The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, November 25, 1903, Image 1

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Kindred Say» They Cured
Rheumatism aud That They Giva
Him Strength.
When old people are stricken with
disease every practitioner knows how
greatly the chance* of successful truat-
meut are diminished by the natural de­
bility due to advatuted age. This fact
gives vital importance to the case of Mr.
Amos Kindred, of No. 82 Jacques ave­
nue. Worcester. M:tss..who in his eighty­
fourth year is enjoying g.xxl health and
attributes it largely to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People. Not only
does he use them as a tonic, a purpose
for which they have no equal, but he
was cured by them of an acute disease,
as related in the following interview.
Mr. Kindred says:
•• Some time ago I was a sufferer from
inflammatory rheumatism. It was in
my hands, legs and back, and my flesh
was very sensitive. My hands were
badly swollen, but my liaek troubled me
most an I sometimes was so bud that I
could liardly get alxiut. Once when I
stooped over to pick up something,
I found I could n >t straighten up. For
two weeks after that 1 could not stand
up straight. It was a terrible affliction
and neither doctors nor any medicines I
tried guve me any relief. I kept getting
worse aud my back grew so bud that I
could not even turn over in bed without
“Then I tried Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People. They fitted my
ease exactly and cured me. I have had
no return of the rheumatism since then.
I still take the pills occasionally, for a
person of my age requires a tonic now
and then, and I find that nothing gives
me the strength that they do. ”
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a double
notion, ou the blood aud ou the nerves,
and have cured long-standing cases of
locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St.
Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheu­
matism, nervous headache, the after­
effects of the grip, palpitation of the
heart, pale aud sallow complexions and
all forms of weakness either m nude
or female.
Dr. Williams’Pink Pills for Pale People
may be obtained at all druggists, or di­
rect from Dr. Williams Medicine Own-
Cy, Seheueotady, N.Y., fifty cents per
; six bbxea for two dollars and fifty
The Hog Law Invalid.
By a decision of Judge Burnett, ren­
dered in Tillamook county, the farm­
ing communities are left without any
law to protect them from the annoy­
ance of swine running at large.
The case at issue was that of Am­
brose Arstell vs. Harrison Booth, in
which the former sued Booth for
<13.50, the value of some hogs. The
hogs were running at large on
Booth’s place, and he took them up;
the usual notice the constable sold
them. Arstell then sued Booth for
damages and Booth justified posses­
Judge Burnett held that the law
was unconstitutional, because it al­
lowed tbe coostable to sell without
proceedings in the courts.
An Ancient Foe
Gen. Miles Says that Sol­
diers Should Build Them
—A Good Idea.
There is no man in America whose
opinion on certain subjects should
carry more* weight than that of Gen.
Miles. He has a long, highly honor­
able and distinguished career. His
training and years of experience,
with unusual opportunities for close
observation, have pre-eminently fitted
him to speak with authority on mat­
ters connected with the welfare of
the army, saysthe Pacific Monthly.
It will, perhaps, be generally ad­
mitted that an army is a necessary
evil. The fact remains, however,
that Its members are drones in the
social scheme. The world is no better
off on account of its armies, which
are usually the playthings and diver­
sions of kings and emperors—an
enormous expense and a constant
menace. Toe history of America
shows that there is no place for a
large standing army in a republic,
and our policy has been simply to
maintain tbe nucleus of an army for
our own protection and to kill off the
But the effect of 25,000 to 100,000
men practically idling their time
away is bad, even upon the millions
of America. Besides, it is unneces­
sary. These men should be put to
work, and Gen. Miles has come for­
ward with a masterly solution of tbe
problem. He says let them build
good roads throughout tbe nation.
It would be difficult to commend
tbis recommendation too highly. It
is the suggestion of a far-sighted
We spend millions of dollars a year
od our navy, and Uncle Sam doesn’t
even make a wry face when tbe bill
is presented. We see our big, glori­
ous ships pictured majestically in the
papers aad magazines, and we feel a
thrill of pride and satisfaction. Cer­
tainly our navy has had a splendid,
glorious history. Let the good work
go on, we say.
But is all this expenditure good?
