The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, January 20, 1904, Image 2

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Printed Every Wednesday, by
Mrs. J. Nuuan was a Medford visitor
E. S. Cor”ss was in Medford ouo
day last week, on his way to Neil
Southern Oregon was covered with
a light mantle of snow Monday,some of
which still lingers.
S. F Godfrey of Rogue River, who
has tho Curry farm rented of J. W.
Merritt, was a rocent visitor.
Geo Engle, who removed to Port-1
land with Ashland's cigar factory,
has sold his Interest in it and returned
to Ashlaud.
Martin Bros, have purchased H. E.
Smith ‘s stock of goodsand mercantile
business at Merrill, Klamath county,
pay 48700 therefor.
Mrs. H. C. Shearer of Jacksonville,
upon whom an operation was perform­
ed last week, by Dr. Gale, is getting
along nicely.
Gore & Wortman, who have been
buying cattle in Klamath county, ship­
ped several carloads to San Francisco
from Montague Monday.
Ed. Levier,
the miner, has been
Times Printing Company among us several times lately.
C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr.
John H. Real, a prominent citizen of
Ashland, was with us not long since.
One Year, in advance...
Six Months......................
Office W'lb
Fred Pratt, Phoenix's expert black­
smith, did business here Welnesday.
J. S. Howard, the veteran civil engi­
was a Jacksonville visitor Tues­
Pacitlc Slates Telephone Co.,
Bu khng. California St.
S. L. Fielder, one of our best miners,
Is located in Foots Creek district at
Elevated Railroad Invented.
I* 1» the Muuufnr'nrcr'« Frirnti De
»pite It» Checkervd
Christian Endcavorers Meet. G rant j Pass’ “oral Wave.
Hair Splits
Tue societies of Christian E' deavor
It is a nouuced that the capita)
The tariff question is up again tn
Bukcr A iswers Hepburn and
o: Jmcpbiue county hat, been rid
Canada and is becoming warm. It is
Flays the Trusts.
said that tbe crowu muy dissolve pur- gates, held a rally at the Presby­ of most of Ils undesirable element
The Ileal Truth About the Condition
oi l abor In This Country—Not True
Work For
All — A
Fallen Behind Coat of Livinir.
Several Democratic congressmen have
taken CongressrniHi Hepburn of Iowa
to task for his reckless and unfounded
assertions on Nov. 19 that—
H. B. Reed, who is our pioneer fence
One-half of the world’s production of
“There is labor in every part of the
coffee comes to the United States. We
country for every man who wants a
pay over •1,000.000 a week for our
place to work, and there Is a compen­
Mrs. C. P. Briggs, who has been
coffee, and send the money out of tbe
sating wage for every man who will
country. Germany and France togeth­ suffering with a severeattack of gripp
a day's work.”
er consumed last year only half as much ¡8 convalescen t.
But uo other congressman has made
as we did. We consume over 800,000,-
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Norris visited B.
Mr. Hepburn and bls statements ap­
000, or about ten and one-half pounds H. Harris of Medford and his family
quite as ridiculous, to use mild
a piece, every year.
terms, as did Congressman HsMac of
Mr. Lyon, who has been visiting his
Fred Melhase of Fort Klamath will Brooklyn iu his maiden speech,In con­
Some statistician has figured that
erect a two-story stone building gress. The following Is a part,of the
there are 600,000 Smiths in the United
at Klamath Falls. It will be used as a column report of Mr. Baker’s speech
States. Three thousand are employed left for the south Wednesday.
W. H. DeZeng, the well-known wholesale and retail meat market.
as It appeared iu the New York* Times
by the United States government and
was in our city Tuesday. He is
nineteen Smiths die every day. In
The Southern Oregon Development of Dec. 15:
“Is there any man, even upon the Re­
New York alone there are 126,000. In­ still developing the Elk Creek mines.
Co. will soon begin operations in Med­
side,” he asked, “as we see
J. Y. Eccleslon, the pioneer miner of ford. T. C. Norris, tho wideawake
cluding the Smythes, the Schmidts,
Smidta and other variations, the Watkins district, has resumed kis real-estate agent, is trustee and man­ growing up gigantic fortunes almost
beyond calculation and In our great
family is roughly estimated to comprise operations, bis health being improved ager.
cities hundreds of thousands of ip
1,000,000 in this country.
