’atF/»*» Î r Howard W. Iddings HERE AND THERE. Leaped to Her Death. Mrs. Clara Batchelder, wife of Geo. If the conceit were taken out of some men their friends would be un­ Batchelder of Lakeview, drowned herself by jumping into Klamath able to identify the remains. The Missouri mule never goes out river from the bridge at Klama'h on a strike. When he strikes it is Falls on Friday night. She had been generally the other fellow who goes in ill heal li for several months and had become deranged me .tally. out. With her husband she arrived As a rule women are more liberal Thursday fiom California and stopped than men. The wife who has a mind there to vidt her parents, Mr. and direr own is continually giving her Mrs. P. Breitenstein. Being Lit alone husband pieces of it. in a room for a moment she escaped In America alone30,000automobiles fr .m tiie house, but was soon followed T—< '»JT will be placed on the market during by her husband and brother. They the present year, which will only sup- reached the bridge in time to hear the ; ly half the d< mind. water splash as she leaped from the A it r picnicking under a hayslack roiling. By the use of bolt* the »tody a party of holiday makers r.eir Man- wa« rec ve»ed iu 50 minutes. Mr-». Batchelder’s sickness, result­ tauban, France, left an emp’y ginger beer bottle standing upon the ground. ing in her rasli act, is thought to have tepn largely due to brooding The sun’s rays focussed through the over the death of her sister, Mrs. Wm. glass and set the stack afire. Nail, who committed suicide by ■ ? : One hundred and sixty acres of In­ shooting tierself about a year ago. dian land near Pendleton sold te other day for $8000; and another farm Popular Sunday Excursions. of 240 acres b ought $7200. (Ibviously In order to n.eet the wants of the the I matillas have a good thing and traveling public and give practically can not he classed with Hie poor red i daily service to the beich during the trash I surnn er-e »son the Coi villi« & East­ ern Railioad will run an excursi» n The State Fair at. Salem will be | train fr in Albany and Corvallis and held September 14th to 19 h inclusive. | Cor vail :s and all points west Co New- THE YOUNG MAN WHO WAS MURDERED NEAR WAGNER GAP The tenth annual district fair, which j [ort every Sundav, commencing Sun- LAST APRIL. has heretofore been held at Roseburg, ; day, Ju y 12th; leaving Albany at. 7 a. m. and Corvallis at 7:30 a. m Re­ w ll this year be held at Eugene, com­ turning, leave Newport at 5:30 p. tn., The parents of Dr. Howard W. Iddings, who are highly respected citi­ mencing ten days after the State arriving in Albany at 10:30 p. m. zens of an Eastern city, are very anxious to apprehend the murderer of their Fair, September 29th, and continuing Three day and season t'ckets will be good going and returning on these son, and are industriously assisting the authorities to run down the guilty party. live days. trains. This should prove popular ---- , ivi iiiiicaj JM118, The above is a reproduction of an excellent photograph of the young man. He Byron Burn«, the Grants Pass lad with the traveling public and a liberal was 25 years of age, and a graduate of the Rush Medical College, Chicago. who had his skull crushed as the re­ patronage will ire the best appre­ Dr. Iddings was foully murdered during the month of April, in a lonely sult of being struck on the he d with ciation. spot in Wagner Butte district, about 20 miles south of Medford. His remains, a baseball,Is much improved. Imme­ together with some of his personal effects, were found June 14th. diately after the accident the lad was Anyone who can give Information concerning the movements of the brought to Portland and taken to the young man while he was in Oregon, or saw him at any time, are requested to Good Samaritan hospital, where it vn o>t VErKk>nv,Ux pI?JK*,AMI h»ve never before given my endórse­ communicate with A. E. Reames, District Attorney, Jacksonville, Oregon. was found necessary to remove a part la» nt tor .inj lnedicnie, but Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- of bis skull. Grave fears were enter­ a'ldeJ.so.lu«!