©emoerafie Simes 'ARMSTRONG MUST HANGJ INDIA’S ROYAL PAGEAN1 Plunged ; Prin?iJ*f«.very Wednesday, by Times Printing Company C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr. TERMS: One Year, In advance... Six Months....................... •1.50 1.00 Advertisements Inserted at reasona­ ble rates. Entered at the Poatofflce at Jacksonville, Ore., aa Seoond Class Mail Matter C hinese pheasants cannot be shot anywhere In Oregon during the ooming two years. This is one of the beat acts of the spec’.al session of the Legislature. ! W hen the Republican national con­ vention assembles in Chicago next June Senator Hanna will step down and out as chairman of the national executive committee. Ex-Gov. Crane has been selected as his successor. Thia looks as if Marcus still has a good-sized presi­ dential bee buzzing In his bonnet. AMONG other things the Legislature did, at Its special session, it memorializ­ ed Congress in favor of the Brownlow road bill which, if passed, will bring an apportionment of •250,000 to Oregon, and also in favor of increasing salaries of rural mail carriers from $600 to »800 per year. A bill appropriating »40,- 000 for Indian War Veterans, to make up the deficiency caused by an act of the Legislature at its regular session, was defeated. This was entirely wrong, for it had much merit. i » N T he Williamsburg bridge, the sec­ ond to be built across East river, New , York, and which connects the boroughs ULf Manhattan and Brooklyn, is now '••W travel. Thia structure, con- don on which was begun Oct. 28, is about a mile above the Brook­ lyn bridge, which it greatly resembles in / type and appearance, though It is much larger. Its length between terminals is 7200 feet and Its width 118 feet, the Brooklyn bridge being only 85 feet wide. The bridge proper coet about •11,000,000, and the condemning of land for approaches brought the total coet to about •21,000,000. A ccording to appearance« the great lumber combine of the Pacific Coast is practically a thing of the past. The concern that has made over »1,- 000,090 for its members of late was dis­ rupted when the California members stated finally that they would not sign a new agreement. They announced a short while later that they had made contracts for export after the first of January below the combine scale ot •14. The present agreement expired January 1, and after that date the greatest lumber war the Pacific Coast has ever witnessed will be inaugurated, f the disagreement is not a fake. J ames D. R ichardson of Tennessee who was the Democratic leader of the House in the 56th and 57th Congresses, believes the year 1904 bright with hope for the Democratic party. In an inter­ view at Washington he declared that with the financial question out of the way, and his party united as in years gone by on great doctrines, he can see no reason why the Democratic party should not sweep the country. He says a majority of the white people of the United States desire to see the Demo­ cratic party triumph on the broad gen­ eral principal of tariff reform, busi­ nesslike economy in public expendi­ tures, opposition to the present auto­ cratic dynasty of the White House and honesty in foreign relations. T here I s every prospect that the wages of hundreds of thousands of workingmen will be cut more or lees during the year 1904. Leading officials of the United States Steel Corporation say that beginning January 1st about 90 per cent of the employes of the cor­ poration will suffer wage reductions ranging from 5 to 20 per cent. This reduction will affect about 150,000 workmen in the various grades. The remaining 10 per cent of the employes are members of the amalgamated iron, steel and tin workers. The fin­ ance committee of the Steel Corpora­ tion has, it is understood, under con­ sideration the dismissal of many high- salaried employes. C ongressmen , as well as members of legislatures, find the mileage graft very profitable. It seems that they allowed themselves traveling expenses for both the extra and regular w-saions of Congress, whereas only one trip was made to Washington for -both of them. They are allowed 20 cents a mile for traveling expenses in going to and re­ turning from Washington once duriDg a session of Congress. The railway charges average little more than 2 cents a mile, and Pullman car charges and meals would not bring the cost alto­ gether up to more than 5 cents a mile. The old allowance of 20 cents a mile was fixed when traveling expenses were much