Thrice a Week World. HERE AND THERE. MEDFORD SQUIBS. b..T - n.®._Thrice' -a- a‘Wetk »»vt k World worm was a •riili int success in the beginning and has lieen steadily gn wiui ever since. 1 line is the test of ail things, anrt has ’»•t ns seal of approval on this pin>r, which is widely circulated in «‘very state and territory or the Union, and wherever there arc people who cm read our mot her longue. Tiie 1 a-W’ek World for the year 1903 will make its tow» service, if possible, mor«« extensive than ever. AP events of iiuix.rtance, no matter where th» y happen, are reported accurately and promptly. The su scriber, for only one dollar a year, gets three papers every we»»k a nd more news and geneial leading thin luostcreat daiiiis can furnish at live or six tunes the price. 1 lie Wi i-ld is abs dutely fair ;n its P'dit »'ll news. Partisan tiias is never allowed to affect its news column. In a idit ion to all the news the 1 hi ice-,i-Week World furni'-li- s the best serial ticiion, elaborate market r; p >rts ami ot in r leat ures » t inter» -t. Its regular subscription price isonlv $1 00 per year and ---- * this, *' pay, lor 156 papers We U" »iffer the Tlince-a-Week World and our paper . . r une year lor *2.00. The *uh be le^uotr ic^uiar'uti-cri) t n>ti price of the t wo papers is *2.. Tiie Grants Pa-s Carpenters’ Union C. H. Pierce of Ashland was a recent has given notice that after June 1st a visitor in Mt'dford. day will be nin«' hours, work with the M. F. Parker was at th«i county-seat piy to lie 33» cents, » r $.’> per day. one day this week. Deeds, mortgages, leases, bends J. R. Irwin of Tolo made us a jileas- bills of sale and every ima,triable kind of legal blanks t he latest and ant call this morning. best—are const ant ly on hand at the H. W. Jackson spent a few hours in T imes office. Jacksonville Thursday. An Albany mcreb int :ul vertices Rev. W. F. Shields made Jackson- “pretty t rings in shirt, waists for i ville a visit Thursday. sale.” We have pretty things in F. M. Amy of Central Point was one shirt wai-ts right here; but they are ' of our visitors Thursday. not for sale. Barents- Burdeit-Cou ts. the great Rev. T. L. Crandall returned Friday million tire English wi man, who e from his trip to California. deeds of philanthropy are known all Mrs. Peaison of Siskiyou has been over the world, was ‘.io yeirs old April 1 visiting Mr. ami Mrs. Cady. 21. She is in gm d heal h. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Kubli »if Apple- The Oiegon State Sunday School I gate are in Medford today. As-ociatiou will hold hs annual ses­ , Mrs. Emma Coleman Anderson of sions at Portland, beginning on May Ashland is visiting in Medford. 12tii and cotitinuing to ai.d i cuing Wm. Spence of Tolo and bis young­ the lòtti instmt. An unusually at­ est son made us a eall Wednesday. tractive pnyram Las lie.'ii arrange!. J. A. Norman and his family of Ash- Ru-siu's r.'|orted action of er.deiv- oring lo shut out trade of other coun­ i land have been visiting in Medford. Mr and Mrs. A. Beall, who live near tries in Marcliuria, and especially tin Miners Wanted. United Stale-, turns out to i e a » a- Central Point, are in our city today. nard. U. S. Minister Conger, at I*. - Ira Anderson has returned to Caii- Teng >i»'i tu'ners, wt.o h tve bad ex- kin, lias been nii-iuf.iruitd a-to th i fornia, after a short visit in Medford. perleme in pl teer mining, cm ge1 st-' idy employ ni-nt by ai-plt ing to th» intent «ms of Russia. Dr. C. R. Ka.v of Tolo and his fami­ unde signed. Wage-, 12.25 a day; The !>« i Norte Record says seve ral ly are in Medford this afternoon. biarl. tlO ceils a day. Add ess or hundred thousand young samoli, ca 1 1 on H. M. Coss is at Ashland today, He hatched by the Klamath Packing & O ld C hannel M ining Co.. is doing a big business there as well as Galice, Josephm, Co , Ore. Trailing Company, are ready to lie here. turned into tiie Riamai li nv r. Tiie \V. G. Day of Hornbrook, the detect­ fry are lo . v about three inches in STRAYED OR STOLEN. length. ive, was among those in our city re­ Toe di-grac'd Crown Princ-'ss of cently. Ill c’< hör-*“, sm ri -tir in f Saxony lias in iter -e. lu-io i uiveo F. S. Gould and family were among •od; a so.