Five Days Buried In a. Well Awful Experience Of a. Canadian Well Digger & OT often in the world’s history pipe, their only means of communica­ has a man been buried in a tion with the entombed man, but no re­ well for more than four days, sponse was heard, and poor Sandford's with great masses of earth fate was now considered sealed. With ■ bout his head, and yet come out alive. heavy hearts the little band of men. Buch, however, was the strange expe­ who had worked so heroically to save rience that befell a man named Joshua a comrade's life, gathered up their Sandford while at work in a well sit­ tools and dispersed. uated on a farm near the town of Paris, After all work had been .abandoned In the province of Ontario, Canada. a Mr. Janies Wheeler of Paris out of On Tuesday. June 24, 1902, Sandford curiosity went to have a look at the and several other men were engaged in well and while standing there fancied deepening a well on a farm. The well that he heard a sound as of tapping. was bricked at the sides and was dry. Another gentleman who was standing Sandford waw at the very bottom of the near at once went down into the new well. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon the excavation and reported that he had re­ men above noticed that the sides of the ceived a distinct response to his rap­ well lower down were commencing to ping. Without a moment's delay men cave in. It is hardly necessary to say were hurried to the spot, and the work that they lost no time in getting to the ers, though much fatigued by their surface of the ground. Arriving there, previous long exertions, renewed their they at once commenced to haul up plucky struggle for a man’s life. At 2 Sandford and would have succeeded in a. m. on Friday, the 27th, the third day this but for the fact that when their of his imprisonment, the rescuers were comrade was only half way up the able to communicate with Sandford earth ueur the top also began to cave again and ran iron pipes through the In. and with a rush a great mass of it wall of earth to convey air to him. descended upou their uufortunate com­ Sandford informed the men that he panion, completely burying him. was ten feet below them, and they at It did not take long for a crowd to once set to work to deepen the shaft. gather, all discussing the terrible fate Meanwhile willing hands, that eager­ which liad befallen the young well ly volunteered for the perilous task, sinker. Suddenly, however, a rapping toiled on unflaggingly in the new shaft. was heard on an iron pipe that de­ When the shaft had been deepened to scended into the well, and those above a depth of sixty feet and the tunnel at once came to the conclusion that the cut through to the old well, the rescue falling earth had in some way formed party found they were too far down, an arch above Sandford, while the and the tunnel had to be tilled up earth which bad caved in lower down aud a uew one cut higher up. All the had filled up the well below him, thus tunnel work had to be cribbed with preventing him from being crushed to timber to prevent its caving in. death. The hole that was now bored was At the top of the well there was an found to lie above Sandford, but the opening in the pipe where four and five workers toiled on, and by a lower bor­ inch tubes joined, and through a crev­ ing he was finally reached. Sandford ice Dr. Patterson of Paris was able, was discovered lying on his side, very with difficulty, to communicate with pale and muttering indistinctly. The the entombed man oell>w. Sandford fresh air that reached him caused him was not able to reply in the same way, to revive somewhat, and after the ad­ although for some time a certain ministration of some hot water and amount of air reached him by means milk by the physicians he rapidly of this pipe, a supply augmented by gained strength. pumping air down. “My body is free.’’ he explained, “but A system of signaling was soon my legs are caught. I can move them arranged, in accordance with which slightly, and they are uot crushed, but Sandford would tap on the pipe a cer­ simply gripped so tightly that they will tain number of times in response to not give an inch. questions asked. Ln this way it was For twenty-four hours the men la­ discovered that be was well, had some bored incessantly to release Sandford's few feet of space around him aud was legs. Having failed to succeed in what prepared to bold out for a day. if such a length of time were necessary to ef­ bad seemed a simple task, it was final­ ly decided that a new tunnel would fect his rescue. The plan finally adopted was the dig have to be dug in order