The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, November 25, 1903, Image 2

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    ßernoerati® Simes. THE TURN OF THE TIDE
Printed Every Wednesday, by
■epublicnn Treachery Shock» One
of the Party’s Spellbinder».
Trust Prosperity Induced by
Protection at an End.
Hon. B. 8. llodey, who represents
j New Mexico in congress and who is
I considered a Republican spellbinder of
C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr. |
■ prominence, was invited by Chairman
----------- — I INEVITABLE decline in wages . Dick of the Ohio Republican state com­
mittee to stump Ohio this fall. He
One Year, in advance..................... 11.501
refused, giving this reason:
Product ion Curtnlled Becaose of De-
Six Months....................................... 1.00
statement in the Repub­
creased Demand — Foreign Coun­
---------------- j-----------------------------
tries Adjust Their Tarifls For the lican platform of Ohio to which 1 can­
Advertisements inserted at reasona­ Purpoie of Escludine American not consistently subscribe, and that is
ble rates.
the statement that Senator Hanna's
re-election is a distinct national de­
In these days of retrenchment and mand. 1 was so shocked by his action
Entered st the Postoffice at Jacksonvfi'e, Ore .
sagging exports, which are the natural on the floor of the United States senate
as Second Class Mall Matter
results of a high protective tariff, our on the 20th of last January, repudiat­
manufacturers have been looking for ing the promises of the Republican
J udge B urnett of Salem has been markets abroad that were not walk'd party to the territories, although hr
elected president of the Oregon Bar In by a protective tariff against them. was chairman of the national Repub­
Association. Judge Benson of Klam­ The British colonies in South Africa lican party, that 1 cannot conscien­
ath Falls is one of the vice-presidents seemed the best field for exploiting, tiously take any part in the campaign
aud quite a nice business was spring­ to re-elect him.”
The pledge to give the territories
S enator Q uarles of Wisconsin ing up in that direction. The depart­
has reintroduced his bill to repeal the ment of commerce, which now includes statehood was but one of the promises
that were made by the Republican na
tirnbor and stone, desert land and home­ the bareaus of statistics, was quick to tional convention. Reciprocity was
call attention to our increased trade
stead commutation laws. This bill, with South Africa, and the protection­ promised, but the reciprocity treaties
which was favorably reported to the ist organs pointed to it as an example which were negotiated by McKinley
Senate last session, provides no sub­ of foreign trade that had not been re­ have never been ratified. And yet tin
stitutes for the existing laws.
duced by our own protection wall. protective duties of the Dingley bi!)
But, alas, those wicked Britishers, who were purposely placed so high that th<
A N ew Y ork woman , protesting are free traders at home, where they concession made to foreign countries
against the rule forbidding tho em­ cannot raise enough necessities to sup- under the treaties negotiated would
ployment of married women teachers bly themselves, when transplanted to 61111 leave ample protection to th«
trusts. But the tsusts wanted all the
in the public schools, acidly remarks: a new country, with infant industries, swag that the tariff bill gave them,
which they are trying to build up, have
“The average wife spends less time in determined on protection.
and their Influence with the Republic­
looking after her husband than the
The department of commerce now in­ an congress was sufficient to prevent
average young school teacher spends in forms us that all British territory in the ratification of the reciprocity trea
looking for one. ” Here is one incident South Africa has put in operation a ties.
The promise in the Republican plat
in the controversy that seems to be preferential tariff system in favor of
Great Britain of 25 per cent This form to favor legislation that would
will soon wipe out the trade that our prevent monopolies, “to limit produc
have built up with so much tlon or to control prices,” has not been
T he new republic of I’anama has
about 300,000 people—about three-fifths expense and care. The business thus redeemed and never will be until the
present leaders of the Republican par
the present number in Oregon. The lost with South Africa amounted to
$33.000.000, or about one-fourth of ty are retired to private life, for the
officials of the newly-made republic are what the same territory bought from trusts and monopolies furnish their
already proposing to enter Into a treaty England, and the amount was increas­ brea^of life—campaign funds.
with the United States for the canal; ed with surprising rapidity. In 189S
The promises to labor have not been
but they want the >40,000,000 offered our trade there amounted to only one- redeemed. The Republican platform
to Colombia and >250,000 a year rental tenth of that of the British, which declared, “We favor a more effective
after the completion of the canal. That shows the great increase since that restriction of the immigration of cheap
labor from foreign countries.” That
amount of money would pay the ex­ date.
