policy of making our navy so great that it shall terrify other natioi.s will simply result in promoting a rivalry that will continue until it reaches the limit ot the ability of the people to bear it. I would propose what I con­ sider a better plan. 1 would suggest, instead of building the biggest navy, that we make our government the best on earth, and, instead of having our flag atl< at everywhere, let it stand for something wherever it floats. Let our flag stand for justice between man aud man,auil between nation and nation Let that become known everywhere, and if any king shall attempt to assail our land, his own oppressed people would rise and cry out: “Don’’, ttnich that flag; it stands for our rights.” Possibly our flag would then not be so much feared, but it would bo loved the world around, and this would be great­ er glory to tho flag than through any mereshort-sighted policy.” Rev. Carlisle P. B. Martin, L. L. D Of Waverly, Texns, writes: “Of a morning, when first arising, 1 often find a troublesome colli clion of piilegm, which produces a cough and i- very hard io di-locke; but a small quantity of Ballard’s Horehound .'syiup will atone«' dislodje it,and the trouble s over. I know of no medi- ine that is equal to it, and it is so pleasant to lake, lean most cordial­ ly recommend ill > ail persons med mg iiiudiclne f'r throat or lung trou- b'e ” 25 -.50c and $1.00. Dr. J. Iliukle, Ceutral Point. r _ Mrs. Anderson, a prominent society _ woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed her signature to the following1 letter, praises CENTRAL POINT NOTES A girl baby was birn to Mr. and Mr«. Ed Pankey on January 13. The h ippy mother is a daugliter-in-law of Mrs. Henry Pankey, and tier home is in Washington. Ti e Indus or the Chiisliin Church will give a box social at G. A. R. ball January 23. There will be voial and gram t| hone mu«ic. The min >r sou of Mr. Newman is very sick with the m< a-les. Dr. Pieasints is attending him. Rev. Mr. »Snyder, Me’hodist minis­ ter of Jacksonville, filltd his appoint­ ment at this place list Sunday, morn­ ing and evening. The G. A. R. post held t elr annu il election last Saturday, >S. M. Ntalun of Tabe Rock was elicici cc.m- mandei; Mr. Hiteli of Tl«>, S. V.; M. Vermillion, J. V. The Ladies’ Relief Corps prepared a sumptuous dinner for the occasion. Eld«r T. M. Jones and Mrs. Fries have trided town pr< perties, the for­ mer giving 1250 as additional induce* ment for the exchange. Hon. John D. Olwell returned from Portland Monday. Rodney Clark of Antioch was in town Tuesday. J. W. Ingram and Frank Ferguson of Willow Springs were trading in town Tuesday. Merritt shfpred a car of bi ed hay to Grants Pass tliis week, receiv­ ing 816 per ton for same. S. Ntalon came over from Table Rock last Saturday to attend the an­ nual election «f officers of the G. A R Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound« “ D ear M rs . P inkham : — There are but few wives and mothers who have not at times endured agonies iuid such pain as only women know. I WLsh such women knew the value of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. It is a remarkable medicine, different in action from any I evei^knew and thoroughly reliable. “ I have seen cases where women doctored for years without perma­ nent benefit^who were cured in less than three months after taking your V egetable Comp»nind, while others who were chronic and incurable cured, happy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment with this meilieine. I have never used it myself without gaining great ©enent. A few doses restores my strength and appetite, and tones up is entire system. Y our medicine has been tried an«l found true, hence •onvweFku86 225 Washington St, Jack- Mrs. Reed, 2425 E. Camberland St., Philadelphia, Pa., says: “D ear M rs . P inkham : — I feel it my duty to write and tell you the go«xl I have received from Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ pound. “I have been a great sufferer with female trouble, trying different doctors and medicines with no benefit Two years ago I went under an operation, and it left me in a very weak condition. I had stomach trouble, backache, headache, palpitation of the heart, and was very nervous; in fact, I ached all over. I find yours is the only medicine that reaches such troubles, and would cheerfully rec­ ommend Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to all suffering