, 1 ’ ’ " ’ J imce JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1904. VOL. XXXIV. For Twenty Years a Man Jo. Nonchan, who has lived for the past 20 years in t he vicinity of Jordan Convincing Proof That This Dread Valley, Malheur county, died at the residence of Barney Maloy, on Suc­ Nervous Disease Has at Last cor Creek, January 6. After death Yielded to Medical Skill. had put an end to the earthly career The most despondent sufferer from of the mysterious "Jo” it was dis- locomotor ataxia, even though beyond covered that deceased was a woman, the reach of ordinary treatment, will who, without ever having her find new hope of life and health iu the sex suspected, lived for 20 years cure of Mias Phebe Ett Enos, of Oneonta, N. Y. Coming so closely upou other am^ng the stockraisers, miners and wonderful cures effected by the same : rustlers of southeastern Malheur means it offers convincing proof that county. this dread disease has at last been mas­ The woman was apparently about tered. 45 years old, and, therefore, must have “ My trouble began six years ago with been about 25 yearsold when she came a numbness in my feet,” says Miss Enos, to this country. Always dressed in “ and the numbness spread until both man’s garb this strange woman labor limbs were affected. I followed faith­ fully the treatment prescribed by the ed at everything Incident to a stock- best doctor in Oneonta but kept getting raising country—cutting and hauliog worse. Filially he told me that I had hay, herding sheep and rounding-up locomotor ataxia and that the most he cattle. Under the name of Jo. Mone- could do wim to make me comfortable. han she had served on the regular I would never be active again. “ This was discouraging but I kept on panel of the jury in the district court with the treatment. The pain in my for Malheur county, had performed limbs was so intense that I could get to road work and paid poll and property sleep only by using chloroform liniment. t iX the same as a man. Those who By this time I could not rise from my chair without being pullet! up by the knew her well say she was retiring and hands. I couldn't walk without a ivuie, reticent, mural and modest, and, judg­ and I couldn’t walk ill the dark at all. ing by her language, well educated. The disease spread through my system until I had to keep to my l>ed most of the She had taken up a homestead, and time. 1 was almost helpless and had no owned about $1500 worth of cattle She bad uever communicated her his­ power to raise my limbs. “ Yes, I am well now; can go about tory or condition to any one, and the freely, can do my own work and can mystery surrounding the early life of even ran up and dowu stairs. I owe it poor Jo. Moneban and her trials and all to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale sorrows in her lonely cabin in East­ People. I learn is I of two cases of loco­ ern Oregon will probably never be motor ataxia that these pills had cured solved. aud triej them at once. Iu five weeks I noticed less paiu and found that I A Handsome Affair. could get sleep naturally. I followed directious closely and gradually got on The newly-elected officers of Reames my feet, could walk without a cane and noticed nothing but a little dragging of Chapter, O. E. 8., were installed Wed my right foot. nesday evening by W.I.Vawter,assisted “ One day when I was out, I saw my by Mrs. Hattie White, as follows: Nel­ doctor. He was great I? surprised and exclaimed: ‘You certainly are better. lie Whitman, W. M.; H. C. Lumsden, What has done it ? If you had not got W. P.; Mattie Hutchison, Sec.; Mamie better you could not have raised hand Strang, Treas.; Nellie McGowan, Con.; or foot by now.’ “ Well, I kept on taking the pills and Ella Vawter, Z. C.; May Heard, Ada; kept on improving. Now I am as nim­ Lillian Barr, Ruth: Harriet Humason ble as most people and sometimes think Esther; Julia Hubbs, Martha;Gertrude lam vouug auniu. Surely no oue can Weeks, Electa; Elmira Miller. War.; recommend Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Hattie White, Mar.; Harriet Warner, more highly than I cuu.” This should bring hope to the most de­ Chap.; Mabel Jones, organist. Mrs. spairing since Dr. Williams* Piuk Pills Bessie Lumsden, who has filled the po­ are for sale by all druggists, t. sition of worthy matron so acceptably, was presented with a handsome bou R ussia has the advantage in weight quet of carnations and