« OLD PEOPLE COUNTY RECORDS CURRENT COMMENT. pressivo than the dayB. There is no op­ portunity to recover from the weak­ ness or prostration of the working hours, and a community that has toss­ ed through a sleepless night of torridi- ty starts worn and wasted for another day’s struggle. This is rarely ever' . experienced in Southern Oregon. How­ ever hot the day may have been, the evening, with its cooling temperature, brings relief, and it is rare indeed that a night Is too warm for refreshing sleep. People out here may growl oc­ casionally when Old Sol is a little fiercer than usual; but in doing it they are as compared with those living in the heat-stricken east. HERE AND THERE. S unset is published monthly by the Matters of Importance Transacted at Bad food aDd stagnant drinking wa­ Passenger Department of the Southern the Court House. ter is usually the cause of cholera. Do not always receive the sympathy and attention which Pacific, San Francisco. The subscrip­ they deserve. Their ailments are regarded as purely Kansas has $92,000,000 in her banks tion price is one dollar a.year, ten cents PROBATE. imaginary, or natural and unavoidable at their time of and a bumper wheat crop In her fields. a copy. Its circulation is world-wide. Estate of W K Smith. Order made life. Disease and infirmity should not always be associ- -\ Among tlie 613 graduates of Har­ It is the only magazine that faithfully ated with old age. The eye of the gray haired grandsire confirming sale of real property. vard this je.ir not one will become a tells, by pictures and text, of the won ­ may be as bright and the complexion as fair as any of Order Estate of O R Buck man. farmer; but there will be lawyers to ders of tlie Natlou ’ s western border, his younger and more vigorous companions. made for sale of real property. burn. land. It is notable for the number and REAL ESTATE. Goon' Blood is tho secret of healthy old ago, for it regulates Farmers in Kansas are fairly beg­ and controls every part of the body, strengthens the nerves, makes the U S M & M Co to E A Lest on artistic merit of its engravings. Its muscles elastic and supple, the botie^strong and the flesh firm; but when Smith; 67 acres in sec 3, tp 36, 3w, $1. contributors are among the best writers ging for help in h trvesiL - their crops. The Kind You Have Always Bought* and which has been this life fluid is polluted or poisoned and loses its nutritive, health sustain­ So greatly in net d of hands are they in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of Wm Terrill to J F IleudrL ks; 30 and illustrators in the country. ing elements, then there is a rapid decline of the vital powers, resulting that as high as $6 a day is being paid T he superintendent uf a Portland and has been made under his per­ acres io sec 8, tp 39, le, $450. in premature old age «and disease. Any derangement of the blood quickly In wages. system of street cars ou which a hold­ sonal supervision since its infancy. Joel T Bales to David Gibson; prop ­ •hows itself in an ulcer, sore, wart, tumor or some other troublesome up took place about a month since, Havana aid other Cu'an towns Allow no one to deceive you in this* erty in Medford. growth upon the body, and rheumatic aud neuralgic paius become almost have been clen el up. resulting in the All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but State of Oregon to J A Jeffrey; wj makes the surprising statement that constant, accompanied with poor digestion and cold extremities. A WONDERFUL INVENTION. death rate falling fre in 42 yearly to immediately after the commission of S. S. S. being purely vegetable, is the safest and of nwj of sec 16, tp 38, 3w, $100. Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of best blood purifier for old people. It does not shock the thousand to 21. The Cubans have Clara L Farra to Geo E Fox; 6 acres the crime a police detective called on Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* It Is interesting to note that for­ our people to thank for thi«. or hurt the system like the strong mineral remedies, iu aec 3, tp 37, 2w, $448.50. him and made the polnt-blauk state­ tunes are frequently made by the In­ but gently and thoroughly cleanses the blood and W Rawlings to Grant Rawlings; 63 ment that unless the company paid the vention or articles of minor import­ Al. Fitch, who has been conducting stimulates the debilitated organs, when all bodily acres in sec 3, tp 37, 2w, $3168.50. police department no investigation or ance. Many of the most popular de­ a saw mill at Dairy, was killed recent­ ailments disappear. S. S. S. is just such a tonic as old people need to John A Jeffrey to W I Coffman; wj