uW aimes VOL. XXXIII. Pains in the Back Are symptoms of a weak, torpid or stagnant condition of the kidneys or liver, and are a warning it is extremely hazardous to Degliet, so important is a healthy action of these organs. They are commonly attended by loss of energy, lack of courage, and some­ times by gloomy foreboding and de­ spondency. “I had pains in my back, could not sleep and when I got up in the morning felt worse Mian tbe night before. I begun tak­ ing Hood’s Sarsaparilla and now I can sle»T> and get up feeling reste«i and aide to do my wop. I attribute my eure entirely to Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” M rs . J. N. P erry , care H. 8. Copeland, Pike Road, Ala. Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Pills Core kidney and liver troubles, relieve the back, and build up the whole system. Can This Be Trae? JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1903. The Holiday Excursion PERSONAL MENTION. BRIEF MENTION LOCAL NOTES. C. E. Helmer of New York is doing Now is the time to make good resolu­ A Happy Now Year to all. Several hundred people living in business here. The antl-gambling bill, pass« d I y i tions and stick to them. Rev. S. Snyder was in Medford one Southern Oregon and Northern Cali­ the House by a vote of 32 to 21, The public schools reopen next Mon­ Sheriff Rader spent several hours in day this week. fornia left for San Francisco Saturday Medford Tuesday. making gambling a fel my, was intro. Miss Pauline Routt r was in Medford due d by Hutchinson of Multnomah. day, after a vacation of two weeks. with the excursion managed by T. K. Mrs. Orrin Whitman (nee Rothermol) Wednesday. Prof. E. E. Washburn and his Bolton and Emil Peil. Most of them It was simply an exact copy of the is visiting in Medford. family are passing the holidays at Ash A. Linn, tho well-known minor, is Washington law which has b en sus­ got aboard at Ashland and Montague. land. P. B. O'Neil made a quick trip to with us again. Tickets are good for fifteen days, tained by tho Supreme Court of that Ira P Hanson of Pelican Bay has re­ although holders can return whenever Jacksonville Tuesday. Miss Bortha Lewis was In Medford state, and contained an additional turned from a visit to his old home in they wish. Gus Newbury, the attorney, mad«i one day this week. provision requiring the District At­ Ohio. The following Is a list of the excur­ Ashland a visit Monday. Studies will bo resumed at St. Mary’s torney to ferret out o ..aiders and Prof. S. P. Robbins and his wife have sionists who reside in Jackson county, bring them to trial. y* E. DeRoboam, hospital contractor, Academy Monday, Jan. 4th. gone to Chico, Calif., to spend tho as fa.' as we are able to obtain them: The bill provided that every person did business in Medford Tuesday. Regular services will be hold at the holidays. Medford—Dr. C. R. Ray, wife and who shall conduct, or conduct in any Herman King and Miss Mary Mar- M E. church by Rev. S. Snyder. daughter, A. M. Cannon, B. P. Theiss, ' greiter are visiting iu Roseburg. The County Commissioners’ court way, any game of faro, monte, roul­ Francis Voyle was among those who ette, rouge et noir, etc., shall be will be in session next week, beginning W. 1. Vawter and family, Mrs. A. II. B. P. Theiss returned from San wore in Medford during the week. Lawrentz, Dr. E. B. Plckel, James guilty of felony, and upon c mviction Wednesday. Francisco W«ydnesday evening. John Buffer and Goo. N. Lewis spent shall be imprisoned in the penilen. Pelton, Mrs. E. Brown, R. H. v/liite- Ralph Darling, A. L. Vincent and W. head and daughter, J. G. Hedges, ,Geo. W. Frey of Lake Creek and one a cw hours at Medford this week. tiary not less than one year nor more R. Walker were recent visitors at the Miss Helen Wait, J. C. Hal), J. G. o’ his sons spent Monday night in Med- Mrs. T. M. Prim is visiting with her than three years. Among the forbid­ county-seat. Gore, Messrs Fridegar, Mr. and Mrs ford. den gambling games are: Dice, slot sister, Mrs. L. Pongra of Ashland. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Ed. District Attorney Reamee returned J. Brenneman, Chas. Obenchain. Miss Emma and Harry Helmsattond- machines, ciiecks, credit*, brag, bluff, Layton of Applegate is seriously ill Jacksonville—Oris Crawford and Tuesday from a short visit to Hills­ od the railway trainmen’s ball at Ash­ ’au-taii, draw-poker, poker, whether l wtth catarrh family, Judge Neil, W. C. Deneff, Roy boro. played or operated in a house, room, 1 land. Hen fruit is becoming more plenti­ Ulrich, T. P. Kahler, S. E. Dunning- Miss Grace Whitehead has gone to shop or othtr building whatsoever, W. H. Miller and J. IT. Miller made ful and the price has dropped to 30 ton, T. J. Kenney, Mrs. G. E. Neuber Berkeley, Calif., to attend Head's Col­ boat booth, garden or other places. Medford a business trip a few days cen ts a dozen. and daughter, Mrs. E. C. Faucett, lege. After passing tbe House tiie meas­ since. Misses Josie Donegan, Kate Plymale, Wm. McClanahan, a prominent citi­ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitman return­ ure was kidnapped in the Senate. A. C. M. Ruch and A. Throckmorton Marie Nickell, Win. Jenings. ed Wednesday morning from a trip to C. Jennings, chief clerk of tbe House, zen of Flounce Rock precinct, was one of Union precinct were in our midst Ashland—Mi-ses Edith .Crowson, Portland. carried the bill to the bar of the of our visitors Monday. Fannie Carter, Mabel Riggs, Mary J. J. Seale, who is racing in Star lately. J. J. McNair and Miss Lulu Briggs, Senate after It had been enrolled in Nichol, Nora McDade, Effie Johnson, Gulch district, is spending tho holidays Dr. Geo. Kahler has been joinod by the H< use. He delivered it to a page prominent in Ashland society, will be Lydia McCall, Gertrude Engle, Stella at home. his wife, who arrived from Tacoma at the bar. Then it disappeared a* married New Year’s Eve. Case, Effie Hauks, Mr. and Mrs. J. this week. completely as if It had sunk iutu the Gov. Chamberlain has appointed Dr. prints of township maps, show True, Mrs Hazzard, Mr. and Mrs. ing Blue Herman King and Miss Mary Mar- depths of the earth. Officers of the E V. Hoover of Roseburg physician at ail vacant land, fifty cents each. Frank Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Van For reliable information concerning greiter have returned from a visit at Senate can’t remember to have seen the Oregon Soldiers Home. McDade, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Loomis, government land write to Frank E. Roseburg. tbe document. Mrs. Clara Collins Vail, a former resi­ Mrs.Safely, Mrs. Chisholm, Mrs.E. V. Alley, Abstracter, Roseburg, Oregon. Who in the Senate saw the bill? dent of Medford, was a passenger on Rov. F. G. Strange will preach in the Mills, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shepherd, L. C. Narregan, the attorney, was in Presbyterian church Sunday morning If It reached the sight of any office1 the southbound train Monday. Mrs. J. R. Casey, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jacksonville Monday, on professional that person should have been Presi­ and evening. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cook, Mr. business Fred Puhi, a native of Germany, has dent Brownell, since the Constitution Geo. H. Durham of Grants Pass, the and Mrs. T. W. Stevens, Marlon Van- on Dec. 19th declared his intention to Irwin Eckelson arrived from Tacoma requires all bills transmitted from natta, M. Silsby, Al Decker, Mort Monday. He is on his way to San attorney, is in Jacksonville, on pro­ one house to the other to be receiv«d become a citizen of the United States. fessional business. Lawton, Frank Hendrick-«, Roy Loom­ Francisco. Elmer Bagley of Woodville precinct by the presiding officer. He says Mrs. G. Newbury was in Medford one that lie is as much at a loss as any­ bad his leg broken recently. Dr.Moore is, E. H. Ogden, J. L. Gentry, Fred Jesse Applegate left for Corvallis Engle, W. M. Richards, F. J. Hanks, Wednesday evening, and will become a day this week, making purchases for body to know whither the bill had of Grants Pass reduced the fracture. her new residence. F. McAllister, G. S. Butler, Mark student of the O. A. C. flown. Quite a number of the young folk-of True, W. C. Gibson, Ed Murphy, L. Rev. J. D. Murphy will hold services According to the Oregonian a dele­ Jacksonville attended the minstrel W. M. Cox of Phtenix precinct re­ A. Neil, M. Mayer, Denver Kinciid, at the Catholic church in Jacksonville gation of gamblers,well supplied with show given in Medford Christmas night. cently made a trip to Josephine county, Al Pankey, E. Peil, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sunday, at