Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1904)
Qregöii Historical JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1934 VOL. XXXIV. MRS. WEBER TELLS HOW SHE WAS HELPED WEEN DOCTORS TAILED. Rhe t Her Trouble Berome Chronic lie- Mie 11 eat tatv<l to Consult Her Phy»h-ian—Particulars of a Re markable Case. <Thc natural reluctance which every woman fe»>ls to consult a physician re garding troubles peculiar to her sex caused 3 yAVeber, of No. 7085 South Fn lumbns, Ohio, to let her ilh until it became chronic. and even f-’7’ excellent diM’tor whom she empki- * Wld give her no relief that was peTu t. She gives the follow ing detai - u a* interesting case: “ I felt rloafi-ouble a long time before I went to-oiir doctor, perhaps a year or more. W hen I did consult him lie told me I had female trouble. I felt sharp ¡Min.- through my stomach and could not walk acres« the room without suffering ag- ouu. ich I cannot describe. My head achi - that it fairly thumped add at times it seemed that I would go crazy. My stomach became so weak that it would retain only the lightest food. Week after week I took tb > doctor’s medicine, but I continued to feel Worse and worse. Ou several occasions I was confineil to my bed for a week at a time. My weight decreased to 102 poui.ds and I seemed acoutirmed invalid. “ One day I read of a ea.-^ s. rilar to mine that had been cured by L»r. Wil liams’ Pink Pills for Pale Pe-rde and, although I did not have much coatidence, I begun taking the pills, luivi; y.lrea<ly discontinued my dwtor’s Cjtiuent. While I was taking the second Kix I be gan to feel a little better aiidjthe im provement continued until I was cured. In a few months I had recovered my health and strength and weighed 132 pounds. I owe everything t»>"Dr. Wil liams’Pink Pills.” No discovery of modern times has proved such a blessing to women as Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pa o People. Acting directly on the blood a*id nerves, invigorating the body, regn'iting the functions, they restore the sttdngih and health in the exliauxted «vuiViit when every effort of the physi^- t><oves un availing. These ¡»ills a 7” boxM ar 50 cents a box, or sr»''’ \ ' (•»hi2 5<dand may be had from all drutrii* or c irect from Dr. Williams tithe1 nectady, N. -------------- ---- - I t is possible for you asionally a dollar by ., o,> an honest debt, but it is s the ’Vgh'est- theTiigh est- priced dollar that ever nestled in yQur pocket. It was make •' ‘ e cost of your reputation for he- . and integ rity. . . i* , N ew portraits of GÏ*^W.Hiam H. Taf* who has just returned tTie Philippines to assume the di iies Y»f Secretary of War at Washing n, ap pear >n the Review of Reviews for Feb- rut together with an appr iatlve sketch of Governor Taft's Phuippinti administration, by Frederick W. Nash* touxa . Ito Kind Yw Naw Always Botigli « T he astounding and to some extent disquieting notice comes from London that tbe business of foretelling the weather is sure to pass very soon from the department of human fancy to that of scientific fact. We are to have an end of “prospects,” “probabilities and “indications.” In tbe bulletins from the signal offices we are to read of the approaches of the inevitable. It is tbe Roentgen ray which opens this possi bility. By its penetrating powers it is to enable tbe prophets to perceive the coming of the weather, even through a * blanket of London fog or a superficial wrapping of Willamette mist. Itching Skin Distress by day and night— That’s the complaint of those who are so unfortunate as to be afflicted with Eczema or Salt Rhenm—and out ward applications do not cure. They can’t. The source of the trouble is in the blood—make that pure and this scal ing, burning, itching skin disease will disappear. “I was taken with an itching on my arms which proved very disagreeable. I concluded it was salt rheum and bought a bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. In two days after I began taking it I felt better and it was not long before I was cured. Have never had any skin disease since.” Mas. I da K. W abd , Cove Point, Md. Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Pills rid the blood of all impurities and core all eruptions. W orld’s Fair Rates. A fter years of struggle and agita tion Tom Johnson has secured the passage of an ordinance in Cleveland fixing the price of street car fare at three cents within certain prescribed limits in which five cents had been pre viously charged. The courts,too often packed against the poor, have grant ed an Injunction restraining the city from reducing fares, on the plea of the street ear companies that such an act would be “taking money without due process of law.” The street car syndi cate has been taking something for no thing from the people of Cleveland for years, in collecting five-cent fares, and now take refuge in the courts when the people ask for justice. Tom Johnson has made this long tight for cheaper fares in the direct interest of the thou sands of school children who live in the suburbs and must either walk from one to four miles to and from school each day, or pay the exorbitant fares, and now the courts balk the process of jus tice by defeating the aim of the city. There must be a change before it is too late. A nother election is fast ap proaching, and the people will soon be cal'ed on to decide who their officials will be during the ensuing two years. The greatest of card should be taken in this.The Oregonian suggests that good book-keeping is needed in the adminis tration of public business. The fact is that men, illiterate and incompetent, are elected te responsible public posi tions in many counties of the state sim ply because 'they are good fellows in one way or Another or good hustlers politically, oj are popular for some in consequential characteristic,when they are incapable of performing the duties of offices which require book-keeping, money changing or letter-writing. That which :n some cases seems to be “criminal carelessness” is merely ûis result of ignorance. J ohn D. R ockefeller has made himself the richest man In the world by noting a great opportunity when it presented itself, by studying it more carefully than anybody el<e did,and by making the most of it for himself. When it was first discovered That pe troleum was useful, and tRatithduld be obtained by certain mears in profitable quantity, he had no money. But he went to work to get money, and with it to get interests of numerous N|nds in the oil business. He profitable, and as his property and money ncreas ed he kept at work, searching 'or and finding new uses for the r^w arterial. Now the by-products made fr-gm pe troleum in the manufactu ” of illumin ating oil are so numerous that it would be hard to name them, and they ats said to be worth vastly m<„> than tLe oil itself. The people of Onegorf. and eVery individual one of tbs^r, h»j8e before them an opportunity as great as Rockefeller's was at the beginning, if they will recognize it and make use of it. Cured After Suffering 20 Years. F. Hare, Supt. Miami Cycle & Mfg. Co., Middletown, O., suffered for ten years with dyspepsia. He spent hun dreds of dollars for medicine and with ductors without receiving any per manent benefit. He says; “One night while feeling t xceptionally bad 1 was about to throw down the evening paier when I saw an item in the paper regarding themerit»of Kodel Dyspep sia Cure. I concluded to try it and while I had no faith in it I felt better after the second dose. After usiog two bottles I am stronger and better than I have t een tn years, and I recom mend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my friends and . cquaintances suffering from stomach trouble.” Sold by all druggists. Teachers' Examination A Teacher Becomes Jealous of His Wife, Kills Her and then Ends His Own Life. Investigation has brought to light the causes lerding up to the shooting of Mrs. Brown and the suicide of her husband, whose bodies were found near Pendleton, Jan 26t.h. The husband had become insanely jealous, ■ aused by his wife allowing a young man to kiss tier while playing a game of forfeits at a party in the country where Brown was teaching school. It was known at the inquest that Mrs. Brown had left a letter address ed to a young m tn named Br Whit man, son of Mrs. Whitma i, at who-e house' they b larded. Also on a sheet of paper on her breast was: “Bert Whitman can explain a'l.” This letter, left addressed to Bert Whitman, was opened by the author ities. In it Mrs. Brown says (to Whit man) that her husband lias grown so jealous of the kiss at the party that she finds It impis-ible to live with him longer, and,«s she no long,*«.loves her husband as she should, she is will ing that they both die. There is no incriminating evidence whatever to be found in the letter to Whitman, and the authorit ies declare that this kiss was the only cause for Brown’s jealousy. Mrs. Brown, dur ing November, stayed at Mrs. Whit man’s with tier husband. Lette s found in Browu’s valise showed that he had accused bis wife of allowing this young man to kiss her,and she had replied tliat all of Ute other women at the party did so and 9he thought nothing of it; but had she known that be. Brown, was going to Cake it so seriously, she would neyer have permitted