The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, January 13, 1904, Image 1

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    áfrgoa Historical
Get the Most
Out of Your Food
You don’t and can’t if your stomach
is weak. A weak stomach does not di­
gest all that is ordinarily taken into it.
It gets tired easily, and what it fails to
digest is wasted.
Among the signs of a weak stomach
are uneasiness after eating, tits of ner­
vous headache, and disagreeable belch­
A Correct List of Those Who
Joined Fortunes in 1903.
Date of License.
"I have taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla at
different times for stomach troubles, and a
1, John L Morgan and Lotta C
run down condition of the system, and have
been greatly benefited by its use. I would Finck.
not be without it in mj family. I am trou­
1, Fred Root and Bertha Ruble.
bled especially in summer with weak stom­
Bert Manning and Bessie Corliss.
ach and nausea and find Hood's Sarsaparilla
invahiable.” K. B. H ickman , W.Chester, Pa.
13, Geo W Moore and Addie Wheeler.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
9, George A Wilson and Viola E
9, B F Miller and Kitty O Irwin.
9, Oscar Lyons aDd Hattie Bostwick.
10, R G Root and Celia E Niles.
15, J B Vanderfome and Anna B Fry.
16, Ray Bunch and Ira Babbs.
16, P S Randles and Etta Faith.
16, B F Whetstone and Olive Ander­
18, Frank King and Hanna Nickerson.
23, Ira Coffman and Nancy Horn.
24, Peter A Hall and Etta Benson.
25, Wade Sncider and Nellie Bolton.
27, Fred Finley and Madge Owings.
30, Erneet Farrington and Mary
30, George F Elgin and Clara Hol­
30, Robert Dow and Amy Cantrall.
Ed O'Brien has returned to Medford
from his business trip to Applegate.
J. W. Wilson, a veteran of the civil
and Indian wars, died in Portland late­
ly. He came to Oregon in 1853.
A. W. Sturgis, the veteran miner,
who now lives in Medford, spent a few
hours in Jacksonville Monday.
Ray Cook of Portland, who rec ently
made this section a visit, is spending
the winter in San Francisco.
Mrs. E. G. Perham of Gold Hill, wife
of the well-known contractor, has been
the guest of Ashland friends.
Stockmen who wish to graze stock
within the southern division of the
Cascade Range Forest Reserve during
A. B. Caswell,the well-known miner,
the season of 1904 are requested to is In Douglas county.
make application for this privilege at
once to S. C. Bartrum, the forest su­ . Miss Etta King returned from Sau
pervisor, Roseburg, as all applications Francisco Sunday evening.
for this privilege must be on file in his
Dr. Cameron mado Jacksonville m
office not later than February 10, 1904. professional visit Monday.
The Southern Pacific Railroad man­
11 T. Pankey of Central Point has
agement is drawing the lines tighter on returned from a trip to Portland.-
employes in the matter of drinking in­
K. W. Gray and J. W. Lawton made
toxicating liquors. On December 24th
a business visit Monday.
Superintendent Fields issued a bulletin ,
warning all employes that the safety of ‘ Col. Al. Waddle of Portland has
the people and the welfare of the com- been here,interviewing his customers,
pany’s business demanded that the *
j Elmer Hicks, of the Oregon Granite
rules in this respect be more strictly en­
Co., is making Grants Pass a business
forced, and that any employe found
drinking while on duty or while going
Clinton Cook of Applegate aud his
to his duty would be summarily dis­
family are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hen­
The Southern Oregon State Normal ry Whetstone.
School has opened for the new term,
Chas. Carney, the stone mason, who
and the event was of more than ordi­ has been employed at Ray’s dam, is
nary importance in the history of the taking a vacation.
college, because with it began the occu­
Al. Pankey, the clever manager of
pancy! of lhe administration build­
Hotel Oregon, has returned from bis
The structure, which cost
trip to San Francisco.
the state over 980CMI, has been in course
J E. Barkdull is writing insurance
of construction during the past six
months, and besides its beauty of arch­ for one of the best companies on earth.
itectural finish is one of the most Give him your order.
modernly appointed school buildings
Ben Beall and J. Olson, two promi­
in Southern Oregon. New parapher­
nent farmers living near Central Point,
nalia has been added by the school, and
were in Medford Tuesday.
the institution is now better equipped
Wm. Ferguson, who has been in
for its line of work than ever before.
Lak e county during the past several
mouths, returned yesterday.
A Vest Pocket Doctor.
18, James Amlek and Myrtle Rodgers.