women.” When women are troubled with irregular or painful menstruation, weak- leucorrhcea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, flatulence, general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. PlnkhanPs Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. The experience and testimony of some of the most noted women of America go to prove, beyond a question, that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at once by removing the cause and restoring the organs to a healthy and normal condition. If in doubt, write Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass, as thousands do. Her advice is free and helpfuL No other medicine for women in the world has received such wide­ spread and unqualified endorsement No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. Refuse to buy any substitute. A P A A A FORFEIT If we cannot forthwith prodne« the original letters and stgnatves ot W Allllll abuse t«s timoni»l a, which will prove their absolute genuineness. VVUUU Lydia K. Fink ham Medtelaa Ce^ Lynn. Mam. HERE AND THERE i CONGRATULATIONS. Mr. John H. Cnllnm, Editor of the Garland, Texas, New«, has written a letter of txrngra’ulations to the manu­ facturers ot Cltarnt erlain’s Cough Remedy as follows: “Sixteen years ago when our first child was a baby he was subject tocroupy spells and we would be very unea«y about him. We began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it such a reliable remedy for colds aud croup, we have never been without it in the hou-e since that time. We have five children aid have given it to all of them with g«od results. One good feature of this remedy is that it Is not. disagreeable to take and our babies really like it. Another is that it is not d mgerou«, and there is no ri*k from giving an overdose. I congratu­ late you upon the uccess of your remedy.” For sale by ail druggist«. fact that the front end of the motor was covered with flies,bees and insects, crushed as if by a thumb against the It takes six years for grass tn grow i iron and glass. * where sheep have pulled -it up and The Senate Committee on Indian trampled it. Santa Clara county, Cal., produces a Affairs has favorably reported Senator greater income from the soil than any Mitchell's bill to ratify the agreement with the Klamath Indians for ac«x>ssion other county in the United States- of a portion of their lands, amounting Fannie McNabb of Chicago has been to 621,824 acres, for which the Indians declared insane. She was accustomed are to be paid 8537,007. to smoke a package of cigarettes a day. Some smart fellow is sending out “What enables a young engaged propositions to furnish editors, for ad* couple to be so happy?” ‘‘Why, each vertislng, a pill which will keep a man thinks he or she’s getting more than An Excellent Change. alive a whole week without eating. All he or she’s giving.” that now remains to complete the • Postmaster - General Payne «■“”“ earthly happiness of this class of God’s The House public lands committee there was nothing to bar postmasters <.^1^ u a fiver 8yrup that wU1 has authorized Representative Mon­ or other federal offi«»-hoi«Jers from ser­ make one suit of clothes last 75 years. dell to leport favorably his bill pro­ ving as delegates to political «»aven-1 The Southern Pacific has issued a viding that public lauds chiefly valu­ lions of any kind. notice that, beginning January 18th, able for timber shall not be subject to News travels slowly in some parts of there will be an advance in the west­ locition or select'on io lieu of tracts Africa. A foreign missionary aud bound tariff. Over 100 commodities relinquished within forest reserves, eighteen of his followers were murder­ are affected. The reason given for the and that selections made or sought ed there by natives almost three years advance is the general tendency to­ to be made on lands chi« fly valuable ago and tbe fact has just been report­ ward higher prices, which has materi­ for the limber they contain, in lieu ed. of lands within forest reset ves, shall ally increased the cost of handing. be void and ot no eff resulted in a determination to the public lauds committee upon it dustry was originated. Now the can- have delegates instructed, so no com­ said that trie area of forest reserve ned vegetable is sent to all parts of bination can prevent his nomination af­ laud* now actually created exceed Europe. ter the convention meets. Interviews 63 