it. Brown suffered from dyspepsia and tuberculosis and was never known to smile. It is thought that he brooded over this kiss and s > magni fied the action that he became in sanely jealous It is believed that he chided her so continuously about it that she grew desperate and discr urag- ed and was willing to die. Robbery at Edgewood. Oids & Gridley’s general n erchan- di<e store, one block north of the •'lgewood depot, Calif., was robbed iff nearly *."00 in coin Friday night two men, with their faces blacked, entered the store, when Gridley’s son and a man by the name of Myers happened to be tbe only persons in the store. The two intruders m hip ped out revolvers, at the same time commanding the men behind tbe counters to “dig up.” While their order was being complied with, Mr. Gridley, one of the proprietors walked Into the store and he was at once covered. It is reported that after the change in the money drawer was secured that the robbers compelled Mr. Gridley to open tbe safe, which was also rifled of its contents. Be sides *270 in coin the hold-up artists took a Wells-Fargo express money order for *20 and a Southern Pacific pay check for *8.35, After placing the money in their pocxets the des peradoes, with their guns pointed at the heads of the three men, marched tbe litter out of the store and some distance awiy, and dismissed them with tbe order not to return and not to look back. Gridley lost no time io n itifying tbe authorities, but up to last night, nothing bad been beard of tbe miscreants. P. H. Daily, county school super intendent, gives notice that he will hold A Marvelous M erlal Globe. the regular examination of applicants for state and county papers at the court One of the attractions planned for house in February: the tit. Louis World’s Fair will be an aerial globe, 700 feet high. Some FOR STATE PAPERS. idea of its magnitude can be obtained Commencing Wednesday, February after comparing it with the popular 10, at 9 o’clock a. m., and continu Ferris wheel, which is considered a ing until Saturday, February 13th, at crude affair beside it. This state ment is also appropriate, after com 4 o'clock p. m. paring the celebrated Hostetter’s Wednesday — Penmanship, history, Stomach Bitters with the other stom spelling, algebra, reading, school law. ach remedies. Ita 50 yea’s’ record of cures puts it s > far in the lead as a Thursday — Written arithmetic, lamilv medicine that the others are theory of teaching, grammar, book considered crude affairs and hardly worth a trial. Then don’t delay long keeping, physics, civil government. er, as delay is always dangerous, es Friday — Physiology, geography, pecially iu cases ot Indigestion, dys mental arithmetic, composition, physi pepsia, c nstlpation, biliousness, in somnia, chills, colds or malaria, fever cal geography. and ague. Tne bitters positively Saturday—Botany, plane geometry, cue. the-e ailment-*, as bousinds general history, English literature, have voluntarily testified. Try it and see for yourself. psychology. FOB COUNTY PAPERS. At the final meeting of the Trans continental Passenger Association the following World’s Fair rates from the Pacific Coast were formulated: From Pacific Coast points to tit. Louis and return, *67.50; from Pacif ic Coast points to Chicago and return, *78.50; from Pacific C >ast poiuts to Chicago and return, by way of St. Louis, *70. Tickets at the above rates will be sold three days in each month, with a ten-day limit going and 90-day limit returning, with stop-over privileges at points in transit. ONLY À CARELESS kISS BUT IT PROMPTS MURDER Commencing at 9 o’clock a. m., Wed nesday, February 10, and con tinuing until 4 o’clock p. m., Friday, February 12: Wednesday—Penmanship, history, orthography, reading. Thursday — Written arthmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, phys iology. Friday — Geography, mental arith metic, school law, civil government. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. Examination Wednesday and Thurs day, Feb. 10th and 11th: Wednesday—Penmanship, orthog raphy, reading, arithmetic. Thursday—Art of questioning,theory of teaching, methods, physiology. All who wish to teach should attend these examinations and secure papers. Another opportunity will not occur before next August. Another Case of Rheumatla c Cured by Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Ihe of Chamberlain's Pa n B ilm in the relief of rheuma tism is being demonstrated dal y. Falser Triplett. .4 G igsby, Va., says that Obamt erlaiu’s Pain Balm gave him pe*maneuu relief from rbeuma- t,lsm In the La k whfn everything else failed, and be would not be with out it. Ft r sale by all druggists. BRIEF MENTION The Ladles’ Home Missionary Socie PERSONAL MENTION. ty of the Presbyterian church of Jack Miss Rose Buckley of Applegatc has sonville has been reorganized, with Mrs. A. E. Reames was a recent visit been visitiug in Medford and Jackson the following ollleors: President, Rev. or in Medford. F. G Strange; vice-presidents, Mrs. C. villo. Judge Chas. Prim spent Saturday C. Beekman and Mrs. A. Elmer; secre S. T. Sandry, the export miner, has tary, Mrs. J. W. Robinson; treasurer, afternoon at Ashland. gone to California, to follow his pro Mrs. Chas. Prim. P. Deiscb and Jas. Eaton were Med fession. ford visitors Sunday. V In the neighborhood of 8000 acres of Mrs. May Haskins, who has been in land, included in the proposed forest F. M. Wilson spent a few hours in Jacksonville for sometime pa^i., is now reservation of Northern California, Jacksonville Tuesday, a resident of Gold Hill. which wore withdrawn from public en H. E. Ankeny is at the Sterling mine, Such beautiful weather in February try last year, have again been thrown having arrived Monday, is a great surprise to those who are open for entry. The official notice to Under Sheriff Crawford and his lami new to Soutberu Oregon. that effect-has been received by offi- ly visited in Gold Hill Suuday. cers of tbe Redding land office from j j Mrs. R. G. Gale is the guest of Miss Harry C. Bilger, who is a nati ve of the Department ot the Interior. [ Gertrude McCallen of Ashland. Jacksonville, has been appointed post Suit for a divorce has been filed in master at Cle-Elutn, Wash. Capt. J. T. C. Nash of Berkeley Is the circuit court for Multuomah coun making Medford a business visit. Mr. Benedict came dowu from Salem Tuesday fora visit with R. Benedict of ty by David B. Carr against Sarah Gov. Brady of Alaska is at Ashland, Carr. The litigants were married at Applegate, the well-known pioneer. the guest Mr. and Mrs 8yd McNair. Grants Pass in August, 1897, and Carr Homer Davenport, the cartoonist, alleges that his wife deserted him at H. E. Higgles and M. Reinhart, well- wili deliver a lecture at the Chautau Gallee Creek in May, 1900. There is known commercial travelers, are with qua tabernacle at Ashland, April 4th. one child tour years old, of which the us. Miss Catherine Buckley has resumed father asks the custody. Miss Annie Pankey of Central Point her duties asa trained nurse at Sacra The administration building of the is visiting her brother, Al. Pankey of mento, after a visit of several weeks in S. O. S. N. Co,, which was quite re- Ashland. this valley, cently completed, on Fl riday evening Pitny Strange of Jacksonville, the Mrs. D. D. Good ot Ashland is visit was formally dedicated, It is a hand- expert printer, was an Ashland visitor ing in Jacksonville, having accompa some and commodious structure, ar.d Monday. nied Mrs. S. P. Robbins and her sister, adds much to the appearance of Ash Mr. Blackmer, a member of the Bill land. Short addresses were made by Nye Mining Co., has returned from Miss Slimmer, thither. President Mulkey, Senator Carter and M. F. Parker has been in Jackson H. C. Kinney, R. P. Neil and F. H New York. Misses Nellie and Mabel Russell of ville. building a stone breakwater to Carter, who are members of the hoard Ashland have returned from their visit keep Daisy creek from damaging the of regents. in California. property occupied by Prof. Wasnburn Chauncey Nye. a member of Ore and bis family. Mrs. J. J. Murphy and Mrs. J. R. gon’s first legislature and one of the Tozer of Ashland have been visiting in Guaranteed Forest Reserve Scrip tor sale, in large or small quantities, by earliest and bet-mown of Southern Jacksonville. Frank E. Alley, upstairs over Land Oregon pioneers, ded at his home in M. Purdin and H. Witbington were Office, Roseburg. Oregon. Will place Flounce Rock precinct Sunday night at the county-seat Monday on profess same for non-resident purchasers. He was nearly SOyears of age and had ional business. Mrs. W. C. Daly of Lake Creek re lived in Jackson county more than Sandry Bros, of Gold Hill, the well- cently had three ribs fractured and half a century. He was a good citizen known miners, were in Medford one was otherwise severely injured in being and highly respected by al) who knew day this week. thrown from her horse. Dr. Officer him. W. E. Olmstead, superintendent of is in attendance. To Cure a Cold In One Day. the Sturgis mines, was among those in Take Laxative Bromo-Qulntne Tablets.__ All Brophy Bros a few days since receiv Druggists refund tbe money It It rails to cure our town Monday. ed another lot of Holstein cattle from trove’s signature is ot> each box. 25c. District Attorney Reames and Geo. Columbia county, and now have the E. Neuber have returned from their largest herd of fine dairy stock in trip to California. Southern Oregou. A. H. Findley,the genial representa Rev. John Dawson, the Presbyterian tive of the Marshall Wells Hardware A man named Dally Heller, who minister, who was formerly located at Co., is with us again. itoecburg and is well known in Jackson was in the custody of a constable at J. W. Connor, who lived on lower county, has accepted a call from the Montague, Thursday, made his escape. Applegate many- years ago, is paying A felony charge was pending against Church of Good Shepherd at Albina. him. Constable Niks, from whom Southern Oregon a visit. Jane McCully Cabin, N. D. O., will the man got away, wa* in Ashltnd John Tyrrell, Jr.,whe has been stop give a leap-year ball at Orth's Hall, Saturdav in pursuit of him and while ping in Medford, has returned to his Jacksonville, Friday night, Feb. 12. It there advi-ei w ith the local officers. home in Lake Creek district. promises to be a first-class one, as no It was learned that Heller passed W. W. Hall of Hornbrook,one of the pains are being spared to make it such. through Ashland on theeai ly morning energetic citizens of Northern Califor Blue prints of township maps, show (rain, Friday, northward, and that ing all vacant land, fifty cents each his fam’ly followed bimin the after- nia, is paying this section a visit. For reliable information concerning noon of the same day. It seems that Lloyd E. Gehrett, who is located in government land write to Frank E. Alley, Abstracter, Roseburg, Oregon. Heller eluded ilie constable while eat Ashlaud for the present, is here in the ing supper witii his fami'y at Monta interest of the Fashion Cleaning Co. The Iowa Lumber ar.d Box Cc. will gue, says the Tidings. Dr Olmsted nnd W. L. Ireland ol maintain its yards <.t Jacksonville, Grants Pa^s were on Tuesday’s south keeping a complete line of b-inbor of all Itch—Ringworm. bound train, x rau'ja.Ui San Fran kinds, sash and doors, limn, cement, E. S. Lucas. Wingo, Ky.. writes shingles and other building material, April 2rit*>, 19>»2: “For 10 to 12 years cisco. there. 1 bad been afflicted with a malady O. H Price, who is now a resident of Miss Myrtle Sutton, who held the known as ‘itch.’ The itching wa> Umatilla county, has been visiting in uxi>t unb<arable. 1 bad tried for position of stenographer in District At year- to hod relief, having tried all Southern Oregon, where he formerly torney Reames’ office tor some time, is remedies I could hear of, besides a lived. at the North Pacific Sanitarium, pre number of doctors. 1 wish to state Dr. E. O. Smith of Eugene, president paring herself tor the profession of a tin'une single application of Bal of the Missouri Mining Co., was in our lard’s tinow Llnimeot cured me c an* trained nurse. pletely and permanently. Sinoe then. city Tuesday, while on his way to the Messrs. Van Gorder and McIntire, 1 have used the liniment on two sepa mines. who are developing the \ ellow Jacket rate o easions for ringworm and i cured completely. 25c. 50c and *1.00 Mrs. Lillie Carver of Phoenix pre- mine, located in Forest Creik district, bottle. S dd by Dr. J. lilukle, Central einet visited her aunt, Mrs. M. E. for Geo. A. Dyson and his colleagues, Point, Ore. Rapp of Ashland,while en route to San have driven a tunnel nearly 200 feet Francisco. long. He Got Want Another Mail. I. W. Harper is the “Gold Medal” whisky of the world. Higtest awards at Paris, 1900; Chicago, 1893; New Orleans, 1885. Unbeaten and Unbeat able! Sold by E. H. Helm«. Jackson ville. Davis' flouring mill resumed opera tions Monday and will run steadily. Geo. Daley of Eagle Point, who did such good service tor Holmes Bros, in a like capacity, is acting as miller, with Newt Marcy in charge of the mo tive power. Mrs. Helen Gatch of Salem, grand worthy matron of the O. E. S., is pay ing Southern Oregon an official vtsit She is a daughter of Dr. O. P. S Plummer of Portland and was born in Jacksonville. Tbe first section of the road up Ap plegate, the contract for building which was lot toG. C. Perham of Gold Hill, has been completed. It Is a good piece of work and reflects much credit on the contractor. W. M. Colvig, who has been in De troit, Mich.,on business connected with A petition, with a large number of the supreme lodge of the A. O U. W., signers and backed by several promi returned Sunday. nent men of the state, has been for warded to the Post Office Department H. H. Howard and his family are at Washington, asking that a morning now located at Spokane. He is travel mail be established between Jackson ing in the interest of a firm of whole ville and Medford, in addition to the salers and doing nicely. neon and evening mails. A morning Col. Gordon Voorhies of Portland, mail and train will be a great conveni who was recently appointed inspector ence to the residents of Jacksonville general of the O. X G., spent a short and to all those who wish to transact time at the Eden valley orchards this business at the county-seat. The ser week. vice wili give the people of Applegate John H. Bellinger, who lives between their mail a day earlier than under the present order of things. The stages Medford and Jacksonville, was witb-us leave Jacksonville before the mail ar Saturday. He is prominently mention rives, and the daily papers from Port ed among the Republican candidates land and Sau Francisco must lie there for sheriff. until the following day. Mr. and Mrs. Schueler, who have been stopping on Wolf creek, left for Medford Should Do Likewise Southern California Sunday, after a The Jacksonville Board of Trade bas brief visit with Mrs. S.’s parents,Judge undertaken to secure the building of a and Mrs. M. Purdin. mile of macadam road on that section J. W. Perkins, a prominent citizeu of of the Jacksonville—Medford road from Portland,and his wife spent a couple of the town to the junction of the Med days in the valley this week. He is so ford—Central Point roads. A 20-foot well pleased with this section that he wide turnpike will be thrown up, the may engage in horticulture here. material tor which will be gravel from Jackson creek, the channel of which There is more Catarrh in this sec- adjoins this road. In removiug the tiou of the country than all other dis- gravel for the road a straight, deep ea-e- put together, and until the last chaunel will bo made for the creek, to few years was supposed to he iucuia- prevent floods from injur'mg the rail bls. For a great many years doctors way, as has been done several times in pronounced it a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, and by con the past. The improvements to the stantly failing to cure with loca. road and creek will cost about *1000, treatment, pronounced it Incurable. half of which will be paid by Jackeon Science lias proven catarrh to be a county and the balance by the citi constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. zens and the town of Jacksonville. The Hail’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured committee is having no difficulty in se by J Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, curing the amount desired. Medford is tlie only constitutional cure on the should do likewise from Its end of the market. It is taken internally in do«ea from 10 drops to a teaspoonful, road. It act« directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. They of Mining Prospects Good. fer one hundred d< 11 >rs for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and Dr. Jones and Chas. Strang, who own testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheoey & Co., To rt tine placer proposition in Grave creek ledo, Ohio district, Josephine county, are operat S 'ld bv all druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti ing it with one of the best plants in pation. Southern Oregon. They will at once add a small saw mill, with which to get out flume and other necessary lumber. There Is an excellent prospect that their enterprise will prove a remunera tive one. The Glendale school re-opcned Mon day, with Prof. McConnell of Merlin as principal and Misses Mary Childers of Medford and Stella Paddock of. Grants Pass in charge of the intermediate and primary departments. S. M. Yoran, of Eugene, grand mas ter of the A F. & A. M., is in this sec tion on business connected with the or der. He will visit Medford and Jack John Duncan, who is deaf, had both sonville lodges Tuesday and Wednes legs cut off by a locomotive, near day evenings of this week. Coles, Monday afternoon. It seems E. Evanson, J. J. Nelson, R. T. Pe that lie attempted to cross the track on one of the numerous curves, a terson and A. L. Torblaa, who are little distance north of that station. prominent citizens of Grafton, N. D., A light engine, with Engineer Hun spen' a few days in this vicinity. They ter in the cab, wa9 traveling south, are delighted with our valley and may but because of the winding of the return at an early day with tbe Inten road around the mountain spurs tion of locating. Blue-print maps of any township in Duncan could not see the approach ing danger and his impaired hearing Roseburg, Oregon, Land District, show ing all tbo vacant lands, for 50 cents prevented him from bearing It, so