ENT COMMENT Ho w i ne on cei\ ably great is the parents’ ■ ibi’.ity, and how important that -,t of disease is left in the blood ¡ransmitted to the helpless child, entailing the most ’.e suffering, and marking its little body with offen . catarrh of the nose and throat, weak eyes, glandular sivc sores a , •. hite swelling and deformity. swellings, ok upon such little sufferers and not reproach llo.v can p. themselves f.-.r , :o much misery into the world? If you have ’. air sy stem, how can you |'xpect well developed, any diseasi lutl . vour own blood and build up your health, and healthy child;'.;' y i capacity for the enjoyment of the pleasures you have not on! •¿•I a duty all parents owe to posterity, and made of life, but have . mankind healthier an ! It íanpier. There is no remedy C t so surely reaches deep-seated, stubborn blood troubles as S. S. S. It searches out even hereditary poisons, ami removes every taint from the blood, . p 1 builds up the general health. If weaklings r- • growing up around you, right the wrong by •»citing them on a course of S.’S. S. at once. It is a purely’ vc. ‘.aide m ic ne, harmless in its effects, and can be taken by both old »’nd vo’.ng without fear of any bad results. • Write u r i’ >rt .» x tse, and let our physicians advise and help you. This will c. jt you nothing, and we will also send our book on blood and ■kin diseases. TliE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Ga. OOOOOO 0OOCKKXX>OOOOC c ¿CENTRAL POINT NOT o OOOOOOOOOOOC-O^C ' ¡1 a Prof. a . J. Ilan ‘y fd Ashland a vi-it l.i 't S nd J. W. Me? o' r.v n a 11 u 1 > i f J ijs ld-t Al fi (if r-f' o w I i K O i i V \ n . (I; y sv c k. .\ N; < r.o won one of the most covet- ; I ■ atYalewith an essay, in which he prov< .that the negro is Incapable of self government in Hayti. M isery begets the largest part of humanity. Ignorance rears It. Hum­ bug educates it.. Tradition enslaves it Fashion cripples it. Ambition governs it. (¡iced despoils it. Need kills it Hypocrisy buries it. the aggregate liability is considerably heavier. This is accounted for in part by several exceptionally big failures. The figures indicate a gradual wiping out of competition. Last year the lia­ bilities were smaller, but the total num­ ber of failures was larger. The small dealers were being destroyed. This year, with a larger liability total, the number of individual sufferers is small­ er. That Is, having overcome the lit­ tle fellows, who are always the first sufferers, the trusts are encroaching on the domains of the larger corporations, either absorbing them ordriving them out of business. S enator R eid S moot of Utah hastens to commend the I’resident's utterances regarding large families and race suit Me, and incidentally points to T he homeseekers' rate, which waste the fad that I’nsident Smith, of the have expired on June 15, will be con­ Mormon Church, now has 1,003 direct; tinued until August or September. The descendants. Great Northern has already announced We want a representative in every citj and town in this state to present that it intends to continue the reduced our business. Our proposition is an fare iu effect, and the other northern exceptional one, and offers to a good, lines will be compelled to make a sim- rei i e, , party, with references, j ilar rate. The settlers’ rate, a low one­ not. i< ss than »lnO pt>r month Noean- va^sino or appointing of agents a way fare, will probably be abandoned bin a-tide. legitimate business. Address I 1 after June 15, the date upon which it u. ii tamp, C. . ut they will let us do it tirst. ious to locate in a new field to make a 1 London Daily Mail publishes trip to the coast to investigate condi­ the _fi it, • series of letters from Percival tions hero. Liberal stopover privileges I i ; , its special correspondent at are provided, and the rate has been Mat '.a, showing the American failure found to work satisfactorily. The set­ n . e 1 hilippines. He declares that tlers’ rate, a reduced one-way fare, has i • tn campaign has made no succeeded in drawing thousands of per­ i .