smilax. She re­ and size, but Japan is quick and active sponded in appropriate remarks. A on her feet; so it is norH>dy’s money social followed the installation ceremo­ nies, for which an excellent program until the gong sounds. had been prepared. Miss Minnie Hock- enyos admirably recited one of Joaquin What’s in a Name? Miller’s poems, and Miss Mabel Jones Fverything Is in the name when it sang a solo, written and set to music comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. by Miss Esther Silsby.in her usual clev­ DeWitt & Co. of Chicago discovered er manner. In the guessing conteet,en- some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific titled “A Floral Love Tale,” Miss Ma­ for Piles. For blind, bleeding, itching bel Jones answered nearly all of the and protruding Piles, eczema, cuts, questions correctly and captured the burns, bruises and skin diseases De­ first prize, an elegant Japanese vase, Witt’s Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless coun­ and Ralph Woodford bad no trouble ter felts. Ask for Dewitt’s—the gen­ in securing the last, some Sweet Will­ iam flower seeds. A splendid luncheon uine. Sold by all druggists. was afterward discussed. T he President having decl'ned to re instate Asa Thomson as receiver of the LaGrande Land Office, although he was acquitted of the charges against, him, the Oregon delegation has recom­ H. L. Orr of G.etley, Colorado, wbo mended A. A. Roberts, now deputy U. is acousio of W. L. Orr of Medford, has S. marshal, to be his successor. invented a new process for extracting Kolddust from tailings after all values have apparently been removed. The process is said io be a complete suc­ That’s the condition of many sufferers cess. The machine or apparatus has from catarrh, especially in the morning. attracted considerable attention. In Great difficulty is experienced in clear­ looks it might be a carpet cleaner, ing the head and throat. threshing machine or a plaything, but No wonder catarrh canses headache, Mr. Orr has confidence that it will impairs the taste, smell and hearing, makemoney for him and hLassociates. pollutes the breath, deranges the stom­ The process is called the Orr & Finley ach and affects the appetite. oil process, and is thoroughly covered To core catarrh, treatment must be oy patents, the last one having been constitutional—alterative and tonic. •*1 was afflicted with catarrh. I took granted about ten days ago. medicines of different kinds, Riving each The machine Is not easily described: a fair trial; but gradually grew worse until From the sluice box, raised about I could hardly hear, taste or smell. I then concluded to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and fourteen feet above ground, the tail­ after taking five bottles I was cured and have not bad any return of the disease ings are run onto a sloping plane of since.” Eronts F orbes , Lebanon, Kan. canvas. The plane is about fourteen feet long by six feet wide. At the up­ per end of the plane where the tail­ Cures catarrh—it soothes and strength­ ens the mucous membrane and builds ings run onto the canvas oil is also pumped onto the plane. The canvas up the whole system. is in the shape of an endless belt and moves upward toward the sluice box, W ith bla force« reduced by starva­ but slow enough so that the oil, silica, tion to a point where they are compell­ water and golddust will run d>wn ed to reaort to cannibalism, the famous the canvas against the motion. The Mad Mullah of Somaliland Is reported mess is thoroughly mixed In the pro­ to have appealed to Italy to make peace cess. As is well known, oil and water between his tribesmen and England. will not mix, but sand and water will. This will be good news for the latter, if Golddust and water will not mix, but true, for the Mullah has proved one of golddust and oil will, so that when the most troublesome thorns John the mixture, which seemed a homo­ Bull has had in his side for many a day. geneous mass at the beginning, reach­ es the lowe: end of the plane the sand and water is gathered in the lower E dgar F awcett ’S many warm ad­ strata and on top of this, with what mirers will gladly welcome a new novel golddust there might have been left from his pen in the New Year’s num­ in the tailings when they came from ber of Lippincott’s Magazine. The the stamp mill, floats the oil. Tue title is “Doreen,” in honor of its her entire mass runs into a tank from