Orejpu Historical * VOL. XXXIII JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1903. SENATOR FULTON INFORMS THE PRESIDENT BRIEF MENTION The game of foot ball, played at Ash­ PERSONAL MENTION. land Sunday by a local eleven and one from Grants Pass, was won by the Mrs. Dr. Gale and Miss Jo Ortli visit­ former, who were not obliged to ex­ ed in Medford Sunday. tend themselves, by a score of 25 to 0. Chas. H. Pierce of Ashland did busi­ Ashland’s lineup was as fellows: Marks- berry, 1. h.; II. Sayles, r. h; G. Neil, ness in our city Monday. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson have f. b ; Tom Brown, 1. e.; Bob Hammond, r. e.; Sydney Allen, 1. t.; E. Wright, been visiting at Grants Pass. r. t.; E. Aikeu, 1 g.; Wm. Fowlkes, J. H. Buffer, Sr., and T. J. Kenney r. g-l C. Richardson, center; R. Sayles, were Medford visitors Tuesday. quarter. I Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Shearer of Jack- Benjamin F. Smith, while hauling Ison villevisited in Medford today. prunes at Anderson, Calif., was thrown Frank Stith, one of Kerby’s mer- under the wagon aud run over. Ho Ichants, was in our town Monday, on survived the accident only a few hours legal business. The deceased was for many years a A. S. Hammond of Grants Pass, the resident of this county, and an honor­ attorney, has gone to Klamath Falls, able, industrious man. Joel Smith of on legal business. Medford aud Jas. Smith of Big Butte Mrs. Dollie Saltmarsh of Lebanon, are his brothers. Linn county, is the guest ol Mrs. Fred Fleming, the foreman of the apple Herrin of Ashland. packers at the Helms place, south of Mr. and Mrs A Rosenbaum of Mer­ Ashland, who slashed Guo. Fellett with lin were late visitors in Medford, guests a knife in an altercation last Wednes­ day afternoon, was brought before of Mrs. C. A. Riddle. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cook have re­ Justice Berry on a complaint sworn out by Pellett’s father and allowed to go turned from Portland, where they on bail. A hearing of the case has spent several weeks. been set for the 11 th. Smith Bros, of Sardine Creek are be­ ing visited by their parents, who live in W. E. Goodfellow ot Minnesota, who the State of Washington. owns about 30,000 acres of fine timber Mrs. Sophie Eekelson and her family laud in the upper Rogue River section, is tiie heaviest individual taxpayer in left Sunday evening for Tacoma Jacksou county, paying taxes on «65,- Wash., where they will locate. 000. The S. P. Co., of course, over­ Mrs. R. L. Dusenbury of Sardine shadows all others In this respect. The Creek is being visited by her mother, estate of H. A merman, Ashlaud Bank, Mrs. Loveless of Williams Creek. Mrs. S. E. Ish and A. C. Hopkins come C. W.^herman, the affable manager next with «40,691, «38,025, «28,884 and of the Penn Mutual Ins. Co. for Ore­ «26,620, respectively. gon, is making this section a bu.-Jness Charles Horton of Bonanza has re­ visit ceived a letter from his brother, who Mrs. T. H. Tongue of Hillsboro and recently drove a band of cattle from her youngest daughter, who have been Klamath county and delivered them visiting District Attorney and Mrs. A. to the Oakland Meat Market, to be E. Reamos, left for home Tuesday sold on commission. He states that be evening. is having very good success in dispos­ Dr. Vinton Hall of Lakeview is in ing of the stock. Most of the band New Yosk, where he wfll attend a were cows, and for these he is getting course of lectures and receive instruc­ from 5) to 6| cents,while the steers are tion in one of the leading hospitals of selling for 7 to 7| cents. that great city. A number of our citizens, during the W. K. Ingledue, the efficient super­ past few days, have received souvenirs visor of Pleasant Creek road district, of the recent disastrous wreck on the was in our city Monday. He says that S. P. near Tehama, in tho shape of considerable farming has already been chaired letters, upon which the ad­ done in that district. dresses were still legible, and forwarded Wm. M. Colvig returned from with this explanation printed on the I Ogden, Utah. Monday, where he met badly burnt envelopes: “Damaged ■ with the supreme master of the A. O in railroad wreck near Tehama, Cal., I U W. and other prominent members Nov. 1. 