Qrtjod HUI*’«'« SW*»*t Simes. MAK (U THETABODSE NO. 4 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1904. VOL. XXXIV. THE ROAD DISTRICTS OF JACKSON COUNTY District No. 26 -Beg at sw cor sec 23 tp 34 a r 2 w, n to n line of county, ne on said line to line bet tp 31 s r 1 and 2 e, s to se cor tp 32 s r 1 e, w 2 mi, s to Rogue river, down river to s line sec 21 tp 34 s r 1 w, w to beg. W R Johnson, super­ visor. District No. 27—Beg al intersection ot w line tp 31 b r 2e with n line of county, northeasterly along n line to ne cor said county, s on e line of county to se cor tp 32, s r 4 e, w along said tp line to where said line crosses Rogue river near se oor tp 33 s r 3 e, down river to w line sec 26 tp 33 s r 3 e,n to nw cor of sec 2 same tp.e 2 tnl.n to beg. Wm. McClanahan, supervisor. District No. 28—Beg at ne cor tp 33 s r 4 e. w along tp line to intersection of Rogue river to part near se cor of tp 32 s r 3 e, down river to w line tp 36 s r 3 e. s to se cor tp 34 s r 3 e, w 6 mi, s 3 mi, e 6 mi, s 3 mi. e to east line of county, n to beg. Robinson Wright, supervisor. District No. 29-Beg at se cor tp 34 s r 2 e, w 6 mi, s 1 mt, w 5 mi, n to Rogue river, up river to e line tp 33 s r 2 e, s to beg. J B Higinbotham, supervisor. District No. 30—Beg at ne cor sec 12 tp 35 s r 1 e, w 5 mi, s 2 mi, w 2 mi, s to Little Butte Creek, up creek to line bet secs 3 and 19 tp 38 s r 1 e, e to se oor sec 3 same tp, n 1 mi, e 2 ml, to beg. Cool Geer, supervisor. District No. 31—Beg at intersection of e line tp 13 sr le, with Rogue river, down river to mouth of Little Butte entes, up creek to mouth of Antelope, up creek to e line sec 15 tp 36 s r I w, if to Little Butte creek, up creek toe line sec 35 s r I w, n to ue cor sec 23 same tp, e 2 mi n to beg. J J Fryer, supervisor. BRIEF MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Elliott of Port­ land have announced the marriage of their daughter, Ethel May, to Carl Webb oi Goldendale, Wash., formerly of Medford. It will take place in the near future. Judge Hanna returned from Grants Pass Sunday, where he has been hold­ ing circuit court for Josephine county. He hoard arguments and motions in several cases Saturday, and then ad­ journed the term sine die. Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe No. 1, Imp’d Order of Red Men, one of Jack­ sonville’s most flourishing secret socie­ ties, has been receiving quite a number of accessions recently. Nearly 30 new members have been added during the past month. Miss Kate Chapman, who arrived from Dunsmuir, Calif., a few days since, has reopened the Jacksonville millinery store. Her sister, Mrs. J. W. Reeve, an excellent dressmaker, will occupy the same bulding with her. PERSONAL MENTION. LOCAL NOTES. PAID THE PENALTY OF HIS CRIME. Springlike weather is with U8 again. Alex. Reid, the miner, is among us Miss Maggie Krause was a Medford again. It is cold morning and night, however. visitor Monday. JACK RUMSEY'S SECRET FOR Wm. Schwartzfager of Steamboat Two of tbe Crump brothers were Hon. J. M. Hansbrough of Roseburg 8ECURING SLEEP. Pleasant Armstrong Hanged and one of his sons were recent visit­ among us Monday. Established at the January was in the valley this week. ors. for the Murder of His A MI«M>uri I'nrittc Railroad Coixlurtoa Mrs. L. Pengra of Ashland went to Term of the County Com­ Tells How He Prevent* the Miss Lol Nichols of Eagle Point pre ­ Jas. Briscoe, who lives near Beagle, Glendale Wednesday, to visit relatives. Sweetheart Last Wreck of III* Nerve*. cinct is visiting in Medford. missioners’ Court. elsewhere advertises for the owner of a J. D. Cook, well known in mining Friday. A great deal of fatigue and anxiety is R C. Hensley of Central Point, the circles, was over from Medford Wed­ stray steer. boused up in the little red box that Road District No. 1—He« at sw cor tp 51 s r stock buyer, is among us today. January 22d,promptly at 7 o'clock a. Frank Yokum, who has Dr. De Bar’s nesday. swings at the tail end of every freight I e, e on state line bet California and Oregon to Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Price of Tolo m. Pleasant A rmstrong, who,on lhe mor­ train and shares in every jolt of the se cor Jackson counts, n to dc cot tp 311 s r 4 e, arm rented, spent several hours in Mrs. 8. Patterson of Ashland made spent a day in Medford this week. string of h«'avy ears that precedes it oil