Is it wise? la it right? Granting
that we need a big navy, are we doing
tbe wise thing to give so much atten­
tion and money to one thing to tbe
neglect of otbers equally It not more
It is perhaps not necessary to point
out the need for great, permanent
highways in America. The advent
of tbe automobile, tbe possibilities for
It in peace and war, and tbe fact that
the Americau people are great travel­
ers, have made it apparent to all that
we are sadly in need of good road«.
No work, therefore, could be under­
taken by tbe nation that would be
so immediately productive of results
and would meet with such national
approval as the execution of Gen.
Mlles’ recommendation to utilize tbe
army and build us good reads at one
stroke. It is to be hoped that Con­
gress will take the recommendation
into consideration at the coming ses­
sion, and pass this measure. If it did
nothing else, it would have a worthy
monument to its judgment and sa­
To health and happiness is Scrofula—
as ugly as ever since time immemorial.
It causes bunches in tbe neck, dis­
figures the skin, inflames the mucous
membrane, wastes the muscles, weak­
Graham, the individual who was ar­
ens the bones, reduces the power of
resistance to disease and the capacity rested by Constable Miles of Montague,
for recovery, and develops into con­ Calif., for breaking into a saloon, but
turned over to Sheriff Rader, on a
“A bunch appeared on the left side of charge of burglarizing Sergent & Dun­
my Baek. It caused great pain, was lanced, lap’s store at Talent, is at large again.
and became a running sore. I went into a
On Sunday Graham wA allowed to
general decline. I was persuaded to try
Bood’a Sarsaparilla, and when I had taken leave his cell and was given the free­
aix bottles my neck was healed, and I have
never had any trouble of the kind since.” dom of the corridor of the jail. He
soon went to work to gain his freedom
Mae. K. T. S nyder , Troy, Ohio.
and succeeded in prying off the casing
of the door and reaching the bolt that
and Pills
fastened tbe lock. As the jail Is sur­
will rid you of it, radically and per­ rounded by a high fence, and nobody
manently, as they have rid thousands. was near, his operations were un­
There is no clue to Graham’s where­
R ockefeller has lately advanced
abouts as yet. Sheriff Rader is spar­
tbe price of oil two cents a gallon,
ing nothing to capture him, and the
which means thirty million dollars add­
are favorable that he will be
ed annual profits for the Standard Oil
bars soon again. Be offers
trust, its output of oil being one bildon,
*50 for his return to tbe
five hundred thousand gallons. As
county jail.
Rockefeller gets sixty per cent of the
Graham is about 40 years old, six
profits, his personal annual gain by
the raise will be between nineteen and feet tall and very slim, dark thin hair
twenty million dollars. No wonder he and almost bald, very black eyes, dark
can endow colleges and churches ga­ mustache; had on a grey mixed suit,
well worn, double breasted blue shirt,
lore, for it’s all st the expense of the and
short, dark overcoat. Graham is a
pleasant talker and smokes cigarettes.
He Broke Jail.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
You Know What You Are Taking
When jou lake Grove’s Taatelea. Chill Tonic
because the formula la plainly printed on every
bottle,abowing that it la simply Iron and Qui­
nine In a laaleieaa form. Vo Cure. No Pay. SGr
THE railroad lobbyists who defeated
the Panama canal treaty In the Colom­
bian congress are now aware of a seri­
ous mistake committed by them. T hey
failed to purchase the state, now re­
public of Panama, and there is a very
fair prospect that our Government will
yet construct the canal on terms much
more advantageous than were expect­
ed from Colombia.
Levi StrausscGos
Thos. McAndrew, Jr., has returned
from Eastern Oregon.
The downpour of rain seems to be
over, for the present at least, and
springlike weather prevails.
Dr. Geo. B. Cole of Central Point
was at Phoenix Monday, having been
called to see Gue Epps, who is quite
The Iowa Lumber Co. on Monday
shut down its sawmill for the present.
Operations will be resumed at au early
Dr. Chas. Hines and his family, of
Forest Grove, who have been visiting
in Applegate, will returu home this
Will. Barnum is engaged in building
a boat, with which he will float down
Bear Creek to Bogue River and kill
ducks ad libitum.
The report that Ed Hill, the lame
printer, was killed in a railroai^ acci­
dent, proves unfounded.
He writes
that he is still very much alive.
The firm of Fox & Good, which has
been conducting the principal livery
stable at Ashlaud, is no more. W m.
Fox has purchased his partner's inter­
The game between elevens represent­
ing the State University and Oregon
Agricultural College, last Saturday,
was won by the former by a score of 5
to 0.