Our trade with Canada is being ent this promise lias not been kept is pat
penses of all the government those 300,-
000 people would need for a long time, off in exactly the same manner, and ali ent from the fact that the present lm
and leave enough in reason for their the European governments are also migration exceeds that of any othei
grafters besides.
raisiug their tariff walls higher and year in the history of the country.
higher against us. The principal suf­
In fact, the exception is where the
So successful has been the project of ferers by this system of protection promises made in the national Repub­
colonizing southern negroes in the Pa­ adopted by other countries will be the lican platform have been rotleemed, yet
cific Northwest, that several hundred American workingman and farmer. all Mr. Rodey objects to is that the
young colored men and women are to Both will be cut off from markets for comparatively small promise made t<
be brought to the Puget Sound coun­ the surplus they produce and above the territories was repudiated by Sena
what the people of the United States tor Hanna. Neither he nor any other
try as rapidly as possible. The plan is can cousume. The workingmen will
Republican of prominence is refusln;
part of a movement started in Boston suffer by the decreased demand for to go on the stump because the greater
to transfer southern negroes to north­ what they manufacture and the farm­ promises that affect vast numbers of
ern homes. Most of them are well sat­ ers by the decreased markets for tl:eir the people, and some of them all th«*
isfied, though they were at first home surplus. As the demand decreases people, have been forgotten or pur­
sick, and have written encouraging prices for goods or produce fall and posely overlooked.
letters to their former homes The wages decline, which is the Immediate
Republican promises are, most of
people of Washington may soon dis­ result that may be looked for in this them, intended to fool the people, and
cover that the South is right in its esti­ country. In fact the process has al­ they do fool a good many of them, but
mate of the colored race.
ready begun, and some of the greater not all of them always.
manufacturers, the trusts, have already-
T he annual report of the adjutant­ notified their workmen that the reduc
Sh-h-h! The Baby
general of the army shows the present tion must be made. The steel trust has
land strength of the army to be 3,600 posted notices that on Jan. 1 a m w
officers; 55,500 enlisted men, and 800 agreement with its employees will b«
hospital corps and Philippine scouts. necessary. The Dover (N. J.) Index of
Oct. 2 says:
Of this 16,000 are in the Philippines;
“Some of the employees of the mines
43,000 in the United States and the in this section have received notice
remainder are distributed in Alaska, that their wages will be cut 15 cents
Hawaii, China and Porto Rico. per day. and it is said that the same
Twenty-five officers and 837 enlisted men rule is to prevail in all of the mines in
died of wounds and disease during the the country in the course of a few
past year. The most startling figures days. This is occasioned by the big
are those showing 5000 desertions and slump in steel and a consequent reduc­
nearly 10,000 discharged for disability. tion in the price of pig iron.”
That is from a local newspaper pub
The total organized militia is 160.000.
lished in the iron mine region, and the
Times Piinting Company
Information, therefore, comes at first
T he United States Army requires hand.
about 20,000 recruits a year to keep its
A Chicago special correspondent of
ranks filled. It is stated that not since the New York Evening Post of Sept. 30
the Spanish war has there been such says:
a recruit in the United States army as
‘The railroads and machine shops
at the present time. With so many are not using as many men as recently.
avenues open to fame and fortune In The night shifts have in a number of
civic life it may seem strange that a instances been dispensed with owing
young man will cut himself off from the to a falling off in business.’*
Thus we have the natural result of
rest of the world to become a soldier. protection brought home to us by the
If he ever were in love he must forget efforts of other countries to preserve
that pretty face now. A recruit can­ their markets for their own goods. As
not be a married man. If he has ever the foreign demand for our surplus
had dreams of wealth he must clear productions decreases we must reduce
his brain of them. For the three years our output. To reduce means men out
of his term he will have his food and of work and lower wages.
clothes and a few hundred a year. He
During the height of the trust boom
will get 113 a month the first and sec­ that has now run its course wages
ond years, >14 the next and 915 the
have been increasing. They will now
fourth and 416 the fifth year.
begin to fall, and only the best skilled
workmen will find steady employment.