1903. Forwarded by Superin­ of tbe order. He was gone just a week. tendent Railway Mail Servic <, San C. J. Howard, who has been survey­ Francisco, Cal.” ing the line of the High Line Ditch, is iu Medford. He informs us that 42 A Remarkable Case. milt's have been completed, aud that aX1 One of the most remarkab'e cases of many more will be surveyed next a col I, deep-seated bn the lungs, caus­ spring. ing pneummu, is that of Mrs. Ger­ Jesse L. Dewey of Eagie City, trude E. Fenner, Mar'on, Iud., who was entirely cure! by the use of One Alaska, formerly a merchant of Glen- Minute Cough Cure. She says: “The I dale and well known in Southern Ore coughing and straining so weakened gon, had the misfortune to lose one of me that 1 ran down, down in weight his eyes recently, caused by sc'atic from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a num­ rh eumatism. ber of remedies to no avail until I Dan Reynolds, who has been in u-ed One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of thiswondetful remedycured California during the past few months, me entirely of the cough, strengthen­ 1 left for Culdesac, a little place situated ed my lung* and restored me to mv normal weight, health and strength.” near Lewiston, Idaho, Mond ay, where one of his daughters reside«. His wife Sold by all druggists. had preceded him. r. NO. 50 LOCAL NOTES. prosperous farmer, while his wife is the worthy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Sidley of Lake Creek. The young couple have many friend«, win m we join in tendering con^ Tabulations and best ' wishes. After a brief journey they will be at home on the farm near Eagle Point. C. Hafer, president of the Fisrt National Bank of Council Bluffs, Iowa, also president of the Iowa Lumber Co., arrived in Jacksonville, Nov. 11th. The question of the removal of its mills to Medford will probably be de- ' cided soon. Wilbur Jones, our efficient county ! assessor, who was summoned to act as a trial juror in the U. S. District Court, to convene at Portland next Monday, has been excused. His duties as a coun­ ty official exempt him from serving on a jury. THE OLD RELIABLE W. R. Stansell has returned from his trip nprth. Says, " Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Miss Sarah Law of Forest Creek has returned from Tacoma. Cured Me of Spinal Trouble That the Forest Reserve Busi­ ness is Overdone, and A. H. Johns was In from Mead- and I Recommend Them.” owa precinct Wednesday. that Honest Entrymen Some years ago Mrs. Mary A. Liuma, August Puhi, the expert farmer, was are Embarrassed of No. 70J Ea.-i Fayette street, Syracuse, a Medford visitor Saturday. N.Y., wife of A. Laumu, the manufac­ by Unwarrant­ turing jeweler of that city, sustained an Miss Amanda Helms is visiting Eu­ ed Questions. injury to her spine by falling on a slip gene, the guest of Mrs. Chas. F. Cro- pery sidewalk. Six months later sh< ner. At tiie solicitation of Senator Ful- took to her be.l and was an invalid fo: Rev. Sanford Snyder will hold ser­ years, in fact, until she tried Dr. Wil ton President Roosevelt ha.* interest­ vices at Jacksonville and Central Point limns’ Bulk Pills for Pale People and ed himself in the public laud situa-, was cured. Site say»: Sunday. tion in Oregon, and promises to see “My trouble was a spinal irritation, to it that there shall be an adjust- Chas. Buinan, one of Applegate’s but the doctors could not determine th, thrifty farmers, was a recent visitor in of the ment of the administration exact nature of it. I consulted» nuiubei our town. forestry bureau aud of the Interior of eminent physicians, perhaps teu or twelve iu all, aud took treatment iron Department which will be satisfac­ Miss Frances Morelock of Gold Hill Absolutely Pura some of them. I tried massage and tory to the people of Oregon. has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Oris electricity, the latter affording tempo­ Duriog a prolonged conference at Crawford. THUŒ IS ND SUBSTITUTE rary relief Perhaps it was because 1 the White House, recently, Senator Judge Day, J. Nunan and Rev. F. G. took so much medicine, at any rate my Fulton fully explained the public­ Strange attend the funeral of tbe late stomach gave out aud I was troubled land situation in the state, emphasiz­ E. D. Foudray. with indigestion und gas on the stomach The Portland Journal, with it« usual I hare Company of Ft rt Klam­ stomach, relaxing the nervous tension, in wedlock Exsurey J. Bellinger of Glendale Thursday, and three shots The blood la impart, weak and ath. Each of tiie five interests of Now the growers claim that in or­ while the inflamed muscles