the usual time. boodle, were at Salem for the purpose The adjourned term of circuit court where he formerly lived. W. Finley. of lobbying against the bill. They will convene next Monday, Jan. 4th. John Dodson, who is an inmate of j Mrs. Jessie Langell Farnsworth, who the Oregon Soldiers’ Home, while doubtless know who stole it, and they The petit jury still has business before i has been in Portland during the past spending ClMttmas at Glendale, fell off paid well for tbe kidnapping. it month, return«*! Saturday night. a sidewalk and dislocated his shoulder. Gold Ray is now one of tbe towns of Senator Hunt of Multnomah and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carpenter, who Southern Oregon, having been incor­ Representative Fest of Malheur made That there will be no *300 tax ex­ reside two miles east of Jacksonville, porated at the late session of the legis­ our city a short visit Thursday. did business in Medford one day last emption on the assessment of 19D4 lature. John S. Orth, county clerk, and his week. John Harris, who has been ailing «erm« apparent from the laws as they A mask ball will be given at Eagle wife, who have been making Eugene a with consumption during the past were left by the special session. As Point, New Year’s,night, by Jerry- R. G. Hart, an excellent upholsterer, the law n«>w stands there is no ex­ short visit, returned Sunday night. has located in Medford. Orders for year, died Thursday evening. He was Heckathorn. A splendid timéis antici­ emption authorized. The next as- Miss Ida Howard, a student of St. him can he left with the Medford Fur­ nearly 30 years of age and highly re­ pated. spected. A widow (nee Jennie Booth) se-sment will be made on March 1, Mary’s Academy, is visiting Dr. J. S. niture Co. When you want a pleasant purgative and numerous friends mourn his un­ try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver 1904. The act pass« d by the Lew isla- Herndon of Ashland and his family. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Barnes are in timely death. Tablets. They are easy to take and ture reviving the *300 exemption will Mrs. Arnold, accompanied by her this section, looking for a place to produce no nausea, griping or other not take effect until 90 days from niece. Miss Hockenyos, were in Jack­ spend a few months, They are reai- disagreeable effect. For sale by all Retail Market Report December 23, or on March 23. There­ sonville tbe forepart of the week. druggists. dents of Montana. fore it would seem that no extuip- The following quotations we re Tbos. Young and S. H. Harnish, W. E Olmstead, the genial superin­ made up this afternoon, and is an John Carney of Central Point is at tioo can be allowed on tiiat assess­ who live near Eagle Point, were with tendent of the Sturgis mines, located Impartial report of the prices cha -ged work on an excellent quartz mine, lo­ ment. us the forepart of the week. on Forest Creek, has returned from a by Jacksonville dealers: cated in Blackwell district, be is inter­ In examining the acts passed by the Wheat—*1 per bushel. business trip to California. Mrs N. Langell, who has been the Flour—*2.-30 (a *2 40 per 100 pounds. ested in. Legislature, at its recent session, an guest of her daughter, Mrs W. C. Oats- 55c per bushel. D. D. Good and A. Graham of Ash ­ Walter S. Morgan, who lives in Oregonian representative noticed that Barley—Rolled. »1.50 per cental. the exemption law carried no emer­ Hale of Grants Pass, returned Satur- land have been at the Palmer-Chase Northern California, has been in Sam's Hay — Per ton. baled. *16. mine, heated a few miles west of Jack­ Va'ley, visiting bis mother, who is in gency clause. This wa* olbd to the day. Potatoes- Jc. per ib B. B. Beekman, a well-known law- sonville, doing assessment work. Onions—ljc per pound. attention of At torrey-Geueral Craw­ poor health. Butter—50c per roll. yer of Portland, who bas been visiting Wtn. Broad anu his son, who are em­ ford. This is the season of tbe year when Beans— 3(tf5c per pound. “It looks as tnough there will his parents, left for home Tuesday even­ ployed at the Greenback mine, situated tbe careful merchant takes an invento­ Lard—15c per Douud. in Josephine countyi 6pent Christma* be no exemption in 1904,” was Mr. ing. Eggs—35 cts perdozen. ry to see how he has fared during the Sugar—D. G. *5.856i*6 