higher than at present, so that congressmen are able to make about 15 cents a mile as clear gain or profit out of their traveling account. But this Is not all. The practice seems to be for railroads to offer passes to mem­ bers and for members to accept the gratuity which partakes of the nature of a bribe. The Tillman case and the disclosures made by Congressman Baker, of Brooklyn, in returning a ass, have served to put the run of congressmen under the strongest kind of suspicion of traveling at the expense of the railroad companies. Not the least important of the bills enacted by the Legislative Assembly was that which provides for the exe­ cution of Pleasant Armstrong, the convicted and condemned murderer of Minnie Ensminger,near Baker City, cn Christmas night, 1902. This is the first time in the history of the State ot Oregon that it has been found necessary to legislate a man to the gallows, and the second time it has been done on the Pacific Coast, and perhaps I d the United States. The pass tge of this bill was neces­ sary under the peculiar conditions and circumstances of the case as they existed. The warrant of execution under which Armstrong was to have been hanged was issued under the law which was in effect when the crime was committed. The legislature, at the last regular session, passed a bill which provided for the execution of all murderers at the Penitentiary. After the case had gone through the Supreme Court upon appeal from the conviction, the question then arose as to whether Armstrong could be hang­ ed at the Penitentiary under the new law, and the Attorney-General ren­ dered an opinion bolding that he could not, as this course would be in violation ot the Federal statutes, which declare the new law ex post facto in the case, and that ft would be deemed an aggravated punishment to transfer the condt tuned man from Baker county to tbe prison and exe­ cute him under the new law. There­ fore, and in accordance with thD opinion, Judge Eakin sentenced Arm­ strong under the warrant issuer under the old law, and condemned him to be banged in Baker county and by the sheriff. Action was then threatened to secure the release of Armstrong by habeas corpus proceedings, upon tbe ground that there was no law inexis­ tence under which he could be legally executed. The sentiment in Baker county was so strong against Arm­ strong that the authorities feared mob violence in case he should be allowed to escape punishment under so frail a technicality, and to avoid tne di grace of a possible lynching and to cocvince the people that the ends of justice would be met in bis case so that they would have more confidencen in tbe law in tbe future, this course was deemed tbe most ad­ visable to be pursued UDder the cir­ cumstances. Tbe new law, which was enacted at tbe special session, in the main reaffirms the law of 1903, but contains a single provision which requires that all condemned murderers, whose crimes were cimmitted and who were convict« d under warrants issued prior to the taking effect of the new law, should be sen enced under the old law and executed in tbe county in which the crime was committed and by the sheriff. This action, it is thought, will have tbe effect of covering tbe case exactly, dispel all danger or likeli­ hood of a lynching, and have a tend­ ency to'Instill into t e minds of tbe people more confidence in the law mak­ ing body of tbe statq. . --------- J----- - An Important Industry. The special edition of the Oregon Daily Journal, printed Dec. 17th, was a splendid one. It said of Oregon’s stock interests: The value of Oregon’s livestock for the year 1903 will amount in round numbers to Ml,488,914. These figures show that the livestock interests of the state are rapidly showing an in­ crease. There is no better place in the country for the maintenance of live­ stock than the State of Oregon, aDd this is the reason why each year the total value of the sleek ot the state is growing larger. In Eastern and Southeastern Oregon the conditions are favorable for the grazing of large herds, and men en­ gaged in the raising of stock have be­ come wealthy in that section io the past few years. Latest statistics show that there are 734,742 cattle In the state, which at the present market price are valued at •18,368,550. The horses in the state will number 245,638, and are easily worth •12,231,900 Of sherp there are 3,926,724, at a fair market value of •7,853,448. The estimate of the livestock of the state shows: Cattle, 734,542; value •18,368,550. Horses, 245,742; value •12,231,900. Mules, 7786; value,»428 230. Sheep, 3,926,724; value »7,853,448. Goats, 125 000; value, M37.500. Total valuation of which is stated above, Mi,448,914. RECTOR OF 5T. LUKE’S Ashburnham, Ontario, Testifies to the Good Qualities of Chamber- lan’a Clough Remedy. A shburnham , Ont., April 18, 1903. —I think it is only right that I should tell you what a wonderful effect Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has produced. The day before Easter I was to distressed with a cold and cough that 1 did not think 1 would be able to take any duties the next day, as my voice was almost choked by tl e cough. The same cay I re­ ceived an order from you for a bottle of your Cough Remedy. I at once procured a sample bottle, and took about three doses of the medicioe. To my great relief the cough and cold bad coiqpletely disappeared and I was able to preach three times Easter Day. I know that thia rapid and ef­ fective cure was due to your Cough Remedy. I make this testimonial without solicitation, being thankful to have found such a God-sent remedy. Respectfully yours, E. A. L angfeldt , M. A.. Gaod for Children. Rector of St . Luke’s Church The pleasant to take and harmless To Chamberlain Medicine Co. One Minute Cough Cure gives im­ This remedy is for sale by all Drug­ mediate relief in all cases of Cough, gists. ______ Croup and LaGrlppe, because it does not pass immediately into the Those wishing deeds, mortgages, stomach, but takes effect right leases, bonds, bills of sale, or any kind at the seat of the trouble. It of legal blanks, will find them at this draws out the inflammation, heals office. The latest and best forms, print­ and soothes and cures permanently by ed on superior paper, at lowest prices. enabling the lungs to contribute pure life giving aDd life-sustaining oxygen BATTLE UP NOTICE. to the blood and tissues. Dr. Atrns- troDg of Delia, Tex., prescribe« it All persons indebted to the under­ < ally and says there is no better cough lemedy made. Sold by all druggists. signed are requested to call and settle immediately. Accounts not paid by Jan. 1, 1904, will be placed in an attor; ney’s hands for collection. A word to the wise is sufficient. D lnnjngton & D eneff . Jacksonville, Nov. W, 1903. ------ I Plans For the Magnificent Delhi Coronation Durbar. NOBLE 0HIEF3 WILL ALL ATTEST Homage For Kina Edward to It- Tendered to nia Viceroy—I m poo ! ’ip Ceremony Will Scene Many of Be Held Near the Deeds of British X aloe. The ground upon which the cere- mo les connected with the*coronation durbar at Delhi. India, will take place is not only specially connected with the roll of honor of the British empire, for the ■:iniou8 ridge bounds it on the east, but Is also specially associated with the assumption of imperial authority. as the Shalimar gardens, which wit­ nessed the e rouatlon of the only great mogul emperor subsequent to the founder of the present city of Shabja- hanabad—viz, Aurangzdb, the orna­ ment to the throne—lie but a short dis- LORD CURZON. [Viceroy of India.] tance removed to the west, and the durbar itself will be held in the great Bawari plain, upon the same site as the imperial assemblage which sig­ nalized the assumption of the title of kaisar-i-hind by the first qjieen empress of India on Jan. 1, 187T. says the Lon­ don correspondent of the New York Times. At ordinary times the plain at the foot of the ridge is an empty, bare stretch, covered with short turf and forming a pleasant ground for a morn­ ing's canter, but at Christmastlde, 1002, it will be covered with the snowy camps of the viceroy of India and his principal lieutenants and adjutators and will be resplendent with the bright eastern surroundings by which such camps are always framed. The vice­ regal camp will be In the center of all, flanked on the south by the camps of the governor of Bombay and of the commander in chief of India and the generals of the four commands, and on the north by those of the governor of Madras and the lieutenant governors, chief commissioners and agents to tbe governor general throughout India. At the back of the central camp 18 being constructed a permanent rest deuce for the viceroy's occupation. This will hereafter fill a much needed want at Delhi—viz, a guest house for distinguished guests and visitors, The press camp will be on the left of the state camps and one visitors' camp on the right while another will be outside the Kashmir