000.060 acre-’, with the addition of Oregon hopgrowers are so well satis­ published in papers with many Western the large te mporary withdiawals for fied with results fur the past two years men show that without question near­ future incorporation In re erves. At the prtsent lime various rail­ that they will increase the acreage of ly every state from that region will in­ nods with land grants embraced in 1904 fully 16 per cent, according to struct. forest re erves have 2,500.000 acres of la’d available as basis fur mak­ those well informed in regard to the Th'e work of building a dyke, two ing lieu land selections. Much of hopraising industry. miles long, across the bay at the south­ this land is devoid of timber, but Kentucky Democrats will erect to east end ot Summer Lake, of Lake under the present laws It. may tie ex­ the late Governor Goebel, victim of a county, is being pushed steadily for­ changed f«>r valuable timber lauds political assassination, the handsomest ward. Tbe purpose of the enterprise Advantage ba« been taken of tl e present law relating to lieusele«:lions, monument in the state. It will be of is to secure the vast deposits of salt on and great areas of worthlsss land bronze, with a pedestal of Vermont bed of the bay. The area ot tbe bay turmd over to the Government in ex- marble, and will stand in Frankfort cutoff b/this dyke.is over two thou­ < h mge for lmds containing valuable Umatilla papers report that the rab­ sand acres. An acre of water to an 'iniler. It is expected the Mot dell bit cannery, recently established at average depth of one foot when bill will prevent the continuatio i ot Echo, will pack fruit during the sum- evaporated leaves over fifty tons of the these abuses. mer season. This is a "rarebit” of news, Bait, This Immense vat of two thou- Still on Hand and,while it may be all right, yet some riand acres will produce over one hund- people may object to canned plums or red thousand tons of salts in a season, The Albany Democrat says the Holy cherries with hair on. The Direct Primary Nomination Jimmy Britt, the San Francisco League of Oregon has been organized Rollers, driven out of Corvallis, have lightweight, and Young Corbett, the at Portland. A number of reforms at last been heated, and it stems to champion featherweight boxer of the are advocated by the League, among be Linn county’s misfortune to bethe world, have come to an agreement. I others a direct primary nomination recipient of the band. Thty are now The figijt is to take pla«x> next month liw. The purpose ot the bill is to bring camped near Lebanon. B ooks, one tue men tar ed and feathered, had under the auspices of a club of San about a most radical change in the pro­ of the temerity to go Into Lebanon to Francisco, and the men are to weigh in cedure of nominating all public officers. see a friend, arid tills gave their loca­ at 6 p. m. at 130 pounds. It proposes to invoke tbe initiatlveand tion away, Shall the militia be called « ut? A record price ot 815,000 a ton has to place before the voters of the state a been established for whalebone. Two primary nomination law which will do Imperfect Digestion. and one-quarter tons brought that away with nominating conventions and Means less nutrit ion and Io conse­ price in a sale at Dundee. The pre­ make it possible for candidates for quence less vitality. Wlun the liver vious high mark wee 812,000. Experts office, from United States Senators rais to secrete bile, the blood becom­ haded with bilious proj erties. the Bay the visible supply is now only four [down to constables, to be nominated es digestion become« Impaired and the directly by the people. tons in England and America. bowels constipated. Heibine will Wm. J. Bryan, who re«iently return­ rectify tills; it gives toue to the stom­ On tbe record-breaking run on a liver and kidney“, strengthens German electric road recently a speed ed from Europe, ia concluding some ach, the at p« tile, ch ars ai d Impo ve< the ot 130 miles an hour was averaged for remarks he made concerning bis trip, complexion, infuses new life and vigor four hours. The force of the impact I spoke as follows: “During my trip my t<> the wlii lei>ystetu. 