35 per cwt. Crawford’s comment. “Perhaps some Representatives Olwell and Cantrall at homo. They returned Thursday. past 12 months. Poultry—»3.50 to *4.00 per dozeD. way can be found to construe the law returned home immediately after the Henry Pech, one of our thriftiest The Christmas-tree entertainment Hams— 16c(a 17c per pound. so that the exemption can be a loaed, close of the special session of the Legis­ farmers, was in town a few days ago. Shoulders—12jc per pound. which took place at Eagle Point was a but it doesn’t look very favorable at lature. Side Bacon—15(a20c per pound. He recently purchased a tract of fine success in every way. The big crowd the fit st glance.” Guaranteed Forest Reserve Scrip for land, situated on BearCreek, from I. J. present enjoyed itself very much. T> e assessment of 1903 was made as sale, in large or small quantities, by Estes. Head About Butt ora From Severe There will be a dancing party in values existed March 1 of tiiat year. Frank E. Alley, upstairs over Land Judge Benson returned to Klamath Bilious Attack. Orth's Hall, Jacksonville, New Year’s Office, Roseburg. Oregon. Will place The law repealing tie exemption did same for non-resident purchasers. Falls one day last weex. He has been “Ihsdasevere bilious attack and Eve. Music will be furnished by Paine's n it take effect until May 21. As the holding court for Judge Hamilton of felt like my in ad was about to bur>t orchestra and Mrs. C. Ulrich will set Donaldson-Selby Bros, of Sterling- assessors listed property that was tax­ ville were recent Medford visitors. The the Second District, whose wife’s health when I got hold of a free sample of the supper. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver able on March 1, they allowed exemp­ elder is in tbe employ of the Iowa Lum­ is precarious. B. F. McCrary, who formerly resided Tablets. 1 took a dose of them after tions on the 1903 roll. If the same Enterprise school district has levied supper and the n«xt day felt like at on the Siskiyou mountain, is visiting ber Co. rule be followed in 1934, no exemp­ Judge Prim, Frank Olwell, Miss M. an eight-mill tax, which will enable new man and have been feeling happy his brother, A. F. McCrary, who lives tions cau be allowed. In other words, it to have a 9-months term. Prof. Gus ever since,” says Mr. J. W. Smith of tbe exemption must fall either tn 1903 Krause and M. M. Taylor attended the Samuels, who is teaching the school, Julifi.Texas. For biliousness, atom near Jacksonville. He is accompanied ach tioubles and constipation these by his son, also the latter’s wife. or 1904, and apparently It muse fall in ball given by the railroad boys Christ­ gives general satisfaction. labh ts have no tqual. Price 25 tents. mas night. There was an interesting shooting 1904. For sale by all druggists. Fred Eicke and D. B. Thompson are match for turkeys, beef and cash on Jos. W. Olwell, who is now in New Tuesday, at Talent, under the manage­ York, studying the apple market, will in charge of the .Criterion Saloon dur­ DOG LOST. ment of John D. Beeson. Good marks leave for London in a few days, on ing the absence of the proprietors, Messrs. Dunnington and Deneff, who a similar mission. The undersigned will pay a suitable manship was displayed by several. are spending the holidays in San Fran- reward for the return of his dog, who Robt. L. Vining spent Tuesday night Tbe Jackson County Ministerial As­ It is said that Klamath Falls can cisco. recently went astray. He is yellow in sociation will hold its bi-monthly ses­ have a railroad if it will off :r reason­ in Medford. He recently returned The California company which pur­ color, ha6 long hair and a bobbed tail, sion in Medford, at the Presbyterian from Dawson, N. W. T., where he is and answers the name of “Jac’r.” able inducements therefor. chased the Sturgis placer mines are F red STURGia, Forest Creek. church, next Monday and Tuesday. Hervey Lindley, former manager of engaged in business. fitting them up with the latest appli­ P. O. Address Jacksonville. An excellent program has been arrang­ Mrs. Chas. Hines, of Forest Grove, the Klamath Lake Railroad Company, ances. An engine and boiler, which ed. who has been visiting relatives residing has purchased the interest of George will be used for hoisting, was received How is That for High? Mason, and at a late