I ♦ ♦ J / 4 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1904. VOL. XXXIV. bound train 15 had passed. The track The basket- ball game between the PERSONAL MENTION LOCAL NOTES. FT IS A MATTER OF HEALTH was coyered a distance of 120 feet, to a Medford girls and the S. O. State Nor­ ___ i depth in some places of 10 feet. The mal girls resulted in a victory for the E. H. Heims was an Ashland visitor H. E. Ankeny is down from Eugene There are several cases of measles steam shovel, which had been at that former by a score of 11 to 7. The game Tbe organization of the Oregon this week. again. DEATH PREFERABLE TO THE AGONI State Baseball League was cksed at in Medford. point for a week past, was at once sent was the best seen here this season be­ Earl Shepherd of Ashland spent Sat ­ P. F. Swayne, of Applegate, made BORNE BY MR, 00YLE. E. E. Fess of Talent is preparing to back. It was Sunday morning before tween girl teams The Medford girls Salem Saturday evening with a mem­ urday in Medford. the county-seat a visit recently. set out a new peach orchard of 1100 the track was cleared. were especially strong in keeping the Three Yearn of Kxcruciatlngr Nenralr. William»’ Pink Pill». An elopement is reported from Jack­ National Bank, which will begin busi­ it,and fumbles were scarce. What the of directors consists of P. IL Sroat, sinbe. J. D. VanDyke has returned from £ Men still stiffer from agonies of president; II. II. Olinger, Salem; F sonville. It Is said to have occurred ness at Klamath Falls March 15th, has team lacked in size they made up for 'i I Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Brown, of disease so intense that, they can find L. Dushane, Eugene; W. E. Morrow, yesterday, the principals being a young purchased of Geo. T. Baldwin tbe stone in energy, and no one begrudged them Steamboat, where he has been mining. Si Ù -V- T» no terms fit to describe them save Roseburg, and E. P. Prebler, Vancou­ couple living near the county-seat. M. S. Rowe and E. S. Kirby were Antioch, are visiting relatives living in structure in that town Known as tbe their hard-earned victory. Following words like “torture” and “rack,” ver. W. N. Gatens of Salem has our town. is the personnel of the visiting team: down from upper Rogue River Mon ­ Rev. Geo. D. Doyle, who was trans­ A. (). U. W. building. The east room Effie Phipps and Maud O'Brien, For­ day. which call up vividly the barbarities of I been elected secretary. Fred Ruch of Thompson Creek, the ferred from Roseburg to Burns, in will be occupied temporarily by the wards; Maud Ragsdale, Center; Mabel the outgrown past. Chas. V. Johnson, the printer, who I The board of directors decided upon April, 1903, has been assigned to tbe bank, until its new building is com­ thyifty farmer, was in Jacksonville not The story of Janies B. Coyle, a mill operative, residing at No. 9 Pond street, a schedule of four games a week for parish at Sumpter, Baker county. pleted, while Judge Baldwin will con­ Wilson and Blanche Merriman, Guards; has ooen at Jacksonville, went south long since. Sunday. Amesbury, Mass., is a striking recent each team during the season, begin­ tinue his hardware business in the Elvira Hibbard and Mabel Ray, Sub­ Harry Helms was among those who i J. W. Wiley this week shipped to main room. stitutes.— | Ashland Tribune. N. Langell has been quite ill d uring case in illustration. “ During the post ning May 1 and ending September t attended the dancing party in Medford Portland a double-decked car of hogs. three years," said Mr. Coyle to a re­ 15. the past fortnight, but is now conva­ Don’t growl about the rain. Taking Monday evening. porter, “ I was troubled with neuralgia lescent. The league has applied for member­ He is paying 4j@4| cents a pound for it the year through it never rains too in the head. At times the pains were ship in the National Association of good porkers. W. F. Kremer, Grants Pass' pioneer Mrs. H. Calhoun of Phoenix has been much in this part of Oregon. Tbe almost unbearable and my sufferings physician, made Medford a business The bridge across Antelope Creek, more rainy days there are now, the visiting her brother, Prof. Robbins of were such that death would have been Professional Baseball Leagues, under visit Wednesday. Frank Williams, a