k here and thebe . J ackson co ; s p REC| ncts north to Little Butte creek; thence IIC FORTUNT ÄWAiTS down Little Butte creek to Inter­ The President has nominated H. F. OAKLAND TELEPHONE GIRL. section of the south line ol sec 3, tp Murdock, the present incumbent, to be 36, r I e; thence east to se cor of said Oakland, Nov. 19.—Mary Agnes Red­ postmaster at Klamath Falls. ford, 16 years of age, an operator in section; thence north I mile; tl.ence Panama has but three hundred thou­ the employ of the local telephone of­ east 2 miles to se cor sec 36, tp 35, r 1 sand population, apart from Indians. The County Commissioners’ e; thence north 3 miles to nw cor sec fice, is momentarily expecting to re­ Court Re-Established The canal legacy, to which they seem ceive news which will settle the ques­ 19, tp 35, r 2 e; thence east 6 miles to tion of her right to inherit a large sum to have surely fallen heir, is a rich one. Precinct Boundaries ne cor of sec 24, tp 35, r 2 e; thence of money, variously estimated at from south 3 miles to sw cor ot sec 31, tp COLOMBIA GETS $10,000,000 FOR $500,000 to $2,000,000. The wealth was A New \ ork physician has paid and Made Many 35, r 3 e; thence east on tp line 12 $50wn to Seventh lives or to the detectives. cheap; but when an understanding is road to the north boundary of sec 3, TUB NIW REPUBLIC AMD WATER FBoN Before coming to Denver In 1891 s’reet, thence along Seventh stree’ reached the public will again foot the OF PANAMA. tp37, r2 w; thence west to the nw over tbe bridge out to section 21, Father Lepore conducted a bankin bill«. cor of sec 4, tp 37, r 2 w; thence south township 37 south, range 1 west, the Spooner act. Panama instead o! business in New York, where, it it Don’t exhaust all your reserve force to the place of beginning. t hence t ortli 2 miles; thence w< st to Colombia gets the $10,0u0,0O0. said, he failed for a considerabl* Bear creek, thence up B ar creek to Neutrality of the canal is provided amount. Among the creditors, it wa- over petty cares. Each time that one Polling place at the Town Hall. the center line < f sec 13. Ip 37 s, r 2 for, and it is to be open to all nations loses control over herself, her nerves, NO. 9. CLIMAX PRECINCT. west, theDce west along center lines on even terms. The United States is Bald, was Guiseppe Pasquel, a parti, her temper, she loses just a little ner­ of Joseph Sorice, who came to Denver Beginning at sw cor of sec 15, tp 38, ■>f secs 13, 14, 15 to Griffin creek in?ec permitted to fortify the line and ter with the latter about a month and a vous force, just a little physical well-be­ 15. tp 37 south, r 2 west; thence south­ half ago. ing and mov^s a fraction of an inch r 1 east; thence north 3 miles; thence er y along Griffin creek to beginning. minals. Autonomy of the cities of Colon aneated on the lungs, caus­ States, to police the line, is permit money, but he did not do so. Hou­ was a savage at£ur, Seiger being badly thence east 2j miles; thence south 2 ing pueummii, is that of Mrs. rs. Ger- Ger­ ted. Many senators took part in the ever, he provided a house and emplu. beaten around the face and head, los­ miles; thence east 1} miles, being the trude E. Fenuer, Marion, lud., who discussNm of the convention with Sec­ ment for both men. Frank Lepor ing much blood. No doubt the specta­ ne oor of sec 28, tp 37 s, r 2 east; was entirely cured by the use of One retary Hay and the Panama minister. Baid that his uncle had known Sori, tors were satisfied that they received thence south 4 miles to se cor of sec Minute Cough Cure. She says: “The and Pasquel in Italy. Efforts are be c* ugliing and -training so wtakeoed their money’s worth. SENATE AND HOUSE. 9, tp 38 s, r 2 e; thence west 2 miles; me that I ran down, down in weight Ing made to find Pasqual. It Is b<. The jury in the damage case of Frank j thence south 1 mile; thence west 4 Washington, Nov. 19.—The opposi lieved that behind the tragedy lies from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a num­ Gorrell vs. Douglas county returned a 1 miles to the place of beginning. ber if remedies to no avail until I tion to the Cuban bill was heard in the mystery extending back to old times : verdict in favor of the plaintiff, award­ Pulling place, Wyland school house. used One Minute Cough Cure. Fou r house yesterday in vigorous speeches Italy, which, it is feared, will never ! bottles of t his woudei ful remedy cured The features of the day were the solved, because of the secretive nutur ing him 46,000 for injuries and dam­ NO. 10. EAGLE POINT PRECINCT. me entirely of the cough, strengthen­ speeches of Grosvenor of Ohio, who of the Italians. age received by the collapse of a coun­ Beginning at se cor sec 27, tp 36, r 1 ed my lung« aud restored tne to mv opened the discussion tn advocacy ot ty bridge near Millwood, Douglas normal weight, hetithaud strength.” the bill, and of Fordney (Republican i! MINERS ELECT OFFICERS. east; thence west 6 milts to sw cor of Sold by all druggi't«. county, in July, 1902. The sum asked of Michigan, who spoke in opposition San Francisco. Nov. 19.