The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, September 02, 1903, Image 2

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    Bem os rafie
The Bo«* Sny* Thumb* Down, *ud
Other* Follow—No Tilrlfl lieform.
Heppner Relief Fund Scan­
In the Pilot Rock (Umatilla County)
How like parrots some of the Re­ It Will Be the Principal Fruit-Grow­
The First Great Reform, Which publican
Record is printed a letter purporting
politicians are. Here we
Times Printing Company
ing Center of the Pacific
to come front Heppner to a prominent,
Others Will Follow.
have Congressman llemenway in an
Interview saying. "There is no senti­
Coast in Due Time.
citizen of that town, reciting alleged
C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr.
ment in Indiana for a change in the
conditions existing Chore, and making
tariff laws.” llauua having made a
D A. Hanna, the Pacific coast rep- severe strictures upou the committee
similar statement, all the smaller
entatlve of Ute “Chicago Packer, in charge of tbe disbursing of the
One Year, in advance...
fry Join in the chorus, not merrily and
Six Months......................
1.00 The Hi« Kaacal* Yet to Be llineov* front the heart, but with the parrot­ stopped at Medford during the week, funds. This letter states antODg other
ered—For Over Two Year* the Ad-
like utterances of the automaton. The on his way from Seattle to San Fran­ things that a demand was made by a
miuiat ration Mupprraaed Charge, ordinary Republican politician of the cisco, and while here iiad some very prominent law tlrin of Heppner that
Advertisements inserted at reasona­ of Fraud*—A Situation Similar to llenieu way stripe never invents any­
I complimentary things to say about the committee publish a statement
ble rates.
That of ISTtf.
thing. No law to reform abuses ever Southern Oregon.
showing the amount of money re­
Mr. Hanna is on his way to Hono­ ceived and how aud to whom paid
The little of the post office scandal emanates from them. No speech Is
Entered *t the Po*loffie« »1 Jacksonville, Ore.,
ever heard denouncing crying evils lulu, in theiuterest of the Packer pa­ out. The writer goes on to say that
that has been allowed to come to light
a* Second Class Mall Matter
from such as he, ami yet Congressman
and tbe charges made of official short llemenway is no worse nor better for pers, which are published by the Bar- the local papers of Heppner refuse to
comings iu other departments make it that matter than the lioss whose lead rick Publishing Company at Kansas publish the information. It is charged
T he physicians of the “Regular”
evident that tbe entire official niachin he follows. If the boss puts his thumbs City, Mo., as lite official organ of the that one man, worth $30,000, received
school at Salem have demanded a cor­
ery of the nation Is clogged with dis down the llemenway tribe all declare Growers and Shippers National Pro­ »1000 out of the relief fund, “Others
oner’s .inquest in order, if possible, to honesty. Every department and bu­ with one voice the same decree, and tect ive Associit ion.
that lost everything they had did not
fix the responsibility of the death of reau that has been even partially in­ vice versa. Congressman llemenway
He has favored us with a copy of receive one cent.”
a patient upon the shoulders of a physi­ vestigated teems with loot and dishon has been selected as the chairman of
It is stated, moreover, that of the
an excellent article on the fruit
cian of the Osteopathic school who esty that parallels, if It does not ex­ the committee ou appropriations in the growing industry of the Rogue River »•>0,000, approximately, that was
treated her in her last illness. Should ceed. the era of robbery that culmlnat-! coining house of representatives not
Valley, which will appear in the brought in, ouly »10,000 can be ac-
it become popular to call for inquests ed In the election of Tilden. The Stat because of bls ability, but because he
Chicago Packer,” under date of Sep­ counted for. There is talk of a suit
upon the bodies of patients lost by the route frauds, the Mulligan letters, the is a faithful part of the machine that tember 5th, and will also be published in equity to compel the committee to
“Regulars” and “Irregulars” there Credit Mobilier and the Pacific Mail obeys orders without questioning and in the “New York Packer," “Cincin­ make a showing of its disbursements.
echoes the edicts that resound from tlie
would always be something doin’ in subsidy were crimes for which the [>eo
Another letter-writer, signing him­
pie held the Republican party respon­ high muekamuck. "There is no change nati Packer" and “Kansas City Pack­
the coroner’s office
“W. S. M.,” sends to the M ilton
er,” all issued by the sain? associa­
Eagle a variety of reports concerning
The voters are now confronted with well enough alone.”
I n many respects Senator Morgan
Prices of trust productions may soar
alleged injustice in the manner of dis­
the postal scandals, the Cuban looting,
of Alabama is a great man; but as a the agricultural department rottenness, and the trust grow fat at the expense block, Kansas City.
The Rogue River Valley has a well- bursing the relief, and lie adds that
forecaster of political events within the the land department frauds, the l'orto of the people, but the sacred tariff
he believes it all. He says: “Fami­
ranks of the Republican party his in­ Rican smuggling cases and the war de­ must not be meddled with. All the established reputation as a fruit­ lies that never had carpets in their
fallibility as a prophet has suffered a partment and Philippine Infamies, be­ money necessary must be appropriated growing section; but, as each year bouses now have carpets, chairs and
severe shock from the prediction that sides charges against the other depart­ to absorb the surplus, each coterie adds to its output, it will not I e amiss all the necessary furniture. One man
Senator J. B Foraker will be the Re­ ments that have not yet been investi­ must get its share, every department to tell our readers of some of the w on­ got a new wagon and mower: another
publican nominee for president next gated and which will doubtless swell of the government puts In its bid for derful things that happened here.
its greater or lesser steal? and sub­
About fifteen years ago J. H. Stew­ | a hay rake and harrow, etc. A man
year. But as an admirer of the Sena the unsavory record.
The old cry that aroused the <Soun-
art planted the first big orchard in who bad owned an old plug team,
tor from Ohio the Senator from Ala­
try, “Turn the rascals out!" will again who attempt to stem the tide of ex­ this valley. Year by year the acreage wagon and harness, claimed every
bama may be accorded the privilege be the slogan of the coming presiden­ travagance are sneered and Jeered at
in orchards has increased, until today piece of harness that was found and
of throwing costless bouquets.
tial campaign. The extortion of the as small, mean and parsimonious. Re­ there are about 5000 acres in fruit got 49 sets of single harness.
trusts and the robbery of the people form is howled down from every Re­
A G rants P ass man is afraid to go by the protection granted to the com­ publican throat and every Republican trees, and it is still increasing at tiie
to Portland for fear of being held up bines by the tariff, bad as they are. do vote Is given for the most lavish ex­ rate of abrut 1200 acres each year.
bi e more fluid
As a matter of fact, if he went to Port­ not compare with the delinquencies of penditures and most prodigal appro­ Last year there were 1500 acres of thus helps the blood to flow; it affords
trees planted. At the present time .relief from biliousness, indigestion,
land and behaved himself, minding his the officials who have been placed in
own business, going to bed at a season­ power to preserve the rights and pock­ tariff is preserved in all Its Iniquity there are about 2500 acres in bearing sick and nervous headaches and the
and its bold robbery.
and 2500 acres in young orchards. It I over-indulgence in food and drink.
able hour and keeping his head about ets of the people. Without an honest
Listen to the llemenway echo of the is estimated that this fall will be no Herbine acts quickly a di se after
him he would be just as safe as in
but pillage and piracy. Back of all Delphic oracle who tells us of the evils exception to the rule, and there will meals will briug the patient into a
Grants Pass. At the same time the
economic issues must be ordinary hon to come if protection to the trusts is be about 1000 or 1200 acres of new or­ good condition in a few days.
G. L. Caldwell, Agt. M. K. and T.
Portland papers, through their sensa­ esty in public servants. To pass laws disturbed.
R. R., Checotah, Ind, Ter., writes,
They have evidently come to the chards set out.
tional accounts of the holdups and do­ to reform tbe tariff or control the
Tbe Rogue River Valley has ample April 18, 1903; “1 was sick for over
ings of thugs,have disturbed the peace trusts will be worthless unless the ras­ logical conclusion that to touch- one
two years with enlargement of tbe
for expansion, since it is about ! liver and spleen The doctors did me
of the public mind until there are a cals who seem to Infest ewerjr depart­
good many people who would rather ment are turned out and honest public and perhaps the whole fabric are to tie 50 miles north and south, and in some no good, and I had given up all hope
servants Installed to administer tbe disturbed and distorted. Nothing could places about 40 miles east and west. of being cured, when my druggist ad­
stay away from the city.
reforms. The first and greatest reform be more serious to the business inter­ It is watered by the Rogue River, vised me to use Herbine. It has make
me sound and well.” 50c. City Drug
which does it work well. As the or­ St re.