effort to arrest the criminals would be vices are those designed to lienetit the ly by a log rolling over him. He was improve a weak digestion and tone up the Stomach. If there is any heredi­ Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ lieople and meet popular conditions, made. The police enter denial. The and of nw| of sec 16, tp38, 3w, $225. tary taint, or the remains of some disease contracted in early life, S. S. S. one of the most interesting of a highly respected citizen of Klamath goric* Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It Jacob Myer to Carrie Jones; 5j acres lawlessness that affiicts the Oregon ttiese that has ever been invented is county, having held the office of sher­ will search it out and remove every vestige of it from the system. contains neither Opium* Morphine nor other Narcotic metropolis is sufficient of itself to make the I)r. White Electric Comb, patent­ iff two terms. Write us fully about your case and let our physicians advise and help in D LC44, tp 37, 2 w, $550. substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms you. This will coat you nothing, and we will mail free our book on blood Julia Snyder to R R Minter; 23 the public accept tho superintendent's ed Jan. 1, '99. These wonderful combs Ciiicks of different ages should not and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind positively cure dandruff, hair falling and akin diseases. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. Atlanta. Ga. charge as true. A shameful state of out, sick and nervous headaches, and be housed or yarded together. The acres in sec 14, tp 35, lw, $100. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation M S Welch to J C Barnard; lot 12, affairs! when us«d in connection with Dr. younger ones will have little oppor­ and Flatulency. It assimilates tin* Food, regulates the Central Point, $500. N ew Y ork is the richest city in the While’s Electric Hair Brush are posi­ tunity to grow and develop properly, Retail Market Report. Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. tively guaranteed to make straight G F Sehmidtleln to John H and world. Its aggregate wealth is more hair curly in 25 days’ time. Thou­ and some are sure to be crowded to The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. The following quotations were Elmer Bagley; property in sec 14, tp than a billion dollars greater titan that sands of these electric combs have death during cool nights. made up this afternoon, and is an The largest sum ever paid for a prescription impartial report of the prices charged 36, 4 w, $5500. of London. Its per capita wealth is been sold in the various cities of the changed hands tn San Francisco Aug. SO. 1901. Never before in the history of the by Jacksonville dealers: GENUINE ALWAYS Win Roberts to Martin Harsln; 4 more than twice as much as London’s. Union, and the demand is constantly Southern Pacific Company has it The transfer involved in coin and stock 1112,- Wheat — 81 per bushel. increasing. Our agents are rapidly 5d0 and was paid by a party of business men These facts are more notable when it becoming rich selling these combs. earned so much money as it did dur­ Flour—82.20 (a $2.40 per 100 pounds. acres in D L C 43, tp 38, lw, $840. tor a specific tor Bright's Disease and Diabetes Clarence E Lane to Eugene Walrad; is considered that New York covers They positively sell on sight. Send Oats — 55c per bushel. ing the past ten months. Its gross in­ hitherto Incurable diseases. lot 1, bl 6, Ashland, $5. Barley—Rolled. SI.50 per cental. less than one-half the area of London for sample. Men’s size 35c. ladies’ 50c come is now over $7,300,000 a month, They commenced the serious investigation of Hay — Per ton. baled, S20. — half price while we are introducing A E Bamber to G C Morris, lots 22, and that the latter bas been for hun­ the specific Nov. 15. 19J0. They Interviewed Potatoes—2,c per th. See Want Column of this and its net income is In excess of scores of the cured and tried it out on Its 23, 24, bl 1, Ashland, $1100. dreds of years the greatest trade cen­ them. Onions — 2c per pound. paper. The Dr. White Electric Comb $2,000,000 each month. merits by putting over three dozeD cases on M L Hicks to A E Bamber; lots 22, ter on earth. London exceeds New Co., Decatur, 111. Butter—50c per roll. the treatment and watching them. They also They used to turn the gas down low, Beans—3(ckly. was 111 pounds, from which she de­ land, spent last week at borne. land before J. O. Booth. Crunty Judge at hia of­ both in quality and quantity. 4 ream Balm 1« place«! into the noatril«.spreads small sawmill men are the ones that fice at Grant's Pass. Oregon, on Saturday, lb«.