E very STUDENT of racial conditions The protectionists would have us be­
in the United State« and of the effects lieve that the Dingley bill, if untouch­
of the present lack of restraint on ed, will continue prosperity, but the
the admission of the Japanese into facts show that it has bred trusts and
this country knows it will prove monopolies, raised the price of living
disastrous soon or later. The little far beyond the increase of wages,
brown men are invading every industry forced countries to increase their tariff
and calling in the country, just as the wall against American products and
Chinese formerly did, but with greater produced a panic in the stock market
which seems destined to extend to all
vigor and energy, and they are mena­ branches of trade.
cing the well-being of our own people in
That the tariff has been the mother
the competition with white labor, in of trusts was a sworn statement of one
which they are actively engaged. If of the great trust magnates and that
we allow their incoming to go on much the trusts have been selling their prod-
longer without restriction we shall be nets cheaper to foreigners than to our
confronted with a race problem more own people has been proved, yet with
serious than that created by the Mon­ all this evidence of the harm that the
golian invasion, for the reason that the protective tariff has done and is doing
the Republican leaders have determin­
Japanese are more energetic and aggros ed not to reduce or reform it and are
sive. While they accommodate them already engaged in packing the com­
selves more nearly to our civilization mittees of the coming congress so that
than the Chinese do, and are less offen­
sive in their mode of living and social the subject cannot even be considered.
habits, they are as unassimiliable so-
Mot Settled.
ocialland politically, and equally ob­
jectionable as a disturbing (dement in
The Republican party organs are
our industrial conditions. It is quite maintaining that the Philippine ques­
as essential, therefore, that their ad tion is settled because we have posses­
mission to the U. S. A. should be put sion of the islands. Abraham Lincoln
under the same kind of restraint, anu once said no question was ever settled
the sooner Congress applies the restric­
tions of the exclusion laws to all until it was settled right, and a nation
Asiatics the quicker the menace of a could not exist half bond and half
free. What he said In the sixties suits
Japanese invasion will be removed.
the conditions now Just as exactly ns it
then and is just as eternally true.—
ANENT the secession of Panama
Portsmouth (O.) Times.
from Colombia the following informa­
tion is interesting. Colombia is a republic
of South America, named for Columbus.
The Kind You Have Always Bough
Ban the
It is bounded by the Carribean Sea on Big nature
the north, Venezuela and Brazil on the
east, Ecuador, Brazil and Peru on the
south, and the Pacific ocean and Costa
Rica on the west. It is rich in agricul­
tural and mineral products. Its chief
exports are gold, silver and coffee. The
Th e recent decision of the general
prevailing language is Spanish, the
religion mainly Catholic. The govern­ land office in the case of Ingrain vs.
ment is vested in a president and a Erickson, in which the title to 160
ongress composed of a senate and acres of land was involved, and in
< hamber of representatives. There are which a decision was rendered favor­
ine departments. Spanish power was ing the contestant, is one of vast and
• stablished during the first half of the wide-spread importance. Ingram con­
6th century and independence wasf>ro- tested Erickson’s claim on the ground
• ¡aimed in 1811. In 1819 this territory, that when Erickson tiled on the claim
sith Venezuela and Ecuador, forined he was already the possessor of 160
he republic of Colombia, from w dch acres of land, and for that reason be
Venezuela and Ecuador withdre r in was not entitled to any advantagesof
1831. In 1886 the present constiti Lion the homestead act. Hundreds of peo­
was formed. Colombia has an area of ple I d the Pacific coast states will be
504,773 square miles and 4,500,000 ubpu- affected by the decisi) n, as any claim
lation. The people of Panama w<*e in homesteaded by a person who was al­
favor of granting concessions toltbe
American government to induce <im- ready in possession of .160 acres of
pletion of the Panama canal, but wieir land may be contested, no matter if
wishes were voted down by the general he has already proved up on the
government. Hence the rebellion.
An Important Decision.
What will Papa Morgan do with the
Protection Run Mud.
Window glass is a necessity in all
northern latitudes, and yet the people
of the United States support the policy
of a high tariff that prevents compe
tition In that necessary article. The
duty on window glass was Increased
nearly 100 per cent by the passage of
the Dingley bill and was intended to
be prohibitive of the imj>ortation of
glass manufactured in foreign coun
tries. Having procured this monopoly
of window glass, the combine that con
trols the manufacture of it has dou
bled the price, and the market is much
oversupplied. Instead of reducing the
price, the trust shut down the facto
rlea, and no window glass has been
manufactured by the trust since last
spring, and there is still a large stock
on hand that is awaiting a market.
The glass blowers are therefore idle
and, having formed a labor trust of
their own to control wages and re
strict the number of workingmen and
entered into a combination with the
window glass trust not to furnish glasu
blowers for independent or rival fac
tories, they have cut off al) avenue ot
employment until the trust can start
the fires again.
This is protection run mad, to the un
doing of the American people.