« l»ay mate, -rr»i> .»» f un-i'o •, -I ig h ' » » 'll »r ma » » »it to birth toa daughter. The cl.i d will j those who picnicked on Ashland creek teck, weiulo. about lOOo pou» »1 . i> ■ I ak»n tr m in r w in n th»e • weeks j Sunday. ward. AdJr of a,e, tira- add ng to the hitter pen­ J. F. Thompson of Greenback, the K. R. A KMSTKONO alty impos-d foi her flagrant tran - well-known miner, was in this section J !•-, Or, e. gie-sion, but not by any means c im­ Dieting it, -inee to deprive a miti lier today. TEAMS WANTED. utterly of her child»« n is to impose Capt. T. J. West of Brownsboro and lifelong suffering upon her. his son Bert were in our city one day want a ir.nnher of logging Irving M. Sc nt, the noted San this week. teams a id t ueks to work hi ihe daj Fraaci-o ship builder, died from a or contract. Addre-s » r Call oil Ap _H. D. Jones has returned to Medford. piegate Bo >m an i Lum'e- < Miupany, -:roke i f p ira.ysis. 1)»-was a ta ive He has been engaged in mining during of Marymnd, aged 65 yea»s, and Murphy, Josephine ciunty. Ore. . R. N ipper . Manager gained nati» nal lame a- the build‘r the past season. if the Oreg'n, the battles!) p whi h Lester Duffield, one of Gold Hill’s t» ok sudi a prominent part in sink­ ing the sj anish fleet at Santiago de merchants, was a Medford visitor yes­ Farm for Sale. Cuba, after a ir p ot 15 000 mibs terday. Eigbty acres of land, in Me:'.dows preeinc, around Cap H«>rn i n m ban Francis- Miss Ryal Bradbury is night operat­ black loan, part in cultivation. all " fenceu ‘ co. watered by two tine spr.ngs. 2-4 miles from or at the telephone office, and giving school, 211 miles from Gold Hi I. Title per Trains of ti e S. P. line from the feet drill be »Old al a bargaii. general satisfaction. soulh are 1 ehind time almost evtry pply for further particulars to SILA-» J. DAY’, A. M. Cannon, the attorney, who day, owinj to the enormous travel, Real Estate Agent. Jacksouv.lle. Or reipiirmg the Oregon •: x;rt'*s to b- went to Missouri, is expected home be­ hauled n two M CLK’n* most »f the fore long. time, and oc< a-i >nally in i thre-r s c- Mrs. S. F. West of Myrtle creek is Ii»'i s. lie freight uusiness is also the guest of her son, C. P. Snell, and very lieavy, owing to the numerous lumb< r and st» ck traits, besides the his family. For Infants and Children, Mrs. D. Hill has returned from her reL ular reiglr f r t“.e t.o them eoun- ir'. Brush Cdurnbi«, Alaska and trip to San Francisco and Oakland. I Le E is ern S'a’e-. Dillon met her at Ashland. You Know What You Are Taking Bears the Wm. Mitchell and his family left for When you lake Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, filcnaran» us because the formula is plainly printed on every Derby Sunday, in which section they b >ttle,.hewing that it is simply iron and Qui- b ue in a tasteless form. >'o Cure. No Pay. 5oc. have located. Mrs. D. H. Miller, who has been vis­ iting with relatives living at Etna,Cal., returned Thursday evening. F. W. Hollis and J. H. Butler were at Jacksonville Thursday, putting up a number of awnings. John Miller, one of the thrifty resi- dents of Phoenix precinct, made 1 us a pleasant call this morning. Ernest Welch, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb and their daughter, Miss Edith, have gone to Big Butte. AND II. I). Maplesden is in Southeastern Oregon and Northeastern California, taking orders for nursery stock. Will Grieve of Prospect and James I Grieve of Central Point were in Med- for»l Thursday, on land business. W. R. Coleman, the genial chant, and L. A. Ros«', both of nix. were among us yesterday. The One Real Big Event of the Season. The Fa­ D. W. Crosby, chief clerk at Hotel mous Oregon-Pacific anti Oriental Street Carnival Nash, is confined to his b<-d. M. Pur- Co. Furnishes the Attractions. A Multitude oi din is filling his place in the meantime. CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought STREET FAIR CARNIVAL JUNE 17, 18, 19, 20 Clean, Moral Shows and Free Exhibitions Come prepared to be surprised. A Mighty Ava­ lanche of Startling Features. PARADES, FUN AND EXCITEMENT. MUSIC! MUSIC! EVERYWHERE THE THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, I’ueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery bv Daylight to all Points East. London, May *.