50«entsa bottle. with the air may be imagined from the Impression has been deepened that the Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point. <- Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales oyer One and a Half Million 50c. to you ? No Cure, No Pay. bottles. Does this record of merit Eadoaed with «very bottle is a T< ackage ci Grove's Black Root. Liver Pffls. MARRIAGE CONSUMMATED BY PISTOL PERSUASION. Southern Oregon Peojile Fig­ ure in an Altair that Promised Sensational Results. There was a marriage Moudiy a te*’- noon In Retliinir.CallL, thitco.ild m t be termed particularly liappy. The groom was an unwilling one, accei t- ing marriage as a more pleasing alter native lliau de ill), and the bride wa« ready to burst into tears. Tiie pt in­ ci pals w«re Mi.,« Lucy Seed« and lame« Tygsrt, both recently of Klam­ ath Fall«. The girl, who is not quite 18 years of age, lived there wi h her parents. Tygart, whois 24 years of age, worked in a butcher shop there. Tygart or Taggart (the paper prints the name both ways) had wrong«d tiie girl, which coi Id only be righted in part by marriage. Spe blamed the young butcher and besought him to marry tier. H i fled between two days. An attorney was put on the case. Heartivqd in Redding a week ago and located his man the same day. Tiie attorney, W. F. Stingley of Reno, Nev., is tiie authority for this unro­ mantic tale. He could make no head­ way with Tygart. Tiie girl arrived Tuesday. By Wed­ nesday Tygart, who was working in tiie Menzel simp, had her away franr tbe attorney and out of his sight altogether. The min of law could not locate Iter again. He communi­ cated with Jo epli 8'eeds, a business man of Klamath Falls and brother of tiie girl. Here is where Tygart’s series ot successn ended. Toe brother arrived, in Redding Sunday morning. Tiie attorney had Tygart locat'd and speedily brought tiie two- toge ln r. Seeds calmly informed the I beLrayer that tie had I lie alternative | • f marriage or death. He showed ' Tygart tiie weapon lie intend d to k II him with if lie didn’t marry the) girl. Tygart sparred for time. Tne at- j torney says it looked like a case of running away on the butcher's part, but tiie brother anticipated such an attempt. He never allowed Tygart to «fet out of his sight for a moment. When it came bedtime Tygart went to bed. The brother sat all night Ills revolver handy. Tygart. could . stand tiie strain no longer Munday morning. He pioduced the girl and consented to the marriige. The liceme was procuretl and tiie wed-' ding performed by Judge Strong. I Mr. and Mrs. Tygart, says the attor- 1 ney. will start East at once. A Reduction in Expenses. County Clerk Orth lias favored us with the following summary of the expenses of Jackson county for the jear 11*03. The expenditures for r< ads, bridges, etc., are not included: County court and cnmmi<- s oners............ ................. . .8 1,487 00 Circuit court........................... 3,222 75 Justice c<>uerk’s office........................... 3,000 00 Recorder ................................ 1,784 90 Treasurer................................ 933 28 ( ormer....-......................... r. 168 40 School superintet dent......... 1,198 99 Stock Inspector..................... 100 00 A««e«.-or.................................. 1,909 96| Tax rebate............................... 235 83 Current «xpenses................... 1,294 81 I Courthouse expenses............ 507 93 Jail......................................... 447 63 Care of poor,........................... 4,604 73 Ind gent soldiers.................. 55 00 Insane..................................... 106 71 Refoi m sch< o) c< mmil ments 00 00 F«rries...................................... 125 50 El« ct ion expense.................... 1,320 25 Scalp bouuty........................... 360 00 SHOT GIRL'3 TRADUCER. Driving Wheel Breaks and Several Passengers Are Séverely Injured. Fresno, Jan. 25.—Misfortune hot ered over the course of the Santa !■' overland express on the run down tin San Joaquin valley Sunday, the acci dental death of Brakeman J. J. Mut tier near Canejo being followed witli In less than two hours by the wreck Ing of the train, seven miles north of Merced. When the train was speeding alonr between Canejo and Fresno, Muttler fell from the platform of one of th« coaches and was ground to death be neath the wheels, No one saw the un fortunate man fall and his absence was not noticed until Fresno had been reached. At this stop Conductor U. P. Me Henry found that the brakeman was missing anti at once dispatched a searching party over the route toward Canejo. Five miles south of Fresno the life less body of Muttler