A. C. Jacobson, late of the Ashland dividual» who scarcely know where
,who .lived in Medford for a their breakfast Is coming from In the
The San Francisco Chronicle’s an­
and C. M. Willey have gone morning, who will pretend that these
nual is devoted to reviews by leading
California, looking for a huudnsls of thousands of individuals
experts of that state of what has been
who have none of the wealth of the
accomplished during tbe past year, and
Lewis H. Plymale, who has been world have received compensating
Wm. Heely, J. B. Wetterer, Herman
estimates of California's ability to main­
wages for their toll?
tain 20,000,000 people at the close of Kummer and A. G. Swanson, all Alas­ stopping at Jacksonville a few days,
"Compensating wages, we are told, ex­
this century. It is estimated that the ka miners, are operating a placer prop­ returned to Portland, where he is in ist for every man who demises to work,
tbe employ tbe Mitchell, Lewis and and yet the evidence was brought out
population of San Francisco at that osition on Applegate.
lime will be 5,000,000. During 1903, in
before the coal strike commission that
Henry Ries is among us again. He Staver Co.
round numbers, 118,0(0,000 in gold and has been employed at Bohemia and
A special train was run from Jack­ under the system of slavery that ex­
•860,000 in silver were produced by the other mining camps since he left us sonville to Medford Saturday evening; isted In the anthracite coal regions of
California mines.
to accommodate those who wished to Pennsylvania persons had worked for
several months ago.
fourteen years and never received one
John R. Hardin is among us again. attend the rally of the Christian En- solitary penny in wages.
New tracks to the extent of 5723 He has been in the employ of the Oro deavorers.
It was fairly well pat­
“Cardinal Gibbons says of the per­
miles were added to tbe American rail­ Grande Mining Co , that is operating ronized.
sons employed In the clothing Indus­
road system in the year just closed. in Steve’s Fork district.
C. C. Hogue of Albany, past master try in Baltimore: "They are living on
The mileage of all roads in the United
the grand lodge of Oregon, is in this starving wages. The result Is that In
Mrs. Josephine Russell left for Loe
States now reaches a grand total of
the interests of theA.O.U.W a few years they become Incapacitated
209,855 miles. According to the Rail­ Angeles, Tuesday, where she will spend He is a good speaker and a splendid or­ for work ’ When they become Incapac­
way Age nearly all of the new mileage the winter with her sister, Miss Fran­ ganizer, and bis efforts are meeting itated hoc work, when- are they gutug
ces Nunan, and friends.
to receive tbe compensating wages thut
for 1903 was laid in the Eastern states,
with much success.
are to support them?
U. S. Morris, formerly of Lone Pine,
Oregon being credited with but 30
’This condition Is not unique. Right
miles, Washington 116 miles, and Cali­ Neb., arrived here a short time ago,
have been residents of Jacksonville in my own city of New York, for nearly
fornia with 167 miles. With the re­
during the past three months, left for two years men have come to my home
ported financial stringency in the East us. We hope he will.
Allegan county, Mich., Tuesday. They almost every day to ask me for Avhat
and great prosperity in the West, it is
probable that the coming year will
expect to return here for permanent little influence I have to get them a
job in the city parks. That pays $2 per
witness much greater activity in rail­ night watchman for the Iowa Lumber residence in the near future.
day. but a foreman In that department
road building in the West.
Co., at Jacksonville, now bolds a simi­
Blue prints of township maps, show tells me that on an average the men
lar position at Modford.
ing a’> vacant land, fifty cents each only work four days a week.
As men are largely the creatures of
Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe No. 1. For reliable information concerning
"These men are begging for an op­
environment, the home life of a boy Imp'd O. R. M., has received quite a government land write to Frank E.
portunity to earn $8 a week In the
is necessarily largely responsible for number of accessions recently. It is
great city of New York, where rents
his character. If he is parentless and one of the strongest lodges in South­
Hon. Felix W. Ewing, whospent his are so high, where prices have been In­
is left by society to shift for himself, ern Oregon.
younger days in Ashland, after attain­ creased in this period of prosperity,
probably to inhabit the haunts of vice
where trusts have been able to squeeze
A. M. Woodford has been appointed ing eminence in the legal profession in labor down and raise prices up.
and crime, his criminal education is be­
i California, is now ably and accept­
postmaster of Medford, vice Geo. F.
“The cost of living has gone up 37 per
gun early and is speedily finished. If
ably filling the position of superior
Merriman, whose term of office has
during this period of so called
he is neglected by a shiftless and care­
about expired and who did not wish the judge of Ventura county.
prosperity, and. at the best, wages have
less father or mother his footsteps turn
C. W. Roberta of Klamath couDty, not gone up more than 10 per cent. A
place any longer.
irresistibly to tbe prison door. It is
shipped 42 head of cattle to the eomi>enaatiug wage! Is It a compen­
P. J. Sullivan, of Watkins district,
only by intelligent home training, by
Meat Co., 22 of which were sating wage that gives to tbe toiler one-
the proper exercise of parental au- the genial prospector, was with us not steers, received 41321 60 for them fourth of the Increase and makes him
thority, by tender solicitude for the long ago. He recently built a house, (about 831 apiece) above expenses. pay the whole increased cost of hls
physical wants and moral needs of our and some people have become unduly Many stockmen have sold their cattle commodities?
