r t ©emoerati® firnes. AN IMPORTANT LAND RULING. Printed Every Wednesday, by ♦ I In a recent contest, arising in the State of Washington, the Secretary Times Printing Company of the Interior holds that when the C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr. field notes and surveyor’s returns make no nutation whatever of miner­ als in public lauds that have been TERMS: Year, in advance... • 1.50 surveyed, such lands are considered Months.................... 1.00 and treated as given a nun-mineral classification by the surveyor. t Further, that lands classified as no­ Advertisements inserted at reasona­ mineral at the time of the govern­ ble rates. ment survey are of the class of lands subject to selection in lieu of lands Entered at the Poaioffice at Jacksonville. Ore., relinquished within forest reserves, as Second Class Mall Matter and the character of the lands so classified and selected will not be in­ S enator H anna ’ s effort to pre vestigated on a protest presented af­ vent the Ohio convention from en­ ter the survey and selection, and dorsing Roosevelt left its scar, and it alleging the present mineral character Is now claimed in well-informed cir­ of the land. cles that Senator Lodge is to be chair­ The importance of this decision is man of the next Republican National manifest. In the case at issue tbe Committee. Senator Foraker and Northern Pacific it ill way Company other friends of the President will relinquished a tract in the Rainier control the campaign. Forest Reserve and selected in lieu •hereof a tract of equal art a iu Mon­ W hen the interviewer asked Grover tana. One year after the tiling of Cleveland if he would be a candidate this lie u selection a coal declaratory for a third term, the “ex” replied that nothing could induce him to re­ statement wasotlerei by an individual for the tract selected, and was reject­ enter public life. When the rep>rter ed because of prior selection by the announced that Grover was not a railroad company. Investigation of candidate, the retired one rushed into the records disclosed the fact that print to say that he had never given while adjoining land has been report­ that reporter any came to say so. ed by the surveyors as containingcoal deposits no such reference was made A SPECIAL agent of the interior department has been o-deied to super to the tract in controversy. There­ fore, the Secretary held the land to intend removal of all fences in any be classified as nonmineral. The man way inclosing government lsnds in tiling the coal declaratory statement Eastern Oregon. In Sherman c unty alone, it is asserted, one hundred went so far as to allege that tbe land woull produce coal in commercial thousand acres are lymg illegally In­ quant ities. His allegations, however, closed. Alt >gether half a million acres were overruled, as the prior selecti in of public land areJield under fence by­ by the railroad company could not be Eastern Oregon cattle kings. affected by a filing made one year later. Hence the lieu selection was T he twenty-first international bien­ approved, notwithstanding the ap­ nial convention of the Society of parent mineral character of tbe lands. Christian Endeavor is to be held at Had tbe lands been originally classi­ Denver, July 9-13, and will probably fied as coal lands, the railroad selec­ excel all that have gone bef re. Every tion would have been rejected. preparation has been made for com­ fort of visitors and there will be am­ S tate of O hio , C ity of T olldo , > ple accommodation for all. The he id- L ucas C ounty . I s 8 F rank J. C heney makes oath that quarters for tbe Oregon delegates will he is senior partner of the firm of F. be the Second Congregational church, J. C heney * & Co., doing business tn East Thirty-first and Downing the City of Toledo, County and State avenues. aforesaid, and that «aid firm will piv the sum uf ONE HUNDRED DOLL­ W hen it comes to dollar» tbe peo­ ARS for each and every ca-e of ca ­ ple of Seattle are very swift. They tarrh that cannot be cured by the C atarrh C ure . kept a wide-open town for many use of H all ’ s FRANK J. CHENEY. years, and had numerous public gam­ S«orn to before rue and subscribed bling bouses running day and night, in my presence, this 6th d iy of De­ where the gamrs never closed and cember, A. D. 