resident of Ash­ Jacksonville. welcome as a relief. The pains began whose rules no player can be taken near Eagle Point, is Baid to have been less there will be later. A year ago Wm. Martin and 8. F. Godfrey of right over my eyes and shot upward away during tbe season without the rendered impassable by the high water. now clouds of dust were flying, and the land and a Southern Oregon mining W. F. Ash pole and J. W. Slinger,the Antioch precinct were in Medford a It will need repairs. through my head. They were so ex­ consent of the league, nor at the end present growlers wanted rain—and man, was chosen assistant superinten­ energetic stockmen, have been among few days since. cruciating that they would almost make of the season without the payment of It will be not a long campaign in got in late in the summer. How would dent of the Oregon mineral exhibit at us lately. me faint dead away from exhaustion. #200. Tbe rules of the national asso­ Oregon this spring, but quite long W. K. Indgledue. of Pleasant Creek, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Thos. Riley and J. Patterson, county “ I consulted several physicians but, ciation will be strictly followed, and enough. A month of it is as good as you have liked to be “back east” this The appointment was made by W. H. the efficient road supervisor, was winter? ‘ commissioners, are in Jacksonville on while they all diagnosed my case as neu •a record or each player will bo care­ more. among us a few days since. Wehrung, superintendent of exhibits. The question is often being asked official business. ralgia and prescribed for that, they gave fully kept. Each team will be limit­ The district conference of the South­ This selection has settled the question Isaac Matney has returned from the Deston High, of Ashland, whose ern Oregon Methodist Church, South, why the new Department of Com­ me only temporary relief. Then I tn Devlin of Applegate, one of our been visiting in Medford. He is at ber of other very promising prop­ ing a big dredge in Foots Creek dis­ chardists, say together, ‘Let us spray •» cer* of the convention. House of Representatives the people oldest and most respected citizens, was kept the attention of the audience The following nomination* were Grants Pass now. erties are being developed in the trict and will operate it with steam. —and then do it.—[Portland Journal. in town Wednesday, accompanied by i need not be alarmed lest tariff reduc­ and produced many a hearty laugh. Upper Applegate country. made: Mesdamcs A. Z. Sears and A. T. tion and trust-bursting under Demo­ Mrs. Geo. E. Neuber and her daugh ­ his son-in-law, Hon. Miles Cantrall. The work of John A.English,the cl- v- F. B. Tichenorof Portland, manager The trend of all the veins of the ter; who have been visiting in Alameda Representatives, Joe A. Thoma* of Drisko have been at Grants Pass, visit­ cratic auspices will disturb business. er hoop controller, deserves special Sheriff Rader has returned from Tbe leaders of the party are not go­ Blue Ledge district is north and county, Calif., also in San Francisco, of the Woodman's Carnival held at Medford and A. M. Ford of Central ing their brother, Duffy Farrier, who mention. Manager Brooks was able Salem, whither he took Pete, the ing to jump in and tear things to south, dipping westward. In this re­ for some time past, returned home Grants Pass last year, the champion Point. has been quite sick. to announce last night that he had se­ amateur quoit pitcher of the world, has Swede, an insane person, who has been pieces. They are not going to blow Dr. D. M Joint representative, cured Mahara’s for a return date to gard they bear a striking resemblance Monday evening. They were met some received a challenge for a match to Mr. and Mrs.Horace Pelton and Jas terrorizing some of the people of Ash­ up the tariff wall with dynamite; Brower of Ashland. be played on a week night..