“In tbe great state of Iowa, (Hep­
children, that we can hope to make suspicious thereat.
that way during tbe season, and gener­
burn’s statei. where we are toldkevery
L. Lytle and J. N. Fielder, who ally with good results.
them good men and women. A neglect­
man has his bank account,” be declar­
ed child la usually a child lost. It im­ have leased the Owings cement mines,
Dr. Hargus, a prominent citizen of ed, "the farm laborers do not revive
bibes premature ideas of independence,
Klamath Fails, und Miss Lena Apple­ in wages as much as the mileage that
goes forth Into the world before its are waiting for a supply of water suffi­
the amiable and accomplished i is paid to the gentleman from Iowa to
time and is dazzled by the palaces of cient to operate them.
daughter of Capt. and Mrs. I. D. Ap­ congress.
sin and the haunts of crime.
“A gentleman who at the time of the
Southern Oregon’s board of pension plegate, were married Jan. 9th. Con­
examiners, consisting of Doctors Jones. gratulations and best wishes are in or­ great labor trouble at Homestead was
very careful to remain secluded at
T here has been a good deal written Cole and Reader, was in session Wed­ der.
Skibo castle, who was very careful not
In disparagement of the knocker, but
Judge Hanna, who has been bolding to respond to cablegrams sent him
not nearly as much as that despicable themselves for examination.
tbe January term of circuit court for asking him to use his influence to see
Rev. F. G. Strange will hold services Josephine county, has discharged the that the struggle should be ended, An­
individual deserves. There is a wide
difference between the man whoexpree- at Phoenix Sunday morning and even­ jury that had been drawn and return­ drew Carnegie, has a great deal to say
ses disapproval of any scheme which he ing. The subjects will be “Tribula­ ed to Jacksonville Tuesday. He will go about tbe beneficent system' Instituted
believes to be dishonest or detrimental tion and Why;” “The Hope that back to Grants Pass soon and hear the by the United States Steel corporation,
which Is called their 'bonus,' for their
to the town or district, and the in­ Never Fails Us.” All are invited.
equity eases on the docket.
dividual who disparages a new enter­
Our Board of Trustees have decided
Guaranteed Forest Reserve Scrip for
“Says Andrew Carnegie, ‘In the bo­
prise because of his ignorance or nar­ to plant two or three hundred cotton­ sale, in large or small quantities, by nus granted to employees we have
row prejudice. There are men who can wood trees along Jackson creek, in the Frank E. Alley, upstairs over Land proof of regard for them which cannot
never see any merit in any enterprise rear of the present breakwater, hoping Office, Roseburg. Oregon. Will place but tell, and the distribution of shares
that has not been demonstrated. They thereby to protect the town from the same for non resident purchasers.
lu the concern has an advantage which
John S. Shook, a prominent stock­ so far even no partnership has enjoyed.'
are always throwing cold water on further ravages of that stream.
“Yes. Never before In any large way,
other people’s ventures, and making
Rev. P. Datln of Grants Pass filled man of Klamath county, passed
extravagant claims for the propositions Rev. J. D. Murphy's appointments at through the valley Monday morning, on any large scale, has an industrial
in which they are personally interested. the Catholic churches In Jacksonville en route home from Portland, where corporation been able to foist upon Its
If the opinions and wishes of such men and Medford Sunday. We are sorry he has been attending the meeting of workmen stock at 82^ which sells to­
day In New York at 52%.”
had prevailed there would have been to learn that the latter’s health is not the National Livestock Association.
little development of the natural re« as robust as It should be. He is in
The state revenue to be raised by di­
The Hanna Plan of Redemption.
sources of Southern Oregon. If you can California for its benefit at present.
rect taxation for 1904 is 41,225,000
When Senator Hanna made his spec­
nothonestly commend a new enterprise,
tour of Nebraska in 1900 and
H. C. Shearer and H. J. Mattoon
distributed campaign funds with star­
started in good faith, at least be man
have the contract for logging for the
tling prodigality he was hailed by the
enough to keep your mouth shut and
saw mill that W. R. Stansell recently taxes being Multnomah, 4382,567; Republican leaders as "the redeemer
give those striving to better their own
Marion, 475,092; Linn, 464,435; Umatil­
purchased of F. M. Nelson. L. Dooms
condition and help the community a
la, 460,025; Lane, 456,595; Yambill, 447,- of the state.” But this lavish use of
and Mr. Nelson will be in charge of
money In Nebraska Inspired In many
the mill as engineer and sawyer. Mr. 89"; Douglas, 442,262; then Jackson of those who received it the Idea that
county with 438,465.
boodle and graft is the reward of ac­
Stansell will sell his lumber to the Iowa
J apan has been preparing for years Lumber Co.