1886. ,.T I A. W. G leason , where st ran gets were rotbed “ac­ i ( a SKAI * f Notary Public. cording to program,” as Brownell Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in­ would say. NWw they have conspired ternally, and acts directly oa the to have all tbe saloons closed at the blood aud mucous surfaces of tbe sys­ Send for ws’imonials, free. Bremerton navy yard, so the sailors tem. F. J. CHEN EY & CO . Toledo, O. and workmen will come over to Seat* Sold by all Druggist«, 75c. tie to blow in their money. Hall’s Fami'y Pills are the best. S unset is published monthly by the Passenger Department of Southern Pacific, 4 Montgomery street, San Francisco, California. The sub­ scription price is one dollar a year, ten cents a copy. Its circulation is world wide. It 1« the only magazine that faithfully tells, by pictures and text, of tbe wonders of tbe Nation's western border land. It la notable for tbe number and artistic merit of its engravings, Its contributors are among the best writers and illustra- tors io tbe country. It is edited by Charles Sedgwick. In Memoriam. Once more we are calhd upon to chronicle the death of one of our little friends. The grim messenger, Death, has visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Liever and taken their only daughter, Amy. She died at Central Point June lfilh, ag< d 7 y?ars, 10 months and 18 days. She was only sick one day with rheuma­ tism of tie heart. Mtdest in her manners kind and obliging in all her ways, and possessed of a loving and sympathetic nature, she was a univer­ sal favorite wuh young and old. Dear little Amy, she had hardly begun life when its storms and tem­ pests were hushed in the sti lness of death. This is the first time this family has lo-»t one of its loved ones, and tbe entire community sympathizes with the grief-stricken relatives. Eider E. B. Lockhart conducted the funeral rites, and a large concourse of friends followed the remains to the Ueutral Point cemetery, where they were ten lerly laid to rest. The ilora‘l offerings were many and beiui.il ul. M. A. M. A letter received from bigh au­ thority from St. Petersburg, tells of a conflict between the Czar and high dignitaries of Russia. The minister of foreign affairs last week resigned because tbe Czar scathingly comment­ ed on tbe Jewish massacre at Kisbis- neff. The Czar refused to accept the resignation, but insisted that the minister should keep his ministerial colleagues under better control. The minister replied that he was unable to to do this, owing to intrigues not only in government offices but in the pal­ ace inelf. It is suggested that tbe For the Summer Home. Czar will dismiss two members of the cabinet, and sensational developmwuts A bed made of woven reeds is new, are expected. and painted willow green, helps along T h « second shipment of rails fur the the summer furnishing scheme for country homes. The head h rathtr Southern Pacific’s Oregon lints was received by the Ocklen, which arrived higher than the foot and is closelj woven, being finished at the corner? direct from Hamburg. She cariied with large balls, like the old-timt 500 loos of 80-pound steel rails, orsuffi four poster. cient to lay 40 miles of new track. This Tbe tete-a-tete chair this year has a is the second shipment of rails re­ small table between, with a shelf < n ceived at Portland, though one steam­ tbe lower pirt. Tuis helps along the ship has cairied a cargo to San Fran­ cisco for use oo the Portland-San spirit of congeniality the chair in­ spires, for one can sit and talk and Francisco lines of the company. A sip the af.e*n»on tea or tike other total of five shipments is expected by refreshments at ease. the company, and will be received as light Wicker furniture is coming this fast as the new rails can be laid. The year in yellow, if one wishes it. Tut rails received earlier baveall been pul color is pleading, tot the least harsl down, and the work of rebailasting or brilliant ; just si ft and sunshiny. One can stain one’s summer furui and surfacing the tracks baa been ture this season any color desired to completed. __________ match particular rooms or color scheme. T he first work at Heppner is to clear away the debris and wreckage Cuts, Bruises and Burns are and disperse the germs of disease. Quickly Healed. When this