The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, February 17, 1904, Image 2

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    Bemoercatie firnes
Printed Every Wednesday, by
Times Printing Company
C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr.
One Year, in advance...
Six Months......................
Office With Pacific States Telephone Co.,
Ryan Building, California St.
Entered at the Poaloffice at Jacksonville, Ore.,
as Second Class Mall Matter
Now we are told by scientists that
there is no excuse for short women re­
maining short; that is if they want to
get into the tall class. All that Is neces­
sary to increase their stature is a system
of leg-pulling. It seems to work differ­
ent with men, for we have noticed that
the men whose legs are most frequent­
ly pulled are apt to be “short.”
T he Supreme Court has affirmed
the judgment of the circuit court for
Klamath county, in the ease of B. S.
f erns, appellant, vs. J. P.|Lee. It was
held that where trial was had without
t. jury and the court made findings of
fact and conclusions of law, but these
were lost for a time, the judgment is
nevertheless valid and the findings
subsequently found may be written in­
to the records.
C hicago ,the second city in America,
may be threatened with bankruptcy.
Suita for damages against the city ag­
gregating •38,0CO,OOO are pending, and
should judgment be had In half of these
cases insolvency will be the result.
Most of these damage cases are for per­
sonal injuries resulting from defective
sidewalks. Though not as large as
Chicago, Medford had best take warn­
S enators should be elected by a di­
rect vote of the people. But until that
can be provided for, and, popular as
the idea is, amending the Constitution
to put it into force will be slow busi-
nes. State conventions or primary
elections should settle the matter in ad­
vance of the meeting of the Legislature
and thus leave that body with noth­
ing to do in the premises but ratify the
choice previousy expressed by the
people at the polls.
T he time wm when a congressman
or senator could live in Washington on
* salary of $2500 a year, and when the
president was content to get along on
•25,000. But times have changed. Con­
gressmen raised their salaries to 15000,
and many of them find it impossible to
keep "soul and body” together on that
amount. The president, too, finds that
he can’t “entertain” as he desires on
the paltry sum of 150,000 a year.
These are indeed strenuous times for
the poor office-holders. It is a wonder
that a lot of them don't ask to be re-
tired to private life.
W oman suffrage will be given a
trial in Australia. The coming federal
elections there will have an unusual
significance, because for the first time
the entire female citizenship of a conti­
nent will exercise the unrestricted
right of suffrage. Over 860,000 woman
voters are registered, and, needless to
say, such a great increase of the fran­
chise has introduced uncertainties into
the election sufficient to cause even
the most experienced politicians to lose
their prophetic bearings entirely.
THEGreat Northern Steamship Co.’s
steamships Dakota and Minnesota are
the larges’, freight and passengers car­
riers in the world afloat or in the
s-ocks, or even designed. Their di­
mensions are: Length, 630 feet:
b eadth, 73 feetfi inchee;molded depth,
&■ feet. On a draught of 37 feet the di*-
p ace men t will be 27,000 tons; on a
d -aught of 40 feet, which is possible,
with perfect stability and ample free-
b-tard, either will have a displacement
O 40,000 tons, or 230 tons more than
tbe great White Star liner CeJric,with
36 feet and 6 inches draught.
S ecretary B eckman of the Lum-
barmen’■ Association states that
more than 300 new mills were erected
in the Pacific Northwest during last
year, that the market for tbe common
grades of lumber which constitute
seventy-five per cent of the entire out­
put to flooded, and that the values
have decreased to a minimum, and
that 250 mills have already closed and
that many more will soon be compelled
to either close or else go into the bands
of receivers, unless relief in the present
condition be found in the establish­
ment of new markets.
T he death of William C. Whitney
removes a man who has always stood
high in the estimation of tbe Ameri­
can people, and deservedly so. A msn
of sterling character and conspicuous
ability, he has for many years been re­
garded as one of the foremost citizens
of the country. As Secretary of the
Navy he inaugurated the policy that
has resulted in our occupying our pres­
ent enviable position as a naval power,
and he may very properly be referred
to as “the father of the American
navy.” His death will be especially re­
gretted by those members of the Demo­
cratic party who have regarded him as
a logical candidate for president.