was found In the ditch beside the track. While attempting to make up the time lost at Fresno because of the death of Muttler, the second misha: befell the train. Seven miles north of Merced, while the train was trav­ eling at a Bpeed of fifty’ miles an hour the shaft of one of the driving wheel«- snapped in two and before Engineei E. Hobart could bring the train to a stop the fireman's side of the cab had been demolished. Tho sudden stop j ping of the train threw the passen I gers from their seats and many were 1 severely bruised. That the overland | was not derailed and telescoped is considered remarkable. USES HER PREROGATIVE. Pretty Fruitvale Girl Takes Advan tage of Leap Year. Santa Rosa, Jan. 25.—Miss Carrie A. Wooster, a charming young ladj of Fruitvale, came up from her hom< at Fruitvale on the Ukiah expres- Saturday, and. calling at the office o‘ County Clerk Fred L. Wright, oh talned a marriage license authorizing her to wed Charles W. Gobbi o: Healdsburg. The young lady con fessed to 21 years of age. and stated that the groom-elect was three years her senior. After obtaining the li cense she departed on the evening train for Healdsburg, the home of hei fiance. On Sunday the couple cam« down to this city and the young lad} again used her leap year prerogative by calling on Justice of the Peace A J. Atchtnson and engaging him to per form the marriage ceremony. This occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seymour, on Humboldt street BLOW TO LAND SHARKS. Sweeping Ruling on Mining Claims on Government Irrigation Land. Washington, Jan. 25.—The secretary of the interior has rendered a sweep in* decision defining the status of mining claims upon lands withdrawn for reservoir sites or permanent works under the irrigation law, which Is of great Importance to locators In the arid states. He holds that the with drawals made under the authority of the reclamation act of June 17. 1902 , of lands which, in his judgment, arc ; required for any irrigation work, have the force of legislative withdrawals, and are, therefore, effective in with 827,597 95 drawing from designated limits to This is nearly 82,000 less than were which a right has not been vested. In his opinion, no right is vested in the expenses for the previous year the locator of a mineral claim until 1902), which amounted to 829,44030. the final proof has been submitted and the purchase money paid. A Prisoner in Her Own House. Mrs. W. H. Laylia, of 1001 Agnes Ave , Kansas City, Mo., ba.« for sever­ al years be« u tioubled with severe In arsen ss and at times a bard cough, which she says, "Would keep me In doors for day i. I was prescribed for by physicians with no noticeable re­ sults. a friend gave me part of a but t|e of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with instructions to closely follow the diiec*Ions and I wish to state that af­ ter the first day I could notice a de- cld «1 change for the better, ar d at thi- time after using it f«>rtwo weeks, have no hesitation in saying I realize that i am entirely curtd.” This remedy is f >r rale tv al druggists. Children in Court. Four sad-faced little gljls were before Judge Hogue in the police ccurt at Portlar d. Not one of them ts over 13 years of age, and the youngest but 8. They were led in for arraign­ ment at tiie beginning of the session and stood in an aw« d group beside the towering forms ot two policemen while the charge wak read. As an important witness was not present, tlie else will not be tric'd until this morning. Tbe 11*1 le girls are Jennie Gilock, Emm « Gilock, J i lia i’lendle and ea- trlce Piendle, They are charged with having stolen several valuable ring* from a I ouse in the North End. They were found with the property in their pos-cssion a id were turned over to the police. Pending their appear­ ance they are being cared for bv rela­ tives. Captain Giitzmacher being ur willitg io lock them up in the grimy jail. A Fraternal Building Ata ipeeting of the committees representing the various ledges of the A. O. U. W., held at Portlaod last week, it was decided to take part in the building of the Lewis and Clark fraternal building fur the 1905 Fair, and a committee was elected to meet with other fraternal committees and Instructed to enter the permanent organization to be formed at the meeting. The grand master workman, George H. Durham of Grants Pass, will be communicated with in regard t «send­ ing out communications to different lodges in the state and original Ore­ gon Country, asking them to co-oper­ ate in the effort. Found a Cure for Indication. 