is done tbe matter of re­ (. hamberlaiu’s Pain Balm Is an anti­ building tbe town and * providing septic lini ment, and when applied to homes for tbe unfortunates will be cuts, bruises and burns causes them bed without maturation and much given more attention. That Is the to more quickly than by the usual treat­ statement made by members of the ment. For sale by City Drug Store. committee looking after tbe relief fund which has been gathered at Cannery Prospects Good. Portland. No report has as yet been made indicating tbe total that will Cbt.8. H Pierce, of the Ashland be necessary to repair—as near as Preset ving Co., has bis plant ready money can repair—tbe dama e* ter tbe season’s operations. Consider wrought by tbe fljod; but geld given able improvement work in tbe wav by charity continues to pour into Ore­ of re-arrangement and enlargement gon’s metropolis. It still seen» prob­ of the facilities at tbe big cannery able that in tbe neighborhood of 830,- building have been completed. He 000 will be realized in PurUaud alone has contracted sufficient vegetables, before Heppner ceases to require aid. as well as fruits and terrk8, to insur< a long and successful run of the ¡lm Plenty of Work Necessary this season, says the Tidings. T be cannery is already being opera­ ted by a small force engaged in put­ There is no doubt that this city ting up cherries and strawberries, has within itsconfinis good material and there will be bu-y times hereafter for an excellent base-ball team; but with a steadily increasing force. Mr. there is a grave doubt that tbe rna- Pierce proposes greatly Increase erial I b used with tbe judickusness the variety of the to cannery ’s output necessary to net good nsuite. Thi« Lhis season and is preparing to pre- very product of this valley for bear arises from tbe failure of the e can create a demand in tbe really capable players to-erc -csipejs when it comes to the te^itor b because tbe young men law_ tlity, an understanding of the an just cough appieciat ion ot the wholesome sport. gets your 1 ungs sore and weak, and paves Il is because they do not bu«ile when hat way for Pneumonia or Consumption, or they havette oppoituoity 10 prepare tbe both. Acker's English Remedy will stop the to meet opfotents < n ll e oiaaond. cough In a day, and heal your lungs. It will Consumption, Asthma. Brochitis. and Tbe r ght kind of practice, aod lots cure throat and lung troubles. Posltvely guar­ of It, is the essential f u tor toward all anteed, and money refunded if you are not toy succtss, and our baseball players satisfied Write to us for free samle. W. H. »b< uld bear that »tiictiy in mild if Houxu 4 Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by A P Estabrook, Gold HUI, Leading druggist they ever Lope to win tut. Firs E. G. Borden, the operator in mines, HERE AND THERE. MAKING FORTUNES. FISTS VE'RSVS spent a few hours in Medford Friday. DIRE WIFE The Money of the Market Not F» * Ben Haymond of Rock I’oint and his The Sacramento Record-Union has R. L. Dusenbury of Sardine creek, the Mau With a Theory. the well-kuown miner, was in Mod ford family, as also Miss Lottie Morris, vis­ been sold to Alfred Holman, a well- ^/In Ejrcitin¿ Episode of Lead- Fortunes have been made In the Chl- ited in Medford Thursday. known newspaper man, formerly of Thursday. cago board of trade not by men who ifllle In the Early the Portland Oregonian. A large quantity of hay is being sold, entered the market with a preconceived “My hair was falling out and S. S. Aiken and M. Perdue of Days. turning gray very fast. But your theory as to its course, which they at­ Louis Huseman’s new residence at Flounce Rock precinct did business in and already brings 810 a ton. it will be Hair Vigor stopped the falling and tempted to make good through thick still higher before long, as the crop is Montague, Calif., will be a handsome Medford Thursday. restored the natural color.”