The case of N. B. Nye vs. the Bill tive partisans. It is hardly singular,
for a struggle with Russia, so the state­
Nye Mining Co. has been appealed to therefore, that political corruption Is
ment that the Japanese government
tbe Supreme Court. In the ciicuit found to exist in the wake of wher­
has long been ready for the carrying
court tho plaintiff was given judg- ever Senator Hanna steered his po­
out of a scheme to wreck the Trans-
ment for 4800 and legal interest for litical bark and that the state of Ne­
braska Is badly in need of another re­
Siberian railroad the moment war is
A South Bend (Ind.) dispatch to the several years for services rendered tbe deeming. The United States grand
declared seems credible. It is asserted
Chicago Record-Herald of a late date company as superintendent. A. M. Jury for the past month or two has
that hundreds of Japanese under the
has this to say of an invention of Da Cannon and Geo. F. Martin are the been engaged in the Job of indicting
disguise of Chinese coolies are mixed in
Republican officials charged with buy­
vid L. Curtis, who was a citizen of appellant's attorneys.
with the natives along the eastern
True Cox was made a party to a ing and selling offices and stealing
Jacksonville for a number of years,
stretch of the road, while explosives
and is well known to many residents of highly sensational runaway in Jack­ from Uncle Sam. Tbe list of those In­
have been buried at convenient points,
dicted Is a long one, ranging in im­
Southern Oregon. Those who have sonville one day last week. He had portance from United States Senator
to be used in blowing up viaducts and
looked into the proposition say that It just unfastened the horses from a Dietrich down to more Insignificant
bridges. With the railroad running
is entirely feasible and will revolution­ hitching rack, when they become frac­ personages and others Implicated In
along the Chinese frontier for two
ize the present idea in the buildlDg of tious and started to take a spin on their land frauds. This shows that an un­
thousand miles, much of that distance
own account. True held onto the lines precedented era of corruption Is «ram­
through a wild country, and the peo­
“South Bend is to have an elevated and struggled hard with them, but pant In Nebraska, and it apponrsffrom
ple hating the Russian as the devil
electric street railway, the first of its they got away from him and dashed the evidence produced tiefore thee grand
does holy water, the report that Japan
kind to be built. The undertaking is for home. Fortunately little damage jury to have had Its InceptlonSor at
would cripple the road at once in case
least have become epidemic soonlafter
that of David L. Curtis, inventor of u resulted.
of war need not be doubted. Under
Senator Hanna had sown the seed In
plan by which cars will bo conveyed on
Blue-print maps of any township In 1900.
tbe most favorable conditions war
would tax the capabilities of a single a single tracx. He hopes to begin Roseourg, Oregon, Laud District,show
all tbe vacant lands, for 50 cents
track road to its utmost. It can well work within a year or so. By Curtis’ log
each. If you want any information
The First $5 Bill.
be imagined bow the little brown men
from the U. S. Land Office, address
poets placed about sixteen and a half Title
Guarantee & Loan Co., Rose­
endowed with a full share of Oriental,
The first 85 greenback issued by our
fatality, would deem it the greatest feet apart. The*tar is suspended on burg, Oregon.
hangers which run on the track,
honor to lose life, if need be, in effect­
The Neilon bond case, appealed from government was in 1862, and ever
Power is obtained from a motor on the
since 1864 has been tbe heirloom of a
ually cutting Russia’s land line of com-
Lake county, which was sent back for prominent family. Its age has In­
upper part of the hanger, to which
municatioos with the Orient.
a new trial by the Supreme Court, has creased its value greatly. This is abo
electricity Is conveyed by a simple
been compromised. The sum agreed true In regard to Hostetter’s Stomach
is 43,300, or 4100 more than the Bitters. Itwasintrodu ;d fl'ty years
A Household Name
ago, and because it positively cures
bondsmen agreed to pay at the start, stomach, liver and bowel disorders it
If The Baby Is Cutting Teeth.
and use that old and well-tried reme the latter also paying the costs of the Is valued more highly than any other
“Royal Baking Powder” is a house­ Be sure
M rs . W isslow ' s H o O th ug S yrup , for
hold word pretty much tbe clvllzcd dy,
children teething. It soothes the child, soft appeal. A. J. Neilon, ex-sheriff of Lake remedy. Those who have once, tried
world over, and the article itself has ess the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic county, who was the cause of the lit­ it always keep a bottle on hand to
and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty
cure dyspepsia, nausea, indigestion,
become a necesity in thousands upon five
cents a bottle
igation, is serving a seven-years term dizziness, heartburn, insomnia, chill-,
thousands of families In nearly every
in the penitentiary for the embezzle­ cold and malaria. Sickly women, to>,
civilized country. Tbe success of this
splendid peparation is due to tbe fact
ment of tbe money, which amounted realize Its wonde ful value as a health
maker and r ;ulator. Be sure to try
that it is exactly what it Is represent­
to about 88000.
it. Your druggist will supply you
Live agents to sell Dr. White’s
ed to be—3 pure cream of tartar bak­
with the genuine, also giye you a
ing powder. One of its great recom­ Electric Combe, patented Jan. 1, ’99.
copy of our 1904 Illustrated Almanac.
mendations is its high leavening pow­ Cure dandruff, hair falling out, sick
Pleasant and Most Effective.
