Private Stamp Is over the neck of the
mines in Steve's Fora district.
and Mrs.J.D. Heard are already there.
N ot the least Interesting episode in
Senator Hanna’s development from
grocery clerk to a figure of national
Xqpromlnence was his debut as a public
speaker at fifty-nine. As an illustra­
tion of the typical American capacity
to rise to the occasion and to do well
what circumstances call for, this parti­
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Beck, of Big
cular phase of Senator Hanna's develop­
Butte precinct, lately lost their son,
ment is instructive.
aged 12 years.
He was a promising
lad, and the bereft family have the
T he British steamer Coptic, which
sympathy of all.
left San Francisco, January 15th, for
February, 1904, will go down to his­
Hong Kong, Yokohama and Vladovi-
stock, was seized by the Japs at Yoho- tory as one of the very wettest months
An im­
homa and relieved of 182,000 lbs of known on the Pacific Coast.
Secretary of State Dunbar has
canned beef ordered for the Russians,
his annual statement compiled
from a San Francisco firm, being part time—nearly a foot.
from the assessment rolls of the state,
The 82,000 that became payable on
of 3,000,000 pounds of beef under con­
showing the valuations of property
death of W. J. Ply male, who
tract. The ship was than released. J.
and the Increase over the preceding
J. Hill’s big steamer, the Korea, which was a member of the A. O. U. W., has year. The statement shows the total
kft Seattle a few days later with a still oeen paid to Miss Kate Plymale,guard- taxable property in the state to aggre­
larger invoice of canned beef, will also an of the minor heirs of the deceased. gate 8173,559,888.58, an increase of
be relieved to help feed the Jape.
Sheriff Rader went to Salem Friday 825,460,286.93 or 17.19 percent. Every
evening, having in charge the insane county io the state but two shows an
M embers of the United States Sen­ Swede who attempted to burn the resi­ increase io valu ition. The one show­
ate enjoyed a feast of a monster Chi­ dence of Mrs. A. H.Russell of Ashland. ing the greatest increase is Clacka­
nook salmon from the Columbia river, Constable Long also accompanied him. mas, with a percentage of 99 58—al­
last week. By invitation of Senator
Tom Galvin, of Grants Pass, the most doubling its valuationr-while
Fulton all senators partook of the roy­ clever liveryman, was in Medford Fri­ Multuomah county only increased 4
al fish, and many a glowing tribute was day, looking for a horse that some per cent and Marion 9 per cent.
paid the king of the finny tribe. Two absent-minded individual had failed to Grant county shows a decrease of 1 73
50-pound salmon were sent to Senator return. The latter is said to be in per cent and Tillamook's property
Fulton from Astoria, and by his direc­ this section.
values have shrunk 13 05 percent.
tion one was prepared by the Senate
county’s valuation is 84,656,-
Mayor Gilkey of Grants Paas has ap­
chef. It had been the Senator’s Inten­
83,838,504 in 1902, an
pointed H D. Norton as corporation
tion to serve both fish: but he was ad­
counsel and Jas. D. Stevens as mar­ increase of nearly 25 per cent. It
vised one would suffice, and this prov­
shal of that city. He is to be congrat­ stands ninth in highest valuation in
ed to ba the case
ulated on the appointments, as both the list of 33 counties in the state.
Curry county shows the smallest val­
are first-class ones.
G eneral J oseph W heeler , after
uation—6725,428, an iucrease, how­
Nowhere can potatoes be grown
reviewing a squadron of the State
ever, of 28 per cent over that of 1902.
Guard of New York, delivered a brief better and more plentifully than in
The tillable land of the etate has
Southern Oregon; yet at the present
address on his views of the war be­
162,015,924 acres, while the
time they are being imported here by
tween Russia and Japan. He compar­
lands have increased to
ed the strength of their armies and the carload. This is like “sending coals the number of 1,275,978 acres, with an
to Newcastle,” and is radically wrong.
their resources and reached the con­
iocrease in valuation for both classes
Chas. Seefield and- his newly made
clusion that Russia is likely to win in
of lands of 614 596.452.14.
The state­
the long run. “I believe that the wife are on Lake Creek, where they
ment of classifications for the two
They havj
.Chinese, organized and under good will probably locale.
years past is as follows:
officers, would make as good soldiers numerous friends, all of whom wish
There are 1,764.31 miles of railway
as any in the world. They are brave them a life abounding in prosperity
in the state this year, against J,-
and enduring and seem to enjoy a fight.