Nearly eight inches of rain fell dur­
ing the month of November,so far,over
three times as much as the general av­
erage for the whole month. It beats all
Sufficient funds were raised for build­
ing a neat and substantial parsonage
for the pastor of the German Lutheran
church in Medford, and work has been
Tyson Beall of Central Point, who
has been in Siskiyou county, Cal..look­
ing for feed for a band of cattle,return­
ed Monday. He found no hay in large
i’he raise of the water of Rogue
river, which was considerable during
tbe late storm, did not feaze the Ray­
dam, which is one of the most sub­
stantial in the state.
Dr. Emil Kircbgessnor has begun a
suit for divorce in tbe circuit court
for Marion county against his wife,
Lillie Kirchgessner, alleging desertion,
that began In October, 1901.
A son of W. L. Edmondson of Big
Butte precinct, aged about 12 years,
killed a huge eagle not long since. The
bird measured nearly eight feet be­
tween the tips of bis wings.
Fishing at the mouth of Rogue river
has been discontinued, on account of the
rain raising the stream. The catch
for the season was larger than for some
years past, fall fishing being especially
The University of Washington's foot­
ball team won the championship of the
Pacific Coast by defeating the unbeat­
en eleven from the University of
Nevada. Score 2 to 0. Il was a first-
class game in every particular.
John Holton, one of Jackson coun­
ty's earliest pioneers, died Friday from
the effects of a paralytic stroke receiv­
ed the Sunday before at his farm on
Wagner Creek. He came to this val­
ley In 1853 and was nearly 87 years old.
Wm. Edgar Graham, who is a pro­
fessional actor enjoying an excellent
reputation, was in Medford Monday.
He intends presenting “Under Tw
Flags” at Wilson's Opera House at an
early day, assisted by Medford talent.
Margaret Herrin, who began a suit
for divorce against David C. Herrin in
the circuit court for Multnomah coun­
ty recently, has been given a decree.
They formerly lived at Ashland and
are prominent in A. O. U. W. circles.
Olweil Bros, are considerably em­
barrassed in their shipments of apples
by a scarcity of refrigerator cars. They
will soon begin shipping on an exten­
sive scale, in five-cars lots. The great­
er portion of these will go across tbe
There will be a boxing contest of 20
rounds at Jacksonville Friday evening,
between Jack Bennett of Grants Pass
and Jack Gannon of Portland. There
will be a preliminary bout of 10 rounds
between Otis King of Ashland and Kid
Murphy of Grants Pass, two boys
clever with tbe gloves.
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets are becoming a favorite for
stomach troubles and constipation. For
sale by all druggists.
Frank Loder was up from Ray’sdam
Millennium In 1912
days since. He says that ducks
The statement is made by a promi­
nent divine in tbe west that the mil are quite numerous, as also are mud
lenDium will arrive iu tbe year 1912, hensand other water fowl unfit for eat­
and bases his claim on the prophesies ing. A war of extermination may be
et tbe Bible. Whether his prophecy Is
correct or not lime alone will tel); but declared upon tbe two kinds last men­
in tbe meantime we should make the tioned, as they eat everything in sight
moat of our J Ives, a nd tbe first essential and are a nuisance
of this Is good health. A sickly per­
The estate of the late Henry Amer-
son cannot eDjoy life,because be lacks
tbe vigor and vitality necessary for man, who was the richest man in Jack-
such eojoymeot, and consequently al­ son county, with one exception, is
ways feelsdowunearted and depressed. nearly settled. Through procrastina­
It was for such persons that Hoatet-
tor’s Stomach Bitters was first intro­ tion he made no will, and bls heirs,
duced fifty years ago, and many per­ most of them living in Ohio, and who
sons today can ascribe their good did not even know thedeceased, will re­
health to its use. It positively cures ceive nearly <125,000.
indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation,
biliousness and liver and kidney trou­
Nearly 9,000,060 Chinook salmon eggs
bles. Don’t fail to try it.
were taken at the Elk Creek hatchery
--------- •-------- -
this season, which beats previous rec­
ords about 3,350,000. In one day 735,-
000 eggs were secured from 200 fish.
Supt. Berrlam says that all of them
The Holy Rollers are “steaming up” will be hatched there. The season for
at Corvallis again. Their groans are taking tbe eggs of steelheads and trout
gradually Inc easing In volume of commences in February.
tone and another outburst of a devo­
A citizen several years in arrears
tional nature is almost sure to occur for bls paper, who had never said a
aooo. It is now an accepted fact that good word for the editor and who was
Brooks and Creffield stopped awhile always opposed to public Improve­
at i he Hurt bouse in South Cor­ ments, was dying. “How doyuufeui?”
vallis, although for a few days they asked the editor, who was on hand to
were oelleved to have taken the sher­ write tbe obituary. “All looks bright
iff’s advice and quitted the commu­ before me,” gasped tbe dying man “1
nity for good. Mr. Hurt has forsaken thought so," returned tbe editor,
them, however, and will shelter them “you’ll see a blaze in about ten
no more.
Active Again.
ver the West th<y wear
NO. 52
John A. Marsh, who has had consid­
erable experience in this line, Is build­
ing a number of excellent boats, which
O. Wakefiold of Phoenix was in our
will be used by the members of the city Monday.
Gold Ray Rod and Gun Club on the
D. T. and J. W. Lawton made Jack­
lake formed by the dam across Rogue sonville a short visit Monday.
A Valuable Work iu Course
river, near Tolo. Next season a naptha
Alex. Hanley has returned from Har­
launch will probably be installed.
of Preparatiou.
ney county, and will remain.
T. Daily, a genial, reliable young
F. Y. Allen has gone to Waldo, Jo­
man, who was a familiar figure at the
W. E CumHn, general pas-sengei
sephine county, to engage in mining.
Medford Lunch House for some time,
agent of the Southern Pa< ifle Inns in
Ex Sheriff Orme of Gold Hill was '
is now one of Uncle Sam’s soldiers. He
Otego i, assisted by H. E. Lounsbury,
those in our town Saturday.
joined tho U. S. Army at San Fran­
traveling freight areu’, is editing a
Fred Barneburg and Judge Crowell booklet entitled “Western Oregon In­
cisco less than a fortnight ago, and will
see duty in the Philippines in the course did business in Jacksonville Monday.
dustries and Ptronal Test ini n ils
of a few months. Tim will doubtless
Ben and Asbury Beall of Central from Experienced Cultivators." The
serve his country well.
Point did business in Medford Tuesday. book will be one < f the most accurate
■ --
Chas. E. White, a prominent citizen ever issued, it is also the first publi­
of Klamath county, is making the val­ cation to lie i-sued by the company
ley a visit.
solely for tiie purpose of advertising
A. M. Helms was at the county-seat West« rn and Southern Oregon and the
Henry Schmitt was brought to the Monday, us also was bis father, James Willamet te. Brief ou; lines of indu - tries
tiave appeared incorporated in other
county jail Monday by Hon. G. F. Helms of Talent.
works, but this issue is to
Schmidtlein, where he will remain un­
King Bros., who have been employed
til tbe circuit court disposes of bis case. at the Iowa Lumber Co.’s saw mill, are be devoted solely to this territory
servtdbythe Southern Pacific lines
He is a queer individual, and acts in Medford again.
in Oregon.
strangely, perhaps being a fit subject
The personal tesi imonials will be a
for the insane asylum.
ford Business College, was in Jackson­ feature of the production. Men who
Schmitt, who is a comparative ville Saturday afternoon
have had actual experience in culti­
stranger in Southern Oregon, entered
vating various products are sending
a budding at Woodville belonging to
in reports of their efforts coutinua’ly
parties living in Minnesota, and built a
reports state the coituf produc­
fire on tho floor thereof. As might
Mrs. Ann Buall, who has been inak tion and tue net profit on eTch item.
have been expected, but contrary to
his intention and expectation, the ing relatives aud friends living in the When tbe book is published it will ba
a ready reference on every topic of
East a visit, returned home recently.
flames consumed the shack.
produce in Oregon.
Mrs. R. E. Cantrail arrived from
Schmitt was arrestod on a charge of
In response to the request or tbe
arson and bound over by Justice Os­ Klamath eouuty during the week. She
A L Haseiton, of Eagle
born. In default of bail he was placed left for Eugene on Tuesday evening's
of his efforts at raising
in the custody of Sheriff Rader.
onions for tbe market and demon­
H. Leightoa, who has bean running strates that his business is a tine
milling plant at the Elk Creek paying proposition. From 3| acres
mines, has returned and is at Jackson­ of irrigated bottom land in Jackson
county Mr. Ha«elton’s income this
Live agents to sell Dr. White’s ville at present.
V. T. McCray, tho expert civil engin­ year was <1068.30 and his expense but
Electric Combs, patented Jan. 1, ’99.
Cure dandruff, hair falling out, sick eer, is in the Butte creek and Desert <299, leaving a net profit of <769.30 or
and uervous headaches, yet cost no sections, in the interest of the Jackson
nearly <220 per acre. The total
more than an ordinary comb. Sells
weight of the crop reaches the almost
on sight. Ageuts are wild with suc­ Co Improvement Co.
cess. Send 50c forsam pie (half price)
Mrs. L. Muller and her son, Will, incred ble figure of >18,700 pounds, an
Write quick. The Dr. White Electric who have been stepping in Ashland, average of 17 tons per acre. The price
Comb Co., Decatur ill.*
during the week returned to Jackson­ of onioos this year average 90 cents
ville, where they will reside.
per hundred-weight, which is lower
Dr. J. E Shearer will leave for the than forme’ years by from 10 to 20
East next month, to take a post-grad­ cent«. Mr. Ilaselton has been in ti e
uate course in one of the large cities. oni oi bu iness for the pa-t ten years
Congressman Hermann has intro­ He will return and open an office in and has always made motx< in his
duced a bill to amend tbe lieu land Medford.
venture. His ex;«ease he figures a-
David Coppie returned from Iowa follows:
exchange law by providing that
wherever lands within forest reser­ Saturday, whither he went last year. Commercial fertilizer................... <ioo
vations are relinquished to the gov­ He received a stroke of paralysis some­ Labor.................................................. ioo
ernment aud other vacant surveyed time ago, from which he has not fully Seed.................................................... 10
public lauds are taken in exchange
H iUiing to market.......................... 89
therefor, tbe lands so selected must
Total .......................................... <299
The Best Liniment.
be of approximately the same charac­
With an iucome of <1068.30 these
ter and tbe same value as tbe lands
“Chamberlain's Pain Bilm is con-
sidered the best liniment on the mar­ figures leave a net profit of <769.30 on
relinquished to the government.
ket,” write Post & Bliss, of Georgia,
Mr. Hermann also introduced a bill Vt. No other liniment will iieal a 3j acres, winch Mr. Haselton consid­
to ratify the treaty with tbe Klamath cut or bruise so promp'ly.
No other ers very good interest.
Another Jackson County story
Indians, and pay to them <537.000 fir
wticii niceiy illustrates the product­
lands whicli they relinquish to tt-e for deep seate » p ttns like laiue hack ive apple wealth of that countv is
government under said treaty. The and puns in thechest. Give this lin­ to/l by A. D. Helms of Ashland '.Mr.
oill stipulates that <350,000 out of iment a trial and you will never wish Helms owns an eight-acre orchard
this fund shall ba placed to the credit to !>•■ without it. S dd by all drug­ eight miles south of Ashland, and
cleared <6000 as a remit of this year's
of the Indians, in the treasury, and gists.
cr« p The orchard is irrigated, the
the remainder shall be allotted in
variety of apples was Newtown Pip-
P ns and tbe total production readied
severalty. All state lauds in tbe re­
50tM) boxes. Tne price realized on
servation are duly protected.
t oard ti e cars at Ashland was <150
Another bill which Mr. Hermann
J. H. McLaughlin, who was deputiz­ per b 'X. Tne c >st of handling the
Introduced proposes to grant “each and ed by the sheriff of Union county to ar­ cr p is estimated at <1500, a very
liberal figure. Tne total income was
every person wto served not less than rest W. J. Hauk, found his man in <7500,
with expenses at <1500. This
14 days in the Indian wars in Oregon Jacksonville, and started for La Grande leaves a uet profit, of <6000 to Mr.
and Washington and Idaho subse­ with him Sunday evening.
Helms’ account at the bank. He
states in his testimonial that he has
quent <o March 3, 1855, and tfhose
It seems that Hauk was engaged in never suffered fr ma lack of market;
services were not ptid for by the business in Union county, and not pros­ that Oregon apples are always in
United States, shall lie granted 160 pering he sold out and left for South­ great demand and that a good price is
acres of bounty land, the same as ern Oregon. The goods he disposed of always to be hid for the product.