Ask for it before the supply Is ex­
er. Th it, of course, appeals to every and nervous headaches, yet cost no
T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator, Liber­ hausted.
housewife. It secures a light baking more than an ordinary comb. Sells ty,Texas,
writes Dec. 25, 1902:“ With
with tbe least amount of attention on sight. Agents are wild with suc­
and unsolicited by you, I
and trouble, It can be counted upon. cess. Send 50c for sample (half price) 1 pleasure
testimony to the curative pow­
But It has a virtue beyond that—It is Write quick. The Dr. White Electric er bear
There is a smaller amount of waeto
of B Hard’s Horehouod Syrup. 1
“absolutely pure.” Royal Baking Pow­ Comb Co., Decatur 111 J
matter in the cultivated apple than in
der contains nothing deleterious. It
cheerfully affirm it is the most effec­ most other foods.
can be used with perfect confidence,
Tht Kind You Haw Always 8 ou / ji tive and pleasant remedy for coughs
and with the certainty that, so far as B mh tu
A special edition of a Seattle paper
and colds I have ever used.” 25c, 50c
It is concerned, tbe baking will be •IgaMu»
gives the pictures of lu&lawyers whodo
thoroughly wholesome.
business in that city.
Entered at the Posioffice at Jacksonville, Ore.,
as Second Class Mall Matter
liument at any time. Sir Wilfrid Lau- terian church iu Mtdford Saturday since It is uo longer a wide-open town.
ricr, the premier, can have a- dissolu­ evening. About eighty delegates A dozen gamblers Imo. ¡grated at one
tion whenever he advises it. He is like-1 from Ashland, Jacksonville aod Med time, accompanied by a number of
ly to advise it soon, for he realizes that' ford were pie-ent, and tilde was a -carlet women. Toe slut machines
are all turned toward the wall and
a trade reaction is near at band, and large attendance resides.
(.here is no gaming of any kind.
he wishes to get a new lease of power
Sunday, for the tirst time in several
before the people feel the effects of the
depression too much aud turn sour on committees to receive those from years, tbe saloons were closed—front
the government. Tbe correspondent of other places and make i hem at iu me doors, back doors and side doors—and
the iron Age gives the following rea­ All partook of au excellent lunch set to liquors wei i sold; even the “blind
sons for thinking that dissolution will in the parlors of the church bu 111 of pigs” were headed off. Tne cause of
occur soon:
before the exercises be/an.
this condition Is the change of city
"To wait until the present parliament
Fred Homes of Ashland, p esideni ' administration. From the time May-
lived out the full live years of the con­ of tbe district association, presided at
ir H. L. Gilkey took officeGranta Pass
stitutional limit might not be good tac­
tics, for tbe next eighteen mouths the rally. The proceedings were quite was a changed town. One saloon man
might be more or less a period of de­ interesting, beginning with the rendi­ Jeclared tnat he would keep his sit­
pression, and depression Is notoriously tion of musical select! ins. A priyer ting-room open Sunday, which he did
bard on the government. Bad crops, by Rev. F. G Str inge was f llowei out early Monday morning he appear­
dull trade and lack of employment are by an address of welcome, delivered ed before ti e mayor asking that do
very closely identified by a large part by W. 11. G ire, which was responded charge be preferred against him an 1
of the Canadian population with Hie to hy Pre-ideut Homes. Miss Mabel promised to ne good. He was inform­
government's fiscal policy. liuLWt'en Jones sang one of her popular solos ed that two more violations would
1872 and 1878 there was depresaffn co­ Short addresses were made by Revs revoke bls license.
incidently with a low tariff perlal. Iu
consequence the Mackenzie government E. A. Child, H. C. Brown, R. c.