1 use Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find that they suit my case bett er than any dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried and I have used many different remed­ ies. I am nearly fifty-one years cf age and have suffered a great deal from Indigestion. I can eat almost anything 1 want to now.—Gio. W. E moky , Kock Milla Ala. Fur sale by all druggists. DÄWomAnRds Depressed Frank Wolf Tal es the Law Into Hie Ovm Ha-.ds. WANT AN INVESTIGATION. Will Ask for Full Correspondence in Panama Matter. Washington, Jan. 25.—The Demo I cratic senators spent several hours in conference on the Panama question and when they adjourned it was an ; nounced by Senator Gorman, chairman of the caucus, that the conference had agreed upon a resolution to be pre sented to the senate asking for all j the correspondence between the Unit ed States and Colombia since the nego tiatlons of the Hay-Herran treaty. The I fact was brought out that there are | some documents missing from the cor respondence as published, and the I conclusion was reached that a resolu I tion calling for all the missing paper.“ would, If passed, and complied with i by the executive, meet al) require j ments. SHERIFF COMMITS SUICIDE. Tillamook, Or., Jan. 25.—Henry 11 Aiderman, sheriff of Tillamook coun ty, shot and Instantly killed hlmsei* Sunday. He had been seriously 111 for more than a month, and, in addition tc his physical troubles, became involved In a dispute with accountants over an alleged discrepancy in the county’s books, which led to a warrant being Issued for his arrest. In his weak •ned state the worry evidently unset tied Alderman’s mind temp -rarily. He leaves a large estate, besides a heave life insurance. COLD GIVES RELIEF. Cleveland, Jan. 25.—The prevailing cold wave has effectually checked the destruction by floods throughout northern and central Ohio. It 18 4 degrees below zero CURED LUMBAGO. A. B. Canman, Chicago, write« Maich. 1903: “Having been troubled witli Lumbago at different timesand tried one physician after another; then different ointments and lini­ ment«, gave it up altogether. So 1 tried once more, and got a bottle of Ballard’s Snow Liniment, which gave me almost instant relief. I can cheer­ fully recommend it, and will ndd mv name to your list of former sufferers.” 25c, 50c and $1 00. Dr. J. Hinkle, Cenlral Point. Untagged Deer Hides D puty Game Warden Hodson, of Douglas County, arrested George Fi«her, about 13 miles from Glendale, January 13, for having untagged deer hides In his possession. Fisher enter­ ed a plea of guilty, and was fined 825 and cost«. The minimum Hue for this <>ffence is 825, tbe maximum 8500, together with costs of prosecution, or Imprison­ ment in the County Jail of the county, wherein such t ffeuce may have beeD committed not less than 30 nor more i that! 120 days, or both tine and im­ prisonment. Red Bluff, Jan. 25.—Dr. John Fife has returned from the Gallatin runeh, where he was summoned Saturday night to attend Homer Burt, who was shot at that place by Frank Wolfe Saturday. He found that Burt had been shot through one lung, and states that, while Burt’s wound Is serious, it may not terminate fatally. The trouble which led to the shoot­ ing was a letter received by tl»e 13- year-old daughter of Wolfe from Burt. This letter fell into the hands of ?.lis. Wolfe, who communicated its con­ tents to her husband. While the men on the ranch, includ­ ing Brut, were sitting at the supper table. Wolfe walked into the room, Going up to Burt, he remarked: “I said I would kill you," and fired three shots, One bullet struck Burt about half an inch below the heart, passing through his body and coming out above the hip, a little to the right o? the spine. Another cut through the flesh on the left side, while the third one missed him. It s the*. Liver« Don’tJalMo Eet toxlay at Jour dntggfcts a botila of herbine Conta. AIX DRUGGISTS. For Sale at City Drug Sore WEATHER IS COLD. Much Suffering in the East From the Extreme Cold. Chicago. Jan. 25.