of that or­ been run into the mountain, with an- Portland and Miss Mary Dickey of were fired; but Rice again escaped in­ der to recoup the jobbers are trying impoverished—a condition indicated gan are allowed to rest and heal. Ko­ nother, 200 long, lower down. He the partnership pays the sum of «5000, to the woods, and the next afternoon R. V. Keller, the liypmtGt, who Sam's Valley. by pimples and other eruptions on the dol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you speaks very favorably of the future of making tiie working cash capital succeeded in reaching Merlin, 25 miles to cause an unnatural depression and eat and enables the stomach and di­ Goo. E. Neuber of The Banquet, further south. the Pelton-Neil Compiny «25,000. has b en gathering the shekels from nave forced the price down to 24 cents. face aud body, by deficient vitality, gestive the property. organs to transform all food over-credulous or curious people in whose prowess as a hunter is wide­ The personnel of the company com- loss of appetite, lack of strength, and into rich, red bl<>od. Sold by all drug­ All points along the line had been At least a whole trainload of apples, South rn Oregon by the practice of spread, while looking for big game on gists. want of animation. notified to be on the watch, and dep­ which would otherwise have gone to prises G. S. Butler, L. A. Nell, J. E hlsociulj science, jumped h’s hotel Applegate, killed a black bear weigh­ uties were sent to Merlin, the point Pelto", J. C. Mitchell, II. I. Pelton, waste, have already been converted in­ b;il of «12 ai The Oregon, Ashland’s ing 300 pounds. where the Galice stage road* meet to vinegar in Eugene, with a possibility L. C. Sisemore and J. W. Pelton. The n tw company is f irmed to en­ leading hotel, Thursday, and footed F. M. Wade, who was interested in tiie rail oad. As R’ce is well known that half as many more will be worked gage in the basinets of buying, feed­ it to Steinman, wi.ere lie caught the different schemes in this section in in that section, be was readily rec g- Walter Wyland is now safe in the up before the season ends, at the vine­ ing au<1 dealing in farm livestock. train b und srutli, and that night lie former days, was on the southbound niz.ed. No tight occurred when he Make the blood pure, vigorous and gar factory of Ingham A Zimmer. was captured, although be was armed All the member* are experienced and war in Dunsmuir, Calif. He had a train, Wednesday, en route to Cali­ wi h a revolver. He was arrested by rich, create appetite, give vitality, county jail at Lewiston, Idaho, and will so m be tried for grand larceny, young fellow with him a* a sort of There is a report in circulation to the well-known sto k growers and dealers fornia. He is now located at Portland. J. P. McConnell, a store keeper,whom strength and animation, and cure Salt pork is a famous old- i helper, named Archie Fay, who regis­ effect that Fred Law, known as “ Tbe he sought to rob ot a pair of shoes. Sheriff Schuidt arrived from that, in cattle. Mr. Mitchell belongs all eruption«. Have the whole family J. H. McElroy, who, with his daugh­ He made off w ith them, but was over­ fashioned remedy for con­ city Friday, and immediately left Oregon Kid,” had been killed at Sis­ to Northern California, but has been tered from M Mionville. Keller left ter, is conducting the U. S. Hotel din­ begin to take them today. haul d, bund with rope* and turned with bls prisoner, He is rather well son, Calif., in an affray with a man h« a heavy buyer in S< ut hern Oregon for him without a parting worl.aud Fay’s ing room, was in Medford Tuesday. over to lieputy Sheriff Sherwood sumption. “Eat plenty of “ Hood’s Sarsaparilla has been used in inquiries as to iris whereab >uts ap- He was a •ong tiinA, says tiie Tribune. our family for some time, and always with acquainted with Wyland, and a cor­ had had trouble with before. They are furnishing the best the mar­ when he came along. pork,” was the advice to the pr sed Al Fauk'-y of The Oregon of Rood results. Last spring I was all run respondent of tbe Tidings says that tried at Yreka lately for cutting anoth­ ket affords and giv general satisfac­ consumptive 50 and 100 the disappearance of the liypu rtizer. down and got a bottle of it, and as usual when they met exchanged greetings er gambler at Montague and acquitted tion. He was soon located, and it was learn ­ rec ived great benefit." Miss B eulah that