Imperfect Digestion.
was driven from office In 1878 in the Blackwell aud W. F. Shields of Med
Means less nutrition and in conse­
general elections of tbe latter year, the ford, Rev. F. G. Strange of Jackson­ quence
less vitality. When the liver
popular cry being for protection. There ville, E P. Hughes aud W L Mel­ fails to secrete bile, the blood becom­
was depression concurrently with high linger of Ashland. Prof. E E. Wash­ es loaded with b'Hous properties, tbe
duties In the middle nineties. This burn of Jacksonville was un tbe pro­ diges.i in becomes impaired and the
brought about a reaction l'or free trade, gram "r the principal talk of tbe ev­ bowels constipated. Herbine will
which reaction was at least one of the ening,ami clrcse as bis subject “Some rectify til’s; it gives V ,e to t ie stom­
causes, though probably not the main Benefits Derived from the Conven­ ach, liver and 1 drey*, strengthens
the appetite, clears and improves the
one, that brought the Laurier govern­ tion.”
complexion, infixes new life and vigor
ment into power in 189U. • • • It Is
President Hames discussed the pros­ '<)the win lesys'em. 50 cents a bottle.
doubtful If tbe elections, premature pect „ of the state convention of Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point.
though they are to be, have not been Carlstian Endeavorers and also spoke
deferred too long to anticipate tbe ef­ favorably of the work being done in
Winter Care of Horses.
fects of trade reaction u]K>n public eon the district.
In Canada, then, two (kepreastons
Too many farmers get tbe notion
have oocurn-d under high tariffs and
into their heads that as soon as fall’s
one under low ones, for the present
work is completed almost any kind of
rates are high for Canada, tbs Laurier
The follow ing is a list of those who a ration Is good enough to keep the
udmlnistransn having made no ma­ were appointed road supervisors for horsj up until spring when work
terial changes. Canada's manufactur­ t'ie ensuing year at the January term
begins, then the process of feeding
ers of course are bringing all possible
heavily and a result of colic, and oc­
pM'tsure to have the duties on their
In-tr let
casionally a dead horse. Horses should
goods Increased. They want protec­
No. 1—Geo. Grow.
be kept in trim during the winter.
tion, they say, “in order that capital
N i. 2—Chas. Lindsay.
und labor In Canada may be properly
The muscles should not be allowed to
protected from <»e epeciali*d and
No. 3—Jacob Stone.
become soft. It is best to hate a
heavily protected industries of foreign
No. 4—J. M. Cantra'l.
reasonable amount of work for tbe
(NMintries which use the Canadian
No. 5—C. C. Pursel.
horses to do during the winter, giving
market as their dumping ground." Tbe
No. 6—L. C. Basye.
them good rations so that in the
tariff that they want must “above ail,”
No. 7—Chas. Hamilton.
when work commences they
they say. “enabie Canadian products
be injured by h»rl work or
to meet the competition of foreign la­
in tbe grain ration. It is
bor on fair and equitable terms.”
No. 10—L A. Rose.
better to feed t* e horses often and
Manufacturers are always greatly
not t o much ata time.
For this
No. 11— O. Caster.
<'oneern»Ml atout the earnings of their
reason we would advise the three-
No. 12— W. H. Stinsin.
tariff changes are be-
meal day plan during tbe winter
hig made. Tbe other day wben the
No. 13—Henry Tenn.
months with a combination of a
Ballry Cutlery company
No. 14—Geo. Frey.
reasonable amount of exercise.
foxy manufacturers at once had the
No. 15—T. J. Wes'.
news sent all over Canada and the
Na 16—J W. Smith.
Unitad States as well that “Insufficient
Over-Work Weakens
No. 17—W. H. Peuitiger.
tariff protection is given as the cause
Your Kidneys.
of suapeustou, the firm being unable to
No. 19—W II. Newton.
compete with American prices and the
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
No. 20—J. A. Martin.
cheap labor products from England
and Germany.”
No. 21-J. H. Wnipp’.c.
All the blood in your body passes through
It is only fair to say, though, that
No. 22—W. K. Inghdue.
your kidneys once eveiy three minutes.
tbe Canadian manufacturers do not
No. 23—W. A. Tresbam
The kidneys are your
ask for ae high a tariff as that of the
blood purifiers, they fil­
24—J. B. Welch.
United States, For the present they
ter out the waste or
No. 25—J. C. Pendleton.
impurities in the blood.
would be satisfied with mq|ffi less.
No. 26—W. R. Johnson.
If they are sick «r out
It is hard to beat the manufactur­
of order, they fail to do
No. 27 —Wtn. McClanahan.
ers. If depression occurs under low
their work.
No. 28—Rjbisoo Wright.
tariffs they blame It all on free trade.
Pains, aches and rheu­
If It occurs under high tariffs It Is
No. 29—J. B. HigioboUiam.
matism come from ex­
due to "insufficiency of tariff protec­
No. 30-C J. G cr.
cess of uric acid in the
tion.*’ And there you are. A coun­
blood, due to neglected
Na 31—J. J Fryer.
kidney trouble.
try that has hothouse industries on its
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
hands need not look abroad for trouble.