—Foreign Secretary Lansdowne has proclaimed a British Monroe doctrine in the Persian gulf and has practically notified the com­ peting powers that any attempt on their part to establish a naval base or fortified post in those’ waters means war with Great Britain. "I say without hesitation," said the foreign secretary, dealing with the subject in the house of lords yesterday rvening. “that we should regard the tstablishment of a naval base or a fortified port in the Persian gulf by any other power as a very grave men­ ace to British interests, and we should certainly resist it with all the invans at our disposal.” Lord Lansdowne preceded this ex­ plicit enunciation of British policy by a review of the situation there, as it affected British interests, contending that so far as the navigation of the Persian gulf was concerned, Groat Britain held a position different from that of other powers, both because ft was owing to Rritish enterprise and expenditure of life and money that the gulf was now open to the commerce of the world, and because the protection of the sea route to India necessitated British predominance in the gulf. Lord Lansdowne’s attitude in this matter generally meeto with approval, although the answers thereto of the other powers interested .n the gulf are awaited with some anxiety. The newspapers here comment on the analogy of the present proceedings, which Captain Mahan so strongly rec­ ommended to the lTnited States' policy of Monroeism. The Westminster Ga­ zette holds that the British motive, namely, the protection of the sea route to India, corresponds exactly with the American motive in excluding Euro­ pean powers from American waters be­ cause its territory is thereby threat­ ened. STOPOVERS ALLOWED At City Drug Store, Jacksonville cur»- dyspepsia ana all disorders arising ___rroni indigestion. Endorsed by physicians t every where. Sold by all druggists, . No cure, no pay. 25 cents. *" ' _ ‘ free by _ writing __ Trial package •o W. H. H ook UH '& Co., Buffalo, N. Y To Cure a Cold in One Day £ Cures Crip in Two Days. on every box. 25c. I’aine s Celery Compound makes the old feel young, and cures their ills, it has added years of health and enjoyment to many a life. Jse this great medicine regularly, and its invig­ orating powers will fill your declining years with health, strength, and happiness. Read what George L. Morse, 67 yeais old, writes:— WEt.i s »St R ichardson C o ., ' 1 " 1 w rd in favor of I’aine s Celery Compound, hoping it may catch the eye of some alllicted person, and they may receive the same satisfactory lienefit. Some 15 years ago I had a combination of malaria, chills an.l fever, and grip, which con­ tinued for a year or more; meantime I lost in weigh alKiut 60 pounds, trying different inedi- cines and doctors with unsatisfactory results. Paine’s Celery Compou mf the entire population of t World Wide Reputation. The 1) mociatic party of the F ; rs t Congrtssional District of the state of Oregon, in convention a sembler!, r<- affirms allegiance to the i ime-Uoiio-eci princip'es of government as promul­ gated by Thomas Jeffers» n. We are unalterably opposed to the present trie t (1 c’ation of our financial a» (I t r II legi-1 il ion, < sp daily as » x empliti» »1 by t lie Aldrich and Fowler bills n»iw p 'tiding before Congress, and rt»cl»re such conirol as subversive of o' go».d g, vernmeut. There is an overwhelming demand fiom a v »st majority of the p' » ij le L r a ret i-ion of t lie tariff along ra i anal lines. We