20, Plarra M Shadduek and Mrs Hat­
Rev. F. G. Strange will hold services
and Pills
tie Bartlett.
at the Presbyterian church in Jackson­
Strengthen and tone the stomach and
26, G W Carpenter and Mrs Maggie
ville Sunday morning and evening.
the whole digestive system.
10, A C Spencer and Ada Perkins.
Monroe Gorden has been appointed
15, Louis Mate and Madge Rice.
27, John W Weaver and Lillie Dun­
of the estate of Uriah
20, James Johnson and Ellen Thur­
Gorden, deceased. Judge Neil ishis at­
29, W P Tyner and Jeanette Melius
28, J A Lamb and Virgie Woodford. torney.
31, James Eaton and Effie Anderson
Rev. J D. Murphy will hold services
Hon. W. J. Plymale died at his resi­ .
28, Harry Luy and Isa Cook.
at the Catholic church in Jacksonville
dence in Jacksonville Monday morn­
1. L P Orr and Birdie Mae Millsap.
ing, trim pneumonia, after a short
1, C P Talent and Rydal Bradbury. Sunday at 8:30 a. m.; and at Medford
August Betz and Louise Peters.
Hines«, aged 68 years. He had been in
4, W II Yockey and Elizabeth Stein­ at 10:30 a. tn.
11, II B Calhoun and Mae Beardsley.
poor health for a number of years, and
Here's about the market situation:
15, A Herrington and Emma Water­
his weakened 'constitution could not
Eggs take a tumble, chickens .jutn£
4, EG Whiteside and Alta Boston.
withstand the littack of that most man.
5, J M Major and Josephine Har­ butter is weak, potatoes dull, coffee
16, W J Adams and Lillie Rice.
dangerous of diseases.
18, Eber Davis and Rena Vander-
Mr. Plymale was one of that band
L. T. Jones, the well-known me­
of pioneers of Southern Oregon who e walker.
has gone to Granite Hili mines
19, J R Wilson and Myrtle M Nichol­
ranks have rapidly thincei. He caiue
the machinery of the com­
to Jackson county when a boy, over son.
14, Percy McKenzie and Elizabeth pany's extensive works.
22, Henry Kerby and Florence El­
half a century ago, and has always
Miss Kate Plymale, S. E. Dunning-
been prominent in the'community in liott.
15, Exsury Bollinger and Mary A
22, C A Hamlin and Nora Bates.
T. J. Kenney, W. C. Deneff, Lewie
which he lived so long. A good neigh­
23, W E Howell and Catherine L
Roy Ulrich returned from San
John G. Norton, who purchased
bor and citizen, upright and just, he
Never in the wav, no trouble t>
18, Jasper Tungate and Bl. nche
carry, easy to take, pleasant and property in East Medford recently, has
Francisco Sunday evening.
never overlooked an opportunity to do Archer.
never fading in results are DeWitt's
a kind act. There are many who will
“Under Two Flags'' Is being played Little Early Riser«. A vial of these removed hither from Phoenix.
18, Eli Ellis and Melvina Walker.
learn of bis death with regret.
along the line by W. E. Graham and lit le pills in tl.e vest-pocket i* a
18, George Potter and Elsie Picard.
H E. Ankeny, after inspecting the
For a number of years Mr. Plymale Vaughn.
local talent. Roseburg has just gone certain guarantee against headache, work being done at the Sterling Mine,
21, E T Lincoln and Rose Sargent.
1, Clarence Comutt and Anna Bogue.
biliousness, torpid liver and ail of
resided on a farm situated between
22 I, N A Hawkins and Ella F Burrows. through the ordeal.
the ills resulting from constipation. returned to Eugene, bls present home.
Charles T Jones and Emma Au­
Medford and Central Point, which is
22 !, Frank Jordan aud Hanna Devine.
L. L. Love of Ashland was at the They tonic and s rengthen the liver,
Mrs. W. I. Vawter and her sons, who
now owned by Dr. DeBar. This he gusta Leach.
26, Edward C Welch and Zella Yo- county -seat Thuisd ay. His wife, who ‘«old by All Druggists.
been visiting in San Francisco
traded to J. W. Manning for a livery
was seriously injured in a recent run­
Cal., returned Sunday
stable in Jacksonville, and ever since
25, Frank C High aud Julie Rod- away, is somewhat improved.