to get at the glng of a new well or shaft about six foot and clear away whatever held It. Sandford on being consulted agreed feet from the old one. and this was ac­ cordingly sunk to a depth In the first Io the plan of tunneling tn two feet place of about Airty-three feet, the men below him, immediately under the im working like Trojans. To reach Sand­ prisoned kg. Over him they built an ford it would of course be necessary to arch to provide against a possible cave tunnel from the new well Into the old in when the sand and bricks below one. and here a very formidable diffi­ should be removed. Around his body a culty presented itself. To tunnel into rope was fastened and attached to a the old well above Sandford might pulley ou the other side of the crib­ mean instant death to him. for in this I work. and above ground half a dozen way the superincumbent mass would I men held this rope, prepared in case a be released. To tunnel below him fall of earth did occur to adopt the des­ perate remedy of attempting the pris would also give rise to great danger. When the workers bad reached the oner’s release by a vigorous pull. A small opening was made in the depth mentioned above, they were afraid that they were not yet low aide of the well, and every Inch of it enough, but Sandford again and again was protected. At length by the right affirmed that they were. Finally, after , of a portaltie electric lamp Sandford's considerable consultation, it was de­ trousers were seen. The foot itself cided to proceed with the tunneling, was soon discovered wedged in lie­ and carpenters set to work to erect tween an iron pipe, the bricks of the supports in the new wall 90 as to di­ well and a heavy board. In removing minish the peril run by the rescue par­ these obstructions Sandford slipped ty. That this peril was a very real one down, and it is said that not until then was soon apparent. Suddenly a loud did he show alarm. He only descended crash was heard, the timbers cracked a few inches, however, and after some and appeared to be giving way, and stimulant had been administered the the men below were hastily drawn up last brick was removed and the man to the surface. The cause of the disas­ was free. At 530 on Saturday utter ter was soon explained. The earth n«v»n. the fifth day of bis entombment above Sandford bad settled. Again Sandford was release«! after exactly and again the reecuers tapped on the liH) ho'irs in the well N CHOLERA ATTACKS TROOPS. Vsrj-inr Soil Conditions Call For a C’ an Cnt Stndjr. tntereatina Account From an Old Phil.Idelphin Dully Newspaper. I>inea«e ContriKitrd Tlirtiugl- t n war- runted Attack on M oton . We sow Aiss and clover seed upon wheat in the spring, which uecessitates sowing with some of the baud operated machines or from the hand, says a New York correspondent iu National Stockman. We use a hand seeder and the work has been fairly well done. But when oue compares the even stand of the drill seeding there is. after all, a vast difference. Another spring 1 shall see to it that the iields are sowed over each way, using half of the seed at a time. Upon fertile land every small space without clot er or ouly partly covered means a prolific growth of weeds. A fertile soil, like civilization, has its at­ tendant evils. The thick seeding of all slow maturing plants and a thlu seed­ ing of those cultivated or rapid grow­ ing may be laid down as a safe rule. I have seen just as good a hay crop from ten quarts of seed as from sixteen quarts where no interference was pres­ ent. It is phenomenal how large a stool will grow from one seed. 1 would not care to risk light seeding, however. With wheat and oat seeding upon our soils the contrary seems true. Light, thin seeding of oats is far safer, par­ ticularly where clover seeding is prac­ ticed. Oats are a nurse crop for clover over a vast stretch of country and zo doubt will be for a loug time notwith­ standing they are unsatisfactory ex­ cept when very wet Oats require about 500 pounds of water for each pound of dry matter, and while the thin seeding will draw heavily upon moisture dur­ ing the ripening days the clover will have gaiued a strong foothold in the early growtl of the plant For some reason not explained by the Then* was a dally newspaper in 1793. it was published in Philadelphia, where officials Captain Derailing. with a body the first daily newspaper appeared. It of troops, has been attacking the Moros in the interior of the island of was originally the Philadelphia Packet Mindanao. The ‘ expedition succeeded Buy a Bottle of and General Advertiser, issued as a in taking by storm the town of Baeo- Weekly, aud u complete file of it is lod, killing over a hundred of its de­ Has Made People Well When I stowed away on the shelves of the fenders, with a loss on the part of our Every Other Remedy Congressional library at Washington. troops of only two. Whoever ordered The Packet exists today as the Phila­ this expedition, it would seem to be an Rub in well and Has Failed. delphia North American. The first issue uct of criminal aggression, for tlie Mo­ If the Packet as a weekly appeared ros had not interfered with our troops Paine’s Celery Compound cures disease 1 Oct. 28, 1771. Afterward it became a until we entered their country witii an triweekly and on Sept 21, 1784, a armed force. Tlie United States has a It has saved the lives of thousands of sufferers. It has made the weak strong, vigorous, and daily. Associated with John Dunlap treaty with the sultan who rules the happy. IT HAS CURED OTHERS, IT WILL CURE YOU In its publication was David O. Clay- Moros, and, although that treaty is a Paine’s Celery Compound purifies the blood poole. Dunlap is said to have been the monstrosity for a republic to make, and builds up the nervous system as nothing first man to have printed the Declara­ acknowledging as it does tlie twin else can do; it is pre-eminently the great life Sutton's Snap Shot, tbe wonderful destroyer of *11 forma of inflammatloniD man or beast tion of Independence. So it is appro­ barbarisms of slavery and polygamy, giver and health maker. 0c and 11 per bottle. R K. SUTTON, sole proprietor and manufacturenAahland, Oregon Overworked and tired women stand in ur­ For ala al City Drug Store. Jacksonville. and by Dr . J Hinkle.CentraPolnt. priate, says tlie New York Commercial yet good faith demands that a treaty Advertiser, that we should take an ac­ must be kept until superseded by an- gent need of this health giving prescription to and keep them well. All women should count of the celebration of Independ­ other. It is the irony of fate that our make i take advantage of the remarkable power of ence day a hundred years ago from soldiers who have been ordered to the this liest of medicine for restoring vigor to the the files of his paper, then known as front in the expedition against the blood and strength to the nervous system. Dunlap’s American Dally Advertiser. Moros are likely to fare as badly or The all-important thing for nervous, run down, Dunlap did not respect the Fourth of evan worse than tlie Moros themselves. and sleepless women is that Paine’s Celery July, as some of tlie newspaper pro­ A dispatch from Manila gives us the Compound fortifies the whole physical system, prietors of today do, by declaring a disastrous intelligence that the dread and by correcting digestion and regulating the holiday for his employees and getting cd cholera has attacked Captain Per nerves, it insures sound, refreshing sleep. In every case of sickness Paine’s Celery Com­ jut no paper. On the contrary, he im­ ahing’s troops, five cases and many pound completely and permanently brings proved the day by publishing in a pa­ suspects being reported. Tlie dispatch back health. Mrs. Mary M. Myers, Balti­ triotic spirit the text of the Declaration adds, “It is supposed tlie disease was more, Ohio, saved by Paine’s Celery Compound of Independence, with an editorial in­ contracted near Bacolod.” after the failures of able physicians, gratefully troduction which Indicates that Liberty If the cholera extends to the other writes as follows:— “I suffered for eight years with nervous was not so fully established on her United States troops the loss of life prostration and the general debility common pedestal as she might have been.- He may be fearful to contemplate, and tlie to women, and had such pains in my back Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs says: sadness of death of loved ones will fill that I could not get around the house. I used “At a time when some of our citizens many of our people with anguish that several remedies and consulted several of the and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery are disposed to view monarchical power cannot be comforted. And all for lest physicians without obtaining any relief. by Daylight to all Points East. with different eyes from those with what? Only the inextinguishable zeal Paine’s Celery Compound restored me to which they viewed it in 1776 we hope for conquest of the imperialists, who health. “ I also want to say to all mothers that It will uot be amiss to remind them of for a season dominate this government the principles and feelings of the citi­ and who believe they can govern other Paine’s