gate of the city. All the camps and the durbar plain will be connected by the light railway which is being constructed for the convenience of visitors, and ail will be illumiiiated by electric light. Proceeding along the Grand Trunk road and beyond the canal ar. other plain Is seen to the north, more low lying and more taire than the stretches of the old cantonment. This is the Ba war! plain, and In the urd. le of 1* about two miles from the state camps which will be the center of everything, and some four miles from the Kasbmii gate, are the lmp< rial amph'tliect r and data where the corenation durbar will be held On this occasion, as on thru of the Imperial assemblage. It will Lt the scene of a gorgeous ceremony, in which no element of oriental fionip will be lacking. The viceroy himself, the great chiefs In peace and war subordl nate to him alone, the noble Indian feudatories of the crown, troops aud guns, horses and elephants, splendid regiments and brightly clad. Joyous crowds, all will tie there and will make a picture of display end splendor such as has never been seen even I d India. The amphitheater in which the dur bar will be held is somewhat different in shape from that coQstructc*d in 1877 and bas bien built in a horseshoe form, with the imperial dais at the upper end instead of In the center, as then. Inside the wedges of seats will be a circular road, by which the viceroy will drive up to the dais, and In front and behind the amphitheater will be drawn up the troops which will lend military splendor to the display. The road from the viceroy's camp to the amphitheater will pass through the principal bodies of troops encamped at Delhi; the caval ry camp, however, wHl be farther up the Grand Trunk road, near Badllki- savih, where the battle of June 8. 1857, was fought, anil on the nearer side of it will be the cairp of the ruling chiefs of the Punjab. The camps of the other ruling chiefs of India will lie situated at various points on the western road from the Lahore gate of the city of Rehtak, and on the southwestern road from the AJmlr gate to the Kutab, and great will be the display and furious rnv L.-—r-x ui nutuier ns me ncCTUJF Vis­ its each of thcie entitled ¿o this honor, the most highly prized of all honors by the great feudatories of the Indian em­ pire. Of the ruling chiefs of India, one, and one only, who was distinguished as a ruler tn 1877, has survived to be present in 1902, the Rajal Rajagen Kaja IIfra Singh, O. C. S. 1., of' the Nablia state in the Punjab. The chiefs of Haida ra bad and Barixla were mi­ nors then, and the chief of Sravancore has just attained Lis majority; every other state among the leading ones in India will be represented on this ores, sion r»y some successor oi the cnief present ii 1877. Lord Kitchener will be present at the coronation durbar as commander in chief in India. The ridge has looked down upon many pageants and historic scenes, but for Englishmen the ridge will always be best remembered in connection with the gallant stand made on it during the months of June, July and August, and till Sept. 14, 1857, by the British forces against the immense array of mutinous soldiers who had gathered around Delhi and the last representa­ tive of thé once glorious line of effete mogul emperors. Through Fire Heroic Conduct A Young Texas Girl Glory O'Shane of Marble Falls, Tex, recently distinguished herself by her heroic conduct in rescuing nn aged and helpless woman from death In a forest fire. Fire broke out suddenly in tho great cedar forest which covers the mountains of the Colorado a short dis­ tance from Marble Falls. A great num­ ber of laborers who were engaged in cutting timber were camped in the brake with their families. Some of them were living under temporary ce­ dar shacks and others In tents. When the alarm was given and it be­ came evident that the lire was beyonu control, the people started for the adja­ cent open ground. The frightened people were flying to­ ward tbe fields, with the rapidly ap­ proaching Are close upon them, when some one happened to think of Mrs. Riners, an aged invalid, who was known to tie In one of the cabins. Glo­ ry O'Shane knew that the old woman was alone in her cabin, her son Paul having gone into town with other tiin- bermen early in the day. “We must help her!” the girl shouted to the terrified people who were fleeing from the flames. Several men paused to look back at the burning forest, shook their beaus, then continued running, advising