The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, January 06, 1904, Image 1

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To health and happiness is Scrofula—
as ugly as ever since time immemorial.
It causes bunches in the neck, dis­
figures the skin, inHames the mucous
membrane, wastes the muscles, weak­
ens the bones, reduces the power of
resistance to disease and the capacity
for recovery, and develops into con­
“A bunch appeared on the left side of
Biy neck, It caused great pain, was lanced,
•nd became a running sore. I went Into a
general decline. I was persuaded to try
llood's Sarsa(»rilla, and when 1 had taken
■ix bottles my neck was healed, and I have
never had any trouble of the kind since.”
M rs . K. T. S kydkr , Troy, Ohio.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
and Pills
will rid you of it, radically and per­
manently, us they have rid thousands.
Teachers’ Life Diplomas.
Hon. J. H. Ackerman has Issued a
chcular letter giving information as
to the effect of Senator Mulkey's bill
authorizing the issuance of life diplo­
mas to certain teachers who hold state
diplomas. It will not become a
law until Marcii 23, but Superintend­
ent Ackerman will permit applicants
to take the required additional exami­
nation in Februiry.
This letter
“la acc ordance with the late legis-
lative enactment the State Board of
Education will issue state life diplo­
mas oa and after March 24, 1904, to
teachers who have taught not less
.than six ye^rs successfully in the pub­
lic schools of the state and who hold
slate diplomas received in' conse­
quence of baviug held state certifi­
cates and having taught fouryears suc­
cessfully in the public schools of this
stole and having passed an examina­
tion before a County Superintendent
or a board of county examiners In
bookkeeping, composition and physi­
cal geography; provided, they p«s-ed
an examination before the State Board
of Examiners at the time :t holding
examinations for state certificates,
vis., February and August of each
year, In the additional branches of
algebra, English lit ra|uie, Oregon
school law and general history, and
present a recommendation from the
Board of County Examioeis and have
paid a fee of tlO; provided, further,
that the applicant shall have made an
average of 85 per cent in all the bran
cbea herein prescribed and shall not
fail below 70 per cent in any one
branch; provided, further, that the ap­
plicant has complied with all the other
requirements of the law.
Such teachers may at their discre­
tion take an examination for a state
life diploma io therddit Ion il branch­
es in February, 1904, and the stand­
ings secured at such examination will
be placed u» their credit and, if suc­
cess fu', a state Ii'e diploma will be 1s-
~kui d ou Mar.-h 24, 1904. All -uch ap­
plicants must file with the Superin­
tendent of Public Instruction a sep
arate application on blanks furnished
by him tor that purpose."
Be Qalck.
Not a moment should be lost wheu
a child shows symptoms of c’oup
Chamberlain’s C< u».b R mrdy given
as soon as 1 he < hild beermes hoarse,
or even after lie croupy cough ap­
pears, will pie«eut the attack. It
never fails, and is [leasant and safe
to take. For rale by all Druggists.
Fars Stolen.
Mrs. A. S. Hammond, wife of the
well-known Granta Pass attorney,was
a passenger out of Portland Sunday
night, on the southbound overland,
and during the night tbievisoo bca.'d
the train stole a valuable set uf furs
belonging to her. The 1 ms was dis­
covered next morning. Two negroes
were suspected,and on the train’s ar­
rival at Grams Paas they were arrest­
ed on a warrant sworn out by Mr.
Hammond. The furs were recovered
on Che train.
It was with some difficulty that the
suspects were found. A hasty search
of the train was fruitless, but on the
second attempt one of them was found
sto ved awav in a toilet room. The
two men were accompanied by women
' f their own color, and all were fiash*
ily dressed, says tne Tidings.
A New Military Board.
Gov. Chamberlain has made a
change In the State Military Board,
appointing the following membeis.
who assumed their position January
.Cecil n. Bauer, of Portland, judge
advocate-general, to succeed b. C.
Spencer, of Portland.
Captain Gordon Voorhes of Port­
land, inspector-general, to succeed
Colonel James Jickron, of Portland.
Dr. Charles P. Chamberlain, of
Portland, surgeon-general, to succeed
Dr. A. B. Gillis, of Salem.
Al. W addle, of Portland, commis­
sary-genera), to succeed David M.
Dunne, of Portland.
Col. Voorhies was chosen chairman.
Levi Strauss e Cols
Copper »rivstsd
Ove r» et 11 $
ul A Mr .<
The Law as Changed at The
Special Session—It is in
Force Now—Record­
er’s Fees Increased.