The window glass trust is protected
by the tariff of 60 to 100 per cent and
is charging double what its product is
worth. The labor trust is paid enor­
mous wages when employed, but that
is less than half the time, so the yearly
Income of the glass blowers is not
more than half what their per diem
rate is.
They Are Good to Their Mother.
The mother of all trusts Is the cus­
toms tariff bill. It is the government,
through its tariff laws, which plunders
the people, and the trusts, etc., aro
merely the machinery for doing it.—
Henry O. Ilavemeyer. President of Su­
gar Trust, June 14, 1809.
Ar,, file for $100 in U. S. gold coin
will take place at the Banquet Saloon
in Jacksonville on Thursday night,
Dec. 24, 1903. The person throwing
the highest number with dice will
get $75, and the lowest throw takes
the remaining $25. Chances will
range from one cent to $1. A fine
turkey supper will be set after the
raffle, wlii h will be conducted to in­
sure general satisfaction.
Mrs. O. Crawford spent several hours
in Medford Wednesday.
O. E. Burchell is furnishing the Jack
sonville market with hay.
E. C. Hart has returned from his
trip to Northern California
Jack Cline, the fool-ball player, is
spending the winter at Ashland.
Miss Louise Whitney of Ashland has
returned from her southern trip.
Amos McKee of Applegate was among
those in our city during the week.
Jas. Geary of Elk Creek, the stock-
man,has been in Douglas county lately.
Jas. Eaton,who has been at Jackson
vil'e for several weeks, is in Medford
A. II. Jones has purchased Jack
Fenton’s interest in the Ashland Iron
Alfalfa hay has been boosted $2 a ton
higher, $14 at the barn now being ask­
ed by some.
Wm. Faber, president of the Albany
Brewing Co., made Ashland a visit a
few days ago.
D. M. Gilliland, who became a resi­
dent of Meadows precinct last year,
has left those parts.
Miss Amanda Helms, who has been
visiting at Portland and Eugene, re­
turned home Friday.
Mrs. Addie B. Colvig. who is grand
chief of the Degree of Honor, has been
at Salem on an official visit.
Tho mother of Mrs. Frank Ileberlie
of Ashland died at Chico, Calif., Nov.
16th, of consumption, aged 57 years.
Geo. W. Nichols, W. Von der Hellen,
John Rader and others have been in
tho upper valloy, on the anaual rodeo.
John J. O’Neil, the locomotive en­
gineer, has resigned his position and
gone to California, in search of a loca­
Clinton Textor, an attorney who
hails from Medford, Wis., was in town
Friday, on his way to Applegate,where
he has a homestead.
J. A. Julien, one of the prominent
young men of Siskiyou county, Cal.,
tarried in Medford last night, while en
route home from Portland
Mt Shasta No. 642, Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen, are making great
preparations for a grand ball at Ash­
Guaranteed Forest Reserve Scrip for
sale, in large or small quantities, by
Frank E. Alley, upstairs over Land
Office, Roseburg. Oregon. Will place
same for non resident purchasers.
John Ritter, who has been in Klam­
ath county during the past two years,
returned to Slate creek, Josephine Co.,
last week.
Mrs. Mary Middlebusher has been ap.
pointed postmaster at Trail, succeed­
ing Mrs. Sarapta Inlow, who has re­
moved to Ashland.
Wilbur Cameron is the champion
bear hunter of Applegate this season,
having killed three of the animals in
one day recently.
Mrs. Emma Northrup, who has boen
adjudged insane, was taken to Salem
Wednesday evening by Emmett Bark-
dull and Mrs. D. W. Hazel.
Alex. Martin, Sr., after spending
several months in Klamath county,
looking after his business interests,
has returned to Oakland, Calif.
Dr. and Mrs. Chas, nines of Hillsboro
have been visiting on Applegate, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Devlin
and Hon. and Mrs. Miles Cantrall.
J. N. and Harry Hayes, also Smith
Bros.. J. T. Miller and J. H. Ring,
who reside in Sardine Creek district,
were witnesses in the case of the State
vs. Hostuns.
E. H. Autenrieth of Sisson, Calif.,
the attorney, who is well known In this
valley, and Mrs. Emma H. Sutton of
Dunsmuir were married at Sacramen­
to, Calif., Nov. 7th.
Benton Bowers, the Ashland capita­
list, has traded a farm in Linn county
for Wm. Spencer's ranch, located near
£olo. He has already shipped a car­
load of stock thither.
Clay Pattjrson, son of Mr. and Mrs
J. Patterson of Talent precinct, has re­
turned from Sacramento, where he has
been receiving medical treatment. His
health is somewhat improved.