689.291 miles in 1902, an increased
There are 400,000,000 of them and a
Geo. Brown, the Eagle Point mer­
tremendous army could be raised chant, recently received a visit from valuation of 62,409,632.20: 6,183.68
miles of telegraphic and telephone
there. Those people could make a his brother, W. H. Brown, a promi­
in 1903, against 5,861.59 milts in
march and occupy any part of Europe nent citizen of Ravelstock, B. C., who
an increase of 637,854 52;
that they chose. However, we need was accompanied by m friend.
street railway bed in
not worry about that just yet.”
are well pleased with everything ex.
1903, against 117 98 in 1902, an increase
cepting our awfnl roads.
of 30.69. The rolling stozk and equip­
C orporate greed has again won,
J. B. Montgomery, of Agate, was in ment of all of these industries show a
this time at Washington, when Chief our town a few days ago. He informed
Justice Fuller handed down a decision us that he -was robbed of a sum of healthy increase in proportion.
Of all the industries which show
of the United States Supreme Court in money at his place of business in broad
prosperity and increase, the
the famous Northern Pacific “overlap” daylight by a young man living north
land case, giving to the railway com­ of Rogue River, and will have him ar­ most healthy and satisfactory shown
pany absolute title to a tract of 48,458 rested unless he returns the missing being that of the stock industry in all
branches, that is, subject to taxation,
acres, lying directly north of Portland, cash.
and the sheep and goat industry shew»
in Oregon and in W ashington. The Su­
The Cbewaucan Land & Cattle Co.,
up better than all the rest. Io 1903
preme Court affirmed the decision of
one of the principal stock firms of Lake
are listed 2,120,167 bead of goat*
the Circuit Court of Appeals for the
county, has leased the Klamath marsh,
and sheep, against 1,953,011 in 1902,
Ninth Circuit, thus terminating one of
on the Klamath Indian Reservation.
an increased valuation of 6174,510:
the most bitter contests that has been
This locality is considered the best
there were 167,743 horses and mules
before this tribunal in years. The case
summer range in that part of the state
io the state under the 1903 assessment
involved not only the rights of the rail­
and includes what is known as the
aod 156 346 io 1903, an increased val­
road company to this large tract of
uation of 6462 921; of cattle there were
land, but the homes and farms of large
The Iowa Lumber and Box Co. re­ 511,288 head in 1903 aod 455,874 io
numbers of settlers within the “over­
lap” limits, who acquired title to their ceived a carload of machinery direct 1902, iocreased valuation 6585,060, and
lands from the government, and the from Chicago,also that bought in Port­ of swine there were 105,289 head iu
latter can now be di “possessed in any land by Manager Hafer, several days 1903. against 94,021 in l902, an increase
since, and it is being installed. It is of in valuation of 627,720.
manner to suit the corporation.
the ’"test and best patterns and will en­
able the company to do every descrip­
A late W ashington dispatch
tion of work in its line in a first-class
says President Roosevelt has promised
to reappoint Joseph T. Bridges as reg­
Clerk Smith of Crook county states
A rumor was spread about Medford
ister and James H. Booth as re­
mornieg, to the effect that
ceiver of the Roseburg Land Office,
at d the nominations of both men will Deschutes valley is changing hands. A the body of Heory Jones, the stick­
be rent to the Senate within the next large number of private holdings have man who mysteriou-ly disappeared
few days. They will bj confirmed with­ been sold to the timber syndicates dur­ from Evans Creek several months
out a doubt. This is the result of a ing the past six weeks. The highest ago and was la it seen at Grants Pass,
conference that took place at the price paid for such land is in the vicin­ bad been discovered in the reservoir
White House, at which the President ity of the Matoles river, where 11500 is of the company which furnishes Jose­
phine county’s capital with water.
heard the two Oregon Senators, Secre­ the average.
We have taken considerable pains
Recent rains have supplied plenty of
tary Hitchcock and Assistant Secretary
Ryan. On the adverse recommenda­ water for placer miners in Southern to ascertain trie truth of this report,
tion of the Secretary the President Oregon, and more men are now at and are able to state that it has no
has heretofore refused to reappoint work than for many seasons past. It foundation in fact.