“h to my life and happiness that I feel like tained for hi« recovery; but ills con­ h iv > t?» 1 ’A,’Tllon 111 th!s ca**- >or two years every month I would Mrs. C. W. Keene visited with Mrs. BRIEF MENTION vi hi .i' I‘I?; * i »eVere 1XHn and <-ould fi,ld no relief, but one day when dition has improved to such an extent J. S. Orth and Miss Dollie Ankeny J r a fi V I ru 1,at r"-?s. E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- that, instead of being completely P. A. Hall has made Jacksonville two Thursday afternoon. Tt' i’ S U- had ?"‘id H "U 1 the 1)631 rcsuIts and advised me to try it. paralyzed, he can move tris arms at vis'ts-recently. \ lv"?11 K woIked "onders with me; I now experience no pain ’and Miss Carrie Umphlett and her will, and it Is now expected that he only ha»l to use a few bottles to bring about this wonderful change. I John Bohl, who lives near Jackson­ brother Stanley, of Grants Pass, are will recover. \Lr K P^vaMonallv now when I am exceptionally tired or worn out.”— ville, was in town Wednesday. sojourning at Colestin. Mrsa A lice M. 8 mitii , 804 TTiird Ave., South Min-.eapolts, Minn., Chair­ Pursuant to an opinion recently Mrs. M. D. Harbaugh is vlsitiDg Beeson Bros, and Fred Kapp of given by Attorney-General Crawford, man Executive Committee Minneapolis Study Hub. LLL Beauty and strength in women vanish earlv in life because of with Mrs. J. R Reames of Talent pre­ Talent precinct spent several hours in holding the act passed by the last Jacksonville Thursday. monthly pain or «orne menstrual irregularity. Mam suffer ’ív^ sih»ntlw cinct. legislature inv-ilid as to the sale of and ms ; their best gifts fade awKy? Lydia K Pikkbám Wm. Messal, of Salt Creek district, Hon. B. Daly.lcounty judge of Lake school lands, fir the rea-on that it tabl« < ompound helps women preserve roundness of form and one of our thrifty farmers, spent Wed­ county, passed through the valley Fri­ was omitted fr m the title of the act, n« ui!****■' U“‘e U »»akes their entire female organism Mrs. Fred Unra.th day, on route to Portland. healthy. It carries women safely through the various natural nesday in Medford. and the b >ard was, therefore, free to President ««wiutrj dub. Bent cri>’m a,,d ls ,,IC S:‘,ottles of it, I found county. cisco, for an operation for bladder up my usual duties. I am very enthusi­ great relief. Blue-print maps of anv township in astic in its praise." Ed. Whalen, who has been in the trouble. Roseburg, Oregon, Land District,shows ”?I mtmation is now regular and without A law suit over a valuable water ing all the vacant lands, for 50 cent Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs pain. I am enjoying better health than I have employ of the Iowa Lumber Co., and of generation for the ordeal of preg­ »Mich. If you want any information for M'Tretime. ’ | right in Talent precinct is on the tapis. bis family, returned to Michigan this nancy and childbirth. It prevents mis­ from the U. S. Land Office, address Everybody wants water, and plenty of now is it possible for us to make it plainer week. carriage. No woman who takes Wine Title Guarantee & Loan Co., Rose­ i that E» PinkhanTs VegetableCnm- of Cardui need fear the coming of her burg, Oregon. Chas. Stewart, representing Balfour, it, nowadays. pound will positively help all sick women? child. If Mrs. L’nrath had taken Lincoln Savage, the efficient school Forest tires are raging in two locali­ All women are constituted alike, rich and poor, , Guthrie & Co., of Portland, was in the W ine of Cardui before her baby came superintendent of Josephine county,last ties at present—one about two milts , , . b ■ /-i -in » low, all suffer from the same organic valley this year inspecting the grain she would not have been weakened as week held the semi-annual examination from the town of McCloud Calif., and tr»»ubles. Surely, no one can wish to remain weak situation. she was. Iler rapid recovery should an»i sieklv. disco«rain'd with life and no hope for the future, when proof is so commend this great remedy to every of applicants tor teachers ’ certificates, the other at Camp 3, about tivem le- J. T. Taylor, the popular treasurer wnmistakui.le that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound will corn expectant mother. Wine of Cardui of which there is quite a number. distant. The severe wind«tormof last mont.ily suLrring—ail womb and ovarian troubles, and all the ills peculiar of Josephine county, was on the north­ regulates the menstrual flow. to women Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Keene went to week fanned it to such a degree that bound train Thursday, retu ning from Cinnabar the forepart of the week. it now covers a lar>.e territory of FORFEIT -f cannot forthwith produce the original letters and »Ignaturas ot a visit to the springs. a^ov* *., which will prove their absolute genuineness. * Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass» O. H. Budd, who has t>etn playing The former returned Wednesday even­ choi'-e timber land and is gaining short-stop for the Grants P mh base­ ing; his wife will visit with Mrs. such a hold that It is a'most beyond c o rol. Every available man was' Clinton Purkeypile of Gold Hill ball club during the past season, has I. Humason a few weeks. CENTRAL POINT NOTES. Wm Cook, who with M. M. Gault cal led on to go to lhe front ar.d do all | spent last week with relatives in this left for his home in Minnesota. in his power to che« k the spread of Lieutenant Fries has b)eo visiting city. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reynolds have proposes installing a foundry in Med­ the fitn.e». Tue McClo»id Ra!lr»ad ford, left Friday for San Francisco liis mother in ti»i« town for the last Mrs. Wm. Sy Jow and daughter, been heard from by their son, George Fire Depart m nt has added hundreds week. Miss Nora, spvUt last week at They are in Sonoma county, Calif., but While absent he will purchase a of feet of I ose to its force pumps, but large quantity of first class ma ­ will probably continue their trip fur Rev. N. 8. Holler» ft will preach in Colestin. the fire is now beyo d the reach of chinery for the iron works. BLUE RIBBON the Baptist church Sundiy morning Mrs. B. F. Peart and Mr?. Chas. ther south. this dt partment, and tie company is Shipments of Bartlett pears will be ­ and evening Jeffers and children are camping al Louis Huseman, of Montague, Cal., using a system if tack-filing, at.d is Tolman Springs. has given Wm. Clark, the well-known gin in a few days. A bigger quantity i eheoking the sp-ead. M iss Mary Jacibs has returned than ever before will be produced and from Cole’s, where she has spent the Mrs. K.C Morris is spending the horseman, a commission to buy a span Chas. Nickell, U. S. Commissioner the quality is first-class. This means last seven months. week with her daughter, Mrs. J. W. of Tybalt roadsters, weighing about * for the District of Oregon, is 'ully that many carloads will be marketed equipped 1200 pounds each. to receive applications un- Mrs. Morris went to Ashland Tues- Jacobs, at Ashland. at good prices, as the crop of pears in - der the timber and stone, also home­ “ Strength and vigor come of good day, to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Mrs. M. Elliott vi-jjtei her brother, stead laws. Final proofs taken, and food, duly digested. “Force,” a ready- many places is quite short. Jacob», for a few days. Thos. Kelsoe cf Eigle Point, Satur­ to-serve all business connected with U. S. gov­ I TbeGrestest Expo»l lon»nd Livestock wheat and barley food, adds F. H. Schmitt, the pioneer merchant ernment lands transacted. Office with Show on the Pacific Coast. day. He is very ill. James Grieve started for Paisl-y, no burden, but sustains, nourishes, in­ of Grants Pass, who has been selling S outhern O regonian , Medford. High Class Racing every afternoon vigorates. ” Lake couoty, Wednesday morning, to W. C. Lee ver’s hardware store is vehicles, hardware, etc., has sold bis Phone 211. Klamath county is behind nearly five stock of goods to L. A. Lucus & Son, finished and he now has a very well- vl-it the Stackel family. $12,000 Cash Premiums A State of Washington piper ssys years od the payment of her warrants. dealers In harness, saddlery, etc., for­ considerable complaint is being heard On Live Stock and Farm Mr. Djfur, lawyer and mtner, of arranged establishment. Products Foots Cieek, was in this place Tues­ J. E. Buswell and W. 11. Patrick The treasurer on the 28th of June call­ merly of Medford, who will combine about the high marriage license law All Exhibits Hauled Free over the ed for all warrants registered prior to the different lines. day on pt ifessionai business. with their families are spending the enacted by the last legislature of that Sc ulhern Pacific. October 14, 1898. Prof. Judd, now of Ashland, will week on upper Rogue river. M. Daemmer, who now resides on his slate. “It is a dirty »hame, to say Reduced Transportation Rates on All An amazing feature of Ringling ranch, situated a few milqs south of lhe least,” says tue paper, “to f rce a Craotill A Rcbnett are having their Lines. preach in tue Christian church next Brothers ’ wonderful circus is a com­ Jacksonville, was in town, accompa­ loving coui lc who denied themselves store remodeled throughout, which Sunday morning and evening. Live Stock Auction Sale will be a deJded improvement when pany of forty clowns, who keep the nied by his brother-in-law, S. Kranich. tobacio, chewing gum or who sat Held In Connection with Fair. Mrs. A. F. Amy and her sister, Mrs. finished. audience in a constant whirl of laughter The latter is an excellent prospector around in the dark for a number of Josenh Wright, will go to Dead In­ Fine CatnpItE Grounds Free, and Re­ duced Rates on Campers's Tick­ Lieut. A. A. Fries and wife, who by their odd conceits and grotesque aDd miner, who recently arrived from years to save oil, ar»d tr ed to wear dian Soda SpriDg« for several days’ Montana, and he has already made a ets. Come and Bring have been visiting relatives and actions. out as little furniture as possible, Your Families. valuable discovery. outing. friends here the past week, left for when circumstances have forced them Watermelons are being shipped from For further information write The enterprising firm of Caldwell & 1. B. Williams and wife started Portland Tuesday. Grants Pass to northern markets by Howell, which is operating a planing together to have to walk up and JW. D. Wisdom, Secretary this morning (Wednesday) for their the carload. Eisman Bros., T. P. I^e mill at Grants Pass, has installed a plunk down a five fur the privilege of PORTLAND, OREGON. homestead claim on upper Rogue DeWitt Is the Name. and his sons and R. A N. Reymer factory on Williams Creek, where a doing, mit.d you, doing what G d and river, to be gone some time. man hive t» Id them was their duty. When you goto buy Witch Hazel are the principal growers of melons in large number of first-class chairs will Ji st think of the graft of it—$5 for N. A. Jacobs rf Riverside, Calif., Salve look for the name D e W itt < n Josephine county. box. The pure, unadulterated be manufactured monthly. They will the p ivi ege of doing your duty.” arrived in this place last Saturday every Witch Hazel is used in making De­ Ben Beall, the successful farmer, was be first-class in every way, and will, and was the guest of his father until Witt's Witch Hazel, which is the best HOW’S THIS? no doubt, command a ready sale. in town Thursday. The crop raised Tuesday, when he left fur Medford. salve In the woild for cuts, burn«, We offer Ooe Hundred Dollars re- brühe«; boils, ecu ma apd piles. The on the home place,located near Central S. J. Wayment, who is engaged in ward fur any case i f Catarih that can- Mr. G>a«s of 1 able R x-k is thresh­ popularity of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Point, was a good one, notwithstanding transporting lumber manufactured in n tbj cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ing in the Be«ll neighborhood at this Saive, due to its many cureg, lias and I the unfavorable season, yielding about Pleasant creek district to Woodville, F. J. CHENEY& CO , Toledo, O. • time. The Beall Bro«.’ wj eat crop causel numerous worthless counter­ We, the undersigned, have known forty bushels to the acre. was in Medford Sunday, accompanied went forty bushel« to the acre, I am feits to be placed ou the marker. Toe F. J. Cheney fi r the las*. 15 years, and gpDulne bear« the name of E. C. De­ Assessor Jones has been granted un­ by his v»ife. He has contracted for the r elieve him perfectly In nurable in all informed. Witt & C j ., Chicago. Sold by al) drug­ til the first Monday in October to fit)- big traction outfit operated by Messrs. business transactions and financially Rev. Abbett preached In the M. E. gist. BLUE PRINTS ish the assessment roll for 1903. He Vawter, Davis and Pierce a few years to carry out any obligations made by church last Sunday at 11 a m. Rev. their firm ago, and expects to operate it after concluded his field work sometime Of any Township in the Lockhart preached In the evening. Reduced Summer Excursion W est & T ruax , Wholesale Drug­ Roseburg Land District. ago, and assisted by Robt. Dow is the first of the month. gist«, Toledo, O. W aldino , K innan His subject was Infidelity and the Rates. engaged in transcribing the result FILING PAPERS Jesse R. Huggins died Friday morn­ & M arvin , Whilesale Druggists, Bible, and he hand ed it very nicely. Toledo, O. thereof. ing at the Medford Hospital, where he 'j he Denver & Rio Grande, popular­ Prepared for Filing on Home Central Point carpenters are all Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter­ Capt. J. P. Goodall, who commanded was brought a few days before in a pre­ nally, acting directly upon the blocd stead or Timber Claims bu«y at present. Mr. M».rehouse is ly known as the “Scenic L’ne of the While at work in and mucous serfaces of the system. assisting J. C. Barnard on bis new World,” has announced gieatly re­ the Yreka company of volunteers in carious condition. HfTSpccial Attention given to his placer mines, located on Jack- Testimonials, Sent free, trice 75c. the Rogue River Indian war of 1853, is duced ‘ round-trip rates from Pacific Matters in Connection with residence. Me srs. Symore ard Wil­ per t ottle. Sold by alt Druggist-». the U. 8. Laud Office. liams are building an addition to Mr. Coast points ft r the benefit of teach­ still living near Jacksonville, aged 85 son Creek district, lately, he hurt his Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Gilmore’s bouse. Messrs. Wilson and I ers who will spend ihtir vacation in years. A number of the survivors of hand Blood poison developed rapidly, e PHONE 416 o Each us are getting Mr. Ro bn e it’s the East, and of delegates to all the that war are now looking him up for which, together with a weak heart, FARMERS, ATTENTION. buildings in shape. When complete* prominent C» nventions—N. E A., at p nsion testimony. made his recovery extremely doubtful. Marks Bld.,Roseburg, Or the store room will be 50 by 60 feet, Boston: A. O. U. W , at St. Paul; B J. M. Hurley, the expert manipula­ Mr. Huggins was a veteran of the P. O. E. at Baltimore; Woodmen of two stories high. Forty-five photographic views of Civil War, and one of tho pioneers of tor of harvesting machinery, will be America at lndlauapjlis; Eajles, at < n hand with a first-class threshing scenes in and about Crater Lake have Jackson county. New Yoik; Mystic Shrine at Sarato­ ou’tit, when the season opens. He Geo. Belts and wifr of Beagle spent ga Springs: K. of P, al Louisville, just been received from San Francisco spires no pains to please and does the To Cure ■ Cold In One Day. and T. P. A., at Indianapolis. Sunday here. by W. E. Coman, general freight- and Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. All best of work, a« the many who have Tickets at the reduced rates will be Joseph Riley and family of Antelope based upon ooe fare for the round trip, passenger for the Southern Pacific OrugglstH refund the money It It falls to cure