P rof . P ernot of the State Agricul­ Is to "turn the rascals out,” especially ests. for the time being at least.
tural College has performed a valu­ those wlio are the highest In command country would in that event be Turned chards have pr ven, no irrigation is
able service to the dairy Interests of and who, either by collusion or incoin topsy turvy. Chaos instead of the necessary, and a sufficient rainfall is School Districts Can Borrow
Oregon by the manufacture of an ar­ petent management, have allowed the wonderful calm and equilibrium now assured each and every year.
looting without an effort to stay it.
Tbe valley is traversed by the main
ticle of cheese which can be shipped Even now they are trying to hamper existing would reign, and the result
twice across the Atlantic or Pacific the investigations and, by refusing to would be disastrous. Of course it Is liueofthe Southern Pacific railroad,
Attorney-General Crawford lias pre­
ucean and retain its desirable quality give the facts to the public, are trying not possible to have a perfect tariff, which affords the best ot freight and pared directions to be followed by
to the end of the journey; also in con­ to divert the people’s minds into other but we think that well enough should passenger accommodation to all school districts that are desirous of
trolling the flavor of the article to a channels. Tbe Interest of those iu be allowed to stand, We are doing points, making good connection with securing loins on binds from the'
Eastern lines.
certainty, something not heretofore charge of the fortunes of the Repub­ beautifully.
state school land fund. Tbe Board has
Possibly the people should feel that
accomplished. The known possibilities lican party is to cover up delinquencies way. but if they do they are more It must be remembered that the prin­ printed a neat little pamphlet con­
of this region for dairying will be vast­ for the good of the party aud to scru­ easily gulled and fooled than they used cipal fruit products of the valley are taining the directions, forms and re­
tinize as little as possible the wrongdo­
mostly sold in tbe far East, reaching quirements. and these pamphlets are
ly enhanced by this accomplishment
ings of their subordinates. It is there­ to be and are more anxious to pay out
London market, where the famous to be had for the asking by any school
of the Agricultural College.
fore the leaders that must be turned
Yellow Newtown Pippimapple has be­ officer. This was done for the pur­
out, and the punishment of tbe lesser It is possible to believe they are.
T here are people who will insist culprits will duly follow.
come a staple in tbe market; and pose of avoiding errors on the part of
Cummin* Still on Hi* Platform.
General Miles merited the censure he
while thequantity is increasing yearly the district otllcer-i in tiie issuance of
It is Impossible for an administration
has received from the head of the to reform Itself. Every politician, great
the numerous buyers keep the price the bonds, so that vexatious delays
Government for having disclosed the and small, even the honest ones, dis­
going up until this will be a banner may be avoided in the transaction if
rascality that prevailed in the army, like to see disclosures made that reflect
year for the products of the valley.
business of this kind. State Superin­
starting with the embalmed beef scand­ on the party, and only Just enough is
But while tbe quantity will be in­ tendent Ackerman has mailed a copy
al and ending with exposing tbe frauds allowed to cotne to light to appear that
creasing the quality has not been of these instructions to each county
in the Philippines. It may be contrary purification is intended. The evidence
forgotten, aud greater care is used iu superintendent of schools, with in
has been furnished that months before
to army discipline to disclose anything,
wing than ever before, which »tructions to notify any scho >1 board
the post office scandals were revealed
whether fraud or not. Perhaps a gen­ President Roosevelt was informed that
may also be said of the packing. in his county desirous of making a
eral should be censured and denounced gross frauds were being perpetrated.
Southern Oregon growers have learned loan that a similar booklet corld b1
for so doing. But when future histo­ Yet no investigation was ordered until ■
that a nice pack will briug more procured fr m the Stale Land‘Office
rians write the story of America they the newspapers took up the “get rich
money than a poor or dishonest one. for their guidance. Under a new law
will accord General Miles a prominent quick” frauds, and these led to the,
and the demand for the fruit and the school Istards desiring to borrow
place for having had the courage to de­ other exposures. For over two years it
prices received have stimulate! the de­ money for the district are compelled
nounce rascality wherever he found it was known and published that Attor­
sire of the growers to do all they can to offer their b mds to the State Land
ney General Tyner and his associates
to help make their fruit famous and Office before placing them elsewhere,
T he millers of North Dakota and were bleeding the publications for per­
perpetuate its fame throughout the and only after the State Land Of­
Minnesota have just held a meeting mission to mail at the one cent a pound St Paul Globe.
fice d-cides not to take up their,bond
length and breaith of the world.
rate, but neither President Roosevelt ■
and adopted strong resolutions favor­ nor his postmaster general ordered any
The sbipp ng points in the valley can they be placid in other hands.
‘•A Shane aid Diaaraer.“
ing reciprocity with every country im­ investigation of the charges, though
are Medford, Central Point, Ashland
To Cure a Cold In One Day
A new senator from Illinois, Albert
porting American flour. If these same appealed to for that purpose.
aud Talent. Last year there were Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. Ail
millers were asked about the tariff on
Urugglnu refund the money if it falls to cure,
A new deal Is therefore necessary.;
the southern states shlpte.i from them 200 cars of fruit. '»rove's signature isou each box. -45c.
articles which they were not inter­ and the rascals must be turned out and disgrace to send negroes to con- This year, new a reage coming in, to­
that they do not
ested in, it is safe to say they would before reform Is possible.
gross.” Now. Mr. Hopkins was In con gether with a bountiful crop, will in­ Clever Trick of a Prisoner
favor a high rate? But when you re­
gress a great many years, and yet no­ crease the output to 250 cars of fruit,
President and Machine Politician*.
verse the order, and touch the pocket
body' ever heard of his offering to re­ divided about as follows: Medford,
Alb-rt EcKlund. alias George John­
Senator Hanna announces that 1‘ost-'
of the American manufacturer, the
tire and allow a negro to be elected
master General Payne will stay at the | as his successor. He made several at­ 140 cars; Ceutral Point, 80 cars; son, who was being taken back to
high tariff becomes a source of grief to head of his department, and as Sen- ■
Talent. 20 cars; Ashland, 10 cars, Chicago to answer the charge o.* grand
him. He wants all the advantage ator Hanna thinks the investigation of tempts to get into the senate before he Of this total
175 cars will be larceny, effected a remarkable escape
both ways. He wants protection if he the scandals has already gone too far downed Billy Mason, and yet nobody apples and late pears and 75 cars
from Detective Wm. Marsden, near
sells abroad, and yet wants a prohibi­ and seriously Injured the Republican ever saw a sign hung out from his
apples Cheyenne, Wyo., August 24th. While
tive tariff against all foreign goods party we may surmise that Mr. Payne] headquarters in the Leland House at bartlett pears. Of
Springfield reading, “Wanted—A likely, the Neatown Pippin leads, with the
which are sold in this country. It is a
feels the same way. It Is hardly to be! ablebodied colored gentleman to take Spilzenbergs second, then the Ben the litter was sleeping beside his
case of “heads you lose, tails 1 win.”
pns mer E klund secured the keys to
wondered that those two machine poli­ my chances in the senatorial race.”
j Davis and a few other varieties Some the shackles, released himself and
S ecretary S haw , C omptroller
Senator Hopkins Is more of an ass I prunesand plums will also leshipped.
then skackeled the» fficertothesteam
of the Currency Ridgely and John G. extraordinary that President Roosevelt than he lias appeared to be heretofore
Ashland usually has a tine peach pipes. Having relieved the officer of
stands “back to back” with the Wiscon­ if he thinks anybody will take his
Carlisle, former Secretary of the Treas­ sin lobbyist, and yet Senator Hanna
crop, but this year the frost kill d itis weapons and oilier property E.k-
ury. have been at Oyster Bay to con­ says so. President Roosevelt has done declaration seriously. His contribu most of them and the balance went to
lund left the tiain at Laramie. As
fer with the President with regard to many strange things aud still holds the
race are not recorded so that we may the cannery instead of being sliippied. Marsden bad absolutely nothing on
needed financial legislation. Mr.C. was favor of the majority of the Republican know them, but this much Is certain,
Rogue River Valley, like all other his person to prove he was not a pris­
ia.;t"d to the conference because the party, but there are lots of Republican i that he never loved a black man well fruit-growing section?, has been both­
oner, the trainmen would not n lease
President wishes, in so far as may be, and Independent voters who will balk enough to give up his own government ered with p. sts of different kinds; but
him. The railroad authorities tele­
to defer to the views of the Gold Demo­
Job to him.—Atlanta Constitution.
to Chicago for instructions,
crats and thus insure a bigger majority less he Bhows most effectually that'he
the part of tbe grower has kept the and when the train rtached Sydney
The Makeshift of Aldrich.
Marsden was released from his pre­
for a measure which he and his ad risers
as the small ones. So far he has shown
Senator Aldrich will presumably be insect from doing much damage to dicament.
regard as so essential to the future wel­
either tbe tree or the fruit.
great unwillingness to push the inves­
fare of the country. In this connection i tigation and Is now attempting to stifle on hand at the opening of the next ses­
At the present time tiie fruit is in
sion of congress with a revised cur­
Bitter Rot of Apples.
it is pointed out that the financial ] the publication of the news by order­ rency bill -possibly something that will tine shape, with a good crop on the
market is already in a precarious ing that nothing be given out by any allow the banks to take charge of the trees. Of the entire crop tiO par cent
Tue president of the National Ap-
condition, and a scarcity of money, one but himself, and he tells nothing. surplus, with chips and whetstones for is apples, 30 per cent pears, 10 per
pie Shippers’ Ar-sjciatiou estimated
when it becomes necessary to send This does not look like probing tbe | security. Mr. Aldrich Is likely to find cens prunes. The latter are all dried.
the damage to the apple crop in tiie
funds west to move the crops, might be scandals to tbe bottom, for publicity himself a storm center In the next
All the large growers have their United States in 1900 from bitter rot
attended with disastrous results. This Is the best evidence of a thorough in­ presidential campaign. The people are
argument is doubtless another that is vestigation, and secrecy means in­ not going to keep quiet and overlook own packing houses, where the ques­ at #'0,000,000, says Albeit F. Wo ds,
being used with the President in favor trigue.
the makeshifts simply because the tion of packing is given cartful atten­ vegetable pathologist and physiolo­
of an extra early session.
country is prosperous In spite of pub tion.
gist of the U. S. Department of Agri-
Expensive With Any Nnme.
Tl:e Rogue River Fruit Growers' cul u e, in his preface to Bulletin
lie maladministration.—Cincinnati En
A ccording to Congressman Baker
The Springfield (Mass.) Republican qulrer.
Association dt es the packing and No 44, bureiu oi plant industry, on
passes are dealt out to members of has found that the running expenses of ’
shipping tor the majority of small the “Bitter Rot of Appks.” This was
An Aatate Politician.
Congress by a regular system. Are the government are more than 40 pet
growers. It Is estimated the Asso­ written by Herman von Shrank,
There is no doubt of the fact that the
favors given as systematically in re cent in excess of what they were prior
ciation lias Jtwo-thirds of the growers special agent in charge of the Missis­
turn? If not, bow does the railroad re­ to the Spanish war, the cost of main­ writer of the Iowa Republican state of the valley as members and controls
sippi Valley laboratory, and Perley
coup itself? Futhermore, if the Balti­ taining the army having doubled aud
Is what be wrote of the tariff: “Duties one third of the crop of the valley. Spaulding, eeial agent. It contains
more & Ohio railroad company system­
nialism doesn’t sound as bad as im­ that are too low should be Increased This Is the first year of the Associa­ 54 pages of text and 8 additional
atically supplies free transportation to
perialism, but call the thing what you and duties that are too high should bi tion, and W. H. Norcross, secretary ptges of excellent ha'f-tone lllu-tra-
all members of Congress who accept will, it’s rough on the taxpayer.—At­ decreased.” A great head fettled tha< and manager, says “things are pro­
tions, showi g the nature and opera­
the wretched bribe, is it not a fair in­ lanta Constitution.
problem.—Dublin Courier-Dispatch.
gressing nicely.” He is very careful tions of this prevalent and destruct­
ference that other railroads do the
about the packing, saying, and very
Reduced Summer Excursion correctly, too, that he realizes that ive disease, both on the fruit and the
same, and that in return congressmen
He Made a Big Haul
tbe packing of the fruit is just as im­ limbs and trunks of the trees, with a
are as generous to them with their votes
portant as the growing. It has teen frontispiece, also half-tone showing
as they may reasonably be presum­
Wednesday evening the Whitney-
The Denver & Rio Grande, popular­ shown that nicely packed fruit always inoculation of disease.