The Grants Pass Water Co., in the
either Booth or Bridges but at the soli­ has been one continuous downpour tor
citation of the Senators be went to the the fortnight,and all streams are filled Courier printed Tuesday, makes it
bottom of the care and apparently to overflowing. The sand bars are be­ plain that such a thing did not hap
found no sufficient reason for refusing ing worked by the giants which have pen, nor couid it very well. It says
to reappotnt either man. In face of been installed in the past two seasons. that its reservoir is surrounded by a
«ix-foot barbed wire fence around the
the President’s attitude, Secretary
Continued firmness in wheat quota­
Hitchcock will interpore no further ob­ tions is brought about by the good de­ base and an eight-foot tight biard
jection to the reappointment of Bridges mand for flour and the unwillingness of fence around the edge. The barbed
wire fence is about 30 feet outside of
and Booth.
farmers to let go even at prices which
the board fence and both are pro*
are considered remunerative. Export­
T he United States Senate on Tues­ ers find that the producers of the vided with gates under lock. The
day ratified, without amendment, the Columbia Basin as well as of the Will­ management and employes are the
treaty with Panama for a canal across amette Valley are holding off for 75 only ones provided with keys, and ac­
cess in any other way than through
the isthmus of that name by a vote of cents net per bushel.
the gates is very difficult. Jl^sldes,
66 to 14. The result was a foregone
Fred Puhi and Miss Augusta Pech at least three times each year the
conclusion, the interest in the matter
were married one day this week. The reservoir is emptied and thoroughly
being only in the division of the vote
groom is an industrious young man, of cleaned.
on the Democratic side, which was not
excellent habits, who will be in charge
Healthy, Happy Children.
known definitely until the roll was call­
of E. B. Hanley’s farm, located in
ed, all the Republicans being for ratifi­
Jacksonville precinct, while his ami­ Any child can take lit tie Early Risers
cation. Fourteen Democrats voted for
able bride is a daughter of Mr. and with perfect safety. They are harm­
less, never gripe or sicken, and yet
ratification and 14 against. Two Demo­
Mrs. Henry Pech, living near Central they are so certain in results that ro­
crats, Clark of Montana and Stone of
Point. The couple have our wishes bust constitutions requiring drastic
Missouri, were paired In favor of the
means are never disappointed. They
for a happy and prosperous future.
treaty and three Democrats, Overman,
cannot fall to perform their mission,
The Oro Grande Mining Co., operat and every one who uses DeWitt’s Lit­
McLaurin and Martin, were paired
against it, so in the total vote 16 Demo­ ing in Steve’s Fork district, will soon tle Early Risers prefer them to all
other pills. They cure biliousnes«.
crats were for the treaty and 17 against work on a much bigger eqale. They are
Sold by all Druggists.
it. The Democrats who were present using one giant at present, but will put
and voted for the treaty were: Bacon, three more—which are already near
Berry, Clarke (Ark.), Clay, Cockrell, the base of operations—into commis­
Foster (La.), Gibson, Latimer, Mc­ sion soon. It promises to be the most
Creary, McEnery, Mallory, Simmons important mining enterprises in South­
juid Taliaferro, all Southern senators. ern Oregon.
Interesting Statistics.
Mr. Jones is Still Missing.
Hugh Cole of the Siskiyou,the stock-
man, has been on Applegate, gathering
cattle that strayed across the moun­
T. C. Norris, manager of the South­
ern Oregon Development Co., has been
confined to his room, but is about
Thos. Collinson, the well-known)rep­
resentative of Fleiacbner, Mayer & Co.
is interviewing bis numerous customers
In the valley.
W. V. Lippincott has gone to Edge­
wood, Calif., accompanied by bis wife.
He will be in charge of the S. P.station
there for a time.
Bert Childers, the expert brick ma­
son, is employed on the Roseburg high
school building, which will be a hand­
some, substantial structure.
Judge Hanna was in Medford Thurs­
day, to meet his wife, who has been
at Oakland, Calif. He was accom­
panied by bis son, Herbert.
H. H. Cutler, who has been connect­
ed with the Iowa Lumber Co. for some
time, left for his home in Council Bluffs,
Iowa, during the past week.
J. T. Crooxon, sheriff of San Benito,
Calif., who has been looking after his
mining interests in this section, return­
ed home during the past few days.
A. Hearn and A. S. Furry of Phoe­
nix aud Fred Rapp of Wagner creek,
accompanied by their wives, attended
the minstrel performance Friday night.
Jas. Stewart, who has been at the
Oro Grande Mining Co’s diggings for
a number of months, resigned his com­
mission Wednesday and returned to
Medford. He will not remain long
here, however.
Mr and Mrs. Clarence Hafer arrived
from Council Bluffs, Iowa. Monday
night and will make Medford their
future home. The young couple were
married on the 10th Inst. They have
many friends, whose heartiest congrat­
ulations and wishes for a successful
and blissful journey on matrimonal
seas they have received.
The Wonderful New Metal.
At one of the leading colleges of
Cilifornia, a short time since. Dr. Ed­
ward Booth of the department of
chemistry delivered a lecture on the
subject of the new metal radium.
The discovery of radium came through
a peculiar quality which uranium
was observed to have in making im­
pressions on a pbotographii plate.
This action was first thought to be
due to sunlight, but is was sc -¡dent­
ally found that sunlight was not
necessary,and from this fact eel relists
were led to discover radium as a sep­
arate and new element.
The source of radium is the miner­
al pitch-blend, in which the radium
is present only in ab^ut the same pro­
portion as there is gol3 in seawater.
To obtain enough of the new metal
to corer a nickel four tons of pitch-
bleud must be worked over, and prob­
ably not more than two table-sp-ron-
fulls have ever been extracted; so
tiiat the valuation of 63,000,000 a
pour.d which has been placed on the
new metal is only ah approx.mate
Some of the most characteristic
propariies of
radium are that it
gives off light without any apparent
change in condition, that it gives off
heat sufficient to melt its own weight
of Ice every hour, aod retains this
capacity indefinitely, though it is
probable it suffers an infinitesimal
loss of weight. The peculiar activity
which the new metal possesses, and
that Is most likely toprove of value to
mankind, is its apparent ability to
kill or paralyze bacteria. The power
of its peculiar radiation of light and
beat may be seen in me fact that if
the activity if oie grain of radium
could be liberated all at once it would
lift a twelve-ton battleship ten feet
into the air. It does not seem prob­
able that radium exists In nature in
anything like a pure state or that it
will ever be very much easier to obtain
than it is at present.
„•still'd tbo
There la a way of trifling that coms a heap of money.
Lumbago and Sciatica
and it may put you on crutches, with loss of time and money.
St. Jacobs Oil
will cure surely, promptly.
For Infanta and Children.
Till Kind Yon Have Always Bought
Price, 25c. and 50c.
Of course there is nothing new In
the cult of beauty; the only novelty
lies in the extravagant fashion in
wiiich new inventions are applied to
it. E'ectrit baths and vibration
treatment tnay be innovations, but
cosmetics and medicated baths date
from the earliest ages. Women have
always aspired to be beautiful, and
have painted their faces and “tired
their heads” since time Immemorial
in all countries.
The geisha of
Japan changes the color of her lips
three times iu the evening, and no
little Japanese lady ever misses an op­
portunity of whipping out the rouge
pot and mirror wnich form .an indis­
pensable part of her toilet. Among
the recipes which have come down to
us from our ancestresses arc many
[.rescriptions for the complexion com­
posed of marsh mellow and wax, honey
of roses and olive oil. Mixed bathing
In tubes of water thickened with
scented bran and salutary herbs was
the fashion in mediaeval France and
r< called the days of Roman luxury.
Vapor baths date from an even earlier
period^ and one wonders if there is
any nostrum today for the preserva­
tion of beauty which was not known
to those professional beauties of
France, Diane de Poit ers and Ninon
de l'Enclos.
The question is, are women really
any more admired today for being
steamed and smeared and electrified?
Is any attraction worth having which
is obtained by the painful and expen­
sive methods we read of? We doubt
it. Nobody is really taken in by the
artificially manufactured beauty.
It is the duty of every woman to
in ike the best of herself. Certain de­
fects of complexion and figure can be
ea-ily remedied.
Physical exercises
fiejh air and good diet will work won­
der» with those, and by the addition
of a smart dres»maker, milliner and
cl*ver hairdresser many a plain girl
ha- been transformed into a pretty
one. If a woman’s uose is inclined t •
absorb too much color and her cheeks
loo little, no doubt a few judicious
dabs of powder and roune in the
right places may be excusable.