patronized him before will bear wit­ Grove's signature Is on each box. 26c. ness. Address him at Central Point. spent Sunday here. --------- V*----------- but will De sold only on certain days. lines in Oregon. The pictures were taken by Photographer Hassell of the Thase tickets will carry stopover priv ­ Gen. Given of Eagle Point was on The Little Boys in Gray. THE TRAVELING PUBLIC ileges on the going trip, giving pas­ Southern Pacific. Prominent among our streets Monday. sengers an opportunity to visit Salt the views are four of Crater Lake. Alpleasant feature of the summer Will be glad to know that J. E. Charles Pankey is furnishing this Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Colora­ The costumes worn by the 1200 char­ months in various cities of the north Kerley of Grants Pass, who keeps one do Springs and Denver; and will be market with fine fish. g good vHJU to vM IvUUlU vl lllv within H I kill u II ninety I Ut U J acters in the beautiful spectacular pro- west, our own town included, is the of the largest and best feed si able? In return CL any J time W. J. Freeman received a carload of (90) days. Passengers going via the ■ duction of “Jerusalem and the Cru­ Southern Oregon, Is better prepared West Side, Denver A Rio Grande are given the sades,” one of the many startling fea­ many boys who come home from the than evt r to accommodate all who farm wagons on Monday. privilege of returning via a different tures in Ringling Bros.’ World’s Great­ Hill Military Academy of Portland. come. He has recently added a big Medford. Ore. S. H. Glass of Sam’s Valley is route They are to be seen on the streets stud, so that it will not be necessary threshing io this precinct. For the rate to the point you wish est Shows, are bullded in correct de­ with their playmates, and In their to leave wigons in the yard or to Open Nights signs from the most costly fabrics,silks- hitch up in the open any more. No­ Mrs. N. P. Thompson of Ashland is to go, and for dates of sale and other satins, happy horn s, and whether they wear velvets and cloth of mail, which, thing but good grain and hay fed. particular!, as well as for illustrated paying friends in this city a visit-. with the gorgeous horse trappings, ar­ the natty gray uniform of the Hill Prices reasonable and satisfaction pamphlets, write. mor and accoutrements, cost a fortune Military Academy, or the little gray guaranteed. W. C. M c B ride . General Agent, Rev. J. T. Abhett of A«h)and 124 Third St., Portland, Ore. alone. preached at the M. E. church Sunday. cap with gold letter.«, ' H. M. A.” on it, or are busily engaged telling their • <■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■fl-??-®®' friendsand relatives of their pleasant and Inspiring school days, they are a For Infanta and Children. joy to everybody intere ttd in the growth of Doe young manhood in the northwest. No better recommenda­ Bean the tion for tt is tine military school in Portland could be ghen than these little boys and young men in gray. DON’T STOP WORK for a sprained Arm, Ankle or Back Buy a Bottle of SNAP SHOT. Rub in well and YOU ARE GOOD AS NE’W IT HAS CURED OTHERS, IT WILLTCURE YOU. Sutton's Snapshot, the wonderful destroyer of all forma of lnflamnatlonln man or beast Ocand *1 per bottle. R. K. SUTTON, sole proprietor and manufacturenAahland, Oregon For ale at City Drug Store. Jacksonville, and by Dr. J Hinkle.CentraPolnt. ' iu «. 4' :-W >iWi. tffcWU ¿«fl vii» F Miss Alice M. Smith of Minneapolis, Alinn., tells how womans monthly suffering may be quickly and permanently relieved by Lydia E« Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* $5090 THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight to all Points East. 3 Fast rains Daily Between Ogden and Denver 3 Modem Equipment, through Pullman and Tourist Sleeping Cars and Superb Dining Car Service . . STOPOVERS ALLOWED rates, folders and other Information, address W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. 