w 12 mi, s 3H mi, w 7 ml. s 34 mi, w 5 mi, s to ning of Christmas day, 1902, shot and Mod ford Tuesday. our town a visit the forepart of the the rails. The men in it are good, hearty place of beginning. Supervisor, Geo Grow. killed bls sweetheart, Minnie Ensming- Al. Bell, who went to Siskiyou coun­ wee k. Thofl. McClanahand and Chas. fellows who Itear cheerfully theliazards District No. 2—lteg at sw cor tp 39 sr 1 e, n er, because she had been induced by ty, Calif., lately, has returned. Brown made a business trip to Med- C. B. Smith has been visiting In connected with the great problem of to quar sec cor on w line sec 7 said tp, e 2 mi. her parents to break off her engage­ ford yesterday. Mrs. W. D. Hanley of Burns is visit­ Medford. He will not leave us for a transportation. They are astir night n 44 mi, e 5 mi, n 1 ml, e 2 mi, n 2 mt, e to ment, paid the penalty of his crime on and day on a vast network of lines and county line, s 6 ml. w 12 mi. s 34 ml, w 7 mi, to ing relatives and friends living in this while. Mrs. O. E. Rose of Applegate made the scaffold in tbe yard of Baker coun­ the sympithies of tens of thousands of quar sec cor on line bet see 23 and 24 tp 39 s r I section. relatives living in Jacksonville a visit The Board of Trustees will hold their ty’s courthouse in the presence of a e, s >4m,w 5 mt to place of beg.excepting there ­ peaceful little homes go with them on the forepart of the week. H. W. Clarke, the well-known repre­ regular monthly meeting Tuesday crowd of about 400 witnesses. No re­ their runs. The great public must have from that por of corporate limits of Ashland included in the foregoing and all roads under sentative ot Wadhams & Co., was with evening. Rev. E. A. Ross, the noted evangel ­ prieve coming from the Supreme Court its supplies and these are the men who jurisdiction o'said city. Chas Lindsay, super us this week. ist, will arrive in Ashland Friday, to must get them through at the cost even visor. J. H. Thompson, who lives south of of the State, the Federal courts or the begin a series of meetings. of their lives. Mrs. H. K. Hanna left for Oakland, Jacksonville, was among our visitors a Governor of Oregon, although great District No. 3—Beg at se oor tp 41 s r 1 w, n Mr. Jack Rumsey, of Council Grove, to quar sec cor on e line sec 12tp39sriw.e2 Calif., Tuesday morning, on a visit of few days since. The Interior Department rules that efforts bad been made in behalf of Kansas, is an energetic, frank, good- mi. n 44 mi. e 1 ml, n I mi w to center line of several weeks. mineral locations can be made within Armstrong, the order of the lower Bruce Buck, tbe miner, was one of natured member of this brotherhood and sec 15 tp 39 s r I w, s 4 mi, w to nw cor claim the bounds of forest reserves. court was carried out to the letter. our recent visitors. He is operating Rev. J. D. Murphy has returned Gail T. Jones, county surveyor, went 43. s to e and w center line of sec 22 tp 33 s r 1 w, he bears a loud of worries that makes it I W. If. Venable of Applegate and H. 'rom hili trip to California, improved to Woodville the forepart of lhe week, in Watkins district. It was the first legal execution in necessary for him to mvk help-to keep n to quar sec eor on w line sec 19 same tp. s to C. Maury, the gardener, were among ¡i" health. He will hold services at on a professional trip. his excited nerves from wearing him out. state line, e to beg. excepting herefrom all that Mrs. P. P. Prim, after a several- Baker county and excited much inter­ por of corporate limits of Ashland included He says: tbe Catholic church in J ack son ville those in Jacksonville Monday. District Attorney Reames has been weeks visit with her sister, .Mrs. L. est in the city, and many from the herein and the road under the jurisdiction of “ What troubled me most was my in­ said town. Jacob Stone, supervisor. Pengra, is in Jacksonville. country precincts in tbe neighborhood The County Commissioners’ Court Sunday at 8:30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in.; visiting his mother and other rela No Further Protection. ability to get sleep when thech.mee came District No 4—Beg at se cor »p 40 s r 2 w, s to also at Medford at 10:30 a. m. living at Berkeley, Calif. will hold its regular monthly session Mrs. Jennie Booth Harris has gone of Ensmlnger's home, near Haines, and a most irritating sensitiveness of my state