Coughs •
“My wife had a deep-seated cough
for three years. I purchased two
bottles of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
large site, and it cured her com-
J. H. Burge, Macon, Col.
coughs, except deep ones I
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty7
years is Ayer’s Cherry
Tkns «I«««: Kt-. 5*c . 61
Somebody In Going- to Make Money
Originating Aiew Varietien.
The first exhibition of the New Bed­
ford Horticultural society. New Bed­
ford, Mass., was a decided success.
There were some very fine groups of
decorative plants, a few asters, sweet
peas, gladioli, etc., but it was practi­
cally a dahlia show, writes a corre­
spondent to Gardening. The people
had eyes for nothing but dahlias. Sev­
eral dahlia specialists from out of
town brought in grand collections, es­
pecially (inc In the cactus section,
which opened the eyes of some of the
flower growers here. Our florists have
not paid much attention to growing
dahlias, considering them coarse, com­
mon flowers not worth bothering with.
But after seeing such noble flowers
and delicate colors as were shown here
this year and after finding that there
are hundreds of flower cranks looking
for the new and choice varieties and
willing to pay good prices for them
some converts have been made and
the importance of the dahlia felt
There promises to be a dahlia craze
throughout the country. Somebody is
going to make money originating new
varieties. The people are always want­
ing something new. When things get
common they lose their Interest in
them. Time was when everybody was
crazy over chrysanthemums. Is there
not a tine chance for any number of
Intelligent and enterprising florists to
exercise their brains and skill in orig­
inating new varieties in all kinds of
plants that the people can grow? The
lesson, then, to be learned from this
first show of the New Bedford Horti­
cultural society is to cultivate dahlias
and also cultivate flower crinka
Tortured to Dearth
By Yaqui Indians
*'• druuiits.
Consult your doctor. If he »»7» *»ke •*.
then do *• he »ay*. If he toll» you not
to take It, then don't take it, He know«.
Loor. it with him We are willing.
J. C. AT EK CO., Lowell, Mau.
R. G. CALF, M. D.
Office in Orth’s Building.
Iluurt—2 10 4 and 7 tu 8 | . m
’»!' v that it is your duly to pay atten
tl.».i to what the guests of this hotel
to you?”
"1 don't need to have you to tell me
dWOffice in Red Men’« Building.
ny duty," flared the boy. "It'» a cincb
wytvay that I'm uot paid to stand
:ere chewing the rag with Interfering
neddlesome old women like you.”
The boy turned his back on the gov-
Grant'* Paaa, Oreg**.
rnor and marched off. When Mr. BJisa
had recovered his breath, he started
practices all the oourts Office th Hans
after him and in three long strides was
building op-stAira
at his side.
“Shake, young man. shake. You're
all right,” said he, extending his hand.
d. M. KEENE. D. D. S.
“You called the turn on me better than
it's been done since the day they elect­
ed me governor of my state.”—New
Offices .n the Adkins Deuel block
York Tribune.
Live agents to sell Dr. White’s ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW
Electric Combs, patented Jan. 1, ‘99.
Cure dandruff, hair falling out, sick
«4*ek***vllle. Oregon.
and nervous headaches, yet cost no
more than an ordinary comb. Sells SW Will practice In all courts or the S vau Ot
on sight. Agents ate wild with tuc-
dee In the Court House last door on the
rirht from entrance
ress. Send 50c for sample (half price)
Write quick. The Dr. While Electric
Comb Co., Decatur 111.?
The recent death by torture of “Cali­
fornia Dan” Ryan at the hands of the
Yaqui Indians in the state of Sonora, Women as Well as Men
Mexico, is but another chapter in the
Are Made Miserable by
bloody war which for years has raged
between Indians and Mexican troop*.
Kidney Trouble.