tbv girl to do the saute. But her heroic spirit prevailed. Before any one could interfere the brave girl had turned around and was running toward the sea of tire. Paul Riners. tbe only son ot the old woman in peril, was at Marble Falls. Tbe In­ stant he saw the black cloud of smoke rising above the cedar forest he mount ed his horse, and, being fully awure of the danger to the women and children In the camps, he rode under whip and spur to rescue his mother. Ho led the crowd of citizens who were crowding the road to the fire, but he was a mile or more away when Glory O'Sbane was running toward the cabin where his Invalid mother was staggering about in helpless terror. When Glory came near the cabin, the first glance made her shudder with horror. The bouse appeared to be en­ veloped in flames. A puff of wind raised the cloud of smoke, and she saw the old lady clinging to the 81de of the door, a faithful hound tugging at her dress. The girl could see a white horse plunging about under a tree in the yard. She had only paused an Instant for breath and would doubtless have turned back If she had not seen the' poor, helpless woman staggering in the doorway. It seemed madness to go far-1 ther, for the roof of the cabin was on WHEN MOTHER CANS There fs a way of trfrling that coats a heap of money. Neglect Lumbago and Sciatica and it may put yoa on crutches, with loss of time and money. St. Jacobs Oil will cure surely, promptly. Price, 25c. and 50c. Who would not wear loose nasty nij u O stocks which she designed for other • ; women, but dresses turned in at the neck and edged with soft lace, anil he would tell her that she had the throat of a Illy. Young husbands In novels always snld that. MARIAN GRANT At night John led her the length of the hall with pride stamped on his face Copyright, 1M8. by T. 0. McClure Q and his walk. Men were Introduced to • her and asked her to dance, but she be­ Q*0«0«0«0«0«00»0a0a0*0*0«0 came ]K>ssess»Ml of a strange terror and They both worked In the clouds, she slipped back among the wallflowers. on the top floor of a grt«at factory Mrs. Mulvihill watched her with rising building, he amid the Iron framework anger. Wluit was the ubc of worrying over a real satin dress for a stupid girl •f a huge skyscraper. He did not know of her existence, like Ellen? Ellen was thinking of Trixie but she felt quite sure that she should how late they would reach home recognize hint If ever they met In the how loud the music was when street, whose noisy, busy life swept on heard a hearty voice at her elbow: far below their feet She could always “Sure, I’d be glad to meet the sister singh> him out among the mechanics i of John Mulvihill, an’ it’s odd I never working there In midair. No other kney; you nnfl nne” workman trod the iron beams with I She swung around, and suddenly the such assured poise or squared bls shoul­ ders Just as he did to the day's work. lights in the room leaped Into bewilder­ He did everything with an air of abso­ ing flames, the dancers mingled lute confidence which thrilled and mas­ strangely as In a broken kaleidoscope. In the confusion one fact stood forth tered her. He was too far away for her to scru­ clearly. There was just one man In tinize« his features, but she was quite the world who could stand like that, sure thAt he had honest, clear blue eyes one man who had such a pair of shoul­ and brown curly hair, and his eyes ders, and L<*.was the man who wrought could twinkle merrily. This she knew every day In the skeleton of the sky- by the Jovial way in which he signaled scraper. She heard her brother say it was his fellow workmen. Dennis Gallagher, pr<«sident of the Not that she bad much time to study That was his mannerisms, for Ellen Mulvihill Shamrock association. quite real to her. Of course he would was a designer In the factory of John­ son & Co., makers of ladles’ shirt waists be the president Then John drifted and nwkwear, and a very busy wo­ away, and Gallagher sat beside her. man. I'erhaps it was well for the firm, It was quite awhile before she glanced however, that while she designed up into his face. She was trying to stocks and fancy boas she wove in the realize the beautiful truth -that they thread of her romance, for this strange­ wen« no longer parted in midair, but ly one sided love affair seemed to beau­ Bitting side by side in a noisy, heated tify the whole world for her, and ballroom. She was glad it was noisy; while her heart sang her fingers work­ otherwise