—[Guthrie to tbe big veins of Del Norte couoty, distance down the line by Mr. Neuber. they are going to begin gently to lift Pelton, of Sam's Valley, attended the land take place next May. He has accepted State Capitol, November 24, 1903. California, and of tbe Waldo and other tbe rocks off one by one until tbejwall County judge, S. H. Holt of Ash­ dancing party given at Wilson's Opera The Democratic County Committee the defi and arrangements for the con­ land. D. P. Flowers, who has been spend­ is not so high that tbe people cannot districts of Josephine county, Oregon. House Monday evening. will meet in Wilson’s Opera House test are now under way. As he has ing several months in Southern Ore­ see over it and see the tariff-protected County Commissioner, M. Calhoun S omehow the thought that Dowie The formation of tbe Blue Ledge vein industries of this country selling B. F. Hutton, W. L. Dull, E. E. Gar ­ received several challenges from local Wednesday, March 2d, at 2 o ’ clock p gon, left for Walla Walla, which is his goods to foreigners cheaper than they of Phoenix. is being chased by an Australian mob is a micaceous chistl licks and F. X. Gordan, wideawake m., when a convention to nominate quoit pitchers, Mr. Tichenor states home, this week. We hope to see him do to home consumers. Sheriff, G. C. Culy of Steamboat. fails to cause that keen regret that representatives of a leading portrait soon again. candidates for legislative and county on between now and the date of them County Clerk, J. D. Williams o should be aroused by an exhibition of house, are doingthe valley. Democrats, Attention. • offices will be called and a plan of on between now and the date of the Barton. A bouncing boy has made his ap­ lawlessness. And the keenness is none match with T. C. Cooper of New York Messrs. Steiger, Walcb and Round, pearance at the residence of Mr. and campaign discussed. Tbe nomination of wbat is lacking tbe less marked because the “prophet” A meeting of the Democratic Cen­ Liquor men say they are going to City In May. of a full ticket and the tilling of va­ tree made Medford a visit one day this Mrs. L. M. Stone of Farmer’s Flat, tral Committee for Josephine county thus far baa outfooted the mob. Wm. H. Stewart, the well-known fight the local option law, which is to In answer to a question,submitted by cancies were left to the county central week. They are waiting for the and Lou is stepping pretty high in is hereby called for Saturday, March horticulturist, has sold bis fine farm weather to change, so that they can consequence. be submitted to tbe people of Oregon Superintendent of Public Instruction committee. and orchard, consisting of 200 acres of 5, 1904, at 11 o’clock a. m., at the initiative in June, and the temperance Ackerman, Attorney-General Craw­ Joe A. Thomas and E. P. Ham­ commence getting out lumber for the Rev. J. D. Murphy will hold services land and located a few miles east of court house at Grants Pass, Oregon, element say they will meet tbe enemy ford rendered an opinion in which he mond were elected chairman and sec­ Iowa Lumber and Box Co. at the Catholic church in Ashland to fix a date of primaries and county Medford, to J. W. Perkins, a success­ at the polls in full force. It promises held, in substance, that teachers in the retary, respectively, of the county Sunday morning at 10:30. There will convention and for other purposes. ful business man and a prominent to be a battle royal. high schools of the State must hold committee for tlie ensuing two years. consequently be no services at Jackson­ citizen of Portland, for #21,500. This All members are earnestly requested Tne convention then adjourned sine Nothing more has been seen of the diplomas from the State Normal schools ville or Medford. is one of the most promising to attend. There is a best time for doing fruit propositions In the valley. Mr. body that floated down the Umpqua or institutions of collegiate or univer­ die. H. D. N obtom , Chairman. Don't forget Mahara’s Minstrels Sat­ Marshal Stevens of Grants Pass everything—that is, a time when a Perkinswill assume personal supervis­ river, past Roseburg, last Saturday. sity grades, or state diplomas, and urday night. They are tbe best on and Mr. Hughes of Marysville. Calif., thing can be done to the best ad­ ion of his property at once and make it It is thought to be that of A. N. Drake, that ordinary teacher’s certificates went to Roseburg on the track of an the road, and are well received every­ cannot be used In the high-school vantage, most easily and most ef­ one of the best in the state. He has a who disappeared from Glendale so embezzler who was supposed to have where. There are several female ar­ fectively. Now is the best time considerable area in apples and pears mysteriously. A careful search is be­ grades, but ody in any grade in what been here recently. The man they tists among them. Not a great deal of the apple crop is known as the public or common for purifying your blood. Why? already, which he will begin enlarg­ ing made for It. were in search of was a former cashier Myron Harrison, the well-known raised in Jackson county remains in schools. Because your system is now trying ing at once. I Fourteen members of the Masonic or­ of the State bank of Mapleton, Minn., miner, who has been operating in Jose­ the growers' hands, nearly all of it J. H. McFarland, construction fore­ to purify it—you know this by the Southern Oregon, and Rogue River der and about the same number of Odd man lor the Western Union Telegraph having been shipped to many markets. and had embezzled funds to the phine county, is employed at the Stor­ Eimples and other eruptions that “When the butter won't Fellows left Glendale Friday to make ave come on your face and body. valley In particular, Is attracting a thorough search in the Dadd’s Creek Company, with a force of workmen, Even the second-class varieties have amount of #17,000. At Roseburg they ing mine again. His family la visiting tbe attention of those who wish come put a penny in the found a man who answered the de­ in tbe Willamette valley. has completed the setting of new cedar be n sold to very good advantage. to eogage in fruit raising on a country for the body of A. N. Drake, p ties to carry the company’s wires be­ scription. The arrest was made and J. A. Perry, the enterprising ware- W. C. Kitto and L. T. Jones, the chum,* is an old time dairy large scalj, and there is nj place that who was lost January 18th, an account tween Ashland and Grants'Pass, a dis­ hou eman, will ship two carloads as the party taken before a justice of the expert machinists, jrho are installing proverb. It often seems to is better adapted to this kind of busl of whose mysterious disappearance we tance of 40 miles. The work of trans­ soon as the S. P. Co. furnishes him peace, but proved his identify by a the machinery of tbe Granite Hill printed at the time. ness. Are the medicines to take—they do ferring the wires from the old poles with the in ansof transporting them. citizen of that town. The man proved mine, located near Grants Pass, are work, though no one has ever the work thoroughly and agreeably • Sam Veatch, the gonial S. P. con­ which have done service for so many One goes to Beaumont, Texas, and to lie N. L. Griswold, of Washington, making excellent progress. told why. and never fail to do it. holding a government position, who ductor, who has been enjoying a three years will be begun at once from this the other to San Francisco. The Fisk Jubilee Singers gave an Hood’s are the medicines you When mothers are worried was in Medford and Jacksonville lately. weeks’ vacation in San Francisco and end. After this is completed it is ex­ Southern Oregon applet enjoy a He was known by one man only in Rose­ entertainment at U. S. Hall last Fri­ have always heard recommended. Los Angeles, passed through here re­ pected that the work of reconstruction burg,and but for this acquaintance he day evening, for the benefit of the because the children do not Manager Koehler has made a spec­ cently, en route to Portland. Mrs. will be pushed northward from Grants first-class reputation everywhere, and would “I cannot recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla have been placed in a very awk­ Jacksonville public school. It was gain strength and flesh we often find ready sale to tlie exclusion too highly as a spring medicine. When we ial trip of inspection over the South­ ward position. Veatch accompanied him. They re­ Pass, says the Tidings. take it In the spring we all feel better through of choice stock grown in tbe vicinity well attended and pleased all who wit­ the »ummer.” Mas. 8. H. Nui.. McCrays. Pa. ern Pacific’s Oregon lines with R. L. turned home upon say give them Scott’s Emul­ receipt of news nessed it. of the very markets when the com ­ Though the market price of prunes Hood** Sarsaparilla promises to Donald, the