Mr. Helms’opinion of the profit of
survivors of tiie Cayuse war have al­ were not paid for, however, and the
<750 per acre is naturally a very high
ready been recognized.
firm who furnished them had a war­ oue.and be states th it there is plenty
rant issued for his arrest. Hu was lo­ of io im in Jackson County for more
cated at Jacksonville, where he has en­ farms like his.
All the counties in the Willamette
tered the employ of T. C. Norris.
Valley and Southern Oregou will be
Hauk is a hard-working man with tieat«d by the new booklet and m
As a result of a movement started good intentions, lie lias probably not district will be slighted in dn-cu-slng
a few years ago, to change the method committed a crime, at least not know­ tl.e advantages accruing to settlers.
ingly It was his determination to pay Numerous pictures nave been pro­
of assessment from tbe fl it rate, a his debt« as fast as possible, and it is cured, which will be used to illustrate
meeting of the Grand Lodge of Massa­ not likely that he will be punished for the publication.
chusetts of the Ancient Order of Unit­ being unable to settle his indebtedness.
ed Workman, held at Boston Noy.
Weather Report.
17th, ended in the adoption, after a
1 he following is a weather report
heated discussion, of a resolution to
for t he month of October, furnished
sever c onnection with the Supreme
by E Britt, volunteer observer:
Lodge of the United States. New
Tne big annual turkey slaughter in
Mean temperature, 57.21 degrees;
Hampshire and Vermont lod^e-« are D u'I ts county for Thanksgiving is maximum temperature, 85deg. on 221;
also under the jurisdiction of the
over. The price gross was 15 cents per minimum temperature, 31 degrees
Massachusetts grand 1 >dge.
on the 7th; total precipitation, .73
po ind, which gave the producer near inches; number of clear days, 22; num­
12. Op>r head f >r his turkey crop. E. ber of partly cloudy days, 3; 6 cloudy.
A Scientific Discovery.
G. Young & Co. of Oakland killed and
Kodol Dyspe psia Cure does for the dressed 6060 turkeys and 2o00chickens.
Recovered Speech and Hear­
st miacli that which it. is unable t > do
for itself, even when but slightly dis­ Beckley Bros, handled 4000 turkey-1,
ordered or over-loaded. Ko lol Dys­ making a total of 10,000 Pom that
pepsia Curesupplies tile natural juices section, within a twelve-mile radius.
Messrs. E ly B ros .—I commenced
of digestion and does the work of the The entire lot was s lipped to Seattle. using your Crewm Balm about two
stomach, relaxing the nervous tension,
years ago for catarrh. My voice was
while the infl iroed muscles of that or­
somewhat thick and my hearing was
gan are allowed to rest and heal. Ko­
dull. My hearing has been fully re
dol Dyspeps a Cure digests what you
stored and my speech has txjeome quite
H»W Always BouglT ch ar.
eat and enables the stoiutcli and di­ Sean the
I am a teacher in our town.
gestive organs to transform all food
L. G. B rown , Granges, O.
Into ilc'i, red blood. Sold by all drug­
Th«» Balm does not irritate or cause
sneezing. Sold by druggists at 50 cts.
or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren
St., New York.
In Durance Vile.
Important Bills.
Took Him Back.
Lodge Breaks Away.
Turkeys Galore.
Southern Oregon
State Normal School, * : •
Good Buildings; New Gymnasium, with modern appli-
ance; fine Library; well equipped Chemical and Physical
Laboratory; one New School Building, with new furnish
ings throughout; -rid buildings repaired; fine Water Supply
added; Surroundings Healthful; Social Atmosphere of the
School Good and Stimulating to Best Effort on the Part of
the Student; Living Expenses Nominal; Departments in
Charge of Specialists; Special Opportunities for Study of
Vocal and Instrumental Music Aflorded.
Send for Catalogue to
B. F. MULKEY, President. •
Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. JS
This signature,
Sevan MBBon barat toM in past 13 months.
M ¡t»s Lulu Jones was a Medford visit­
or Friday.
W. C. Deneff and Harry Helms were
in Medford Friday.
J. W. Opp has b«aen in Medford sev­
eral times lately.