—Mrs. Dan Whipple, who died last winter and thin, but rather by those who took short. structure of the Colonial style, with E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y. The Ashland Iron Worksis doing a in Prescott, Arlz., was considered the things as they came, watching tbe T. H. B. Taylor, the sage of Evans 10 rooms. N. E. Graves of Yre'ia Is best night marshal that Leadville ever drift, shaping their way from day to good business, which necessitates the creek, has gone to Coos county, where the architect. The coit will be about had in the days when Leadville was day, like prudent merchants, according enlargement of it. It’s impossible for you 85000. to the current. dangerous to live in. Eugene L Cass of Buffalo, N. Y., he will < perate his steam feather eloan- not to look old, with the This is confusing to the novice, for Tbe Kentucky colt Picket won the On one occasion in those bygone the capitalist, has been visiting in Med­ > er. Success to him. tbe novice almost always comes in color of seventy years in American Derby of 1) miles at Chi ­ On account of the Fourth of J uly a ford aud Jacksonville. He is always lays Whipple went into Sam Tuthill’s with a preconceived theory. Some cago easily in 2:33, record time. There rate of one and one-third fare will be your hair 1 Perhaps you welcome. Angel Gabriel saloon. Things were time ago a young man with a large are seventy, and you like Measles are epidemic in Meadows pre­ made between all points on the Oregon were 19 horses in the race, the purse quiet, the only other customer being a hope, a moderate fortune and consider­ being 832,275 and value to winner big mine timberman named Larry able social prestige was shown tbe cinct. Miss Lizzie Mayfield was dan­ lines, Coles inclusive. your gray hair! If not, Coffey. He bore a baril name as a trou­ enormous possibilities in December L. F. Gardner has taken the balance 827,025. gerously ill with the complaint for use Ayer’s Hair Vigor. John A. Fairchild, public adminis­ ble hunter when in his cups, and on pork. It looked absolutely convincing, of his stock of elothiug to Eagle Point. awhile. In less than a month your but he called upon a great packer with Prof. A J. Hanby of Central Point i He sold a goodly portion of it while at trator of Siskiyou county (Calif ) and tills night he was loaded to the mm- whom be had a personal acquaintance. gray hair will have all the one of Yieka’s most prominent citi­ zle. He nodded to Whipple, who did has been deputized by School Superin-1 i Jacksonville and Medford. Yes; the packer thought very well of zens, died June 21st, aged 75 years. not notice him. dark, rich color of youth. tendent Dally to visit a number of! The bridge across Rogue river,at the pork—was buying it, in fact. Thus Shortly after a tenderfoot who bad He came to the Pacific coast over 50 SI.M ■ bottle. All iratri«» Bybee place, is undergoing repairsand schools now in session. doubly assured the young man bought. just struck Leadville with a mule years ago. The market went his way, and be none will be allowed to cross until they W. tl. Miller, foreman of the Hy­ train entered and called for a drink. I If your druggist cannot supply you, bought more. Then the market turned. Dr. J. F. Reddy and Messrs. Calla­ Coffey send us one dollar and we will express draulic Mining Co., returned to Jump- are completed. E. G. Perham is doing walked over to him and said: you a bottle. Be sure and give the name The young man reviewed his convinc ­ han, McFadden and Rodgers of Spo­ ''Dance, son!” And out came both of off-Joe district a short time ago, ac­ the work in his usual excellent style of your nearest express office. Address, ing statistics, remembered the words of J. C. AYER CO., LowelJ, Ma*». Chas Nickell, U. S. Commissioner kane have been at Happy Camp, Coffey's guns at the same time, and companied by his family. packer and stood stubbornly upon for the District of Oregon, is folly Calif., lately, inspecting their copper two bullets went through ttie floor the C. L. Reamefl and A. Schmidt will equipped to receive applications un­ properties, and ate making prepara­ about two inches from the tenderfoot's his line. When he was getting near to tbe end of ills margins, he was horri­ represent Banner Lodge No. 23, A. O. der the timber and stone, also home­ tions to commence work. heels. “Go right ahead and dance it fied to learn that bis friend the packer stead laws. Final proofs taken, and U. W., in the grand lodge, which will PROFESSIO'AI CARDb. Willie.” bad shifted to the other side of tbe all business connected with U. S. gov­ There is no method of preserving some, meet at Portland next month. The poor little chap ’ s eyes were al ­ market two weeks before. He visited ernment lands transacted. Office with rubber except by keeping it in a Grant Fouche, until lately engaged S outhern O regonian , Medford. damp place away from the air. Ex­ most popping out of his head, and it him, recalled their conversation and R. G. GALf . M. D didn't take him two seconds to begin the situation. Tbe packer n lumbering in Wisconsin, has bought Phone 211. posure to the air and dry atmosphere gyrating around in an attempt to explained stared. "Do you mean you ’ ve been the Cotton saw-mill, located near Ash­ Wm. D. Hanley, Robt. W. Mitchell will kill the best of rubber. Oil of dance. liolding 2,500 bnrrels of pork all this Office in Orth’s Building. land. He will theroughly repovate it. and C. E. S. Wood have organized the any kind is a deadly enemy. Hours—2 10 4 and 7 to 8 p. m Coffey roared with the pure joy of time?” lie demanded. “Ye*.” said the “Strength and vigor come of good Oregon and Occidental Cattle Co .with the fun he was having, and after three young man, “and 1 have it yet. Now, A man suffering from gout in iris food, duly digested. "Force,’’ a ready- a capital stock placed at 8150,000. It or four minutes he bad bored twelve what can I do with it?” "1 don’t Oregon «Jacksonville to-serve wheat and barley food, adds will do business principally in Harney nt se has been a patient at Bellevue. holee in the saloon floor, the tender­ know. ” said the packer, “unless you no burden, but sustains, nourishes, in­ and Malheur counties. He is Charles Scharff, a janitor. His foot bopping up and down frantically vigorates.” nose lias become greatly enlarged. meanwhile. Then Coffey put bls guns can eat it.”—Will Payne in Century. A. E. REAMES, Vinton Beall, the clever artist, is do­ Prof. Gus Samuels and his wife have 1’l.e doctors were completely at sea down on tbe bar In order to get at bis ATTORN EY-AT-L a W, Blue Ribbon State Fair. been engaged to teach the next term ing much of the excellent work for for a diagnosis until they discovered cartridge belt to reload. Whipple Jackaoa ville, - • Oretaa. which he is noted. Among his latest of Enterprise school, Griffin creek dis­ gout in several joints of his limbs. It slipped between Coffey and the bar Ttie premium list of Oregon ’ s “ Blue productions are photographs of Miss trict, beginning Sept. 7th. A good se­ is ibe first case of the kind on record quick as a flash of light, and the night Office lu Red Men » Bulldlnf. Centenna Rothermel as queen of the at the hospital. marshal stuck his face within two Ribbon” state fair is now out and lection. ireiog distributed thn ughout the Grants Pass carnival, in a number of Inches of Coffey's ragged red Iveard. ROBT. G. SMITH, J. U. Barnard,the well-known school different poses, which are really fine A heret- fore unmentioned horror of “Ombrey,” said Dan to Coffey, “this state. The premiums offered aggre­ teacher, who has been in Colorado sev­ and reflect much credit on Mr. B. the Heppner disaster is in the fact that yere Is a peaceable camp, and It’s a gate 812,000 ;n cash, and aie for every­ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW eral years, returned to Central Point a the holies of three newiy-bornhnfants camp that's free to all bands that be­ thing wruwn on the farm, including Great’s Paes, Oregaa. few days ago. He will engage in hor­ Mrs. S. Arrasmith, her daughter have been found. Four of the recover­ have themselves. No man has got to live stock, poultry, dairy products, and grand-daughter were on Wednes­ ed dead were soon to become mothers. dance anywhere in this camp after the ticulture. agricultural and lorticulturd pro­ practices all tbe courts The U. S. Government wants 120 day’s train, en route from Quartz VaR The first victim, Mrs. Hanby, living sun goes doitn onless he wants to ducts, domestic and liberal arts, etc. buildlug upstairs ley, Cal.,to Applegate,to visit relatives dance, and gun plays don't go while head of cavalry horses. Those having seven tulles above Heppner, was otre Everyone is invited to b ing «me- them can write for particulars and She and one other Indian living near < f them, and tbe young girl, Nora I’m around nohow. You've made your tiling to the fair this year, arid help «J. M. KEENE. D. D. S. gun play on this tenderfoot yere terms to Capt. John