The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, April 29, 1903, Image 4

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    S crofula
I bequeath to ray children Scrofula with all its
attendant horrors, humiliation and suffering. This is a
gtrange legacy to leave to posterity; a heavy burden to
place upon the shoulders of the young.
This treacherous disease dwarfs the body a«id hinders
the growth and development of the faculties, and the
child born of blood poison, or scrofula taiuted parent,ige,
is poorly equipped for life’s duties.
Scrofula is a disease with numerous and varied
■ymptoms; enlarged glands or tumors about the neck
and armpits, catarrh of the head, weak eyes and dreadful
skin eruptions upon different parts of the body show the
presence of tubercular or scrofulous matter in the blood, This dangerous
and stealthy disease entrenches itself securely in the system and attack«
the bones and tissues, destroys the red corpuscles of the blood, resulting in
white swelling, a pallid, waxy appearance of the skin, loss of strength and
a gradual wasting away of the body.
S. S. S. combines both purifying and tonic properties, and is guaran­
teed entirely vegetable, making it the ideal remedy in
all scrofulous affections. It purifies the deteriorated
blood, makes it rich and strong and a complete and
permanent cure is soon effected. S. S. S. improves
the digestion and assimilation of food, restores the
lost properties to the blood and quit-kens the circulation, bringing a healthy
color to the skin and vigor to the weak and emaciated body.
Write us about your case and our physicians will cheerfully advise and
help you in every possible way to regain your health. Book on blood and
akin diseases free.
THE. SWIFT SPECIFIC co., Atl*nt«. Go.
Democratic Platform at Al­
bany April 11.
The Democratic party of the First
Congressional District of the state of
Oregon, in convention assembled, re­
affirms allegiance to the time-honored
principles of government as promul­
gated by Thomas Jeffersrn.
We are unalterably opposed to the
present tru»t dictation of our financial
and tariff legislation, especially as ex
' empli tied by the Aldrich and Fowler
bills now pending before Congress, and
declare such control as subversive of
of good government.
There is an overwhelming demand
a vast majority of the people for
n Rieger*» CfiDfarab Perfume»
a revision of the tariff along rational
n aada I k tba Stat» where the
II greatest flower fanes In the l i lines. We repudiate Hie absurd prop­
osition of continuing high protection
wcrtl are kxated.
on tbe products of gigantie trusts,
H CaBfornla*» sweetest odor» w *.
|| are prettily bottled for those
now grown plethoric witli wealth un­
H who cannot visit «ad se» and
der governmental favors.
fl pldr and smell the beautiful
We demand favorable action in lieu
of mere promises in securing federal
i flowers of thb weaderful Stat»,
Ou|te«w Una just arrived—
improvements of our rivers and har­
wonTyoo com» and aeo th»
V vfaitore from th» West, Rhgar*»
We demand the passage of effective
laws controlling trusts and sincere
California Perfumes I
efforts to enforce them.
‘ 4
The public lands belong to tbe peo­
ple, and any attempt to alienate said
J. W. RebiusOL's Drug’btoie,
lands contrary to law should be con­
Jacksonville, Ore.
demned at the oar of public opinion;
and we therefore favor an honest ad­
ministration of the land department
well as of ail other departments,
p The administration of Governor
George E. Chamberlain,justly receives
the commendation of all people,
! irrespective of party, and the record
1 of tiie Democratic party in the recent
legislature reflects honor upon the
party, and will rebound to the welfare
Price Now One Dollar
of the state. We commend their earn­
estendeavor to curtail public expendi­
There has never been a remedy that
tures in the interest of the taxpayers.
actually cured piles—until this one
ÍSK li
was discovered by Dr. Perrin. There
is not a pers .n who sutlers from this
distressing disease who is not will­
ing to pay fl.00 to have the cause
removed permanently. Immediate
results—and you take it, that’s all.
Good for Children.
The pleasant to take and harmless
One Minute Cough Cure gives im­
mediate relief in all cases of Cough,
Croup and LaGrippe, because it does
not pass imn ediately into the stomach,
but takes effect right at the seat of
the trouble. It draws out the intlam
mation, heals and soothes and cures
permanently by enabling tbe lungs to
contribute "pure life-giving and life­
sustaining oxygen to the blood and
In all it* stages.
Ely’s Cream Balm
cleanses, soothes and heals
tiie diseasi-4 membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
sway a cold In the head
Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads
over the membrane and is absorbed. Rei.ef is im­
mediate sad a cure follow*. It is not drying—does
not produce sneezing. Large Size, 5o cents at Drug­
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 ceuu.
ELT BROTHERS, 5« Warren Street, New York
St. Mary's Academy,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Established in 1865.
THE SCHOOL continues the careful train
Ing and thorough Instruction for which
It is favorably known.
in charge of competent and experienced
teachers. Board and Tuition per Session
of Twenty Weeks, $80. Studies began
September 2, 1902.
For prospectus, address
A ndrews —In Medford, April23, 1903,
to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Andrews, a
C rump —On Applegate, April 22, 1903,
to Mr. and Mis. Frank Crump, a son.
M c E lroy —Near Jacksonville, April
22, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc­
Elroy, a daughter.
T ayler —In Medford, April 25, 1903,
to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tayler, a
daughter—weight 9j pounds.
R eed —In Medford, April 19, 1903, to
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Reed, Jr., a
G ildersleeve —At Ashland, April
20, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Gilder­
sleeve, a son.