the oine, a young English girl whose des canvas. An automatic valve keeps tiny is fixed by a chance resemblance the water at a certain height In this which she bears to a girl who has died, tank, just high enough so that tb4 oil lamented by parents and lover—though and golddust will run over a sharp from far different motives. The plot is rim into a smaller tank. From there woven with infinite skill and power, it runs automatically into soother and under the visible romance lies a metal box filled with charcoal. This subtle love-interest which works along leaves the golddust on the grains of charcoal,and in due time this Is burn­ to a triumphant finish. ed up, leaving the dust. Tiiere is also an attachment for sav­ ing Iron and other minerals that may be found iu the tailings. A New Gold Separator. All Stuffed Up Hood’s Sarsaparilla LEVI 5TRAUS5 copper* rrvefeci * S enator F ulton has reported fa­ vorably from the committee on indus­ trial expositions the bill providing for the Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland, in 1905, and making the ap­ propriation of $2,125,000 for its support. The bill is amended to require all Gov­ ernment expenditures to be made under the supervision of a national commis­ sion. The bill was further amended by providing that all places of amusement shall be closed In the exposition grounds on Sundays, and that all machinery shall be shut down. The buildings, however, may remain open, and sacred concerts and devotional exercises will be permitted. BRIEF MENTION. JUDGES AND CLERKS Exceptional Expenditures. OF ELECTION APPOINTED Some queer purchases are made by Robt. L. Bybee arrived here the foro- part of the week. Orrin Stephenson, who has been north several years, is visiting relatives and friends. Chris Beale, who has been east of the mountains for some time past, has re­ turned to Big Butte. C. C. Brower has been appointed re­ corder of Klamath Falls, vice Fred Shallock resigned. Larkin Reynolds, who lives near Jacksonville, tarried a few hours in Medford Wednesday. P. F. and Carroll Swayne of Apple­ gate sold 50 head of fine hogs to J. W. Wiley Thursday. They brought $400. Rudolph High, the barber, has gone to San Bernandino, Calif., where his sons, Homer and Arthur, preceded him some time ago. J.D.Maxon,formerly aresidentof this section, was on a southbound train one day this week. Lie is located in Eugene. J. W. Wiley shipped a double decked carload of hogs to Portland Friday morning. Ho is paying 4@4J cents per gross pound, according to quality. Ed. Riddle, who has boen conducting a saloon at Ashland, has made an as­ signment for the benefit of his credit­ ors. His assets and liabilities are about the same—$1200. C. E. Hufstader died in Jacksonville Thursday morning of appendicitis. He was also afflieted with heart disease, and be never rallied from the opera­ tion. Mr. H. was a good citizen and was respected by all who knew him. He loaves a wife and several children. Capt. J. T. C. Nash has sold his fine property, located in West Medford, in­ cluding furniture, etc., to A. W. Stur­ gis, the retired miner; consideration $5000. He has invested in a handsome residence in Berkeley. Cal , and with his family will soon occupy it. The beat wishes of many friends go with them. Frank Adams ot Klamath county has sold 1050acres of land, his interest in a dredger, 300 head of stock, etc., te E. P. McCornack, the well-known banker of Salem, for $50,000 N. S. Merrill, who also had an alfalfa ranch of 440 acres in that vicinity, sold it to Silas Jones of Siskiyou county, Calif., for $30.000. F. H. Mills, deputy district attorney, spent three days at Yainax Agency last week, taking evidence against suspects to the crime of setting fire to the Bo nanza jail in November, which was burned and the lives of two Indian boys lost in the Hames. No evidence was secured pointing to anyone com­ mitting such a crime. It is beyond a doubt a fact that the boys met death at their own hands in an attempt to burn themselves out. Adelina Patti, the world's greatest songstress, and her company passed through the valley early Wednesday morning. The train to which her pri­ vate car was attached was eight hours late on account of a freight train being wrecked near Lairds’. Mme. Patti was en route to Portland, to fill an engage­ ment Jan. 14th. Although 60 years of age she still meets with the greatest success and receives $5000 for each con­ cert. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cass have return­ ed from their trip to the East. Mr. Cass visited Florida and enjoyed the climate for a few days, but says he would not live there under any consid­ eration. They experienced some of the cold weather we read about. At one time they had 27 degrees below zero and at another time 31 degrees be­ low. Mr. Cass rays they were a happy family when they saw the green grass on the western slopes. Oregon is good enough for him.—[Grants Pass Courier. An Instance of Growth. Those Who Will Serve Dur­ ing County, State and Na­ tional Elections for Next Two Years. Antioch—M A Houston, C F Case, Goo Stacy, judges; W M Martin, How­ ard Rodgers, J C Pendleton, clerks. Applegate—L C Basye, H D Kubli, C J McLoughlin, judges; A D Beards­ ley, Geo Hofftnan, Emmett O’Brien, clerks. East Ashland—James Riley, S A Parker, W B Million, judges; II C Mitchell, W H Brunk, W W Erb, clerks. South Ashland—D B Provost, G A Crowson, S A Potter, judges; O Win­ ter, E A Hildreth, C E Hooper, clerks. West Ashland—M F Eggleston, J K Van Sant, Eugene Berry, judges: E J Farlow, Charles Gillette, G M Grainger, clerks. Barron—J M Tyler, E B Barron, D Kincaid, judges; Homer Barron, A B Chapman, Walter Applegate, clerks. Big Butte—R L Parker, Ira Tun­ gate, Geo Beale, judges; 8 C Higin- botham, J I Patton, Joseph Geppert, clerks. Central Point—W A Owen, James Shields, W A Patrick, judges; H Corum, A O Free!, W J Freeman, clerks. Climax—A H Wyland, N M Charley, A E Moore, judges; W M Holman, Frank Center, Fred Tice, clerks. Eagle Point—George Brown, Sr, T E Nichols, John R Cook, judges; Harry Carlton, S B Holmes, Win Ulrich, clerks. Flounce Rock—A H Booth by, Chas W Knighten, J S Tucker, judges; James McClanahan, W W Willits, Nel­ son Nye, clerks. Foots Creek—Robert A Cook, Nel­ son Hosmer, Geo Short, judges; F M Lance, Albert Sanders, C C Carr, clerks. Gold Hill—J B R Morelock, J W Hays, T J Pearce, judges; Carl Phelps H D Reed, James McDougall, clerks. South Jacksonville—G N Lewis, M M Taylor, William Puhi, judges; Peter Deieeb, W H McDaniel, Joseph Wei­ terer, clerks. ' North Jacksonville—D Linn, J W Robinson, J A Wilson, judges; S P De Roboam, Henry Maury, Henry Dox, clerks. Lake Creek—W C Daley, Lem Char­ ley, Herman Meyer, judges; Geo Frey, Chas Kliugle, Charles Terrill, clerks. Meadows—J B Welch, E C Pomeroy, A J Olsen, judges; H H Mitchell, Ira Love, Geo Walter, clerks North Medford—M Purdin, E N Warner, II B Nye, judges; M L Alford, G L Schermerhorn, J C Hall, clerks. South Medford—C I Hutchison, J A Whitman, J H Butler, judges; L L Jacobs, A Hubbard, F K Deuel, clerks. Mound—W W Gregory, D W Beebe, Charles W Lofland, judges; Joseph Wilson, David Clngcade, E G Roberts, clerks. Phoenix—L A Rose, A S Furry, D Anderton, judges; W E Anderson, D Lehners, Andrew Hearn, clerks. Rock Point—W J Flippen, P W Blackert, J T Miller, judges; B F Ketchum, R*C Measurer, J W Dunkin, clerks. Roxy—J N Hockersmith, I A Pruett, Geo Garrett, judges; C C Taylor, A B Ellsoc, II H Taylor, clerks. Sam’s Valley—Horace Pelton, I J Stacey, Thos Pankey, judges; C B Fitzgerald, A L Gall, S M Nealon. Sterling—Frank Ankeny, A B Salt­ marsh, Anson Gilson, judges; J M Cantrall. M J D-Selby, James Lewis, clerks. Talent—E. R. Oatman, L W D Mc- Keel, E A Hendricks, judges; W Bee­ son, II H Goddard, J L Garvin, clerks frail—J G Briscoe, A A Hall, David Pence, judges; C T Skyrman, Arthur Morrison. James Geary, clerks. Union—D J S Pearce, W W Cameron, J T Buckley, judges; Miles Cantrall, Fred Sturgis, J E Bostwick, clerks. Watkins—J M Dews, R Phillips, Chas Pursel, judges; Ed Faucett, John Louden, clerks. Willow Springs—R F Dean. Frank Hathaway, J W Ingram, judges; L E Van Vliet, William Mansfle'd, William Wright, clerks. Wimer--Riley Hammersly, John Owens, Jesse Neathhammer, judges; Dayton Elliott, Curtis Manning, R W Wakerean, clerks. Woodville—G F Schmedtkeln, J D Wimer, W V Jones, judges; J M Whip­ ple, J II Bagley, G W Wilcox, clerks. It is a pleasure, io this day of great industrial combinations, to n >te an iustance where an independent con­ cern has attained to mammoth pro­ portions, and has grown steadily but surely for years from a small begin­ ning into the fullness of the present time. Such an institution is cited iu the seed tusinessof D. M. Ferry & Co , which for nearly half a century has gone forward each year, constantly adding new customers and retaining its old ones,until It is today the source of seed supply from which the great crops of tins country spring. Seed houses have come and gone—some sur­ vived and flourished for years, but finally succumbed for one rea-ou or another, while Ferry’s kept growing all the time. Thousands of farmers, garceners and flower growers look to them year after year for the seeds from which the pro-perity of their fields and gardens is to grow, and the fact that, they are never disappointed In Ferry’s seeds Is the secret of the wonderful expansion of this popular firm. You can buy their seeds in every city, town or hamlet of this land, and you are always certain that Green for Evening Wear. they are fresh, true to name and sure to grow. Their 1904 Seed Annual, a valuable guide in the selection of the Green is a tremendously popular prop r seeds to plant, will be sent free color for evening wear just now, and to all readers of this newspaper who apply to L. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit, there are few women so plHn this hue Mich. does not become them. A blonde A woman who marries a second time looks well iu pale green, a brunette in Intermediate shades runs two risks. She may regret she apple green. are generally becoming. But the lost her fir? t busband or that she did most fashionable shade is bluivh green not always have her second one. But, in the first case, her second husband —the color of a bottle fly. Green may regret her first husband even more spangks are unexcelled for modish than she does, and tell her so, too. evening gowns, and, in fact, "circus- sy” decorations are all the vogue. For The Russian government has just tho hair, “buds” are wearing green placed an order with Armour & Co. for 1,500,000 pounds of messmeat, for leaves covered with a varnish that delivery at San Francisco January 22. produces a glistening effect. In the The meat, It is said, is for the use of words of a witty woman, “It Is to the Russian army,and its destination is glitter.” said to be Port Arthur. George Dusenbury, head usher of the Iroquois theatre, Chicago, who is charged with having the doors and ex­ its locked at the time of the fire, and several other attaches to the play­ house were examined by the fire in­ spector. Witnesses show that the or­ chestra played a waltz all through and then escaped with ease through exits underneath the stage. the United States government for the benefit of the senators. These are revealed in the official report made by the secretary of the senate, and among the items is “260 tons of læst timothy hay for use of the United States senate.” Another item is one oak refrigerator and pan for commit­ tee on woman’s suffrage;” also “for repairing three electric stoves;" also “for one year’s subscription to the Ladies’Home Journal." The report shows that five dozen hair brushes were bought and paid for out of the contingent fund of the senate, also nine dozen com os, 40 pounds of cam­ phor, 109 pounds of sponges, aside from one dozen bath sponges, the lat­ ter $20 a dozen. The secretary’s re­ port shows that considerable sums of mtney were spent l>^ the government in order to purchase for the use of senators attar of roses, oil of berga­ mot, glycerine, hair tonics, bay rum, vaseline, dandruff cure, a gallon of cologne, fourteen different kinds of soap, feather dusters, 25 pounds ol horehound candy, 6000 quinine tab­ lets, and also $600) worth of mineral waters; also two dozen corkscrew knives, $21.60; two wri-t bags, $10; four manicure sets, $12; one year’s subscription to the Delineator, one year’s subscription to the Youth’s Companion. These purchases were paid fur out of what is called the con­ tingent fund. We presume all these articles were absolutely needed for the c< mfort and good health of our venerable senators, and that the government ought to pay f »r them; but people who are un­ accustomed to such luxuries naturally wonder why it is that they should be taxed to furnish perfume, etc, for men drawing $5000 a year salary. APPLEGATE AFFAIRS. W. A. Wjatt, state organizer of the Sociali-t party, has been here in the interests of that organizal ion. Mrs. Lou O’Brien of Medford has been visiting her friends and rela­ tives in tills vicinity. The ball at Rose’s hall was a grand success. It had the largest attend­ ance ever gathered at that place, 114 uumbere being sold. The mu-,ic was furnished by Ray’s orchestra, ass sted by Mrs. Saiu Cleland, a d