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
Mrs. W. H. Layha. of 1001 Agm*«
Agne« they had heart trouble, because the heart is
seiv - over-working In pumping thick, kidney-
Ave., Kansas City. Mo., bas
has for sese
Tl»e President Administer. I» Floral
betn troubled with severe poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
Ir arsem
arsero ss arid
and at times a hard cough,
It used to be considered that only urinary
which she says, ‘Would keep me in
In troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
doo s for dai
dat . I was prescribed for but now mclern science proves that nearly
hy physicians with no noticeab’e re­ all constitutional diseases have their begin­
sults. A friend gave me part of a bot­ ning in kidney trouble.
tle of Chamberlain's Cough R'wedy
R 'medv
If you are sick you can make no mistake
toclu«ely follow the by first doc. oring your kidneys. The mild
with Instructions toclo«ely
directions and I wish to slate that »•'-
s'- and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
i r the first day I cou.d notice a de
de- ­ Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is
cid d change fir the
tbe bett°r,
better, a'd at soon realized. It stands the highest fo’ its
t' is time after using It for two w<
w« fks,
rks, wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
i ave do
no hesitation in saving I lealize and is sold on its merits
that I am entirely cured.” This by all druggists in fifty-
remedy is f r sale bv a al 1 druggists.
cent and one-dollar siz-
“ I have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor
for thirty years, it is elegant for
a hair dressing and for keeping the
hair from splitting at the ends.”—
J. A. Gruenenfelder, Grantfork, 111.
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair­
splitting is done on your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Ayer’s Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
11.00 a battle. All dnifftet*.
If your drnggi«t cannot supply yon,
■end ut one doUar and we win express
yon a bottle. Be sure andrive the name
of your nearest express office. Address,
J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass.
R. G. GALE, M. D
Office In Orth’s Building.
Hours—2 10 4 and 7 to 8 p.m
Road Supervisors for 1904.
You may have a
bottle by
_ mail
n. («me Swarap-Ro«
tree, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
The case of E. A. Dunham vs. the k Co.. Binghamton. N. Y.
À Heavy Verdict Given
—Brooklyn Eagle.
Steel PWieee Here and Abroad.
On Dec. 18 the steel billet pool met
and decided to maintain tbe present
price of $23 a ton. On Dec. 17 the
Iron Age published a letter from Lon-
■don, dated Dec. 5. which stated that
■"American representatives were offer­
ing steel billets and slabs iu the Lan-
arrksblre steel centers at 75 shillings,
a cut of 4 shillings compared with the
price -asked last week.” As the freight
can scarcaiy be U-ss than $5 a ton. it
Is evident that our beloved und well
protected steel trust Is selling steel for
export at about $14 per ton that can­
not be obtained here for less than $23.
” encour-
fl’hls Is ttte way
. “protection
ages tbe thousands of American indus­
tries whlch use steel as a raw mate-
und Export Hute«.
S. P. Co., tried at Grants Pass last
week, resulted in the jury returning a
yerdict for 112,000 fur tbe plaintiff.
Ju’ge A. 8. Bennett, one of the
best lawyers In Oregon, appeared for
Dunham, while the railroad company
was represented bv H u. W. D. Feu-
ton, also a very able lawyer, Mr. Lei­
ter of Portland and A. 8. Hammond
of Grants Pas«.
The home of tbe plaintiff is at Tal­
ent, and be Is a son of Mr. Dunham
o' that place. The accident, which
was the basis for the action brought
against the railroad company, occur­
red at Grants Pas;, March 9, 1902,
when Dunham, in the course of hi*
duties as brakeman, attempted to
jump on a moving engine. Accor­
ding to the evidente brought out at
the trial he failed because the grab
iron on the tank was missing, and the
plaintiff was drown under the
w heels, which passed over ills right
leg near the hip, and it was necessary
subsequently to amputate the limb.
Au action was tiled asking for dam­
ages in the sum of 830,000; but the
jury after being out some hours came
into court at 9 o’clock p. m.witb a ver-
di< t, fixing the amount as above stat­
The 8. P. Co. has given notice that
it will appeal to the Supreme Court
Do ’tn ke a iy mists', e. but re­
member the name. Swamp-Root, Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, und the ad­
dress. Binghamton, N. Y. on every
Do You Enjoy
What You Eat ?
To« can eat whatever and whenever yon
like U you take KodoL By tha um of thia
ratnod y disordered digestion and diseased
stomachs are so completely restored to
health, and tho full performance of their
functions naturally, that such foods as would
tie one Into a double-bow-knot are oaten
without even a “rumbling“ and with a poet-
thra pleasure and enjoyment. And what is
more— these foods are assimilated and
transformed Into the kind of nutriment that
la appropriated by tho blood and tissues.
Kodol la the only digestant or combination
oi dgeatanta that will digest ail classes of
food. In addition to thia fact. It contains. In
aaaimllative form, the greatest known tonio
and reconstructive properties.
Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all
disorders arising therefrom.
