I J »t f NO. 9 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1904. VOL. XXXIV The Initiative Prevails. BRIEF MENTION Pliny Strange, the expert printer, who has been employed in Jacksonville and Medford during the past year, will soon assume the foremanship of the Ashland Tribune. The will of the late William Faber, president of the Albany Brewing Co., who died recently in Portland, has been filed for probate in the county court at Albany. He left property valued at $100,(X)0. Of this $5000 goes to relatives in Germany and the remainder is be­ queathed to his wife,Mrs. Lydia Faber, with the exception of $2000, which is left to Mrs. Nora Skiff of Portland. M. A. Wertz of Grants Pass, the well-known teamster and lumber manu­ facturer, has finished the work of haul­ ing the machinery for the big dredge on Foots Creek. He moved about 170 tons of machinery, including some very- heavy articles. The largest pieces were the two boilers,each of 120 horsepower, five feet in diameter and 21 feet long. PERSONAL MENTION. Butter Milk Prevents Jags. LOCAL NOTES TT IS AMATTER OF HEALTH M. J. Donaldson-Selby of Sterling- II. C. Shearer spent awhile in Mod- little buttermilk on tiie side A little snow fell during the past ville was among our late visitors ford Friday. when you take a drink of wet goods week, some of which lingers on tho will save the stomach and liver," said Gus Newbury, who has been very H. D. Kubli of Applegate was in our A TWENTIETH OENTUKY FLYEB IN hills. a Washington mixologist, "and many sick with small pox, is convalescing. town Monday. THE MEDICAL FIELD. E. W. Anderson, the enterprising Mrs. Lou Shea of Glendale has been J. H. Chambers of Ashland has re­ of the imbibers who have lhe repu­ miner, was in our midst the forepart of Rheumatism Rapidly an and get up feeling rested and able to serves had a fair shoot, but there are away upstairs or down cellar or out to the 14tb inst. The post office will be do my wook. I attribute my '•(ire entirely J. W. Hobbs, deputy revenue collect­ Tiie pension bill int odticed by the bo many mudhene around the pre­ the barn one of us will be sartin to flooded with sentimental and comic to Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” M rs . J. N. F urry , or, was in Southern Oregon recently A New Kind of Rooster. The matter of feed is of chairman of lhe House Committee on care H. 8. Copciand, Pike Road, Ala. serve« that they eat up nearly all the take it for epsom salts before the week valentines—principally the latter—for is out and git a heavenly hustle on Pensions in tiie present Congress pro­ and criticised a number of our business whe it, and their number is so great a dav or two. tremendous importance to the S! er.il Burnett of Corvallis lias that any attempt to shoot them all ns.’ "—Detroit Free Press. vides that all soldier* who served nine­ men for not properly destroying rev­ A sociable will be given in the base­ enue stamps on cigars and tobacco. As and Pills shipped to Sheriff Storey at Portland is hopeless. These mud hens are not ty days or more in the United States ment of the Presbyterian church on farmer. Wrong feeding is What Are They? Cure kidney and liver troubles, relieve Army during the war of the rebellion the violations were not intentional or a half-breed China pheasant which at all a tempting morsel, though the evening of Feb. 19th, under the tbe back, and build up the whole system. who were honorably discharged, and willful they were let off with a repri­ bas at’racled a great deal of atten­ some sportsmen, who have tried them, Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Right feeding is profit auspices of the S. C. E. An excellent loss. tion. The bird is a cross between a say that t he breast of a really fat mud­ Tablets. A new remedy for stomach who have reached the age of 00, shall mand. troubles, biliousness, and constipa­ program is being arranged. S ome of the newspapers of Oregon been titled to a pension of $8 per month; Two carloads of machinery, includ­ China ro >8*er and a White Leghorn hen is not to be despised when prop­ tion, and a good one. Price 25 cents. The up-to-date farmer knows A leap-year bail will be given at are busily discussing the impropriety when sixty-six years old $10 per ing a hoist of large capacity, have been hen. ard was given to Mr. Burnett by erly cooked. For sale by all druggists. Orth’s hall Friday night, under the what to feed his cows to get of the name "Oregon grape," by month, and when seventy years old received by tbe American Gold Fields W. A. W illbanks, who has a farm |in A n extreme instance of the outdoor auspices of the N. D. O. Nothing will which our patron state plant is popu­ $12 per month. These rates are to be Company for use at the Granite Hill Linn county. Toe latter Is a breeder About Assessment Work. treatment for tuberculosis, which at­ be left undone to make it a first class the most milk, his pigs to get larly known. Some there are who in­ Increased $2 per mo th in cases where mine, located near Grants Pass. This of