indicated this. Ely’s Liquid Cream Balm is an old years ago. Jas. Young, the miner, and his family ed bow he hal «prime 1 to Steinman. Boxes, Stowe, Vt. Sheriff Schuidt wa9 chief of police friend in a new form. It Is prepared Salt pork is good if a man Through the goud offices of Conduc­ were in Medford one day this week. He Mood’s Sarsaparilla promises to of Lewiston, awhile, and was put to for the particular benefit of sufferers A. B. Lea. h, who lias been teaching from nasal catarrh who are used to an Frank Kassliafer, representing the intended going to Grave Creek, on a cure and keeps the promise. tor Agler Keller was persuaded to see The idea the duty of “throwing in” Wyland at atomizer in spraying the diseased mem­ school in Sam’s Valley, lias been ar­ th tt it wou'd be to his advantage to prospecting expedition, but turned sheriff's office, returned from Horn- can stomach it. divers times. The latter is wanted in branes. All the healing and soothing rested on a charge of beating a ton of pay the Oregon bill and he d d so. He back on account of the storm prevail- br.xik, Calif..Tuesday evening, having behind it is that fat is the properties of Cream Balm are retained ACCORDING to Senator Morgan, the Idaho for cattle stealing. Some In tbe new preparation. It does not J >hn B. Williams, aged about 12years, is a sin ’ot'r fell >w, wear.ng a good ing. in charge one Graham, tbe light-fin­ food the consumptive needs prob-; su’1, °f broadcioih, who naturally is mouths ago he went into the herd of dry up the secretions. Price, includ­ quite severely. His trial ~ will attitude of this country toward the L. Lowe, the genial miner, arrived gered gent of mini ad ic disposition who ... 1 disinclined io d fferenti rte any moral take place in Justice Gall s court distj U in b.lween t„e wile/of , Panama revolution is not justified by a a rancher and deliberately drove 25 ing spraying tube. 75 cents At your a ably from Resort, Idaho, Wednesday morn­ was arrested at Montague, Calif , by most. 4, :............. M - r . 4x4 ♦ .. U., . . . • 1 druggist’s or Ely Brothers, 56 Warren this or 30 of his teef cattle from the in ­ week. Mr. Leach is slid to be • notism and . any other f . >,ni of . dishou- careful construction of the provisions ing, accompanied by Mr. Higgins, his E. L. Niles, the efficient constable. Street, New York, will mail it. Scott’s Emulsion is the mod­ an ex' Kent educator, but po-sesaed lesly,wliere the e is a chauce for reve- of the treaty, aDd is at variance with closure and marketed them. He was He doubtless is the fellow who bur­ partner. He reports that there is al ­ nue> says t ,e 1 l'l‘ n,e- Scarcity of cars on the Southern with an ungovernable temper. precedents laid down by the United apprehended before he had cashed ready plenty of snow in that remote glarized Sergent & Dunlap’s store at ern method of feeding fat to States. In discussing the situation the check, however, and was placed Pacific has made shippers very restive. Talent a short time ago, as some of the consumptive. Pork is too region. he said: “This is the fourth time behind the ba.’s. He filed the rivets Complaints are now many and sharp, the articles stolen at the time were Jane Mason McCully Cabin No. 2, rough for sensitive stomachs.- the United States has landed troops on off a grating with a case-knife and t nd they show up a condition of affairs found ou him. Native Daughters of Oregon, will give then pried the casing out and depart ­ - hose seriousness cannot be disguised. the isthmus under cloak of the treaty. Graham is also charged with at- Scott’s Emulsion is the most one of their popular dancing parties at Heretofore it has been for the suppres­ ed. His whereabouts were not known Some Oregon merchants and manufac­ tempting to break into seme of the refined of fats, especially Orth’s Hall Thanksgiving night. Hel- sion ot rioting, and for the protec­ until he made the “gun-play” with turers aver that they are almost entire­ «aloons of Montague, He claims to ■ man's Orchestra, of Ashland, will fur­ Charles Gay in Medford. ly shut out of tbe Interior California tion of Colombia. Now that it is have three omvaoions in crime, He prepared for easy digestion. nish the music. market; others that their isolation is against the wish of Colombia, it un­ will he given a preliminary examina­ Feeding him fat in this Under the able management of R E. tion in Jussice Flymale’» court tomor­ complete. In all