15, B F Myers and Marie Webster.
e Vining.
that time remained a citizen of the
17, Oscar Blackford and Nancy C
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Kilbam of Port­
Miss Aiieen Webber, who parsed the
27, J L Richardson and Mary E Wil­
are the happy parents of another
Origioally and up to about ten years
holidays at Albany, has resumed her
18, E W Learning and Joycie Hos­
daughter. Mrs. K. was formerly Miss
The C >unty Ministers’ Association duties in the music department of the
ago Mr. Plymale was a Democrat. As
on Monday, January 4th, in the S. O. S. N. S.
such he represented Jackson county
3, J A Gilmore and Bertha MwWbrd.
church of Medford.
in the Oregon legislature in the early
6, James C Beagle and Ethel Randles.
D. J. Blackmore, one of the energet­
in this section, has rented the Bybee Twelve ministers were in attendance.
seventies. Some time afterward he trell.
6, William Coppie and Annie Matney.
miners of Cottonwood precinct. Cal.,
After the preliminary work of the
orchard, located near Jacksonville,
was the Democratic nominee for
7, Joel Moomaw and Mrs Ebersol.
this section a visit and is well
a?s< ciaiion the pap’r of the day was
and will put it in first-class shape.
county clerk, but was defeated by
14, S T Sanders and Ellen Whelpley.
pleased with it.
Judge E. B. Watson, his colleagues,
Mrs. Emma Autenrieth of Roseburg
16, George R Wiley and Edith M Ol­
F. E. Davidson was up from Gal ice
with two exception«, sharing the same
her daughter, Mrs. Snow Bolter of The subject of the paper was “Evan­
gelism.” The association very highly Creek not long ago. He is employed
fate. He tilled a number of positions
2, James H Hall and Maude M Da-
17, James McNair and Lulu Briggs.
approbated the views set forth on in the Golden Wedge mine, one of the
of trust, and always with credit to vidson.
home from Jacksonville.
18, Bert Coffman aDd Eva Cook.
this subject. Toe discussion was best in that district.
himself. In after years be devoted
The County Commissioners' court
7, Carrol E Pratt and Florence Tref-
21, Benjamin F Edmonson and Kizzie
opened by Rev. E. A. Child, and par­
himself almost entirely to literaiy ren.
Capt. T. J. West was in Medford
was in session almost a wcuk, transact­
ticipated in by all present
11, Alva Allen and Blanche Corliss.
21, Earl J Roach and Elizabeth Ga­ ing the large amount of business that rniin thoughts running through pa­ Sunday, en route home to Brownsboro
In 1869 Mr. Plymale was married to
from Jacksonville, where he has been
presents itself at each January term
15, Lester Leland and May Tiffany.
per and discussion we c the need of engaged in jury duty.
Miss Jcsie Martin, a daughter of Col.
15, John F Miller and Mabel Prim.
21, George B Brown and Mabel Bell.
a more earnest appeal to every attri­
Wm. Martin, of Gslesville, Douglas
16, F E Grieve and Letha Duncan.
22, W L Bartholomew and Martha
Mrs. H. G. Nicholson was in Jack
Commodore Perry's special train of bute of mtn’s nature in preaching the
county, who five years ago preceded
16, Oliver B Dews and Mrs H Jones. Albright.
three cars, carrying among others hi« gotfel. giving the ¡eople the Word, souville Monday. She is a niece of the
him to their long home.
23, Edward T McKinstry and Diama
24, Alex Anderson and Della Abbott. son, who has been very sick at Purl­ and then trusting the Hi ly Ghost to late W. J. Ply male, and^wso oaUed-
children were born to them, all but Delamater.
24, William H Young and Inez Lut­ land, passed through the valley Tues­ u«e liis sword to the slaying < f soul­ thither by her uncle's death.
ODe of whom survive their parents.
24, W S Standi fl and Jessie Bla^k- trell.
Scott Wilcox, S. P. agent at Wood­
dead in trespasses and sin« and
Mr. Plymale was a member of one wood.
26, J H Keal and Olive A Bagley.
was okce stationed at Grants
bringing them into newness of life.
fraternal order at the time of his
25, Frank N Fuller and May S Van
26, Horace M Webber and Lena L master at Ashland, and J. L Fenton
us a visit Sunday and Mon­
Dr. D. M. Brower rej>orted. as
death—the A. O. U. W.—under whose Stockton.
locate in Medford,
auspices he will bo buried at Jackson­
29, R S Stallcup and M A Dollarhide.
26, E B Magruder and ChloeGilehrist. iron works, were in our town the latter tee, and brought before the associa­
G. W. Morris, who has been visiting
ville this afternoon.
'26, Arthur'Shields and Cora Stone.
part of last week.
tion the following resolution, as his father,Caswell Morris of Talent, for
26, R E Allison and Cora P Morgan.