—The Cai. sec 26, tp 36, r 1 west; thence north to for in the complaint was 410,000. At­ Among others who spoke in opposition' fornia Miners’ asociation has electee torneys for the county say they will ap­ Antelope cnek; tl.ence down Ante­ *.o the bill were Shafroth of Colurad-. the following officers: lope to Little Butte creek; thence peal. and Bell of California. Democrats. The President—State Senator Charles M down Little Butte creek to Rogue debate will close today and a vote will Belshaw of Contra Costa, for the set Horace G. McKinley and Marie L. river; thence up Rogue river to inter­ ond time. J. W. Bonar, who lias a vineyard on be taken not later than 4 p. m. Ware, charged with S. A. D. Puter section of Rogue river with the east Washington. Nov. 19.—Ve«terdav*F Vice-President—Harry P. Stowe of Griffin Creek, on the read belwten and others with conspiracy to defraud line of sec 31, tp 33, r 1 e; thence session of the senate began with the Butte. Jacksonvi le and Phoenix, was in Ash ­ the government in the fraudulent entry south te sw cor sec 5, tp 35, r 1 e; preservation of a petition from tin Treasurer—Samuel J. Hendy of San of timber claims, and with forgery of thence east 5 miles; thence south 5 land lately and related to the Tidings "Dames of 1846" for an increase to $30 Francisco. certificates, have been arraigned in the . miles: thence west 2 miles; thence the unusual way in which be had lo-t per month of all pensions granted on Secretary—Edward H. Benjamin of United States district court. They en-' south 1 mile to the se cor of sec 3, tp his i nt ire cropof Muscat grapes. They account of the Mexican war. Mr. Gal Alameda, for the sixth time. tered pleas of not guilty to the several 36, r 1 e; thence west to Little Butte had been left on the vines to attain linger said the pension committee their greatest perfection by thorough would give due consideration to the FIRE AT UKIAH. counts of the indictment. creek; thence up Little Butte creek to ripening, and Mr. Bonar, prevented petition, but called attention to the Ukiah, Nov. 19. — Fire has de The end of weary waiting for an open intersection of east line of sec 10, tp by the late storm*, had not visited his fact that all survivors of the Mexican atroyed the tailor shop of A Leger A river is in sight. Government en­ 36, r 1 e; thence south on section line vineyard, which is some distance from war now receive pensions of $12. Co., on State street. The building On motion of Spooner, the senate or gineers have adopted plans for a canal to place of beginning. was a wooden structure, and before his bouu ntry far years and is a regular pre- NO. 16. LAKE CREEK PRECINCT. unequalled a« a liver pill. They are lyunds, black to every one that constipation Is caus­ small star in forehead, slight •cripti! n. it is composed of the best rightfully named because they give ed by a lack of water in the system, Beginning at se cor of sec 36, tp 37, polar mark top of neck; also one light tonics known, c mbined witli the best and t be use of drastic catbart ics, like r 4 e, being on the east boundary line s'rength and ent rgy and do their work bay mare, weight about 1000 pounds, bl< od purifier«, ac ir.g directly on the with ease. — W. T. Easton, Boerne, tbe old fashioned pills, only makes a of Jackson county; thence west 15 Tex. Thousands of people are using narrow stripe in face,small collar mark nui'ous surfaces. The perfect combi- bad matter worse. Chamberlain's top of neck. talion of the two ingredients Is what these tiny little pills in preference to on Will miles on said tp line to sw cor of sec SU mach and Liver Tablets are much pay $25 for the return of both ¡■roduie« such wonderful results in all ot hers, b< cause they are so pleasant more niiid aod xeotie in their effect, 34, tp 37, r2e; thence north 2 miles; or $10 for either one of the eri ng catarrh. Send f>r testimo­ etiectua), They cure I iliousness. animals, and when the proper dose is takeo thence west 14 mile-; thence north 2 and two. Write if uncertain about tbe nials free. F. J C heney & Co , torpid liver, jaundice, sick headai he, ownership of such horses as are here their acti< n is so natural that one can miles; thence west 24 mile«; thence constipation, Props , Toledo, O. etc. They do not purge hardly realise It is tbe effect of medi­ north 1 mile; thence we-t 1 mile to and weaken, but cleanseand strength­ described that may be found, and I will Sold by druggists. 