- .on in the islands; that the fir- sons westward. These people have de­ termined, before leaving the east, to i- co extensivo with the coast i v, aid a leeling« f utter insecurity settle on the coast, and it is merely a . v. J, .t l.< ai quart« rs. The corre- question with them of picking out the .1. < . t . *o asserts that in a country best location. HE REFUSED TO SELL Turner and Ills Great Picture, “Th« lliiilillii^ 00.” “Well,” said Sir Robert, “I did not come prepared to give (500, and I must think it over. At the same time it seems to me thut the change is an ex­ traordinary piece of business on your part.” "Do as you please,” said Turner. “Do ns you please.” After a few days Sir Robert called agalu upon the great painter. "Mr. Turner,” he began, "although I thought ft a very extraordinary thing for you to raise your price, I shall be proud to buy that picture, and 1 am prepared to give you tiie Gnu guineas.” "Ah!" said Turner. "It was GOO guin­ eas. but today it’s 700.” Sir Robert grew angry, and Turner laughed. "I was only in fun,” he said. "I don’t intend to sell the picture at all. It shall l»e my winding sheet.” For years he kept it in his cellar. Then it was brought up and hung in his gallery, where it remained as long as he lived. When he died, he left it to the nation.—Youth’s Companion. Forcing the Pore. COUNTY RECORDS Matters of Importance Transacted at the Court House. REAL ESTATE. R E Wimer to M L Whitney, one- fourth interest in ne} of sec 10, tp 39, 2e, 8100. A D Helman to John W Coleman, la west of 1) L C 41, tp 39, 1 e, 8200. John W Coleman to Ashland Preserv­ ing Co., la in D L C 41, tp 39, 1 e, 8400 J W Merritt to C W Jeffers, lot 7,bl 2, Central Point, 825. Emma J Walker to G E Graves, prop­ erty in Ashland, 8500. Fordyce Roper to N M and C A Bol­ ton, one-half of 7a in sec 9, tp 39, 1 e, 8175. Carter Land Co to N M and C A Bol­ ton, 7a in sec 9, tp 39,’1 e, 8175. W A Patrick to Frank Salsbury, 20a in sec 3, tp 39, 1 e, 8600. Frank Salsbury to Allen Davis, 3a in Ashland, 8600. Geo E Rassman to Annie M Thomas, land in tp 39 1 e 81000. M A Gallant to Rebecca Eggleston, lots s and 9, bl 33, Ashland,8200. Harriet Barnes to Phil Loostey se f of swf of sec 29 and ej of uw} of sec 32, tp35, 2 w, 81000*. T W Hill to Horatio S Sanford, nw} of nwi of sec 12, tp 39, 1 w, 40a, 8600. Fred Grob to T W Hill, nw} of nw} cf sec 12, tp 39, 1 w, 40a, 8400. Fred Grob to Shorty Hope M & M Co nw} of nw} of sec 12, tp 39, 1 w, 40a, 81.00. Horatio Sanford to Shorty Hope M & M Co, nw} ,,f nw} of iec 12, tp 39, 1 w, 40a, 81. Ida M Ling to II G Shearer, ej of 1) L C 44, tp 37, 1 w, 8200. J W Miller tu E F Steelman, n< } Jf nw} of sec 33, tp 36, 3 w, 8400. Martha M Brown to A J Staub, la ID tp 36, 1 e, 8160. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been iu use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of and has been made under his per­ sonal sujMTvision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle witii and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil» Pare» goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm» and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep» The Children’s Panacear-The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA .ALWAYS Bears the Signature of _ George Gordon, an old Scotchman of miserly habits, was dying. A neighbor who was on friendly terms with the old man's relatives agreed to call on the minister and beg him to try to induce the old fellow to make a will, r T 1 The minister consented and at length THE CENTAUR COMMNY, TT MURRAY STREET. NCW YORK CfTY persuaded the miser to allow a lawyer :t f'.v here ; vistiti grea’öt t!?w:r tarn;» Is the i ■ ’U no! States to decide wheth- loses __ two ___ pounds , of wurnoul tissue. smartly drawn up and duly awaited his O»mer W Long u> J K Read­ ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. I wciU ere IxatrL This waste cannot be rep’enislied and signature. lie was propped up iu bed ■ r t ; . r.. " . t be a 1 ccousideration of er, lots 23. 24 aad 25, bl H, a r i :.t C.-Jifcrrla’» «weetest odrrc Tbe undersigned.baring been duly appointed the health aud strength kept up with­ and managed to write “George G ot —.” Ashland..................................... 8130 00 and qualified ah administrator of tbe Estate \e_al its [ ciiev if the |ast four years. out perfect digestion. When tiie Then he fell back exhausted. ere prc’.tfy bot’.kJ fcr tb'se of Ann Ross Helms.'ate of Jackson County,Ore . An eager relative who stood by seized Geo H Andrews to L E Read­ THE Crescent City Record, in dis stomach and digestive crgansfail to The lsrgest gum ever paid for a prescription deceased, persons baring claims against said v.' o tanncl »Lit «id see and ► state are hereby Dotltied to present them, er, lots 13 to 22, bl X, Ash­ eft for AA 1 tnd Sur- ii-- • g railroad it mors, says that in- perform their functions the strength the pen and stuck it iu the dying man’s I changed hands in San Francisco Aug 30. 1901. j ¡ X enl smell ths beautiful with tbe proper vouchers attached, to me at lets down, health givtsway atd dis­ band. Tbe transfer Involved In coin and stock 1112,- my residence at Ashland. Jackson County. Ore . land .............................................. 350 G; nt in h as ?m ; lo r.i i .tion-are that litre will be some ease sets up. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure £, «ve i "f this worJc’f 'J ti. :a. S00 and was paid by a party of business men within six months from tbe date hereof . » “‘D,’ Geordi«*, ‘d,’” referring to the L E Reader to S C Miller, I -ck-rni h -ho Dated this 15th cay of April. 1SKJ3 bi., .'.i g in i ci Norte county, enables tbe stom ich aud digestive or- Ce- ne’.v Has Just arrived— for a specific for Bright s Disease and Diabetes next letter of tbe signature. MRS A. R DAVIS. property in Ashland .............. 300 Mr-. I. J. P. rkry.ule, «l o ! a- i e<.n gaus to digest and assimilate all of ( 'ul., v. : ;i i t he n« xt year. A party of »reut you coms And S“e tîis i hitherto Incurable diseases. Administratrix of the Estate of Ann Ross The ol.l man glared up wrathfully. the wholesome food that may bv eaten L E Reader to C M Po ev, >i' ii2 iieim< ti er, Mrs. 1). I. s id- - irvej rs arrived at Crescent City They commenced tbe serious investigation of Heims, deceased. vtsltcrs from the West. FJ “Dee?" lie snapped. "1'11 dee when into the kind of blood that rebuilds tbe specific Nov. 15. 1930. They interviewed lots IS to 22, bl X, Ashland. im, returned home i tew’day» a.’ <■ f.um Eureka, and two other parties tbe tissues and pivte ’ls the health I'm ready, ye uvaricious wratch!" CalHorcb rerfunesf scores of tbe cured and tried it out on its Timber Land Act June 3, 1878—No­ M r-. GcOree Jeffries, who i;..-. been wine due, when the article was writ­ and strength of the mind and holy. Wm Faber to D T Lawton, tice for-Publication. merits by putting over three dozen cases on lots 5, 6 and 7, bl 3. Med­ m iking fiit nd.- at Ashland anexlend- ten. The men are supposed to be in Kodol cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia Little Early Riser. the treatment and watching them. They also It is an ford .............................................. 250 t'O go physicians to name chronic, incurabl UxrtKD S tates L and O ffice . ed vi'it, rtturned home Sunday even­ the employ of the Oregon Pacific It. and all stomach troubles. J. TV. I i . Roseburg, Oregon. February 25. 18u3. ideal spring tunic. Sold by City Drug now and then, at bedtime will cure John Peterson to Betty Peter­ cases, and administered it with the physician ing. constipation, biliousness and liver R., and one crew is to survey to Grants Store. Jacken V 1 , Notice is hereby given that in compliance- with the provisions ofiheact of Congress ot troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Wilson and William-, f wo firs’-, li-- Pass’, another to Eureka, and the third son, lot 10. bl 52, Medford... 1000 00 or judges. Up to Aug. 25 eighty-seven per June 3. lS7s. entitled An act for the sale of cent, of the test cases were either well or pro­ Risers are the famous little pills that Joliu G Norton to Margretle timber lands in the States of California. Ore­ workmen, are erecting a tint r- s cience is to work northward towards Coos A Seedless Watermelon. gressing favorably. cure by arousing the secretions, gon. Nevada Wastington Territory." as Lee, lot 1, bl 18, Phoenix... 40 oo There being but thirteen per cent, of failures, extended to all and for Wm. Ctcbran on Uis ta rm near 1 'ay. These reports are doubtless born tbe Public Land States by act moving the bowels gently, yet effect­ of August 4. 1W2. Alexander G. Mathews, of Du the parties were satisfied and closed the trans­ S. P. Peake, writing to the St. L uis ually, and giving such tone and Julia A Owen to 1 C R >bnett, tow n. CATARA M- of id- torrid atmosphere whichr Col. T. luth, County of St. Louis. State of Minnesota, action. Tbe proceedings of the investigating strength to the glands of the stomach lot 16, bl 11, Central Point.. 500 <0 has this day riled in this office his sworn s’ate- Mrs. Mary Fr’es and son Clover Wain Morgan-Draper, F. H. Osgood, Globe-Democrat from Rosendale, committee and the clinical reports of the test ment No. 4516. for tbe purchase of the SWq to Charles W have gone to Prospect, t 3 s]»eod a C apt. Crawford and other titled gen- Minn., says: “Will you please say aod liver that thecause of the trouble s Sherman I-. a., i ' ’.;• . of Section No. 4. in Township No. 4< South, oi cases were published and will be mailed free la removed entirely: and if their u-e Range No. 2 West, and will offer proof tc sbow Sherman, sw} of sw} of sec couple of months wit It her daughter. tldn -r. ar e dispensing in such reckless these few words forme about seedless is continued for a few days, tbere will b iapplicat‘on Address J ohn J Fvt.Ti N Co. that the land sought is more valuable for it» 10 tp 39, 1 w, 40a .................... watermelons: After the vine has run­ be no return of the c mplatet. Sold timber cr stone than for agricultural purpos­ Mrs. Wm. G'ieve. 1 00 profusion. e'.cjxscs, sooihcs and hcc-S es, and to establish his claim to said ¡and be ners about eight inches long cover by all druggists. Allie Millsap to Grace Mül­ The Saints of God have pitched a fore Chas. Nickell, U. S. Commissioner, at Med­ thè diseu“-1 m-mbrazi D un ’ s review of business condi- them with dirt and keep wet until this ford. Oregon, on Saturday, the 16th day of ler, lot 1, bl 33, Ashland... SOO 00 tent here and will preach every night tarns for the month of April lacks a I’ cnrrscatarri; and ùr>. i May. Ik03. He names as witnesses: Richard Retail Market Report. place take root; then cut them ofl away a rold la tùs L.-i II E Stone to Tho* H Weedon iluriug tbe week. All are invited t< good deal of showing as favorable con­ tiie vine. Be sure they have good Callaghan, of Duluth. Minn.; Frank Kasshafer. —- A mong of Jacksonville. Oregon; W. G. Kenney, of The following quotations were Vltk’r. property in sec 8, tp 39, 1 e. attend these meetings. 150 00 roots first, and keep all buds pinched Jacksonville. Oregon; Sol Bright.of Watkins, ditions. generally speaking, as the made up this afternoon, and is an Creata Dalia b pbcz . ,o the nostrils, spreads Oregon. Tne Mr and Mrs. Brown, of L ok'>ut, same mouth last year. This year there off the runners till cut from the vim. impartial report of the prices charged Charles Hocuiu to A Pen Da­ r‘ d. Relief is im- •ver t'.e mctabraue aaJ Ary and all persons claiming adversely the vie, pro;>erty in Ashland..... 150 00 cedute aad a cure fol.r r,’. T, [♦ 13 na€ drying—does Nei Pi rces county, Idaho, arrived d ie more than 100 fewer failures, but If this don’t make seedless melons 1 by Jacksonville dealers: \D a I5IE5 above-described lands are requested to file am badly mistaken. ’ ’ their cla;ms in this office on or before said 16th . ’ •> cents at Drug- Wheat—90c per bushel. Hot produce snceuln’. I r.r - Eliza C Wail to Cora L Snell,, here last week. Mrs. B. is a daugh­ day ot May, 1903 Flour — 82.20 (a 12.40 per 100 pounds. g’sts or by mali; Trial S r . 9 cents. J. T BRIDGES. Register. wj of sw} of se} of sec 8, ter of Dr. J. H. Pieasants, Oats—50c per bushel. . reel, New Yortt ELT B3OTHET.S, tJ’V tp37, 2 w, 20a.............. 200 CO Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert, ot Horn- Barley—Rolled. 81.25 per cental. Timber Land Act. June 3, 1878— ' 'I "i ’ Cora L Snell to John Wcols- Ilay—Per ton. baled. 815. Hr, ok, Calif., w ti > h tve been vi. oncruft. w | of sw} of sci of the la’ter’s parent', Mr. and Mr'. Onions—lc per pound. sec 8, tp 37, 2 w, 20a................ 300 00 U kited S tates L and Orricx. j T‘!C. B y Booth Lee, left f >r home a few days Butter—lof.40 per < wt. gon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as This wonderful ie posi­ A L Mills to U S, nei and wj . tzx *11 tho 5 <-rd wt Point Saturday night to a-'i't Mr. , i extended the » Pv.r,li,> Public butte» K bv w act Poultry—83.50 to 84.00 per doaeo. Dytpepsia now can’t bother him, i ¡of August .. — to . . 4. all . .. ...... Land ..................... tively cures Consumpfon, Coughs IMS, Robert Ji. Bayfield of of sec 11, also sec 9, tp 40, 1 Hams — 1»» l (< i 17 c per pound. Fevuy in organizing a lodge at that For “ Force" hat made him “ Sunny Jim. | Grant s Pass, county of Josephine. State or Colds, Bronchitis, Asthna, Pneu­ east, 120a..................................... Shoulders—124c per pound. Territory of Oregon, has this dsv tiled in this place. ; office his sworn statement No 4666. for the monia, Hay Fever, Pleur’sy, La- Side Bacon—15ia20j per pound. Carter Land Co to C A Si­ R. II. Hodge, of Medford, «pent purchase of the NS of SE>< and Ns of SW>» Grippe, Hoarseness. $ • e Throat, of Sectior No 2b. in Township ip No. 37. South mons, lot 8, H B Carter add, several days here last week, putting of Range No. 3 West, and will 11 offer oOer proof to Croup and Whoop . " Cough. AT ALL LEADING DEALERS. Reduced Summer Excursion Ashland ...................................... 275 00 sbow that the land sought is more valuable in bis piteut stovepipe bolder'. He for its timber or stone than for agricultural Every bottle gu--?!)4 No D L Ri«*e to Jane JamiesoD, Rates. put in a great number, ar.d lie t'.mk- purposes, and to establish his cla'm to said Cure. No Pay. Price I land before R. L. Bartlett. Countv Clerk, at 5a in sec 16, tp 39, 1 e ............ 1 00 the jCbp’.e here for ttieir liberal pit- Grant’s Pass. Oregon, on Friday, the 5th day Trial b .t. The Denver & Rio Grande, popular ­ Maggie Townsend to Mary of June. 1H33. Hec .mes as witnesses: A. H. ronage. Mock. Arthur Morri w. noy Bunyard of Grant s ly known as tiie “Scenic Line of tbe Kime, }a in I) L C 59, sec 23, Tbe n embers of W. H. Harrpo MA NO FAC : L’RERS. Pass. Oregon, and A. Perry of Jacksonville. World.” has announced greatly re­ Oregon. tp 38, 1 w.................................... 40 80 Post Ko. 87 cerducted the funeral < duced round-trip rates from Pacific Any and all persons claiming adversely the I the late Mr. above described lands are requested to file Coast point* f< r the benefit of teach­ Clara E Lynch to H S Lynch Middlebu'l er. who w.i ¿ives work their claims In this office on cr before said er* win» will spend their vacation in 90a i n sec 2. tp 39, 1 w............ 200 00 killed by a runaway team at 5th day of June. 1903. A Fon to Indigestion. to weak the East, aud of delegates to all the J C Williams to C Vroman, J ' T. B ridges . Register. Point, Friday. The renraini “Every summer I have had promlneat C nventions—N. E A., at digestions right to construct a dit.h to take tonice, but now I use brought to Central P Bost« n: A. O. U. W . at St. Paul; B ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 Force.’ 1 am enjoying excel- through sw} of ne} of sec 11, and supplies P. O. E. at Baltimore; Woodmen of f r intcrmei t ! -at health ; it has built me up. America at Indianapolis; Eagles, at tp 35, 4 w.................................... 1 00 Io the County Court ot Jackson County. Oregon I eat ‘Force’ at night and it the energy. U nited S tates L and O ffice . '3 of sat- have been £¿0 New Yoik; Mystic Shrine, at Sarato- Wm D M« ore to C Vroman, In tbe matter of the Estate of Wm. S Cook, r ives me a restful sleep. It Roseburg. Oregon. April. 2. 1903 deceased Notice is hereby given that in compliance jisfrj custo”:r for ever r. .y years. ga Springs; K. of P, al Louisville, I ii.ds up. satisflee and Is pleas­ water diteh through nw} of NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned with the provisions cf the act of Congress ot ant to eat and a foe to indi­ and T. P. A., at Indianajolis. ¡s. ha* been by said Court duly appointed as the June 3. IS?*, eni it led -An Act for tbe sale of gestion. se} aid sw} sw} of sec 11. tp ’ I wt.cre In thi X. lb - y’-’ces i Ticlte s at i he reduced rates will be administrator of the estate of Wm. S. Cook. timber lands in the States of California. Ore­ “M rs . K atb W. D ow our we «’-.liver . 'Is to 1 based upon one fare for the round trip, 35, 4 w......................................... 1 00 deceasMt Any and ail persons having claims gon. Nevada and Washington Territory." at against *»,.1 estate are required to tile tie extended to all Public Land States bv act of ci «xpx wM ^r n»-E chart xs. but win be sold only on certain days. Joseph Whalen to C Vroman, same, duly verified, with meat my residence in August 4, llk*2. Justus Norris.of Wimer, county Tn -e t ekets will carry stopover priv­ Rock Point Precinct. Jackson county. Oregon, of Jackson.State of Oregon.has this day filed in water ditch through nj of Vicll’a C-r.ri< ii within six months from the date of first pubi.- this office his sworn statement No 4.'4 .for th* ileges on tbe going trip, giving pas- cation hereof. purchase of the SW», of See No J. in Twp Xo 3* swt of sec 11, tp 35, 4 w ........ 1 00 e. I senuers an opportunity to visit Salt KOBT. M COOK. Administrator. South, cf Pange No 3 W and will offer proof to Q, Flore-l Guide I i Lake City, Glenwiod Springs, Colora­ J K. N kiu Attorney for Estate. show thst the land sought is more valusbie for PROBATE COURT. First Date ot Ihibligation April 29, 1W3. its timberor stone than tor agricultural pur­ do Springs and Denver; and will be tor 1QOO Estate of Emma Webber. Float poses. and to establish bis claim to- said land good to return anytime within ninety before Chas Xickell. U. S. Commissioner at 2 eveiyone v (90) day*. Passengers going via the stat ment approved and guardian dis- U Vafual Medford. Oregon, on Saturday, the 27th day of SHERIFF'S SALE uLcr >**» only a 2 June. ISK3. He names as witnesses: John Denver & Rio Grande are given the chargt d. Allan, of Eugene. Oregon; Rilev Hammersly. *1 .immense lour. Tn. It is not privilege of returning via a different Estate of Jas Harvey. First semi­ August Strause and John Hillis, allot Wimer By virtue of an execution issued out Oregon. route logue, but * work of ref: . fall cf Any and all prisons claiming adversely the For t) o rate to the point you wish annual rep rt of administrator tiled of the Circuit Court for the State of Or­ profitable i Jraoit: oil A . c ’.of .ver above described lands are requested to file Estate ol minor heirs of H If Ma­ t j go, and far dates of sale and oilier too illusti; ted pages, t e if you egon, for the County of Jackson, on the their claims in this office on or before said Jtth •-OCATEO 2 MILES NORTH OF JACKSONVILLE particulars, as well as for illustrated gruder. Order made to require inter­ day of June. 1903 mention thia poy.r. \.’r e for it 5th day of May, 1903, upon a judgment pamphlets, write. J T. BRIDGES. Register OWNED BY A. P. ARMSTRONG, OF PORTLAND, OREGON ested parties to appear May 25th and aud decree duly rendered in the said W. C M c B ride , Geural Agent, Farmer's iZandlxooK C ong i show cause why real estate should 124 Third St., Portland, Ore. court on the 29th day of March, 1902, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. A vahfck'Je Teferen.e book that tfc.’- all about not be sold. which said judgment was docketed in the cul'.uxa az.d c-re uf crops, preparation of Estate of C Magruder, deceased. U nited S tates L and O ffice . land, icrti’.xir;, spraying ti- Svut TREE if the Clerk’s office of the said Court in X- ... < Koseburg, Oregon. April lsth. 1903 ‘ ir li itLliia” purposes, from Pure-Bred, High-Grade Barred Plymouth Rock Same proceedings as above. dsaizel •.uV»ce 's hereby given that in compliance Jackson county, Oregon, on the 10th ' ; >1 rt cheap. The Barred Plymouth Rock b the best all-round chick­ with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of Estate of J A Boyer. Order for fi­ J AMP-5 VICH’S sows day of April, 1902, in favor of Andrew Junes. lBJb. entitled An act tor the sale ot en .-.town; m ttures early, grows large—a good layer, and unsurpassed for tbe nal discharge of administrator made. Roc i»ster, Xicx timber lands in the States of California.Ore- Irwin, Plaintiff, and against the “ Fort ­ gou. Nevada, and Washington Territory ” as t ib' I'.rst co tie, first served. Order now, and thus make sure of a start in Estate of Anna Curry. Monday. WELL- \t G: “I have gone 14 dap at a time without a extended to all the Public Land States by act t'.ii-f; sit;- rior fowl.. There is money in them, whether raised for the market Movement of the bowel». Dot being able to June 8th. set as day for the hearing of una Mining Company.” Defendants, of August 4th. tsy?, Emil Britt. of to Mr. ar.d move tbeiu except by u»iug hot water injection». for the sum of Two Thousand. Six Jackson county. State of Oregon, and a resi­ cr f r borne use. It costs as much to keep a “scrub” chicken as a pure-bred, Chronic coD«tlpatlon for seveu ye»r« placed me In final account. a daughter. dent of the Town of Jacksonville of said state, Hundred. Ninety-seven and 14-100 has this dav tiled in this office his sworn state terrible couditlou; during that time 1 did ev­ ­ and it is not worth half as much for any purpose. Call at the farm, or write. thl» Estate of J W Masterson. Sale of —At Grants Pass A i ri erything I heard of but never found any relief; »uob (82697.14) Dollars, with interest at the ment No. 4i«k>. for the purchase of the SWq of wm my case until I began using CASCARETS I real estate confirmed. to Dr. and Mrs 11. C. Dix ;,fon N° in Township No. E. R. ARMSTRONG. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON now hare from one to three passages a day. and If I rate of 10 per cent per annum from the XT South. Ss Range No. 3 West, and will wu rlcb 1 would give 1100 lO for each movement; it Estate of Jos B Wait. Ord^r of pro offer proof to show that the laud sought 29th day of March, 1902, until paid, to­ is more valuable for its timber li»ucbs relief • Avt.siin L. Hr nt . or stone rata distribution on certain claims 1SW Kuwell Si. Detroit. Mloh. gether with (810.00) Ten Dollars costs« J“»n for agricultural purposes, and to establish mac.e, amounting to 38 per cent. his j la m to said land before the countv clerk Ltícl ! and the further sun of Three Hun- OT,.J.!k.ik*>nn>i0ub,.y’ Creb’on. at Jacksonville. CANDY XI f Estate of M P Phipps: semi-annual dred (8300.00) on Thursday, the 16th day of July 1903 Doliars attorney ’s Oregon, w CATHARTIC c-j>rr T He names as witnesses; John F Miller, James account for April, 1903, tiled. after a hard ride, or a tiresome day, when the horses fees, g sil A ib. Tni ‘niner’ ¿ohn Marsh. of Jack on are unsaddled and all is made snug for the night, the Vilk, and Albert Perry, of Grants Pass. Estate of W K Smith. Inveutory .» f vv>ru And whereas it was ordered, ad- abi>vl MARRI i?d.?iiPf’rTQs. cla'm'ng adversely the MU -K AI and appraisement filed, and order for judged and decreed that the inortga, ?' obed lauds art- requested to file ch« ft . . - day of Ju “Sl»03thlS °“ee °r bv,ore said 1#,h sale of personalty made. a< h rs mentioned in plaintiff’s complaint R ummell —H eismann -At P r’.ian J.T BRIDGES. Estate of Henry A merman. Sec­ herein be foreclosed on ■ the mort­ whiskies are favorites with all prospectors, lumbermen, Mav 3, 1903, J >itn M. R m ueil Register. ■g is ter. tourists, and other travelers who feel the need of the ond semi-annual account of adminis ­ gaged premises described therein, to ­ quieting, restful and rejuvenating effect of these brands. G’iinti Pa-s and M's. Martha Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. DO _ _ No outfit is romplete without them, and in cases of wit: limber Land Act, June 3. 1878— Names. He mat n < f I’ etl n 1. Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 23c. 60c. trator filed. emergency, they are worth their weight in gold. SW} of SE} in Section 36. Tp. Estate of Rose Chavner; final dis­ Notice of Publication. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... ' ollak —A very —At Ashland, M y bars ; DRUGGISTS, CLUBS and DEALERS. 36 South, of Range 4 West of Willam­ charge ordered. CUrllM >».«7 ChlM<0. ■«.Ir.U, I.» lork Mi 9, 19i.3, L oyd Dougald Coll ¡r anti U nited S tates L and O ffice . ette Meridian, Jackson county, Ore­ NEW CASKS. W. J. VAN SCUUYVER ft CO., lac., Distributern. PORTLAND. IRE. Mi ' Carrie I’eiiri Avery, both < N a ,4~> <- .KuseburS- Oregon. Feb. S , 1903 ADMINISTRATOR’.: SALE OF gon. Alfred J Weeks and Edith A Orr vs «Hh ’ .h hereby given that iu evmpliariee Yreka, Cal f., by Rev. J. T. Abbott Treasurer’s Eighth Notice. BEAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given that I will on Juñe \‘ls-?’enStHlìS«ui ‘he Bc‘ of Owgreas of Wm F Herrin et al; to quiet title. N i -. wton -S hort --At Klamath Fa 1-. j 5 Office of the County Treasurer of 1 W 1 Vawter, attorney for plaintiff. Saturday, June6th, 1903, at the hour May 3, 1903, Almo Newton and Mi" Jackson County, Oregon, Jack- [■ In ’.be C< nvy Cea t f r ae’ so County, State of 2 o’clock p. m. of the said day, in W E Phlppt, vs W W Willits; to re ­ Edith Short, by Rev. J. B. Grilliith. sonvllle, May 8, ¡903. I - i 1. flammood. S tallcup —D ollakhide —Io Jack defendants — Fortuna Mining Com­ •’»l».'oi, Slops Quickne»» of Diohiir^., Stop» Nervon« | J Twf chlnv of Eye. Iats t.and at J “ Med- sell at private sale, su’.jei t to :o i rmation by I). II. M iller , County Treasurer property, to satisfy said judgment, in­ fora M»v lftT°He On»S* Comiulssioner ‘lUr'1“y’ th*- of 1«. Effect» are immediate. Impart vigor and potency t>» everi function. Don’t get M. A. Di liarhide. said county court, to the L’gh'.s bidder for terest, costs and attorney’s fees, also |.ond> nt, a cure 1» at hand. Restores small, undeveloped _____ ____ _______ _ A Startling Test. l&lorgHns. Stimulates cash, from aud after t raiu and nerve ce «er». 60c. a box, 6 for |2.50 by mail. A wiitteu guarantee, to cure Or ; ictiej rsfuudea, withb boxes. Circulars free. To save a life Dr. T. G. Merritt, of accruing costs, to the highest bidder •““Ski Saturday, May 30, 1803, DIED. Bear, tbe No. Mehtopany, Pa., made a startling for lawful money of tho United States. Ad drees, BISHOP REMEDY CO.. San Franclsc«, Cal Signature test resulting in a wonderful cure. He Dated this 6th day of May, 1903. All of the following described real proper ty I»c- writes: “A patient was attacked with of 16th day o?May. ia¿8 °ffice on or be,0PB SBld jouxltig to said estate, towit; J. M. RADER. violent hemorrhages, caused by ul­ jf th«» swq C art - Near Wilderville, May 7, 1903, C< mmencing at the SF c -z J T. BR idg ES. Register. Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon. of consumption, Mrs. W. H. Cart. ceration of the stomach. 1 had often 3.’ S, R » W; of NWM, Section 25. T«u. found Electric Bitters excellent for V < > t 190 f> < t Grants Kass, May H, C offman — At thence north 765 le t; ihirc STRAYED OR STOLEN. acute stomach and liver troubles, so 1 TEAMS WANTED. <> r et; thence thence south+46 feet; . . • i • 1903, James W. Cuffman; aged Wc prescribed them. The patient gained <• t. to place of aouth 31» feet; thercc c; ■ ■ years. from the first, and has not had an at­ We want a number of logging ,./\bl?elt,,,Orse’ stuall stir in face beginning, in J«ck- ■. i afy < tack In 14 months.” Electric Bitters teams and trucks to work bv tlm da» Dbhod; also a bay mare, strin in fdrp B ennett —At Cottage Grove, April A S 11 ND. has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million are positively guaranteed for Dyspep­ or contract. Addte-s < r cU| on Ap­ unshod, slight ce llar mark on ton of 1. liatu- Adminiatrc’cro' .< . state 25, 1903, of consumption. Sam Ben­ sia, Indigestion, Constipation and plegate Boom aud Lumler Company bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? 1 No Cure, No Pay. 50c. luond dec- a.