F enn —A cock —At Williams, Jose­
phine county, April 16,1903, by Rev.
W. T. Goulder, Ashley Fenn and
Miss Martha Isabelle Acock.
Sisters of the Holy Names P atton — N eace — At Waitsburg,
Wash., April 15, 1903, Seymour F.
• Patton, formerly of Grant’s Pass,
and Miss Sarah D. Neace.
M c K instry — D e L amattkr -At Gold
Hili, at tbe ievidence of tbe bride's
April 23, 1903, by Rev. Ed­
Is now in its twenty-third year.
ward B. Lockbait, Edwin Mc-
Kinstry of Seatlie and Mi.-s Damu
Every teacher an expert in his spec-
lai course. Our courses cover the en-
O rth —A nkeny —At Eugene, April
tire range of business operation.
Complete business course, time unlimited
21, 1903, Jchn S. Orth, clerk oi
by mall .............
...................... I ■ä>
Jackson couny, and Mbs Dee Ank­
Complete shorthand ocurse, six months
oy mail........................................................
eny, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Complete civil service course, six months
by mail ...................................................
Mrs. H. E. AnkeDy.
Complete Eigllah course, six mouths
by mail ...................................................
15 S ilsby —B rown —In Yamlriil county,
Complete select studies, six months
April 22, 1983, John S. Sihby and
by mall .................................................
Mi<s Edith Brown.
These courses »re especially designed tor
Business College and
School of Correspondence
those who have sot the time nor means to at-
tend college, and especially for those who have
been deprived ot a common school educa' Ion.
» Tbe greatest care is gtv-x to each Individual
student. Diplomas awaroe I s-aduates Send
tor particulars and state tbe course you want
J. B. McKEK. Prop.
Auerbach Bldg
Salt La e City, Utah
' Jlhave been grown by thousand» of sat 11
/lisfied customers for over fifty years. I \
/ They ore a good u can be procured any- \
/ where in file world. At the prices listed in \
our catalogue we deliver good» to you FREE \
of ezpreas or mail charges.
Vick’s Garden
Floral Guide
for 1908 (
Valuable to everyone who plants seeds,
whether it’s only a flower bed v an
inunense ianu. It is not a mere cata­
logue, but a work of reference, full of
pwifitable information. A book of over
loo illustrated pages. Free, if you
mention this paper.
Write foe it.
Fanner’s HaxndbooK
A voluzbU reference book that tcllv all about
*th« vulture ami care of crops, preparation of
u«ot fertureiug, spray mg, etc. Scat FREE if
n?Xj> K--—■
M m mb
New York
C lark —At Cent ral Point, April 23,
1903, Mary, wife of JohuClark; aged
34 years.
C harley —Near Brownsb m, April
27, 1903, Etna, daugi t r < f Mr. and
Mis. L. Chai ley; a el 17 years.
D ugan —In Jacks nville, April 18
1903, T. F. Dugat; age I 68 y
11 mcntiii* aud 2 days.
Bright’s Disease
The largest sum ever paid for a prescription
changed handit in San Francisco Aug. 30. 1901.
The transfer Involved In coiu and stock 1112,-
500 and »as paid by a parly of business men
for a spec tic for Bright's Disease andDiatieles
hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced tbe serious investigation of
tbe specific Nov. 15. 1930. They interviewed
scores ot tbe cured and tried It out on its
me Its by putting over three dozeD cases on
the treatment and watching them. They also
go physicians to lame chronic, incurabl
cases, and administered It with tbe physician
or judges. Up to Aug. 25 eighty-seven per
cent, of the test cases were either well or pro­
gressing favorably.
j There being but thirteen per cent, of failures,
the parties were satisfied and closed the trans
action. Tbe proceedings of the Investigating
committee and the clinical reports of the test
--yrs were published and will be mailed free
appUcai’.on Address J omn J . tT ilton Co.
their own liigh-wallcd abodes. With
all tbe literature that Oregon has
J ohn W anamakkr ’ s S on , Rodney, been distributing tbe past few years
has taken out a policy for au addition­ it seems incredible that so little of
al $1,000,000 on his life. He carries Oregon is known in the East. For
$2,000,000 insurance now, iilOO.OOO some reason, it has, in the opinion of
more tl au his father, but not ¡.s I Mr. Bates, been only within the past
much as King Edwanl of England.
four or six months, since the Harri­
A n official tl the Interltr De­ man information bureau took tbe
partment says tiiat irigautlc swindles matter up seriously, that great re­
against the Goiernii.ent have been sults have been accomplished.
uncovered in Oregon, at d says that
Robbed The Grave.
indictments will probably be secured
A startling incident is narrated by
against a number of former h lders t f
Oliver of Philadelphia, as fol­
land offiers in this state. Tiie report John
lows: “I was in an awful condition.
of tiie experts who I ave been making My skin was almost yellow, eyes
tiie investigation on b'lialf o' the In­ sunken, tongue coated, pain con­
terior Department lias not been made tinually in back aud sides, no appetite,
weaker day by day. Three
public; but it is generally understood growing
physicians bad given me up. Then I
to contain sensational revelations.
was advised to use Electric Bitters;
my great joy, the first bottle made
C ol . F rank V. D raxe has te- a to decided
improvement. I continued
signed as-uperirtetdent of the Ore. their use for tiiree weeks, and am
gon Information Bureau, which is now a we’l man. 1 know they rob­
maintained at Portland as a place bed the grave of another victim.” No
should fail to try them. Only 50
where ah newcomers can go to secure one
cents, guaranteed, al City Drug Store.
information about any part of Ore­
gon. Since Col. Drake iiad ttie mat­
Fresh Milk For Batter.