Walter Plymale of Independence, adopted by the local associatibn of some time past, expects to become a
3, Charles M Wood and Lena Reeve.
26. Levi N Stevens and Bessie L
Lewis Plymale of Portland and Frank Ashland: “Having had associated permanent citizen of this section.
9, Lloyd D Collar and Carrie P Johnson.
Plymale of Yreka,Cal.,arrived in Jack­ with u« in our tight against the sa­
J. L. Coyle, the genial hotel keeper
31, P H White and Pearl Lowe.
Champlin & Co. have a crew of 50
sonville yesterday to attend the funeral loon and for civic righteousness dur­ of Hornbrook, Cal., and one of Siski­
11, James A Roop and Belle Stiff.
ing the past few months Dr. G. L you county's prominent mining men,
men putting the finishing touches ou
of their late father, W. J. Plymale.
14, Harry Lynch and Lelia Ander­
If The Baby Is Cutting Teeth.
their big dredger on Foots Creek. It son.
state superintend.nt of the did business in Medford not long ago.
Ben Lohr, Jr , of Roseburg, son of
Be sure and use that old aod well-tried reme
will be ready for launching in a few
27, William A Long and Lucinda L dy. M hs . W inslow ’ s S oothing S thup . tor the well-known railroad brakeman, Oregon Anti-Salt on league, and hi­
Mrs. Geo. E. Neuber, Misses Marie
children teething. It soothes the child, sort
tflic ent tiell secretary, L. 1) Mahooe.
days after which the remainder of Spencer.
Nickell and Josephine Donegan did not
ens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic was in the valley the forepart of the
tue machinery will be installed.
and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty week. He is on his way to Southern <>f Portland, we can and do most return with the excursionists. They
27, Carl J Crystal to Clara E King.
Champlin A Cu. have two large dredg­ 28, Rowe G Gale and Helen Mar Col ffve cents a bottle
California for the benefit of bis health. heartily recommend them as men will remain in California awhile longer.
who are efficient aud fearless workers
ers in operation near Banrock, Mont. vig.
Mr. Wm. S. Crane, of California,
Jesse Houck of Ashland has gone to
E. L. Champlin and R. il. Chris! ian,
31, William C Kenney and Cora B
Md., suffered for years from rheuma­ whom it would be well for any and all San Franc sco,accompanied by his wife
the two leading men in the enterprise, Little.
tism and lumbago. He was finally ad who desire to stamp out the sale of
vised to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, intoxicants as beverages to secure and her mother. He will seek a loca­
are experienced people in the business.'
which he did, and it effected a complete their -blip and counsel; and by co­ tion.
Each of their Montana dredgers has a
1, Adam M Shutt and Laura M Ami­
The Supreme Court on Monday cure. For sale by al) druggists.
Mesdames Calkins and Wing were in
operating with them, and laboring
capacity of over 2000 /ards a day, one don.
handed down a decision*in the ease of
Jacksonville has become a presi-, under their adyke, we believe that Jacksonville Monday, in the interest of
being operated by steam and the other
2, L M Stone and Diana Wulf.
DanielsoD Bro«. v< Roberts & O’Neil, dential postoffice, through the increase
by electricity.
liumaniiy-loving the entertainment that will be given in
2, Fred Reese and Fannie C Birdsey. reversing that of Judge H nna, who of its business, and John F. Miller, who Godfearing and
The Foots Creek dredger will be op­ 3, George T Watson and Kate
and will be a< le Medford cn the I8th by the Cosgrove
granted the defendants’ motion for has efficiently filled the position for
and its ac­ Concert Co.
erated by steam, and will be built on Emery.
nonsuit. Judge Be in wrote I lie opin­ several years past under the old order
' Judge Hanna and District Attorney
pretty much the same plan as the ma­
8, Nimrod Charley and Addie M ion.
of things, is his own successor.
Rearnes went to Grants Pass Sunday
chines at work near Bannock. It is Firmer.
The case will come up for anotiier
The court-house folk and those living ordered sent to tiie press of the state evening, where the January term of
112 feet in length and 36 feet in width.
10, Peter M Kershaw and Tamar D trial al the April term of circuit
court for Josephine county is now in
It will have two 12-ton boilers and Gregory.
court. As it will be remembered, in the vicinity of the county jail are of Oregon, and especially to the
daily regaied with sweet music furnish­ Searchlight, with an axountof the session.
two large engines. The elevator will
11, John Riedelbauch and Cynthia Danlehon Bros, claim that they
ed gratis by Sheriff Rader’s orchestra, worg done in Ashland.