—It is piercing cold in the whole northwest. The ther­ mometer reached 15 below zero in Chi­ cago. The record here is 23 below and there is some expectation that a new low point will be touched before the cold spell is ended. THE NECESSARY MAGAZINE One man frozen stiff was found by IN THE PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. pedestrians on an outlying part of Thirty-second street. He had ap­ The Keview of Reviews is often called a parently struggled along until exhaust­ necessity, in recognition of its usefulness in keeping ed by the cold and had dropped un­ readers “up with the times.” conscious and literally was frozen to death in his tracks in the snow. The In Presidential election years the REVIEW unidentified corpse was taken to a OF REVIEWS is more than ever “the necessary morgue. magazine.” Everybody wants to be truly and quickly There were countless Instances of informed about this or that public question that has frozen hands and ears. Traffic was forged to the front; to know about the new candi­ greatly hampered. dates and personal factors in politics, to have a com­ The bitter cold experienced at 16 plete picture at hand of the current movement of below is the most intense so far thia i history. winter in Chicago, Stretching to the northwest, the mercury shows a swift In Dr. Shaw'i editorials, in it» authentic and timely con­ tributed articles, in it» brilliant character »ketches, in it» conden­ ly descending scale, ths minimum in sations and reviews of all the important articles of other magMinee, the United States being at Bismarck and in Its hundred a month of valuable portrait» witty cartoons, and intercating viewa, the REVIEW OF REVIEWS gives the and Williston, N. D., where the offi much desired news of the world's aad our own progress. “The cial figures are at 34 below zero. The World under a Field-glass " is the way one subscriber describes it. Mon in public life, like President Theodore Roosevelt the crest of the wave is. however, beyond members of Congress, and the great captains of industry, who the national boundary line, Minneola must keep “up with the times,'' intelligent men and women all over America, have decided it is “ indispensable.'' N. W. T., reporting 34 below. St. Louis, Jan. 25.—Street car and railroad traffic is considerably delayed because ot a blizzard that has vailed for several hours. While THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO. the coldest day of the season, 13 Astor Pisco. Now York thermometer stands at about 4 grees above zero, a few points higher than the lowest point reached this winter. The full effects of the storm were felt at the world’s fair grounds, where less than one-hfilf of the 10,000 men employed on the construction work reported for duty. These worked un­ der great difficulty and with consid­ erable suffering. The work of the 400 landscape men has been temporarily abandoned. Kansas City, Mo, Jan. 25.—North­ western Missouri and northern and western Kansas are experiencing the coldest weather of the season, with a still further fall in the temperature predicted by tonight. In the north­ Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, I ueYlo, Coloiado Spria western portion of Missouri the tem­ and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery perature at 8 o’clock averaged 10 de- grees below zero. by Daylight to all Points East. Snow flurries are reported from all this part of the southwest. 25c. a copy* $2.50 a year THE SCENIC LINE» OLD MAN MURCERED. 3 Fast 11ains Daily Between Ogden and Denver 3 Riverside, Jan. 25.—With a leather Modern Equipment, through Pullman and Tourist strap twisted and knotted around his Sleeping Cars and Superb Dining Car Service . . . . neck and one side of his face and head beaten almost to a pulp, the body of Anthony R. Rockhill, 75 years of age. has been found at his home near W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Ag- the ostrich farm, where he lived alone. ror rates, folders^nd other 124 Tuird St., PORTLAND, The discovery was made by the old □ formation, address man’s nephew, Harry Beattie, who went to call on his uncle, and found the mutilated and bloody body of the old man lying on the floor of his little ranch house. The old man owned a small orange orchard and was In com fortable circustances financially, and it is believed that the murder was committed by someone in quest of money. The interior of the house and the condition of the old man's body Many experienced travel- indicated that a desperate struggle rs piefei tourist sleeping had taken place. The officers are without a clew to the murderer. This OFFERS CHOICE OF THREE GATEWAYS cars for the transconti­ is the second murder to be committed nental journey. The in this immediate locality, Andrew F. Peterson having been slain near the Mme spot a short time ago, and for which crime Andrew Karis is now in jail here awaiting arraignment. STOPOVERS ALLOWED SYSTEM. Kansas City, St. Joseph or Omaha, ACTRESS PASSES AWAY, San Diego, Jan. 25.