line, w 6 mi, n along tp line to nw cor sec Benton Bowers will transform the Mrs. Dr. Kahler, whois stopping at to Athena, Umatilla county,to visit her were present. Half a dozen sheriffs whole nervous system, growing out of 7. tp 38 s r 2 w, e 4 mi. n 1 mi, e 3 ml, s 4 mi, e In revising the House .journal it next week, beginning Wednesday. from different counties of the state the irregularities and anxieties con­ 3l, mi to De cor of see 25 tp 38 s r 3 w, s 14 ml to was discovered that Edwards’ H. B. Chas Adams and Eli Holsey, late ot ranch formerly owned by Hanley & Jacksonville, hjis teen lhe guest oi sister, Mrs. Minnie DePeatt. nected with my daily work. Thn-e or four beg. J M Cantrail, supervisor. J. B. Welch, one of Meadows pre­ were also there. 41, prohibiting the killin.' of Chinese Jacksonville and Gold Hill, have be­ Love, which he got of Win. Spence and Mrs. J. G. VanDyke, Sr. years ago a clerk in the superintendent's District No. 5— Beg nw cor tp 39 s r 3 w, e to Jesse Bunch, into a huge alfalfa patch. During the night Armstrong got lit­ Frank McElroy and his family, who cinct’s most prominent citizens, was in pheasants prior to 1906 did not re­ come residents of Rock Point precinct. office of the Missouri Pacitie, at Osawa­ Applegate river, up Applegate to mouthof lit­ He expects to plant 300 acres with that tle sleep. He entertained a number of have been living near Jacksonville, are the Central valley a few daj «.since. Last Thursday there were shipped tomie, advised me to use Dr. Williams’ tle Applegate, up little Applegate along the n ceive a majority vo’e of a'l the mem­ kind of seed this season and has 20 men frionds in conversation and played for now residents of Medford. Pink Pills for Pale People. I acted on bank thereof to tbe county road crossing little bers elected to that body, and hence to San Francisco from Gazelle and Rev. F. G. Strange will hold services them on his violin. During the latter at work there. App egate, on center of said road to intersec ­ did not piss at the special session of Montague, Calif.. 63 carloads of cattle. his advice and got help right away. So I Mrs. Carrie Lundy, who has been at tbe Presbyterian church in Jackson­ part of tbe night and up to the time of keep them on hand all the time and tion of county road leading from Uniontown to the legislature. When t he final vote The walls of the power bouse being visiting in Medford, left for her home ville Sunday morning and evening. Buncout, aloug said road in southeasterly di­ Geo. E. Neuber is visiting in Califor ­ the execution Father OLlvett, who whenever the strain begius to tell on rection to e line of sec 10 tp 39. s r 3 w, s to sw was taken it was declared by Reading built at Ray’s dam will be of stone a G. H. Elkerton, the genial plumber, Awo days before received Armstrong’s me 1 take a few doses. They quiet cor see 23tp29sr3w, etoe line of said tp, s to Clerk Charles A. Murphy that the nia. His wife and daughter, who have foot thick and twelve feet high. Tbe in Klamath county a few days since. down my excited nerves and make it state line, w to sw cor of county, n to sw cor of bill had received 31 affirmative votes. been there during the past month, W. J. Freeman and F.M. Amy,prom­ made Medford a visit Sunday. He confession and baptized him into the machinery which has been stored at will return with him this week. possible for me to sleep just like a child. tp 40 s r 4 w, e to sw cor sec 35 tp 40 s r 4. n « ml- Catholic Church, spent the remaining inent citizens of Central Point, and is kept busy even these quiet days. This total was noted on the tally Tolo has been landed at the scene of They are mighty good medicine for a e 2 mi. n 6 mi to beg. C C Purse 1. supervisor. Blue prints of township maps, show 1 time with him alone. At 5:30 o'clock L. B. Chase of Ashland, tbe miner, their wives, were in Medford Saturday, sheet aod announced by the Speaker railroad man. Tliat is the absolute truth, ing all vacant land, fifty cents each operations. Tbe middle of the present ou laud business. District No. 8— Beg at sw cor tp 40 s r 4 w. e Armstrong ate a hearty breakfast of has been at work in mines, situated as far as my exjierieuce goes, and I am 4 mi. n • mi. e 2 ml, n 13 mi to n e cor sec 38. tp and It was declared that the bill had For reliable information concerning year will find a first-class plant in oper­ broiled