While P. H. Daily, county school
superintendent, was hunting ducks on
the Desert, not long since, his shotgun
exploded. He fortunately escaped se­
rious injuries, receiving only a gash in
the head.
R. H. Dewitt, a prominent citizen of
Yreka, Calif., and Mort. Hawkins, a
well-known commercial traveler, were
in our town Friday evening. The lat­
ter will soon be married to Miss Ella
Burrows, one of the belles of Walla
Walla, Wash.
Messrs. Elliott and Woods, who are
looking after the lands belonging to
the O. & C. R. R. Co., have been in
this section lately. They report some
depredations, especially in tho vicinity
of Sterlingville.
Blue-print maps of any township is
Roseburg, Oregon, Land District, show
ing all the vacant lands, for 50 cents
each. If you want any information
from the U. S. Land Office, address
Title Guarantee A Loan Co., Rose­
burg, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. RE Graham, who have
been stopping in Jacksonville for some
time, left for Spokane, Wash., Thurs­
day. Mrs. G.’s cousin accompanied
them, as also did C. H. Hoffman, who
has been visiting at the county-seat.
Joe Hoskins of Sardine creek, who
was arrested by Sheriff Rader on
charge of stealing lumber belonging to
Dr. C. R. Ray, had a jury trial in
Justice Plymale’s court Nov. 17th and
was acquitted.
Austin S. Hammond, the well-known
attorney,and Miss Charity Maldonado,
both of Grants Pass, were married at
New Way of Using'Chamberlain's
Seiwood, Nov. 18th. They have many
Cough Remedy.
Arthur C hapman writing from Dur­ friends, with whom wo join in congrat­
ban, Natal, South Africa, says: “Asa ulations and best wishes.
proof i liat Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­
Tho grand jury of Siskiyou county,
edy is a cure for old and young, I pen
having obtained legal evidence
you the following: A neighbor of mine
ad a child Just over two months old. to the effect that the saloons conducted
It had a very bad cough and the par­ by Kegg & Cooloy at Montague, F. T.
ents did not know what to give it. I Fradenburgh at Henley and George
suggested that if they would get a
bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Reme­ L. Bickell at Hamburg Bar, are con­
dy and put some upon the dummy ducted in a disorderly manner and con­
teat the baby was sucking, it would trary to the statutes, recommended that
no doubt cure the child. This they
did and brought about a quick relief the board of supervisors revoke their
and cured the baby.” This remedy is license, which will be done, if it has not
already been.
for sale by all druggists.
Mollta Cotntn » » c’« ry, Knights
plar, of Grants Pass, will receive its 1
charter Nov. 30th, which will be made
the occasion of an official visit of Goo. I
H. Hill,eminent grand commander,and
other officers of the Oregon Command-
Wm. Vineyard, the man who is ac­
cused of burning four big stacks of hay
in Warner Valley, has surrendered
himself to Sheriff Dunlap. He denies
his guilt and claims that he can prove
an alibi. His brother is wanted for
the same crime.
John S. Herrin, who is engaged in
raising fine sheep near Ashland, was
hero a few days since. He is 76 years
old, but still vigorous and actively en­
gaged in business. His eldest son, Wm
F., who is an eminent lawyer, is chief
counsel of the S. P. Co., mid receives
the princely salary of $70,000 a year.
A large number of hogs are being
shipped out of the valley by J. W. Wi­
ley, R. C. Hensley and others. The
price has fallen to four cents a pound,
and may go still lower. Feed is very
high every whore, even in the East.
W. J. Boosey, who lives a few milos
south of Jacksonville, was arrested
Wednesday by Sheriff Rader, charged
with trespassing on the land of Mr.
Clark. He was tried in Justice Ply-
male’s court and bound over. Mr. B.
is an old offender in this lino.
J. M. Rader, sheriff and tax collector
of Jackson county, gives notice that he
will sell the real estate of delinquent
taxpayers, as by law provided, on Fri­
day, Dec. 18, 1903. The list is not as
large as usual, and will be smaller still
when the day of sale arrives.
II. C. Smith and Miss Sadie Bristow,
both of whom are blind, were married
at Keno, Klamath county, Wednesday
last. Both were once able to see, al­
though bereft of sight for about 20
years. Neither is helpless because of
this affliction, by any means, as they at­
tend to their daily duties almost as well
as if they were not blind.