ed to be toward the Baltimoreand Ohio
Canyon City stage was held up by a ly known as the “Scenic Line of the brings more money than Its neglected nately the disease is constantly on
railroad? Again, If congressmen are
World.” has announced greatly re­ competitor, and he keeps tiiat fact the increase. P. 44: “Bitter root is
lone highwayman and relieved of ail duced
round-trip rates from Pacific prominently In view.
supplied with passes in this wholesale
valuables, consisting of »3000 in the I Coast points ft r the benefit of teach­
due to a fungus.” No one tnteiested
way, what about members of the leg.
express box, registered mail containing | ers who will spend their vacation in
in growing apples can afford to be
Save the Children.
islaturee of states within the compa­
without this bulletin, which makes
value estimated at »0000. and all tbe the East, and of delegates to all the
nies' territory, of the city councils
O nventlons—N. E. A., at
Ninety-nine of everyone hundred one familiar with the nature of tbe
loose change on the two passenger«, i prominent
B >ston; A. O. U. W., at St. Paul; B. diseases that children have are due disease and the most available ways
where terminal favors are important,
E. J. Armstrong, representative of | P. (). E. at Baltimore; Woodmen of to disorders of the stomach, and these of combatting or controlling it. It is
of taxing boards where valuations are
to be made, of party conventions the Ehrman-Mason Company, and a America at Indianapolis: Eagles, at disorders are all caused by indigestion free on application to the United
where candidates are to be nominated, representative of the Hall Safe Com­ New York; Mystic Shrine, at Sarato­ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is just as good States Department of Agriculture,
ga Springs K- of P., at Louisville, for children as it is for adults. Child­ Bureau of Plant Industry, Washing­
and of the judiciary which decides con­ pany.
and T. P. A., at Indianarolis.
ren thrive on ft. It keeps their little ton, D. C.
troversies? Is it even necessary to
The highwayman did his work on
Tickets at the reduced rates will be stomachs sweet and encourages iheir
tbe Grant and Baker county line. He based upon one fare for the round trip, growth and development. Mrs. Henry Dysentery Cured Without the Aid
stood ou the roadside and kept the j but will be sold only on certain days. Carter, 705 Central St., Nashville,
An Immense Yield
of a Doctor.
stage well covered with a repeating These tickets will carry stopover priv­ Tenn., says: “My little boy is now
“1 am Just up from a hard spell of!
ileges on the going trip, giving pas­ three yeats old and has been suffering
The largest yield of wheat yet re- rille, while he ordered all mail, ex­ sengers an opportunity to visit Salt from indigestion ever since he was the flux” (dysentery) bays Mrs. T. A.
ported was raised by Robert Winni- press packages aud valuables of pas­ Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Colora­ born. I have had the best doctors in I Pinner, a well-known merchant of
Drummond, Tenn. “I used one bottle
ford on the lower Calapouia, Douglas sengers to be thrown to him His de­ do Springs and Denver; and will be Nashville, but failed to do him any of
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
good to return anytime within ninety good. After using one bottle of Kodol
county. This piece of laud lias been
(¡Ml) days. Passengers going via the he is a well baby. I tecoinnier d it to Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured
There Is no trace of the rob ber.
used for a garden for the past two
Denver & Rio Grande are given the all sufferers.” Kodol digests what w iltiout having a doctor. I consider
privilege of returning via a different you eat and makes the stomach sweet it the best cholera medicine in the
years aud was In fine condition. In
world.’’ There is no need of employ­
Sold by All Druggists.
March It was sown to wheat of the
ing a doctor when this remedy is used,
For tbe rate to the point you wish
Australian variety, and at the pres­
for no doctor can prescribe a better
to go, and for dates of sale and other
medicine for bowel complaint in any
ent harvest it turned out 63 bushels,
particulars, as well as for illustrated
form either for children or adults. It
in time. Sold by <1 ruggwu
pamphlets, write.
machine measure,
of first-class
never fails at.d is pleasant to take.
W. C. M c B ride , General Agent,
For sale by City Drug Store.
124 Third St., Portland, Ore.
Printed Every Wednesday, by
OUT FRÜIT export .
Hops in Bad Condition.
Brokers declare that not for the
HOW ORCHARD PRODUCTS REACH past ten years have the hopyards of
Oregon been ! d such a deplorable con­
Long Shipment* Made Possible by
Refriseratiou—From California to
London In Two Week,—A Record
In Fruit Ti-aoMportation.