S ection 1—That, in every county of
the state of Oregon containing less
than 50,000 inhabitants there sliall
be enacted and collected by the re­
corder of conveyances, or county clerk
if there be no n eorder of conyeyan es,
for the benefit of such county, the
following fees and no more for the
following purposes and services,
First—For rec^rdlngany deed, trust
deed, declaration, contract, mortgage,
chattel mortgage, bill of sale, or any
Instrument in writing required or
permitted by law to be recorded, for
each folio of 100 words in such instru­
ment the sum of 25 cents; but t>o
charge shall be made for the filing or
indexing of sucn instruments, or for
the official car'iticate attache , there­
Second—Fur entering and attesting
satisfaction, assignment, or release,
on the margin of the rec rd, of auy
mechanic’s lien, real estate or chattel
mortgage, or other instruments, 50
Third—Fur tiling and making the
entry of any transcript of judgment
in the judgment lien docket, Si.
Fourth—For furnishing
parties with copies of records and
tiles, for each folio 10 cents, and for
each official ceitificate thereto 25
Fifth—For entering of reccrd every
declaration of intention of an alien to
become a citizen of the United States,
and furnishing tv the deelarant a cer­
tified c py thereof, tl.50; and for en­
tering of record every naturalization
of an alien, and furnishing to the per­
son naturalized a certified copy there­
of, «5.
S ec now 2.—The fees designated in
section 1 of this act shall be collect­
ed io advance from the person re­
questing the service of the officer, and
none of the services therein mention­
ed shall be rendered until the fee
therefor has been paid to and receiv­
ed by the offi :er, and said officer shall
enter an account of the fees provided
fur by this act, in books krpt io his
jffice, and pay ail such fees to the
treasurer of the proper county each
day for the use and benefit of such
S ection 3.—That all fees and charg­
es heretofore received and exacted, by
the several recorders uf cuuveyauce» j
and county clerks of the counties de
slgoated in this act, for the services,
or any of them in this act mentioned,
are hereby declared to be legal and
projer«charges for such purposes and
such services, and to have been vol­
untarily p lid to such officers, and the
money ao received t > bj the property
of the county to which it was psid by
such officer, ano no action or suit for
the recovery of any such fees or charg­
es shall be maintain'd against any
county officer or county in this act
desigoat d.
F. Osenbrugge was in Jacksonville
this afternoon.
A. A. Davis tarried a few hours in
Jacksonville Monday.
S. S. Pentz was at the county-seat
Monday on legal business.
I. A. Palmer, the architect, has been
doing business at Ashland.
Wm. Blanton, who has been in Cali­
fornia, is among us again.
Mrs. A. E. Reames has returned
from her visit at Hillsboro.
J. C. Metcalfe, the insurance agent,
has returned from Portland.
A. Betz, who has been in Idaho for
Beveral weeks, returned Monday.
Geo. Brown, the Eagle Point mer­
chant, spent Monday in Jacksonville.
Miss G. Theiss has been at Jackson­
ville, the guest of J. Nunan and his
J. A. Whitman and J. D. Heard are
at their mines, located in Steve’s Fork
J. M. Matney of Central Point and
his son. Charles, were in Jacksonville
W. I. Vawter was in Jacksonville
the forepart of the week, on profession
al busiuess.
W. E. and H. P. Anderson of Phoe­
nix precinct were in Medford a few
days since.
Clarence L. Ileames, deputy district
attorney, was in Medford Monday on
official business.
R. McClanahan, who is representing
Palm-Whitman & Co., left for the
north this evening.
Dr. Hargrave is attending Dr. Pick-
el’s patieuts during tbe latter's absence
in San Francisco.
E. S Wolfer, the plumber, has been
in Jacksonville, putting Reames' gas
plant in running order.
Judge Crowell has gone to Southern
California to spend the winter. He will
be absent several months.
Chas. F. Young, a prominent busi­
ness man of Gold Hill, spent a few
hours in Medford Monday.
Miss Ragsdale, who has been visiting
in California, resumed her position in
the officeof Hotel Nash Tuesday.
F. M. Ferguson and J. W. Irwin of
Willow Springs precinct tarried in
Medford a few hours Thursday.
Harry Howard, formerly engaged in
selling groceries in Medford, expects to
leave Portland for Spokane soon.
The weather is beautiful ag.dn, the
sun shining brightly.
A.T. Fetter, late of the Gold Hili
News, has bought the Drain Watch­
F. II. Chamberlain of Tolo,the enter­
prising butcher, is making regular trips
to Gold Hill.
G. Huber, who returned from Lane
county not long since, is again located
near Jacksonville.
The buildings of the Iowa Lumber
Co. are looming up and will soon be
ready for occupancy.
Rev. F. G. Strange will hold services
at the Presbyterian church In Phoenix
Sunday morning and evening.
Circuit court is in session again.
There is still considerable work for
the consideration of the petit jury.
Lincoln Savage, the efficient school
superintendent of Josephine couuty,
made Superintendent Daily a visit
J. W. Irwin and John McReynolds,
expert miners, are developing a valu­
able mining property located in Willow
Springs district.
A number of the Masons from differ­
ent parts of the county met at Jack­
sonville Saturday night, for work in
the higher degrees.
Voters must register again this year.
Tbe county clerk has made arrange
meats for tbe registering, which is al­
ready progressing.
Andrew Kahler, who left Jackson
county a number of years ago, is pay­
lug a visit to his brother, C. W.
Kahler, whose condition is precarious.
Cnas. A. Board man, the scientific
painter and paper banger, has been at
Jacksouville, embellishing Gus New­
bury's handsome new residence.
Lawrence Cardwell, who has been
engaged in business at Gold Hill with
John H. McClendon, has sold his inter­
est to bi^ partner and expects to leave
that town.
The County Commissioners' court
will be in session this week, beginning
Wednesday. There is a large amount
of business that usually is transacted
at the January term.
F. M. Nelson, who has been operat­
ing a saw mill on Coleman Creek, has
solditto W. R. Stansell of Jackson­
ville, who will enlarge its capacity and
make other improvements.
A Curious Disease.
What is known as "Manila itch" is
prevalent in se>eral towns of tiie val­
ley. Some physicians pronounce It a
mild form of varioloid. There are a
number o' cases of it In Jacksonville,
which have ireen qu irantined.
Dr. II. P. Hargrave, county health
< ffi er was in town Friday, in con­
sul ation with Doctors Gale and
Robinson over tbe ¿Lease, which It
says was introduced from Gold Hill
Tlio-e afflicted are usually not
seriously 111, most of them not miss­
ing a meal; but they are confined to
their houses several days. Although
there is little likelihood cf fatal re­
sults, there is every reason why it
should be stamped out inirutdiatel /.
We are informed that there are two
or three cases of this "itc i” tn Med­
ford. Tuey should be looked after
prompt y by the proper authorities.
NO. 1
In Durance Vile.
Miss Jo Orth was a Medford visitor
H. P. Anderson, who lives in Roxy | Monday.
nrecinct, last week had several tur­
Mrs. Mamie Dox made Medford a
keys stolen trim him, among which short visit last week.
were a couple of fine < nes he bad im­
Postmaster Miller spent a few hours
ported for breedi ig purposes and
Medford yesterday.
could be Identified easily.
Neil made a professional trip
inquiry developed the fact that
they had been sold to Warner & Davis
by a couple of young men and tbe
There will be no services at the
merchants «till had them io their Catholic church Sunday.
Harry Helms and Jas. Eaton tarried
Tne names of the culprits are Win­ in Medford a few days since.
kle and Maliem, and they were arrest­
Wm. Heely and J. B. Wetterer spent
ed at Eagle Point by Harry Angle, act­
a few hours in Mod ford recently.
ing as constable. They are now await­
M. P. Jacoby, the Tolo merchant,
ing a trial of tbe case in Justice Pur­
din’s c »urt, which has been postpon­ spent Tuesday afternoon in Medford.,
ed on account of the illness uf the
Wm. H. Sears of Sterlingville, the
prosecuting witness.
Ttie defendants are now quartered farmer-miner, was amjmg us Tuesday.
in the couuty jail.
Mrs. Jessie Langell Farnsworth was
in Jacksonville the forepart of the
Watch'Party at Phoenix.
J. R. Margreiter of Kansas City, who
has been spending tbe holidays with
his uncle, John Margreiter of Poor­
man's Creek, and his family, left for
. home Wednesday.
Tbe Ashland Tribune, which has
been successfully conducted by A. C.
Jacobson and ably edited by Capt. M.
F. Eggleston since last March, was on
Jan. 1st sold to Potter Bros., lately of
Seattle. The new firm has had consid­
erable experience as newspaper pub­
lishers and printers. They have our
beet wishes.
A correspondent, M. M. K.,—writes
to us: The Ladies Christmas Club of
Savage Creek gave a Christmas-tree
entertainment which was enjoyed by
all_present, young and old. Nobody was
Blighted. The program proved all that
ould be detired and was a complete
success. One of the oldest pioneers of
Southern Oregon, Mrs. J. Savage, was
there and one of the most interested]
She said it was the best thing of the
kind she had witnessed in Southern
Tbe Jackson County Ministerial
Association met at tbe M. E. Church
in Medford on Monday and held its bi­
monthly session. There was a good at­
tendance and much interest was-mani­
fested in the proceedings. Rev. J. T.
Abbettof Ashland presided, Rev. W.
F. Shields of Medford acting as secre­
tary. In the evening a fair-sized
audience listened to an excellent lecture
by W. H. Gore, who chose as bis sub­
ject "The Ideal American Citizen,” to
which he did justice. His effort was
well received.
J. Patterson and Thos. Riley, county
are in Jacksonville, on
The Age of Grafting.
official business.
J. G. Martin, a well-known citizen of
According to the story of graft and
Antioch, has been making tne central
grafters with which I lie press lias
valley a business visit.
been teeming of late it lrecomes clear
S. G. Van Dyke, one of the leading
to ttie understanding of even the most
citizens of Pheenix precinct, spent Sat­
obtuse that one of the most threaten­
urday afternoon in Medford.
ing curses of Amencin life is public
E. G. and Frank Roberts and J.B.
and private graft.
Montgomery of Mound spent a few
It appears as though sterling hones­
hours in Medford Wednesday.
ty, squareness and Integrity are out uf
Harvey Crump was in Medford Wed­
style. The policy of the time seems
nesday. He is in the employ of J. C.
to be to get rich, no matter by wliat
methods. Times was in this country
Smith of Griffia Creek district.
when a man's word was as good as his
Frank Mengoz, the expert miner, has
bood, nowadays the bond isn't of any
returned from Blue River, where he
too much account in all too many in­
was formerly engaged Ln mining.
stances. The man wlm has not the
Judge Neil, who went to Sacramen­
thing his heart coverts proceeds to get
to, Dec. 26tb, to visit his son Frank
It one way or another. His neighbor's
and his family,is at home again.
wife wears more purple and fine linen
Thos. Galvin, J. L. Calvert and A.
Ilian his wife, whereat he suffers his
Fry, prominent citizeqs of Grants Pass,
pride and proceeds to st cure ttie finery­
did business in Medford Monday.
even the ugh his honor is involved. It
Rev. S. Snyder will hold services at
Is about time fur the people to rigtit
M. E. church in Jacksonville and
about face.
Central Point at tbe usual time.
Heart Fluttering
You Know What You Are Taking
Mayor Evans of Ashland has ap­
When you take Grove'* Tasteleas Chill Tonic
D D. Good as chief o? police
Undigested f >od and In tbe stomach,
because the formula la plainly pr.nted on every
bottle.abowlng that It ta »imply Iron and Qui­ io a ted just bi low the heait, presses of that city. A "Good” appointment.’*
nine In a taateleas form No Cure. No Pay. 50c. against it and cruses heart palpita­
L. B. Chase of Ashland is at work on
tion. When your heart troubles you
that way take Herbine for a few days. the Palmer mine, located a few miles
You will soon be all right. 50c. Dr. west of Jacksonville, in which he is
J. Hinkle, Central Point, Ore.
Roscoe Cantrall and his family, who
Miss Lulu Straw, an accomplished
Thackeray's Satire.
have been visiting in Eugene, are with
and highly respected young woman,
Thackeray created quite erroneous
Vernon Bartlett, a S. P. engineer, wis yesterday declared insane and has Impressions of hiiuseif by often iodulg us again. They will return to Klamath
Prof. E. E. Washburn and his fam­
county 8oon.
who had one of his arms broken in tbe been liken tj the asylum at Salem itig In irony in tbe presence of people
ily, who have been spending tbe boli-1
Miss Cora Cameron of Uniontown,
yards at Grants Pass, by the explosion for treatmen t. St e ha* been a resi­
days in Ashland, are at home again.
is a student at tbe U. of O., has
of the generator of an acetylene head­ dent of Medford for sometime past,
A. S. Furry, one of the energetic far­ light be was fixing, is at a hospital in com' -g from Si kiyou county, Calif, was this: Ttowckeray had been dtning returned to Eugene, after passing the
at tiie Garrick and was talklug in the
mers and stock raisers of the upper val­ Portland, recovering rapidly.
for tne purpose of having her face, smoking room after dinner with vari- holidays at home.
ley, was a Medford visitor Saturdav.
Miss Ollie Huffer, who has been pass­
Tbe wife of Hon. Robt. G. Smith of which was afflicted with lupus for i aus club acquaintance»- One of them
J. H. Whipple, a prominent citizen of Grauts Pass, the well-known lawyer several years, X-ray treatment. It. happening to have left his- cigar case ing the holidays at home, returned to
our county, who lives near Woodville. 1 died at th ■ Ml. TV'»or Sanity rium di.r- was not uutil quite lately that her at Uume, T’uyckerny; though disliking Eugene Saturday, to take up her stud­
was in Medford and Jacksonville Tues­ ing tbe cluaing days of 1903. She had last misfortune showed itself.
the mam* ..lio wa'r a nc.toriote t”ft ies at the U of O -
Her mother, brother and niece bade hunter, good naturedly offered him one
been an invalid for a long time, and
Thos. E. Nichols of Eagle Point pre­
Charley Kiernan of Gazelle, Cal., who death was indeed a relief to her.
Miss Straw a sad good-bye as she left of his cigars. The man accepted the cinct, one of the prominent stockmen
cigar, but. not finding It to his liking,
has been in Medford, visiting with his
had the bad taste to say to Thackeray, of Southern Oregon, spent Tuesday
parents and sisters, returned Thurs­
say, Thackeray, you won't mind my night in Medford.
our city recently. He is disconsolate
yf The Kind Yoa Haw Klways Bougk saying I don't think much of this
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Owen and
Ex-Senator Dufur, J. B. Hammersly,
cigar?" Thackeray, no doubt irritat 'd their daughter, Mrs. W. J. Freeman,
I. W. Ray an 1 Carl Phelps of Gold Hili
at the man's ungraciousness and bear of Central Point, were guests of Mrs. J.
were in Medford Tuesday on land busi­ a tree, which was cut down so that be
ing in mind hit tuft hunting predilec­
could catch a “varmint" be bad chas­
tions. quietly responded, "You ought C. Hall of Medford Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Barnum went
to, my good fellow, for It was given
Miss Strange, who has been visiting
tne by a lord.” Instead, however, of south Wednesday. Their son. Will,
relatives and friends living here, left "John Watkins, one of Eagle Point’s
detecting tiie irony, the dolt immedi­ pulled the throttle of the R. R. A V. R.
for Portland Monday, to resume her1 leading business men, has been in
In memory of Miss Ada T. Cook, ately attributed tiie remark to snobbish­
this week. He
offers his hotel who died Oct. 25, 1903, by Mr. and ness on Thackeray's part and to the Co.'s engine during their absence.
John Briner, tbe miner, has been in property, which is a good one, for sale Mrs. L. B. Grigsby.
Bert Harris, the energetic operator
end of his days went about declaring
Miss Ada Cook,daughter of Mr. and
town several times lately.
He will at a reasonable figure. Anyone wish­
government lands, who arrived from
that "Thackeray had boasted that he
Kodol Dyspepsia Care.
return to Beaver Creek in the early ing to engage in that business can have Mrs. John C ook , living on Rogue hail been given a cigar by a lord.”
Michigan last summer, with his family,
River, on 'Bybee’s farm, died of con­
Digests sit classes of food, tones spring.
will become residents of Medford this
an excellent opportunity to do so.
sumption. Siewa-a patient sufferer.
and strengthens the stomach and di-*
Witty K e« pon«e of a Lecturer.
gestlve organs. Cures Dyspepsia, in­
Four hundred people from different
A professor who acted as chairman
digestion, Stomach Tr rubles, and considerably, both north and south, parts of the country will make proof den cold, which resulted in her death.
Thos. Reid, the successful miner,
She was laid to rest in tbe Jackson­ af a meeting at which Max O’Rell was
makes rich red blood, health and since he left here several months ago,is
has been visiting in San Fran­
strength, Kodol Dy-pepsia Cure re­ among us again.
cisco, is with us again. He has become
ath county during January and Feb- quest before she died. She leaves a In tbe following manner:
builds wornout tissues, purifies,
Miss May Huffer, a trained nurse ruaryt Mr Scott, special agent of the m< tiler, fattier, four sister.-, Mrs. L.
strengthens and sweetens the stom­
"Ladies and gentlemen, when we interested in tbe placer mines of Galice
ach. Gov. G. A. Atkinson of W. Va. with a first-class diploma, went to Cen­ General Land Officers at Klamath Falls Edmonson, Mrs. T. Grigsby, Mrs. L. wish to see ourselves as individuals Creek.
Grigsby and Mrs. M. Hall, and five
says: "1 have used a number of bot­ tral Point Monday, in response to a call
for the purpose of conducting the ex­ brothers, Grove, Wm., Lemuel, Ed. we have recourse to the mirror. This
The Jacksonville public school has
tles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and tiave for her services.
and Tlonias Cook, to mourn tier un­ we cannot do as a nation. I take not resumed studies, it being deemed
found it to t e a very effective and, in­
timely d> mlse. Death called her when pleasure in introducing a gentleman
deed, a powerful remedy fur stomach
W. M. Colvig, who is one of tbe offi­
John Butterworth, the well-known site was 25 years, 5 months and 25dais who will act as a French mirror, by­ advisable to wait until tbe “Manila
ailments. I recommend it to my cers of the Supreme Lodge of the A. O.
railway postal clerk, while splitting old. She left, a large circle of friends means of which you will, I am sure, itch" epidemic has subsided, which will
friends." Sold by all druggists.
U. W., has gone to Detroit, Mich., on wood at his home in Portland a few as her amiable disposition gained her obtain an adequate and pleasing view not be long.
many w he:ever she went.
business connected therewith.
of yourselves as a nation.”
days ago, cut one of his fingers so bad­
Ed. C. Welch of Tbe Meadows was
Report on Postal Frauds.
The Introduction pleased O’Rell, and in our city Wednesday. He informs us
Johnnie and Eddie Wilkinson, who ly that he will be disabled from attend­ We miss thee from our home, dear,
he respouded In a vein as jovial: "1
We.misstliy gentle face.
have been visiting at home, left for ing to his duties for a month or more.
am requested to reflect on a nation. that the Welch Lumber Co. is making
Assistant P. M. General Bristow’s
Wilson Flagg, of the Albany local, is
However, I must take second place to preparations to put another saw mill
We miss the sunshine of tliy face.
ability to grasp details and at the their studies at tbe Columbia Univer- I taking his place on Nos. 15 and 16, be
the man In the moon, for he reflects into commission.
Wi miss thy kind and willing hand,
same time to cover a tremendous area sity.
tween Portland and Dunsmuir.
on the earth. As an Imported French
Col. R. F. Maury, one of the oldest
Thy h nd and earnest rare;
in a comparatively brief time is shown
Miss Edith Cranfill, who is at Port­ Prof. S P. Robbins and his wife,who Our home is dark with ut tine,
mirror I sliall do the best I can to give and best known of Southern Oregon
you a correct picture of the nation. pioneers, has fully recovered from his
by tbe magnitude of his report of the land attending St. Helen's Hall, made have been visiting at Chico, Calif., re­
We miss thee everywhere.
And if your chairman remains where
investigation of the postal frauds re­ Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Crow of Eugene, turned one day last week. The former,
he is, in the background, he will add recent illness, we are pleased to say.
cently made public. The plan there­ her uncle and aunt, a visit during tbe who is in charge of tbe second depart­
to the reflective power of the He was in Medford Wednesday.
of, first, had to be mapped out: then, holidays.
ment of the Jacksonville school, has And < n thy pale and peaceful face
Miss Lyden has taken charge of the
as one fact after another was unfold­
Mrs. Jennings and her son Myron, since become afflicted with the “Manila
Is resting death’s cold chill.
stock of goods formerly owned by Miss
ed, clews had to be followed up and who have been stopping in the State of itch," which is a species of varioloid.
Lizzie Hoover and will engage in- tbe
Toy hand is clasped upon thy breast,
evidence collected. Of all the mass of Washington during the past few
We kissed thy marble brow,
business in the room adjoin­
John li. Butler,the jolly undertaker, And In our aching hearts
facta which over forty trained men months, returned to Rogue River Val­
The undersigned will pay a suitable ing the postoffice. She has excellent
who has bpeo a resideut of Medford for
reward for the return of his dog, who
We knew we have no siste r now.
gathered In months of work, those ley recently.
• recently went astray. He is yellow in taste and will doubtless prove a popular
pertinent to the subject had to be
C. W. Cottam.the genial commercial a number of years, has sold his resi­ P eclous dailin -, thou hast left us,
I color, has long hair and a bobbed toil, milliner.
gleaned and separated from those traveler, is in the valley. He left M.J. dence property to C. E. Barnes, a pros­
Left us, yes, forever m »re;
and answers the name of “Jack.”