Leghorn chickens, and quite (ft en tracted wide attention last week dur­ affair, which it is certain to be. sist on calling it the Oregon holly. No the soldier served two years or more. mine is being given a magnificent would find a China rooster In the lot Where a co-owner falls to contri ­ ing the cold wave, was that of two wo­ Mrs. A. E. Reames and her Bister, the most pork, his hens to doubt exists in the mind of anyone The bill also increases the minimum equipment and has a large quantity of when lie went out in the morning to bute his share of the assessment work men, Miss Alice Flint, aged twenty- Miss Marie Tongue, attended a house that the name "Oregon grape 'isa mis­ of pensions now drawn from $0 per high-grade ore in sight. feed them. The bird in question waB get the most eggs. Science. ‘ on an unpatented mining claim, the four, and Mrs. G. A. Allworth, aged party given at the Victory mine, situ­ nomer, as the shrub is not a grape and month to $8, and provides that widows Jcfln Couey, the boy who pleaded hatched and rai ed by one of his hens does not in any way resemble a grape, who married the soldier prior to Jan. guilty to a charge of larceny and was and strongly resembles his pheasant Federal statute provides that the one forty, who slept all night outdoors on ated near Glendale, by Mr. Camp, the But how about the children ? except In the matter of bearing fruit. 1, 189', shall be entitled to* $12 per sent to tbe county jail for thirty days, daddy. If any of the Portland sports­ doing the work or making the im­ the veranda of their house at Meriden superintendent. It was a handsome provements may, at the expiration of Conn., when the thermometer register­ affair. But name* of such things cannot be month. Are they fed according to will serve bls time. Judge Prim was men have ever doubted the fact of the year, give such delinquent co­ ed in the neighborhood of 30 degrees Applications under the timber and changed off-hand. It takes more than pheasant mating with chicken, that in favor of sending him to the Reform ownerpersonal notice In writing, or below zero. They slept in their ordi­ stone act and homestead laws received, science, a bone food if bones a fiat from a committee on exhibition School, where be belongs; but his par­ h s been disputed in some of our lead­ notice by ‘publication in the news nary night clothes and were covered final proofs taken, and all business to accomplish such a result. The name ents swore that he was not ten years of ing sioriiug magazines, a glimpse of connected with U. S. government paper published nearest the claim with two woolen blankets and one quilt. lands promptly and accurately attend­ are soft and undeveloped, a is more apparently than really mislead­ C. H. Lewis and Wm. II. Stewart age, which made commitment to that this bird will settle all disputes. for at least ninety days, After such They had been sleeping out since last ed to oy Chas. Nickell, U. S. Commis­ ing, as no one who ever sees the shrub have sold 700 boxes of fancy Ben Davis institution impossible. notice in writing or by publication summer, when their lives were despair­ sioner for the District ’ of Oregon, flesh and muscle food if they can ever imagine for an instant it is a apples to Henderson & Longton of I t has long been an accepted doc­ such delinquent co-owner should fail ed of, and both now regard themselves Office with the S outhern O rego - S. K. Adams, as «oon as he retires grape. Perhaps the name is not well Sacramento. Frank Woodard, who are thin and weak and a blood NIAN, Medford. Phone 211. 1 from the harness business In Ashland, trine among life insurance men that the or refuse to contribute his proportion as practically cured. chosen, yet it seems a very good one negotiated the purchase for the firm, will engage in poultry and hog raising beneficiary named in a policy of insur­ of the expenditure as required by the Our annual election for municipal food if there is anemia? and has a pleasant sound. It is the says that red apple« from Southern officers will be held on the first Tues­ on the bO-acre place he bought of Fred ance maintains a title that is valid statute, bis interest shall become the popular name and will probably con­ Oregon have the call in the California Peter Ensele was in Jackson* llie day in March, and a convention to - Hansen at Table Rock. He is among against all creditors of the insured af­ property of his co-owners who have Scott’s Emulsion is a mixed tinue to be so long after the suggested market, to the exclusion of even tbe Monday, completing arrangements for ! the number who have been enticed into ter the latter’s decease. So unques­ made the required expenditure. nominate candidates for the different substitutes are forgotten, says the noted Watsonville apple. the purchrse of 80 acres adjoining his places will be held next Monday even­ food ; the Cod Liver Oil in it the poultry business by tbe prevailing tionably has this doctrine prevailed Courier. place located south of the county-seat. ing. D. Llnn,R.S. Dunlap