meeting of the in the southern part of the county, left One of the handsomest as well as this week. most successful social events of the sea­ directors held in San Francisco the for her home Monday evening. In one of the grocery stores of Med­ son was the bail H. H. (Hein) Blecher, who died sud­ given at Ashland latter resigned his ¡osition and the A. H. Walker, of the Oregon Granite ford are on display a few boxes of choice denly in Jacksonville n>t long since, Christmas night, former was e ec ed tn bis stead as Co., was north of the river recently, The Tidings says from apoplexy, in the 56 h year of his apples, of the Spitzenburg variety, that 125 couples participated in the president of tire road. setting up some neat work in the Sam’s age, is well remembered by the older which are good to look upon. Although grand march. The Klamath Lake Railroad has Valley cemetery for Mr. Askew. residents of Klamath county, in which this is the land of the apple thus) are been built from Laird, Cal., to Po- Mrs. Grubb, accompanied by her Mr. Elwood, an expert jeweler, who section he operated extensively in held at *3 a box, but find a ready sale at kegama, Ore., a distance of ab rut 30 that apparently exorbitant figure. Dr. children, arrived from Kern county has been located at Grants Pass, will stock and land. miles, at an expense of *000,000, and is I J. M. Keene Ikteiy sent one of them to Calif., recently, to join her husband, soon become a resident of Medford, With its next issue T he D emo ­ his brother, Dr. Clarence Keene, who who has purchased one of R. Benedict’s one of the finest scenic railroads in . ™ r» un j , m cratic T imes begins the 34th year of is attending lectures in Boston. The farms on Applegate. All were met at tbe West, winding its way, as it does, t Stand. its existence. There are very few along the Klamath River, until it Medforl by Gus 8chutz, the lady's W. F. Arant, the efficient superin­ older papers—less than five—and but expressage was *3.65, or 65 cents more begins the ascent of the mountains, brother. than the cost of the apples. where by the use of switchbacks it tendent of Crater Lake Park, is pass­ one of them has been as long or longer gradually m »unts to the summit. ing the holidays in Southern Oregon. —31 years—under the same manage­ Here leaving the picturesque scene t f He was In Medford several days during ment than it has, in Oregon—the oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Oregonian. This is certainly a splendid the valleys and river it suddenly the past week. plunges into the dense forests of E. D Elwood and Dr. J. E. Shearer, record. pine, through which it travels until It accompanied by their families,leave for Mr. Adams, father of Frank and reaches its present terminus at P«> Chico, Calif, during the week, to lo­ Chas. Adams, died in Jacksonville Dec. kegama. cate. They have many friends in Med­ 30th, aged about 72 years. He had The extension of the road to Klam­ ford, all of whom regret their depart­ been ailing v ith gangrene for some If your r ead aches—you’re bilious—a sure sign that < your liver Is out of order, more than likely the result J ath Lake, a distance of 22 miles, is ure but wish them prosperity where time past. Two of his toes wero am­ of a weak stomach or constipated bowels. All such < now belug considered by Mr. Lindley, ever they may go. putated, but the ravages of the disease suffei^rs should know that for 50 years and he is not aver. e to its going to A. W. Sturgis, the veteran miner, could not be stayed. Mr. A. was an Klamath Falls. who recently sold his placer mines, has upright man and a good citizen, whose ?• removed to Medford with his family. death will be regretted by all who »1 He will not desert Forest Creek entire­ knew him. 00 ly for the present. Chris. Ulrich on Thursday received I« has been curing these ailments without fail. We j then fore urge a trial the next time your head aches. , a telegram from Chicago, informing H Blue-print maps of any township is Some of the news papers are print­ Tue Bitters also cures ' Roseburg, Oregon, Land District, show I liiin that his sister Emma was one of CD m ing a story that Lewis and Clark ing all the vacant lands, for 50 cents ' the hundreds cf victims of the disas­ Dizziness, Be’chinp, Heart burn, Dyspepsia, ' must have pasted through R ie aid st« ne a ere placed zen ol Rio Vista, Cal., ha* b en paying there iu 1855 by A. W. Sturgis, W. Medford and Jacksonville a visit. He has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half MHlSoil Beeson and S. M. Rob 1-on, wiio as-' thinks Southern Oregon ail right, but bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. eroded Wagner Butte while buuting 1 is so well satisfied with his own section _____________ Knctosed with «very bottls to a Tsn Cent» package of Grove ’ s Black Root» Uver Pilto. ____________ and on au expedition of exploration. he ^n^tmakea changed — 1 _ — — J i Arthur Brisliane, in one of his d illy editorials in the New York Evening Journal, quotes, as he says, from the circular of a Philadelphia whisky firm, as follows: Possibly 92 or 93 per cent of tlie whisky sold in Pniladelpliia is what is technically termed by the trade “blende! whisky.” The manner of its preparation is about as fo lo vs: For a barrel ol 48 gallons possibly 38 to 40 gallons of cologne spirits are put Into a .tank—cologne spirits being the either of the whisky, which passes from the still in the process of distill­ ing, as benzine precedes Illuminating oil in the dis'illing of petroleum. It is a neutral spirit, having no taste; but its effect up >n the human system is very pernicious, and, when taken to excess, it dies to the brain aod pro­ duces very unpleasant results. To thia 30 or 4 gallons of cologne spirits possibly foui gallons of straight whisky are added, together with two gallons of prune juice, two gallons of peach juice and a little vanilla, pine­ apple or some other flavor to give it a distinctive and pronounced character. Thia compound, or blend, is allowed to stand for some months, until the component parts are all blended. The compound is then bottled or barreled, widely adverti-ed and sold under fancy and alluring names, at ] rices ranging from 75 cents to *2 a bottle. Be Qaick. Not * moment should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough ap­ pears, will prevent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all Druggists. Commutation Act in Danger e * and ✓ Chairman Lacey of the public lands committee of the lower house of Coo- greas has presented an elaborate argu­ ment against repealing the commuta­ tion clau-e of the homestead act. By statistics be showed there bad been no alarming increase in the number of commuted homesteads tn late yeais, and there was notbing whatever in the records to show that auy c< nsider- able number of frauds h id been perpe­ trated under that law. On the con­ trary, he maintained that the depart­ ment has it in its [owerto administer this law so as to prevent frauds. La by­ admitted it might tie advisable to 1 - crease the p’ice per acre to be paid on commuted entries. He thought *5 an acre would b? the maximum price justified, however. Representative Mondell of Wyom­ ing made a similar argument, and Senator Fulton, who happened to be present, expressed the off-hand view that no reason existed why the com­ mutation law should be repealed. He was convinced that no particular fraud was perpetrated ULder its pro­ visions. Old Law Still Stands. State Superintendent Ackerman says that the law directing county school superintendents of the state to make semi-annual app irtionments 11 each school district was not abolhbei at the last regular session of the Leg­ islature, as has been inferred. The only respect in which the old law was modified was that the appor­ tionments in October and April of each year were made obligatory on the part of the county superintendent, any other distribution of funds being discretionary with the superinten­ dent. At the special session of the Legis­ lature the provision for a per capita tax of *6 for each pupil was eliminat­ ed and the old law authorizing a fi­ rn ill tax was re-en acted, so that the school law In this respect is the same as it was formerly. As it now stan s, each distilet will receive regular ap­ portionments of *50 and its propor­ tion of the tax realized from the 5- mill levy. The hardships imposed on sparsely settled districts is thus re­ moved. bestJiva.de ó Co’s Copper- rive t e d Overalls NO. 62 ZAW» nnnMi>»r.rl >> * Another Legislative Blunder Railroad Extension Probable You Can’t Work Exploded Nonsense Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic A considerable portion of the valley ' has been enveloped in fog during tbe past several days. This is something unusual as well as disagreeable. The sun shines brightly every day in higher altitudes, however. Two more carloads of machinery for the Lucky Boy Mining Company’s great electric power plant at Blue River have arrived. This shipment consisted of the huge water wheel and appurtenances. Will. Young, an energetic young miner, and Miss Inez Luttrell, one of Ncott Valley’s fairest daughters, were united in matrimony by Judge Chas. Prim Christmas Eve. They are re­ ceiving the congratulations and best wishes of all. A mask ball was held at the residence of Josh. Neathammer, one of the prominent citizens of Pleasant Creek precinct, Christmas night. It was well attended end everything passed off nicely. Excellent music and supper were provided. Representative Wiliiamion has intro- duettd a bill providing that Indian War Veterans shall be entitled to admission to the various Federal Soldiers’ Homes in the United States on the same terms and under such conditions as veterans of the Civil War. Adjutant-General Finzer has checked up the Indian War veterans' claims against the State and found *142,859.- 36 in claims, of which amount has been paid an even *100,000, the full amount of tue appropriation. He has on hand suspended claims aggregating *850. Jas Crooemiller and Harry Luy, who have been confined to their homes with what is called Manila!.ch, are able to be about again. A few other residents of Jacksonville are like­ wise afflicted. Dr. Gale pronounces the disease a species of varioloid, but not at all dangerous. Two of the principal social events of the holiday season were the balls given at Phoenix and Central Point Christ­ mas night under the auspices of the lo­ cal lodges of the A. O. U. W. The music and supper furnished in each in­ stance were first-class. Extensive prep­ aration bad been made, and tbe many in attendance enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Governor Chamberlain has appoint­ ed W. W. Cotton of Portland, to suc­ ceed Benton Killin, whose term has expired, as a member of the board of regents of the Oregon Agricultural College, John D. Olwell of Jackson county ano J. M. Church of Union county were reappointed to uucc.ed themselves on the same board. Chas. C. Pursei of Applegate, who had the misfortune to lose his sawmill by fire last fall, is busily engaged in getting it together again. Most of tbe machinery was not Injured, and he is having the necessary repairs made at the Medford Iron Works, He will be ready for operations in the early spring. A serious shooting affray was car- rowly averted at Phoenix Christmas night, probably because the pistol of one of the combatants did not explode. It grew out of the exchange of hats by a number of young men, and was a silly affair in the extreme. Anybody who carries a gua should never be al­ lowed to attend a social event of any kind, but ought to be promptly ar­ rested and punished instead. W. R Stansell met with an accident last Monday that might have proved fatal. He was engaged in repairing Reames’ gas plant in Jacksonville, which is operated with gasoline, and while using a hot soldering iron an ex­ plosion ensued.Mr.S. was considerably burned about the face and neck, all tbe hair on his head disappearing. Dr. Gale is of the opinion that there will be no serious results. Senators Mitchell and Fulton have recommended to the War Department the appointment of Colonel James Jackson, retired, of Portland, as in­ structor of the Oregon National Guard. The present quota of instructors is now filled; but if some of those heretofore appointed shall resign, assurance is given that Colonel Jackson will be ap­ pointed. He was formerly stationed at Fort Klamath, and served with dis­ tinction in the Modoc war. Mrs. Amalia A Brooks, one of the oldest residents of Jacksonville, died on Chrlstmas.after a short illness. She came to this section over 40 years ago with her first husband, Mr. Hauck, who was a jeweler and watchmaker. In 1882 she became the wife of the late E. C. Brooks, whom she survived several years. Mrs. H. was highly esteemed by all who knew her. The funeral took place Sunday, Rev. Sanford Snyder officiating. GOOD WORK DONE BY THE LEGISLATURE Thirty-four Bills Passed, of Which None W ere Vetoed By the Governor When asked what be thought of tbe