On board tbe American line steamer
St Paul when she left New York on
her last trip was the season's first
consignment of California fruit sent
to the London market On the arrival
of the St Paul at Southampton the
fruit was immediately sent to London,
reaching the British metropolis Just
two weeks after leaving the Pacific
The run across the continent from
Los Angeles to New York occupied six
days, the fruit being packed in refrig­
erator care. On the St. Paul it was
placed iu refrigerator compartments,
being kept in cold storage throughout
its entire 0,000 mile Jou/ney.
For several years James Wilson, sec­
retary of agriculture, has been at work
dition as now, as tbe direct result of
the late rains. Picking is general In
Marlon county, but the hops being
boxed are not of much value. From
many sections come reports of heavy
mold, and some of the vines are rot­
ting. Southern Oregon yards are in
much tetter shape, however, and
promise well. Picking should not
have started,according to the circum­
stances of past seasons, until the ear­
ly part of September; but the mani-
festations of mold hurried the har­
vest. The market holds as regards
q dotations; but in view of the possible
great lo.-ses in the yards business is
quiet, buyers preferring to defer pur­
chasing until picking isover.
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Gray Hair
“I have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor
for over thirty years. It has kept
my scalp free from dandruff and
has prevented my hair from turn­
ing gray.”—Mrs. F. A. Soule,
Billings, Mont.
There is this peculiar
thing about Ayer’s Hair
Vigor—it is a hair food,
not a dye. Your hair does
not suddenly turn black,
look dead and lifeless.
Butgraduallythe old color
comes back,—all the rich,
dark color it used to have.
The hair stops falling,too.
SI M • bMtte. All dr»«i»U.
If your druggist cannot supply you,
send us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle. Be sure and give the name
ot your nearest express office. Address,
J. C. A YER CO., Lowell, Mass.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
disappear when the kid­
R. G. GALE, M. D
neys are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has Office in Orth’s Building.
__ become so prevalent
Hours—2 tO 4 and 7 to 8 p. m
V that it is not uncommon
^¡/ f°r a child to be born
afflicted with weak kid- Jacksonville
neys. If the child urin­
ates too often, if the
urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child
reaches an age when it should be able to
control the passage, it is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of
the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
Office in Red Men's Building.
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis­
Grant's Pass, Oregaa.
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
practices all the oourts Office In Bank
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
building up stihe
by druggists, in fifty-
cent and one dollar
J. M. KEENE, D. D. S
sizes. You may have a
sample bottle by mail
free, also pamphlet tell­ Home of Swamp-Root
ing all about it, including many of the OPERATIVE
Offices .n tbe Adkins Deuel block
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer Medford,
Sc Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and
Don’t make apy mistake, but re­
member the name, Swamp-Boot, Dr, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW
on exjieriments and Investigations Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad-
Jacksonville, Oregon.
looking toward a better utilization of dress. Binghamton, N. Y., on every
the country's fruit yield. It is part of
'Will prattles In all courts of the State. Of
the department's regular business to
Bee In the Court House last door on ths
rlrbt from entrance
find new markets for American agri­
cultural produce and to help the farm­
er to realize as much as possible for
a . c HOUGH,
his crops. There has been a particular
reason for doing this in the case of
orchard products, because the fruit
•rant’s Pasa,
crop is one difficult to handle.
Office over Halr-K.ddle Hardware Store
One variety of American fruit has
already developed a European market
and is shipped abroad in great quanti­
ties—namely. the apple.
Most of the American apples that
supply the European market come from
Grant's Pasa, Orcgaa.
New England. New York. Pennsyl­
The Greatest Expos!'ton and Livestock
vania, Delaware and other points near
Show on tbe Pacific Coast.
■Office attore S PD.ALCo Ì Store.
the seaboard; but last season ship­
Class Racing every afternoon
ments were made from Illinois and
other central western states During
$12,000 Cash Premiums
last season, too, the experiment of ship­
On Live Stock and Farm
ping early fall apples was successfully
tried under the direction of William
All Exhlb'ts Hauled Free over the
A. Taylor, field agent of the pomolog-
Sc uthem Pacific.
lcal div slon of the department of agri­
Reduced Transportation Rates on AU
Mr. Taylor believed that summer
Live Stock Auction Sale
apples would find a ready market In
Held in Connection with Fair.