- ducted five pounds for her clothing, Miss Gladys Bulk of Yreka, CaL, 8th day ot August, 180?. He names aa witnesses: over the membrane and la absorbed. Relief i« im- I N ess —In Jump-Off-Joe district, July DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY? F arm tenantry in the United makiog her weight 106 pounds As are being burt now. The large con- A. W.Stlsby of Grant's Pass. Oregon. Elisa nediate and a cure follow*. It ¡«not drying—doe» who bas been visiting her aunt, Mrs. 2, 1903, John V. Ness; aged 73 years. of Grants Pass. Oregon; Mary E. And believe that you have enough States is on the increase, Census the commercial value of silver is .‘>2 7-8 cernsure buying timber fast and in a W. C. Leever, left fur home a few Herrington not produce eneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug­ Herrington of Grants Pass. Oregon; F. H. H olt —At San Francisco, July 14,1903, business ability to successfully repre­ bureau statistics show that there were short time will have all the smaller Briggs of Grants Pass. Oregon. fiat« or by mail; Trial Size. 10 cenu. cents per ounce, the iady received days ago. Any and all persons claiming adversely the jf tuberm losis, Claude Holt; aged sent a reliable firm in Jacksonville 2,026,286 farm tenants in the United mills under their control. This is a ELT BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, New York above described lands are requested to file 20 years and 16 days. and vicinity; if so send full name and States in 1900. The increase for the 1817.36, which was a very welcome pity, but there seems no way to pre­ G. W. Jeffers made a visit to friends their claims in this office on vr before said J ack —In Ashland, July 13, 1903, address with ten cents to cover cost present. at Ashland last week. Although he sth day of August. 1803 vent IL J T. B kxdgbs . Register. Miss Ella Jacks; aged 16 years, 9 of mailing, etc., for full particulars to past 20 years is estimated at 97 7 per At the time the Examiner canvass­ months and 3 days. cent. These figures would indicate er called at the residence both Mr. White’s Sayings, Seattle, Wash. Chas Nickell, U. S. Commissioner is over 78 years of age, he rode bls S hively —In Ashland, July 6, 1903, T nowbabdb S aved B y The paper puts you in touch with that there really is grave danger of for the District of Oregon, is fully wheel from here to that city in three NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Wilson and his wife were present, and equipped to receive applications un­ hours. Mrs. Julia Shively, wife of Jacob manufacturers who want agents aod landlordism in this country. At the Shively; «ged 71 years. the busband paid the money. When dealers, teaches you how to write ad­ der the timber and stone, also home­ UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Little Tommy Kincaid was quite vertisements and tells you of many­ present time more than a third of the asktd for the name to be put ou the stead laws. Final proofs taken, and Roseburg. Oregon. June 4, 1903. Notice is hereby given that in compliance ways to make money, either working farms in Kansas and Nebraska are receipt Mrs. Wilson told the solicitor all business connected with U. S. gov­ severely burned about the head and This wonderful medicine posi­ the provisions of tbe act of Congress of part or all of the time. operated by tenants. In view of this to put down her name. If it had been ernment lands transacted. Office with face Saturday evening. He found with June 3, 1878. entitled “An act for the sale of tively oures Consumption, Coughs Send your teD cents today. S outhern O regonian , Medford. timber lands in tbe States of California, Ore­ some “flashlight’’ powder and put a gon. Nevada it behooves the government to jealously written in Mr. Wilson’s name the Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu­ and Washington Territory.” as Phone 211. ------------ to supervise the sale of the remaining match to it to see if it would burn. extended to all the Public Land States by act A mong monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La- Trust Those who have Tried. public lands, especially in Oregon and amount of silver would have been Governor Chamberlain has ap­ of August 4. 1892. Iinta Silsby. of Grants Pass. much larger, as he weighs over 200 Some villa’ns tried to break iDto County of Josephine. State of Oregon, has Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Tnt pointed the following delegates to tbe this day filed in this office her sworn state­ 1 suffered from catarrh of the worst other states and territories where irri­ pounds.____________ Mrs. Caleb Jeffers’ bouse Friday ment Croup and Whooping Cough. No. 5X, tor the purchase of the SEM Trans-Mississippi Commercial Con­ D aisies kind and never hoped for cure, but gation is to be introduced on a large of NWI*. the Ni* of SW>«. and the NWi« ofSEi* night while Mr. Jeffers was gone up Every bottle guaranteed. No Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even FARMERS, ATTENTION. of Section No 4 In Township No. 41 gress, to be beld in Seattle, August Rogue river, tisbing. Mrs. Jeffers South. Range No. 4 West, and will offer proof to Cure. No Pay. Price 50c. & $ * that.—Oscar Ostorm, 45 Warren Ave., scale. For more than a year past land 18 to 21: W. H. Holmes, Salem; Chas. show that the land sought is more valuable for syndicates have resorted to all kinds Chicago, Ill. a.-. finally frightened them awav by Its timber or stone than tor J. M. Hurley, the expert manipula­ Trial bottle free. agricultural pur- I suffered from catarrh; It got so bad of cozenage to acquire possession of tor of harvesting machinery, will by K. Henry, Portland; J. Thorburn threatening to shoot if they did not Band to establish her claim to said land :J O Booth.County Judge, at hlsoffice at I could not work; I used Ely’s Cream large tracts of land which, if put under on hand with a first-class threshiDg Ross, Portland; J. W. Cusick, Albany; Grants Pass. Oregon, on Saturday, the 29th day Balm and am entirely well.—A. C. outfit, when the season opens. He Geo. B. Small, Baker City; G. G. leave. of August. 1W3. She names as witnesses: A. W. Clarke, 341 Shawmut Ave., Boston, irrigation, would be of value and spates no pains to please and does the Warfier, B'heuiit; C. W. Tallmadge, Silsby, Marcia B. Silsby, Har iet Silsby, of THE TRAVELING PUBLIC Grants Pass. Oregon, and Geo Culey. of Mass. promise. best of work, as the many who have Steamboat. Oregon Tillamook; W. J. Wimer, Waldo; C. The Balm does not irritate or cause patronized him before will bear wit ­ Any and all persons claiming adversely T he trouble with a hot wave, such Will be glad to know that J. E. above-described lands are requested to th« sneezing. Sold by druggists at 50cts., V. Galloway, McMinnville; J. H. file ness. as that in New York, is that little or Kerley of Grants Pass, who keeps one their claims in this office on or before said 29th or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Robbins, Sumpter. Governor Cham­ of the largest and best feed stables in day no relief comes with the setting of the of August. 1903. New York. st.,................. J. T. BRIDGES, Register. sun. With heated pavements and I Subscriptions for Mr. Bryan’s papers berlain has been invited to attend tbe Southern Oregon, is better prepared ____ __ _ The Commoner, tbe leading Demo ­ buildings all around and no cooling than ever to accommodate all who congress and deliver an address. He LOST. breezes coming to relieve the panting cratic newspaper in the United States will probably be present, but will not come. He has recen ly added a b’g Timber Land Act June 3, 1878.—No­ shed, so that it will nJt be necessary A Lewellen setter, spotted black millions, the nights are often more op- are taken at T he T imes office. tice For Publication. speak. to leave wagons in the yard or to and white, either strayed or was sto- hitch up in the open ary more. No ­ In pursuance of tbe action taken at len July 5th. A suitable _ reward ____ J ... will U nvtbd S tatbs L and O ffice . AT ALL LEADING DEALERS. be paid for his recovery. its last meeting the State Land Board thing but good grain and bay fed. Roseburg. Oregon. May 96. 1903. Prices reasonable and satisfactiin Notice is hereby G eo . E. N euber . given that in compliance with made an order directing tbe clerk of guaranteed. the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled “An act for the sale ot Umber tbe board to notify all persons hold­ WANTED — SEVERAL INDUS- lands in tbe States of California, Oregon. LUMBER AND SHINGLES. ing certificates of «ale of school land Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extend­ TRIOUS PERSONS'in each state Jim Dump* ataerted, “Too much meat ed to all Public Land States 1 y act ot August upon which there is due $50 or less manufacturers . to travel for house established 1 92. Mary E. Herrington, it Granta Paas, lo aummar cantea too much heat. The undersigned is prepared to 4. eleven years and witb a large capi county of Josephim, State ot Oregon, has thia that they must pay tbe balance and furnish rough aod finished lumber of day tiled in thia office her sworn statement What shall we eat all summer long tai, to call upon merchants and take decd9 from the state. The pur­ the best quality, with di'patch and No. 5242. tor the purchase ot the neq of See agents for successful and profitable That, without meat, shall keep us stroag, No 34. tn Township No 40, south of range No. 4 pose of this act is to clear up the at reasonable rates at my mill on west, and will offer proof to show that the land line. Permanent engagement. Aud in the best of summer trim ? records and render the land subject to Evans Creek. Also shingles that sought la more valuable for j;a lim­ Weekly ca-h salary of 818 and all ber or stone than for agricultural pur­ filler*» California Perfumes why, ' Force,’ of court«,” laughed “ Sunny traviling expenses and hotel bills taxation. About 500 certificates will have no superior. poses. and to establish her claim tc said land »1__ M ------------------------------- P. W ilson , Spikenard, Ore. M 0M Stata wbar« tbe advanced in cash each week. Ex­ before J O. Booth. County Judge, at his office be affected by this ojder. and that at Grants Pass. Oregon, on Saturday, the Sth ta the perience Dot esse; till. Mention day ot August. 1903 She names as witnesses: number of tracts of land will be made reference and enclose self-addressed William F Herrington, of Grants Pass, Ore­ subject to taxation. Many persons GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL gon; Filas S. Herrington, of Granta Pass. Ore­ envelope. The National, 334 Dear- CaQfornla*« cveetest odors ESTATE. gon. A W . Silsby of Grants Pass, Oregon. F. b th St., Chicago. have been bolding state land under H. Briggs, of Grants Pass, Oregon. gnttfly bottled far those certificate of sale by leaving a little Iu the County Court of Jackson Coun­ Any and all persons claiming adversely the EXCELSIOR BRAND above-described lands are requested to file vistt and balance of the principal unpaid. By ty, State of Oregon, sitting in their claims in this office on or before said Dr. T. 'T. SHAW pick and amell the beautiful Sth day of August. 1903. Probate. paying a small amount of interest od Man or «addle can not get wet. J. T. BRIDGES, Register. this wonderful Stata. RESIDENT DENTIST, the balance they escape taxation. «t; In the matter of the Estate and Guar­ EXCELSIOR BRAND dianship of Rowell D. Hines, a Boe Just arrived— Our OILED CLOTHING NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Tbe department of agriculture re­ J acksonville , - - - O regon . minor. t you coma and tee the For all kinds of work. NOTICE is hereby given that by­ turns show that the average condi­ Warranted Waterproof / vtttore fro« the West* Rieprt U sitbd S tatbs L and O fficb . the strength of meat Look for trade-mark. A virtue of an order of the aforesaid tion of wi nter wheat on July 1 was 788, County Roseburg. Oregon, May 2«. 1803. If not at dealers, write ■ California Parfumai Court, made in t he matter of Notice is hereby given that in eumpliaaee K. M. Savy*r>S*e.N*l*2fr*. \ Office in Ryan’s Brick Building, Cali­ without the heat compared with a ten-year average of the Estate of Rowell I). Imines, a mi ­ with the provisions ot th< act ot Congress of (*.< laabrM.*, ku*. fornia Street, two doors east of Post 78.2; of spring wheat 82.5, compared nor, June 10, 1903, the undersigned June 3. 1878. entitled. “An act for the sale of Office. timber lands in the States of Calttornis. Ore­ guardian of the said minor will sell at gon, Nevada and Washington territory.” as with the ten years’ average of 87.9. uDiua<.u s Drug Store, public sale, to the highest biddei for extended to all the Public Land States by act Jacksonville, Ore. cash, at the fropt door oftheCcurt of August 4, 1892, Elias S. Herrington of Grants Pass. County of Josephtne. State of Oregon, House, in Jacksonville, Jackson Coun­ has this day tiled io this office his sworn state­ ty, Oregon, on ment No 5240. for the purchase of the SWq of Section No. 34 in Township No. 40 South, Saturday. August 8, 1903, Range No. 4 Went, and will offer proof to show that the land is more valuable for its at 2 o ’ clock p. tn., all the following de ­ timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, ‘Force’ la a regular breakfast food In That is what a pleased customer recently said of a portrait scribed real property belonging to said and to establish his claim thereto before J . O. [my family to the exolualon of steaks or chops, Booth. County Junge, at bis office at Grants Jacksonville, Oregon. made at the the old standard. AG bamgbb .” estate, towit: Pass. Oregon, on Saturday, the 8th day of Au­ An undivided one-third (J) of lots 4 gust, 1903 He names > s witnesses: William WAYSIDE STUDIO. and 8, and the EA of lots 3 and 7, all F. Herrirgton of Grants Pass, Oregon, Mary E. Herrington ot Grants Pass. Oregon. A. W. in Block No. 3. in the town of Jackson­ Silsby of Grants Pass, Oregon; F. H. Briggs Result is the measure of success, and BEALL endeav­ Established in 1865. ville, Jackson County, Oregon, except of Grants Pass, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the ors to make each and every one of his productions a portion thereof heretofore sold by lands are requested to file J. W. HILL, Principal, James A. Cardwell and his wife,on Oct. kbove-described their claims in this office on or before said Sth 19, 1884, to Thomas Riley and Patrick day of August, 1903. THE SCHOOL continue,, the careful train J. T. BRIDGES. Register. 