he might hear her heart ed deftly, and the firm reaped the beating. When she looked into his eyes she profit. If she had not been so absorbed Just started, and the color came and went at this juncture she might have noticed prettily in her cheeks. Dennis Galla- that she was rising in the favor of her gher smiled. He had seen girls look like employers, but she was quite amazed this before. But Ellen was utterly in­ one day when they voluntarily raised genuous in spite of her twenty-five her salary. Quite naturally they did birthdays. He did not speak, and final­ not offer the explanatkin that they ly she said almost breathlessly; “I thought they would be blue, an’ feared their competitors and gave the increase as a precautionary measure. they are brown—no, hazel.” So of course it came out. She didn’t Ellen accepted it as a part of the rose mean he should know all. and he didn't color which bad suddenly enveloped her entire life scheme. The extra sal­ know all—Just enough to make him lin­ ary had come Just in time, she argued, ger through two dances and set John heart swelling with pride. for Trixie, the Idol of her heart, or, Mulvihill's • •••••• rather, the one person who divided A month later Ellen dropped into the heart space with the hero of her mid­ quiet shadowy church on her way to air dreams, had been wanting to go to dancing school these two months—to a work. There were so many “all halls" wonderful hall where children all tn to say this morning, and the church white frocks and velvet Fauntleroy was quite empty, so with clasped hands and eyes full of happy tears she looked suits tripped to fairy music. Ellen lived with her married brother, Into the tienlgn face of the Woman of and knowing ones would say that she Many Sorrows and murmured: “Blessed Mother, do I deserve so much paid a high price for the privilege. Mulvihill's wife was something of a happiness? Am I good enough for shrew, while Ellen was of more gentle him? He is cornin' every Wednesday birth and breeding. Tbe sister-in-law an' Sunday night to see me, *.n' by loved neighborhood gossip and was not an' by it will be every night. He said above a quarrel with the other dwellers bo . Every day an' every night we will Li the flat house. Ellen enjoyed her be together so long as we live. You books, the hall bedroom, furnished and who have suffered much, teach me to decorated with the dainty simplicity be strong an’ brave for him.” And all that day a man working far which marked her designs at the fac­ above tbe din of the mighty city looked tory, and the championship of Trixie. The girls at the factory were kind to across tbe gap to the great factory her, too, and then there was the quiet, building where he knew she bent over shadowy church midway 'twlxt home her work. His heart sang within him. and work where she stopped each day and his blows fell full and clear, for a to say innumerable “all hails” to the wonderful light and happiness had Blessed Mother, who must have inter- come Into his life. Ceded to secure for her so much happi­ Music Hath Charm.. ness. Ignaz I’leyel, a musician held in high It was about a month after the mem­ repute in bls day and a Viennese by orable advance tn salary that an omi­ birth, was appointed kapellmeister at nous silence fell upon the Mulvihill Strassburg In 1783. During the trou­ supper table. Ellen knew instinctively bled times of the French revolution he that some domestic problem was com­ lost his post, and his life was In grave ing up for discussion. THE OLD MUSTANG FLED FBOM THE FIKE I At last John Mulvihill pushed back danger. He escaped death and satisfied his ac­ fire, and"the trees were aflame on both his empty teacup and lighted his pipe. cusers that he was not an aristocrat by sides of the trail. The girl saw that “Ellen, the Shamrock association are she would have to pass under limbs after glvin’ their annual ball a week writing music to some most revolution­ . already aflame and falling. The swift­ this Tuesday night, an’ the wife an’ ary stanzas, which were placed before ly moving sea of flame was enveloping rnesilf think you'd best be goln' along ’— him for the purpose, while beside stood the spot where she stood. It was more Ellen raised startled eyes to her two gendarmes with flxed bayonets. Another instance, proving that “mu­ than probable that her retreat had al­ brother’s face. sic hath charms to soothe the savage ready been cut off. “I’nj no dancer, as you well know, The frightened horse greeted her