Miss Catherine Buckley, who has
be equipped with 40 buckets, of eight V Adams.
found a tin can containing 97,000 in
led bv O. H. Winkle, president of the
been spending the holidays at her home
cubic feet capacil y each, haviog a dig­
14, H E Stone and Helen Rasmussen. gold in au outbuilding on the defend­
turkey dealers' association.
ging ability of 80-foot depth. The
arrange witli Prof. Hur. er of Corval­ on Applegate, will return to Sacramen­
19, Lewis F Stanley and Blanche ants’ premises and turned it over to
ground, however, will not icqulrea Standard.
lis for his lectures in Ashland, M d- to this peek, to resume her profession
them, a number of years ago. They
of trained nurse.
greater depth than 50 feet.
ly conducted by Miss Lizzie Hoover, ford aud Jacksonville next June.
19, Emmett Gerth and May Sloan.
now sue them for its recovery.
The placer and dredging ground ac­
The Suprerue Court bolds that in will soon be in charge of Miss Kate
22, Franc's Quigley and Cassie East­
quired by Champlin & Co., at a cost of lick.
What’s In a Name?
this country there is no distinction Chapman, now engaged in the same meeting of the County Ministers’ As-
*35,000, covers some 700 acres, lying
24, George F King and Gertrude between property which 1 lie owner business al Dunsmuir, Cal. Her sister, sociitiin in Jacksonville the first Everything is in the name when it
along Fools Creek. The ground was Sutton.
has lost or involuntarily parted with Mrs. Reeves, will have dressmaking Monday in March, aud Rev. F. G. comes to Witch H.>zel Salve. E. C.
thoroughly prospected by the com­
Strange was apixiiuted to prepare a DeWitt & Co. of Chicago dlscoveied
24, Joshua G Hibbard and Bertha E and property which the owner has parlors in conne Aion.
pany before building the dredger was Davis.
paper on tlie subject: “Why More some years auo bow to make a salve
hidden in the ground. The finders are
from Witch H iz^l that Is a specific
begun, and the promoters of the en­
27, Charley r Thurman and Almira entitled to p ssession as against all only nine assessments, and would have Men Do Not Ac ti p’, tlie Gospel.” lor Piles. For blind, bleeding, itching
terprise are confident of Its worth. Morgan.
the w rid except the Iru« owners In had eight had not the Heppner Hood
and protruding Piles, eczema, cut-,
They find the main pay channel to be
28, Reuben i Robinson and Lillian tiiis case the court holds that the boys caused death losses to the Workmen to open the discussion, and liev. R. burus, bruises and skiu diseases De­
1000 feet in width, with good values Taylor.
are entitled to the possession of tlie amounting to 914,000. There are 10,- Mi Killop will luve charge of tlie de­ Witt's Salve has no equal. This has
votional sei vice. A most interesting given rise to numerous worthless coun­
throughout. In order to make the
money unless the defendantscan sh >w 800 members in the Oregon jurisdic­ lime is expected at, t he next, meet ing. terfeits. Ask for Dewitt’s—the gen­
whole available thecompany lias built
1, William PienlDg and May Irwin. a better title, and the case is remand­ tion, and a rnemlxjrship of 442,000 in
J. T A BRETT, Prts.
uine. Sold by ail druggists.
for new trial In order that the the United States.
a dam across the creek and basin,
W. F S hields , Se-.
1, Pierce Gearheart and Florence ed
near its mouth, and this will hold the Buchanan.
The Old Mill Ditch and Irrigating
ed by i he evidence.
water to such depth as to enable tte
1, Walter P Powell ar.d Elizabeth
W. E. Phipnsof Ashland and John Co. of Woodville, which was ineor-
OOOOOO0-00000 OOOOOO<xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
dredger to be easily floated from »ne Boyd.
A. Jeffrey of Salem represent the porated a year ago, lias completed a
point to an >ther. Champlin & Co.
plain iff', while W. I Vawter and J.
2, T A Roseveare and M A Castle.
R Neil are Roberts & O’N il’s attor­ tine ditch, which carries 1000 inches of
estimate that It has ground in plent y
2, Asa Love and Dolly Gardner.
water, also a substantial dam in Evans
to keep its dredger at work continual­
4, W C Green and Mary F Corliss.
Creek 22 feet high. J. D. Wimer is
ly fur the next 12 years, and possibly a
5, Harry Floyd and Mae Grainger.
one of the incoi porators.
If your head a«'hrs—you're bilious—a sure sign that $
longer period.