21th & Marshall Sts., Portland, Ore. MeKavanaugh. ing and thorough iaatruction tor which it is favorably known. PAULINE A. HINES, Samples at Strang ’ s Drug Store. THE MUSICAL DEPARTMENT la always Guardian of Rowell D. Hines, a minor. NOTICE OF FlNAL SETTLEMENT in charge of competent and experienced First publication of notice dated teachers. Board and Tuition per Session July 8, 1903. of Twenty Weeks, $80. Studies begin What is CASTORIA Bright’s Disease. CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought INSOMNIA Nasal CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm DB. KING’S NEW DISCOVERY j^iiUiiin > linei' ! Stands for the best that is made in Jfootwear* C.G otzian &(9 California ST. PAUL.. ^^ather SAWYER’S POMMEL SLICKERS St. Mary's Academy, Military Academy, — Speak for Itself.— September H, 1903 For prospectus, address Sisters of the Holy Names N. D. YOUNG Civil Engineer and Locator Government Land, WIMER, - OREGON. VIM! VIGOR! VITALITY! MORMON BISHOPS* PILLS have beer in tu. over W) years by the leaders ot the Mormon Church and their . followers. Positively cures the vrorst cases In old and young arising from effects of »rIt ubu?e,_di»sipatlou, excesses, or cigarette smoking. Cores Lest Hanhaod. Ir-,potency. Lost Power, Nlght-lxiasea, Hpermatorrhoea, * ...-~>ma«ia, Insol 'alno B In Eu«k, B Evil Hem B I nal N’a Emissions, Lame Baek* Narrons VB EN8BVI&, j VU Desires, r-rv U11BB ■ «> ■■ ■as _Det Debility, eoeele, or Coastlpa* ..'«ad*«'he, V’nfltness te Marry, Loss ot Hemen, Vari- tisn, Htopa (Iglckneu ot Diacharge, Rtupa Nerwoaa Twitching of Eyo. lids. Effects are Imra-vdiate. Impart vigor and potency to everj function. Don’t get J as» Bad e nt. a cure H at hand. Restores small, undeveloped „________ _ ___ ___________ organa Stimulates the brain and nerve ce «era. tec. a box, 6 tot flM by rnalL A written guarantee, to cure 01 Biotmj retuudao, with t> boxes. Circulars free. AddFM«, BISHOP REMEDY CO, Ban Franal*««, OaL Price« Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. At City Drug 8tore, Jacksonville LOCATED 2 MILES NORTH OF JACKSONVILLE OWNED BY A. P. ARMSTRONG, OF PORTLAND, OREGON 16 CENTS PER EGG for hatching purposes, from Pure-Bred, High-Grade Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, is dirt cheap. The Barred Plymouth Rock is the best all-round chick­ en known; matures early, grows large—a good layer, and unsurpassed for the table. First come, first served. Order now, and thus make sure of a start in these superior fowls. There is money in them, whether raised for the market or for home use. It costs as much to keep a “scrub” chicken as a pure-bred, aud it is not worth half as much for any purjxzse. Call at the farm, or write. E.R. ARMSTRONG. JACKSONVILLE. OREGON APRIVATE BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Men. A NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Will. McDaniel has opened a neat cigar, confectionery and fruit store in Ryan’s building, Jacksonville, and New buildings, modern and complete. keeps a complete assortment of the Manual training, Military discipline. best of everything iu his line Standard Boys successfully fitted for all col­ brands a specialty. Give him a call for he will treat you welL leges or for business life. Principal of twenty-five years' expe­ rience in Portland. Boys of any age admitted at any Baar« time. Write for catalogue. ( tf Fall tern opens September M. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled hi« Dual account as administrator of the estate ot H. V. Helms, deceased, tn the Comity Court tor Jackson county. Oregon. and Hou < has Prim. the judge of said court, has lived Monday, the 7lh day of September. 1903, at id o'clock am, at the court bouse iu Jack­ sonville, Oregon, as the time and place for the hr »ring of objections thereto and the settle went ot said estate All persons having objections to said account are hereby required to present the same on or before said day. Dated this 15th day ot July, 1803. E. H. HELMS, Administrator. A. E. R kambs . Attorney t