Walter Bostwick and Miss Clara
having no bearing on the matters un­ Keller A Co.after fourteen years of ser­ perous citizen of Montana, and will But we hope to meet that loved one
F red S turgis , Forest Creek.
a young couple 'well known
P. O. Address Jacksonville.
der investigation. And after all the vice, and now represents one of Chica­ leave us in the near future, we are
and on Applegate,
great mass of facts bad been collect­ go’s bust bouses.
were united in marriage in Med- '
ed, it was necessary to reduce them
Goo. Von der Heilen and Miss Von
ford last Saturday. We tender our
to a system, and then formulate tbe der Heilen, who have been passing tbe
Milan Loosley, who was once a resi­
and hope that a
holidays at home, left for Corvallis dent of this section, is now at Dallas,
long life of prosperity and wedded bliss
No similar inquiry or investigation Monday evening, to resume their stud­ Texas, in the employ of the Southwest­
will be theirs.
of more than a small fraction of the ies at the O A. C.
ern Telegraph and Telephone Co. He
Elmer Hicks, a member of the Ore­
magnitude of this one was ever before
Emery E. Gore, who has been visit lately resigned his position in the
Pe ifie- being the can e of most sickness, Is aLocon-' gon Granite Co., who has been in Cali­
undertaken in the history of govern­ Ing his twin brother, Emerson E. Gore, government signal service in Alaska
trary to Nature. It was intended that this imiur-,
fornia several weeks, accompanied by
ments. More than forty Inspectors — for some time past, has returned to his and the Philippines, which he held for
tant organ should te strong and hi a tty for it is
biB wife, returned Wednesday morning.
fr<>m tills si u'ce we teceive all out strength. Then
men who are trained in ferreting home in Kansas. He is well pleased nearly three years.
it is very important that you commence taking
latter will remain at Sacramento
crime—were employed in the work with this part of tbe country.
One of the children of J. McReyn* '
time, for the benefit of her
continuously for months. Itrequi*.
E. D. Elwood and Dr. J. E. Shearer, olds of Willow Springs precinct had |
has improved consider­
ed the examination of the records in with their families and O. Burnett, left, a narrow escape from being burned to i
more than one thousaud po«t-offlces. for Chico, Cal. Saturday night,to lo. death, one day Iasi week. Her dress;
in the circuit
Hundreds of pe >ple were questioned cate. They are accompanied by the was set ablaze by a fire she had'built in
at once, because it is universally acknowledged to lx:
and cross-examined. The books of best wishes of their many friends.
Crain and
the yard, and only prompt action on
the Ixsst stomach strengthener in the world. Fur 60
after be­
bankers and corporations were looked
years it has been succ sxfuliy used i>y sickly people,
Victor P. Moses, the efficient clerk of tiie part of her father and J. W. Ir­
Into, and records and acc unis in vari­
Benton county, was a recent visitor in win averted serious consequences.
verdict in favor of the plaintiffs for the
ous divisions uf the Pust-Office De­
this section. He is a son of Rev. P. A.
Nausea, Sick Headache, Heartburn, Dyspep-' sum of S1200. They claimed that they
partment fur a d>*csde were dug up*
Moses, who was formerly in charge of
Indigvstior, Cramps, Liver Complaints,
were damaged 12250 by the new coun­
Probably no one will attempt to deny
this district of the M.E.Church,South
and Ma’aria, Fever and Ague.
road which joins Roxy and Climax
its thuroughness. The lengtb uf the
Bear« the
Miss Nora Sydow, who baB been vis­
Be sure to try a bottle today. Tiie genuine must
precincts and intersects that running to
report necessary to record ttie Investi­
ha veour private stamp over the neck. Al all druggists
gation would indicate that many of iting relatives and friends living in this
OOOOOO 00000000<XMMX>0<XXMX>0<XXX>00000<X>
tho-e In tbe service of the Govern­
E. L. Farra of Central Point and W.
ment and others uot directly connect­ day for Sun Jose, Cal., where she is at­
Wright of Willow Springs, two of
tending the California State Normal
ed with it are charged witti fraud md School
our thrifty young farmers, were in
conspiracy to defraud.