The Ashland cannery, which has
been conducted by Chas. H. Pierce,
during the past season put up21 tons of
[«caches, 15 tons of Bartlett [tears, 10
tons of string beans. 7 tons of blackber­
ries and a large quantity of tomatoes,
all of which are of an excellent quality
and command a ready sale. About 50
[tenions were employed during the four
months the cannery was in operation.
We would again call tho attention of
our readers to the convention of the
Northwestern Fruit Growers’ Associa­
tion, which will be hold at Portland
Jan. 12-14, 1904. It will be full of bene­
fit to the horticulturists of Southern
Oregon, and we hope that they will
lend their assistance in making it a
sucess. Jos. W. Olwell will take plea­
sure in seeing that any exhibits they
wish to make will be properly taken
care of. Let them of the (»‘Stand plenti­
The Iowa Lumber Co. has leased a
tract of land lying in the northwestern
portion of Medford and belonging to
Prof. Narregan and C. W. Palm. !t
has also applied to the O. & C. R. R.
Co. for the use of the block adjoining.
The company intends to operate on a
large scale ¿and must have pk*n;y of
room. It has already begun prepara­
tion« for the installment of its plant in
Medford, which will be proceeded with
as rapidly as possible.
Professor A. 1*. Armstrong is rapidly
Improv’ng his Laurelash Farm, which
is located two œil. s north of Jackson­
ville. Recently he purchased the Reyn­
olds Springs, which are but a short
distance west of his place, and also the
right of way, so that he may pipe the
water to his house and to several places
on the farm. The springs have «strong
flow of pure, cold water, and are peren­
nial, not having failed to flow, even in
the driest sea »o ns, since they were dis­
covered in 1852.
The Oregon game law has been very
effective this season, so far as the
market hunters near the state lino are
concerned. There have been none on
the Oregon side of Little Klamath
Lake, and all the hunters on Tulo
Lake are on the other side, thanks
to Mont. Hutchinson, deputy game war
den. If the California game law was
as strictly enforced on that part of
Tule Lake that lies in that state as it
has bien on the Oregon side this sea­
son, hunting ducks for the market b.t
the wholesale would soon be a thing of
the past there.
THE cas famine no* existing In Ow.
gon has proved quite damaging to the |
best interests of the State, and the end .
is not in sight by a good deal. Many
sawmills in Southern Oregon, as well
as tho big sawmills of the Booth-Kelly
Lumber Co. and the Pacific limber
Co., have been closed for an indefinite
period on account of lack of cars for
shipping their product. Nearly all the
large sawmills aloug the line of rail­
road in Western Oregon are seriously
affected from the same cause. These
companies have spent much time and
energy in procuring markets for their
products, and this work will practically
prove valueless hereafter if they cannot;
get cars to ship their products. Mills
in others states will get the orders that
have been heretofore coming to Ore-.
gon. The railroad company cannot act
too speedily.
/ .. —
The Shortest War
out of an attack of
£ Neuralgia
Iato use
St. Jacobs Oil
Which affords not only sure relief,
but a prompt cure. It soothes,
subdues, and ends the suffering.
Price, 25c. and 5Oc.
N otwithstanding his threat that
he would not convene the Legislature
unless he was assured that it would
consider nothing but the passage of a
tax law, Gov. Chamberlain has issued
a call to the members of the Legisla­
tive Assembly of the State of Oregon,
commanding them tomoetat theCapitol
building in Salem on Monday, Decetu­
be« 21, 1903, for the purpose of conven­
ing an extraordinary session of the
Legislature to enact a law to provide
for tho levy of taxes on the assessment
rolls for the year 1903. The Governor
also issued writs of election to the
sheriffs of Klamath, Lake, Crook and
Grant counties for holding a special
election to choose a senator to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of J.
N. Williamson, and to the sheriff of
Clatsop county to hold a special elec­
tion to fill the vacancy in the senator­
ship caused by the resignation of
C. W. Fulton.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Pleasant to Take
The finest qutlijy of granulated loaf
sugar is used in the imnuf icture of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and the
roots used in its preparation give it a
flavor similar to maple syrup, making
it quite pleasant to take. W. L. Rod­
erick. of Poolesville, Md.. in speaking
of this remedy, says: “I have used
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy with
my children for several years and can
truthfully say it. is the b-st preparation
of the kind 1 know of. The children
like to take it and it lias no Injurious
after effect. For sale by all druggists.
The Average Maw.