7, Fred Rapp and Artie Oatman.
your liver is out of order, more than likely tl e result 2
James M. Payne, who died ne tr Ker­
f a weak stomach or constipated bowels. All such X
14, J J Hausen and Mathilda Olsen.
by at the close of the old year, was an
T he Kansas City Star says, upon
should know that for 50 years
15, Henry Burnett add Mury E
Ed. Winkle and Joe Mayhem, the upright and highly respected man He
authority of R. C. Kerens, national com­ Work.
\ y »ting men who were arretted by Con­ lived in Josephine county 30 years, serv­
mitteeman from Missouri, <hat Senator
20, F D Million and Leona E Spencer. stable Angle, charged with stealing ing it one term as commissioner. Four
Mark A. Hanna will this week an­
22, Jerry Heckathorn and Annie four turkeys fr in II. P. Anderson, as sons and fivo daughters survive him
nounce his candidacy for the Republi­ Park.
mentioned in our last issue, are now All live in Josephino county, excepting
can nomination for president.
guests at Hotel de Rader.
I a« teen curing these ailments without fail. We <
A. S. Payne of Ashland.
tiier. tore uige a trial the next time your heed aches. J
4, Frank C Simpson and Winifred M
They were tried in Justice Purdin’s
On account of the National Live­
Tne Bitters also cutes
co irt on Monday. Ed Winkle and stock Association the National Wool
9, Guert McCall and Kate Howard.
Dizziness, Belching, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, ]
Mayhem were convicted and O. II. Growers' Association and the North­
12, A W Nelson and Pearl Webb.
Winkle pleaded guilty. The magis­ west Fruit-Growers’ Association, at
Insomnia, Indigestion, Kidney Troubles, <
12, Ernest Welch and Edith Webb.
trate was mi rciful and sent, each of Portland, tho Southern Pacific Com
Nervousness and Malaria, Fever and Ague. <
12, Lowell Roach and Virgie Single- them totl.e county jsil forsix months.
C. L. Rea me«, deputy distrh't attor­ pany will sell tickets to Portland from
Hundreds of wi men use the Bitter« to the exclusion '
Cut full
appeaiet for the pro ecut.ion and all stations on its lines in Oregon at
lo all other medicines a« a tonic and regulator. Tuat ,
14, Luther Walls and Florence
M. 0. Hoge represented the defend­ one and one-third rate, good for the
I proves its value. B ■ >ure to try a bottle.
OOOOOO O0000-00oooo-o-oooo-ooooooooo
10th and 11th of January till the 17tb
17, John Tulley and Mary Faust.
24, L R Saborn and Lora Bouldin.
The undersigned will pay a reward
27, Richard Kearnes and Jennie Ling. of 85 for the returo of his dog, which
was lost in Medford Dec 23d.
He is
bright yellow in color, has long hair and
1, C E Bellows and Lena Wyant.
a bobbod tail, with dewclaws on Lis
the most dependable
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Saks over One and a Half Million
hind feet, and answers the name of
garmenU in the world
bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ?
No Cure, No Pay.
8, O W Whitman and Centenna “Jack.”
for working wen
Kudosed with every bottle is a Ten CbnL package cf Grove’s Black Root. Liver Pills.
F red S turgis , Forest Creek.
P. O. Address Jacksonville.
Another Pioneer Leaves Us.
Ministers in Session
Decision Rendered.
You Can’t Work
Turkey Thieves Convicted.
Stomach Bitters
TrJ À (tal
Levi Strauss
Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic
You Must Register Again
DRAWN FOR YEAR County Clerk Ortli has received the
necessary registration supplies from
Names of Those Who Will tlieSecretary of State, and registering
of voters for the ensuing ten years
Serve on Jackson County
has begun.
The books will be open from Jan. 4
Juries in 1904.
to May 15. Voters may register by
appearing in person before tbe county
Applegate-M B Cook, J W Mee, T R Rock, clerk or by making tbe necessary affi­
D W Knutzen, E F Layton, Clinton Cook.
davits before a notary public, on
Antioch-Perry Foster, J F Rodgers, E F
blanks furnished by the county clerk.
No provision is made by law for
Ashland—Wm Van Dyke, J M Casebeer, J C
Dodge, J P Dodge, F M Drake, J R Gibson, opening the registration books after
Grant Helman, Ernest Hicks, Jesse Houck, the state election aud before the pres­
VV J Messenger, F H Carter. C R Minkler, T W
Mitchell, Wm Myer, A F Eddy, S A Parker, idential election, bj the registration
Elmer Patrick, A S Payne, Emil Peil, C H prior to May 15 will be used in deter­
Pierce, D B Provost, J N Riley, L W Rodgers, mining tbe qualification of tbe voters
Geo Roper, E C Sherman. F H Crowson, E J in November.