new resident engineer, informing them that their home in petition arises. cure and keep* tbe promise. Miss Minnie McElroy, who was re­ sion. successor to W. A. Grondabl, whose Portland had been pillaged by burg* last fall was not satisfactory to Oregon growers, yet those who disposed of Our fruit, growers should jealousiy cently operated on by Doctors Cam­ It is like the penny in the appointment became effective last lars. their product for what they could get gi ard the fame their product has eron, Gale and Robinson, is steadily im­ A young man named Hauk, who re ­ Saturday. Mr. Donald has been assis ­ Jack Munroe outfought Tom Shar­ were, after all, the wiser. Many grow­ gained an 1 z'alously endeavor to even P rince A lexander , of Oldenberg, proving. Miss M. Vickers, a nurse milk because it works and has caused a patriotic sensation in tant resident engineer of the Sacra­ key in their six-round bout at Philadel­ ers who held for a higher price, now ex el tlie succe-s which lias previously cently arrived from Elgin, Union coun­ who received her training in Chicago, because there is something ty, Oregon, was arrested by Constable Russia. He not only has given 1,000,- mento division for several years, and phia February 27tb. Munroe stepped find the market collapsed, and their [attended tlieir t ff.irts. Angle in Medford Saturday, ona charge is also attending her. Is well known among rai'road engi ­ astonishing about it. from the ring without a mark, while prunes practically unsaleable. Pro­ - 000 rubles toward the war fund, but has of iusanity, and held until he could be B. W. Baldwin and Jas. Flowers, neers as a capable man in that depart ­ G. E. Romero and Walter Quigley, both of Sharkey’s eyes were badly ducers often find it to their advantage proposed that tbe Czar raise a troop Scott’s Emulsion is simply examined. County Judge Prim had his two of the leading hop-growers of of irregular cavalry of the dreaded ment of the service. Mr. Grondabl, swollen from vicious right and left to accept the price that is current at who have been developinga fine quartz a milk of pure cod liver oil tribes of Buriats and Kalmucks, of tbe whom he succeeds, accompanied the swings of the Butte miner. In only one the time tbe product is ready for mar­ ledge in Northern California, have ease Investigated by Dr. Jones, who Josephine county,have been in this sec­ pronounced the unfortunate man a tit tion lately, looking for a large body of party on this trip, which was the sold it to Minneapolis parties for a with some hypophosphites round, the first, did Sharkey have any KoL. steppes, the condition being that they 1 DC re are re e exceptions, x cc Ji Lio Li s, ui ket. There of courise, course, be under military rule in the Far East, last that be will make to closing a advantage of Munroe. After this the but experience shows that, as a rule | Bnu£ sum, we learn i. T hey went to subject for the insane asylum, and he land on which to raise hops on a big especially prepared for delicate I. .. 1 >3 t •• M r, /I 1.0 rbfl* t v> v*l nil t *1 .•■* 11 ♦ I j.l aa W• »1« » but allowed to do all they like In the career of 23 years with the company, battle was almost whol'y in Munroe's holding over for an advance in price ' Grants Pass Wedneslay, where they was taken to Salem by J. E. Barkdull scale. We have not .learned tbe result and H. W. Jackson. is a losing operation. 1 wlp remain few days. of their trip. stomachs. way of independent raids of their own during which time monuments to his favor. Young Hauk’s father, who is engag­ according to their typical style of war­ skill have been erected over the en­ Mr«. C. E. Hufstader and her chil ­ Children take to it naturally A strike of all boiler makers of the fare. Prince Alexander offers to equip tire mileage of the system, and several ed in business at Jacksonville, says dren, who have been living in Jack­ and pay for tbe support of 1500 men large bridgrs are now in course of S. P. R. R. system was declared at San that bis son fell out of a tree, when a sonville for sometime past, are now because they like the taste throughout the war. This further Francisco last Saturday. The strlkeis small boy, which affected his mind, and residents of Grants Pass, having re­ and the remedy takes