75c. cine. Ti y a 25c bottle of them. For wtc< rner of s-c 2, tp 37, r 1 e; thence en. Sold by all druggis s. call and examine them. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. E. R. A rmstrong , sale by Ail Druggists. Ja'jksouville, Oca LUMBER AND SHINGLES. PIPE WANTED. I The undersigned is prepared to The undersii ned wish to buy I e- furnish rough aid finished lumber of tv en 200 and 5’.H) feet or bydr.iulh tie LeBl quality, with dispatch aid t nasotiable rate« at. my mill on Average Annual Sales over One and a Half MHKon I I pip , 10 or 11 ii c i. in goo 1 ordt r. Evans Creek. Also siting les that hotties. DoesthbrwirdofaMrit^p^toy0«7 No Cure, No Pay. 30c. Address at once have no sup i lor. M ahan & H afer , P. W ilson , Spkeuod, Or. Ashlaud, Oregon. DON’T STOP WORK HAVE BEEN REFORMED. W J Grape Crop Gathered by Deer. An Unfavorable Outlook. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic for a sprained Arm, Ankle or Back BEDS FOR BULBS. 1’olntrd Mar of CrocabM. Bulb« and Bedding Flant«. Buy a Bottle of I I SNAP SHOT There 1 b no question that the plant­ ing of crocus bulbs In the sod of a Rub in well and closely mowed lawn Is the prettiest way to get the fullest and most artistic beauty from this forerunner of all the 1 decorative flowers, and the planting iu | some geometrical figure or lines com- 1 ports best with the needs of grounds IT HAS CURED OTHERS, IT WILL^CURE.YOU where stately architecture, ent stone retaining walls and stone walks make ’s Snapshot, the wonderful destroyer of all forma ot InflammatlotHn man or beast the grass a mere mass of decorative 0c Sutton and 41 per bottle. R. K. SUTTON, sole proprietor and matufacturenAshland,Oregon YOU ARE GOOD AS NE'W For ale at City Drug Store. Jacksonville, and by Dr J Hickle CenlrkPoinl ¡2 fr K/ y a u V 4a, PLANS FOB BULB PLANTING, coloring to be kept as prim and pre­ cise as the lines of mortar 11 the house side. On country lawns, where nothing is forma) and everything shades off at the sides into more or less of nature’s wildness, the planting at random of all the colors is very pretty, and about as good n way as any is to mix tbe bulbs Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and then, taking them by handfuls, and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery cast them into the air and dibble them Into the lawn wherever they chance to by Daylight to all Points East. fall, whether it be three to a square foot or to a square yard. In geometrical designs to be planted in sod with crocuses there are not the Modern Equipment, through Pullman and Tourist same obstacles to contend with that there are with bedding plants like ge­ Sleeping Cars and Superb Dining Car Service . . . , raniums, which attain a breadth of a good many inches. There is no line of demarcation between sod and bed be­ cause there is no bed, and the crocus, W C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. being but an inch or two broad, points for rates, folders and other 124 Tnird St., PORTLAND, ORE, out a star easily and artistically, sayr ormation, address L. B. Pierce in Ohio Farmer in sub­ mitting the two diagrams here shown. The five pointed star was planted to crocuses. It was a bed of rich soil, slightly crowning and quite large, the center inside the points being some three feet or so in diameter. This cen­ ter was planted In concentric rings of yellow. The points were In lines of dark blue, while at each point was a circular foil of about two feet in diam­ eter planted In concentric rings of white. Cut out of a fine lawn it would be gorgeous beyond description. Doct tan to g«t today at yottr druggists a bottle of The second diagram represents a bed devoted to both spring bulbs and sum­ mer bedding flowers. Brilliant with geraniums or coleus iu tbe summer, it is in the spring also bright with hya­ cinths, jonquils or tulips. These are planted in the fall, about the time the 50 f e nte. AU. DRUGGISTS. frost puts tbe bedding plants out of commission, and are planted In rows i straight across the bed. THE SCENIC LINE 3 Fast bains Daily Between Ogden and Denver 3 STOPOVERS ALLOWED AWmanMs Depressed It’s the Liver. herbine For Sale at City Drug Sore Grape Package«. Grapes down in Massachusetts ar- seldom put up in the New York grape basket but are packed in trays bold­ ing from twenty-five to thirty pounds 38-55 HIGH POWER or in the twelve pound ••diamond" mar­ ket basket