and P.Gleave fancy prices and the adaptability of the that it has not been among the least of A Marvelous Merlal Globe. the ml vantages urged by the insurance Another Case of Rheumatism He now has an exc'llent ranch of 240 have been appointed judges of the makes flesh, blood and muscle, country for that industry. acres. solicitor as an inducement to create an Cured by Chamberlain's election, while Frank Kasshafer and One of the attractlins planned for Rev. L. M. Idleman has tendered his the Lime and Soda make bone Pain Balm. Will McDaniel will act as clerks. the St. Louis World’s Fair will be an resignation finally as rector of lhe Epis­ estate of this character; but it now ap­ aerial globe, 700 feet high. Some pears that its absolute legality is to be 1 lie efficiency of Chamberlain’s Fred Menz, a highly respected citi­ and brain. It is the standard idea of its magnitude can be obtained copal churches at Ashland and Med­ put to the test. The result will be of Pain Bilm In 1 lie relief of rheuma­ zen of Oakland, Calif., died a short after comparing it with the popular ford. The reverend gentleman, who is tism is being demonstrated dally. For Infants and Children. limo since, being nearly 80 years of age scientific food for delicate FerriB wheel, which Is c nsidered a in Arizona for the benefit of his health, more than ordinary interest, not only P.nker Triplett, of Grigsby, Va., says ziZzc? crude affair beside it. This state­ has been nd vised not to return to the to attorneys and Insurance people, but that Chaml erlain’s Pain Balm gave when called to his long home. He was /O// ment is also apj ropriate, after com­ to countless numbers of individuals him permanent relief from rheuma­ 'e a resident of Jacksonville and Sterling paring tiie celebrated Hostetter’s Oregon climate for at least another who believe in and are patrons of Insur­ tism in the tack when everything Bears the many years ago, where he engaged in Stomach Bitters with tiie other stom­ year, which has occasioned the step to ance companies for the protection they else failed, and he would not be with­ I SMpusturout mining. Mr. M. is survived by his wife ach remedies. Its 50 years’ lecor-i of be taken, says the Tidings. Send for free out it. Fur sale by all druggists. afford. cures puts it s > far In the lead as a and several children, who have the sample. Tbe sixtieth wedding anniversary of family medicine that the others are sympathy of all in their misfortune. W. Be ture that thia picture te considered crude affairs and hardly Mr. and Mrs. Govan High of Ashland the term of a label ■ on the C. Deneff was a brother in-law of the worth a trial. Then don’t delay long­ was celebrated at the home of their son, wrapi*r of every bottle oi deceased. Emulsion you buy. er, as delay is always dangerous, es­ Cures Grip pecially iu cases of indigestion, dys­ Deaton High, Thursday. They are 83 li Two Days. pepsia, c nstipation, biliousness, in­ and 82 years old respectively. Tb< y Scott&Bowne somnia, chill”, cold" or ma'aria, fever “came the plains across" from Illinois CHEMISTS. and ague. The bitters positively cures the'e ailments, as thousands loan ox team in 1863,iocating inCalifor« 409 Pearl St, N. Y. Seven MilBon bona soM in past 13 mouths. This signature, 25c. have voluntarily testified. Try it and nia. In 1877 they arrived in Oregon, 50c. and $11 all dra^bta ate for yourself. where they have lived ever since. Two propositions, made by initia­ tive petition, will be submitted to the voters of Oregon at the general elec­ tion, June 6. These are the direct primary nomination and tbe local option. Tiie petitions proposing these laws are signed by over 8000 voters. It seems evident already that a hard tight will be made on that first named by the politicians, and it is said that effort will be made to shape the lines of battle in the parly cun- ventions. In the last general election both parties indorsed the initiative and ref­ erendum, and tiie amendment went through witli an overwhelming ma­ jority, a result that would have been impossible if either party had opposed it. If both parties should indorse the direct primary law, in their state plat­ forms, it would be quite certain of success. I f either should openly op­ pose it, the question would be dis cussed in every campaign rally and would be the main issue of the elee lion. If both parties should oppose It, the outlook for its success would be v*ry poor. Frieuds of the local option law do not expect either of the two principal parties to take action favorable or otherwise regarding that measure. They say they are receiving support from prominent members of both the Republican and the Democratic par­ ties, and seek individual rather than party help. Their efforts will be to keep their contest free from party entanglements. Pioneer Apples Clean. Probably a Murder. Barber Case Appealed. Pains in the Back PROFIT New Pension Legislation Hood's Sarsaparilla Apples for California. P CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. £ msA f® «v«y