Celery Compound is a splendid medi­ zens of the United States in that mem­ men better than they can govern them­ cine for their children.” Modern Equipment, through Pullman and Tourist orable year by republishing the Dec­ I selves. Sleeping Cars and Superb Dining Car Service . . . . laration of Independence on the anni­ versary of the day which gave birth to Where l)oe« Uncle Come Inf For the freedom of our country aud which Home Use we hope will continue to furnish a precedent for deposing tyrants in ev­ W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. For rater, ft Idtn and other They Make Old Cloftes ery part of the world.” Look lew. 124 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE, nforosMoa, address Then follows the Declaration In full, Direction bock and 45 dyed samples free. with some little variations in punctua­ DIAMOND DYES, tion. spelling and general style which Burlington, Vu would appear inelegant today. But we have reformed our language a good deal in a century. KICKS FROM ARIZONA. There is one little news paragraph you have headaches, tongue is coated, bad breath, bowels con­ about the observance of the day in the stipated, bad taste in the mouth ? If Breeay Item« at Sewi From aa Inde­ Issue of the Fourth. There was no tele­ pendent Editor. not all of these symptoms, graph in those days aud no steam rail­ [Copyright, 1902, by C. B. Lewis.) then some of them? It’s road, and news came in by carrier Giveadam (Saleh has no labor unions, your liver. slowly. So there is no reference to the no strikes andsno riots. It is only when plans for celebration in other cities, 1 citizen puts on a high collar and a and under the head of “Philadelphia, red necktie and walks abroad that he July 4,” there is only a short para­ is a wonders if thds«republlc is a failure. graph telling that the firing of the “You run the government, my dear natural morning gun at daybreak had an­ Gaston.” The joke is«an our esteemed contem- ■ vegetable remedy, nounced the birthday of American in­ “After you. my dear Alphonse.”— porary again. He ensconced himself containing no mineral or dependence aud that fifteen guns New York American. the other day” behind some barrels on! narcotic poisons. It will correct would be fired at noon and fifteen at Apache avenue and fired six shots at any or all symptoms, make your health, two different periods afterward. Most Th- President Sustained. us as we sauntiervd past, and but for a appetite and spirits good. At druggists, 50 cents. of the public places of entertainment. There is little doubt that the speech­ stray remark we overheard later in ths It was stated, would be “open for the es President Roosevelt has been mak­ reception of company" and the even­ ing in the west have thrilled the youth­ ing would be closed with a grand dis­ ful mind, and the primary classes are play of fireworks. “Thus,” says Mr. enthusiastic in approval. The New Dunlap. “Philadelphia will exhibit per­ York Evening Post makes the case haps the most splendid scene of any clear in these excerpts, with others of part of the continent on this joyful in­ the same tone and conclusion: troduction of the eighteenth year of A vote taken in the Hennepin kinder­ 38-55 glorious liberty.” garten at Minneapolis showed that eOLLAPC SNARLIN' The reason for firing a salute of fif only one little girl differed with Pres­ SRESS'ORtSMCKCLESS teen guns was that in 1792 Vermont ident Roosevelt on the subject of race and Kentucky had been admitted to suicide. reruizr 38-55 Marlin re- the Union, increasing the number of After a careful canvass of the nurs­ jr, rat trafecsory and great states from the original thirteen to eries in St. Paul it was reported that smashing power. They can be reloaded with black powder as the rwist of the riflea fifteen. only three children were not satisfied is adapted to both vektddea. Ln the issue of the paper for the 5th with the president’s Venezuelan policy. THC MAR UM FIR* ARMS CO of July is an account of the local cele­ At the close of President Roosevelt’s bration. It was not complete. Little speech on the tariff resolutions of ap­ scraps of this story were published proval were passed by all the infant from day to day for nearly a week, classes. They declared that he iiekl SOUTH AND EAST anti the arrival of letters from New the same view of the protective tariff CHOICE MISCELLANY York furnished additional news, so that they did. —VIA— that the story of the celebration was Buffet Cara la Japaa. not cleaned up in a few hours, as it Opport unity's Inspiration. The Sanuki railway of Shikoku has would be today, but was scattered Hope is the matrix of victory, and arranged to have its refreshment cars over two good weeks. the great body of Democrats are grad­ served by waitresses, says the Japan ually yielding to that initial inspiration Shasta Route Times. Every train Includes one such from which success is born. In hope INAUDIBLE FIRECRACKERS day we would never time known of car. and each has a waitress as attend­ are contained the potentials. Confi­ i the accident. Why not let us stand ant This arrangement was started a A Plea For the Once Worthy Fourth dence, courage, resolve and effort are against a wall ten feet away and put of July Featarc. but the successive unfoldings of power. few months since, and the girls were Trains leave Medford for Portland Something ought to be done to re­ Democracy's source of strength will lu half a day al shoo.' Ing? selected from about thirty applicants as and way stations at 4:21 a. m. and habilitate the Fourth of July celebra come with the full realization of its op­ having tlie following qualifications: 5:52 p. m. tion. especially its firecracker depart­ portunity. 1 he Foundation of Health. First a passable personal appearance; 8:àô pm Lv Portland. ... 8:30 am ment. The celebration of the present When the people have once sensed N >uri*hment is the foundation of second, education; third, good health; Lv Medford......... 11:45 pm 11:20 am day Is but a pale reflection and a far- the scope and magnitude of the open­ he ill li— lire—strength. Kodol Dys­ fourth, good conduct, and fifth, an ab­ Ashland......... 12:30 am 12:05 pm off echo of the glorious triumph of the ing which Invites them they cannot pepsia Cure is the one great medi­ solutely respectable past. The waitress­ Ar Ar Sacramento... 5:05 pm 5:00 am past, and the sickly, petulant pop of but be touched with the impulse and cine that enables the stomach and di­ es rank as officials of the railway and Ar San Francisco. 7:55 pm 8:55 am the contemporary firecracker bears but kindled with the power of desire. The gestive organs to digest, assimil .te are under the following regulations; sorry comparison with the detonation opportunity is visually approaching and and transform all foods into the kind First, hair to be dressed in the agemaki Ar Los Angeles..J 2.00 8:05 am of its predecessor of a few years back. as it draws nigh widens and enlarges. < f blood that nourishes the nerves »t.vies—resembling a Greek helmet; sec­ Ar El Paso......... 6:00 6:00 pm 6:30 am It is sad to see a national institution It is no mere figure to say that the and feeds the tissues. Kodol lays the ond, costume to consist of a kimono of Ar Fort Worth.. 11:30 am thus going to the dogs. But the dogs gates of victory are unfolding for the foundation for health. Nature does an improved style and a brown skirt; Ar City of Mexico. the rest. Indigestion. Dyspepsia and 1:00 am need not worry—it no longer frightens Democratic party.—St. Louis Republic. al'disordeis oi the stomach ard di- third, the girls to rest morning or aft­ Ar Houston.......... Ar New Orleans.. 6:30 pm them as in times past it did. ge-tive organs are cured by the u-e of ernoon by turns and every sixth day; Ar Washington .. 6:42 pm These latter day inaudible firecrack­ Our Wary Attorney General. I K dot Sold by all Druggists. fourth, the girls ou duty to behave with Ar New York .... 12:10 pm Philander Chase Knox quickly decid­ er* are frauds, cheating the small boy military discipline, to take no “tips,'' to A Short JTemoa. out of his hard saved dime. And as ed that the facts did not justify a crim­ refrain from chatter with the passen­ It 1» reported that a young man, be­ gers. and when passengers are in the to the tail of the lion, what is it for? inal prosecution in the Tyner case. It It is an ornamental rather than an es­ may be remembered that Philander ing examined preparatory to joining carriage to stand in the corner of the sential appendage, and a gentle little quickly came to the same conclusion the ihurch. was asked, “Under whose carriage. Among the girls who have On both trains. Chair cars Sacra- twist, with a bit of a knot or two just In the Porto Rican smuggling cases and preaching were you converted?” entered the service are many from re­ me^to to El Paso, and tourist cars •'Under nobody’s preaching.” was the spectable families, aud they have be­ to New Orleans ¡md Washington. for remembrance. lest he forgot, can that he reached the same decision in do no harm and is sure to awaken en­ the Manila custom house scandal. prompt reply. “I was converted under haved well and decently. The company Connecting at San Francisco with thusiasm on the rear