just as construction. shows the brutality of the Russians, ask for a general increase of 10 per he has occasional spells of insanity. moved thither at the suggestion of which is liberally indulged in by those cent in wages. The present scale ot He thinks a course of treatment at the the Odd Fellows' lodge of that city, of naturally to the children be­ in high places. wages ranges from 36j to 40 cents an asylum will be of much benefit to him. which the late Mr. H. was a member. cause it is so perfectly adapted hour, 10 hours constituting a day's Resides being the cause of mozt sickness, is also contrary The annual city election, held on to their wants. io Nature. It w » b intended that this important organ work. Only six men in Oregon are should be strong and healthy for it is from this source 1 he following Is a weather report affected—four In the shops at East Tuesday, resulted in considerable of a STOMACH For all weak and pale and receive all our strength. Then it is very important for the month of February,furnished Portland, one at Ashland and one at surprise in one or two instances. There JITTERS a we that you commence taking thin children Scott’s Emulsion by E. Britt, volunteer observer: ¡** ZZ2CV2 Roseburg. The President formally nominated was quite a contest over the offices of Mean temperature, 43 8 degree ; i* /t Zz<> J. T. Bridges and J. H. Booth for ap­ marshal and recorder, and it brought is the most satisfactory treat- The February rain fall record in maximum temperature,63deg.on 26th; pointment in the U. S. land office at out the biggest vote which has been ment. broken by /oz7 Southern Oregon has i een minimum temperature, 25 degrees, cast for several years—nearly 160. The Roseburg, Monday. of the past month, the precipitation We will send you on the 9th; total precipitation, Senator Fulton of Oregon will en­ Independent candidates and present which was about six inches. The the penny, /. e.,.a 10.57 Inches; number of clear days, 2; deavor to secure their confirmation in incumbents were both elected, W. G. average for the past 22 years has been at onco, became it la universally acknowledged to be the sample free. number of partly cloudy days, the Senate as scon as that body holds Kenney defeating Ed Hubert by 19 2:30 and the only years in which the best stomach sti engthener in the world For 50 years 14; cloudy 15; total snowfall, 3 Inches an executive session. votes, while H. G. Dox beat Peter Be »on that thb piciara la it has been successfully used by sickly people all over the form ot a label is oa th« Total precipita ion since Sep». 1, »903, present record hat been approached Deisch by about the same majority. the country. It will positively cure wrapper ot every bottle ot 29.18 inche-; last season, 25.42 inches. were the February of 1902 and 1890, Public Notice. Emiuekm you buy. Nausea, Sick Headache, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, In­ The other candidates elected were: when tbe amounts ran a little over five digestion, Cramps, Liver Complaints, Insomanla and Chas. C. Purse) made our city a busi­ My wife having left me, 1 will not Trustees, J. S. Orth, J. H. Huffer, J. SCOTT & BOWNE, Malaria, Fever and Ague. inches. ness visit Monday. He is putting up a be responsible for any bills contracted Nunan, E. Britt, Theo. Cameron; ‘1 Chemists, Be sure to try a bottle today. The genuine must have Another and heavier slido occurred by her from this date. first-class saw mill on Upper Apple­ treasurer, Jas Cronemiller; street com­ our Private Stamp over the neck. At all Druggists. 409 Pearl St., N. Y. H enry A. R ehkopf . gate, which will be in operation before > at Roberts Hill, near Dillard, Satur­ missioner, Henry Wendt. A pplegate, Jan. 5, 1904. day morning, just after the south- long. Ä HIDDEN TORTURER “LeapeOrganized- Î NO. 12 BRIEF MENTION. W>1 I An Appointment Made, Trosts are Undisturbed. Work at Bine Ledge The Socialists Nominate. Sahara’s Big Minstrels. ojcuj Another Big Sale. X March, April, May A Case of Mistaken Identity More Apple Shipments. Proverbs Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Pills Railroad Officials Travel. Another Unfortunate. r m Weather Report, m A Weak Stomach F Appointments Made. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS