The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, February 17, 1904, Image 1

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    3 r>
Interesting History of n Man Who II a>
lleen Near Death Many Times—Made a
Prisoner at Hattie of Cedar Creak.
While operating a buzz-saw in a mal­
leable iron foundry at Troy, Henry
Simons, a member of the Grand Army
of the Republic, was suddenly stricken
with vertigo and fell almost upon the
the swiftly revolving saw. But the same
good fortune that carried him un wounded
through four years of active service du­
ring the Civil war again preserved his
life. While serving in Co. H, Twelfth
Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, during
the campaign in the Slieuandoah Valley
made famous by Sheridan’s ride, he had
been captured by the Confederates at
the battle of Cedar Creek, aud confined
in Iabbv prison for months before he
was finally exchanged. The sudden ill­
ness which brought him so near an
awful death was the direct result of his
war experience, as Mr Simons stated to
a reporter who colled at his comfortable
homeat No. 4 Linden avenue.Troy, N.Y.
•• Ever since the campaign of New Or­
leans in 1861,” he said, •• I have been af­
flicted with malaria and frequent attacks
of acute* gastritis, brought on bv constaut
exposure and the malarial atmosphere of
the bayou country. At times I was sub­
ject to attacks of vertigo and it was a
seizure of this kind that nearly ended
my life.
“ For over thirty years I employed the
beat physicians but they were unable to
giv e me any permanent relief. One day
I saw* Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale
People mentioned in a local newspaper
and decided to try them. Before I had
finished the first box I noticed that my
api>etite had improved aud that I was
much stronger. That also marked the
end of tj>e attacks of extreme vertigo.
I kept on taking the pills and my recov­
ery from that time was gradual but
steady. I am heartily glad to endorse Dr.
■Williams’ Pink Pilis.
These pills have cured many stubborn
cases of nervousness, partial paralysis,
locomotor ataxia. 8t. Vitus’ dance, rheu­
matism. sciatica and all forms of weak­
ness whether in male or female. Sold
by all druggists, or sent postpaid at fifty
cents per box, six boxes for two dollars
and fifty cents, by the Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y.
In Annual Session
The annual meeting of the Jackson
County Stockmen’s Association was
Held in Ashland, Saturday afternoon.
Of tbe 75 members there were prob­
ably 50 present,and much interest was
shown in the business that came up.
The meeting was called to order by
President Geo. Owens, when the con­
stitution of the association was read
by Secretary F. R. Neil.
The brand book recently issued
upon authority of the association was
pronounced full of errors and was
roasted a dark brown.
Article 2, of section 4, of the consti­
tution, providing that the secretary
should go to the County Clerk's office
twice each year to obtain any new
brands that might have been regis­
tered was stricken out.
The following are the officers of the
association chosen for the following
year: President, Geo. Owen of Ash­
land; vice-president, S. P. Barneburg,
of Cove; secretary, F. R. Neil, of
Ashland; treasurer, F. Hubbard, of
Medford; members of executive com-, E. B. Barron, of Barron and
C. C. Taylor of Roxy.
President Owen, who had been a
delegate to tbe annua) meeting of
the National Stockgrowers’ Associa­
tion, recently held at Portland,
gave an interesting account of the
After an informal discussion of
different matters connected with the
association there was an adjourn-
A special meeting of the associa-
tton will be held at Medford on the
first Monday in May, to arrange for
tbe publication of a new brand book.
The Coming Assessment
The new tax law makes no change
with reference to the date for begin­
ning the assessment. As formerly,
the assessment of each individual ba*
reference to tue amount of property
he possessed on the 1st day of March.
Accoidtngly it is on that date that
each taxpayer is supposed to make an
inventory of his belongings, so that
he may properly fill out the assess­
ment blank supplied by the assessor.
Assessor Jones has provided himself
with the requisite blanks, and is
making preliminary preparations for
beginning work March 1st.
A practice to be observed this year
is that all taxpayers will be required
to make affidavit to the list they pre­
pare of their property. The new law
leaves the assessor no alternative.
A fact in connection with the above
is that the Supreme Court has held
that the assessor is not bound to ac­
cept the list sworn to by the taxpayer
as a true assessment. If the assessor
ascertains that the state inent does
not include all the property, he may
add the missing troperty, or make up
a new list altogether.
I owa bas taken a step a century in
advance. A bill has been introduced in
the legislature of that state, creating a
marriage reform bureau. The object
of this will be to prevent the marriage
of physically or mentally unfit persons,
and for the purpose of giving a course
of instruction to young people to whom
marriage license is issued, on the laws
of health, sanitation and hygiene, with
a view to remedying the evils of Ignor­
ance. The bureau will be composed of
reputable physicians, both male and fe­
male, whose duty it will be to pa«s up­
on the fitness of persons applying for
license to wed. If the applicants are
unfit they will be recommended to
courses of treatment covering their
weakness, and if they are fit they will
be given wholesome lessons on the new
duties they are to assume. Such a law
was drafted by Representative Carter
of Jackson county, four years ago, but
he did not present it. Being a single
man then,said he might be condemning
himseli to bachelorhood by introd ueing
Charles A. M. Schlierholtz, a special
a measure of that kind. A glance at agent of the General Land Office, has
the asylum reports of Oregon proves been discharged from the gove.'oment
tn at the law is needed here.
service on charges of fraud in con­
nection with a timber deal in north­
ern Aikansa*. The Plaindealer says
SchlierLoltz is the man who made
ir nisei f so obnoxious to applicants
To health and happineus is Scrofula— before the U. 8. Land Office in Rose­
as ugly as ever since time immemorial. burg a few months since, by asking
It causes bunches in the neck, dis­ foolish, Impertinent and irrelevant
figures the skin, inflames the mueoos questions of applicants for timber­
membrane, wastes the muscles, weak­ land entries. Some of his rulings
ens the bones, reduces the power of were so obviously ridiculous that hi*
resistance to disease and the capacity action here was the talk of the town
for recovery, and develops into con­ for many days. One applicant, being
questioned beyond the limit of his
“A bunch appeared on the left 3ide of endurance, stated on oath that he in­
my neck. It caused great pain, was lanced, tended to split every foot of timber
and became a running sore. I went into a on bis claim iDto match wood for his
general decline. I was persuaded to try
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and when I bad taken own individual use.
Knows How It is Himself.
An Ancient Foe
six bottles my neck was healed, and I have
never had any trouble of tbe kind since.”
Mas. K. T. SMYDca, Troy, Ohio.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
and Pills
will rid you of it, radically and per­
manently, as they have rid thousands.
Hktorivid ÖQcit'y
NO. 10
Effects of Hypnotism
The recent performances of Mc­
Ewen, the hypnotist, in Medford, when
a number of persons were apparently
put under bis influence, to the amuse­
ment of bis audiences, suggest the
fact that those who think it fun to be
hypnotized evidently do not know
that every time they submit to such
subjugation their mental faculties are
weakened. If you want a strong
mind and force of character, that will
carry you safely through tills world,
avoid unreasonable submission of
mind and will todominance of others.
With every subjugation your power
of resistance is lessened, until you be­
come an absolute slave to tte whim
and opinion of others, whether they
be right or wrong.
T he age of wonders bas not passed.
It is possible that it is only beginning.
This, at least, seems to be the inference
from the recent extremely Interesting
address of Sir Oliver Lodge at Birming­
ham, England dealing with radium and
its possibilities, some of which were
rather grotesquely illustrated in the
so-called ‘‘liquid sunshine’’ dinner at
the University Club. To men who re­
ceived their training in physics half a
century ago perhaps the most startling
statement in Sir Oliver’s address is
this in reference to atoms: “Now we
know that nothing, not even the atom,
is exempted from the law of change.
The atoms are dying—perhaps we shall
next discovei^that they are beiDg born,
too. That is the next thing to be look­
8enator Marcus A. Hanna of Ohio,
ed for, and it may be found out in our
onetof the foremost of American citi­
zens and the greatest Republican pol­
itician, died in Washington Feb. 15th,
of fever, after a protracted illness. He
played an important part in the later
history of this country,and would have
been his party’s candidate for president
this year, had Mr. McKinley lived.
Senator Hanna is Dead
Means the ability to do a good day’s
work without undue fatigue and to
find life worth living. You cannot
have indigestion or constipation with­
out its upsetting the liver and pollut­
ing the blood. Such a condition may
be auickest obtained by Herbine, the
best liver regulator that the world
has ever known. Mrs. D. W. Smith
writes, April 3, 1902; “I use Herbine
and find it the best medicine for con­
stipation and régulât ing tbe liver I
ever used.” Price 50 cents. Sold by
Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point.
year. The first feature is St. Valen­
tine’s day. Then there will be Wash­
Taxes are now duo. Delinquent ington’s birthday celebrations on the
Newman Moon of Gold Hill was in
22d. On tho 29th tho unfortunate
after April 4th.
city Tuesday.
born on that date will be crowding
Harry Beach and John Herndon,
District Attoruey Reames went north
four birthdays into one.
two Ashland boys, have enlisted as
Sunday evening.
James Thornton of Ashland has re­
apprentices in the U. S. Navy.
Miss Lizzie Hoover left for Portland
the news of the sudden death of
Mrs A. Thompson, Jacksonville’s
to locate.
pioneer restaurateur, was in Medford his brother, John Thornton, at Port
Miss Bertha Rose of Phoenix has
not long since, looking for a location.
ceased, who was aged 80 years, was a been visiting iD Medford.
C. T. Davidson, of the popular firm
pioneer of the Pacific Coast, and cross­
Will. Young of Appiegate.the miner,
of Miller & Davidson, doing business in
ed the plains from Iowa to this coast | has been in town several times lately
Jacksonville, was in Medford Tuesday.
with his brothers, James, and Henry
anj ^8. Ernest Langley of
Bear Creek was a raging torrent I Thornton of Grants Pass, in 1851.
| Jacksonville have been visiting tn Med­
Monday, carrying as mueb water as it was engaged with them in mining near
did at one time iast year. It did some Yreka for a time and afterward settled
C. H. Paine, the scientific blacksmith,
in the Sound country,says the Tidings.
is recovering from a severe attack of
Wm. E. Hawkins, who has b.*en en­
The Lakeview “Examiner” says a grippe.
gaged in merchandising at Ager,
3000 sheep were slaughtered at
Fred Daviswi, the' expert miner, has
Calif., has sold his stock and business
from Galice creek, and is in
to Jud. Ager.
ed men. Guy McCune, the owner, who Medford.
“Down by the Sea,” which was a lives at Silver Lake, and who went
F. P. Stouffer of Oregon City, a
favorite drama for amateurs here­
out to investigate the affair, found 800 member of the Presbyterian church, is
abouts in early days, will lx* presented
alive out of the band of 3000 head. It in our city. —
at Ashland Feb. 19th.
appears that the cattlemen of that
Col. Gordon Voorhiea was in the val­
W. P. neffner, of Big Butte, who vicinity, which is understood to lie
the forep*--'. of tbe week,on a short
was hurt by a horse ono daj- last week, partly iu Crook and Lake counties,
is confined to his room, having re­ drew a dead line, and warned sheep­
Mrs. I. F. Williams of Cen­
ceived painful injuries.
men not to cross it with their sheep
several hours in Med­
Lee Bros of Josephine county have under penalty of having their band de­
bought one of Pracht & Co’s saw mills stroyed without mercy.
C. C. Ragsdale went to Roseburg one
and will operate in Evans Creek dis­
Applications under the timber and day last week, to become a member of
trict during the coming season.
stone act and homestead laws received,
J. R. Morrison, of Sam’s Valley, has final proofs taken, and all business tho B. P. O. E.
connected with U. S. government
Percy DeGroot and Claude Siiles were
bought a 15-acre tract, located near lands
promptly and accurately attend­
Medford, of G. H. Howland, paying ed to ny Cbas. Nickell, U. S. Commis­ guests of the young ladies of Jackson­
him >46 an acre for it. He secured a sioner for the District of Oregon. ville Friday night.
Office with the S outhern O rego ­
Mrs. Gertrude Barclay has gone to
nian , Medford. Phone 211.
San Francisco, to study the latest In
Albert Jones of Applegate, a pioneer
A new order has been promulgated tbe dressmaker's art.
of Jackson county, died one day last
week. He leaves a largo family of by tne postoffice department with
Jas. Morton of Phoenix and Mr. Dex­
grown children,as well as many friends, reference to the R. F. D. routes. Here­ ter of Lake Creek made Medford a
tofore special delivery letters have short visit Saturday.
to mourn his demise.
The rents of the Ashland water been delivered by carriers to all pa­
S L. Sandry of Gold Ray, the genial
works for the last month amounted to trons, regardless of the distance the miner, has been In Medford during the
>835.4$. which does not indicate a very house may be from the boxes, often­ week, visiting his family.
dry town, with saloons prohibited times the distance covered in such de
J. Hartmann, the well-known bridge
livery in tbe trip being from three to
from doing business.
five miles. Hereafter such letters will and barn builder, was in Medford one
It seems as if Jupiter Pluvius has
not be delivered at houses that are more day during the past week.
done his best and that there will b * a than a mile from the box.
Cbas. F. Young and Leslie Duffield,
In the
cessation of hostilities, at least for the
case* of registered mail, special ar­ prominent business men of Gold Hill,
present. Rain has ceased falling and
rangements have to be made where tarried in Medford Saturday.
the sun is shining once more. x
the distance is greater than a mile.
Edgar Hafer, who has been at Port­
County Clerk Orth will turn over
land, buying machinery for the Iowa
the tax roil for 1903 to Sheriff Rader
Lumber Co., returned Sunday.
Saturday, who will begin collecting
Chas. Gerow of Ashland was in Med
taxes Monday morning. This is con­
ford Saturday, attending the meeting
siderable earlier than usual.
All Jacksonville will turn out next of the Socialist county committee.
Rogue River and its tributaries
F. A Elliott, representing the land
night to give welcome to
were very high Sunday and Monday,
department of the O. & C. R. R. Co-
but Ray’s dam wlthstooi the rush of
was with us the forepart of the week.
waters very well.
It will take an Hall with her big company in the
M. W. Dunlap, S. R. Coffman and
immense flood to even feaze it.
York for the past twenty years “A his family, who live a few miles south
Max Pracht, a special agent of the
Modern Magdalen.” Miss Shirley has of Jacksonville, were in Mud ford Sat­
General Land Office, who has been on
closed one of the biggest engagements urday.
duty in Colorado, passed through the
played in Puitland during the past
A. B. Ellison, Frank Smith and Mr
valley Friday, en route to Oregon City,
12 monti s. Iu fact tier appearance He wee, who are employed at Ray's
to which place he has been assigned.
everywhere during the season has dam, have been stopping in Ashland a
Mies Maggie McAndrew, of Roxy, :. b :en a continuous ov.tion. Tills is few days.
short time ago, received a trio of as it should be, as she cariies an ex­
Will. Merriman, who is in the employ
highly-bred turkeys from the Willam­ ec-ding ly strong company with her.
the S. P. Co. at Portland, was on
ette valley, which are the biggest She gives t e public the very latest
southbound train Sunday, en route
aud finest specimens of that bird we New York successes. Site places
to California.
ever saw.
them before the public in first-class
Dr. R. G. Gale was in Medford'Mon­
—Prof. C. Raymond, whois teaching rquipmeiit, and whenever the charac­
on land business. He will not leave
a successful dancing school in Medford,
to practice his profession
will begin a two-weeks term iu Jack­
sonville March 1st. He teaches all of tne part correctly. In the rich Pari­ elsewhere, as reported.
Miss Kate Reed 1s visiting in Med­
the latest dances and gives general sian gowns and tiara of diamonds
Miss Siiirley wears in the third act of ford. Sbe will soon assume a position
Col. C. E. S. Wood, a prominent “A M dt rn Magdalen" several thous­ in tbe mercantile establishment of
Portland attorney, and Wm. D. Han­ and dollars are represented.—There Hutchison & Lumsden.
S. J. Richardson is at Coalinga, Cal.,
ley of Burns, one of Eastern Oregon’s will no douot be a crowded house.
where he bolds a good position as engi­
leading stockmen, passed through the
neer for theS. P. Co., which is operat­
valley a few days since, en route home
Hearst War Service.
on a big coal deposit.
from San Francisco.
V. Lippincott,tbe veteran station
One of tbe heaviest rainstorms on re­
It is manifest that the war which agent of the S. P. Co., who was recent­
cord in Southern Oregon was that is now < n between Russia and Japan
which prevailed Sunday and Monday. wi I be the most picturesque and ly transferred to Southern California,is
Several inches of moisture fell, causing thrilling in recent history It is an* among us again, on a short business
considerable of a flood. Little dam­ other case of Go<iil h and David, aud visit.
W. T. Wallace of San Francisco,who
age resulted, however.
It is within the bonds of possibilities
is also well known in Portland, bas
Perry Meliza's farm house, situated that the risults will lx quite as sur­
been in tbe valley in the interest of
near Sheridan, Yambill county, to­ prising m the out-come.
the California Wine and Cordial Co.
gether with its contents, was destroy­
Everybody will want the war news, He is a hustler from Hustleville.
ed one night last week. The pro not in inconsequential drifts, but io
Mrs. Addie B. Colvig, chief of the
prietor was asleep at the time, and masses, particularly when the excit­
lodge of the Degree of Honor,
narrowly escaped being burned to ing events are detailed.
from an official visit to a
Ti.e Portland Journal lias made number of lodges located in the Will­
The heavy downpour of rain the fore preparations to cover the events of amette Valiev.
part of the week cau*e<i elides on the the war fully and adequately. In
Siskiyou mountains and at other points addition to its regular news service,
Finally Drew a Line.
in Northern California. Jump-off-Joe which will be greatly expanded by
creek disablod the roadbed near Mer­ special service at various points of
It is related that an Irishman went
lin, and on Monday and part of Tues­ iotere-t, it lia* arranged for the com­
a restaurant where they u-ed a
day r^I road traffic was suspended.
plete Hearst news service. As is well printed b 11 of fare. He could not
Henry Weydemann, who has been known, a great staff of noted corre­ understand it and thought to conceal
a resident of Southern Oregon for a spondents are already on the scene. his ignurauce by poiuting out bis
number of years, died at his residence Wherever there is news it will be se­ vrder. The first time he got his fin­
in Jacksonville Feb. 12th, after a lin­ cured totally without regard to cost ger on a soup, which, though, be did
gering illness. He is survived by three A proportionate part of the cost The not seem to relish. Next he st ruck
sons and one daughter, who live in dif­ Journal will bear, and in considera­ t ie celery, then a crab. On the arri­
tion of tiiis will receive every line of
ferent parts of the coast
val of his last venture he boiled over
war news that comes over the cable
with “I’ve drank your dishwater,
That the Yreka railroad will be ex­
for the Hearst papers.
ate the bouquet, but I’ll be d—dif 1’11
tended to Scott Valley seems a cer-
This will give it facilities for laying
taiuty, and it will doubtless prove a
eat tbe bug.”
the news before its readers unexcelled
raying proposition. The road between
by any western newspaper.
Montague and Yreka, 7j miles in
length, paid from the start and is do­
The undersigned will pay a reward
on, the place to find it is in the col­ of >5 for the return of hie dog, which
ing a better business than ever.
umns of The Journal, and those who was lost in Medfo.-d Dec 23d. He is
Mrs. Jos. L Patterson of Portland is want to keep up with the rapid prog­ bright yellow in color, has long hair and
paying Jacksonville a visit, being call­ ress of events would do well to send in a bobbed tail, with dewclaws on his
ed hither by the serious illness of her their subscriptions at once, so as not hind feet, and answers the name of
another, Mrs M. J. Armstrong. Her to lose a single issue.
F red S turgis , Forest Creek.
brother, Prof. A. P. Armstrong, prin­
P. O. Address Jacksonvil'e.
cipal of the Portland Business Collego,
is expected to arrive at any time.
Governor Chamberlain has very
properly decided not to grant the re­
quest of Governor Pardee of Califor­
nia to permit the shipping of cattle
into Oregon from the state of Cali­
fornia on account of the cattle starv-
Ing in the quarantined section by roa-
son of the drought there.
The leap-year ball given at Orth’s
Hall Friday night, under tho auspices
of Jane McCully Cabin, N. D. O., of
Jacksonville, was much of a success.
The ladies had it all their own way and
acquitted themselves admirably, no­
body being slighted. Splendid music
was furnished by Prof. Boffa’s orches­
tra and the supper set was thoroughly
enjoyed by the many who partook of it.
February, the shortest month In the
year, has several features which none
of tho other months possess, especially
In leap year, when an extra day is
added to round out the tally of the
The Best Remedy
Compounded for Stomach, Liver and Kidney.ills during
"* past ’ half century is the
‘‘ famous Hostetter
. .. • ’s Stomach
Bitters. It has made a very successful record of cures
and one that is far In excess of any other stomach remedy.
That proves the wonderful value of
Stomach Bitters
in such cases. No one need be weak or sickly if they
' will only commence taking the Bitters. It will restore
strength to the weak system, purify the blood, promote
sound sleep and absolutely cure
Nausea, Sick Headache, Heartburn, Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Cramps,Liver Complaints, Insom­
nia and Malaria, Fever and Ague.
Try It and be convinced. The genuine must have our
Private Stamp over the neck of the bottle.
J. H. Thompson was among those in
town during the past week.
A. Anderson, of Woodville, who has
been quite ill, is recovering.
H od . Theo. Cameron <8 at Waldo,
looking after bls mining interests.
F. W. Gaines, of Palouse, Wash.,
was at the county-seat a few days
Jas. Buckley, Jr., and Ed Bostwick
of Applegate wore in town a few days
Oscar Lewis is driving the Jackson­
ville-Watkins stage, aud Is giving gen­
eral satisfaction.
Hon. S. C. Beach, of Multnomah
county, was at Ashland this week,
visiting his mother.
Miss Kate Broad Is teaching the
Thompson Creek district school and
giving satisfaction.
Mrs. W. H. Bostwick, of Applegate,
is in Josephine county, visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Theo Payne.
Gus Schmltlein and W. E. Rufley,
of Woodville precinct, have gone to
Arizona, in quest of a fortune.
Miss Della Throckmorton Is in Med­
ford again, after visiting her parents
and friends living on Applegate.
W. H. Venable, Mrs. J. B. Salt­
marsh and Miss Josephine Saltmarsh
were recent Jacksonville visitors.
Rev. J. D. Murphy will hold ser­
vices at the Catholic church in Jack­
sonville Sunday, at the usual time.
The dancing party given by Joshua
Neathammer, of Pleasant Creek, Fri­
day night, was a success in every way.
The Jessie Shirley Co. will play tbe
“New Magdalen’’ at U. 8. Hall Mon­
day evening, It will prove a rare
Rev. F. G. Strange will hold ser­
vices at the Presbyterian church in
Phoenix Sunday, both morning and
Judge Prim was as Ashland Wed­
nesday, to bold an examination of a
man named Williams, charged with
The public school will observe the
anniversary of Washington’s birth­
day, when an excellent program will
be rendered.
Jacksonville will have a tri dally
mail service before long. A morning
mail, to leave Medford at 6:20 o'clock,
will be added.
Tbos. Leever, the expert engineer,
has taken charge of the machinery in
the Afterthought mine, located near
Redding. Calif.
Thos. Grigsby, who la running the
engine at the Neil Creek saw mili, has
been rusticating, owing to the late
rush <;f waters.
A. F. Carpenter is selling oak wood,
in odd lengths, at Laurelash Farm,
situated two miles north of Jackson­
ville, for 11 a cord.
A. Lovelace and M. Chapman' have
put up a shingle mill on WiHiaaw
Creek, that will manufacture several
thousand shingles daily.
Ed McCallen and Newsom Harrison,
two of Ashland’s swell young men,
attended the leap-year ball given at
Jacksonville Friday night.
The Fisk J ubilee Singeros will ap­
pear at U. S. Hall on the evening of
Feb 26th, under tbe auspioes of the
Jacksonville High School.
A cleanup was made at the Opp
mine, an excellent piece of property
located west of Jacksonville, last week,
which proved highly satisfactory.
The late rain storms hav_* put tbe
placer mines strictly “in it," to use a
familiar expression. They are mak­
ing the most of their liberal supply
of water.
The remains of Mrs. Geo, E. Cole,
who died at Gold Hill on Feb. 12th.
were buried in tbe Jacksonville ceme­
tery the next day, Rev. Mr. Schultz
F. H. Osgood, a promoter of mining
enterprises, who lives at Seattle, Is
putting the Hammersley or Daisy
mine, located in Jump-off-Joe district,
In condition for work.