—Ruth Royal, known off the stage as Mrs. Ella Johnston MacFadyen, a handsome woman, who played the part of Her- mia. one of the court ladies in the Warde-James company's presentation of "Alexander the Great," died Sun­ day at the Hotel Brewster of valvula# «llsease of the heart, accentuated by an attack of pneumonia, the result of a severe cold taken about ten days ago. GIVEN POISON BY MISTAKE. TO CHICAGO* and POINTS EAST Through Standard and Tourist keep­ ing Cars daly b tw«?en San Francisco and Chicago vi Los Angel«“ anu El Paso. ' Through Tonr.st Sleeper each TUES­ DAY from Portland to Chicago via Salt Lake and Colorado Springs Through Standard Sleeping Cars daily between Ogden and Chicago. Lowest Rates in effect always avail adle via "ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM.” Re«iue»>d Round Trip Rates in effect on July 12, 13, 15 an. 16, and August 18, 19, 25 and 26; 90 days rdturn limit. Be sure to see that your ticket reads via the San Francisco, Jan. 25.—I.t^la Nease, a young woman of 24. was given a dose of drastic poisonous gum Sunday by her mother, who believed she was administering a harmless spoonful of cod liver oil to assist her convalescence from pneumonia. That Miss Nease is still alive is due to the tsrenuous and timely treatment given The Best and Most Reasonable Din­ at the Park Emergency hospital. ing Car Se -vice. For rates, fo’ders, etc., wri'e to or HURRICANE VISITS FIJI ISLANDS call on Melbourne, Victoria, Jan. 25.—A dis­ L. B. GORHAM G. W. BA1NTER astrous hurricane has blown over the Tr V Ln A I Gene-al Ag< n < Fiji islands, resulting in great loes of 250 Aider Up « life and property. Cars East Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. can arrange for your trip east in tourist cars, ofie you choice of routes and save you money. H. S. ROWE. General Agent, 134 Third St. Portland Rock Island System. If The Baby la Cutting Teeth. Be sure and use that old and well-tried reme­ dy, Mas. W inslow ’ s S oothing S yrup , tor children 'eethlnn It sootb«*a «he child, soft­ ens I he gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolto and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty live cents a bottle. A WONDERFUL INVENTION. It is intert'sting t«> note that for­ tunes are frequently made by the in- vention of articles of minor import­ ance. Many of tbe most popular de­ vices are those designed to benefit the people and meet popular conditions, and one of tiie most interesting of these that has ever been invented is the Dr. IVIme ElectrlcComb. patent­ ed Jan. 1, ’99. These wonderful ccmbs potdllve’y cure dandruff, hair falling out, sick and nervous headaches and when us« d in connection with Dr. While’s Electric Hair Brush ate posi- tively guaranteed to make straight hair curly in 25 days’ time. Thou­ sands of these electric combs have been sold In the various cities of the Union, and the demand is constantly increasing. Our agents are rapidly becoming rich selling these combs. They positively sell on sight. Send for sample. Men’s size 35c. ladies’ 50c —half price whi'e we are introducing4 them. See Want Column of this paper. The Dr. White Electric Comb Co., Decatur, I1L FRANK E. ALLEY 1 à I Í ARCHITECT and ABSTRACTER BLUE, PRINTS Of any Township in tbe Roseburg Laud District. RILING PAPERS Prepared for Filing on Hume stead or Timber Claims ■^Special Attention given to Matters in Connection with the U. S. Land Office. e PHONE 416 e Marks Bld..Roseburg, Or Double-Track Railway betweea the Missouri River) and Chicago The Chicago-Portland Special/the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-rootn sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail- road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway to Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon. Daily and peraonally conducted ex- curaioas in Pullmau tourut »leepinx cars from Portland, Loa Angel«« and San Francisco, Ihrough to Chicago without change. r' R. R. RITCHIB, * A C. BARKER. Gca l Agt..»>7 MirkrtSt, Gen l Age. Third SC. S an erancuco .C ai - fuurcANf. Oaa. Chicago & North-Western Ry. Bean the Blgaatun d