Sugar has declined 10 cents a hun­
dred in San Francisco.
Judge Neil made Medford a profes
sionai visitTuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hafer were Med-
ford visitors Wednesday.
Sheriff Rader was in Medford Wed­
nesday, on official business.
Messrs Fuller and Bufstater, tbe
miners, are among us again.
Mrs. Jas Cronemiller and Mrs. G. E-
Neuber visited in Medford Tuesday.
R. B. Dow, deputy county treasurer,
tarried a few hours in Medford Sunday.
Miss Bertha Orme of Gold Hill is vis­
iting her friends living in Jacksonville.
Rev. Sanford Snyder will preach at
the M. E. church Sunday, at the usual
W. R. Culton, the farmer-horticul
turist, spent a few hours in Medford
J. Y. Eccleston of Watkins precinct,
the pioneer miner, is paying our town
a visit.
Wm. Schwartzfager of Steamboat
and his son were recent visitors in Jack­
Fred Kleinhammer, one of Apple­
gate's farmers, was among us Wednes­
Miss Emma Helms was among those
who visited in Medford during the past
Corwin Bonham of Council Bluff«,
Iowa, has been visiting his son, who
lives in Jacksonville.
J. H. McElroy has gone north, but
expects to return before long. He is
a skill, ul saw-mill man.
L. B. Chase, chief of police of Ash­
land, has been looking after his mining
interests near Jacksonville
Rev. J. D. Murphy will hold services
at the Catholic church on Thanks­
giving at 8:30 o clock a. m.
There will be Thanksgiving services
at all the churches in Jacksonville. A
general invitation is extended.
There will be services at the Catholic
church in Jacksonville Sunday at 8:30
a. m., also at Medford at 10:30 a. m.
Mrs. M. E. Jones, who has been dan­
gerously ill, is convalescing. Dr. R.
G. Gale is the attending physician.
Mr. Grimes of Linn county, a bro­
ther of Mrs. Hinkle, H. W. and Abner
Grimes, recently made our town a visit
Factory Burned.
We are sorry to learn of the de­
struction of the chair and furniture
factory on Williams creek, Josephine
county, operated by G. M. Caldwell
and John Howell, Jr. Everything in
the building, together with material
on band and products recently manu­
factured, was destroyed. The engine
and boiler-house, some distance from
the main factory, were saved. From
all appearances the fire was the work
of an incendiary. Messrs. Caldwell and
Howell are enterprising, deserving
young men, and have tbe sympathy of
All persons indebted to tbe under­
signed are requested to call and settle
immediately. Accounts not paid by
Jan. 1, 1904, will be placed in an attorf
ney’s bands for collection. A word to
the wise is sufficient*
D vnnington & D knbff .
Jacksonville, Nov. 19, 1901
Popular Holiday Excursion.
T. K. Bolton and Emil Pell, who
have been successfully conducting
excursions to San Francisco for several
years, announce another, to take place
during the holidays. It will leave
Ashland Saturday. Dec. 26th, on the
noon train. Bound-trip tickets have
been placed at <16, good for 15 days.
In order to at ample accommoda­
tions may be arranged for, those in­
tending to make the trip are request­
ed to inform the management as
early as possible.
The hundreds who have participat­
ed in these excursions will testify to
tbe enjoyment afforded by them.
The lntrdiiuction of the New' Year In
San Francisco is something worth
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Myers, who
live near Central Point, have been Thoroughbreds Imported.
visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. J. William
McAndrew & Brophy, who furnish
Medford with a superior quality of
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Byrum and milk, on Saturday received four head
Mrs. J. B. Saltmarsh of Table Rock of young thoroughbreds, of the cele­
spent several hours in Medford Wed­ brated Holstein blood. They came
from the herd of a breeder at Scap­
poose, Columbia county, whose stock
Owen Keegan, the efficient court­
has a coast reputation. McAndrew &
house janitor, is somewhat indisposed.
Brophy are as enterprising as they are
His son, Chris Keegan, is acceptably
solicitous for tbe welfare of their cus­
filling his place.
tomers, and deserve liberal encourage­
Mrs. A. L. Kitchin of Ashland, who ment.
has been visiting at her old home in
Illinois, during the past several months, A New Race Track.
has returned.