To encourage export business and dis­
courage American manufacturing In­
dustries that depend upon cheap raw
Kodol Digests What You Eat
materials the railroads give specially
Makes tbe Stomach Sweet.
low rates on steel and other heavy
BottMaaoly. Rs<«lsr sire. J100. boMtac 2M th
trial sue, which Mila for 80 oecis.
freight for export. The interstate com-
by K. a DeWITT * OO., Obk««,
meree commission\is holding hearings
ami Is attempting to have the railroads
publish their exiwrt rates on all lines
of freight. This they object to doing.
It was brought out In one of these
hearings that certain railroads will not
accept freight from tramp steamers at
the same rates, as from regular lines
wittNwhich they)have agreement». This
Is clearly discrimination In rates and is
If you are going east a cartful selec
Illegal. This istonly one phase of the lion of your route is essential to tbe
The shortest line be > ween
enjoyment of your trip. If it is a
export question.
St. Paul and
business trip, time is the main con­
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
aud the conveniences and comforts of
Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. All a modern railroad.
Druggists refund the money it it falls to cure
Why not combine all by using the
Orove’B signature is on oach box. 25c.
Illinois Central, the Up-To-Date
Road, ruuniug two trains daily from
Keeps Corn Forty Years. St. Paul ar.d Minneapolis, and from
Omaha to Chicago. Free Reclining
Chair Cars, the famous Buffe'-Llbrary
An Indiana farmer wdl make an Smoklng Cars, all trains ve^tlbuled.
nnusual display at the World’s Fai . In short thoroughly modern through­
Corn that has attained the ripe old out. All tickets reading via the Illi­
age of 40 years, and yet appears to bo nois Central will he hono ed on thesi
and no extra fare charged.
as good as on the day that it was har­ trains
Our rates are the same as those of
the route <. the famous
vested, will be showu at the Worlds inferior roads—why not get your
Fair by an Indiana fairner. L. C. money’s worth?
Write for full particulars.
Fence, a pioneer settler of Gran’
1>. H. T rumbull ,
county, harvested an unusually lane Commercial Agent,
Portland, Ore.
corn crop In the fail of 1864. lie put I. C. L indsey , T. E & P. A ,
aside 100 bushels of that year’s hai-
Portland, Ore.
vest and kept it in an open crib. It P. B. T hompson . F. & P. A.,
Seattle, Wash.
has remaiaed there ever since and
2he Tia;n for Comfort”
received no treatment other than to
allow the air to pass through it at all
eve y night ’.i the year
For Infants and Children.
Crow Flies
izk *:------
Itent C.Htgh tìj -up. I'sKte» Ooo<t Vw
In tit»«. *Md br drugglrix.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Office In Red Men's Building.
Grant’s Pass, Oregon.
practices all tbe courts
building up-stairs
St. Pwul, Milin.
Uffioe I d Bank
J. M. KEENE, D. D. S
Offices ,D tbe Adkins Deuel block
Jacksonville, Oregon.
■Will practise In sll courts of the Stale. Of
Bee In tbe Court House last door on the
rlrbt from entrance
A. C
«root** Pit»,
Office over Hair-R.ddle Hardware Store
Grant’s Pass, Oregon.
•VOffice above S P. D. A L. Co 's Store
Notary Public
Real Estate Agent
and U. S. Commissioner
for Jackson County.
Abstract* made to Title* of
sll xind drawn up es pec 1*11 v pert sials r io
tbe settlement of estates.
Accounts Solicited, Prompt Remittance.
invstment securities • specialty. Jackson
Oounty Scrip bought and sold.
bare a complete set of maps of all surveyed
lands in tbis county, and receive Abstracts
monthly from Roseburg Land Offiee, the Land
Department oi tbe O. A C. R. R. and tne State
Land Department at Salem of all new entries
made 1 am thus prepared to make out home­
stead papers and take proofs thereon. Also I
take filings and proors of limber lands, and
can save to tbe e> per ot ot ■ trip
to tbe Roseburg land office
• have a Number wf FIseFsraa aod wtber
Desirable Propertv la my beads far
WPromnt reply made toallletlera. Charg­
ee in accordance with 'he time«
Refers, by permission. Hon. H. K. Hanna
indge of the 1st Judcial District, and to any
business bouse in Jacksonville.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
Bears the
Is Tbe Only
Railway between the
Missouri River
The Chicago-Portland Special, the
most luxurious train in the world.
Drawing-rooni sleeping cars, dining
car, buffet smoking and library car
(barber and bath). Less than three
days Portland to Chicago.
Through Trains
to Chicago are operated daily via the
Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company. Oregon Short Line Rail­
road, Union Pacific Railroad and
Chicago <St North-Western Railway
to Chicago from Portland and pc>ints
tn Oregon.
Daily and personally conducted ex-
cursions In Pullman tourist sleepinir
£*ra tom Portland, Los Angeles and
ban Francisco, through to Chicago
without change.
r. w.
Chicago & North-Western Ry.