Samuel llaugilalil. the prize winning
ter well in iiand, it will not be diffi­
cult for his successor to take up the butter maker, claims no man can make
work where lie left off and continue as good butter when milk is delivered
to inform visitors of the resources of only once in two days as when it is
brought in daily. To give further em­
the state, though the position is phasis
to the argument he says the
not an easy one to til), for to properly best butter lie ever made—the two Par­
illustrate Oregon's varied resources is is packages, for instance—were pro­
no small task.
duced from milk which he got bold of
Ex-G overnor L ord , U. S. minis­ shortly after coming from the cow and
ter to Argentina, will arrive in Ore­ which was the same day. The
milk deliverer has been en­
gon til is week. He says that lie was infrequent
couraged too much. To remedy the
advised by liis physician to take a va­ evil he proposes that the patron who
cation, as be was run down from semis his milk to the creamery every
spending nearly four consecutive day la.’ paid a cent more per pound of
years in Buenos Ayres, Already he butter fat than tbe ruling price, lie who
is much benefited by the change of delivers it every other day the ruling
climate. He will spend several weeks price, and he who semis less frequently
in Oregon before returning to his a cent below tue ruling price. There is
reason in these suggestions, «nd
station. Mr. Lord did not know un­ giHii!
the adoption of them would inlluene»-
til advised by tbe Oregonian corre­ beucUcially the quality of butter.—
spondent that the Oregon delegation Creamery Journal.
had recommended Charles II. Can y to
succeed him. He had nothing to say
A Bed of Parsley.
either as to their action or his future
A little bed of parsley is not as com
110:1 as it should lie in country gar
lens If it is lacking this year, there
E astern D emocrats hops that 's al! (lie more reason to plan a sow
tbe next national campaign may be l’ig f >r next season, it must be renieiu-
fought latgely on the tariff issue. >eri'<i. lest discouragement result, that
1 hey realize that the Republican etrsley requires plenty ot time to ger
Congress at the coming session will nina’.;’. four weeks l.eing an ordinary
not enact legislation amending the >. rio 1 l.efore the little seedlings show,
Dir.gley schedule; therefore there .ad it may even lie six weeks before
w ill be every opportunity for making .¡e leisurely parsley makes up its
the tight on tbe tariff. But it is also .i: id to appear above ground. A strip
to be noted that Eastern Democrats f carpet laid over the place where the
<\1 is sown until it begins to sprout
are becoming more conservative on •observes moisture and encourages
the tariff. Many who a few years
. initiation. Soak tile se;tl a few
ago were rami ant free traders and ueirs I k fere rowing. In tiie fall lift
advocated tiie complete overthrow of i ci'itiip of parshy with a spade, so as
the Republican tariff are tow advo­ :■ ! to breaa the earth around th<
cating inly a miditication of that >>ts. ¡¡nd place it in a box, wliicl
tariff, patticularly on trust-made ar- ii «’.¡Id s,«nd In any reasonably Ugh
•1. e where it will not freeze hard
lich s.
id thm supply a winter garnish and
W isconsin has lost her supremacy ia coring.
as queen of the pile forests. The
The 'liynnnl Plan,.
h rmal announcement lias been made
that one of tbe largest timber opera­ One of tbe new seedling plums fruit,
tors in the northern woods, together he ex|h'iimeut grounds of Luther Btir
with the last of the great lumbermen uink which lie deems valuable i
Maynard in honor of l’rofes«or
of Minnesota, bad practically closed -. uned
T. Maynard < f Mas.-acliusetts. who
out their interests to embark on new - tw the ori ittal tree iu (tearing uu the
ventures in the far West. Other Ir.rlank ptaee in California several
lumbermen have preceded them, some e .rs ago Mr. Burbank sent me sped
to the Pacific Coast, with its wealth .ions ¡’e.-e'.-iy. tie says that the kiz<
of redwood, fir and pine, others to s one-.hud Iu I .w the average owing
crop 11 sn. -.l] trws. lie also
the as yet virgin forests of tbe South. > a 1
a>s that Hie ire < cf this variety an
Within the last two years it is esti­ u snrpr.-j ir, vig r and «re early and
mated that $20,000,(R0 c;q ital has left ibtiut! nt I carers.” The size of the
Wise: orin forests for the West or 'ruit is large enough and the color
South. No less than a dtzen great lark purplish red. Tbe flavor is rich
lumbering companies have abandoned -iibarid. much like that of many of the
lapan type, to which it belongs, it
Wisoonsin for li.e fresher forests.
would be pronounced good in quality,
T he U nited S tates will piotest rhe iksh is firm enough, quite juicy
agaiust the practical cession of Man­ and tinted with purple throughout.—
churia to Russia. This country will II. E. Van Dernau in Rural New York
aot independently of Great Britain
bnd Japan, lb< ugh in harmony with
them. Russian officials proieas to be
Retail Market Report.
surprised at the protests of America,
The following quotations werc
a’jd try to explain away the demaud ____________
made up this _________
afternoon, ,___
and is an
made on China. Germany will not impartial report of the prices charged
inteiteie, considering Manchuria out­ by Jacksonville dealers:
Wheat—90c per bushel.
side her sphere of influence, Russia
Flour—$2.20 (a $2.40 per 100 pounds.
and France are thoroughly agreed on
Oats—50c per bushel.