repudiate the absurd prop- » sit,ion of continuing high pr< t. cl i ni on the products r.f gigantic trusts now grown plethoric with wealth un dvr governmental favors. We demand favorab'e action in lieu of mere j r >mi-es in se» uring federal improvements of our riversand liar- hois. We demand the passage of effective aws controlling trusts and sincere ( IT rts lo enforce them. Th-? | u’ lie 1 ■ lids lielong to t he pro- pie. and at v att< nipt to alienate said and- ci ntiary to iaw sho id b? c» n- d mi.e iat. the bar of public opinion; and wo there'ore favor an honest ad­ ministration of the land department as «ell as of all other d> parfmmts. Tie administration of Governor George E. Chamberlain,justly receives the commendation of all people, irrespective of party, and the record d the D- in cratic party in tiie recent 'egislature r.-fl cis honor upon the parly, and will rebound to the welfare of tiie -late. We commend their earn­ est endeavor to curtail public expendi- tt res in tiie interest of the taxpayers. Reduced Rates tromtlie East. Commencing Feb. 15'h, and »on- tiuuing to June 15th, there will be low rates in effect from the East via ti e Illinois Central IL R. to all Washing­ ton, Oregon and Idaho points. If any of your friend-or relatives in the East are cumin .’ W» st- while these rates are in effect give us their name and address and we will make it our busi­ ness to see that they are given tHe best possible service. We operate through personally conducted excur­ sion cars, and in fact give y< u the b< n tit of tiie latest conveniences kn iwn to modern railroading. We have 15 different routes between tie E-st and the West, and are hi I»o it j n to give you the benetit of the »•« -t combinations. Write u- and we will give you full particular-. B. II. Trumbull, C UNDERTAKERS DON’T STOP WORK V V f W n F V V V V M V for a Sprained Arm, Ankle or Back Buy a Bottle of SNAP SHOT. Rub in well and YOU ARE GOOD AS NEW Tastes like coffee—looks like IT HAS CURED OTHERS, IT WILL CURE YOU. White's Creau» Vermifuge has Healthful—nutritious. achieved a world-wide reputation as coffee. being the bi>t » f all worm destroyers, Snapshot, the wonderful destrover ot all forms ot lnfl»tnmatlonln manor beast and for its tonic influence on weak Boil from 5 to IO minutes only i'c Sutton'« and 11 per bottle. R K SUTTON, sole proprietor and manufacturenAshland, Oregon and unthrifty children, as it neutra­ Forala at City Drug Store. Jacksonville, and by L»r J Hinkle CentraPoint. ALL GROCERS SELL lizes the acidity or sourness of the niaeb, improves their dig-stion. FIGPRUNE CEREAL. and asslmiiai i m of f< rug Nt ire. fi Asie Tiie Agent — FOR — FOREIGN FACTS. r The Iwtt r warm The '’V’-C'-* V Z~ T^- ----- VIA — II 11 I i SOUTH AND cept his des:;, v. l named Coucuet. about to be ImmL francs were f<> claimed I I k ? moi contest Cou»Yhet ; 1 ? New Equipment Throughout « <• s. 2.00 pm 6:1X1 pm! 6.30 am 11:30 a m 7:00 am 6:30 pml 6:42 pm| 12:10 pm| I i ® ® ® @®te«l by tin- feminine world. Swinging cords, frogs, brandeliourgs, buttons, fancy gimps anti similar mili­ tary effects will be used on many of the spring jackets, coats and basqut- bodices. Lace figures very prominently as a trimming for the spring hats narrow scarfs of black chantilly, deep eream and Ivory white lace drnpeil around the rim of broad brims, the ends hang lug down either at the back or side. THE EAST L» Portland. ... Lv Medford......... Ar Ashland.......... At Sacramento .. ArSan Francisco. DAYLIGHT TRIP THROUGH THE CASCADE AND ROCKY MOUNTAINS :d left to iperty ex- a lawver Shasta 9 Trains Daily 9 Day Coaches, Palace and Tour­ ist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. A i iiiiei : ' i 11.»' » ity of » J.-ir'i NEW MAVEN. CONN. —VIA— L. .Fast Time* > i smokeless cartridges, made by U. M. C. Co., to fit the regular _JS-55 Marlin re­ peaters with Smokeless Steel Barrels, give high velocity, fiat trajectory and great smashing power. They can be reloaded with biack powder as the t»ist uf the rifles is adapted to both velocities. THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO TO SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS HAST............................................. V Marlin : I: : « ; Rock Island i Southern Pacific Co. Great ROUTE I > *» J raw. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. Th REVIVAL OF THE PRAIRIE SCHOONER’MODE OF TRAVEL Tacoma, Wash., May —The prairie schooner has been revived as one of the most popular ways of crossing the continent by settlers. During the spring to date some 200 families Tennessee, Misslsouri and other East­ Modern Equipment, through Pullman and Tourist ern states have arrived In the North­ west by this means. One party of 100 Sleeping Cars and Su|>crb Dining Car Service . . . . families came from Missouri, using 105 teams and wagons. They took a southern route over the plains,through F. W. Knowles, who lives near Jack­ Kansas and Nevada, then up through W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. For rates, folders and other Oregon. Some of the Immigrants re­ 124 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE sonville, is visiting his daughters, Mrs. mained in Oregon, and most of the information, address A. Hubbard, Mi-. W. \V. Woods and ethers have come into Washington. Mr9, F. M. Parker. Eli Pletcher and his wife, the vener­ greatly alarmed able parents of Dr. C. C. Fletcher, who arrived in Medford a short time since, By a Persistent Cough, but Her­ rnanently Cured by Cham­ now think strongly of locating horo. berlain’s Cough Remedy. Ellis Phillips, a grandson of G. Nay­ lor, is visiting in Medford, the guest of at his cousin, Mrs. G F. Schermerhorn. hi Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student i.t aw, in Greenville, S. C., had been Ho is engaged in railroading in tho trouhb d for four or five years with a northern country. contimus cough, which he savs H. J Elskamp and his family, who “grea'ly alarmed me, causing me to fear that I was in the first s’age of have been residents of our city during consumption.” Mr. Burbage, having the past several months, have left Med seen Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ford, and will probably locate in East­ advertised, concluedd to tiy it. Now r ad what he says of it: “I soon feb ern Oregon. a remarkable change, and al ter using two bottles of the twenty-five cent ACKER’S size, was permanently cured.” Fur DYSPEPSIA TABLETS sale by City Drug Store. 3 Fast rains Daily Between Ogden and Denver 3 Vigorous Old Age TURKEY’S HATRED IS INCREASING Constantinople, May «'.—The irrita­ tion in Turkish official circles against Bulgaria is constantly grow­ ing more acute, and the government of that principality has been formally notified in rigorous language that the porte holds it responsible for the outrages arising from the freedom of action which the Macedonian agita­ tors living in Bulgaria have been al­ lowed. It is reported that the porte has decided to mobilize the whole of the Second and Third army corps, sta- tioned at Adrianople and Salónica re­ spectively. The police of Constantinople have arrested about sixty Bulgarians and have made numerous domiciliary vis­ its. including one to the residence of the secretary of the Bulgarian Diplo­ matic agency, whose papers were seized, They were, however, subse- quently restored. as nothing compro- arising was discovered therein. Alarming reports are in circulation regarding outrages which are said to be proj«?cted here for today. The military and police guards in this city and its suburbs have been consider- ably strengthened. In the district of Pristent. Albania, two Albanian chiefs, leaders of the opposition to the reforms, have been arrested. The sultan’s reform commlsion is still at Ipeka. Albania, on which place Turkish troops are advancing with the object of dispersing the hostile Albanians in that vicinity. Vienna. May 6.—Advices received here from Salónica say that noting the fact that hundreds of Bulgarians have been arrested, street fights are constantly taking p"lace. Women and children, especially young girls, take Mrs C. H. Pierce of Ashland, who a prominent part in these disturb­ ances. has been visiting in Portland, got back It is ascertained that bomb out- the forepart of the week, rages have been planned in all the Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hosier of Ash­ towns of Macedonia. land passed Sunday with relatives and CANAL TREATY MAY friends living in Medford. HAVE ROUGH ROAD. J. D. Heard and J A. Whitman have been in the hills during the past week, Washington, May ?.—The latest ad­ looking after their mining interests. vices received indicate that President W. E. and Clarence Case are in Med­ Marroquin of Colombia has almost de­ ford today. The fo>-mer will leave for cided not to call a special session of the Columbian congress to act on the his home at Medina, Ohio, tomorrow. canal treaty. In the election In pro­ J. W. Bcrriam, superintendent of gress the opposition continues to gain the government hatcheries in this and the prospects for a government county, and his family were down from majority are so doubtful that Presi­ Elk creek a few days ago. dent Marroquin seems indisposed to Wm. Johnson, who arrived from act. The outlook, however, does not dis­ Oklahoma a few days since, is the guest courage the officials here. The United of C. M. Allen and his family, of Pooh States government has gone so far in Bah precinct. its negotiations *wlth Colombia that F. C. Henderson, the clever avant confidence is felt here that President courier of the Allen Stock Co., made us Marroquin will feel himself bound ^3 I a pleasant call Wednesday. He left carry out the engagements Into which he has entered. the same evening for Gold Hill Prof. N. A. Jacobs and his family, who have been residents of Southern California for some time past, will re­ turn to Medford in July. Messrs. Gray and Murray and their j wives arrived from Siskiyou county, I Cal., this week. They will locate among us, we are g’ad to say. Rev. J. S. McCain, who has been very sick, is improving. Ho is being treated by Dr. Butler, the expert os­ teopath. Democratic Platform at Al­ bany April 11. TIGHT LITTLE ISLE ADOPTS A MONHOE DOCTRINE. Can Take You Almost Anywhere 9024 Weeks & Faker Miles of the best »oad lr> the world all equipped with "THE BEST OF EVf RY THING.” The North-Western Limited Delly, between Minneapolis. St Paul and Chicago, lathe peer Funeral Directors and Embalmers West Side. Medford. Ore Open Niglits of all tine I rains. tor Information addresa H. L. SISLER, General Agent, 248 Alder St., Portland, Ore. T. W. TEASDALE, Gen. Paas. Agt. St. Paul, Minn A NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Through personally conducted Tourist sleeping cars between Portland and Chicago once a week, and between Ogden and Chicago three times a week via the Rock Island Through Standard Sleeping Cars daily betw«>eD Ogden ana Chicago via the Scenic Line. Through Standard Sleeping Cars daily between Colorado Springs and St. Louis. Thrnigh Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars daily between San Francisco and Chicago via Los Angeles and El Paso. Through Standard Sleeping Cars and Chair Cars daily between St. Paul and Chicago. Be sure to see that your ticket reads via the Great Rock Island Route The best and most reasonable Din­ ing Car service. For rates, folders and descriptive literature write to L. B. GORHAM, T. J.CLARK, General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agt» 250 Alder Sts, Portland, Or. Medford Furniture Co., HouseFurnishers and Undertakers. JohnH. Butler, Funeral Di­ rector. Day Phone Main 353. Night Phone Main 251. Will. McDaniel has opened a neat cigar, confectionery and fruit store in Ryan’s building, ’ Jacksonville, anil keeps a complete assortment of the best of everything in his line Standard fe’eais th. brands a specialty. Give him a call, Bit; nature j for he will treat you well. « I he Kind Yuu Haw Always BougM I