Fred and Arthur Furry, of Phoenix
precinct and Emmett Beeson of Wag­
ner Creex were among those who at­
tended the meeting of the Stockmen’s
Association, held at Ashland Satur*
Chas. C. Pursel Is placing the ma­
chinery of his new saw mill in position,
and will be manufacturing a fine ar­
ticle of lumber In a short time. His
pluck and enterprise are worthy of
Tbe wife of Christian F. Hoels, a
highly respected lady who came here
from Yaquina Bay last fall for the
benefit of her health, died Saturday,
of consumption, aged 52 years. She
leaves a husband and nine children.
A musical and literary entertain­
ment will be given in the basement of
the Presbyterian church Friday even­
ing, Feb. 19th, under the auspices of
the Ladles’ Home Missionary Society
and tbe S. of C. E. A splendid pro­
gram is being arranged therefor.
We are sorry to learn of the death,
from heart disease, of Mrs. Mary A.
Barber, at her home in Buffalo, Kan.
In company with her daughter, Mies
Ethel, she resided in Jacksonville for
some time. Mrs. Barber was a lady
of many excellent traits of character,
and was beloved by all who knew her.
Wednesday, tbe 17th, was the first
day of Lent, known as Ash Wednes­
day. Catholics and tbe Episcopa­
lians will observe it very closely, but
other denominations make no great
matter of it. It is a time of fasting,
and the bishops are accustomed to
issuing rules to be observed. Flesh
meat and fish are not to be used at the
same meal during Lent, even Sun
days but the use, of butter, cheese,
eggs and milk is permitted every day
in Lent
If you pay your taxes on or before
March 15 you will be allowed a rebate
of 3 per cent.
If you pay your taxes bet ween Mareh
15th arid up to and including the
first Monday in April, there will not
be any rebate, and neither will there
be any penalty added.
If your taxes are not paid on or be­
fore the first Monday in April they
will become delinquent, when there
will be added a penalty of 10 per cent,
ani the tax will also draw interest at
tbe rate of 12 per cent per annum in
addition to the penalty.
If you pay one-half of your taxes on
or before the first Munday iu April
then tbe remaining half may run up
to and including the first Monday in
October following; but if the last half
of tax due is not paid by the first Mon­
day of October it becomes delinquent,
and there will be added to such bal­
ance a p malty of 10 per cent, and
in addition such will bear interest at
the rate of 12 per cent per annum
from he Ursi Monday in April until
On all personal property taxe», if
one-half is not paid on or before the
first Munday in April the law compels
tbe sheriff to levy upon and collect
tbe same after May 1st; hence to
prevent a levy upon personal prop­
erty after May 1st, it will be neces­
sary for one-half to be paid as above
Tne law compels the sheriff to sell
all land* on which taxes baye not
been paid, and that such sale shall
not be held later tbaD March 1st of
the year succeeding tbe year in which
the tax levy is made.
The property will be sold to the
person bidding the lowest rate of in­
terest, and certificates will be issued
therefor and deeds given tosueb prop
ert. sold, unless redeemed within
three year., from the date of such
L’p to the Supreme Court
Whether the section of tte act pass­
ed at the regular session of tbe State
Legislature of 1903, which reads:
•‘Tint-there be and hereby is appro
priat d < ut of the general funis iu
the treasury of tbe State of Oregon
the sum of tlOO.OCO, or so much there­
of as ? hall be uecessary, to pay the
veteraDsof the Indian Wars of 1855-56,
who served under and by virtue if
the directions of the officers of Oregon
Territory, for their said service, upon
Che condition*, etc.,” is construed to
mean that “so much of the general
fund is necessary to pay the claim*”
shall be used,or “so much of the >100,-
000 appropriated for that purpose a*
Is necessary,” is the important
question which is now up to the
Supreme Court of this state to de­
cide. This is involved in the ca-e of J.
R.Boyd, plaintiff a d respondent, vs.
F. L. Dunbar, Secretary of State, de­
fendant and appellant, which has
been appealed from the decision of
Judge Clelmd, of the state circuit
court for Multnomah county, who de­
cided that the State must pay all of
the ju«t claims due the Indian War
Veterans, and that tbe Secretary of
State must draw interest-bearing
warrants in favor of those who were i
not fortunate enough to get what was
due them out of the >100,000 hereto­
fore appropriated by the legislature.
They hot Certificates.
The result of the teachers’ exam­
inations, conducted at Jacksonville
last week by Supt. Daily and Profs
Carlock and Hanby, has been made
known. Tbe following were the suc­
cessful applicants:
1st Grade—Bertha Corum, G. H.