lines of business the doubtedly will provoke a just protest. wail goes up, most vociferously, es­ G aliatn, who has had considerable row. way, which is often the only Colombia means war. Of that I am pecially from dealers in lumber, forage experience on the gridiron in Chicago, certain. This Government will find it way, is half the battle, but a splendid foot-ball team is doveloping will have a series of complications on Gov. Chamberlain has sign tied hi* and grain. its bands not unlike that offered by the Scott’s Emulsion does more in Jacksonville. It is already willing Hon. H. B. Miller, who is U. S. Con­ Good Buildings; New Gymnasium, with modern appli­ Indians when they were met with the intention of calling the legislature to meet any e'even in Southern Oregon. than that. There is some­ territorial aggression of this Govern­ together, providing only the question sul in China, has added to his posses­ ance; fine Library; well equipped Chemical and Physical Chris Aruo'd, who wis taken to One of the events of the holiday ment, and the trouble the Colombians of amending the tax law lscon*idered. sions on the Applegate, in the purchas- Laboratory; one New School Building, with new furnish­ the insane asylum a short time since, thing about the combination will make will be similar to that of the He has therefore written to the differ­ ir’a Idea*. Charles W. Clark, son of Senator sent free upon requ&t. t' e presence of a largo congregation. Tm re are few of the citizms of Clark ot Montana, is making an in had been a resident of this county for B. F. MULKEY, President T. ey were attended by the bride ’ s Be sure that this picture in Southern Oregon wno are not in favor vestigation of the Clark bydraul|3 a number of years. Industrious and the form of a label is on the ‘ brother and sister. Mr. Dugan Is a placers in Juiup-off-Joe district. Tbetfi of an extra session of the legislature, wrapner of every bottle oi upright, jje had the esteem of all who Emulsion vou buy. for a failure tooollect the usual quota were formerly the property of the lut knew him, and many will regret to SCOTT & of taxr«, even for oae year, might Joseph Clark of Los Angeles, but were i r leirn of his sad end. Coppe r-riv«ted BOWNE, prove quite detrimental to tiie best taken by his wife and Senator Clark I WANTED. after tbe former’s death. The mines j CHEMISTS, interest« * f uur st lie an 1 county. are among the best equipped hydraulic j 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Th' ui designed w «he« to let a placers in Southern Oregon, and con- i 50c. and «1; all druggists. has stood the test 25 years i. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half MHlioii riel 11 plow 50 sere« o' land, free CA.UTORIA. tain a large acreage of rich ground, i toll ... __ __________ _ r Apply to ma at L. Nlcde m y- .k- IM Kind You Have Always Bought bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. ,a ’.* farai, one mUe north or Jackson four Cold Curoo for Sa They will be worked on a large t-'^lej W«ilni~1 with «very boOia htTvn packag« of Grove*» Black Koot» Uvwr PM»._________ ville. AUOVST BVHL i thia season. A I Considerable rain has fallen during the last few days; in fact, it was the first storm of moment that has prevail­ ed since early last spring. Farmers feel much elated since mois­ ture began to fall Friday, and a large area will be put in grain, should there be a cessation of wet weather. J. J. Pankey, the well-known fisher­ man, is makiug some big hauls, and keeps the market well supplied with choice fish. He is hard to beat. Snowy Butte Lodge No 138, A. O. U. W.. will give a Thanksgiving party Good music and supper will he provid­ ed, and nothing left undone for its suc­ cess. Geo. W. Nichols, the well-known stockman, will soon open a butchershop ¡n M.dford, in the building formerly used for that purpose by tho Southern Oregon Pork Packiug Co. There will be a game of football at Philadelphia, Nov. 28th, between the West Point and Naval Academy elev- eus. Cadet Thomas W. Hammond ol Ashlaud is a member of the former. A New Livestock Company Spring Medicine A Sprinter Hypnotist Hood's Sarsaparilla How Wyland Came to Grief. and Pills A Teacher Arrested Southern Oregon to It. State Normal School, Ashland, Ore Levi Strauss <5 Cols Ove r* Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic A Tax Law Should he Passed Of Interest to Veterans. Young Horsethief Captured Prune Market is Shaky