Farlow,Grant Finley.D B Grant, F M Grainger,
Tbe qualifications of signers of peti-
Geo Hargadine, J H Haun, A L Helman, J F
Hendlcks, T E Hills, Harry Hosier, E P tloi s for the. initiative in legislation
Hughes, D Perozzi, E C Payne, J R Norris.
at tbe coming election will be deter­
Barron—E B Barron, D N Davis, D Kincaid. mined in the nr.-t instance by tbe reg­
J H Cook. Charles Henry, J L Gault, I W
istration books of 1902. That is to
Farmer, Henry Applegate, G W Dunn.
Big Butte— W L Edmundson, Wm Perry, say, if petitions should be prepared,
John McKee.
asking that cert un proposed laws or
Central Point—Walter Freel, George Little. constitutional amendments be sub­
Joseph dwell, John Hamrick, J H Gay, T jC
mitted to a vote of the people at the
Herrlolt.J D Pankey,James Shields,M S Welch,
June election, tbe petitions must be
A M Ford, H Corum.
Climax—A Wählers, Matthew Thompson. O submitted to the County Clerks of tbe
E Stinson.
counties in which the signers reside.
Eagle Point—John Darby, S B Holmes, J H
As initiative petitions must be filed
Carlton, DCingcade. T C Dugan, W W French,
A L Haselton, Royal Brown, J F Lewis, E J by I'ebruary 5, four months prior to
Mills, R R Minter.
the general election on June, it would
Foots Creek—R A Cook,C T Anderson Marion not be practicable to use the 1904 rea­
Lance, Thomas Carr.
Flounce Rock -S S Aiken, Wm McClanahan is'ration as a basis for comparison,
Gold Hill—E E Miner, James McDougall, C even though the law permitted the
Vroman. W F McClure, A J T Smith, J H u°e of that registration. The act of
Crawford, J J Houck, H D Reed, Chas Young. 1903, making effective the,initiative
J H Beeman, E C Wells, J A Cook, J E Coffee,
and referendum amendment, provides,
W P Counts. J A Harvey.
Jacksonville—Ed Dunington. J H Huffer. Geo in section 3, that the county in which
Lewis. James Cronemiller, Wm Puhl, T C Nor­ any such petition shall be signed shall
ris. L D Minear. Henry Maury, S W Boyd, compare the signatures of theelectors
Chris Ulrich. 11 M Taylor, Chas Dunford, Thos
i signing tbe same with their signa­
Lake Creek—Fred Thumberg, Emil Pech, T tures on the registration books and
blanks on tile in his office, “for the
L Farlow, Fred Stanley.
Meadows—H H Mitchell, J B Welch, J M prrceding general election.”
Scarcely more than one month now
Medford—J .'.mold, J E Bodge, N B Bradbury, remains in which to prepare petitions
A A Davis. M M Gault. E E Gore, W B Jack for initiative measures to be submit­
son, N Langell. Geo P Lindley. J W Bates. ted to tbe people in June.
J A Bish, J H Butler. I W Thomas, Jeff Hamlin.
T Collins, A Ahdrews, S L Bennett, D Roberts.
Wm Ferguson. F Hubbard. P B O'Neil. J
Hooker. Chas Boardman. A M Hi 1ms, C W
Palm, M F Parker, WH McGowan. G L Scher­
merhorn. A Slover.
Mound—Wm Gregory, Jr. H L Gregory. FG
Stimson, Lee Watkins, A M Boeoe. Henry
Phoenix—A S Furry. D Anderson, O Dunlap,
J Mast, F Furry, W R Coleman. V Stevens, W
E Anderson, C Carey.
Wimer--R Carter, J B Hillis, J Neathammer.
C Owens.
Kock Point—Wm Flippen, T Dungey, JU
Roxy—S P Barneburg. C C Taylor, G C Jar­
rett, I A Pruett, F A Pell.
Sams Valley—A L Gall, Geo Riley, J L
Sterling—AS Kleinhanuner. J M Cantrall, i
Talent -E Beeson. E E FbsK H A Hanscom,
11 S Lynch. E R Oatman. W Beeson. E Rohl
•on, Wm Clark, N +»i res lone F M McKinnis*
N D Brophy.
Trail—C W DeCarlow, W T Houston.