that each. If you want any information the locomotive was upon him before from the U. S. Lund Officé, address Loan Co., Reso tie could escape. He was-taken Loisible Guarautv© Coles, and the 8. P. company’s physi burg, Oregon. cian at rlornbrook wa^ i aHily sum- Miss Henrietta Moore, sister of Ru rnond to do what lie could for the in fus and Stalo Treasurer Moore, will jured man. ___________ receive the degree of doctor of philoso C roup phy from Columbia University next Begins witii the symptoms of a com- June. Aftor graduation Miss Moore ill n cold; there is chilliness, snee zing, will return to her home in Portland Soie throat, tint, skin, quick pulse, and dotermino upon her future work. hoarsem st and impeded respiration. Give fn quenl small dices of Ballard’s Ilorelioun I ti.rup, (’he child will cry for it) and at the first sigu of a croupy ci uvli a| ply frequency Ballard’s Snow Liniment to the thio it. Mr»-. A Vllei, N w Castle, Colo., wile*, March 19 h, 1901: *1 tlil-.k has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Mfflfon Bsibird's H* rebound Svrupa w<»nd* r- ful reiurdy, aud so pl asant.” 25c, bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. 50c. and *1.00. Sold by Dr. J. IlinkL-, >Bcio*H with wry beta, to a Tm Caat» package of Crow** Black Root» Liver Pflto»_________ Central To.nt, Ore. Lost Both Legs. NO. 8 Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic LOCAL NOTES I IT IS À MATTER OF HEALTH J. W. Opp was a recent Ashland vis itor. Rev. M. D. Wilson of Talent was one of our visitors Wednesday. J. B. R. Morelock, a prominent citi zen of Gold Hill, was among our late tors. Mark Applegate, who has been en gaged iu mining in Elk Creek district, is with us again. The County Commissioners’ court is holding Its monthly session, with a full board in attendance. Rev, F. G. Strange wili hold services at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening. Oden Bros, and Wm. Hillis of Pl as- aut Creek were among those in town the forepart of the week. Rev. J. D. Murphy will hold services at the Catholic church in Jacksonville Sunday at the usual time. C. M. Ruch,the Applegate merchant, and Walker Lewis of Sterlingville were recent visitors in our town. The request sent out from St. Louis Mrs. R. J. Cameron of Applegate ■ paying Medford a visit, the guest of through the Associated Press by tbe Louisiana Purchase Exposition man her daughter, Mrs. L. L. Jacobs. Mrs. Theo. Cameron went to Med agement, that exhibitors forward ford Wednesday to meet Mrs. H. their displays at the earliest possible moment, is very timely and should Gatch, grand matron of the O. E. S. meet with a favorable response. At A. Jeldnesrs, whois developing a tention is called to the fact that dur promising group of mines in the cop ing tbe months of March and April per belt, was in our midst Wednesday. 25,000 to 30,000 carloads of exhibits S. J. Way men t was down from are expected. It is inevitabla that so Evans Creek this week, on business great a mass of stuff will cause a con with the county commissioners’ court. gestion hard to overcome. Mrs. W. M. Colvig, grand chief of Under tbe most favorable circum the Degree of Honor of Oregon, went ■tances there will be exasperating de north Tuesday evening,on official busi lays in unpacking and installing ex ness. hibits. Those who visited tbe world’s Nelson Powell, who formerly lived in fair in Chicago in 1893 early in its ex Jacksonville,has been paying us a visit istence remember that at the opening He is learning the barber’s business at of the fair probably 50 per cent of the Ashland. exhibits were either packed away in Claiborn Neil, a well-known pioneer warehouses or tn transit. Tbe build of Southern Oregon, was in Jackson ings in the main were ready, but a ville Monday. He is now a resident of shortage of cars and unavoidable delays at tbe last moment seriously Woodville. John De Ro boa m, Jr., of Evans Creek retarded tbe completion of the fair. was a recent visitor. A bouncing baby Not until late in June was it at its of the boy persuasion recently arrived best. The St. Louis management does not at his house. desire a repetition of tbe Chicago Bert Clute has gone to California. A party, complimentary to him. was given delays. A large precentage of the ex at Rose’.