A number of our horse fanciers,
Mrs. Newbury, mother of Gut New­ among whom are Lawton Bros., Geo.
bury, the attorney, and Mrs. M. Peter,
L. Davis, 1. L. Hamilton, Wm. Clark,
the teacher, who was quite sick, is
J. C. Pendleton and others, are taking
somewhat improved.
considerable interest in the track
W. H. Clements, the veteran miner, which will be laid out on Jesse
who has been operating in Applegate Hodge's land on the east side of Bear
district, left for Powellton, Calif., where Creek in the near future. It will be
he will spend the winter.
a half-mile speedway and as good as
Mrs J. A. Whiteside (nee Eaton) of any south of Salem.
Point Richmond, Calif., is paying rel­
atives living at Jacksonville a visit
and will remain several weeks.
Loss of Flesh
Mrs. Chas. Moore of Baker City,
who was called to Jacksonville by the
serious illness of her mother, Mrs. New­
When you can’t eat break­
bury. arrived Sunday.
Miss Elizabeth Saltmarsh of Albany fast, take Scott’s Emulsion.
has been visiting in this section. She When you can’t eat bread
is a daughter of Capt. Sylvester Salt­
butter, take Scott’s
marsh, formerly of Sterlingville.
When you have
Rev. Robt. .Ennis is making his Emulsion.
many friends living in this section a been living on a milk diet and
visit. He is located at Turner, Marion
want something a little more
county, and getting along nicely.
H. E Ankeny left for Eugene Tues­ nourishing,
day evening, accompanied by hit­
daughter, Mrs. R. E. Cantrall. Mrs. Emulsion.
John S Orth accompanied them as far
To get fat you must eat
as Medford.
fat Scott’s Emulsion is a
J. C. Grubb and his family arrived
from Kern county, Calif, during the great
past week, and will become permanent
strength giver.
residents of Applegate precinct. He
A New York jury has awarded Miss has purchased one of R. Benedict's fine
Those who have lost flesh
Fiances Petit <3000, which one' Tilt- ranches.
want to increase all body
more, a former suitor, will have to pay.
J. J. Ullman of Baker City, formerly
Tho evidence showed that he kissed of Gold Hill, was in Jacksonville Wed tissues, not only fat Scott’s
her 1236 times, and it took him 14 years nesday, and visited St. Mary’s Acad­
Emulsion increases them all,
to deliver the goods. The thrifty girl emy, which his daughter is attending.
Kept tab, entering up the receipts of He will spend a short time in this sec­ bone,
the evening after eaeh meeting. It tion.
amounted to <2 37 a kiss; and if he had
The ball that will be given at Orth’s nerve.
been at all industrious he would have hall Thanksgiving night, under the
For invalids, for con­
been broke the first week.
auspices of Jane Mason McCully Cabin,
Oregon leads the worlil in big apples, N. D. O., will doubtltsss prove a success valescents, for consumptives,
big babies, big hogs and big farms, in every way. Nothing is being left for weak children, for all
and now the biggest meteor ever dis­ undone to make it such.
covered in the United States has been
J. B. Dungan, who was formerly a
discovered nehr Oregon City. It weighs
Emulsion is a rich and com­
between 20,000 and 40,000 pounds, and prominent citizeu of Sam's Valley, but
is composed entirely of iron aud nickel, who removed to California on account fortable food, and a natural
probably nine or ten parts being iron of his wife’s health, was among his old tonic.
The specimen was pitted wttb holes, as friends during the past week. We are
Scott’s Emulsion for bone,
it came through the air in a molte i sorry to learnjthat the health of Mrs.
st ate.
D has not improved.
flesh, blood and nerve.
Those who attended the performance
To make a horse sleek anil its hair-
bright and glossy feed it ou whole given at U. S. Hall Tuesday evening,
We will send you
by Ashland amateurs, under the able
wheat or wheat bran.
a free sample.
management of Wm. Edgar Graham,
B« sure that thia picture
were well pleased. The beautiful drama,
In the fonn ot a label if an
“Because I Loved Her,” was present­
th« wrapper of every bottl*
of Emulsion you buy.
ed, and very well so. Nearly all the
performers ac«]uitted themselves in
scon & BOWNE,
creditable manner, some of them doing
on every
exceptionally clever work. They will
St, N.Y.
bOX. 25c*
receive a cordial welcome, should theyJ
5fc.ao4|ii all
come again.
To Cure a Cold in One Day