Barley—Rolled, 11.25 per cental.
a policy iu Cuioa, and it is predicted
Hay—Per ton. baled, $15.
that I rance will take tue next step in
Potatoes—l(al|c. per lb.
partition. A diplomat at Washing­ Onions
—lc per pouud.
ton explains that Russia is in tbe hab­ Butter—50c per roil.
it of fur tbe maximum and af­ Beaus—3(qoc Der pound.
Lard—15c per pound.
terwards making concessions, aud
Eggs—15 els per dozen.
that sue will doubtless yield large Sugar
—D. G. $5.90(a$6.40 per cwt.
privileges to American commerce.
Poultry—13.50 to $4.00 per dozen.
Hams—16c(®17c per pound.
“O regon must be a pretty big city Shoulders— 12jc per pound.
uy Ibis time” was the remark made Side Bacon—15(420c per pound.
uy the manager of a big machinery
house of Piltsouig to Philip L. Bates
ul Poril tud, publisher of tue Pacific
A black horse, small star in face,
Miner, while he was on a recent visit
also a bay mare, strip iu face,
io the East—a sample of the amazing uusboa, slight
collar mark on tup of
geographical iguorauce of some east­ neck, weight about 1(XXJ pounds. Re­
ern business meu whose time is so oc­ ward. Address
E. R. A rmstrono ,
cupied by their owu affairs that they j
Jacksonville, Ore.
see no iartner than the iiurizjn of
Matters of Importance Transacted at
the Court House.
What is Happening in Our Sister
Jennie Downing to Ed Al­
bright, 10 acres iu sec 16, tp
39, 1 e.................................... I «1U00 (XI
John W Coleman to Ashland
Iron Woiks, property in
1 00
J J Howser to M A Andersou,
1 acre in d 1 c 42, tp 37, 1 w.. 1625 00
G W Carpenter to G A Wolga
mott, 30 acres in sec 33, tp
38, 1 w..................................
10 IMI
John Watters to Columbia
Mines Co, nej of stc 6, tp 34,
4 w....................................... KKI (10
Cl Hutchison to E L Owen,
property in Medford........... 300 (XI
E K Anderson to Laura V
Edwards, lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and
12, blk K, Talent................. $ 1 00
R Beswick to T Hartley, lot 7,
blk s, Ashland..................... *XI 00
T Hartley to S C llamaker,
lot 7, blk 8, Asbiand........... 1525 00
Martha Murary to Rufus Cox,
lot 12, bik 10, Medford ....... 1000 00
E B Pickel t> Serena Boyd,
lots 13, 14, 15 and 16, blk 2,
Medford............................... 2150 0(1
Amelia Elmer to A Slover, lot
1, blk 65, Medford............... 600 00
W T York to D B Soliss, lots
7, 8, and 9, blk 66, Medford 750 00
CNiningerto James Harvey,
lots 13, 14 and 15, blk K,
Talent.................................. 325 00
Aunie M Thomas to Geo Rass-
man, elofeA of nwj of sej
of see 8, tp 39, le................ 200 00
A D Helms to H F Howard,
1 acre indie 40, tp 39, le. 650 00
Mary D and P W Hughes to
Emma J Walker, property
in Ashland.......................... 300 0(1
PROBATE court .
Estate of Augle & I’lymale. Order
for final settlement and distribution
Estate of Jessie Hammond. Peti­
tion for sale of real estate granted.
Estate of Rose Ciiavner. Order of
final settlement and distribution
Estate of M P Phipps, Semi-annual
account approved.
Estate of John Woods, Order made
appointing Benj Haymond adminis­
trator and W Hillis, Win Flippin and
G F Scbmidtlein appraisers.
Estate of Wm S Cook. Order made
appointing Robt M Cook administra­
tor and Betij Haymond, Wm Flippin
and Thus Dungev appraisers.
Estate of Angle Jt Plymale. Ob­
jections to administrator’s final re­
port tiled.
Estate of Ann Helm-: order made
to sell personal property.
Estate of Max Muller; first semi­
annual report tiled and order made to
pay preferred claims.
D J Switzer vs Chas Meserve. To
recover money.
marriage license .
April 25, Frank N Fuller and Mae
S Van Stockton.
Shamrock III.
All true lovers cf sport in this
country will look forward with much
interest to the arrival of tbe new cup
ciiallenuer, Shamrock Ill. which tbe
English people expect will lift the cup
this year. While America has held
the supiemacy in yacht building for
years, she also hoidstbe supremacy in
medicine. Take Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters as an example. No other
country in the world bad been able to
produce a medicine so good to restore
the appetite, build up the run-down
system in tbe spring or to cure nausea,
indigestion, flatulency, dyspepsia,con­
st ipated bowels, biliousness or ma­
laria, fever and ague, It is therefore
deserving of a trial Be sure to get
the genuine with our Private Stamp
over tbe neck if the bottle. It will
cure you.
for hatching purposes, from Pure-Bred, High-Grade Barred Plymouth Rock
chickens, is dirt cheap. The Barred Plymouth Rock is the best all-round chick­
en known; matures early, grows large—a good layer, and unsurpassed for the
table. First cotne, first served. Order now, and thus make sure of a start ill
these superior fowls. There is money in them, whether raised for the market
or for home use. It costs as much to keep a “scrub” chicken as a pure-bred,
and it is not worth half as much for any purpose. Call at the farm, or write.
