1 one.] VOL. XXXIII. CREDIT WHERE DUE JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1903. Frank Graves, who lives in Califor- ■ nia, an Indian war veteran, has been Turkies are beginning to roost high. here lately, to perfect his claims to a U. S. pension and his share of the ap­ Thanksgiving Day is almost here. propriation made by the Oregon legis­ D. W. and Jacob Knutzen of Thomp­ lature. He was formerly a resident of son creek did business with our mer­ Jacksonville. chants this week. The Union Revival Brigade, which The County Commissioners’ court | has been holding a series of successful will be in session this week, beginning meetings in Modford, will close them Wednesday—tomorrow. | this evening with a farewell musicale The U. S. Grand Jury, after being in at Angle's Opera House. A spleudld pro- session eleven days, adjourned last Sat­ 1 gram, including special instrumental urday. It found 15 indictments. aud vocal music, will be presented.The I. W. Gardner and Bunch Walker of next place where the Brigade will stop Meadows precinct, accompanied by will be Redding, Cal. their wives, were in Medford Monday. Hallowe'en passed off very smoothly, J. W. Wiley is shipping cattle and and we have not heard of even the hogs to both Portland and San Fran­ usual quantity of hoodlumisin. Pranks cisco. He shipped several carloads dur­ of different kinds were played, as might have been expected, but they were of ing the past W^ek. a nature that offended none. The fete Adam Linn has returnod from his held at Wilson’s Opera House probably trip to Pleasant and Evans creeks. He is a professional miner and operates in had an excellent influence. BRIEF MENTION I KILLED AT HIS POST. PERSONAL MENTION. LOCAL NOTES Will Johnson of Applegate was in our town Tuesday. Miss Kate Reed has been making Medford a visit. Mrs. T. J. Williamson tarried a few hours in Medford Saturday. J. C. Whipp of Ashland spent Mon­ day night in Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. Horace l’elton of Sam's Valley were recent Medford visitors. District Attorney Reames returned Tuesday from a professional trip to Portland. Miss Jessie Hale of Grants Pass has been visiting her grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. N. Langell. Thos Reid, the successful miner,has returned from a prospecting trip to Ap­ plegate district. Mrs. E. Klippel made friends living in Jacksonville, her former home, a tb­ it a few days ago. J. F. Crump, one of Apnlegate’s thrifty farmers and stock raisers, was in our midst Monday. V Cook and II. E. Ankeny,member of the Sterling Mining Co., arrived from the north Tuesday. Wm. Jennings, foreman of the Ster­ ling mine, and J. M. Lewis of Sterling- ville were in town Saturday. Wm. Bybee and W. J. Ply male were in Medford Tuesday, to meet Otto L. Sues, special U S. pension examiner. T. C. Dugan of Eagle Point precinct and M. Sidley Jr., of Lake Creek were in our town the lorepart of the week. À Youthful Gang of Thieves. THEOLD RELIABLE Mrs. J. R. Neil made Medford a visit Considerable of a sensation was cre­ INTERVIEW WITH A VETEEAN OF Tuesday evening. ated in Jacks mville a few days since THE REGULAR ARMY. Regular services will be held at the by t.he disc, very that a number of M. E. Church Sunday. Say» Dr. Wllliauis' Pink l‘IIU Cur«d Him The Oregon Express Runs small boys, the oldest of whom is not of Nervous Debility aud Hu W. A. Mann of Central Point was a into a Burning Trestle, more than 13 years, have for tome­ Keeuiuiuend» Them. Medford visitor Wednesday. time past been engaged in system- Narrowly Escaping A veteran of the regular army, having Judge Benson is expected to arrive malic larceny. It teems that they Served in Company F, Fifteenth U. 8. Destruction. from Klamath county this week. had a regulaily formed organization, Infantry, aud a well-kuowu citizen of The board of trustees held an inter­ duly officered, and operated in a busi­ Brua liiead, Wia., Mr. E. E. Eddy, de­ The northbound train, due in Med­ esting meeting Tuesday evening. nesslike manner, d istributing the pro­ sires that credit be bestowed where it is ford Sunday evening, was twenty due aud, in an interview, be says : ceeds of their thievery as a corpo- Miss Anna Keegan is the guest of "I was a sufferer from ut-rvons de­ hours behind schedule time, caused ration would its dividends. Miss Minnie Sidley of Lake Creek. bility and wouki probably be suffering by what might have been a most dis­ One of the leaders of