ham, omelette, potatoes, bread west of J ack son ville, he is interested in. passed. Hon. A. 8. Bennett of The Dalles, 37 s r 4 w, w 4 mi. n2 ml. w 2 mi, s to beg LC government land write to Frank E. ation there. right glad to recommend tht^p.” and coffee. He was cheerful to the - Geo. A. Dyson, who is developing Dr. Williams’Pink Pills for Pale People Basye, supervisor. Tbe revision committee found that Alley, Abstracter, Roseburg, Oregon. one of Oregon ’ s ablest lawyers, was in Tbe Tidings says that after four District No. 7—Beg at the sw cor of tp 38 s r upon the ro'i call the names of 21 are unlike other medicines because they Sunday night was one of the coldest months of steady work the landslide in tbe valley Saturday and Sunday.Hehas the McIntyre mines for Eugene parties, end. 3 w, • to Applegate creek, up said creek to act directly on the blood and nervefs. The procession to the scaffold formed members had been checked off as of the season, the mercury dropping to been attending circuit court for Jose­ tarried awhile in our city Wednesday. They are a positive curt* for all diseases mouth of Little Applegate, up n bank of said voting ‘‘no’’ eight as being absent, 25 degree« above zero. It was as low the old Shorty-Hope workings at the phine county, being attorney for E. A. in the jail at 6:45 a. m. Sheriff Brown stream to crossing of county road, northerly on mine near Talent has been overcome J. W. Hobbs, deputy internal rev­ arising from impoverished blood or said road to intersection with road leading and Deputy Snow took the lead and leaving only 30 to be reiorded as as 18 degrees above, once this season. and progress will now be made in open­ Dunham, who lost a leg while in the enuecollector, has been in the valley shattered nerves. They art* sold by nil from Uniontown to Buncom, along this road were followed by the condemned man service of the 8. voting “ aya. ” Tne error was due to and was re- P. Co., The administration building of the ing up tbe property further. It is also dealers, or will be sent postjiaid on re­ southeasterly to e line sec Hi tp 39 s r 3 w. s to during the past few days, on official and the priest, Deputy Hempie and a a miscount by Reading Clerk Murphy. ceuliy awarded *12,000 damages by ceipt of price, fifty cents a box, or six sw cor sec 23 same tp, e to tp line, n on tp line 8. O. S. N. S. has been completed and probable that the company in carrying buenea*. number of assistants bringing up the The bill was passed by the Senate, is a handsome structure. It will be out its plau of development of this val­ a jury. boxes for two dollars and flfly cents, by to se cor sec l tp 38 s r 3 w, e 4 mi. n 4 ml, w Rev. J. D. Murphy will hold service« rear. As Armstrong passed through addressing Dr. Williams Medicine Com­ 24 mi. n 24 mi. w 4 mi, s to beg. Chas. Hamil­ signed by both presiding officers and dedicate«! Friday with becoming cere­ uable property will soon let the con­ M. R. Buck, one, of Applegate's al the Catholic church Sunday, at 8:30 the jail he bade his fellow prisoners ton, supervisor. pany. Schenectady, N.Y. tiled by the Governor. The Consti­ monies. tract for 350 feet of drifting on the prominent citizens, was in Med ford a. m and 7:30 p. m. Also at Medford District No. 8—Beg at se cor sec 24 tp 38 s r 2 good-bye and said “I will meet you B. H. Harris and T. C. Norris, the • Golden Spike” claim of the company. Tuesday, to meet his wife, who has at 10:30 a. m. w, n 4 ml, e to Bear creek. down creek to s line tution provides that a majority of all in another world.” the members elected to each house Constant d 1 c, tp 37 s r 2 w. w to nw cor claim energetic dealers in real estate and The Catholics of Hood River wilt tieen at Grants Paas. All reports to the contrary, notwith­ I t is often the case that the local 52, a to e and w center line sec 11 same tp, w to shall be necessary to pass a bill. operators in government lands, left Within the high board enclosure and A. M. Helms and J. R. liardin were standing, Clarence Hater is «till with build a *2000 church the coming sum­ newspapet, which does more for a center sec 10 same tp, s to line bet sec 22 and There were 60 members elected, and Sunday evening for Portland, on a facing the scaffold the large crowd mer. Father Desmarais of Tbe Dalles in Jacksonville Saturday night, where us. He will leave for Council Bluffs 27, w 4 mi. s 4 mi, w 4 mi, s to quar sec eor town than any other agency, is the on line bet sec 21 and 28 tp 38 s r 2 w, e to beg, one.Representative Murphy,of Union, short business trip. awaited tbe procession. County offi­ is interesting himself in tbe work, and the latter w», introduced into the mys soon, however. last to receive the encouragement and except portions in jurisdiction of Medford and died. The bill received the votes of cers stood on tbe scaffold deck and 13 People who take mortgages upon has the plans already drawn for the teries of Red manship. patronage it deserve*. Yet it is expect­ Central Point. Isaac Woolf, supervisor. a majority of all the members of the W. E. Olmstead, the clever manager jurors were on the ground on one side, land to which patent has not been Is­ building, 50x26 feet in size, sufficient to Miss Marie Nickell, who has been of the Vance mines, located in Forest while six doctors and a dozen newspa­ ed to use its best efforts at all times on District No. 10—Beg at se oor tp 38s r 1 e, n 2 House, but not all the members sued, to protect themselves in case of accommodate 150 people. visiting al San Francisco and Berkeley, Creek district, has returned from bis per men stood on the other side. behalf of local enterprises, and to find mi, w 3 mi, n 1 mi, w to Bear creek, up creek to elected. contest, must, according to a recent de­ siine of sec 32 tp37 s r 1 w, w to sw cor sec 6 tp I. W. Harper Is the “Gold Medal” Calif., during the past month, return­ northern trip. its chief reward in the consciousness of 38 s r I w. s 34 mi, e to a point s of sw cor claim Armstrong, without assistance, cision of the Interior Department, whisky of the world. Highest awards What’s In a Name? ed Tuesday evening. doing good. 43 tp 38 s r 1 w, n to nw oor thereof, e to center Dr. Robinson’s handsome residence mounted the scaffold steps and took a notify the local land office of their at Paris, 1900; Chicago, 1893; New sec 15same tp, n Hm, e to beg. L A Rose. su­ Everything is in the name when it Ex-Senator Dufur of FootsCreek and is now lit with the Jacksonville Gas position in front of the noose, facing rights to the land. Then in case of Orleans, 1885. Unbeaten and Unbeat I t is becoming more apparent every pervisor. comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. contest they can be notified and pre­ able! Sold by E. H. Helms. Jackson­ W.E. Phipps of Ashlaad.the attorneys, Co.’s Illuminating fluid, which adds the crowd. After receiving the bless­ No. 11—Beg at quar sec cor on e line DeWitt & Co. of Chicago discover'd ville. day that a majority, even of those in sec District were at the county-seat Monday, on much to its appearance. ings of the priest and hearing the death 34 tp 38 s r 1 w, w 4 mi. s 14 ml. w to Hear some years ago bow to make a salve sent their proof and protect their in­ high official position, don’t refuse to be« creek, up creek to n line sec 32tp37sr3w,eto Dunsmuir is to have a bank Feb ­ professional business. warrant read, he was asked if he had terests. Fritz Ai.tenrieth and Ed Roth spent from Witch Hazel that is a specific come grafters when properly approach­ se cor sec 25 tp 3T s r 1 w, n 1 mi, w 1 mi. it I mi, for Piles. For blind, bleeding, itching ruary 1st. E. V. Carter,cashier of the Ex-Sheriff Orme, who has been con­ a day in Jacksonville recently. They anything to say. He straightened up Among the i jcorporalion papers filed ed. The late st proof of this is furnish­ w 1 mt, n to beg. excepting therefrom all that and protruding Piles, eczema, cuts, Saturday with the Secretary of 8tate Bank of Ashland, G. 8. Butler, also fined to his home at Gold Hill with a are experienced in mining matters and and in clear voice said in part: portion of the corporate limits of Medford that burns, bruises and skin diseases De­ ed by U. S. Senator Burton of Kansas, may be Included therein and the roads under was the following: Iowa Lumber & of Ashland, and J L. Gaultof Grants severe attack of rheumatism, is some­ have located claims not far from Gold “You all see the world. This cross who has been indicted on nine counts tbe jurisdiction of said town. O Caster, super­ Witt’s Salve has no equal. This has Box Factory, Council Bluffs, la., *125,- Pass are the principal stockholders. what better. Hill. (holding up a crucifix) is a symbol of given rise to numerous worthlesscoun for accepting *500 for using hie in­ visor. terfelts. Ask for Dewitt’s—the gen­ 000; Edgar I. Hafer, attoruey-in-fact. Tbe capital stock will be *25,000 ana It Prof. J. A. Cochran, district agent D. J. S. Pearce and his sons of love, love for family and friends. I Dial No 12--Beg at nw oor of sec 2 tp 37s r 1 w, uine. Sold by all druggl-ts. fluence at Washington to secure the will be largely held in Ashland. for the Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New Poor man's Creek are operating more had a sweet girl once whom I dearly Guaranteed Forest Reserve Scrip for s 3 ml, i 1 ml, s 1 mi, e 1 mi, s 2 mi. e 3 mi. s 3 right to use the mails for the swindling Ad. Helms took 4000 boxes of mer­ York, was in Jacksonville Monday af­ extensively than ever, with excellent loved, Minnie Ensminger. 1 killed her sale, in large or small quantities, by ml, e 4 ml, n 1 mi, e 2 mi. n 4 mi. w 1!, mi, n 2 Rialto Grain Commission Co. of St. ml, w 24 mi, n 1 mi, w 1 mi, d 1 mi. w to beg. Frank E. Alley, upstairs over Land chantable apples off eight a«'res of ternoon. He appointed Peter Apple­ prospects of success, They recently and I stand ready to die for that bouis. It is charged that be got *1400 W H Stinson, supervisor. Office, Roseburg. Oregon. Will place orchard near Ashland last fall. Four- crime She knows that I was not re­ gate agent for this town. An excel­ added another giant. same for non resident purchasers. from the concern. sponsible for the crime, and I have District No. 13—Beg at point of intersection fifths of these were four-tier apples and lent appointment. County Clerk Orth is industriously prayed day and night, and die in tbe of w line sec 11 tp3B s r 1 e with Little Butte It is now reported that Homer sold for *1.50 per box, and tbe remain­ J, hn Couey, whose parents live Satu Van Dyke of Phoenix precinct employed in the extension of the as­ state of Christ and in the spirit of the The S outhern O rfgonian clubs creek, up creek through junction of n and s in the northwestern pirt of Davenport, the cartoonist, who was ing one-fifth at *1 25 per box, or *5800 was in Medford Saturday, He Is a sessment roll,and will have it ready for true church. I sincerely repent of all with all the newspapeis and period I forks thereof, easterly oo divide bet waters of Medford, was arreste'd by Constable announced to lecture at Ashland, April for the entire crop.—[Re«?ord. my sins, especially for the great crims cals, and kites a i< duel ion in price in n and s forks to se cor sec 1 tp 37 s r 2e, e 3 mi. prominent candidate for the Republi- the sheriff earlier than usual—before for wh ch I suffer. I humbly trust in every instance. If y> u wish any of s 1 ml, e to e line of county, s to se cor tp 38 s r Angle Monday, charged with the lar­ 4th.under the auspRes of the Chautau­ A billiard tournament is now pro­ can nomination foY sheriff. March 1st, the time prescribed by law. the infinite mercy of Christ, my Sa­ 4e, w 15 mi, n 2 ml, w 14 mi. n 2 mi, w 24 mi, ceny of a pair of boots from the front qua. Association, has canceled his en­ them let us know. gressing at Hall & Young's handsome n 1 ml, w 1 ml. n to beg. Henry Tonn, super­ gagement. Mr. Roundtree and his son, Frank, vior, who died for me. Into thy hands, of Meeker & Co.’s ste re. He Is about O Lo.'d, 1 commend my spirit.” visor. billiard parlors, that is attracting con­ 8. Walch and E. C. Steiger were in Leap year is here. It has been eight siderable attention. Two cash prizes Sheriff Brown adjusted the black District No. 14—Beg at se cor tp 35 s r 4 e, w ten years old, and is arcu*ed of sever­ Medford Wednesday, on business with cap and noose, and just before the trap 12 mi, n 3 mi, w 8 mi. s 3 mi. w 2 mt, s t mi, w to al other thefts of a petty nature. years since the girls have had a chance and a medal are offered. There are ten Little Butte Creek to junction of n and s forks tbe Iowa Lumber Co. They will be sprung Armstrong cried out: The boy was brought before Justice to take the initiative in the matter of P. H. Daily, county school super- employed at that corporation's saw ‘‘Did you ever see a brave man? In the fingers, toes, arms, and other thereof, southeasterly on divide bet n and s Pu rd I d , but by order of the District proposing; but now they cando as they entries, and 90 games will be played, parts of the body, are joints that are forks to se cor sec 1 tp 37 s r 2 e, e 3 mi, s 1 mi. Attorney the case was transferred to would be done by during the next which will consume nearly a mouth.! intendent,gives notice that he will hold mill and timber lands during the com­ Look at me. I forgive you all.” The trap fell at 6:58, and in eight to e line of county, n to beg. Geo Frey, su­ The Medford Furniture Co. is now ;regular examination of applicants ing season. inflamed and swollen by rheumatism— e pervisor. minutes Armstrong was pronounced Judge Prim’s court, the object being year. for state and county papers at tbe court that acid condition of the blood which and tbe body cut down. The re­ District No. 15—Beg at sw cor sec 35 tp 38 s r to send him to the Reform School if J. E. Davidson, the expert superin­ dead Telephones will be placed in the offic­ composed of F. W. Hollis and John H. house in February: mains were turned over to Undertak­ 1 w, n to Little Butte creek, up said creek to e affects the muscles also. Butler, a strong combination. L. R tendent of the Millionaire mine, located ers Patterson and Eppinger for burial be was guilty. es of tbe county clerk, sheriff and re­ FOR STATE PAPERS. Sufferers dread to move, especially line sec 10 tp 36 s r 1 e, s to se oor sec 34 tp3ss in Blackwell district, is enlarging the in the Catholic cemetery. However, the Incorrigible little fel­ corder, which will prove quite a conven­ and E. M. Welch, who were formerly r 1 e, w to beg. J M West, supervisor. after sitting or lying long, and their Commencing Wednesday, February boarding and lodging houses of the The county pays one-third of members of it, have retired and will District No. 16—Beg at intersection of w line low was turned loose, as his father ience. condition is commonly worse in wet of sec 15 tp M s r 2 w, with Rogue river, upriver swore that he was only nine years old the expense, the officials above named soon remove to Baker City, where they 10, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continu­ company, preparatory to operating on weather. have purchased the stock of the Queen ing until Saturday, February 13th, at a more extensive scale. Two carloads to mouth of Little Butte creek, up Little Bu tte — on^year less than the required age the balance. “It has been a long time since we have creek to mouth of Antelope, up Antelope to e City Furniture Co 4 o'clock p. m. of ore from the mine will be shipped to been without Hood's Sarsaparilla. My line sec 15 tp 36 s r 1 w, s to quar sec cor, on e, f >r commitment to that institution— It is reported that the Deep Gravel and he was turned hose. Besides, Mining Co., whose property is located father thinks he could not do without It. Jack Bailey has left Ashland for Wednesday — Penmanship, history, a smelter in the near future. line of sec 34 same tp, w 4 ml, s 14 mi. w to He has been trembled with rheumatism Mr. Meeker did not appear. near Waldo, Josephine county, has Dawson, Alaska, with four draft hors­ spelling, algebra, reading, school law. The meeting of Banner Lodge No. since be was a boy, and Hood's Sarsapa­ Bear creek, down Bear ereek to w line of sec 27 J W Smith, supervisor. rilla is the only medicine he can take that tp 36 s r 2 w, n to beg. been offered *60,000 for the same, es, for which Robt. T. Vining paid J. Thursday — Written arithmetic, 23, A O. U. W., held Friday evening, will enable him to take bis place In tbe District No. 17—Beg at intersection of line He Died ot Cancer. They want *100,000, however. Dis- W Gregory of Ashland *625. Other theory of teaching, grammar, book­ was unusual'y interesting. The newly- The walking sick, what field.” Miss A da D oty , Sidney, Iowa. bet tp 36 s rs 2 and 3 w, with Rogue river, up elected officers were installed and C. C. trict Attoruey Reames and W. J. i teams will be bought between here and keeping, physics, civil government. Rogue river to e line sec 16 tp 38 s r 2 w, s on crowd of them there are: Seattle and shipptMl to tbe frozen Wtiile undergoing an opt ration f r Wimer are the own ts . sec line to Bear creek, up Bear Creek to s line Friday — Physiology, geography, Hogue, past master of the Oregon I north on the 29lh. They will be used of Constant donation claim in tp37sr2w, w removal of a cancer of tbe stomach and Pills meutal arithmetic, composition, physi­ grand lodge, was also present and Persons who are thin and Blue-print maps of an' iv township in well-known