A/ways say “Cyrus Noble“
in reply to the great American Inquiry, “What’ll it be ?’
whisky is the best straight drink. In high-balls, punches,
egg-noggs, whisky sour, or fancy nnxed drinks, the
N oble brands are true to their name. They are peers
among the nobility of stimulants. Call for them
■// FfaeM Wh»M Drink» »m Diapnnsnd.
W. J. VAN SCHUYVER* CO., lac., Distributers, PORTLAND, ORE.
uioval of alkali, neaily all of tiie
“white" type, it was found that where
the water table was within six inches
or less of the surfnee the amount of
alkali was low. The maximum effect
of capillarity in Hondo meadows soil
was found where the water table was
about two feet Is-iow the surface of the
ground, as was shown by tbe maxi
mum accumulatl’in of alkali, lirains
less than three Let deep were not ef­
fective. Tin iloodiiigs applied to the
natural salt grass covered surface re­
moved about one s. veuth of the total
alkali from tbe first two feet of soil
and carried n large amount of that for
merly in the fust foot down into the
second. Seepage water should be cut
off by deep draius placed ou the side
of the land from which it comes. Com­
bined open «ltd tile draius cost from
$20 to $30 per acre.
For Sheep.
Xfter quite extei.tied experiments tbe
Colorado station timls that for sheep o»
lambs licet pulp is a valuable ratio»
and fed in connection witli alfalfa is
especially desirable during the first
part of the feeding period, 1‘uip fed
mutton has a good flavor, but
very fat. I'ulp and alfalfa for iambs
made galm nt a small cost per pound
and gave the largest profit last winter.
The second best prolit was from lambs
which were fed spelt and alfalfa, Tbe
third best combination from tiie stand-
point of profit was beets anil alfalfa,
with a ration of corn the last thirty
days. decreasing the aniouut of beets
fed at the end of the fattening period.
Wheat, barley and alfalfa gave little
better profit than alfalfa, beet pulp and
grain. The corn ration gave the least
protit when compared with any of the
lambs which were fed beets or beet
pulp.—Orange Judd Farmer.
We want a number of logging
tiams and Ducks to work by the day
or contract. Address <r cell on Ap
piegate Boom nnd Limit er Company,
Murphy, Josephine county, Ore.
W. R. N ipper Manager
T housands S aved B y
in n.e
Over U) years by the luwiere of the Mormcn Church and thefi
roilowcr«. Positively cures the worst cases in old and young
.lsitig Iri to effect» of st.If abuse, ili'^ipation,
execute», . or cigaretle
__ „ Carn
’ Boat t
J.»»t Power, Night-l-osseu,
unUaotl. Iinpvt* to y. Lout
Night-l.oaaeu, Spermatorrhoea,
Npermatorrhoen, Insomnia,
1- a in 11»< k Evil llealr.a, Hetainul IimlsaloBa, Lame Rnrk, Nervuna Debility,
córele, or Const ipa-
-.'«iarhe, Vnfl’aras to Marry, I.ox, ot «emen, Vari-
Twlltblng of Eye­
. i, Ktopa Qulckneaa ot Dla. liurjje, fltope Nervoua
eJa, J»ffe< tsure imm'-diate. Impart vigor and potency toever? «NTS function. Don’t get
organs. Btimnlatei
. q>on<l> ui, a cure B at hau'l. Restores »mall, undeveloped______________
the brain and nerve ce Vers. ¿Uc. a box, 6 lot 12.M by mall. A writleu guarantee, to cure or
money reluudeu, with b boxes. Circular» free.
Address, BISHOP REMEDY C<X, San Franclae», Cal
At City Drug Store, Jacksonville
County—It is in Front Rank.
Judge Hanna discharged the jury
Saturday. It was kept busy most of
the time.
W. H. Swinden of Applegate
among the many in Grant’s Pass dur­
ing the past week.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been,
Chas. Crow, ex-county assessor, has
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
removed to Galice creek, where he is
and has been made under his per­
engaged in mining. Success to him.
sonal .supervision since its infancy.
II. P. George of Waldo and Chas.
no one to deceive you in this.
Swinden of Murphy­ were among those
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but
in Grant’s Pass last week. They were
Experiments that trille with and endanger the health of
on jury duty.
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Jas. Cline, formerly a resident of
Jackson county, is now a resident of
Josephine county, where he has located
on a homestead.
Castoria is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare­
Jack Snelling of Galice creek, the
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is l*leasant. It
expert miner, was in Grant’s Pass one
neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
day last week. He may become a resi­
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm»
dent of Jackson county in the near fu­
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea ami Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
John T. Woolfolk, who has been en­
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tiie
gaged in mining in Pleasant creek dis-
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
trrict, lias returned, and lately begun
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
making brick in the vicinity of Grant’s
Assessor Fallin and his deputy, B. O.
McCulloch, are busily engaged in the
Bears the Signature of
assessment for 1903. Both are well
qualified for the task, and will doubt­
less give general satisfaction.
II. C. McIntosh and Jas. 1). Stevens,
who aro old residents of Josephine
county and well acquainted with its
timber, are operating together in the
location of government lands.
J. D. Allen, who is one of the best en­
gineers in the county, is employed at
In Use For Over 30 Years.
one of the big saw mills operating near
Grant's Pass. He has been holding a
responsible position at the Golden Drift
Mining Co.'s plant.