From these packages the fruit is sold by the pound by the re­ tail dealer or is consumed in popular hotels and boarding bouses. smokeless cartridges, lar J8-SS Martin re­ The trays most In use are about peaters with SmoizZe a trajectory sad great 30 inches long by 20 Inches wide and smashing power. They can be reloaded with biack powder as the twist of the rifles 3bj inches deep, with a cleated cover is adapted to both velocities. IM that is held in place by a small brad TH® MARUM HR® ARM® CO ♦ at each eud. The fruit is packed in two layers in such a manner that the stems are covered, the mass of fine fruit with the bloom uninjured, pre­ senting a very attractive appearance when the cover Is removed, and sells Ask The Agent quickly at good prices. These trays or carriers are “return packages" and — for — are either returned or paid for by the commission dealer. The two quart and four quart veneer o — VIA — or till basket bolding three and five pounds of gra;>es. [>aeked in such a way as to cover the stems and not to Injure the bloom, makes a very attractive and satisfactory package. But when put into the market in competition with the crated grapes that come from the OFFERS CHOICE OF THREE GATEWAYS southwest at the time native grapes ripen it sells at the same price aud therefore cannot be used except in a To SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, small way locally. DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, The twelve pound "diamond” market CHICAGO A ND ALL POINTS basket with two layers of fruit in it. is used in some sections aud is a cheap EAST........................................... package, as basket and fruit are sold Trains Daily 9 together by weight. As the basket weighs two or more pounds, more than . .East Time. its cost is received in the sale of the TO CHICAGO AND POINTS EAST fruit These baskets cost from $35 to New Equipment Throughout $40 per thousand.—S. T. Maynard in Through Standard and Tourist »leep ­ Day Coaches, Palace and Tour­ American Cultivator. ing Cars da’ly between San Francisco is Sleepers, Dining and Buffet and Chicago via Los Angeles and Si tiking Library Cara. The Lille«. Paso. • Llllums. with the exception of cana Ei Through DAA .IGHT TRIP THROUGH Tourist Sleeper each TUES­ lense and superbum, should be planted DAY’ from Portland to Chicago via TLE CASCADE AND in well drained soil, of light, sandy Salt Lake and Colorado Springs. ROCKY MOUNTAINS texture, enriched with leaf mold or old Through Standard Sleeping Cars For Full Pwrticulars, Rat««, Folder», hotbed or mushroom bed manure. Wet daily between Ogden and Chicago. etc., call on or address Lowest Rates in eff<*ct always avail­ heavy, soggy or sour soil rota them in J W PHALON, H. DICKSON, able via “ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM.” T- av Pass. Agt. City Ticket Agt., winter. Reduced Round Trip Rates in effect 1C Third Street, Portiand. (S' Bulbs already on the ground should A. B C. DENNISTON, G. W. P. A., July 12. 13, 15 and 16, and August SIX First Avenue. Seattle, Wash. be transplanted In late September or on 18, 19, 25 and 26; 90 days return limit. October. Be sure to see that your ticket reads Manure directly around bulbs is bad. via the It causes rust and rot A handful of sand under and around each bulb 'N j helps to keep the surrounding soil pure ; and sweet. Tbe Best and Most Reasonable Din­ i I The roots of trees and shrubs in a ing Car Service. I For rates, folders, etc., write to or measure act like miuute drains and air conductors, Bulbs planted among such call ou find the conditions of soil they best L. B. GORHAM, G. W. BAIN 1 ER, Gent-iai Akint, Trav. P.i-s. Agt like.—-T. Murray in American Garden 250 Aid< r SL. rtland. Or. Ing. TICKETS GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY^ Kansas City, St. Joseph or Omaha, ! 2 Rock Island System. I Dead Wood In Voong Plant«. Remove all dead branches from plants as soon as they show. By so do­ ng more space for development is giv­ en the growing shoots, and there can not be a possible drain on the plant« from half dead wood. Is Tbe Only SOUTH AND EAST —VIA— Double-Track Southern Pacific Co. Railway between the Shasta Missouri River Route and A WONDERFUL INVENTION. It is interesting to n 'to that for­ tunes are frequently made by the in- vuilionof arl ic'es of minor imp >rt- atice. Many of the most popular de­ vices are those designed to benefit the people and meet popular conditions, and one of the most interesting of these that lias ever been invented is the Dr. White Electric Comb. patent­ ed Jan. 1, ’99. These wonderful combs positively cure dandruff, hair falling ou’, sick ap