T he old saying .that “fire is a good
•e vast but a dreadful master” is well
exemplified in the unprecedented de­
struction of property in Baltimore by
the fire which it seemed utterly impos­
sible to subdue. When the fire king
once gets under headway, with an
abundance of material to feed its vora­
cious demands, the resisting efforts of
man seem a mere mockery. In a mo­
ment the earnings of a lifetime go up
in smoke and every means of opposi­
tion are fruitless. If a breeze is not al­
ready blowing, the onward rush of the
fire will mutually create one, and build­
ings which have wont to be boasted as
fireproof are as but the easiest oNcom-
bustible material. The beautiful city
ot Baltimore will have the sympathy of
tbe entire world in her awful misfor­
Ito Kind You Hava Mwayx Boagtit
Frank Surran was a recent Jackson­
ville visitor.
There has been an abundance of wind
and rain during the week.
The price of eggs is going down,
while poultry is getting dearer.
H. Sandry of Gold Ray and S. Math
is of Woodville were among us a few
days ago.
Happy Hooligan Lyden has returned
from a trip to Eugene and other Ore­
gon points,
Albert O. Collins has been appointed
postmaster of Watkins, vice E. C.
Faucett, resigned.
H. H. Hughes, who is employed at
the Greenback mine, was a visitor the
forepart of the week.
August Weydemann of San Fran­
cisco arrived in Jacksonville Thursday,
to attend the funeral of his late father.
County Clerk Orth is completing
the extension of the tax roll,and It will
be put In the hands of Sheriff Rader
for collection next week.
Guaranteed Forest Reserve Scrip for
sale, in large or small quantities, by
Frank E. Alley, upstairs over Land
Office, Roseburg. Oregon. Will place
same for non-resident purchasers.
Mr. and Mrs. John Alford, who have
been spending the past few months in
this section, left for their home in Linn
county Monday.
The government has invited bide for
carrying the U. S. mails between Med­
ford and Jacksonville three times a day
instead of twice as it present.
Ed. Tynan, a conductor of trains 11
and 12, running between Ashland and
Dunsmuir, is off duty on account of a
severe attack of rheumatism.
W. R. Potter of Eagle Point ^has
been awarded the contract for carry­
ing the U. S. mail between Ashland
and Soda Springs, via Barron, six times
a week, for >688 a year.
I. W. Harper is the “Gold Medal”
whisky of the world. Highest awards
at Paris, 1900; Chicago, 1893; New
Orleans, 1885. Unbeaten and Unbeat
able! Sold by E. H. Helms. Jackson­
Representative Hermann has been
advised by the auditor of the Interior
Department that all surviving soldiers
of Indian wars prior to'1855are entitled
to military bounty land warrants.
Pearce & Sons have their hydraulic
mines on Poorman’s Creek in opera­
tion, and are working in better ground
than ever. A nugget worth $25 was
picked up in their diggings a few days
Blue prints of township maps, show
ing all vacant land, fifty cents each
For reliable information concerning
government land write to Frank E.
Alley, Abstracter, Roseburg, Oregon.
E. F. Rock fellow, wbo got his start
at Ashland and is well known in South­
ern Oregon, is among us again, as the
representative of a Cleveland manu­
B. Y. C. Brown, who was a resident
of Jacksonville for a while, was here
not long since, in the interest of a paint
he is placing on the market in connection
with others. He is located at Cottage
Grove at present.
Joa A. Thomas, who is an active So­
cialist, was in Medford a few days
since. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are oc­
cupying their new home, situated on
the Medford—Jacksonville road, which
b a handsome one.
It is reported that Prof. N. L. Nar-
regan, principal of the Medford High
School, will be a candidate for tho
Republican nomination for school su­
perintendent. Supt. Daily will be a
candidate for re-election.
Blue-print maps of any township in
Roseburg, Oregon, Land iDistrict, show­
ing all tbe vacant lands, for 50 cents
each. If you want any information
from the U. S. Land Office, address
Title Guarantee & Loan Co., Rose­
burg, Oregon.
In Medford, after April 5th, nickel*
n-slot machines must pay a license of
•2.50 a month each, those receiving 25
cents <5 a month. This will produce
«.considerable of a revenue, if all the ma*
chines in use now are kept in commis­
sion then.
A handsome block of ore was taken
from the Grob drift in the Shorty-
Hope mine last week, which is to be
placed with tbe Oregon mineral ex­
hibit at the Louisiana Purchase Ex­
position at St. Louis. The sample car­
ries good assay value and is of a char­
acter showing a strong vein, says the
Ashland Tribune.
A quiet little wedding took place at
Medford Parsonage Thursday even­
ing, when H. E. Childers and Miss Ivy
Gilson were united by Rev. R. C.
Blackwell. The happy couple depart­
ed on the morning train for Roseburg,
where they will stay awhile before pro­
ceeding to Portland. They have many
friends, all of whom join in wishing
them a long life of prosperity and unal­
loyed bliss.