was O. K. Mrs. Grubb and her daughters have arrived from California and ttkeo up tbeir residence at the farm recently purchased of R. Benedict. The whist parly and candy pulling at Mrs. Rose’s Wednesday evening • as thoroughly enjoyed by all present Sam Cleland and Joe Phelps who are employed at the Greenback mine, in Josephine county, spent the holi­ days here. K. N. P epper . NO. 3 Departed This Life Rev. J. S. McCain, a familiar figure In religious circles in the Northwest, died at his residence in Medford, Jan. 13th, after a lingering illness. He was born near Delphi, Ind., in 1837, coming to Oregon with his par­ ents In 1857 and locating in Yamhill county. Mr. McCain was educated at the Willamette University, and soon af­ terward entered the ministry, In which sphere he was energetic and effi ient. His profession called bitu to Oregou, Washington, Idaho, In differ­ ent, parts of which he was well known. About 30 years ago Mr. McCain first came to Jackson county,being pastor of the M. E churches at Jacksonville and Ashland, and remained a few years. He afterwards drifted back to Southern Oregon and took up a per­ manent residence. For a time he was engaged in jour­ nalism and the printing business in Medford. Mr. McCain is survived by his wife and five children by a forfler mar­ riage—Frank McCain of Riparia, VVa-h., Mrs. Elda Christian and Mrs. Minnie O’Neil of Cortland, Jas. Mc­ Cain and Mrs. Belle Myers, who live in Alaska at.d Illinois respectively. There are many who will hear of his death with regret. Escheat Proceedings. The State of Oregon, through Dis­ trict Attorney Reames, has begun proceedings to escheat the estiteof the late John Woods. The matter will be beard at the April term of the Circuit Court. The deceased had accumulated sev­ eral thousand dollars in money and real property during his lifetime, but left no known heirs. Like Her ry Amerman, the richest man in Jack- son county, with one exception, he said be would make a will before he died, but death came more suddenly tha 1 they expected. Ge >rge Chadbourne, an attorney of San Francisco, gave notice that he represented certain heirs to Mr. Woods’ estate; but he has done noth­ ing further in the matter. In all probability the state will be­ come the legatee of the dead man's t h >usauds. BROWNSBORO BRIEFS. .Max Luckenbacb, wbo lately opened a second blacksmith sbop, will do a general line of work here. A. E. Austin is renovating the Baldwin House, and will open a hotel in the spring. J. N. Miller has taken charge of our school, and will teach for three months. This will be the fourth term he lias'beguh in this county since the 1st of last March. Mrs. Com best left her infant daugh­ ter in bed a short time since, and when she went to get it not long af­ terward found it dead. The funeral TRAIL TRIFLES. services were held at the residence. Prof. Miller read from the Book of Mr. Richardson has a tough time Psalms and made some appropriate getting through with the mail on ac­ remarks, and Mrs. Bell offered prayer. count of the extremely bad road-; yet The afflicted parents have the sympa­ he gets there just the same. thy of the community. B. Mrs. S. E. In low of Ashland and her son, Harvey, have been visiting T here is much complaint because of their friends and relatives at Trail. the freight rates charged by our only Harvey is attending the Normal railroad company. The Southern Pa­ school this winter. cific has a monopoly of transportation Ira Dawson Is among 119 again, from all points south of Albany, and so after a few weeks’absence. We are long as this is the case, unless it is re­ not sure, but we believe the sparrows stricted by law, freight rates will be are building a nest a little below and exorbitant. And the railroad company to the left of his right-band pistol is not to be seriously blamed. It is only pocket. doing what any individual would do Mrs. Simpson Wilson, who lust three under like conditions—getting all the tive-dollar gold pieces out of her results it can out of a monopoly. But pocket-book, (toes not accuse anyone the people who pay excessive freight of stealing them, as has been reported. rates are the ones to be blamed. It is The purse simply became unlocked within their pow<.r to regulate freight and the money fell out somewhere on rates. They could cause the Legislature to enact a max mum freight law. Hav­ the ground. A stranger has been stopping at the ing failed to do