Roseburg, Oregon, Land 1. District, _ __ ___ delivered an able address. A splen­ weak but not sick enough show- , for freighting purposes. Remove the cause of rheumatism—no on line to nw cor of donation claim in 58, s to e William Faber, the and wcenter line of see it. w to center sec 10 la fra*« fJK nanfe | The citizens of Jacksonvilje have cal geography. outward application can. Take them. tp 37 s r 2 w, s to line bet secs 22 and 27 same brewer and bopdealer, died at the ing all tbe vacant lands, for 50 cents Saturday—Botany, plane geometry, did supper was discussed afterward. to go to bed. each. If you want any information tp. w 4 ml, s 4 ml, w on tp line 2 mi, s 4 ml, North Pacific Sanitarium in Port­ from the U. S. Land Office, address i been regaled with geese and ducks general history, English literature, w 4 mi, s 14 ml. w on tp line 2 mi. s 4 mi, w land. “Chronic cases” that’s Title Guarantee & Loan Co., Rose­ killed by District Attorney Reames psychology. 4 ml, s 14 mt, w on tp line 2 ml, s 4 mi, w 24 Mr. Faber was sick only a few hours burg, Oregon. and Georee E. Neuber in the Sacra­ May Mean a Railroad. what the doctors call them, ml, n tanw cor of sec 23 tp 37 s r 3 w, n to beg, previom to death. Wednesday before FOR COUNTY PAPERS. J. H. Dutton, who has been operat­ mento Valley, near Willows, Crffli. excepting therefrom the towns of Jacksonville which in common English Commencing at 9 o'clock a. ui., Wed­ The Eugene Guard has been Inform­ and Central Point and roads under jurisdiction be was walking about as usual. He ing at Ashland as a contractor and They have been shooting them by the The taxpayers of Jackson county nesday, February 10, and con ­ complained of feeling badly, and later hundreds and expressed several sacks ed by a gentleman prominent, in tbe of said towns. W H Peninger, supervisor. builder, left for California between two will pay their annual taxes under the means—long sickness. timber-land business, and who keeps District No. 18—Beg at se cor sec 13 tp 37 s r wsj taken to the hospital, where a suns, after drawing several checks on for distribution among ‘.heir friends. tinuing until 4 o'clock p. tn., Friday, old law. A three per cent rebate is To stop the continued Thos. G. Devens, wbo died at Rose­ ! February 12: posted on the affairs and movements 3 w, n to Rogue river, down Rogue river to n Immediate operation was deemed banks in which ke had no money. given on payments made prior to the and s center line sec 11, tp 36 s r 3 w, n to cen burg recently, in the 78th year of his Wednesday—Penmanship, history, first Monday in April. Taxes can be loss of flesh they need of the Booth-Kelley Lumber Com­ ter sec 2 same township, w 4 ml, n 4 mt, w 14 necessary. As soon as tbe incision Dissipation was his undoing. age, had been in poor health for a long orthography, reading. pany, that tbe cruisers which the mi to quarter sec cor on n line of sec 4 tp 36 s r had been made tbe doctors di covered Chas. H. McCartney, the man whose paid la installments in April and Octo­ Scott’s Emulsion. For the company has In the western part of 3 w, s 5ml, e one-ha if ml, s 1 ml, e 1 mi. s 3 ml. that internal hemorrhages had been personal effects were found in the hills time. Ho was born in Buffalo, N. Y., Thursday — Written arthmetic, ber or in full, at the option of the tax­ Lane county are at work, not only to e 3 mi to beg, excepting therefrom the town of .reat and tbe arteries badly injured. north of Ashland on the 10th of last and came to Oregon in 1852, first locat­ theory of teaching, grammar, phys­ payer. All become delinquent on the feeling of weakness they Gold Hill and all the roads under its jurisdic­ Mr. Faber was b >rn In Germany in ing iu Jacksonville. Several years ago iology. estimate the amount of timber in tion. J H Crawford, supervisor. need Scott’s Emulsion. March, and for whom relatives since first Monday in October. certain tracts in the Coast Range, but, District No. 19—Beg at se oor sec 22 tp 37 s r 1856 and had resided In Oregon 20 have been making inquiries over the he located in Cam» s \b))«y, ltiglaB pr/ijay—Geography, mental arith- Tbe following levies have been made: zi/tnntir n-nln/v to ♦ rx Roseburg lli aH dragsbta. kJ A Young Incorrigible. Teachers Examination Aching Joints RUTS a Hood's Sarsaparilla Local Tax Levies. All About Killing a Dog. To Cure a Cold in One Day LfiXatiVC BrOmO Quinine