Assessor Jones was in Ashland
Thursday. He told the Valley Record
that he would not be a candidate for a
renomination before the Democratic
county convention, as bls private in­
terests demand his entire attention.
His father is in poor health, and he
must look after the home place of 200
acres, fifty acres of which were recent­
ly planted in Newtown apple trees.
There is no doubt but what Mr. Jones
would be renomina ed and elected, as
he has given general satisfaction.
John Ranzau of Grants Puss bas sold
his hop crop, consisting of nearly 60,-
000 pounds, to San Francisco parties at
28 cents per pound, the top price for
bops in this section, says the Courier.
Tbe bulk of the Josephine county crop
was contracted early Ln tbe season at
prices ranging from 15 to 17 cents,
while hop-growers who had not con­
tracted their crop received from 18 to
24 cents. Already a number of grow­
ers have contracted their 1904 crop,the
ruling prioe being 17 cents.
The organization of a four-team base­
ball league in this valley is being agi­
tated. A similar attempt was made
last year, but was unsuccessful, prin­
cipally because Grants Pass would not
agree to join the league. The towns to
be included in the proposed league are
Ashland, Medford, Jacksonville and
Grants Pass. If the latter place will
not come in, then an effort will be
made to get Gold Hill to join. Four
games a week will be played during
the season, two gameB in each of the
four towns every other week, says the
A Handsome Producer
WAS the day before Christmas, and
Mr. and Mrs. L. Lytle were Med­
There are many mining properties
all through tho place
ford visitors Thursday.
that are cluse corporations, and hence
There were racket and trouble, a
horrible case;
S. Richardson has been visiting in no authentic stati ment can be secut-
Little Willie had found where the raisins
ed as to their output; but frequency
the vicinity of Jacksonville.
were hid.
he stuffed himself full to the tonsils,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rickey are visit­ some officer of these companies, when And he
ing in San Francisco and Berkeley.
Little Daisy discovered high up on a shelf
A dolly that she was to have for herself.
N. O. Haskins of Rogue River was a the news to the public. This was the When mamma found out she at once took
the doll
Medford visitor one day this week.
stockholders of the Greenback Com­ To be sent to the store whence it came,
Mrs. Lou Shea of Glendale has been pany at Denver, held a few days ago-
and a squall
That was heartfelt and piercing went up
visitingin Medford and Jacksonville.
The property is situated on Grave
from the child.
J. W. Slinger aud Frod Downing of Creek, in Jo-ephine county, and has Who rushed through the house with ap­
peals that were wild.
Lake Creek -made our town a visit been for several years a producer. The Making
promises never to snoop any more
stock Is held by New York and Colo­ If the dolly were not taken back to the
Mrs. A.L Harvey of Gold Hill is vis- ' rado people. Tne election of officers
The grocer’s boy mixed up his orders and
iting her son John, who practices law at resulted as follows: President, Wili­
forty-five things that nobody had
am H. Breevort, of New York; vice- I About bought.
Stockton, Cal.
Eben Smith? of D nver;
A. H. Foster, the well-known operat­
or in mines, has been looking after his and general manager, Carey W.
Thompson, who resides at tbe mine.
interests in this section.
The manager reported that all ar­
Mrs F.Pearce was In Medford Thurs-
rangements had been completed for
day, en route to her home on Poor­
a much heavier production this year
man’s Creek from Eagle Point.
than last, and the mine shows quartz
Sheriff Rader was in Roseburg Wed­ bodies sufficient to carry on tho tak­
nesday, where he was introduced into ing out of ore for several years to
the mysteries of the B. P. O. E.
come. The mill now has 40 stamps
H. C. Telford has resigned as post­ dropping on high-grade material, and I
master at Celestin and Herbert Cole is paying dividends of •30,009 peri
has been appointed to succeed him.
mouth. The expense of running is i
ho tailed to deliver the goods that
$10,000 per month, making the While were
W. E. Olmstead, superintendent of
month, Poor mother by all kinds of trouble was
the Vance mines, located In Forest output a value of $40,000 per
creek district was in our city Thursday. or $480,000 per year, This t: is over one- A splendid gift came from a faraway
third ni the amount credittd by ti e
Mr. Morris and his son, U. S., were Unit d States to the State of Oregon.
For whom there was not a thing ready to
in Medford Thursday. They will prob­
The present Intended for father had not
ably engage in mining near Jackson­
A Marvelous Merlal Globe.