the gang was Thos. H. Brown, a prominent citizen yet if I had not seAn Dr. Williams’ Pink astrous wreck on the Oregon express, detected in stealing from lire till of a of Beagle, is visiting in Jacksonville. Pills for Pule People mentioned in a two miles south of Tehaiua, Calif., saloon in which be was employed newspaper article. I aui a sigu painter early that morning. E. W. Anderson, the expert miner, in a small way, and will be ta­ by trade aud the nervousness compelled Had it not been for the heroic action was one of our visitors during the past ken to the Oregon Reform School. me to drop work entirely. For two of Engineer Boucher, in sticking to his week. While a confederate of the same age weeks I was confined to my bed. The post of duty in his wrecked engine in Mies Fannie Ntman left Wednesday »t od in front of the building watch­ usual remedies were prescribed but did Absolutely Pure for Los Angeles, where she will spend ing the m ivements of the barkeeper not help me. My appetite failed and I the face of almost certain death, it is highly probable that every car in the the winter. believe that my liver became affected while he was employed outside, the THUE IS ND SUBSTITUTE for I was hopeless aud despondent. Then first section of tl e train would have Benton P^ol, Wm. Perry and other other b >y would help himself to the I saw the article about a wonderful cure plunged through a burning trestle iuto different parts of the coast. Butte creek buckaroos were in Medford nickels in a drawer. A low whistle A Remarkable Case. effected by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills aud one of the many branches of the Sac­ Mrs. S. E. Inlow, who was postmast­ Wednesday. from his colleague would warn him I decided to try them. They helped me ramento River. One of the most remarkable cases of er of Trail for a number of years, is a coll, deep-seated on the lungs, caus­ of impending danger, and be then left R. M. Cook of Gall ’ s Creek was with from the start. I soou found that mv y to t he -tst ole-'. Walter Wyland is still confined to Superintendent Fields and Master was observed and cleverly rendered. T hb Secretary of Navy has approv­ Mechanic Younger, of the Southern the county jail. Tbe sheriff, who has Cple coming Guthrie & Co. with Newtown Pippins retired from business. He will remain an over-zealous endeavor to promote Don’t forget the old man and real value.are to be measured, not north and who reach Albany at 3 .„. ...r........ to England. The X ,,o Union UU111„ for u shipment pension business in charge of the Jacksonville telephone the by the number of its ships but by their o’clock, quite late for lunch The defendants will bi tried dur­ with the fish on his back. is certainly of much service to South-1 • offices which will remain at the old ing the present month. It is ie- quality, and battleships, which are tbe For nearly thirty years he ern Oregon. stand. por’ed that they will find it very dif- true fighting units, are the most essen­ has been traveling around the Those wishing changes made in the Hon. E. B. Dufur of Foots creek and ficult to prove their innocence. tial types of all. They can fight any­ boundaries of their precincts must ap ­ world, and is still traveling, H. II. Riddell of Portland, also A. thing afloat, and the appearance of To Cure a Cold la One Day. ply therefor at this ter in of the county Hammond of Grants Pass, attorneys Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. All bringing health and comfort one of them in a squadron of an enemy’s Rev. Harry Watkins, who is well commissioners’ court, according to the at law, have been in Jacksonville on Druggists return! tbe money if it falls to cu:e. wherever he goes. cruisers is followed by results very J rove's signature is on each box. *c. known in Oregon, having made sever­ law provided in such cases. Several business connected with the Ferguson much like those witnessed when a bur­ To the consumptive he —Raj’ case. ly policeman makes his presence felt in al speeches In Jackson and Josephine alterations should be made, as some of Goo d Buildings; New Gymnasium, with modern appli­ brings the strength and flesh the precincts are fearfully and wonder ­ a crowd of small boys. Owing to the counties, some years ago, is under ance; fine Library; well equipped Chemical and Physical Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Haff, of Gold size and the heaviness of their guns, arrest at Boise, Idaho, charged