124 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE, fi lour you have headaches, tongue is coated, bad breath, bowels con­ stipated, bad taste in the mouth ? If not all of these symptoms, then some of them? It’s your liver. is a natural vegetable remedy, containing no mineral or narcotic poisons. It will correct any or all symptoms, make your health, appetite and spirits good. At druggists, .50 cents. For Sale at City Drug Store 38-55 HIGH POWER smokeless cartri pesters with Sin __ __ _ smashing power. They can be reloaded with black powder as the twist of the rifle* is adapted to both velocities. !>* MMlaf*«. NS WINEorCARDUI MW*. » 1 THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO NEW MAVEN. CONN. OREGON'S STATE FAIR L FRANK E. ALLEY, ARCHITECT ABSTRACTER Weeks & Baker Funeral Directors and Embalmers 9 Medford Furniture Co., HouseFurnishers and Undertakers. JohnH. Butler, Funeral Di­ The Kind Too Have Always Bought rector. Day Phone Main 353. Night Phone Main 251. CASTOR IA Double-Track Railway between the Ct FEERS CHOICE OF THREE GATEWAYS Missouri River Kansas City, St. Joseph or Omaha, TO and Chicago The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. CHICAGO and POINTS EAST Through Standard and Tourist Sleep­ ing Cars da:ly between San Francisco and Chicago via Los Angeles and El Paso. Through Tourist Sleeper each TUES­ DAY from Portland to Chicago via Salt Lake and Colorado Springs. Through Standard Sleeping Cars daily between Ogden and Chicago. Lowest Rates in effect always avail­ able via ‘ ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM.” Reduced Round Trip Rates in effect on July 12, 13, 15 and 16, and August 18, 19, 25 and 26; 90 days return limit. Be sure to see that your ticket reads via the TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail­ road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway to Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon. Daily and personally conducted ex­ cursions in Pullman tourist sleepinc cars from Portland, Los Angeles and San Francisco, through to Chicago without change: Rock Island System. R. R. RITCHIE. Gen'l Agt.. St- Market St, S an F ranc tsco. C al . The Best and Most Reasonable Din­ ing Car Service. For rates, folders, etc., write to or call on L. B. GORHAM, G. W. BAINTER, General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agt. 250 Alder St., Portland, Or. A C. BARKER. Geo 1 Agt.. 1S3 Third St, P ortland . O ks . Chicago & North-Western Ry. SOUTH AND EAST —VIA— Southern Pacific Co. i Ask 'Tlie Agent — for — Shasta TICKETS ---- VIA — GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY^ i' To SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHIC AGO A ND ALL POINTS FAST........................................... 2 Trains Daily 9 . .Fast Time. . £ New Equipment Throughout Day Coaches, Palace and Tour­ ist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. ■ DAYLIGHT TRIP THROUGH THE CASCADE AND 5 ROCKY MOUNTAINS For Full Particulars, Rates, Folders, etc., call on or address J, Wl’HALON, H. DICKSON, Trav. Pass. Agt. City Ticket Agt„ 12S Third Street, Portland. A. B. C. DENNISTON, G. W. P. A., «12 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Route Trains leave Medford for Portland and way stations at 4:21 a. m. and 5:52 p. tn. W (• Lv Lv Ar At Ar Portland. ... i 8:30ami 8:3u pm Medford......... 11:45 pm 11:20 am Ashland......... ¡12:30 am 12:05 pm pm Sacramento ..J 5:05 — 5:00 am San Francisco. 7:55 pm 8:55 am Ar Los Angeles. 2.00 pm Ar El Paso......... i 6:00 pm Ar Fort Worth... 6.30 am Ar City of Mexico. 11:30 am Ar Houston......... 7:00 am Ar New Orleans.. 6:30 pm Ar Washington .. 6:42 pm Ar New York ...J 12:10pm 8:05 am 6:00 pm 6:30 am 11:30 am 7:00 am 6:30 pm 6:42 pm 12:10 pm Pullman and Tourist Cars On both trains. Chair cars Sacra­ mento to El Paso, and tdurist cars to New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with the several steamship lines for Hono­ lulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Cen­ tral and South America. See agent at Medford station, or address W. E. COMAN, G F. & P. A., Portland, Oregon. i