The factor which is overlooked by
those who fear the ascendency of any
quixotic notion is the existence of the
average man. This individual is not a
striking personality, but he holds the
balance of power. Before any extrava­
gant idea can establish itself it must
convert the average man. He is very
susceptible and takes a suggestion so
readily that it seems to prophesy the
complete overthrow of the existing or­
der of things. But was ever a conver­
sion absolute? The best theologians
say no. A great deal of the old Adam
is always left over. When the average
man takes up with a quixotic notion,
only so much of it is practically
wrought out as be is able to compro
hend. The old Adam of common sense
continually asserts itself. The natural
corrective of quixotism is Sancho Par»
zaisin. The solemn knight, with bis
bead full of visionary plans, is follow­
ed by a squire who is as faithful as
bis nature will [>ermit Sancho has no
theories and makes no demands on the
world. He leaves that sort of thing to
his master. He has the fatalism which
belongs to ignorant good nature and
the tolerance which is found in easy­
going persons who have neither ideals
nor nerves. He has no illusions, though
he has all the credulity of ignorance —
B. M. Crotbers in Atlantic.
ILalth h absolutely impossible if
constipation be present. Many se­
rious cases of liver and kidney c *m-
p’alnt have sprung from neglected
constipati tn. Such a deplorable con-
di-ion is unnecessary. There is a cure
for it. Herbine will speedily remedy
matters. C. A. Lindsay, P. M.. Bron­
son, Fla., writes. “Havingtried Her­
bine, 1 find it a fine medicine for con­
stipation.” 50c bottle. Sold by
Dr. J. Hinkle. Central Point, Ore.
Of any Township in the
Roseburg Land District.
Prepared for Filing on Home
stead or Timber Claims
1ST Special Attention given to
Matters in Connection with
the U. 8. Land Office.
Marks Bld..Roseburg, Or
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re­
lieve little coughs, all
coughs, except deep ones I
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayer’s Cherry
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Don’t make any mistake, but re-
memlier the name. Swamp-Root, Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y. on every
Do You Enjoy
What You Eat?
Yea can eat whatever and whenever yon
Ilka If you take Kodoi. By tho use of this
remedy disordered digestion and diseased
stomachs are so completely restored to
health, and the full performance of their
functions naturally, that such foods as would
tie one Into a double-bow-knot are eaten
without even a “rumbling“ and with a poeb
ttve pleasure and enjoyment. And what is
mere—these foods are assimilated and
transformed into the kind of nutriment that
la appropriated by the blood and tissuea.
Kodoi is the only digestant or combination
ft digestants that will digest all classes of
lead. In addition to this fact, it contains, in
assimilative form, the greatest known tonic
and reconstructive properties.
Kodoi cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all
disorders arising therefrom.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
disappear when the kid­
neys are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncommon
for a child to be bom
afflicted with weak kid­
neys. If the child urin­
ates too often, if the
the flesh or if, when the child
reaches an age when it should be able to
control the passage, it is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of
the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis-
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fif:y-
cent and one dollar
sizes. You may have a
sample bottle by mail
free, also pamphlet tell- Hoaie of Swamp-Bone.
ing all about it, including many of tbs
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured, in writing Dr. Kilmer
8c Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and
r ention this paper.
•^-Office in Red Men'» Bulldin«.
Great*» Pass, Oregon.
practices all the court»
building up stairs
Office In Rank
J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.
Offices ,n the Adkins Deuel block
Jacksonville, Oregon.
W Will practice in all courts ot the State Ot
Hee in the Court House last door ot ibe
right from entrance
A. C
Iraat’a Paas,
REXICONA has Cured some of the
worst cases of
Grant’s Pana, Oregon.
«•‘Office above S P . D. A L. Co ’s Store.
Silas «.I. Day
Notary Public
Real Estate Agent
and U. S. I ommissioner
for Jackson County.
Abstract» made te Title« af
•11 Kind drawn up especially pertaining to
the settlement of estares.
Kodoi Digests What Yoa Eat accounts Silicited, Prompt Remittance.
Makes the Stomach Sweet.
•attiaa only Regular Ute. J1.00. holding 2M times
the trial size, which Mils for 50 cents
Prepared toy X. a De WITT * OO., OtUcage, ML
His First
“The writer regrets the ne­
cessity of lodging complaint
concerning your usual ex­
cellent service, but in a friend­
ly spirit lx? s to submit the
following: Yesterday you
sold me lower nine, car three,
on The Pioneer Limited. But
you neglected to advise me
that it would be necessary
to have the porter waken nte
in the morning, and, as there
was so little motion to the
car, I overslept. I have cov­
ered a large area on some of
the other famous trains of
the United States and this is
the first comp’aint of this
character I have made. I
trust you will see to it in the
future that passengers are
The Pioncet Limited runs
daily from St. Paul to Chi­
cago via the
invstment securities a specialty. Jacksot.