A. M. Cannon, the attorney, went
Medford Satur ay. They report that
north Monday evening, after being
the new year’s party given at the resi­
professionally engaged here for sev< ral
dence of J. C. Slagle was a success in
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million
every way. Seventy six people sat
Bon tka
II* Kiwi You Haw Always Bought weeks. He expects to locate ut Sp >-
bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you?
No Cure, No Pay.
kanu, Wa-< h., for the practice uf law.
dowu to one of the best suppers ezer
ffrlnsH with every tcttla to » Ten Cent» package cC Crov»*s Black Root, Uvar PMh._____________
Success to him
prepared in that section.
Tiie scclal event of the year at
Phirnix took place at Woodman Hall,
Dec. 31, 1903, teeing a watch jarty
given by Oak Circle No. 242, Women
of Woodcraft. Camp No. 438, together
witii their wives and quite a number
of friends, were invited. At eight a
short program was renieel, which
was enjoved by all. The Circle has
recently invested in a large number of
games, which afforded much amuse­
ment. A large clock and a number of
small alarm clocks were set to chime
at tiie dying of the old year. The
hells of tiie public school and church
ring out tbe old and In tbe new year.
Immediately after this a bountiful
supper was served on small tables at
wiiich the guests were seated Part­
ners for sunjier were drawn by lot and
this caused much merriment, as a few
were oddly chosen. Jokes and laugh­
ter filled the supper hour, after which
those who wished to indulge in danc­
ing descended to tbe lower room, where
music was furnished them unt il rhree-
thirty, when they wended their way
homeward, all voting the Circle of
Phoenix a happy lot and the best of
O ne W ho W as T here .
A Sad Case.
A Weak Stomach
Stomach Bitters
Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic
Slavery in Alaska.
Acting on information contained in
a letter from William A. Davis, prin­
cipal of tbe public schools of Unalas­
ka, charging that slavery is still prac­
ticed in parts uf Alaska, Secretary
Hitchcock has requestsd the Depart­
ment of Justice, through its agents, to
make an investigation and see if steps
can be taken to stop this practioe. In
bis letter Mr. Davis asserts that there
are in Unalaska a number of pitiful,
forlorn little Eskimo girls held in bon­
dage. They are said to bj -the slaves
uf the rich families, made to labor as
drudge«, deprived uf association with
free children, and forbidden educa­
These children are poor orphans,
whose means of support has been tak­
en away from them, and are sold to
families, uot for ordinary service like
working girls in other parts of the
country, but as common slaves. They
have no playmates, ¿nd do not enjoy
any of the privileges or delights of
childhood. From tbe slave child they
grow into the slave women, and no
matter what tbe finer feelings of tbe
child may be, she must put them
awav and pay for her orphanage and
her poverty at me coat of her health
and all hope of happiness or relief
from her life of drudgery.
Salt pork is a famous old-
fashioned remedy for con­
sumption. “ Eat plenty of
pork,” was the advice to the
consumptive 50 arid 100
years ago.
Salt pork is good if a man
can stomach it.
The idea
behind it is that fat is the
food the consumptive needs
Scott’s Emulsion is the mod­
ern method of feeding fat to
the consumptive. Pork is too
rough for sensitive stomachs.
Scott’s Emulsion is the most
refined of fats, especially
prepared for easy digestion.
Feeding him fat in this
way, which is often the only
way, is half the battle, but
Scott’s Emulsion does more
than that. There is some­
thing about the combination
of cod liver oil and hvpophos-
phites in Scott’s Émulsion
that puts new life into the
weak parts and has a special
action on the diseased lungs.
A sample will be
sent free upon request.
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label is on the
wrapner of every bottle o<
Emulsion you buy.
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
Soc. and $i; all druggisu.
We offer One Hundred Dollar« Re­
ward for an v . a«e i f Catarrh that can­
not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
F J C iiknky & Co., Props ,
Toledo, O.
We, lhe undersigned, have knownx
F. J. Cueney for the last 15 years, and
believe hitu perfectly honorable it all
bu«tDess transacticos and tinancully
able to car y out any obligations mace
by their fi tu
W est & T ruax . Wholesale Drug­
gists Tub do, O. W aldino , K inan A
M arvin , Wbo’c^ole Druggi>ts Tole-
dj. <>
11 ill’s Cstirrh Cure is taken inter-
i ally, ac'ing directly u;on the bio d
a .d mucous -uifaces or the ^y~iem.
Price 75<‘. ¡er buttle. Sold by drug­
gists. Te-tiiuo.iia s tree.
Hall’s Family Pills are tbe best.