dimes JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1903 VOL. XXXIII. BRIEF MENTION. Miss M. Krause has been visiting at Ashland. F. B. Smith was among those in Jacksonville during the week. John Mast, the successful gardener, who lives near Phoenix, was with us a few days ago. Miss Daisy Huffer, who recently ar­ rived from Portland, will return to the metropolis soon. Mrs. G. W. Thrasher and Mrs. Chas. Dunford have been visiting friends and relatives living in Grants Pass. Jacksonville district, according to the late census, has 256 school children, a gain over of 50 during the past year. S. L. Benson, formerly of Applegat«.«, made us a call Thursday. He is now a resident of Josephine county and doing well. Peter N. Bush of Meadows precinct, and Florence Walker were in Medford recently. The former was on land bus­ iness. Mrs. IL G. Gale am) Miss Pauline Reuter visited in Ashland Saturday. Mrs. Lucinda Anderson is in Jack­ sonville, the guest of Miss Marie Nickell. Robt. T. Armstrong, who was dep­ uty sheriff during Jas. G. Birdsey’s term of office, is visiting in this section, accompanied by his wife. They are res­ idents ot Spokane, Wash. WAR VETERANS Official Result of the Elec­ THE HOMESTEAD LAW tion. FINALLY IN LINE FULLY INTERPRETED Mrs. Shea and Miss Clark of Glen­ The State Canvassing Board, con­ dale tarried in Medford Friday. Something that Will Interest Set- THEY INDICATE A DANGER0U8 A Poor Quality of Justice Is Being sisting of Gov. Chamberlain and Fee H. L. White of Ashland, one of our tiers on Government Lands. CONDITION OF HEALTH. retary of State Dunbar, has ofllc¡allj Done them at Last. best citizens, was in Medford Monday. declared the result of the late congres­ Women no A ftiictvd are Isually the Victims A. Throckmorton and Wm. Cameron In tlic past the interior department sional election to be as follows: of u W raknsM W hich May of Union precinct were here a few days has been most liberal in construing Secretary of State Dunbar has re ­ lie I ns us pec ted. ago. a residence upon a homestead suffi­ ceived 98 veuchers for claims of Indi ­ > ri * Fainting «pellsand a tendency to faint cient to enable the claimant to make Jos. H. Sykes, a prominent business an War veterans and has begun Is ­ M away upou slight excitement indicate a M TJ • . suing warrants in payment of the condition of health that should be at­ man of Roseburg, was in our town 1— proof upon and secuie title from the s L j □ government to the land. But strict­ same. It is believed that 800 claims C ounties tended to without delay. The great Monday. 69 «ç SP 0 B er rulings are being enforced, as will majority of those mo atiiicted are women will be filed with tlie Adjutant-Gen ­ 5 J. E. Randles of Ashland, an exper­ B 0 i o -I and the cause can generally be traced to ienced prospector, was in Medford not ba seen from tiic following Walla era', and that 750 of these will be al­ CL a> • ui female weakness, often of long standing Walla dispatch, dat«d June 19: lotted, in amounts averaging about J3 • • and frequently unsuspected. "My “ health long since. “A decisii n of interest, to hundreds $150 eich. If t his expectation shall J. W. Slinger of Lake creek, the en­ h.w become all run down,” ' says Miss be fulfilled, the total claims allowed Benton........ 90 672 63 579 of city homesteaders who are trying Catherine J. Ball, of No. 375 Bates ave­ terprising stockman, spent Tuesday Clackamas 89 1024 292 1253 to reside in ti e towns of Oregon and will amount to $112,500. The total nue, St. Paul, Miuu., “and I had fre­ in Medford. Coos............ 72 896 ÏÔ3 525 Washington where they have some a; propt iation is $100.000, so that a de ­ *kl quent (uniting spells. I was pale and Curry.......... 222 11 129 business, and at I lie same time prove Chas. H. Paine, the expert Wack- ficiency of 112,500 is probable. sallow and suffered regularly from a smith, was among those who were in Douglas....... 59 1726 188 1227 Under advice of the Attorney-Gen­ Jackson....... terrible headache and a soreuess in my HO 1146 171 1326 up on liomesteids in the new dis’rict, 31 492 93 665 was receive! at the Walia Walla dis­ era), Secretary of State Dunbar will Josephine... right side below the waist. I had no Jacksonville Sunday. Klamath. ... 8 385 20 270 trict offi e ye terday from tbe dcpirt- Mrs. C. Rader was in Medford one strength, the slightest exertion tired me issue warrants fur claims in the order Lake........... 5 325 1 154 meat of the in'erior. and made me short of breath. My day this week, accompanied by her in which the vouchers come to his Lane........... 117 1887 142 1572 stomach troubled me at times and I youngest daughter. “The general application of the office, and not in the order the claims Lincoln....... 5i 416 74 168 never felt as a well person ought to feel. 286 1310 ISO 1213 text would mean a repetition of the are ti.ed with Adjutant-General G»n- Linn ........... W. H. Bradshaw and FredDowning I doctored for three months but the 183 1764 209 1597 story now oft being told that to suc- tenbein. All claims will be paid in Marion....... physicians did not help me much and it of Lake Creek were in Medford the Polk............ 97 570 59 668 cessfully hold a claim a man must full as long as the money lasts, and Tillamook .. was not nntil I took Dr. Williams’ Pink forepart of the week. 48 476 60 126 when the appropriation is exhausted Washington 105 1074 190 691 make continuous residence. It also Pills that I began to improve. Iu less Mrs. Nettie Wright Hewitt of Port­ 1721 928 134 874 practically means that a-newcomer than a week after beginning with these land is visiting in this section, where tlie Secretary of State will is«u3 cer­ Yamhill.... can successfully contest any of the pills I c >uld see a change for the better she formerly lived. tificates of all iwance, which are rec- Totals... 13042 thousands of homesteads being held and in a short time I was well. My ( gnized as legal evidence of a valid Plurality Frank Duval and his « family have complexion became pure and healthy, by men not actually residing on them, claim against the slate. The e cer­ the soreness disappeared, I am no longer gone to Klamath county, where they To Cure • Cold In One Day. but who are making a pretense of tificates will not draw interest and troubled with faintness and I feel per­ expect to spend the summer. Take Laxative Bromo-QutnlDe Tablets. All compliance witti the letuer of the 'aw. must await an appropriation by some Druggists refund tbe money If it fails to cure. fectly well and strong.” Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Howland of ‘ The s.ecifie ct«e before the de- I subsequent legislature before they •Jrove's signature is on each box. 25c Dr. Wllliains'Pink Pills for Pale People Grants Pass are visiting friends living Prof. J. M. Horton, whois interested pirtment was that of Samuel Co ’ert, enre cases like th.j because they go to can ba paid. with a brother in developing a coal S tate of O hio , C ity of T oledo , J- ss of Ritzville, Wn., whose home ts ad in the root of the disease. Not only have in Jacksonville and Medford. GANTENBEIN REPORTS PROGRESS. L ucas C ounty . mine in Monterey county, is here to 32-14-31, Franklin couDty, was con­ they cured hundreds of cases similar to Jas. Baker, who formerly did busi­ F rank J. C ueney makes oath that Thus far 1 have received from the Miss Ball's but they have proven them­ ness at Eagle Point, has returned from visit his family for a couple ot weeks.— he ts senior partner of the firm of F. tested by D. Mordhorst, of Connell. War Department the muster rolls of J. [Crescent City Record. selves to be an unfailing specific for all C heney A Co., doing business in Covert testified at tbe first conle-t his sojourn in the state of Washington. diseases arising fr<>m impure or impover­ The central office of the Pacific States all ten companies of tbe First Regi­ the City of Toledo, County and State hearing before a Franklin county U. Mrs. John S. Orth, who has been vis­ ished blood and shattered nerves—two Telephone Co. at Jacksonville, which ment, Oregon Mounted Volunteers; of aforesaid, and that said firm will pay S. laLd commis-ioner that his inter­ the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLL­ fruitful causes of nearly all of the ills to iting in Eugene, returned Sunday. She has been in tbe store of .1. Nunan for ill three companies of the Battalion ARS for each and every ca-e of ca ­ pretation of the homestead law was which humankind is heir. They are an was met at Medford by her busband. some time, will soon be moved to W. of Rar gers; of all five companies of tarrh that cannot be cured by the that a'l a man had to do was visit his unfailing specific for locomotor ataxia, Chas. N. Snow, who is engaged in H. McDaniel’s variety store. the Recruiting Battalion of tiic First use of H all ’ s C atarrh C ure . c’ani once in six months. partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sci­ farming in Klamath county, has been • Regiment, Oregon Mounted Volun- FRANK J. CHENEY. However, he had made visits atica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous Mr. Taylor of the Orchard Home Sworn to before me and subscribe! headache, after-effects of the grip, palpi­ visiting friends living in this section. says he received good prices for cher­ : teers, and of Comíanles A and B, Sec­ in my presence, this 6th d ij of De­ somewhat more frequently, bad ond Oregon Mounted Volunteers. cember. A. D. 1886. tation of the heart, pale and sallow com­ A. S. Hammond of Grants Pass, the throwo up a 12x14 shack of rude plexions and all forms of weakness well-known attorney, is attending cir­ ries shipped to Portland. Our fruit is As I failed to find any claim which 5 »»T I A- G leason , hoards without stovepipe or chimney several days earlier on that market either in male or female. f Notary Public. wa« properly fill«d out. I found it nec­ ( and bad made some show of cultiva­ Dr. Williams Phik Pills for Pale People cuit court for Klamath and Lake coun­ than that of the Willamette valley. essary for tne purpo«e of avoiding de- I Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in­ tion. He lost before the land office are sold only in boxes at fifty cents a ties. ternally, and acts directly on the Prof. Montague, who gave wonder­ box or six boxes for two dollars and a Fred and Arthur Klelnhammer of ful performances with his cockatoos ! lay to prepare new claims. To date I blood and mucous surfaces of the sys­ here, and appealel to the department, half, and may be had of all druggists, have prepared and forward« d for exe­ tem. Send for testimonials, free. but has lost again. or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Applegate and their famlies visited at different points in Southern Oregon cut in and verification corrected F. J. CH ENEY & CO , Toledo, O. “The d pirtment is specific In show­ Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. The with relatives living in Phoenix pre­ some months ago. played an engage­ ! claims for all tbe above named organi­ Sold by all Druggists, 75c. nuine are never sold by the dozen ar cinct recently. ing tl a* a nun cannot hold a c'aim Hall ’ s Family Pills are the be9t. ment at Cordray’s theater in Portland zation« except Companies A and B. under the present regulatii ns an- A special train will be run between lately, which was well patronized. Second Oregon .Mounted Volunteers. th ir style of enforcement without Jacksonville and Medford on the even­ FARMERS. ATTENTION. proving an actual continuous resi­ Revised Confession of Faith ing of the Indian band concert at Wil­ C. Hafer, president of the Iowa Lum- i Sixty-six of the claims have been ber Co., and his wife left for their returned properly executed and veri­ dence. ” son’s opera house. Hurley, the expert manipula­ home in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Sunday fied, and vouchers have been pre­ tor J. of M. barvesting The principal points < f change in machinery, will ba Th ■ law governing homesteads re­ Jas. J. Donegan, one of Burns’ prin­ evening. We are pleased to learn that pared. Thise vouchers, with the on hand with a first-class threshing the Westminster Confession of Faith, quires a continuous residence upon cipal business men, has been making the latter’s health is much improved. claim« attached, have been mailed to outfit, when the season opens. He as revised at the general assembly of and cultivation of the land claimed this section a short visit. He is a na­ They expect to visit us again in the the claimants, with Instructions to spates no pains to please and does the the Presbyterian church, lately held under the homestead act, and jusi best of work, as the many who have tive of Jacksonville. ■ fall. execute and verify the vouchers and pitronized him before will bear wit­ wh it c institutes a continuous resi­ at Los Angeles, Calif., are: Robt. P. Neil has just shipped to his ness. Prof. Washburn has concluded not to forward the pape s to you. 1. Predesl¡nation. Tbe declaratory dence has bee i variously construe!. ranch in the Dead Indian section 150 These 66 claims amount to •12,- I to accept the position in tbe Central statement of the crerd remains un­ Special Round Trip Rates. Tue decisions of l he land dep rtm'nt changed. but sets forth, the fact that head of cattle he recently purchased in Oregon Normal School offered him, 359 77. an aveiage of $187.28. T»’e have beeu so liberal as to lead settlers and will retain tbe principalship of the ciaims of the Second Regiment will ti e chapter is held lo be in harmony Tillamoock county. Between June 4tli and August 26th tn b 1'eve that all that is requind is pr< bably average about tbe same, but Chas. Biesel of Spokane, who is in­ Jacksonville public school. His salary th se t * the Ninth Regiment will t« Tbe Illinois Central will sell round­ toe tablish only a constructive resi­ with God’s dtsire for salvation of all men, and that no man is condemned terested in the bonding of the Blue has been advanced to that offered him , verv much lo»er. Thus far 776 trip tickets from Oregon and Wash­ dence; that to put up any kind of a claims have te«n filed. The total ington points to Chicago, Cairo, Mem­ building, cultivate a few acres of land, Ledge, arrived here Sunday, and left at Drain—$950 a year. excepted on tbe ground of bls sin. number of claims tiled will probab’y phis and New Orleans at G reatly 2. Infant Damnation. Tbe declara­ for Elliott creek at once. and v:sit tbe land, sleeping thereon Olwell Bros, report a prospect for not exceed 800, and the total numtter R educed R ates . Tickets good for three months. once in six months, sufficed io es­ tion as adopted sets forth the doctrine Mrs. Robison Wright of Big Butte is the largest crop of apples ever raised of claim« allowed will probaby not Going limit ten days. Returning tablish a residence. However, this that all infants dying in infancy are tbe guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. I in their extensive orchard by 25 or 30 exceed 750. 1 estimate the aver­ limit tea days after starting west. included with tbe election of grace S tandley. She is in a precarious condi­ carloads. This will make a total of age allowance of tach c alm at $150. Stop-over privileges either way, west is not a compliance with the law, nor Colonel Wood, commander of the In ­ and a e therefore saved. , about 75 or 80 carloads this season. dian War Veterans, claims to have of the Missouri River. is it liable to be so considered by th • tion, we are sorry to learn. Sale dates are arianged to be conve­ department. The intention of the 3. Head of the Church. The refer­ They have just begun thinning the made a careful estimate, and that Geo. H. Merritt, who has been at­ nient for delegates to conventions of ence tn the Pope of Rome as “the i 'hey will exceed an average of $119. National Educational Association at Homestead law is to give actual set tending the University of Oregon, got I trees, and find help a little scarce. man of sin” bas teen eliminated from B>stor: Elk-at Baltimore: Wo drnen Ilers homes, not to give every in- back a few days ago. He will return Somers, who pitched ball for Ash- LADIES AND CHILDREN. the confession. The amerdment as al Ir.diiuapolis; Eagles at New York; dividual 160 acres for the purpose of to Eugene when school opens. 1 land last session, has been signed by adopled still asserts that Jesus Christ All ladies and children who cannot Shriners at Saratoga; Knigbta of Eugene, one of. the Willamette Valley «tard the shocking strain of laxative Pyth’as at Louisville and Commer­ speculation. It is the purpose of the Weeks Bros, of the Phoenix factory is the only bead (f tbe (hutch and government to give every settler wb( league. It was be wbo nearly killed sv ru;>s, cathartic«, etc., are invited to cial Travelers at Indianapolis. that no pope, czar nor king bas any are turning out some fine store fixtures Y’ou can take your choice of Six­ will go onto a piece of land, cultivate Entriken of tbe Grants P lss club, by try ti e famous Liitle Early Risers. right to claim to te the vicar of for parties living at Gold Hill. They teen Different Routes. W’rite us. and improve and make a home there­ They are different from all other pi Is. accidentally hitting him on tbe head do superior work and much of it. Christ. They do not purge tbe system. Even We will cbcerlully give y< u any de­ on a title to 160 acres. It is expected District Attorney Reames returned with a ball during a game at Jackson­ a double does will not gripe, weaken tailed in’O’tuation you want. B. H. 1 hat such settler shall make his home­ 4. Divorce and Remarriage. Pres­ ville, in 1902. or-icken: many people call tham tbe Trumbull, C< m’i Agent III. Central byterian ministers are enjoined from from a trip to Puget Sound Monday. stead his actual home; that he shall Easy Pi'.i. W. H. Howell, Hi u«ton. R. R , 142 Third St.. Pi rlland, Ore. We have received the program of the mariying persons who have been di­ He was accompanied home by his wife, reside there the majority of the lime, ’, savs nothing better can be used commencement exercises of the Orange Tex vorced on grounds other than those who has been visiting at Hillsboro. fur constipation, sick headache, etc. not live somewhere else, and visit bis WANTED. Valley Business College, w hich will' Bob Moore. Lafayette. Ind., says ail recognized in t) e Westminister con­ homestead semi-occasionaily. Tbe Miss Frances Barnes, the popular others gripe and sicken, while De­ fession of faith ard Scripture. school teacher, will assist P. H. Daily, take place at Riverside, Cal., Junej Witt's Little Early Risers do their Two-horse tesn s, to haul lumber. law piovides that he sha’l not be ab­ sent from his homestead longer than county school superintendent, in his 30th. The name of Prof. N. A. Jacobs, work well and easy. Sold by all drug­ A pp'.y to the I ow a L umber Co. Jac ks< nviile, Ore. six months at any one time. This does office work during the summer months. who is well and favorably known in gists. Jackson county, appears among the not contemplate that be shall be ab­ There is no reason for any man who list of graduates. sent from the homestead the greater wants to labor to be idle with the op­ Mrs. Alice C. Bacon closed her part of every six months during the portunities for work that is offered at term of school in Willow Springs five years' residence, but that he shall this time both in tbe city and near by. Is a Common Spring Trouble. trict a few days ago. She advanced her actually re-ide upon the land the Jim Dumps was father of a lasa M. Daemmer was among our recent pupils very fast. Those who obtained It’s a sign that the blood is deficient greater portion of the time. Who, by her brightness, led her in vitality, just as pimples and other visitors. He has bought the Schoeff- 8th-grade state diplomas were: Lola At present the government is keep­ class. elin place, located near Jacksonville, Shirley, Ray Rowe, James Davis, Nina eruptions are signs that the blood ing a rigid watch over the home Ths teacher asked Miss and will engage in the stock and wood Kame, Tilden Patton, Wm. Chapman Dumps the question: steads of Oregon and Washington. is impure. business. and Otis Kame. “How can you best assist Every proof that is submitted will be It’s a warning, too, which only the Miss Cora Cameron, who has been a digestion ? ” carefully scrutinized, and lack of resi­ W. J Smith of Albany has just re­ hazardous fail to heed. “By sating ‘Force.’" When student of the University of Oregon, dence is liable to deprive many of ceived S311.75 as his share of the fund told to him, returned from Eugeuu Thursday. She their right io obtain title. It is in­ This story ticklsd " Sonny Jim.” was met at Medford by her father, Z. of $100,COO appropriated by the last deed questionable if those who bavee - legislature for our Indian war veterans, Cameron. tablished only constructive nsidenc« being $1.45 per day, 55 cents having Remove it, give new life, new cour­ Otis Tout, who is one of the Eugene been previously paid. J. B. McFarland up n homesteads—that, is those wh age, strength and animation. Guard's reporters, passed through the has received $140 as his share. This live ’n towr 360 dpys in the year am They cleanse the blood and clear the valley a few days since, with his newly- just law was passed through the efforts five ur>g fellows foot amputated, for gaugrene, by Dr. prominent iu the educate nal aid gage in church work. The remains and a friendly race was irdu'grd in R G. Gale, is able to be about, on public affair« of the state, having be< n were shipped to Sumas, Wash., which The Pcllett wagon collid'd with a tel­ crutches. The operation promises to superintendent of ti e schools < f Salt in was Mr. N.’s home. ephone p< le and its occupants were be entirely successful. and first president of the N. D. o' O. throwo out. Only Ge trge was hurt Mr«. Mill* r was highly esteemed In Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and however, he ric iving an ugly gash all wl o bad ti e pleasure e«f her friend­ Diarrhoea Remedy iu the thigh, from which the bl< od ship and acquaintance, and her ur- gushed. Only the presence of mind For men who toil t'mely death sp cads a gloom over all. Is ever) where recogniz'd as the on -remedy tl at can always be de­ of hi9 brother JI m, who poured dust fended upon and tla is p'easant to into the wound and staunched the Startling Evidence. 'take. It is esp. dally valuab’e for flow of h ood, saved bls life. Assist­ 'summer diirrl’oea in children and is Fresh testimony In great, quantity ance- wu» ohtaiDf d as soon as possible, | undoubtedly the means of saving the is cot s antly coming in, declaring Dr. and the young man is in a fair way to Hivesofa great many childien each King’s New Di-covery for Consump­ te himseif again soon. year. For sale at City Diug Stote. tion, Coughs ai d Colds to be une­ qualed. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland, Bentorville, Va., serves TAX O i BABIES. Copper-riveted as example, lie writes: “1 had Bron­ Extreme hot weather is a great tax chitis for three years and doctored a'l upon the digestive power of babies; the time witin ut Icing benefited. wnen puny and feeble they should te Then I began taking Dr. Kitg’s New given a few doses of White's Cream Discovery, and a few hotties wholly Vermifuge, the ch ildren’s t( nic. It cured me.” Equally < ffective in cui- has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million will stimulate and facilitate the di­ ing ail LuDg and Threat Troubles, gestion < f their food,so that they scon Corsumptlon, Pneumonia ard Grip. bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. become strong, healthy and active. 25 Guaranteed by Chy Drugstore. Trial Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Grove’s Black Root. Liver Pins. eta. at City Drug Store. bottles free, regular sizes, 50c and $1. That Tired Feeling Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Pills Force Levi Strauss c Cols e r* etlliS Grove’s Tasteless Chili Tonic ARE RETURNED INDICTMENTS AGRAINST POSTAL OFFICIALS BECOMING POPULAR. Washington, June 22.—The grand Jun*-, which has been investigating pos­ tal affairs, has returned an indictment against August W. Machen, Dillon B. Groff, Samuel A. Groff, George E. Lor­ enz and Martha J. Lorenz, the two lat­ ter being residents of Toledo, Ohio. As previously stated in these dis­ patches, the specific charge is conspir­ acy to defraud the government. The indictment is based on seetion 5440 Absolutely Pure of the revised statutes, which provides a penalty of $10,000 or two years’ im­ THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE prisonment, or both, In the discretion of the oourL POWDER TRY TO BLOW UP THE PALACE OF THE GRAND VIZIER LOCAL NOTES Paris, June 22.—A dispatch to the Rappel, dated from Buda Pest, says a rumor is current that the palace of the grand vizier at Constantinople narrowly escaped being blown up by dynamite bombs. The correspondent says it Is certain the grand vizier has received threatening letters and that a number of arrests have been made recently. M. M. Taylor, who has been at Port­ land, returned Wednesday. Judge Hanna and his son, Herbert, were in Medford Wednesday. R. H. Lewis, who lives on upper Rogue river, was a recent visitor. John Ashmead, tbe well-known pio­ neer, was a recent visitor at the coun­ ty-seat. SLEEPING FOR THIRTY DAYS STRANGE CASE OF A YOUNG MAN WHOSE FATHER LOST HIS FORTUNE. J- I- Willits and A. T. Lundgren of Watkins precinct were among us a few days ago. Jas. Y oung and John Beckner, who live in Steamboat district, were in our town not long since. Mrs. E. R. Cardwell arrived from Klamath county Tuesday, for a visit in Gold Hill and vicinity. C. L. Reames, deputy district attor­ ney, was in Medford Wednesday, on professional business. Rev. J. D. Murphy was at Granta Pass recently. He was visited Tues­ day by Rev. E. Murphy of Ashland. Rev. J. D. Murphy will hold services at the Catholic church Sunday, at 8:30 a. m., and at Medford at 10:30 a. m. J. D. Cook got back from Portland Saturday, his family still remaining there. Mrs. C.’s health is considerably improved. C. Coleman, the capitalist, who has been looking after his interests in Jack- son county, returnedto San Francisco last week. New York, June 22.—The strange case of C. Endicott Allen, a young Harvard man, is attracting much at tention. He has been asleep with short Intervals of semi-consciousness for the last month, in a hospital at Long Branch, N. J. The only cause so far as can be learned is worry over business reverses which recently came to his father, forcing the son to gc out into the world for himself. The hospital physician has dlag nosed the case as hysteria and said there is hope that he wiJJ come out o! his long sleep after a few weeks. For thirty days young Allen has taken very A. M. Ford, sexton of the Central little solid food. Liquid food is forcer! Point Cemetery, made Medford a down his throat as he cannot be suffi visit Wednesday. So did T. C. Law of clently aroused to swallow naturally Willow Springs. Nevertheless the patient has gained iu Miss Mary Wetterer, who arrived in weight Jacksonville a few weeks ago, to remain GALVESTON OUT OF HOCK. a while, for the benefit of her health, Richmond. Va., June 22.—In the is steadily improving. chancery court Judge Griman has dis Prof. E. E. Washburn and his wife eolved the injunction restraining the have gone to Berkeley, Calif., where United States government from taking the former will attend a summer school, possession of the cruiser Galveston The federal government stipulates tha’ to take some special studies. Geo. Coulter, the expert carriage the ship shall remain the property o the Trigg creditors until the case i painter, has his headquarters in the determined by tne court of highest re building formerly occupied by the sort. The Galveston will be launched Jacksonville marble works. this week. Rev. E B. Lockhart will hold ser- vices at Central Point Sunday, The ANOTHER SUBWAY STRIKE subject of the evening sermon will be New York, June 22.—Dennis Quin Ian of the Pipe Caulkers' union has “Is the World Getting Better?" Will Muller, who has been stopping announced at a meeting of the Centra) Federated unions that his union ha« in Jacksonville during the past several decide to order a strike on the Rapid weeks, has returned to San Francisco, Transit subway on July 1 if demands to assume a responsible position. of the union for an advance of wages T. H. B. Taylor, the unique writer, from $3 to $3.50 a day were not grant who is the author of some quaint and •d. He also declared that the strike would extend to the work of outside excellent matter, was in our midst late­ ly. He is again located in Evans creek contractors throughout the city. district. FORFEITED HIS BAIL. Several members of tbe Jacksonville Trenton, N. J., June 22.—In the base-ball team took part in the contest United States district court Albert C between Medford and Grants Pass Twining, cashier of the wrecked First teams during the carnival, and did National bank of Ashbury park, was good work. called upon to plead to an Indictment Walter Dungey of Gold HiU was in of misappropriating funds of the bank Jacksonville and Ashland during the Twining was not in court and Judge Kirkpatrick ordered forfeited bail ir past week, in the interest of the Order the sum of $2000. which Twining gave of Pendo, one of the best fraternal or­ on Saturday for his appearance today. ganizations in existence. COLLEGE BURNED. Bay St. Louis, Miss., June 22.—St. Stanislaus college has been totally de etroyed by fire. The flames spread so rapidly that the students generally lost their trunks and clothing. Loss $65,- 000; insurance, $36,000. WA8 NO ATTEMPT TO KILL CZAR St Petersburg, June 22.—Officials of both the court and ministry- of the in­ terior say the reports that an attempt was recently made on the life of the caar are untrue. A story was clreu lated a month ago that the czar had been fired upon while driving in the park of Tsarskoe-Selo, but it was dis covered that — orlignated In the acci­ dental discharge of a revolver, which was carelessly dropped by the detec­ tive as the czar's carriage passed. TIRED OF DODGING THE POLICE Boston, June 22.—Without friends and hungry, with no place to sleep, wet and footsore, Dr. Walter Price, once prosperous physician and sur­ geon of this city, has surrendered to the police. He explained that a war­ rant bad been issued against him more than a year ago on a charge of per­ forming a criminal operation. Hewas tired of dodging the police, so he said and wanted to be locked up and then given a trial. Dr. Price was taken to jail. W. H. Lewis, who lives near Central Point, was in Medford Wednesday. He is slowly recovering from the injuries he received last fall on the Blackwell hill, when bis four horse team ran away. Mrs. E. J. Kubli has returned from Heppner, the scene of the recent dis astrous cloudburst. She says that her daughter, Mrs. Velene Metschan, whose husband conducts the Palace Hotel, had a narrow escape. Ben Thurston of Humbug was in town a short time ago. He is engaged in developing a couple of mines which are showing excellent ore. His mill is pounding on quartz that pays very well. Two citizens of Sterlingville precinct got into an altercation a few days ago, and one of them was severely pummel- ed. The other was arrested and plead­ ed guilty in Justice Purdin’s court at Medford, and assessed $10 and costa. The directors of Jacksonville dis­ trict held a meeting during the past week and elected the following teach­ ers for the ensuing school year: Princi­ pal, E. E. Washburn; intermediate, Miss Frances Donegan; primary, Mrs. M. Peter. No choice for the grammar department was made. He Sold His Farm. W. T. Kame lias sold his fine farm, located near Central Point, to H. H. Haskell, a gentleman wbo lately ar­ rived in Southern Oregon with his family. It contains nearly 90 acres, is well improved and set to ’alfafa. Tbe price paid was $7,000. In no part of of tbe state does land command a bet­ ter price than here. We extend a ct rdial welcome to cur new citizens. You Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed on every ' bottle,showing that It Is simply iron and Qut bine in a tasteless form No Cur«. No Pay. Wo ! SCOTT'S EMULSION won't nuke a hump back straight, neither will it make a short leg long," but it feeds soft bone and heals diseased bone and is among the few genuine mean« of recovery in rickets and bone consumption. Send for free sample. SCOTT * BOWNK, Chemist», 400-415 Pearl Street, New Yurt. 50c. and all druggwts. I