with fully constructed. he so much needs. Laboratory; one New School Building, with new furnish­ Hill, have returned from Klamath generally takes from three to four incendiarism. His wife was als >, To all weak and sickly Otto L. Sues, special U. S. pension > ings throubout; old buildings repaired; fine Water Supply years to complete them. county, whither they were called by The following is a icquiiement UÎ placed under arrest, and Mr. Holman, examiner, is in Medford for the pur­ children he gives rich and the serious illness of Will Piening, Mrs the state board of health relative to added; Surroundings Healthful; Social Atmosj here of the her brother, is wanted, having disap­ pose of examining the cases of Indian strengthening food. - t H.’s brother. His condition isinot im­ children in school. It should net b* School Goo«d and Stimulating to Bett Effort on the Part of peared after the fire. Watkins had war veteran who wish pensions. Tbe proved much, we are sorry to learn. To thin and pale persons left unheeded until that dreaded dis­ a furniture store and the stock was indictment of T. A. Wood and his son, the Student; Living Expenses Nominal; Departments in Insured for $7500, though not worth ease, smallpox, has made its appear ­ Rader Bros., Wm. Ulrich, Nichols he gives new firm flesh and Charge of Specialists; Special Opportunities for Study of half that much. The tire did not de­ who have had charge of most of the Bros., and some other stockraisers of ance. rich red blood. Vocal and Instrumental Music Afforded. stroy it, however. The polite say the business connected with this class of “It shall be the duty of all school the Butte Creek section, Wednesday de­ evidence against them is very strong. claims, seems to have cause*! the Children who first saw the Send for Catalogue to livered a large number of fine beeves boards,in all the districts of whatever Government to take this action. old man with the fish are now to Frank Kerby of San Francisco, Mc­ class in the state of Oregon, to pro­ A Good Name. Glendale Lodge No. 172, I. O. O. F., B. F. MULKEY, President Dermott's buyer. There were over 400 hibit the entrance into any of the grown up and have children From personal experience I testify that DeWitt’s Little Etrly Risers are was organized Saturday night by Jos. head of them, for which 2j(«3j cents public schools of the state, of all of their own. unequalled as a liver pill. They are Mlcelli, grand master, with 25 charter i children not previously vaccinated per pound gross were paid. Copper-riveted He stands for Scott’s Emul­ rightfully named because they give members. In addition to about 50 tnersr (ilie evidence of waich is shown by strength and ent rgy and du their woik bers living at Roseburg, there wew« sion of pure cod liver oil—a t le scar) without proper vaccination; with eate.—W. T. Easton, B< erne, present 32 members from Grants I‘ass,. delightful food and a natural Tex. Thousands of people are using a d i- will be the du y of tiie teacher the-»« tiny little pills in pn Terence lo 23 from Gold Hill, 8 from Jae'csoixxille, o Lachers in any of tiie public tonic for children, for old folks Cut full all otlieis, Is cause they are s<> plea-iic t nad snialh r numbers from rauh of' <-i.(.o s in tiie state of Or< gon to sat­ and for all who need flesh and and effectual, They cure i iliousmss, about 15 other lodges located La,elgbt> isfy I Items Ives that such order lias strength. has stool the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million torpid liver, jaundice, sick headai he, different slates. The total aixmduiiuod ee i properly enforced, the evidence constipation, etc. T< ey do not purge No Cure, No Pay. 50c. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chamlata. •. iug a scar, or by a certificate signed and weaken, but des use aud strength­ was about 150, and the oc< asij 409-415 Pearl Street. New York. KootUwr b; a reputable physician. ’ ’ thoroughly eujoyed by all. ■ 5Oc. and $1.00; all druggist*. en. bold by all druggists. I Ditch to be Lengthened A Noted Mine. Luy=CoôL A Handsome Affair. New Tax Law Invalid Improving Southern Pacific Burglary at Talent Peculiar To Itself Hood’s Sarsaparilla A Prominent Man Indicted. Lumbago and Sciatica Change of Eating Station St. Jacobs Oil A Preacher Gone Wrong Southern Oregon ? State Normal School, : : Ashland, Ore. Must be Vaccinated best made Levi Strauss ôCo’iS Overalls Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic