4 4 r ' » 6 K Uiimee vol . xxxi;i. NO. 63 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER L, 1903. Improvement of Crater Lake. BRIEF MENTION À Couple of Boxing Contests. PERSONAL MENTION 1 LOCAL NOTES. he has washed in former seasons What the result will be can easily be Imagined. The Thanksgiving ball given under the direction of Jane Mason Mc­ Cully Cabin, N. D. O., was a social tri­ umph and financial success. More than 60 tickets were sold, Splendid music was furnished by the Ashland Orchestra, and the supper was just such as is always served on such oc- casions by the order — superfine. — Nearly *60 were netted. The ladies are highly complimented upon their SUCCOBS. THE OU) RELIABLE Sheriff Rader was in Medford Mon­ The County Comniisuioners Court is Not a great many witnessed the day, on official business. W. F. Arant, superintendent of in session. THE THBILLING EXPERIENCE 01 fist ic eucounters pulled off In Jackson­ Crater Lake National Park, in his Hon. W. A. Carter, of Gold Hill, and Miss Clara Rader has been visiting CAPTAIN WESTBROOK. ville Friday night, although several his family are visiting in Salem. annual report, has made the following I in Medford. parts of Southern Oregon were repre­ For a Year After Hi» Capture He Wai recommendations to the Secretary of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Faucett of Wat­ 8. T. Sandry of Tolo, the expert sented. More might have attended Moved Froiu One Prison to Another the Interior. kins were Medford visitors Monday. miner, was a late visitor. Antain Westbrook,who now Accordlog to the New York market gave up. King got the decision. which is on either side, one of the W. M. Colvig has returned from his nesday. lives at Ripley, Ill., was confined in reports over 2,000,000 barrels of apples The tight betwem Gtnnon and trip to British Columbia in the interest Southern prisous. In telling his expe­ steepest and hardest hills in Southern C. W. DeCarlowand Mrs.Dooms of have been shipped to Europe already Bennett was very short and vicious. Absolutely Pure. ' Oregon. of the Supreme Lodge of the A. O. U. rience. he says: this fall, and tbe short crop in Eng­ The latter was knocked out in the Elk Creek were doing business here 4th. To complete tbe road from W. “ They took me from one place to an­ land and on the Continent will cause THERE IS ND SUBSTITUTE Tuesday. first round. A blow in the stomach, other till I had been in nearly all the Anna Creek bridge to the rim of the Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hicks have gone quickly followed by an uppercut on prisons of the Confederacy and, by the crater, two miles of which has been Mrs. Ella Cook went to Ashland tbe shipment of many more hundreds to Carifornia, where they will probably time I was exchanged at Annapolis in constructed. the jaw, did the work. Wednesday morning, aDd will be gone of thousands of barrels during tbe spend the winter. W We are sorry to Got Even on Her. winter. The week of November 16-21 the spring of 1865, I was reduced to a It was sometime before Bennett re­ 5ih. To improve tbe trail leading learn that Mrs. H ’s health is quite sometime. physical wreek. The exposure caused was the largest export week on record. covered, and an anxious look began Mrs. N. Langell and Miss Allie Klip- Statistics show tbe shipment of poor. sciatic rheumatism which became chronic from the summit of the crater to the “Smoking on the car?” exclaimed to spread over the countenances of the pel visited their Jacksonville friends apples to have been as follows: and did not leave me until thirty years waler’s edge and also to stretch a H. M. Coss and his family, who have the disgusted woman, as Dennis spectators. There seems to be bad afterward wheu I took Dr. Williams’ cable along the t rail to aid persons in been at Crescent City, Cal , for some Wednesday. From New York, 60,935 barrels; Flaherty, with bis short-stemmed blood between tbe two men and Pink Pills for Pale People aud was cured. making the trip and to lessen tbe Mrs. J. N. Russell was in Medford a Boston, 60,077 barrels; Montreal, 73,092 pipe, took the seat beside her. Gannon lost no time in finishing his time, are among us again. He sold “ The disease affected my entire sys­ danger. “Oi am,” rejoined Dennis, between opponent. It is reported that a quite a number of organs and pianos few days since, making Mrs. B. P. barrels; Portland, Me. 10,483 barrels tem. lu additiou to the agonies of the 6th. To place a strong iron railing Theiss a visit. and Halifax, N. 8., 19,500 barrels. Of long and determined puffs. “And ay rheumatism I had indigestiou in its along the outer edge of Victor rock, tu bet of *50o a side was involved in the while gone. worst form, together with kiduey trouble provide against accident, as nearly Mrs. G. W. Thrasher and Miss this quantity Liverpool took 113,332 ye don’t loike ut, go down an’ git in­ Mrs. S. E. Dunnlngton has returned lesult of this contest. and heart failure. I wus getting thor­ Emma Ulrich were Medford visitors barrels: London, 46,443 barrels; Glas­ side. These sates are for smokers.” from an extended visit to her old home every visitor goes here for a good view oughly used up.” gow, 28,109 barrels; Hamburg, 20,862 one day this week. “If you were my husband I’d give in Missouri. She reports many changes “ How did von coms to take Dr. Wil­ of tbe lake and surrounding country. barrels; Hull, 5226 barrels; Paris, 653 you poison.” for the better have takeu place siuee Rev. J. D. Murphy has gone north, 7th. To eugage two patrolman for liams' Pink Pills?” was asked. “Would ye, now?” (Puff, puff). barrels; Antwerp, 1161 barrels; Bre ­ she lived there. and there will be no services at the “A neighbor of mine, James M. Stout, the park from June 15 to October 15, “Ol think av ye wor me wolfe”—puff, men, 316 barrels; Copenhagen, 250 puff was cured of rheumatism by this remedy each year. Chas. E. Terrill,one of Butte Creek’s Catholic church. —“Oi’d take it.” N. S. Drew, of Kiamath Count) barrels; Bristol, 6877 barrels, and wheu he was so twd tliat. he could not Sth. To provide a small strong who pooled his cattle with those of most energetic young men, was in our Thos Riley and J Patterson, county Manchester, 7768 barrels, a total of straighten up. So I thought what cured house on the rim of the lake and pro­ Egg-Producing Feeds. other cattlemen of Alkali valley for town a few days ago. He has bargain­ commissioners, are in Jacksonville, on 231,097 barrels, the largest week’s him would cure me. And I was right.” vide with register and other supplies ed with Peter Britt for one of the best shipment to San Francisco, has re­ official business. Rheumatism is a disease of the blood. business in the history of tbe export farms in that section. necessary for the registration of visi ­ The following list of egg-producing ceived returns on his lot — 40 head. G. W. Hackathorn, formerly of Elk trade. Last year the entire export External applications may afford tempo­ tors to the park. feeds is as good as if sold in paper Tile number shipped was 242 head. Will Muller is acting as salesman at Creek, has become a resident of Elk- rary relief, but to care the disease it is traffic in apples only amounted to526,- bags at 25 cents per pound: Oats and 9th. Als-i for a register aud a water ­ the 1 ’ he cattle were turned over to the store of J. G. Van Dyke A Co. necessary to treat it through the blood. ton, Douglas county. 636 barrels. bran, or wheat and bran, wet, but Dr. Williams’Pink Pills for Pale People proof metal case to be placed on Oakltud Meat Co., who butcher and This popular bouse is enjoying a better Thos. Collinson, representing Flelsch- Color decides tbe destination of cold in warm and scalded tn cold go directly to the seat of the disorder, Wizard Island. sell, taking for their pay the offal. or trade than ever, and it has been com­ ner, Mayor A Co., has been making us purifying and enriching tbe blood by apples for foreign markets. Newtown weather. Corn or any other grain at lOtb. To establish a house or station Mr. Drew’s lot 24 were steers, the pelled to enlarge its force of clerks in his regular visit. eliminating poisonous elements and re­ pippins and other green apples go to night, some green stuff every day, in the park, also a small stable and bal.nce cows. For their hides he re­ consequence. newing health-giving forces. They are Alvin and Rudolph Bieberstedt of England. The Germans prefer red and insects and table scraps. The tool house. a positive specific not only for rheuma­ ceived *45; for the meat, *1184.21—a W. F. Horn, the wideawake agent of upper Butte Creek, were in the central apples, and all russets go to France. same list is good growing feed for tism, bnt for all diseases arisiug from 