Been bought tor some reason: somebody
One of the attracti' ns planned for
dish she Intended to give to Aunt Sue
Mrs. W. D. Hanley, who has been tbe St. Louis World’s Fair will bean The
Was knocked from a table and broken in
visiting in Medford and Uniontown,left aerial globe, 700 feet kJ ill. Some
for her home in Harney county Thurs­ after comparing it with the popular There were whooping and howUng and
trouble all day.
day evening.
F< rris wheel, which is considered a And thirty times mother turned sadly to I
Miss Jennie Slimmer of Chico, Calif., crude affair beside it. Tn is state­ "If they
’d keep the schools open today
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. ment is also appropriate, after com­
paring the celebrated Hostetter’s The and
world perhaps still would be lovely
S. P. Robbins, left for her home Fri­ Stomach Bitters with the other stom­
and bright.”
day morning.
ach remedies. Its 50 yea's’ recori of
—Chicago Record-Herald.
Frank Heberlie, the genial proprie­ family medicine that the others are
Why She Liked Bad Chlldrea.
tors the Ashland Laundry,was a Med­ considered crude affairs arrd hardly
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was fond Of
ford visitor Wednesday. He is doing a worth a trial. T>«-n don’t delay long­ children, though not of bad ones.
er, as delay is always dangerous, es­
big business.
Once In Boston she was calling on a
pecially in cases of indigestion, dys­
Geo. H. Aiken, an expert engineer, pepsia, constipation, biliousness, in­ young woman whose little son, a par­
was in Medford Friday, on his way to somnia, chills, colds or malaria, fever ticularly vicious urchin, played about
Josephine county, where he will run an and ague. The bitter.-« positivelv her while she conversed.
The child would pull his mother's
es the-e ailments, as thousinds
engine at D’Armond & Son’s saw mill. cu
have voluntarily testified. Try it and hair, kk-k her and thump her, nor did
T. Shattuck, ex-sheriff of Josephine sec for yourself.
he hesitate to try now and then these
county, spent a few days in tho valley
tricks upon Mrs. Stanton. She said
during the week. He has been away
“You are a bad boy, aren’t you?”
from Southern Oregon for a number of
“He is a bad boy,” his mother in a
sail, hurt tone confessed.
Tne battle of Borodino, fought be­
Ed. O'Brien and his family, who
"I prefer bad children, though,” said
have been living in Medford recently, tween the French and Russians near i Mrs. Stanton.
left Thursday for Etna, Calif., where Moscow in 1812. was the most murder­
“Ik> you?” cried the young mother.
they will locate. Ed. will start a candy ous fight, not only of the last century, “Why?”
’•Because," said Mrs. Stanton, “they
factory there. He has our beet wishes but. perhaps of the last 500 years.
are usually sent out of the room."—
Miss Echo Gaddis of Roseburg, man­
New York Tribune.
ager of the Douglas County Creamery, gaged armies of from 120,0C0 to 130,- I
and her brother, C. E. Gaddis, of the
The Spirit of Christ
Rogue River Creamery, are in Med­ one day of vigorous fighting; that the
Ftencb, after pouring a most inuider-
ous cannon tire upon the Russians
Edgar Hafer, manager of the Iowa advanccd-upon tbe Russian position,
Lumber Co., has gone to Portland to were repeatedly repulsed with terri­
buy machinery for the Iowa Lumber Jt ble los«, and finally rushed the sol­
Box Co.’s factory, in addition to the dier* of the Cxar off their feet and out
carload that is on the way from the »f their vantage ground. The French
won, but lost 12,t00 killed on the field
and 28,000 wounded. Fifteen thous­
Extensive Skin Grafting
and Russians were slain and 30,000
wounded. Out of about 250,000 met
An extensive skin-grafting opera­ who made up the co ,tending armies
tion is now in progress at the Emer­ 85,'Shi, or 34 per cent—m ire lhau one-
gency Hospital and General Hospital third—were struck by bullets*, bayo­
in L> s Angele«. On January 25th net- or swords.
At Waterloo about 45,000 men were
last C. M. Schinsler, formerly of Des
Moines, la., was horribly burned by killed er wounded oat of perhaps 200,-
the explosion of an Instantaneous 000 engaged. At Gettysburg about
water heater. There now remains on 160,000 fought, and each army bad,
his budy, according to the attending approximately, 3000 killed and 14,000
wounded. In tbe Wiideroess prob­
—New York Times.
surgeons, an area frem whi:h the ably
200,000 men were iu action and
cuticle is entirely missing equal to the tight—which lasted a week or
No, of Ooarae Not.
tbree and a half square feet. In order more—resulted in a combined loss of
He paused for a moment at a busy
to heal this surface it will be neces­
crossing just as a truck laden with
sary to cover it with new skin by tbe
kegs of fresh maple sirup backed heav­
grafting process.
ily against the curb. Down came a
The number of persons required to
tub from tbe topmost tier and broke
with a dull, sickening thud at bis feet
furnish the amount of cuticle needed
lie looked In dismay at his sirup cov­
for this purpose is estimated by the
Many people who have made proof
surgeons to be about 200. Schinsler on either timber claims or home­ ered feet and trousers and exclaimed:
“Here’s a pretty mess!”
is a member of the order of Modern steads are naturally i rye rested to
“Well.” responded the driver, “it’s
Woodmen of America, and the local know when their lands become tax­
on me.”—Philadelphia Ledger.
members of that order have under­
taken the work of supplying men able.
Work of Art.
from whom the skin may be taken.
F.rst, that when proofs are made
“Did the critic say anything when
and final receipts are issued by the
district land < tticers the fact is re­ you told him I bad sold that picture
A New Female Fad
to an American millionaire?" a9ked the
ported to the assessor of tbe county
in which the land is situated: second,
“Yes; be said ‘Well done!* ” respond
The young women of Jackson, Mich.,
have one of tbe oddest fads in the that the land becomes taxable upon ed tbe close friend.
"Ah, he meant the picture?"
world. It is no les-* than that of the first day of March following the
issuance of such receipt. For instance:
“No, the American millionaire.”—Lon­
dressing in male attire for social func
don Spare Moments.
tlons. It has been in vogue for the All lat.ds for which tinal receipts have
last tbree years. As many as fifty of
Thoutrhtf al.
tbe best known young women of tbe since March 1, 1903, are taxable, and
Two men had fallen out of the sixty-
city have been known to gather io
fifth story. As they proceeded down­
one large party, each girl appearing 1904, but these taxes are Dot due until ward one of them yelled.
“Why do you yell?” asked his com­
as “a swell young man.”
Tue issuance of a patent by the gen­ panion.
These parties are called “girls’ stig
eral land office has nothing to do with
“In order that people may catch us
parties’’ and are attended by students,
stenograpners, clerks, telephone girls the land becoming taxable. All tim­ with their cameras.” replied the other.
—Detroit Free Press.
and factory girls. Many of the par­ ber land, that is all land which was
ties are held In private homes, but
A Tr»grdl»n’» Melancholy Query.
not a few take place in hired halls, stone, act, and which was unimproved,
“I just heard a man say he would
is assessed at #3 per acre.
give $10 to see you.”
where tbe girls dance, play cards and
“Indeed!” said Mr. Stormington
have a good time in general.
The Baby Is Cutting Teeth.
Barnes. "Did be look like an ordinary
The young women are very careful Be sure If and
use that old and well-tried reme­
to exclude young men from all such dy. Mas. W inslow ' s S oothing S yrup , for auditor or a man with an attach­
children teething. It soothes the child, soft
gatherings. They borrow clothing ens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic ment?”—Washington Star.
1s the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty
from their brothers, cousins, sweet­ and
Too Many Preparation».
tl re cents a bottle
hearts and friends and enjoy the lark
“They say that after seven rehears­
to the fullest extent.
als Swimmington actually stumbled
through the wedding ceremony.”
Case of
“Overtrained, I suppose.”—Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Cured by Chamberlain’s
The Roseburg Plaindealer says that
Pain Balm.
Hie Great Scheme.
it now begins to appear that A. N.
The efficiency of Chamberlain's
Muggins—Ilow do you manage to
Pain Balm in the relief of rbeuma-
ti'in is being demonstrated dally. tains, noar Glendale, was murdered keep your wife in such a good humor?
Buggins— I pretend to be jealous of
Parker Triplett, ,»f Grigsby, Va., says and the body made away with. There
—Philadelphia Record.
that Chamberlain's Pain Balm gave are several very suspicious circum*
nim icrmanent relief from rheuma­
tism in the back when everything stanc-'s surrounding the case which
There is more C.ita rn In this sec­
el*e failed, and he would not be with­ point to murder by interested par­ tion of the country ti an all other dis­
out it. Fur sale by all druggists.
ease-* put together, an 1 until the last
Drake is given up for dead by his few years was supposed to be incura­
ble. For a great many years doctors
relatives. Parties in the southern pronounced
it a local disease and pre­
part i f Douglas county are arranging scribed local remedies, and by con­
o uiaire a thorough search as soon as stantly failing to cure with local
snow clears off, as at present it treatment, pronounced It Incurable.
Arthur Whipple, a son of W. R.
Science bas proven catarrh to be a
Whipple of Grants Pass, died a few will lie almost impossible t<> find the constitutional disease and therefore
days ago from the effects of being body now. Mrs. Drake offers a reward requires constitutional treatment.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured
of $300 for its recovery.
struck with a piece of wood.
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio,
Young Whipple and his grand
is the only constitutional cure on tbe
father had together at
market. It Is taken internally in
doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful,
a ranch about one mile this side of
Il acts directly on the blood and mu­
Waldo, and be went to the forest
cous surfaces of the system. They of­
alone to get a load of heavy chunk
A young man named Chas. Painter, fer one hundred dollars for any case it
5^ood. It is supposed that while who Ilves near Central Point with his fails to cure. Send for circulars and
lifting a large piece he stumbled parents, on Tuesday became engaged testimonials.
Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., To­
and fell backward, the wood striking in a quarrel with his’ brother, wbo is
ledo, Ohio.
him. across the breast and inflicting also a mere boy, over a trivial affair,
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
internal Injuries. The young man at and cut him severely on the head.
Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti­
first thought he was not hurt; but The knife narrowly missed the jugu­ pation.
afterward he was sieved with violent lar vein.
pains and died the next morning.
Constable Angle next day arrested
Painter and brought him before Jus­
Seed Wheat,- Seed Oats and Grass
tice Purdin, who allowed him to Seed for sale at
J. A. P erry ’ s W arehouse ,
plead guilty to a simple assault and
then sent him to the county jail for 20
The Bloodiest of Battles.
When Land is Taxable.
May Have Been Murdered
A Fatal Accident.
ProfcMMt r
Ruins of Baltimore's Great Fire Being
Rapidly Removed.
Baltimore, Md., Feb. 11.—Three
thousand laborers reported to Street
Cleaning Commissioner Wyckes and
after each had been provided with a
worker’s ticket they were divided into
iquads and inarched into the burned
listrict. Accompanying the workmeii
were hundreds of carts and trucks. Bj*
) o’clock this force was busily at work
in the debris, piling the bricks an*
broken timbers on the sidewalks,
where they were hte nloaded into carts
to be hauled away.
Besides this force, 700 railroad work­
men, under the supervision of con­
tracting engineers of the Pennsylvani/
and Baltimore & Ohio railroads, began
to take down the pillars and girders
left standing around the ruins, which
In their present position constitute an
element of danger.
Thus the enormous task of bringing I
order out of chaos in the devastated
city has been formally inaugurated.
The magnitude of this work may be
realized when it is estimated that the
mere cleaning away of the debris will
cost about $2,000,000.
A number of Individual merchants
and bankers have already made defi-
nite arrangements for the erection of
new structures. Fully a thousand
firms have found quarters in other
parts of tbe city.
Physicians Unable to Say When Crisis
Will Occur.
Washington, Feb. 11.—Senator Han­
na's condition remains practically un
changed. Tbe restlessness which fa­
tigued him Tuesday night has been
followed by periods of comparative
quiet and sleep during yesterday, and
the lrrrltabllity of the stomach has
again partially yielded to treatment
It is this feature of the case that the
physicians are guarding zealously
against, as they realise that If any
complications develop In the senator’s
distressingly weak condition the re­
sult may be fatal quickly.
The doctors are not yet able to pre­
dict with any certainty when the cri­
sis in the case will occur. All they
know for certain Is '.hat the senator
has had the fever continuously for
eleven days, and the disease, they say,
generally runs its course in three or
four weeks. The doctors Bay they are
satisfied with the progress of the case,
although they do not conceal their ap­
prehension that unforeseen complica­
tions may arise at any time.
Olympia. Wash., Feb. 11.—Governor
McBride has received a telegram from
Governor Pardee of California, asking
if starving, but otherwise healthy cat­
tle from the drought-stricken ranges
of Southern California would be ad
mltted to this state. The governor
will investigate the matter before re
plying. It is believed that the stock-
men on the Washington ranges will
object seriously to the importation of
any great number of cattle to the profit
of California stockmen. It is a ques­
tion, however, whether the authorities
of this state can legally prevent the
importation of clean cattle for feed­
ing purposes.
Kansas City, Feb. 11.—Miss Jessie
Averill, aged 20, a clerk in a millinery
store, was burned to death and four
others were injured, one perhaps fatal­
ly, In a fire that destroyed a three
story apartment house at Fifteenth
and Harrison streets. There were sev­
eral narrow escapes and several per­
sons jumped from second and third-
Btory windows.
San Francisco, Feb. 11.—The Am-
erlcan ship Henry B. Hyde, one of the
fleet owned by the California Ship­
ping company, is ashore at Danineck
Station and it Is probable that she will
be a total loss. The vessel was a the
way from New York for Balt
.re to
load for this port when s’ struck.
She went ashore during th
ight and
a dispatch received here by the own­
ers stated that a gale was blowing
and that there was little hope for thd
vessel. She was leaking. All of the
crew succeeded in reaching the land.
W. E. Mlghell is the managing owner
of the vessel. The Henry B. Hyde was
built at Bath, Me., In 1884. She had
a displacement of 2,583 tons gross.
Which I h Often Atoked.
Bad Coughs
In answer to a corroflpondont as to
the cause of so inueh variation In the
“ I had a bad cough for six
tests of creum. Professor E. 11. Farring­
weeks and could find no relief
ton In the Country Gentleman replies
until 1 tried Ayer’s Cherry Pecto­
as follows:
ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle
cured me.”
“Cream oft< i contains considerable
L. Hawn, Newington, Ont.
nir mixed v.i ' it, either that which
is forced into .. vlien milk is skiinined
itor or from tbe gases
Neglected colds always
by a cream s
cam sours. On ac-
formed when
lead to something serious.
count of these ases a pipette full of
They run into chronic
stu ll cream will hold a certain amount
bronchitis, pneumonia,
of air, and consequently not the full
asthma, or consumption.
volume of cream. (’ream Is so much
thicker than milk tliat more or less of
Don’t wait, but take
it adheres to the inside wails of the
’s Cherry Pectoral
pipette when it is emptied. Tbe glass I
just as soon as your cough
does not drain so thoroughly as when
milk is measured, and there is left con- I
begins. A few doses will
siderable fat in this cream adhering to ,
cure you then.
the walls of the pipette. This adhering '
Three »lie»: 2k., Sfc , II. Ail
cream is not of uniform quantity. |
More of it may be left in the plp.-tte •
Consult your doctor. If be «ay« take it,
then do a« he «ay». If he tell« you not
from some creams than from others. :
to take It. then don't take It. He kno»».
The amount which sticks to the pipette
Leave It with him M e are willing.
J. C. AVE1C CO.. Lowell. Maa».
depends a great deal on the richness |
and ripeness of the cream measur'd, j
Cream bottles and pipettes may not
be accurately graduated. One person
may test cream l>y measuring into the
cream test bottle with a 17.6 c. c.
[>ipette, and another may test t>y
R. G. GALE, M i)
weighing the cream after it is meas­
ured into the test bottle. There is a
Office in Orth’s Building.
difference in the tests made by weight
Hours—2 tû 4 and 7 to 8 i . di
and by measuring the cream. A thin
cream containing about 15 per cent I
fat may be measunsl with a pip 'tte Jackaonvll le
and fairly correct results obtained, be­
cause a pipette full of such thin cream
will weigh nearly eighteen grams. But
a pipette full of rich cream containing
40 or more per cent will weigh some-
where about sixteen grams, and wli n
WOfflce I d Red Men's Building.
this Is measured into a test bottle the
result obtained will not be nearly so
accurate as may be the case when a
thinner cream is measured and test'd.
On account of the effect which tbe fat ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Al 1AW
and the air bubbles in cream may have
Grant's Pass, Orsgoa.
on its weight it is always safest in
testing cream to use a scale for weigh­
practices all tbe oourts Office la hut
ing the quantity tested in each bottle.
building up-ktairi
In cream testing as well as In milk
testing it is necessary that acid of tbe
J. M. KEENE, D. ü. S
proper strength should be used, that
the tester should be run at full speed
and the required length of time, and OPERATIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY
Office» .n tbe Adkins Deuel block
that tlie test bottle chamber should t»e
kept warm during the whirling. The Medford,
temperature of the bottles during test­
ing may I»** regulated in steam turbine
testers by the arrangements now pro­
vided on the modern machines of this ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT 1 A W
type. If a hand tester is used the
Jacksonville, Oregon
cream t>ott)es should be kept warm by
placing them in hot water and by add­
'Will practloe I d all oourts of the Stal«
ing hot water to the tester while they
Bee In the Court House last door oi the
riebt from entrance
are tieing whirled. A difference in
temperature of twenty or more degr.'es
will affect the length of the fat col­
umn and cons<'<|uent!y the per cent of
fat read on tbe neck of tlie bottles.”
iraet’a Pasa.
Treasurer’s Thirteenth Call.
Office of the County Treasurer of 1
Jackson County, Oregon, Jack- -
son villc, Feb. 9, 1904
Notice is hereby given that there
are funds in the county treasury for
tlie redemption of ail outstanding
county warrants protested from Aug.
10,1901, to Sept. 3, 1901, both dates
inclusive. Interest on same will cease
after the above date.
D. H. M iller County Treasurer.
Office over Halr-R.dfile Hardware
Granfa Pasa, Oregon
Office above S P. D. A L. Co ’s Store
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood in your body passes through
ycur kidneys once every three minutes.
The kidneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil­
ter out the waste or
impurities in the blood,
if they are sick sr cut
of order, they fail to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rheu­
matism come from ex­
cess of uric acid in the
blood, due to neglected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick er unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart Is
over-workiag in pumping thick, kidney-
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin­
ning in kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mtstake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
ind the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is
soon realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and is sold on its merits
by all druggists in fifty-
cent and one-dollar siz­
es. You may have a
sample bottle by mail Home of Rwamp-Root
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
Sc Co.. Binghamton. N. Y.
Notary' Public
Real Estate Agent
and 11. S. Commissioner
for Jackson County.
Abstract* made to Title* *r
*11 ciDd drawn up especiallv pertaiolt t to
tbe settlement of estates.
«counts Solicited, Prompt Remittance.
invstment securities a »pecialt,. Jacksoc.
X>unty Scrip bought and sold.
have a complete set ot maps of aU surveyed
.ands in this county, and receive Abstracts
monthly from Roseburg Land Office, the I-and
department at the O. A C. R. R anu the State
Land Department at Salem ot all new entries
1 am thus prepared to make out bemu
Head papers and take proor* thervon. Also I
take filings and proofs of timber lands, and
can save to the expcise ot » trip
to tbe Roseburg land office
’ have a Number of FtneFaraia and •(*<»
Dealrable Propertv la m> buads for
WPromot reply made toalllettera. Chary.
<s in accordance with 'he times
Refers, by permission. Hon. H. K. Hsrna.
,udge of the 1st Judcial District, and to »n»
business house tn Jacksonville.
Don’t make aoy mistake, but re-
ernlter the name, Swamp-Root, Dr.
ilmer’s Swamp-R«>ot, and the ad-
ress, Binghamton, N. Y. on every
Do You Enjoy
What You Eat ?
You can oat whatever and whenever you
like If you take KodoL By the use of thia
remedy disordered digestion and diseased
stomachs are so completely restored to
health, and the full performance of their
functions naturally, that such foods as would
tie one Into a double-bow-knot are eaten
without even a “rumbling” and with a posi­
tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what Is
more—these foods are assimilated and
transformed into the kind of nutriment that
is appropriated by the blood and tissue*.
Kodol to the only digestant or combination
of digestants that will digest all
—mi of
food. In addition to this fact. It oontalns. In
assimilative form, the greatest known tonlo
and reconstructive properties.
Kodol cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all
disorder* arising therefrom.
Washington, Feb. 11.—Opposition
was entered against the pending eight-
hour legislation before the house com­
mittee on labor by Daniel Davenport, Kodol Digests What You Eat
Makes the Strenarh Sweei.
an attorney of Bridgeport, Conn. Mr. BotUMcnly.
Regular Are. 31.00. bolding JN ttmas
Davenport said he was the general
the trial sue. which seU* for SO
agent of the American Anti-Boycott Prseerod by I. O. DeWITT a OO
association, composed of a large num
her of manufacturers, combined for
enforcing the laws against boycott of
man, his business or product. Mr.
Davenport’s ground of opposition was
that eight-hour legislation was not
wanted by the employes or employers.
It was, he said, socialistic legislation
of the worst character.
■-Q devers
Cripple Creek, Colo., Feb. 11.—Judge
Lewis, in the district court, after a
lengthy review of the citations and
arguments of attorneys on the motion
to dismiss the criminal cases against
Adjutant General Sherman M. Bell,
Brigadier General John Chase an»
Major Thomas E. McClelland, charged
with having illegally Imprisoned citl-
iens in the bullpen, ordered the jury
to bring in a verdict of not guilty,
and this was done. Judge Lewis, in
his opinion, said that it was not for
the court to decide whether Governor
Peabody did right or wrong in de­
claring Teller county to be In a state
of Insurrection and rebellion.
G LJ/-X R XX txi T E. E. CD
POM van O oa
Medford Furniture Co.,
HouseFurnishers and
Undertakers. JohnH.
Butler, Funeral Di­
rector. Day Phone
Main 353. Night
Phone Main 251.
àe&rs th«
ZV » “I* O TV X
liw Kind You Hare Always