London because they would reach
Fine Camping Grounds Free, and Re­
there between the seasons for the Aus-
[From a snap shot photograph ]
Notary Public
Real Estate Agent
and U. S. Commissioner
for Jackson County.
duced Rates on Campers's Tick­
ets. Come and Bring
Your Families.
For further infonnation write
JW. D. Wisdom, Secretary
Abstracts made Is Title* st
»11 Kind drawn up jspeclallv pertaining io
the sen lenient of estates.
accounts Solicited. Prompt Remittance.
Of any Township
in the
Roseburg Laud District.
Prepared for Filiogon Home
stead or Timber Claims
>£rSpeclal Attention given to
Matters in Connection with
the ü. S. Land Office.
trallan and the native fruit. Of
course, these early varieties are much
more perishable than the others, but
the attempt was made, the apples be­
ing packed In small baskets about the
size of peach baskets. The fruit
reached London In good condition.
It is the opinion of Mr. Taylor and
his associates, who have studied the
question carefully, that American fresh
fruit will find a large and rapidly ex­
panding market In Europe If care Is
taken to have the fruit always of the
best quality and to make the ship­
ments under the most perfect condi­
tions. With this belief the department
has undertaken In many cases to make
shipments for fruit growers, superin­
tending all the details of packing, ship­
ping and marketing and guaranteeing
the shipper against loss while turning
over to him any profits from the en­
terprise. These experiments have been
so generally profitable that now fruit
growers are usually quite willing to co­
operate in the undertaking.
tnvstment securities a specialty. Jackson
bounty Scrip bought and sold.
have a complete set of maps of all surveyed
ands in this county, and receive Abstracts
nonthly from Rosebunt Land Office, the Lard
department of the O. A C. R. R. and tbe Slate
Land Department at Salem of all new entries
nade I am thus prepared to make out home*
itead papers and take prvofs thereon. Also I
t»ke Blings and proofs ot timber lands, and
can save to the expense of a trip
to tbe Roseburg land office
have a Number of FlaeFemia and other
Dealrable Propertv la nr bnnda for
SW Prom nt reply mads to all letters. Charg-
«• in accordance with 'le times
Rerers. by permission, Hon. H. K. Hanna,
udge of the 1st Judcial District, and to any
*>uslness bouse in Jacksonville.
Marks Bld.,Roseburg, Or
DR. JORDAN'S enca-rf
Do You Enjoy
What You Eat ?
You can eat whatever and whenever you
like If you take Kodol. By the use of this
remedy disordered digestion and diseased
stomachs are so completely restored to
health, and the full performance of their
functions naturally, that such foods as would
tie one Into a double-bow-knot are eaten
without even a "rumbling" and with a posi­
tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what la
more—these foods are assimilated and
transformed into the kind of nutriment that
is appropriated by the blood and tissues.
Kodol is the only digestant or combination
of digestants that will digest all classes of
food. In addition to this fact, it contains, in
assimilative form, the greatest known tonio
and reconstructive properties.
Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all
disorders arising therefrom.
<k«>M* kM •*« lm*,s
Th» largwt AaaSomioal Mssanm
M* bi th* World.
e-vatwt artTMtton «* Ik« Cttp. A
fwwt Vt rnkn*»*»« *r soy co*tract- \
»<»llh»lr «»r*4bT S
sw^w A th« Oldest Bp«ou.l«t U*4h« Pacts« \
uo*»t. EM*bU*b*4Myaara.
i f
Yoon* sieo and asMSle V
’ *
1 ¡1' from th* snoo
who ar* »uff«rtne A
«ffScw of youthlul tndto- F
cretlon» or oxo»**«« In o»»tur*r X
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Makes the Stomach Sweet.
Botttea only. Regular size. J1.00. holding 2M Uro**
th* trial Uze. which Mila for 50 cant».
Pr*sar*d by I. O. D*WITT * OO., Ohieno, IK
Weeks & Baker
Funeral Directors
- and Embalmers
Weat Side,
Medford. Ore
Open Nights
Medford Furniture Co.,
HouseFurnishers and
Undertakers. JohnH.
Butler, Funeral Di­
rector. Day Phone
Main 353. Night
Phone Main 251.
Is Absolutely PUKE, and will
OUTWEAR all other Leads.
If your local dealer does no; carry
It write to us aud we will see that you
get it.
? hme
,1 ABSOLUTE purity
W. P. Fuller & Co
Your Cold Cured for So.