“California Dan” was an Arizona cow­
>100 Reward, $100.
by the Mexican General Torres. Owing
Kfclney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­
Readers of this paper will be plead­ to the success of the chief of scouts the courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
ed to learn that there is at least one
and cheerfulness soon
dreaded disease, that science ha< been
disappear when the kid­
able to cure in all its stages, and that
neys are out of order
it Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
or diseased.
the only positive cure now know n to
Kidney trouble has
tlie medical fraternity. Catarrh be­
become so prevalent
ing a constitutional disease, requires
that it is not uncommon
constitutional t reatment. Hall’s Ca­
for a child to be bom
tarrh Cure is taken Interna'/y, acting
afflicted with weak kid­
diiectly upon the blood aud' mucous
neys. If the child urin­
sut faces of the-sysLtm. thereby de­
ates too often, if the
stroying the foundation of the dis­
urine scalds the flesh or if. when the child
ease, ai d giving the patient strength
reaches an age when it should be able to
by luildiug up the constitution and
control the passage, it is yet afflicted with
a-s.sting nature in doing its work.
bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of
The proprietors have so much faith
the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first
in itscu ative powers that they offer
step should be towards the treatment of
One Hundred Dollars for any case
these important organs. This unpleasant
that it fails to cure. Send for list of
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
F. J. C heney & Co..
most people suppose.
Toledo, O.
Sold by Diuggista,
Women as well as men are made mis­
Take Hall's Family Pills for
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realised. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty-
cent and one dollar
sizes. You may have a
Toe floods in the northern and cen­
sample bottle by mail
free, also pamphlet tell- rr<«ne <4
tral porti<ms of California, the result
ing all about it. including many of th;
of the recent rain storms, assumed
thousands of testimonial letters received
serious pr< p >rtions. a great deal of
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
land was submerged, as well as many
8c Co.. Binghamton,
Binghamton. N. Y., be sure ani
r ention this paper.
miles of railroad track. Much dam­
Don't make any mistake, but re­
age resulted in one way and another
men b?r the name, Swamp-Root, Dr,
Near Keswick, on the night of the
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad-
23<l. the Portland Express was ob­
dress, Binghamton, N. Y. on every
structed by a slide, which caught a
car in the midtile of the train and
nearly buried it. Two Japanese were
injured. Only the mail, express aod
baggage cars and one coach came on. THE TORTURE GF “CALIFORNIA DAN” BYAN
You can eat whatever and whenever you
Ilk* If you taka Kodol. By the use of this
The rest were dug out and sent back
Yaquls desired his death more than remedy disordered digestion and diseased
io Keswick.
that of any other man excepting Gen­ stomachs ar* oo completely restored to
The American r.ver at Auburn wis eral Lorenzo Torres.
health, and the full performance of their
higher than at any time since 1862.
Last month General Luis Torres re­ functions naturally, that such foods as would
The track from Marysville to Oroville ceived from his brother Lorenzo a tel­ tie one into * double-bow-knot are eaten
was under water and trains were egram asking for scouts. The dispatch without even a ‘•rumbling" and with • posi­
tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what Is
abandoned f< r a while, The railroad was regarded as urgent, and “California mor*— these foods are assimilated and
embankments in many places were
transformed Into the kind of nutriment that
threatened. The Silver Thorn ferry American, were sent to Join Lorenzo at is appropristed by the blood and tissues.
Ba cum.
Kodol Is the only digestant or combination
also broke loose aod was carried
When the struts had made a turn I d of digestants that will digest all classes of
down the Sacramento river past Red­ the road that hid them from the escort, food. In addition to this fact, It contains. In
ding. The storm abating alone pre- they were net upon suddenly by a band assimilative form, the greatest known tonic
vented dhastrou-consequences.
of Yaquls, and before they could utter and reconstructive properties.
Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all
a cry they wore beaten over their heads
by clubs in the hands of the Yaquls disorders arising therefrom.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
until they were unconscious.
Makes the Stomach Sweet.
After being gagged and bound to their Boettes only.
Regular stro, J1.00. bolding 2N Hases
horses they were taken by their captors
ths trial >Ua. which Mils far SO conta
Early last Wednesday morning an to the Yaqui camp at Ontejuato, where Prsasri» by ■. O. DoWITT * OO.. Ohieege, ML
attempt was made to burn the hand they were tried by the Yaqui council of
some residence at Ashland owned by war.
“California Dan" was condemned to
Mrs. A. H. Russell and occupied by
Wilson was acquitted in order
her and three daughter«. The smoke
that he might tell the Mexicans what
awakened the family, which soon had
had happened to “California Dan.” Wil­
ttie flames under control.
son was warned to leave Mexico.