John, an’ crowds like that give me the breast,” Is that of Alessandro Stradel- with a friendly neigh, and this sug­ headache. I'd rather stop at home with la, an Italian composer of the seven­ teenth century, who carried off a lady gested an Idea which the quick witted Trixie.” named Ortensia from the home of a no­ and heroic girl was 6wlft to employ. John Mulvihill's face darkened. Knowing old Rebo well, she ran to bis “You're always stoppin’ at home with bleman of high rank. Two assassins side and quickly untied the rope that the child, an' it is time you went out who were hired to kill him followed held hint fast to a tree. She was over­ an' met the boys an’ had steady com­ them to Rome. Entering a church joyed to And that the sensible animal pany. You’re the first Mulvihill girl where an oratorio of his was being per­ realized the danger and that he wel- i that ever passed twenty-five without formed. they were so moved by the mu­ corned her as a deliverer. Though tbe ' havin’ her offers to marry. Y’ou’ll nev­ sic that they warned Stradella of his scene was enough to have terrorized | er marry If you stay cooped up here danger and allowed him to escape. most any beast, the noble horse rose to . night after nigh( an’ not even visitin’ Modern Athletic Training. the emergency. our friends of a Sunday afternoon.” The trainer of a generation ago The roof of the cabin from a burning | Going to the Shamrock association’s rould simply hare stood aghast at the mass fell to the floor tbe moment Glory ball in search of a husband! Ellen's sweets and other savory food stuffs O'Shane reached the side of tbe help- i face flamed, then turned pale. But, eaten by your modern rowing or run­ less woman. She bad reached an open then, they did not know about him. ning collegians. Yet it may be doubted space In front of her door. Glory, as The very thought seemed like treason If the physique either of the individual stout a« a boy of her age and equally I to the strong, erect figure which never athlete or of the nation ever stood at as active, lifted the prostrate body In passed out of his mental vision. a higher general standard of "fitness.” her arms and threw it across the back “It’s well enough off I am, John, One pertinent fact with regard to train­ of the horse. without a husband, an’ I see no reason ing Is that both past tradition and pres­ Glory cast a momentary glance at why you an’ Mary should want to mar- ent practice condemn with emphatic the roaring sea of Are that was now ry me off. I’m thinkin’ Trixie would voice the use of tobacco and alcohol sweeping over the forest on both sides miss her old auntie sorely.” And she and other lndulgewvs to which healthy of the trail that led to the open field. drew the child close as If to ward off man—wonderful animal that he Is—is She Btood In a little opening surround 1 with her Innocent childhood some im­ unhappily prone. So long as the main ed by smoke and flames. There was pending disaster. but one way to escape. Springing | Mrs. Mulvihill blazed forth on the in­ principles of temperance, plain living and abundant exercise are carefully ap­ Upon old Rebo's bare back, she threw stant. plied to the man In training so long one artn about the helpless woman, i “Yes, an’ that’s what the neighbors will the results be likely to succeed. and as she bent over on tbe noble old Ire all sayin’—that I use you as nurse Every human being living under rea­ mustang's neck she slapped his Bhoul- firl for the child an’ dance an’ go to sonably good conditions of environ­ der and closed her eyes. Rebo needed the theater with John an’ my child ment ought to be, like the healthy no urging. He knew the route, and would suffer If it wasn't for you. They i schoolboy, always In a state of ‘•train talk like you was a sort of Cinderella, ing.”—Medical Press. Glory believes that he well unders an’ it’s tired I am of their long tongues. every word she uttered. A half a en Jumps brought Rebo Into danger. Did I ever ask you to spend money on Doth Kind and Thouirhtfnl. There was fire on either side and fl Trixie when you needed it for your “There is something awfully gener cloud red and glowing with sparks own clothes? Did I ever ask you to ous about these coal companies.” above. Faul Ritters met the moving Stay home with the child? It’s an un­ “For example?” wall of fire about the time old Rebo grateful lot. that’s what you are, to “Here is one that announces that by started on his famous race. There he bring me in disrepute with me neigh­ paylug for your coal in advance yor halted in hop- less agony. “I have lost bors Just because you’re that Vtpplsh can have It delivered later on."—Cleve­ both mother and sweetheart," he our friends ain’t good enough for you!” land riain Dealer. And that was how Ellen happened groaned. At that moment a white horse with mane and tall aflame bear­ to go to the ball of the Shamrock asso­ Rejected. ing two women on tjis bare back dash- ciation. She gave her sister-in-law She—I am afraid I cannot marry you, eu out or tne seething Cyclone or nre carte blanche in the matter of a new dearest flying toward tbe open field. Glory dress, and that personage, restored to His Lordship—Oh, why not? was received with shouts of joy. No “Papa would never forgive me for good humor, reveled tn the purchase one had dared to hope that she would being so extravagant.”—Life. and making of a real white satin frock. escape. But the day of the ball Ellen could THE LONE STAR STATEJ hardly keep her mind on her wqrk. Her Down in Texas at Yoakum, Is a big CURED PARALYSIS. glance would wander toward the sky­ dry goods firm, of which Mr. J. M. scraper where he was working. She W. 8. Bally, P. O. True, Texas, Haller I n the head. Mr. Haller on one writes: “My wife had been suffering Mt that he was whistling, bls move­ of his trips East to buy goods said t.o ments were so brisk. And John was a ¡ lend who was with him in the five years with paralysis In her arm, trying, with the best intentions, to when I was persuaded to use Ballard’s marry her off solely to maintain the Ealace car. “Here, take one of these little Early Risers upon retiring and Snow Liniment, which cured her all honor of the Mulvihill family. She you will be up early in the morning, right. I have also used it for sores, had thought of a day when she should feeling good.” For the “dark brown” frostbites and skin eruptions. It does marry, when the skyscraper was done taste, beadache and that logy feeling, the work.” 25c, 50c, 81.00. Dr. J. isirbar s ¿md he become a couLr«ct~r. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are tbe best pills to use. Sold by all druggists . Ilnkle, Central Point, Ore. MIDAIR ROMANCE ? s' <1 to th« village, Net’., and hp . w ur rnothor, dear; arms were stained with Jam and J itce, her sleeves r«>lle penac oi » trip Yoa can eat whatever and whenever yoa to the Roseburg land office Do You Enjoy What You Eat ? tike If you take Kodol. By the use of thia a Number of FtneFarms aad other remedy disordered digestion and diseased ‘ have Desirable Propertv la my hoods fer stomachs are so completely restored to Sale. health, and the full performance of their Prom nt reply made to ail letters. <’hari functions naturally, that such foods as would >s «W In accordance with 'he times tie one into a double-bow-knot are eaten Refers, by permission. Hon. H. K. Hanna without even a ’’rumbling*' and with a posi­ edge of the 1st Judcial District, and to any tuainess house In Jacksonville. tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what la SILAt- J. DAY more — these foods are assimilated and transformed Into the kind of nutriment that Is appropriated by the blood and tissues. Kodol Is the only digestant or combination of digestants that will digest all classes of food. In addition to this fact. It contains, tn assimilative form, the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all disorders arising therefrom. THE PIONEER LIMITED Kodol Digests What Yoa Eat Makes the Stomach Sweet. BotUM only. Rerilir dm. $ 1.00. holding 2K tlmM th« trial »Ue, which mUs for 50 cents. Or »ear 18 by E. O. DeWITT * OO., Ohlcago, ML “BEST by TEST.” A transcontinental trav­ eler says: “I’ve tried them all, and I prefer the North Western Limited It’s the best to be found from coast to coast.” It’s “The Train for Com­ fort” every night in the year between Minneapolis, St Paul and Chicago. Hefore starting on a trip—no mattei whore -write Tor interesting informa­ tion about comfortable traveling. 11. L. SISLER, General Agent, 248 Alt ei ist., rutilai d, Oie. T. W. TEASDALE, C-. ,t>. rtf». A|f. St. Etui, Minn The excellence of equip­ ment is in a class by itself From Minneapolis and St I’aul to Chicago it is The Train of Trains. It runs via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. the route selected bj' the United States Govern­ ment for the The Fast Mail. Three other daily trains to Chicago via this route. H. S. ROWE, General Agent, lu Third St.. Portland.