Axinty Scrip bought and sold.
have a complete set or maps of all aurveyed
and* tn this county, and receive Abstract*
monthly from Roseburg Land Office, the Land
department or the O. A C. R. R. and the State
Land Department at Salem of all new entriea
made 1 am thus prepared to make out home,
ttead papers and take proofs thereon. Also I
take tilings and proofs of timber lands, and
can save to the expe-ae of a trip
to the Roseburg land office
have a Number af FlneFarma aad other
Desirable Propertv la my head* for
Prom nt reply made to all letters, t'harg-
«• In accordance with ’he times
Refers, by permission. Hon. H. K. Hanna
lUdge of the 1st Judclal District, and to any
business house tn Jacksonville
vi « it
H. S. ROWE, General Agent.
134 Third St., Portland.
Weeks & Baker
positive cure for
T he R exicona C o .
uady Agents Wanted [ Çqn
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
West Side,
Medford, Ore.
Open Nights
ladies, Attention! I Medford Furniture Co.,
Original aud only genuine French
Tansy Wafers for safety lending
Druggist*. *2 pir box safe and re­
liable. Accept no substitute.
’l'o 4?urw
i » h I.
fake Uitseaiets Uafidy 1 «».iiu-lie. loe wtU.
f.UC. lufi
>-ur** <b «g;su»'..’uud r'-xtj
Office over Halr-R.ddle Hardware Store
The Modern Remedy for Women
thwl < .>ugh by-up.» Good Vac
In lime. Sold by <1
Ple,ely J. H. Burge, Macon, Col.
Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul R. R.
R. C. Anderson, respondent, vs. J.
F. Adams, appellant, from Klamath
couuty, H. L. Benson, judge, affirmed!
opinion by Chief Justice Moore.
This was an action to recover dam­
ages from an agent for the breach of
an agreement made in excess of his
authority. The Supreme Court holds,
as did the lower court, that “an agent
who makes a contract on behalf of
his principal in excess of bls au­
thority is, on the repudiation of the
agreement by the principal, personal­
ly liable thereon, though be made no
false representations concerning his
authority, and, as he impliedly war­
ranted that he was empowered to
a gke tbe conf erct, the action will te
coii'iiued as in contract instead of in
“My wife bad a deep-seatedcough
for three years. I purchased two
bottles of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
large size, and it cured her com-
T he W. C. T. U. is again harassed
by the phantom of the army canteen
Tbm si»»»’■
• All 4r«U**s-
looming up dangerously in prominent.
In bis annual report as chief of staff
< on.ul» your doctor. If ha say» uke ’*•
than do alib» »»y»
W »•• *•>“
General Young makes an urgent ap­
U t.k.H th.n don’t tab. H Ha knows.
peal for the re-establishment of the
!**”• “ wMhJb‘”
SÄ «*-
canteens. He says he hesitates to take
the matter up because Congress failed
to take action establishing them, but
does not,feel at liberty to ignore the
measure which is unanimously advocat­
ed by the officers, and having the best
interests of the army at heart
R. (7. GALF, M. D.
their recommendation is entitled to con­
sideration. He says that the canteens
promote morality, sobriety’ and disci­ Office in Orth’s Building.
Hours—2 tO 4 and 7 to 8 p. m
Supreme Court Decisions.
Lake county, tespoudeol, vs. A. J.
Neilon et al., appellants f o;u Jackson
county, H. K. Hanna, judge, reversed;
opinion by Justice Wolvtrton.
Neilon was sheriff of Lake county,
and dtfeidants J. Frank), George
Jammerthal, A. McCallen and J. E.
Bernard were his sureties. Neilon de­
faulted, and this suit was brought to
recover on his < fficlal undertaking,
which was executed May 6, 1899. At
the trial the jury was instructed that
the sureties would be liable for
money collected by Neilon before the
undertaking was given and still in
his hands and that it would be pre­
sumed that he still bad in his hand-
all money collected and not turned
over to the county. This presump-
ti m, the Jury was told, could be over­
come only by direct and positive evi-
d nee. The Supreme Court holds
that the presumption may be over­
come by either direct or indirect evi­
dence, and for this error the case is
reversed and remanded for new trial.
HouseFurnishers and
Undertakers. JohnH.
Butler, Funeral Idi­
rector. Day Phone
Main 353. Night
Phone Main 251.