Guy Gano of Grant’s Pass, the pop­
ular photographer, will soon make a
tour of Southern Oregon. He has a In tbe County Court of Jackson County, Oregon
U nited S tates L and O ffice .
Roseburg. Oregon. April, 2. 1903
In tbe matter of theEstate of Wm. S. (Jook,
complete and first-class outfit, is equipfi- deceased.
Notice Is bereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tbe act ot Congress ot
ed to do the best of work, and never NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned June
3. 167*. entitled "An Act for tbe sale of
has been by said Court duly appointed as the
fails to give satisfaction.
administrator of the estate of Wm. S. Cook, timber lands in the States of California. Ore­
Any and all persons having claims gon. Nevada and Washington Territory." as
Caldwell & Howell, the leading deceased.
against said estate are required to file the extended to all Public Land States by act of
duly verified, with me at my resid' nee in August 4. 1692. Justus Norris,of Wimer, county
wheelwrights of Grant's Pass, are con­ same,
Rock Point Precinct. Jackson county. Oregon, of Jackson.State of Oregon.has this day filed In
office his sworn statement No 484 , for tbe
stantly addin » to their stock of goods w ithin six months from the date of first publi­ this
purchaseof tbeSWqof Sec No !. in Twp No 34
and machinery. They have one of the cation hereof.
cf Range No 3 W. and will offer proof to
ROBT M COOK. Administrator.
show that tbe land sought is more valuable for
best shops in Southern -Oregon and J. R. N eil . Attorney for Estate.
stone than lor agricultural pur­
First Date of Publication April 2V. UM j 3.
poses. and to establish his claim to said land
turn out first-ciass work.
before Chas Nickell. U. S. Commissioner at
Medford. Oregon, on Saturday, the 27th day of
Eugene Evans, who was for a num­ ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. June.
1903. He names as witnesses: John
ber of years one of Spokane’s leading The undersigned.having been duly appo.nted Allan, cf Eugene. Oregon: Riley Hamtnersly,
brick masons, has removed to Grant’s and qualiOeri as administrator of the Estate Oregon. Strause and John Hillis, allot Wimer.
Ann Ross Helms.late of Jackson County .Ore .
Any and all prisons claiming adversely tbe
Pass with his family, and may become ot
deceased, persons having claims against said above
described lands are requested to tile
hereby txititied to present them, I tbelr claims
a resident of Southern Oregon, Be with the are
this office on or before said 27tb
proper vouchers attached, to me at 1 day of June, in
my residence at Ashland. Jackson County. Ore .
hopes to regain his health here.
J T. BRIDGES. Register.
within six months from the date hereof.
J. A. Turner, who recently opened a Da .ed this 15th uay of April, 1903
real-estate ottice at Grant's Pass, is do­ Administratrix of tbe MRS
Estate of Ann Ross
ing well. He has quite a list of desirable
U nited states L and O fficx .
properties for sale, and does nothing
Roseburg. Oregon. Feb. 18, 19u3.
given that in compliance
but a reliable business, Intending
of the oct of Congress of
U nited S tates L and O ffice .
purchasers will do well to give him a
1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
Roseburg. Oregon. April Istb. 1R<3. June 3, lands
in the States ot California. Ore­
Notice is hereby given that in compliance timber
Territory.’’ as
with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of extended to all tbe WasbiEgtoc
Land States by act
C. Richton and his wife, who reeent- June 3. 187». entitled "An act for tbe sale of of August 4. lt®2. Public
Arthur Morrow, cf Grants
timber lands in the States of California.Ore- Pass. County of Josephine.
or Territory)
ly became residents of Applegate, I ' gon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as' of Oregon, has this day tiled State
in this office his
extended to ail tbe Public Land States by act sworn statement No 4471. for
tarried a few hours in Grant's Pass re­ i I of
purctase of
August 4th.
1892. Emil
of the KE 4 of Section No. 2e. in the
Township No.
cently. Mr. R. and Mr. Baumgardner ! Jackson county. State ot Oregon, aud a resi­ 37
will offer
of the Town of Jacksonville of said state,
to show that the land sought is more
have become interested in a promising dent
has this day filed in this office his sworn state­ preof
valuable for its limber or stone than fcr
No 4»66. tor the purchase of the SW4 of agricultural
mining venture, which will be heard ment
purposes, and to establish his
NEM of Section No 26, in Township No. claim
said land before R. L. Bartlett,
from in the near future.
37 South. Range No. 3 West, and will County to Clerk,
at Grants Pass. Oregon, on
offer proof to show that the land sought
the 4tb dav May. 19u3 He names as
Paul Sehtnidt, w ho recently came is mure valuable for its timber or stone Monday,
H Nock. David Morrow and
than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish J D. Mock.of Grants
Oregon, and Albert
from Albany, has rented Kienlin's his
claim to said land before the county clerk Perry of Jacksonville. Pass.
Jackson county, t’regon. at Jacksonville, I
brick building in Grant's Pass, former­ of
adversely the
Oregon, on Thursday, tbe 18th day of June.1903.
lands are requested re file
ly occupied by Henry Walter, has He names as witnesses; John F Miller. Frank above-described
before said
Neil. John Marsh, al! of Jacksonville, and 4tb day of May, 1913.
handsomely renovated and re-arranged 1 K Albert
Perry, of Grants Pass.
J. T. BRIDGES. Register.
it. He keeps a complete line of the Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
; above-described lands are requested to file
best wines, liquors and cigars, and ; their claims in this office on or before said Isth Timber Land Act June 3, 1878- No­
spares no pains to please his customers. : day of June, 1MJ3.
tice for-Publication.
Frank Heck, a clever mixologist, as-
U nited S tates L and OrrieE.
sista him in catering to the public.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878—
Notice of Publication.
Due Notice is Served.
Due notice is hereby served on 1 he
public generally tiiat DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve is tLie only salve on the
market that is made Horn tiie pure,
unadulterated witch hazel. DeWitt’s
Witch Hazel Salve has cured thous­
ands cf cases of piles that would not
yield to any oilier treatment, and thia
fact lias brought out mary wortiiless
counterfeits. Those persons who get
Removal of Alknli.
the genuine I>eWitt’s Witch Hazd
In experiments ou the Hondo twttoin Salve art never disappointed, because
lands near Roswell, N. M., for the re it cures.
Sugar Beet
This wonderful medicine posi­
tively cures Consumption, Coughs
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu­
monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La-
Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat,
Croup and Whooping Cough.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Cure. No Pay. Price 50o. & $ I.
Trial bottle frea.
Josephine County Court.
U nited S tates L and O ffice .
Roseburg. Oregon. F^p Sf, 1903.
Notice is hereby given tbst in -con.pliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress ot
June 3. 1878. entitled An act for the sale of
timber lsr.ds in the States of California. Ore­
gon, Nevada and W asbington Territory." as
extended to nil tbe I’ublie Land States by act
of August 4, 1892. Richard Callaghan of Duluth.
County of St.Louis. Stateof Minnesota.has ihis
day tiled in this office his sworn statemen: No.
4517. tor the purchaseof tte Northwest Quarter
(NW1») ot Section Number 4. in Township
Number 40 South, of Range Number 2 West,
and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes. And to establish
bis claim to said land before Chas Nickell,
United Stats Land Comu-lssioner at Med­
ford, Oregon, on Saturday, the 16th day of
May, 1903. He names as witnesses: A G.
Mathews, of Duluth. Minn.; Frank Kassl afer.
of Jacksonville. Oregon, W G. Kenney, of
Jacksi nv Hit. Oregon. Sol. Bright, of Watkins.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
tbelr claims in this office on or betore said
16th day of May. 19v3
J. T. BRIDGES. Register
Jas Carter and C A Boulware vs J P
and J T Tuffs; to recover money.
Judgment for plaintiff for 8226.
J O Booth V9 II L White; to quiet
Timber Land Act, June 3, 18.8—
title. Decree for plaint iff.
Notice for Publication.
J A Jennings vs Phoebe Hillcourt;
to recover money. Dismissed.
U nited S tates L and O fficb ,
Roseburg, Oregon. March 19, 1903.
Henry Booth vs May Booth; to qui­ I Notice is hereby
given that in compliance
with the provisions ot the act of Congress or
et title. Judgment for plaintiff and Junes.
1878. ertitied "An act for the sale of
certain property ordered to be recon­ timber lands in the Stales of California. Ore­
gon. Nevada and Washington Territory." as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
August 4, IS12. Robert M. Bayfield of
W J Mathews vs Eureka Mining Grant's
Pass, county of Josephine. State ior
Co.; to foreclose mechanic’s lien. De­ Territory) of Oregon, has this dav tiled In this
office his sworn statement No. 4660, Tor the
cree granted plaintiffs.
purchase of theN',ofSEq ard N‘, of SWq
Section No 28. in Township No. 37, South
W P Wright vs F H Osgood and ot
of Range No. 3 West, and will offer proof to
John S Craw ford: to recover property show that the land sought is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
Judgment for plaintiff.
purposes, and to establish his cla’tn to said
land before R. L. Bartlett, County Clerk, at
Grant’s Pass B & T Co vs Thus Grant's
Pass. Oregon, on Friday, the 5th day
Butts; confirmation. Sheriff’s sale of June. 19i3. He names as witnesses: A H.
Mock. Arthur Morrow, noy Bunvard of Grant's
Pass. Oregon, and A. Pe.-ry of Jacksonville,
Elia Cjpe et al vs Big Yank Mining Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Co. Same as above.
above described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office on ur before said
Benj. Dimick, O. M. Knox, II. M. 5tb
day of June. 1903.
J T. B kidcks . Register
Garner, J. J. Steiner and E. C. D’Ar-
rnond excused from jury duty. W. 11.
Simmons did not appear.
Martin Pecharovich vs Home Insur­ NOTICE is hereby given that the under­
ance Co.; to recover money. Dis­ signed, as administratrix of the estate of
Morris Case, deceased, will, on or after the
7tli Day of May, 1903,
Hubbard & Day vs H E Brown:
foreclosure mechanic’s lit n. Dismi-s- at her homo in Sam's Valley, Jackson
county. Oregon, sell at private sale to
Roseburg. Oregon. February 25. 19u3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Ore­
gon. Nevada aLd Wasting ton Territory,” as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4. IS«. Alexander G . Mathews, of Du
luth. County of St. Louis State of Minnesota,
has this day tiled in this office his sworn state­
ment No. 4516. for tte purchase of the SWq
of Section No 4. in Township No 40 South, of
Range No 2 West, and will offer proof tc show
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purpos­
es, and to establish his claim to said land be­
fore Chas. Nickell, U- S.Commissioner, al Med­
ford. Oregon, on Saturday, the 16th day of
May. 19u3. He names as witnesses: Rio-hard
Callaghan, of Duluth. Minn.; Frank Kassbafer
of Jacksonville. Oregon; W. G. Kenney, of
Jacksonville. Oregon; Sol Bright.of Watkins,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 16lh
day of May, 1903
J. T BRIDGES. Register.
U nited S tates L and OrrieE.