benches. Philander, in short, is becoming wary. my mother’s practicing.” had apprehended that passengers might the several steamship lines for Hono­ Did any preacher ever utter so pow­ behave vulgarly toward them, but hap­ lulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Cen­ Give us back our old celebration! The Northern Securities merger de­ And in the matter of the firecrackers cision demonstrated that even a fed­ erful a sermon as the young man em­ pily every respect has been paid to tral and South America. See agent at Medford station, or there should be legislation. The mak­ eral court may unexpectedly take a bodies in those few words? them, aud the railway authorities con­ address ers must be compelled by law to use purely perfunctory prosecutiou serious­ sider the service a success. W. E. COMAN, G F. A P. A., Another Way of Eipreaalng It. better powder and more of it.—New- ly. and Philander is not going to take Portland, Oregon. •‘When Mrs. l’arvenu was pr. they York Evening Post. chances of similar unfortunate results, T. E. Hills of Ashland has been ap­ • cat u> say she was a great talker, but pointed aid-de-camp on the staff of To be on the safe side he will not iu- Thos J. Stewart, commander of the The Banaer of Dawn. •titute any prosecutions at all.—Chica­ hiuce ¡.lie became rich it is different” "lib ecd! What do they say now?" Gt and Army of the Republic. And wherever our flag comes and go Chronicle. “ They say she is a brilliant couversa men behold it they see in its sacred tioual'it" Exorbitant Freight Kale«. emblazonry no rampant lion and no The coal trust succeeded in keeping fierce eagle, no embattled castles or in­ ti1111 signia of imperial authority; they see the question of freight rates out of the the symbols of light. It is the bunm r strike hearing, although it was the key of dawn.—Henry Ward Beecher. I to the whole subject of the inquiry, and now the power of the interstate commerce commission and the courts Worse Than Working. “Are you going to take a day off on to compel disclosure of the terms of i the conspiracy to strangle competition tne Fourth?" “Heavens, no! I have three boys at and plunder the public will be resisted and defied to the very limit. Unfor­ borne.” OFFERS CHOICE OF THREE GATEWAYS tunately the case against the coal trust A Sorrow of the Moment. Is being heard by a body lacking the Th'« Is tragic power to enforce its orders by sum­ ’Stead of silly. mary commitment for contempt.—Phil­ "Bang!” said fireworks. adelphia North American._ , “Ouch!" said Willie. coffee, or any other Oruadrxt Sowlnf. The oat plant does not grow rapidly at once after coming up, but if sown thickly the ground will be covered, re­ tarding clover growth. Broadcast oat seeding either by machine or hand is very unsatisfactory. All things consid­ ered, no method or machine for com­ bined seeding compares to a disk drill. Another point: An endless waste of clover seed takes place each year by sowing upon soil not garden fitted. A rich soil is not alone a qualification for a sure catch of clover. Soil texture is absolutely necessary. I would prefer to throw a piece of land out of the reg­ ular rotation than to seed before th'S condition has taken placF. and. what is more, soils full of root growth like our own cannot be made suitable in a mo­ ment, no matter how much labor is of­ fered. Decomposition must take place and chemical action go on. The more labor employed the quicker this action will follow. I speak from the view­ point of a dairy farm not deficient in vegetable matter. Upon soils where successive crop growing is followed the principle would not apply. Then It is a question of getting more humus and plant food into the soil. These varying conditions of soils call for a clean cut home study of our own farms. POPULAR PEAS. SoBie Good Varieties For Early. Main and Late Crop.. Among the newer extra early varie­ ties Gradua has become extremely pop­ ular. The pods are very large and filled with large wrinkled deep green peas of the finest quality. Alaska, Nott's Excelsior. American Wonder, THE JUNO PEA. Little Gem and Premium Gem are oth­ er varieties of merit, and Surprise is a fine early wrinkled variety. Standard early and medium varieties Include Advance, Abundance, Heroine and Horsford Market Garden. Of late sorts Queen, Stratagem and Champion of England are favorites. Juno is a dwarf, wrinkled, narrow pe,a for main and late crops. It stands about two feet high and needs little brushing. The vines are very produc­ tive, the pods long and straight and lacked with seven or eight peas of tne flavor and very tender. Child Killed Near Roseburg Ruth, the two-year-old daughter of Marion Cozad, of French Settlement, was instantly killed one night last week by the plunge of a back from a bridge that spans the small creek not far beyond the Sold ers’ Home. There were seven persons in the vehicle and one horse drawing in. The oc­ cupants were Mr. and Mrs. Cozad and their four children and David Grenot. The party bad been attending the carnival during the day at Roseburg, and started for borne late. When they arrived at the bridge it seems that the h the surgeon’s knife until you have tried DeWitt’s Witch Haz°l Salve. It will cure when everything else fails— it. has done this iu t hou-ands of cas« s Here Is one of them: I suff- red from bleeding and protruding p le< tor twenty years. Was treated oy differ­ ent specialists and used many reme­ dies, but «btalned no relief uolil I us­ ed De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Two boxes of this salve cured me eighteen months ago and 1 have uot bad a touch of the piles sine*.— H. A. Tis­ dale, Sum inert m, S C. For Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles no remedy equals DeWitt’s Witch Hszel Stive. Sold by ail Drug­ gists. DON’T STOP WORK World’s Best Medicine THE FOURTH IN 1793. A STAND OF GRASS. Z 1 on every I 1 Just About Bedtime. Take Little Early Riser—it will cure constipation biliousness and liver troubles. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are different from other pills. They do no! g-ipeand break down the mucous membrane* of the stomach, liver and bowels, but-cure by gently mousing the secretions and giving strength to these organs. Sold by all Druggists. FARMERS, ATTENTION. I • cereal coffee, the wholesome fruit sugar contained in figs and prunes largely supplying this need It is the verdict of every housewife that FIGPRUNE is the most economical and nutritious of any cereal coffee. J. M. Hurley, the expert maul pula- Boil from 5 to 10 minutes only. tor of harvesting machinery, will ba ALL GROCERS SELL in band with a first-class threshing outfit, when the season opens. He CEREAL spates no tains to please and does the FIGPRUNE best of work, as the many who have I patronized him before will bear wit­ Siiauxe Tribe of EiKimoi. ness. i A remnant of a strange tribe of Es kimos has been discovered on South- aniptou island, at the north end of Hudson bay. These people had never seen a white man until recently. Theii huts are built of the great jaws oi For Infants and Children. whales, covered with skins. In the middle is an elevation, on which is r The Kind You Have Always Bought stone lamp, used for lighting, heating cooking, melting snow aud drying I Bears the clothes. The tribe is almys^GajMtj^ SUfnaturvuC CASTOR IA ■ . arts TKEDFORD s imkwuohi THE GREAT I beikvc Thedford’s Black-Draught Is the best medicine on earth. It is good for any and everything. I have a family of twelve children, and for four years 1 have kept them on foot and healthy with no doctor but Black. , Draught A J. GtiEEN, lllcwara. La. j a »utlteK aiMT-W Fosar M edicine Thedford’s Black-Draught has saved doctors’ bills for more than sixty years. For the common fam­ ily aiiments, such as constipation, indigestion, hard colds, bowel com­ plaints, chills and fever, bilious­ ness, headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is necessary. It invigorates and reg­ ulates the liver, assists digestion, stimulates action of the kidneys, purities the blood, and purges the bowels of foul accumulations. It cures liver complaint, indigestion, sour stomach, dizziness, chills, rheumatic pains, sideache, back­ ache, kidney troubles, constipation, diarrhma, biliousness, piles, Imrd colds and headache. Every drug­ gist has Thedford’s Black-Draught in 25 cent packages and in mam­ moth size for 11.00. Never accept a substitute. Insist on having the original made by the Chattanooga Medicine Company. DO00 Kansas City, isM .12 St. Joseph or Omaha, to CHICAGO and POINTS l ja xtrr /* . >.18**1'*’« i> Through Standard and Tourist Sleep­ ing Cars da’ly between San Francisoo and Chicago via Loa Angelea and El Paso. Through Tourist Sleeper each TUES­ DAY from Portland to Chicago via i8 Bit Salt Lake and Colorado Springs. Through Standard Sleeping Cara daily between Ogden and Chicago. Lowest Rates In effect always avaiLL . Fl able via “ROCK ISLAND SY STEM.” . Reduced Round Trip Rates in effect ii^a3 I ivi J on July 12, 13, 15 and 16, and August 18,19, 25 and 26; 90 days return limit. Be aure to see that your ticket reads via the ) - 1 Rock Island System. The Beet and Moat Reasonable Din­ ing Car Service. For rates, folders, etc., write to or call on ________