On the rear porch a gunny-sack,
At the execution grounds, in the pres­
saturated with oil, on which were ence of Wilson, the Yaquls with dull
crossed charred sticks of stove wood, saws cut off the fret of "California
showed deliberate intent and careful Dan” just above the ankles.
After this they upbound him and told
proved to be the him to go back to Lorenzo Torres for
The crime
work of an insane person, as Mrs. duty.
By goading him they compelled him
Russell has no known enemies, The to walk beyond the lntrenchment* of
citizens were much wrought up over Ontejuato.
the affair and the officers took the
In the bush, about 100 yards beyond
matter in hand promptly, with the re­ the lntrenchment», he fell and expired
sult that the proper person was soon In great agony.
Next morning the Yaquls took the
in jail. The Incendiary proved to be
of “California Dau” and bore it to
a Swede, who is a comparative strang­
the roadside. There they suspended it
er and not of a sound mind. He was
by the neck from a tree.
examined Friday afternoon by Doctor
At this spot they released Wilson and
Songer and pr uounced crazy. Judge told him to send Mexicans to cut down
Prim committed him to tbc insane the body of their friend aud give it a
asylum and he was taken to Salem
decent burial.
High Water in California
Do You Enjoy
What You Eat?
Great** Peas,
Office over Hair-R.ddie Hardware Store
Graaf* Pa**, Oregoa.
aWOffice above S. P. D. A L. Co.'s Store.
Silas J. Day
Notary Public
Real Estate Agent
and U. S. Commissioner
for Jackson County.
Abstract* made t* Tltlea *f
all Bind drawn up especiallv pertaining tc
the settleaient ot eatatea.
ucounts Siliciled, Prompt Remittance.
invstment seeurtiles a specialty. Jackson
lounty Scrip bought aud sold.
have a complete set ot maps ot all surveyed
•and» in this county, and receive A be tract»
nonthly from Roseburr Land Office, the Lard
Jrpartment er the O. & C. R. R. and the State
t.aod I t part men t at Salem or all new entries
siade I am thus prepared to make out borne,
.read papers and take preots thereon. Alio I
take filings and proofs of timber lands, and
can save to parties the eipeuee of a trip
to tbe Roseburg land office
1 hove a Number ef FlaeFarma and ether
Desirable Preeertv la my beads far
AW-Prompt reply made to all letter*. Chary
-» In accordance with 'be times
Refers, by permission, Hon. H. K. Banna
lodge of the 1st Judcial District, and to any
business bouse tn Jacksonville.
À Crazy Incendiary
Probably you know of ?
cough medicines that re- t
lieve little coughs, all
< of Michigan li.n1 :n
n bollix»/ at the Palm
hicago recently. Tin
•iaei cxcimivt- of the Wolverene Stab
¡'.ad li lt <1 to joke with the boy in but
•ous. The latter thought he was in
•anient. A discourteous retort leaped
o the latter’» lips, but be restrained
imself and turned away.
“V’hy don’t you answer ine, young
.. ’ j>'T. i ft <1 the governor, still bent
aving hi#’ little joke. “Don“ you
The Best Cough Syrup.
S. L. Appte, ex-Probate Judge, Ot­
tawa Oo., Kansas, wiites: “This Is
to say that 1 have used Ballard’s
Horehound Syrup for years, and that
1 do not hesitate to recommend it as
the best cough syrup I have ever uj-
ed.” 25c, 50c and 61.00. Sold by Dr.
J. Hinkle, Central Point, Ore. .
Mrs. B. W. Evans, Charwater,Kan.,
writes. “My husband lay sick for
three months. The doctors said he
had quick consumption. We procur­
ed a bottle of Ballard’s Horehound
Syrup, and it cured him. That was
six years ago and since then we have
always kept a bottle In the house.
We caDUot do without it. For cougl s
and colds It has no equal.” 25c, 50c 'I EADAOH Ecured ln2O minutes by Dr. Mlles
and 61.00. Sold by Dr. J. Hinkle, ■*‘rr Plu» "One cent »dr»«.** Atdrunrfata
411 oaln bauil • < I bv Dr. Mlles Pair P11N
Central Point.
Medford Furniture Co.,
HouseFurnishers and
Undertakers. JohnH.
Butler, Fune r a 1 D i -
rector. Day Phone
Main 363. Night
Phone Main 251.
Weeks & Baker
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
West Side,
Medford. Ore.
Open Nights