H. Hayden at Jacksonville, are the only remnants of Florin, whose body was recovered far little adverti-e the State ’ s res lurees. If because, havin' a lot more runt under the original Rogue river Indian tribe below town, was on her way from Presidio, San Francisco. your belt than any man like you is go- j- u have not receiv d one of the pre­ JPKRATIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY that inhabited this valley when the Office» .n tbe Adkins Deuel block S. P. Robbins.of Phoenix,has been se­ white man came. She is a very spry Ilanbj’s ranch to summon Dr. Kis­ in’ to carry on my beat, you think mium lists ye’, write M. D. Wisdom, ner when she was overtaken by the you're sort of puttin' it on me. Now secretary, Portlind, O e., for one. lected as vice-principal of the Jackson­ and intelligent old lady. Medford, • Oregoa avalanche of water. you’re goin* to take off your cap and ville school. He is a graduate of tbe P. P. PRIM A SON. We sell the greatest of blood purifiers. Southern Osegon State Normal School, Acker F. M. Koowles, treasurer of the beg that little snipe's pardon for giv- ’s Blood Elixir, under a postiive ln’ this camp a bad name, and then DO YOU GET UP «TTURNEYS A ND COUNSELORS AT LAW and ranks well as an educator. New York National Base Ball Club guarantee. It will cure all ehronic and you're goln’ to mosey to your shack, other blood poisons. If you have erup ­ lately, by accident, dropped a wallet S. C. Bartrum, supervisor of forest Jacksonville, Oregon. WITH A LAME BACK ? or sores on your body, or are pale, containing 84,000 in bills on a Chicago and you’re goin’ to do both of these rangers, was in Ashland several days tions things right now, quick and sudden." weak or run down, it is just what you Will practice I d all couns of tbe Stale. O1 last week, for the purpose of investi­ need. We refund money if you "are In tel office floor, and did not dheover Coffey leaped to one side and ripped Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable, Cee tu tbe Court Houae last door oo tbe gating the depredations on tbe Ash­ not satisfied. 50 cents and" 81.00. h'B 1 ss until a couple of hours after­ out hl* dirk, bopped in and made a rlrtl trou, entrance sample. A. P. Estabrook, Gold Hill ward. He hastily retraced ills steps terrific lunge at Whipple's face. Almost everybody who reads the news­ land forest reserve by wood thieves. the leading Druggist. Whipple’s face wasn’t there. He bad papers is sure to know of the wonderful until lie entered the office, where he Frank B. Tichenor, who so ably filled cures made by Dr. dodged suddenly, and Coffey fell A. C HOUGH, found a «core or mure of people loung ­ the position of president of tbe Grants The strawberry season has practical­ Kilmer's Swamp-Root, against the bar with the momentum attorney - at - law ly closed. The berries have been of ing about in the chairs and settees, s great kidney, liver Pass carnival,left Tuesday morning for of his lunge. When he turned around fine quality, but the crop has been short id bladder remedy, apparently reading newspapers, who, «raut'a Paas, - . . Vretsa. Wedderburn, Curry county, where he Whipple was in the middle of the I it is the great medi­ will deliver the Fourth of July oration. this 6easun owing to the dry weather. when be reached down to pick up bis saloon, weaponless and apparently office over Halr-R.ddle Hardware Store cal triumph of the nine­ With twice the acreage of last year the wallet, which wasstiil lying on the teenth century; dis­ Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver product this season,has been only about floor, raided a howl of merriment ar.d j content to be weaponless. Coffey made at him again and made another sweep covered after years of Tablets are just what you need when H. D. NORTON. ■< g scientific research i u«i by Ljr you have no appetite, feel dull after half as large. The prices have been deliglit. It seems that they had, one 1 of bls dirk for Dan's bead. He missed vj Dr. Kilmer, the emi- eating and wake up with a bad taste In very good. Cherries are now the lead­ by one, formed the very natural opin- [ again, and the night marshal landed a TTOR NEY AND COUNSFLCR At LAW ' nent kidney and blad­ your mouth. They will improve your ers in the fruit market,and they are of ion that the purse was a trap for hard one with his right fist on Cof­ der specialist, and is appetite, cleanse and invigorate your Grant’a Pa»*, Oreg«*. good quality. Black Tartarians are greenies, and had been having oceans fey's jugular. Coffey winced, but be wondeftuily successful in promptly curing food. City Drug Store. was a powerful man, and it took more . lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ of fun from those who had “bit,” as The 4th of July will be observed on quoted at 75 cts. a crate and Royal than even one of Whipple's tremen­ bles and Bright s Disease, which is the worst Office above S P. D à L. Co i Store. Anne at 81 25. as they supposed, at the bait. When dous right handers to put him out. form of kidney trouble. Applegate, in the Pjlmer Creek Grove. the owner, however, opened the wal­ Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec­ The tight between the man with the There will be a base-ball game between let and counted out 84,000 in token A SPLENDID REMEDY. ommended for everything but if you have kid­ dirk and the man with only a scien- money t Here was no responsive shout Applegate and Watkins teams, racing ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Neuralgic pain«, rheumatism, lum ­ of exultation. and other sports, as well as dancing on bago and sciatic ram< yield to the just the remedy you need. It has been tested the bowery platform. in so many ways, in hospital work, in private penetrating influence of Ballard's REDUCED EXCURSION RATES practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ Snow Liniment. It penetrates to JACr«ONVILLB There will be a game of baseball at chase relief and has proved so successful in the nerves and bone, and being ab Jacksonville July 4th, between the lo­ sorted into '.tie blood,its lieaiing prop­ To the Seaside and Mountain Resorts every case that a special arrangement has beep made by which all read rrs of this paper cal and Roseburg nines, which doubt­ erties are ci nveytd to every part of for the Summer. who have not already tried it, may have a less will prove a very interesting one Hie body and f the High Line ditch, spent al) West Side Points are also on sale Kilmet's Swamp-Root, nd the ad MONEY LOANED. dress. Binghamton, N. Y , on every grounds, between Jacksonville and Wednesday and Thursday iu Medford. to Detroit at very low rales with stop-' He epeaks encouragingly if ihatenter- over privileges at Mill City or any bottle. intstment securities a specialty. Jackioo Roseburg nines. The winner will play -unty Scrip tx'ught and sold. point eat t, enabling tourists to vi-it have a complete set of maps or all surveyed tbe Grants Pass club the next day. pris’, and says that it will be com­ tbe Sam ism and Breitenousb as well w.ds m business, boom it. Don’t be sweeps with his knife Whipple sud­ ducked, ran squarely between Fortunately nobody was injured. a crowd of miners with picks, shovels, a knocker. Don’., p ill a lung face and denly Coffey’s legs and lifted the giant off Blue-print maps of any township in pockets full of stock, also rolls of get sour on your stimacb. Hope a his feet as easily as an ordinary man Roseburg, Oregon, Land District, shows blankets on their bicks, headed would hoist a sack of salt Coffey ing all the vacant lands, for 50 cent “Hiking to the Blue Ledge," with bit. Get a smile on you. Hold your came down on all fours, and Whipple head. Get a hold' witli both hands. each. If you want any information from the U. S. Land Office, address ttie following lines underneath Ti en pull. Bury your hatchet. Drop twisted his right arm until the dirk Title Guarantee & Loan Co., Rose­ '“Having developed some of the nrn- your tomahaw k. Hide your little ham­ dropped out of his nerveless grasp. burg, Oregon. 1 ng resources of Washington, British mer. When a stranger drops in tell With the dirk at the bully's throat CL iumbia, Idaho, Montana aod Eist him this is tbe greatest town on Whipple made him repeat a groveling We are informed that John Failing, apology to the tenderfoot who stood eldest son of N. D. Failing, who for­ ern Oregon, the mining men of Spo­ earth. It is. Don’t get mulish. Don’t near, paralyzed with fear. merly lived in Jacksonville, was killed kane are now beading for HLkiycu roast. Be jolly. Get popular. Help at Redding, Cal., recently, by a team county. California, to bring out the yourself along. Push your friend with Do You Enjoy What You Eat? he was handling backing off a grade. hidden wealth of that district.” you. Soon you’ll have a whole pro­ If you don’t your food does not do Since Patrick Clark took his 1250,000 cession. Be a good fellow. He was about 21 years old. you much good. Kodol Dyspepsia bond on the Blue Ledge there has No man ever helped himself by Cure is the remedy that every one Perry Jacobs, a brother of A dboh Jacobs of Ashland,was killed near Zion, been a stampede of Spokane mining knocking other people down. No man should take when there is any thing a village situated not far from Eu­ men to there, including “Doo” J. F. ever got rich trying to make people wrong with the stomach. There is no way to maintain the health and gene, while felling a tree which struck Reddy, Van B. DeLashmutt, James believe that he was the only man on strength of mind and body except by Cronin, L. Roy Slater and representa ­ earth. You can ’ t climb tbe ladder a dead one near by in its decent and nourishment. There is no way to tives of Finch & Campbel), 1). Wil ­ of fame by stepping on other people’s nourish except through the stomach. made escape impossible. The remains The stomach must be kept healthy, were brought to Ashland for burial. son, Walter McCabe, Peter Larson corns. and sweet or the strength will Mr J. leaves a wife and four children. andOlaus Jeldne s. The property is All men are not alike. Once in a pure lecated just across the Oregon line, while you may find some very much let down and disease will set up. No appetite, loss of strength, nervous­ Cal. Slagle, an industrious young Jacksonville being the nearest trad­ man and a native of this county, and ing point and Watkins the closest a like. But many aredffferent. If you ness, headache, constipation, bad don’t like their style let them alone, breath, sour risings, rifting, indiges­ Miss Kathryn Johnson were married poatoffice. dyspepsia and all stomach Don’t knock. You’ll get use to it. tion at Coquille City, Coos county, June 17, tronb’es are quickly cured by the use There’s no end of fun in minding your of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Fold by all by Rev. H. C. Allen. The wedding was FARMERS, ATTENTION. own business. And it makes other druggists. la Absolutely PURE, and will a pretty one. Miss Virgie Woodford OUTWEAR all other Leads. J. M. Hurley, the expert manipula­ people like you better, Better have was an unusually lucky guest, as she of harvesting macbineiy, will be other people stuck on you than you Treasurer’s Ninth Call. got tne ring in the bride’s cake and < tor n har d with a first-cla«8 threshing get stuck on yourself. Nobody gets If your local dealer does not carry also the bouquet. outfit, when the season opens. He stuck on a knocker. Don’t be one. Be gei it l° US ttn<^.we see that you Office of the County Treasurer of ) S. S. Pent.z, who has been acting as spares no pains to please and does the good. Jackson County, Oregon, Jack- - of work, as the many who have Mrs. J. R. Norris' attorney at this end, best sonville, June *26, ¡903 ) Driven to Desperation. pitronized him before will bear wit- informs us that she has fallen heir to a nets. Notice is hereby given that there Living at an out of the way place, are funds in the county treasury for portion of a big estate left by her late remote from civilization, a family is the redemption of al outstanding PORTLAND, OREGON. uncle, who recently died at Newport, often driven to desperation in case of county warrants protested from Apr. FISO’S CUR E" F an accident, resalting in Burns, Cuts, 8, 1901, to May 1, 1901, both dates Ky. There Is a considerable sum of HN bURlS WHÍKÍ All kst fAU Ited Bent Cough öyup. Tastes Good Wounds, Ulrers, otc. Lay in a supply inclusive. Interest on same will cease money and a large amount of real es­ In time. Bold bv druggists. of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. It is the after tbe above date. tate, and Mr. P. thinks that each heir I best on earth; 25c, ati^ty Drug Store. will get nearly 850,009. j D. H. M iller , County Treasurer. BRIEF MENTION Gray ? Silas J. Day Notary Public Real Estate Agent and U. S. Commissioner for Jackson County, f PIONEER WHITE LEAD W. P. Fuller & Co