11th. For the salary of the superin­ total of *1229.21. Average price paid tbe Massachusetts Mutual Ins. Co., af­ valley one day this week. poor blood or weakened nerves. They tendent and for the keeping of an ad­ Outside of Oregon and California, young chicks, and furnishes al! the per head, *30.73. The transportation ter a professional .visit in Medford of are sold at fifty cents a box, or six boxes J. F. nail and his family, whose farm apples have always been shipped in egg-shell material needed, especially charges were *150; hay *1 25. Mr. considerable length, has returnod to for two dollars and a half, and may be ditional horse for use in the park. lies near Brownsboro, have become barrels, but the heavy demnad on If tbe drinking water contains much had from all druggists or direct by mail Drew therefore cleared *1009 21 i on 40 G-ants Pass. He wrote a number of barrels this season has earned a lime. And then, if they have access from Dr. Williams Medicine Company, residents of Jacksonville. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. head of cattle that the cattle buyer I tbe ground, they will find all the policies while here. Schenectady, N. Y. shortage, and Eastern apple-growers to Will. Morris of Central Point has grit they require. Any other grain would have takeu only at a much Digests all classes of food, tones Willie Murphy, who has been clerk­ have been said to resort to boxes also. food is as good as these, such as sor­ and strengt hens the stomach and di­ been the guest of his sister, Mr. and lower figure. ing in Deuel A Hubbs' store at Ash­ Shippers have always preferred boxes ghum seed, millet seed, sunflower gestive organs. Cures Dyspepsia, lo- Mrs. J. W. Jacobs of Ashland. land, is now deputy postmaster of ■ Stomaeh Troubles, and T he interference of parents with the digestion, but they have never been able to seed, milo maize or Kaffir corn. See H. D. Norton, one of tbe leading at ­ that they get enough of these to keep Live Decoy Ducks. makes rich red blo>d, health and Jacksonville. Geo. McCune, whom he discipline t at must be maintained in change tbe custom of packing in them in good condition.—{Farm and strength, Kodol Cure re­ succeeds, has resumed his old position torneys of Grants Pass, was here Wed­ barrels before. every well-regulated school not only builds wornout Dyspepsia Ranch. tissues, purifies, nesday, on professional business. A flock of ducks of a new species is at J. M. Cronemiller's store. tends to destroy the efficiency of the strengthens aud sweetens tbe stom- kept at Cai tain Riley's preserve at T hs following dismal dispatch ha Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bebbof Applegate school, but spoils the “dear child’’ in ach. Goy. G. A. Atkinson of W. Va. Hod About to Barat From Severe Will Ireland, who was interested in ____ HMi_ Dead Willows, near Portland, and are of bot- been eent by a Chicago press associa­ have been visitng at Medford and whose behalf pater familias shows his says: “1 have used a number Bilious Attack. lies of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and iiave used as decoys. They are known as the Oregon Belle mine, before it was Central Point during the past week tion: “It is estimated that before the ears. Things have changed since the found sold to the company represented by it tote a very effective and, in­ “ I had a severe bilious attack and close of the year the big employing con­ “ homing ducks, ’ ’ and are very domes ­ cruel days when the present adult deed, a powerful remedy for stomach Wm. Hillis, one of Pleasant Creek's felt like my head was about to burst Foster & Gunnell, is on Forest Creek tic in their habits, coming into the cerns of the country will have discharg - generation learned its multiplication ailments. I recommend it to my again. He is interested in another ledge most prosperous young citizens, was in when I got hold of a free sample of bouse occupied by the hunters when­ ed nearly 1,000,000 men, most of them Chamberlain ’ s Stomach and Liver table. In those days when a pupil got friends.” Sold by all druggists. there, which promises well, and will Jacksonville Tuesday, on probate busi­ Tablets. I took a dose of them after ever this is allowel. When turned laborers and general utility workers. a “licking” at school he said as little start its development with a small force ness. supper and the next day felt like a O f this number the railroads are ex­ cut they wing their flight over all about it as possible, knowing that if A Christmas Gift. C. M. Ruch, the accommodating new man and have been feeling happy pected to drop from employment 200,- the ponds near and give calls in duck at present. his parents heard of It he would be since,” aaye Mr. J. W. Smith of merchant, came across the hill Vted- ever language which entices other ducks Julift,Texas. For biliousness, stom­ 000 men, the mine operators 50,000, the pretty sure to get another when be The Youth’s Companion is one of neaday, to do business in our city. He ach troubles and constipation these machine shops and iron, steel and tin to follow them home to where wheat reached home. Nowadays the injured tbe few gifts that are always appro­ is always welcome. Tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents. plants, 250,000, and the building trades is put out for them to eat. When darling rushes homes to tell the doting priate and yet witbin reach of the For sale bÿ all druggists. more than 40,000.” No doubt there L. Bannister, tbe expert miner, has the visitors begin to eat the homing papa or mamma. The parent, now smallest purse. It brings to every will be a much brighter outlook when The game played Thanksgiviog gone to Yreka, Calif., to engage in min ­ ducks get into the cabin out of danger irate, complains to the board of member of the family something of spring opens. and the hunters shoot the birds which Day in Medford, between a local team ing. He expects to return to Josephine directors, the members of that body Interest, something of value—a story have been decoyed Into this death and an eleven representing the coun­ county in the spring. with great formality order an investi­ that cheers, an article that carries N early 16,000 acres of the fine pine ty-seat, which was reported as haviDg trap. A. H. Steele, the well-known miner, gation, the poor teacher, who in nine the reader to far-off countries or timber on the eastern slope of the Tom Horn, the cowboy who went to It seemsas If hunting means slaugh­ been given the former by the referee, who has been operating in Squaw cases out of ten only did his or her among men who govern, a sketch that Cascade mountains, between the tbe gailows at Cheyenne a week ago, on account of interference not allow- ter nowadays. The hunter who bags Creek district during the past summer, duty, is toasted to a turn, and after be­ amuses, a poem that puts a bit of Military and McKenzie wagon roads, scorning sympathy and defying death, the most game no matter how be does td by the rules, made by one dt tbe is in Jacksonville, for the winter. ing subjected to all sorts of humilia­ truth in a new and convincing way, was deeded to a Minnesota timber firm had, after all, It appears, the divine it, now carries off the palm. For Jacksonville players, was really de­ tion is often informed to look for a page of pictures that bolds the J. D Cook and Geo. E. Howland spark that is said to exist in every tbe other day by the State Land Board, merly it was the most skillful shot clared a tie. No score was recorded were in Jacksonville Wednesday, on another position. Yes, the times have children spellbound. It is America’s for *1.25 an acre. The Eugene Guard human heart. His mother, 85 years changed; but it is by no means certain The science and sentiment of the on either side. business connected with their mining old, lives in Missouri. Though called wants to know how they managed to home paper — a paper received weekly that they have changed for the better sport has evidently departed. Both sides played a clean, skillful company. get such a quantity, when an individual in this respect at least. It is not of rec­ in more than half a million house­ the worst man in the history of the game, which created mucii enthusi­ C. C. Ragsdale has retired from the is allowed to purchase but one hundred ord that many pupils have boen per­ holds In the United States. Thos. Lawson, one of our pioneers, West, Horn always held his mother asm among tiie big crowd present. manently injured by the punishment and sixty acres, and that at *2.50 an If you desire to make a Christmas management of Hotel Nash and is suc­ having sold his land and stock, left for in reverent affection. In all tbeyears received at school and most people up­ Mistakes were few aud all the players ceeded by W. B. Townley, late of acre? Simply by hiring some sixty present of the Companion, send the his old home In Missouri Wednesday. on reaching years of discretion not on­ of his absence from home he wrote a Klamatbon, Calif. The former will tried their best to win. We wish him a pleasant visit and safe long letter to her every month, keep­ persons to file on .the land with lieu- ly admit that they deserved all they publishers the name and address of land scrip, for which the state got but got, but also that they failed to get the person to whom you wish to give not leave us, however, retaining con­ Chas. B. Gay, a few days ago, re­ Toe following is the lineup of the return. ing up tbe practice during his impris­ *1.25 an acre And at that time a per­ anything like as much as they really the Companion, with *1.75, the an­ trol of the bar. Mr. Townley has had ceived a letter from relatives of Chas. game: Jack Fenton, the wideawake man­ onment, but without letting her know son outside of the state land ring could deserved. experience in this line of A Cummings, anxiously inquiring for Jacksonville Medford nual subscription price. They will considerable ager of tbe Ashland Iron Works, and of bis situation. He left ten letters not get an acre of scrip from the State business, aud comes highly recommend­ his whereabouts and offering a reward Bonham............. . LER................ Lyons send to the address named the Com­ ed. L L. Mulit, the clever cashier of the to be sent to her at intervals of a Board at the state price. It is com« of S25Q.for the right information. He Reeve.............. . LTR. Erskine-Mikey mon report that it was peddled about panion’s Christmas Packet, already First National Bank of Ashland, were month to keep up, possibly while she by their agents, whose profits may Horse thieves are operating in the for Cbr'stmas morning, containing mountains of northern Josephine left for 8 «utliern Oregon last July, Eaton.......... . ..LGR ... ...Gregory recent visitors. lives, the fiction that he is still alive. well be Imagined. the Companion Calendar for 1904, County. Seve/al horses were stolen with the intension of taking a timber Robinson.......... . C ......... Patterson His brother and sister joined him iu Dr. R. P. Kendall, who has been claim and lias not been heard of since. Andrews.............. RGL.. ......... Childers You don’t and can't if your stomach lithographed in twelve rolois and the deception, and will try to keep it from the range and from ranchers on making a trip to his old home in Illi ­ Any information concerning Mr. C. Swagerty ....... RTL............ Whitman is weak. A weak stomach does not di­ gold, and subscription certificate for up, to the end, that the aged mother Grave creek, a few days ago. Part of will be thankfully received by Mr. Ulrich.................. REL..................Wilson nois, will return one day this week. gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. the tifiy-two issues for 1904. may go to her grave in the belief that the animals wore found at Merlin, anti Donegan................. Q Crystal He stopped at a number of different It gets tired easily, and wbat it fails to The n :w subscriber for 1904 will re­ it was evident that the thieves were Gay. her oldest boy is one of the most duti­ digest is wasted. Cutler................. LHR........... Corum cities and is well pleased with his visit. ceive all tbe Issues of tbe Companion ful of sons and one of the bent citizens Good for Children. Among the signs of a weak stomach for the remaining weeks of 1903 free attempting to drive the horses south­ Applegate..«.. .RHL..................... King Two games of football are scheduled of Wyoming. While In tbe name of are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner­ from the time of subscription, also ward, probably into California. The pleasant to take and harmless McGill................... F Northup to take place at Grants Pass Sunday vous headache, and disagreeable belch­ tbe Companion Calendar for 1904, lith The walking sick, what justice and In the lntere t of public One Minute Cough Cure gives im­ Referee, Chas. Ramsey. During tbe past week our town has mediate relief in all cases of Cuugli, between local teams and elevens from safety all good citizens may be glad ing. ographed in twelve colors and gold. "I have taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla at Umpire, E. E. Washburn. Medford. Much interest is being taken that Tom Horn met the penalty due a crowd of them there are: Annual Announcement Number, been Infested with a number of impu­ Croup and LaGrippe, because it doe* different times for stomach troubles, and a not pass immediately into the con- We hope to see the toys try in the contests, aud they promise to be ills crime, the opinion that he was Persons who are thin and run down condition of the system, and have fully describing tbe principal features dent, lazy young “coons,” who spent been greatly benefited by its use. I would of the Companion’s new volume for their time dancing In saloons and earn­ stomach, but lakes i ffect right elusions ng tin. utterly depraved must be revised in quite interesting. not be without it in ruy family. I am trou­ 1904, will be sent to any address free. ing a living in any onery, dishonest at tue seat of toe trouble. It accordance with this scrapof evidence weak but not sick enough Rev. F. G. Strange, pastor of the draws out tl.e infl immatioo, heals bled especially in summer with weak stom­ The Youth’s Companion, 144 Berkley to go to bed. way that presented itself. They are and soothes aud cures permanently by ach and nausea and 6nd Break's Sarsaparilla Street, Boston, Massachusetts. WANTED—SEVERAL PERSONS Presbyterian churches of Jacksonville invaluable.” E. B. H ickman , W.Chester, Pa. vagrants at the very best, and should enabling the I udv S to contribute pure ofeharacter and good reputation iu and Phoenix, will hold services in Jack­ Weather Report. “Chronic cases” that’s be run out of town as soon as they land life givii g and life-sustaining oxygen each state (one in this county re here. The authorities should not be to the blood and tissues. Dr. Arms­ quired) to represent, aud advertise old sonville Dec. 6th and 20th, at 11 a. m. The following Is a weather report what the doctors call them, slow in telling this scum of creation “to trong of Delia, Tex., prescribes it established wealthy business house of and 7:30 p. tn., and at Phoenix Dec. and Pills for the month of November,furnished which in common English daily and says there is no better cough solid financial standing Salary *21.00 13th and 27th, at tbe same hours. move on.” Strengthen and tone the stomach and by E. Britt, volunteer observer: remedy made. Sold by all druggists weekly witii expenses additional, all the whole digestive system. “I was much afflicted with sciatica, ” Hon. Jarne, W. Virtue died at his Rev. Robt. Ennis of Turner, who has means—long sickness. payable in cash direct every Wednes­ Mean temperature, 45.74 degrees; writes Ed. C. Nud, Iowavllle, Sedg- residence In Portland, Friday evening, been making us a visit, left tor home day front head offices. Hi r?ear.d car ­ wick Co., Kan , “going about on To stop the continued riage furnished when necessary. Ref­ Wednesday evening. He informs us maximum temperatale,75 deg. on 1st; in tbe67th year of hisage. Mr. Virtue crutches and suffering a deal of pain. I T hat Governor Chamberlain will minimum temperature, 26 degrees, erences. Enclose self-addressed en was a native of Ireland. He was born that his daughter, Emma, not long loss of flesh they need Induced to try Ballard’s Snow velope. Colonial, 332 Dcarbi rn St. confine himself in his message to the in the country of Fermanagh, June was on the 17th; total precipitation, 10.64 Liniment, which relieved me. I used siuee married a man named Parker Chicago. Legislature when it meets in special 14, 1837. Eaily in his life he came to three 50c bottles. It is the greatest Inches; number of clear days, 2; num­ Scott’s Emulsion. For the and is now living at Portland. session December 21st to the tax ques­ Ontario, and in 1856 to Omaha, Neb. liniment I ever used; have recommend­ ber of partly cloudy days, 3; cloudy feeling of weakness they ed it to a number of persons;all express Chas. C. Pursel of Applegate, noth­ 25; total Bnowfall, { inch. The pre­ tion alone can be stated upon au­ Seven years later he moved to Baker themselves as being benefited by it. I ing daunted by his many reverses, will cipitation for November was the need Scott’s Emulsion.. ‘ thority, because he has so emphatical­ county and made his home at Auburn. now walk without crutches, able to per­ try the sawmill business again. He is greatest monthly precipitation for ly declared. “Under no circum­ It makes new flesh and In 1864 Mr. Virtue was elected sheriff form a great deal ot light labor on the having the parts damaged by ,fire re­ any month during the past 20years. stances,” said be, when asked for his and served six yea.'s. After the ex­ farm.” 25c, 50c and *1.00. Dr. J. gives new life to the weak Elin ale, Central Point, Ore. paired, and expects to have everything opinion as to whether the portage rail­ piration of his office he engaged in in running order before very long. way law should be repealed, “will I Quite a number of our farmers and system. SETTLE UP NOTICE. mining and a’so invested his means In mention anything in my message to horticulturists are receiving fruit trees, Arthur Gilmore,an energetic, reliable banking and stock-raising. Scott’s Emulsion gets the Legislature outside of the tax ques­ which is evidence that many hundreds All persons Indebted to the under­ young man, who is employed in the Early in biscareer he secured control are requested to call and settle thin and weak persons out tion. As to other legislation, whether ■of acres of new orchard will be planted mine located in Siskiyou county, Calif., signed of the famous Virtue mine and in immediately. Accounts not paid by necessary or not, I will leave it entirely this fall. Steadily Jackson county is of which J. B. Scott is superintendent, Jan. 1, 1904, will be placed in an attor{ of the rut. It makes new, operating this property he advanced to the members of that body. But, being transformed into one immense will be married this week to Miss ney’s hands for collection. A word to the interests of all the region lying so far as I am concerned, I called them rich blood, strengthens the Good Buildings; New Gymnasium, with modern appli­ orchard. Should tbe raising of fruit Bertha Rexford, the amiable, worthy the wise is sufficient. together to enact remedial legislation about Baker city, and directly pro­ D unninoton & D eneff ance; fine Library; well equipped Chemical and Physical continue as remunerative in tbe future nerves and gives appetite daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M Rexford to remedy the defect in the Phelps law moted many other ventures. Jacksonville, Nov. 19, 1903. as it has during the past few years— Laboratory; one New School Building, with new furnish ­ and I will have nothing whatever to do of Applegate precinct. They have tbe In 1896 Mr. Virtue moved to Leland, for ordinary food. k with tbe session or its business aside and there is no reason why it should ings throughout; old buildings repaired; fine Water Supply congratulations and best wishes of a in Josephine county, and the year fol­ from it.” Retail Market Repart. not—this section will be almost exclu­ Scott’s Emulsion can be added; Surroundings Healthful; Social Atmosphere of the host of friends, in which we join. lowing he represented that county in sively devoted to horticulture for many The following quotations were School Good and Stimulating to Best Effort on the Part of the state legislature. Last year he taken as long as sickness A. W. Sturgis, the veteran miner, __ this up afternoon, and is an years. made i ‘ ‘ the Student; Living Expenses Nominal; Departments in went to Portland. who owns a large body of rich placer impartial report of the prices charged lasts and do good all the A musical genius of rare ability for Mr. Virtue was married in 1867, at Charge of Specialists; Special Opportunities for Study of ground, situated in Forest creek dis­ by Jacksonville dealers: time. Wheat—*1 per bushel. Baker City, to Miss Bowen, sister of one ot her age is Winifred Flanagan, Vocal and Instrumental Music Afforded. trict, will operate on a much more ex­ Flour—«2.30 *2.45 per 100 pounds. I. B. Bowen of the Baker City Demo­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. tensive scale than ever before. He There’s new strength Semi for Catalogue to Oats—36c per bushel. crat. Four children were born, two Flanagan of Grants Pass. Though Barley—Rolled, *1.50 per cental. recently received a carload of 16-inch and flesh in every dose. , of whom are living, Robert Virtue but a tot in size and age, she can pro­ Hay—Per ton, baled, *16. pipe and a fine giant from San Fran­ B. F. MULKEY, President duce classical music with an ease and Potatoes — lc per lb. and