Samuels, Flossie Briscoe, Tillie Hooks.
2d Grade—Mrs. G. H. Samuels,
Mary B. Underwood, Inez Kitchen,
Olive Boone.
3d Grade—Ramoua Bissell, George
Henry, Lottie Kincaid, Lucia Chap
man, Myrtle Corum, Jessie Wilson,
Verna McKay, Marie Bennett, Nora
Beebe, Chalmus Gilmore, Gertrude
The following were applicants for
state papers: J. C. Barnard, Eagle
Point; Zuda Owens, Central Point;
Ida M. Myers, Mary McWilliams,
Docia Y. Willits, Ashland; Eva
Storey, Phoenix; Alma Gilman, Maud
Linnerman, Minnie Gowland, Med­
ford. It will not be ki own for some
time which of these were successful.
To Care a Cold In Oae Day.
Public Notice.
My wife having left me, 1 will not
be responsible for any bills contracted
by her from this date.
H enry A. R ehkopf .
Applegate, Jan. 5, 1904.
Chas. J. Meier, the miner, whois
operating in Foots Creek disttict, bad
a narrow escape from a terrible death
on Saturday. He was thawing out
some dynamite, to be used for mining
purposes, when it exploded.
Mr. Meier recived severe injuries
about the body, besides being badiy
burned about the bead and bands.
He was brought to Medford Sunday
morning and is receiving treatment
from I)r. Cameron. The prospecta o
his recovery are good.
Beginning March 1st Prof. C. Ray­
mond, the expert dancing master,
will teac’i for two weeks at Orth’s
Hall in Jacksonville. Those wishing
to learn any and all dances can do so
i>y seeing him at tbe hall for instruc­
tions after that time, every afternoon
and evening, from 2 till 431 and from
7:30 till ten. To the older dancers 1
would sav in the lioe of new dances
we have Five Step, Three Step Shuffle,
Frisco Schottische, Military Dip and
Denver Glide, Two Step and a number
of others. Instructions given chil­
dren Saturdays at 2 o’clock p. m.
Don’t forget the old man
with the fish on his back.
For nearly thirty years he
has been traveling around the
world, and is still traveling,
bringing health and comfort
wherever he goes.
To the consumptive he
brings the strength and flesh
he so much needs.
To all weak and sickly
children he gives rich and
strengthening food.
To thin and pale persons
he gives new firm flesh and
rich red blood.
Children who first saw the
old man with the fish are now
grown up and have children
of their own.
He stands for Scott’s Emul­
sion of pure cod liver oil—a
delightful food and a natural
tonic for children, for old folks
and for all who need flesh and
SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemist*.
400-415 Pearl Street.
New York.
5Oc. and SI.OO] all druggist*.
Take Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets. All
Druggists refund the money if It tails to cure
Grove’s signature is on each box. tte.
Railroad Men's Meeting.
Local arrangements for tbe recep­
tion and entertainment of the Pacific
Coast Association of Traffic Men,
which meets tn annual convention in
Ashland Saturday, February 20, are
actively going forward. The Board
of Trade committee, beaded by G. 0.
Morris, chief train dispatcher of tbe
Southern Pacific Company in that
city, has appointed sub-committees
on reception, badges, decorations,
ball, etc.,and nothing will be left un­
done to make the stay of tbe traffic
men while there thoroughly pleasant.
Besides, other attentions which will
be shown the victors carriages will
be at their service. They will be
driven to tbe various points of inter­
est in the neighborhood. The grand
ball in the evening will be another
feature of the entertainment.
Are You Restless at Night
And harrassed by a bad cough? Use
Ballard's Horehound Syrup, it will
secure you sound sleep and effect a
prompt and radical cure. 25c., 50c.
and >1.00. Sold by Dr. J. Hinkle,
Central Point.
One NightOnly
Under the Direction of
Mr Harry W. Smith
Monday Evening, Feb. 22
Miss Jessie Shirley
and her Peerless Company of Player«
will appear in the great London aud
New York Success
As played In New York tor more than
SUU nights at the Bijou Theatre.
«¿-Reserved Seats now on Sale at
40* Admission, Wo. - Reserved Seats, 7U.