this they must suffer Trail House for a few weeks, and does the consequences. A maximum freight not tell his business; hence our com­ law is the only remedy for the ills they munity is ail agog. We don’t know complain of. It is the privilege of the whether he is a game warden, limber people to establish freight rates on all inspector or postoffice inspector, or transportation. If they fail or neglect whether he has come to see a lady to do this they have no just cause of who answered an advertisement for a complaint. Let them profit by the lesson they are now learning, and when u us ba ud. the Legislature meets in 1905 Insist on A very enjoyable all*ir occurred on a maximum freight law. If they are the evening of Dec. 29th at the resi­ persistent they can cause it to be enact­ dence of Mrs. Middlebusher. Piays ed. were indulged in up to a late hour, T he world “do move.” The cam­ while violin and organ music was fur­ paign of 1904 will be a unique one in nished by George Lynch, Simpson several ways, quite different from all Wilson and others. There were too previous ones. Party leaders are plan­ many present to mention their names. ning to use the phonograph in connec­ Suffice it to say the house was tion with the megaphone trumpet to crowded. spell-bind the people. Orators of the We congratulate ourselves that we two big parties cannot reach every are practically above the fog lineal town and hamlet, and it would cost too Trail, and have sunshine while those much even if they could. So the sc heme lower dowu in the valley have been in is to have those speakers talk into the the fog. S ubscriber . machine and then send out the ma­ chines in care of good, responsible A good strike has been made at the parties to the small towns and villages old Bone of Contention mine, in where they will be set a-going to the Williams Creek district. It was for edification of the people. years true to its name; but more recently It has been undergoing a sys­ W ashington newspaper men, the tematic development, with apparent best possible authority, assert that good results, as tho lately reported John Sharp Williams, the new Demo­ strike would indicate. An eight-stamp cratic leader tn the national house of mill has been placed on the Bone of representatives, rarely, if ever, loses Contention, and the whole property is his temper. No assault can rufile his being well overhauled and opened up imperturbability, and he is expected to by Forbes & McClung, Montana min­ remain calm and smiling through the ing men. bitterest passages with Republican op­ ponents. His most famous speech was T he Louisiana Purchase Exposition, in defense of Schley in the Fifty-seventh in its preliminaries and actualities, will soon be with us. Therefore, learn the Congress, and it was he who convulsed correct pronunciation of St. Louis, so the house by referring to Crowinshield as to be able to discuss the great fair as "the greatest tar that ever stayed fearlessly and fluently. ashore.” To Cure a Cold in One Day iXX. 11 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Seven Million bora soM in pot 13 Booths. This signature, Z onevery box. 25c. THE EXEMPTION LAW AS IT NOW STANDS PERSONAL MENTION. W. T. York wasa Jacksonville visitor Friday. Miss Emma Reed, who has been stop­ Although Not in Force When ping in Portland, is now in Salem. Assessment Mrs. Helen Rowe of Tolo has been isment Begins Asses Asses- visiting In Medford and Jacksonville. ors 3 May Recognize It T. J. Kenney made a trip to Gold Immediately. Hill Monday. Section 1.—That section 3039 of Thos. M. Center ot Yreka, Calif., is Bellinger and Cotton’s Annotated making this section a short visit. Codes and Statutes of Oregon, as T. K. Bolton of Ashland made our amended by an act entitled “An Act city a visit Monday. to amend section 3093 of Bellinger B. P. Theiss, jobber In groceries, was aud Cotton’s Annotated Codes and Statutes of Oregon,” approved Feb­ In Jacksonville today. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rapp of Talent ruary 24, 1903, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as were among those in Medford recently. follows, Miss Maud Wilson, the milliner, Sec. 3039—The following property made Jacksonville a visit Tuesday. shall be exempt from taxation: Al Bell has gone to his old haunts in 1— All property real and persona) Siskiyou county, Calif., and may re- of the state and of the United States main. and this