work of the recent session of tbe Legislature, Governor Chamberlain expressed himself as highly pleased. He said that it was as »diort as ha had expected it to be, and while tome acts had been passed which were not urgently needed, the passage of these had evidently not prolonged the sea* sion. Governor Chamberlain has ex­ amined and approved all of these acts either by signing or filing them. The Legislature passed 1° Senate bill, and 16 House bills Among these were charters for the following towns: Marshfield, North Bend, Gold Ray, Dalles City, Athena, Lostine, Leba­ non, Beaver Hill, M c MI do ville,Cottage Grove, Seaside. Tbe general laws passed are aa fol lows: 8. B. 8, Wade—Amending section 2927 of code, relating to appointment of deputy District Attorneys in Eighth District, S. B. 9, Smith, of Yambill—Fixing salary of Judge of Lincoln Codcty. , S. B. 17,Rar d—Amending law ■ ing to extcutions at p.nitcntiia B 18, Pierce—Amending L| 3089, fixiDg time fur giving notice i tax levies. ' S. B. 19, Rand—Fixing tim° of hold­ ing Court in Ninth Judicial District* S. B. 21, Marsters—appropriating , *2500 for furnishing barracks at Sol­ diers’ Home. S. B. 22, Carter—Amending section 3122 of code, limiting rate of interest on tax sales to 10 per cent. 8 B. 23, Brownell—Providing that assignees of claims against counties for fees paid to recorders illegally shall not be permitted to maintain suits on same. S. B. 26, Mulkey—Authorizing issu­ ance of life diplomas in certain cases. S. B., Wehrung—Amending seetion 5030 of code, relating to condemna­ tion of water rights. H. B. 1, Kay - Repealing tbe Phelps tax law. H. B. 2, Kay—Re-enacting tbe old tax law. H. B. 8, Carnahan—Fixing fees of recorders and county clerks in coun­ ties of more than 100,000 population. H. B. 16, Hale—Fixing salary of County Judge of Josephine County. H. B. 21, Whealdon—Celilo canal , K B. 23, Sbelley—Restoring Ch* *300 tax exemption law. H. B. 29, Malarkey—Raising salary of Circuit Judges in Multnomah Coun­ ty. H. B. 31, Judd—Amending sections 4322 and 4323 of tbe code, relating to liens upon mares for stallion service. H. B. 37, Gault—Relating to com­ petency of witnesses. H. B. 41, Edwards—Prohibiting kill­ ing cf Pheasants before 1906. H. B. 42, Ways and Means Commit­ tee—Appropriation bill. Billons Colic Prevented. Take a double dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as tbe tir*t indication of tbe disease appears and a threatened at­ tack may be warded off. Hundreds of people use tbe remedy in this way with perfect suixess. For sale by all druggists. ? I Don’t forget the old man with the fish on his back. Guilty of Murder. For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the At Bennington, VL, Dec. 22d, Mrs. Mary A. Rogers was found guilty of world, and is still traveling, murder in the first degree, of killing bringing health and comfort her husband, Marcus D. Rogers, Au­ wherever he goes. gust 12, 1902. The verdict carried the To the consumptive he death penalty. Mrs. Rogers met her brings the strength and flesh husband, from whom she was separa­ he so much needs. ted, on pretence of effecting a recon- To all weak and sickly cilation, and, assisted by Leon Per­ children he gives rich ana ham and Stella Bates, gave him chloroform. The body was thrown strengthening food. into the river. Love for another man To thin and pale persons and a desire to get her busband’s life he gives new firm flesh and insurance were the alleged motives. rich red blood. Children who first saw the You Know What You Are Taking When you lake Grove'« Taslelee« Chill Took old man with the fish are now because the formula 1 b plainly printed on every bottle,«bowing that it is simply Iron and Qui­ grown up and have children nine in a tasteless form. No Cure. No Pay.SOc of their own. He stands for Scott’s Emul­ Those wishing deeds, mortgages leases, bonds, bills of sale, or any kind sion of pure cod liver oil—a of legal blanks, will find them at this delightful food and a natural office. The latest and best forms, print­ ed on superior paper, at lowest prices. tonic for children, for old folks and for all who need flesh and CASTOR! A. strength. Bean th« Ito Kind Y m H im Always Bought Signatur« Of SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemists. *00-416 Pearl Street. New York. , 6Oc. and SI.OOj all druggist«» .J '