- Hall on /xpplegate the even hibits should be forwarded immedi ate^. It is announced that plenty of ing before he left. warehouse Toom has been provided, David Dorn, who subcontracted to so exhibitors have nothing to fear build the last section of' the road up from having their goods on the Big Applegate, from Geo. P. Furman, grounds many weeks before the open is getting along nicely. ing. Geo. F. Trefren and Jas. S. Bailey of Ashland have returned from Galioe Creek, where they have been on a pros pecting expedition. There is hardly a day passes but Miss Marie Tongue of Hillsboro made Jacksonville a short visit. She left for wbat there are more or less ioquirie the north Tuesday, accompanied by about property in Rogue River Valley. hex sister, Mrs. A. E. Reames. Those making them come from nearly Luzerne Robson, who got his start every part of the United States and in Jacksonville, is visiting in this sec are people who would make good citi tion. He is now in the employ of zens In every way, besides having Honey man, DeHart A Co. of Portland« means with which to pay for what Work has been resumed on the Opp they buy and improve it. Our cli mines, located west of Jacksonville. mate and varied sources charm them, There is every probability that they will be operated on a bigger scale in and, were there an abundance of first- ciass land for sale at a reasonable the future. figure, very few would leave without Dan Reynolds, who has been mak investing. ing this section a short visit, has re The latest investor is Mr. Street, turned to Culdesac, Idaho, his new who came from Illinois to look at the home, accompanied by his son George. country. He is so well satisfied with The best wishes of many friends ac it that he bas concluded to locate company them. here and has bought H H. Howard’s One Larson, who has been working handsome residence in Medford and tor A. Jeldness, has shaken the mud of Mr. Copic, *s farm of 100acres, located the copper belt from his brogans and near this city, through the Palm- gone to the more congenial climes of York real estate agency, paying *2000 California. He was supreme in his own for the first and *5500 for the other. egotism, and thought he knew more about mining that everybody else. As Mrs. J. O'Brien of Applegate, an elderly lady, was preparing to start home from Medford Tuesday evening, the horse she was driving became frightened as the train went by i and ran away. Mrs. O. was thrown to the ground, but fortunately sustained no serious injuries. The wagon and harness were annihilated, however. POWDER Don't Delay Exhibits. Property in Demand. Sick Blood Judgment Set Aside. In tbe case of C. E. Stevenson vs. the S.P. Co., tried in the circuit court for Josephine county, tbe verdict of tbe jury was set aside by Judge Hanna and a new trial granted. At the previous term of court Stevenson had been given a verdict for *3000. The plaintiff was a member of a sec tion gang and based his claim for damages on the defective condition of a h^t dear on which he and several others were riding, which prevented the working of the brake and result ed in a cjllition with a light engine. Stevenson «as badly crippled. Sent to Jail. John Couey the small boy who was irrested for larceny, on Monday plead ed guilty to the charge and Justice Durdin gave him the minimum sen tence, thirty days in the county jail. Constable Angle took him to Jackson ville the same day. It would be far better for the lad if lie were sent to the Reform School, and he would be, but for the obstinacy of bis parents. A few years in that institution might prove highly bene- bcial to him. Perfect Confidence. Where there used to be a feeling of uneasiness and worry in the house hold when a child showed symptoms of croup, there is now perfect confi dence. This is owing to the uniform success of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem- t dy in the treatment of that disease. Mr-. M. 1. B isford, of Poolsville, Md., m speaking i f her experience iu tbe u-e oi that remedy «ays: “I have a »odd <if contldence in Chamberlain’s Jimgii Rem dy, for I haye used it a i! ti peifeet success. My child Gar- 1 land is sobject to severe attacks of croup inti iu always aives him prompt l rebel.” For saie by all diuggists. Feed pale girls on Scott’s Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott’s Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood. The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion a* to why it does what it does. Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in taste. Young women in their “ teens ” are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood which shows itself in paleness, weakness and nervous ness, by regular treatment with Scott’s Emulsion. • It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from which so many young women suffer. W« witl b< to m* • xamplc to any sufferer. Be sure tlul this picture in the form ot a label to on th. wrapper of every bottle E mullion you buy. SCOTT A BOWNK.*, 409 Pearl St, N.w Y m L