Roseburg. Oregon. Feb. 16. 18Ü3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1676. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Ne
varia, Oregon and Washington Territory," as
extender In all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, law. Abel H Mock, of Grams
Pass. County of Josephine. State ¡or Territory)
of Oregon, has this dav filed in this office
sworn statement No. 4472. for the purchase
of the NW q of Section No. ». In Town-
ship No. 37 South, ot Range No. 3 West
and will offer proof to snow that thé
land sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, »nd to
establish his claim to said land before R. L
Bariett. County Clerk, at Grants Pass. Oregon
on Monday, the 4th day of Mav. 1W3
rames as witnesses: Arthur alortow, David
Morrow, j. D. Mock of Grants Pass. Albert
Perry ot Jacksonville. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office ou or before said 4tb
day ot May, 1603.
J. T. B kidges . Register.
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon
for the County of Jackson.
C. B. Hostel. Plaintiff,
Chas. Nickell. T M Prim.
R. R Dunn. C. W. Kahler.
Port land Trust Company-
Suit in Equity
White Sewing Machine
Company. Northern Coun­
ties Trust Company, Lim­
ited. State (of Oregon)
Laud Board, August Tup­
per, Minnie Obenchafn
and Nettie Martin, De­
1 ‘17 ?■; P<riln' R K Dunu and White Sewing
the highest bidder for cash, all ol the right,
itx've n’aiied’’“ny “COrPor*““«>>.defendants
title and interest of the said estate of Morris
In the name of tbe State of Oregon You
Case, dt ceased, in and to the following de­
and each of you. are bert h) required to ant^ar
scribed real property, situated in Jackson and answer the complaint of the -itsive c«*»....,
plaintiff, in the aline rrfi.i 1 1
county. State of Oregon, town:
.lie with the Clerk“fc"within ten““»?s°frem
Tbe \t i of the SWq of see 14, aud (hi \V4
th,S !iUninH,ns «I»’» 'ou.
of ihe NW q o’ sec 23, all Iu twp 35, S of K If' servedOiin 7 Jib
“I liave been troubled n grent deal uumbered 2 W of the W M, containing I60 m n'ed'in any mhe^u^li’ttee <&'
with a torpid liver, winch produces constipa­
tion. 1 found C'ASCAKETS to bo nil you claim acres, with a right ot way to be an open lane servW of n'lL1” lwvut> l’“' s flvni date of the
. trvitt of this summons upon you; or if served
tor them, and secured such relit t the first trial, forty feet, commencing at a joint where the on
you out of the Stare of Or. gon or by tihH
that I purchased another supply and was com­ present county road leaves the above de­ catton then on or before six weX after the
pletely cured I «hull only bo too glad to reo­
rvl<’e. or on or before six w eeks
ommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity scribed premises, and running E to the county after the date K‘‘ of
first publical ten of said s,.„,
Is presented. "
J. A S mith .
road near uie Antioch school house.
bvf>’re the 23d dav of Apr“’
2920 Snsquehauiia Ave . Philadelphia. Pa.
Also the NEq of the NE1* of sec 21, the 1993. And you tire hereby notified that if voufa.i
NWMotlhe NW'* of sec 22. the W, of the U apjiear and answer said complaint as herebv
SW i* of see 15 and theSE'* of the SEq of sec ^“trvd. the plaintiff will take default agatast
you and will apply to the court for the relief
1«. all in twp .’& S, R 2 W of W M, con.a:ntng
,or,,Vaid ‘'‘’“»Plaint, namely;
rt 11< surt of a mort/are executed *bv d»*f» n <
2iki acres, subject to mortgage held by W. E
Case, on which there is due * 1,5uu.
otlou iug described premise*. irituBted in the
This sale will be made pursuant to an order ’’'n’i'W'Y
“fid State of Oregon, to w it •
T he b. 3 of the SWM of sec 14 uud the Fi .r
made by the lion. Charles, iu.igeof the
■a!’ ““ 1,1
county court of Jackson county, Oregon, and "»! iV " M1 1,,aI sa,d mortgaged premises i>e
of date April 6, 1903.
’••(iafy the principal sum and Interest
mortgage, and a reasonable attorney's
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. De
fee, amounting in the ainrreifate to
Administratrix of tte Estate of Morris Case
Good. Nover Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c.50o
Sterling Kenedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, New Yerk.
and guaranteed by all drug-
M .Til.RAP
• I U-DAÜ gi8U to CVKE Tobacco UablU
o - a - stouta .
Boon the
^8 Kind You Haw Always Buigit
MI.?.|hM,:!3„by/l'en ‘h“'.“11 Persons are strictly
forbidden from entering or in any ntauner
trespassing upon the premises of the under
signed. 8or description of my land see Jack-
sou county records. AU trespassers will hp
punished In the manner provided fir in
lion 1793 of the Criminal ¿ode of Oregon Mv
agents have full charge of this matter
0fX““SX‘t of ‘j^k“nR«>in“tnvntiiU,lge
made iu chambers on the 7?hX of
lion March 11, lstix'0“'
ot Br“1 Publlca-
Attorney tor Pi.s.iw