Mrs. Hardy. cisco, which enable him to run through Onions—l|c per pound. We will be fflad Mr. Virtue took much interest in charm that is remarkable. Friday more than double the amount of dirt Butter—50c per roll. to send you a tew the development of the mineral re­ evening she gave a recital at Odd Fel­ Beans—3(<$5c per pound. Copper-riveted doses free. sources of Oregon. He was an ardent lows’ Hall, that city, and tbe audience -y Lard—15c per Dound. was astonished at the ability of the Eggs—35 cts per dozen. Democrat and for many years took an Ba rare that thia picture in th« twin u< a label la on the Sugar—D. G. *5.85(d)*6.35 per cwt. little girl. Her programme consisted active part in politics. wrapper ci every bottle ol Poultry—*3.50 to *4.00 per dozen. almost entirely of classical music, Emulator you buy. Hams—16c($17c per pound. among the members being Hayden’s SCOTT & BOW NE, Shoulders—12jc per pound. CAÍÍTOHIA. “Gypsy Rondo;’’ “Tarantella,'’ by Side Bacon—15(<$20c per pound. on every Chemists, Bam the Kind You Ham Always Bought r«eeschorn; "Rondo Brilliant,” by 409 Pearl St.. N. Y box. 25c. Seven MHBon boxes soM in past 13 months. This signature, Hlrchner, and other selections from Me. and |t i all Liebich and Holst. The Gold Hill News has changed hands again, R. A. Carter being suc­ ceeded by A. T. Fetter. E. G. Gurnea, superintendent of Medford’s electric light plant, spent a few hours in Jacksonville Monday. O. Gilbert of Medford, a veteran of the Indian War, has been granted a pension, which he richly deserves. So has M. Ferguson of Talent. White A Trowbridgo have sold, for W. E. Case to A. A. Davis, tbe Narre- gan property, located in West Med­ ford. Consideration, >1400. Mails are beginning to grow heavy with winter business, and by the 15th of December Christmas presents will commence to swell the pouches. The Virgin mills at Ashland have just received a carload of wheat, con­ taining 85,000 pounds, from Eastern Oregon. Barley from the same locality is also being sold there. When you want a pleasant purgative try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and produce no nausea, griping or other disagreeable effect. For sale by all druggists. G. E. Simmons has purchased 380 acres of land lately belonging to P. Donegan, and which is located not far from Central Point. He paid *2500 for it and secured a bargain. David Allen, who has been engaged in the clothing and real-estate business at Ashland for several years past, died suddenly Sunday night. Heart failure is given as the cause of his death. The public school of Phuenix will give an entertainment at Woodman’s hall on the evening of Dec. 11th, for the benefit of its library. An excellent program is in course of preparation. , A dramatic entertainment w 11 be given at Eagle Point Friday evening, when “Nevada,” a clever drama, will be presented. It is given In a worthy cause and will doubtless be well patronized. The local lodges of the A. O. U. W. at Central Point and Phoenix have in hand Christmas balls, for which exten­ sive preparations are being made, Those who attend them are sure of havind a splendid time. The Bagley Improvement Co. of Woodville has been incorporated, with E. E. Bagley, A. C. Hough and J. H. Bagley as incorporators. Its principal place of business is Woodville and the capital stock 9100,060. Tbe Thanksgiving party, given at Eagle Point under the auspices of Snowy Butte Lodge. A. O. U. W., proved much of a success, a neat sum being netted. All who were present enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Sam Van Dyke, N. Gunn and J. A. Bishop were in Medford Saturday. They are the executive committee hav­ ing in charge the dancing party that will be given at Phoenix Christinas night, under the auspices of the local lodge of A. O. U. W. Miss Lizzie Hoover’s millinery store in Jacksonville has been closed by an attachment issued at the instance of Henry G. Dox, who has a claim of about *200 against it. It is rumored at the county-seat that she will take ad­ vantage of the bankrupt act. A Great Foreign Demand. Foot Bail at Medford. À Redeeming Characteristic. Man Lost Get the Most Out of Your Food RUTS Hood’s Sarsaparilla A Prominent Nan Gone. Southern Oregon State Normal School, Ashland, Ore, bestnva.de Levi Strauss 6 Co’s Overalls To Cure a Cold in One Day XZ. y Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.