Union—H Bauten. J Matney, Fred Sturgis,
Wm Smith, M Cantrail. R J Cameron, J Buck-
ley, Jr.
Watkins—J Harr.
Willow Springs—Fred Straub, Ralph Dean.
W K Price. John J Pankey.
Woodville—W V jones, J H Whipple, J D
Taxes Levied
The County Commissioners’ Court,
which has been in session during the
past week, transacted a large amount
of business. Road districts were form­
ed and supervisors therefor appoint­
ed, jurors drawn f r the ensuing year,
judges and clerks to serve two years
named, and a number of other things
outside of the regular routine attend­
ed to.
The tax levy for the e suing year
was also made, as will be see i by the
figures given below. It is two mill«
higher than the preceding one, owing
to the fact that the state tax is two
mills more and the school tax was in­
creased 1.6 mills at the regular session
of the Legislature. The road tax was
also raised half a mill. For county
purposes there is' a reduction of 2.1
19CÛ 1903
Founds Cure for ladlge stlon.
I use Chambe rlain’s Stomach and County
Liver Tablets for indigestion and find Soldiers
that they suit my case better than any
dyspepsia remedy 1 have ever tried
Toial, mills
and I have used many different remed­
ies. 1 am nearly fifty-one years cf
age and have suffered a great deal
8 AiWlfS
from indigestion. I can eat almost B mts ths
anything 1 want to now—G eo . W. Signatars
E mory , Rock Mills, Ala. For sale by
all druggists.
C has . F oster , ormer governor of
Ohio and secretary of treasury during
C. E. District Rally.
Benjamin Harrison’s administration,
A rally of the Christian Endeavor died suddenly last week. He was 76
societies of the Southern District will years old and one of the beat-known
take place at Medford Friday evening, men in the United States.
.............. 1---------------------
January 15th. The counties included
in tnis district are those of Josephine,
Jackson, Klamath and Lake, and it is
hoped that every society in the dis­
trict, so far as possible, will be repre­
sented at this meeting. The commit­
tee in charge is arranging a splendid
“ When the butter won’t
program. Besides Ashland, Medford
and Grant's Pass pastors, Prof. E. E. come put a penny in the
Washburn, of Jacksonville, Mrs. Ella churn,” is an old time dairy
D. Rice, vice-president of the State
It often seems to
Union, and other prominent workers proverb.
will participate. Special music will be work though no one has ever
a marked feature of the evening, and
the public generally Is very cordially told why.
When mothers are worried
invited to be present.
because the children do not
gain strength and flesh we
say give them Scott’s Emul­
Six cars of wild animals aud circus sion.
wagons are now on their way from
It is like the penny in the
Portland to San Francisco. The me-!
nagerie was sold by E. J. Arnold t" milk because it works and
Norris & Rowe, the circus men, for
because there is something
85200. During his series of carnivals
in the northwest last summer Arnold astonishing about it.
carried a small menagerie, and before
Scott’s Emulsion is simply
his season closed he bought the Jar­
tour stock and miscellaneous assort­ a milk of pure cod liver oil
some hypophosphites
ment of animals, lhese he has been with
keeping in Portland. Norris<!t Rowe, especially prepared for delicate
wishing to increase their show, b >ught
the b asis and wagous ftorn Arnold a stomachs.
few days ago, and the outfit is
Children take to it naturally
now headed f rCalifornia invliarge of
Frank Hall, animal trainer for Norris I because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
& Rowe ponies.
naturally to the children be­
The Spirit of Winter.
cause it is so perfectly adapted
Tlie Spirit of Winter is with u«,
making its presence known tn many to their wants.
different wavs—sometimes by cheery
For all weak and pale and
sunshine and glistening snows, and
sometimes by driving winds and blind thin children Scott’s Emulsion
ing sten ms. To many r« *ple it seems
to take a delight tn making bad tilings is the most satisfactory treat-
worse, for rheumatism twists harder,
t winges sharper, catan ii becomes more : ment.
Bought a Menagerie.
annoying, and the many symptom of
scrofula are developed and aggravat­
ed. There is not much poetry in this,
but there is truth, and it is a wonder
thai more people don’t get rid of these
ailment*. The medicine that cures
them—Hood’s Sarsaparilla—is easily
obtained aDd there is abundant p o f
that its cures are radical and perma
Tour Cold Cured for 5a
We will send you
the penny, /. e., a
sample free.
Be sure that this picture la
th* form of a label ■ oa the
wrapper at every bottle ol
Emulsion you buy.
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
5oc.«Dd*>w; all dnwgista.