dûmes JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1903. VOL. XXXIII BRIEF MENTION. CURED BY DR. WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE. Kvery Sutterer will Reco|;nise the Symp­ toms l>et*eribed by Mia* KoHu^, a Former Sutterer. Healthy and rosy-cheeked, lex »king* as though she had never known asick day. Miss Helen Ruling has nevertheless pus.«<*d through intense suffering. To a reporter who called at her home. No. 267 South Washington street, Columbus, Ohio, she said : “Two years ago I had an attack of acute indigestion, accompanied by ner­ vous troubles ami dizzy spells. I lost iu w i;'l:t, my complexion Iteeame pale and Kill '\v, sb,'lit exertion made me breathe hard ami I could not walk any distance w i bout getting all tired out. I Itecaine alarmed and sought medical aid, but the doctors gave me no lasting benefit and I continued to grow worse. My stomach could not digest even the simplest and most wlMdusome food, and dieting did not seam to help me. And I was so tired and worn out all the while. “ It was l)r. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People that cured me. I rcr.il ;in article somewhere telling what those pills had done am»I began talcing tin m. Relief came almost imm< .lately. 1 kept on taking them aud tuy color came Ixu-k, I could eat again with relish and with no bar of distressing constqnencea. I 1« gun to f, el strong and active and iu a short time Was restored to perfect health.” What Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People did for Miss Ruling they will do for others similarly afilieted as is proved bv thousands of cases on file. Dr. Williams’ I'ink Pills cure stomach trouble by their tonic action, building up the digestive organs and enabling them to do the work that nature in­ tended them to do. Artificial ferments and predigested foods weaken th** stom­ ach iu many cases. Medicines should not do the stomach's work but should r>ut it in condition toperform its natural functions. A diet book giving useful information will be sent free on request by writing to the address bek >w. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills f< r Pale People are s- ld at fifty centsa b x or s.x boxes for two dollars and fifty cents, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Com­ pany, Schenectady, N. Y. They are never sold in bulk or by the hundred. Avoid imitati >us; sulMtitutaa never sued anybody. The President's Train Southern Pacific officials have re­ ceived notification that the Presi­ dent’s train will be turned over to the (fficialsof thisdivi«ion al Dunsmuir on May 20, at 11:40 a. m. 1 he train is to be brought into Portland at 2:15 p. m., May 21. Tlie«e are the two points in the schedule for the run over the South ern Pscltic front Dunsmuir north which have been definitely settled. The local officers of the r< ad iu charge of this division, will have to work out the schedule from Dunsmuir north. When this schedule i« finally complet- d it will show the exact hour at which the special train will reach all the towns in Northern California and Southern Oregon. The schedule f r tie President’s special tiain is to be observed faithfully, and ea h sta­ Çy • tion will be made promptly. Since every precaution is to be taken to keep the track cleir aud to see that everything is in perfect order, there will be no trouble In protecting th» schedule. NOTICE. Referendum Petitions. M edford , April 27. At tiie request of a iiumber of bus­ iness men and working men of this city, I desire to say that any legal voter in Jack-on county, or anywhere in the state, can sign the referendum petitions now b*ing circulated, but as the county clerks must certify that he believes such signers to be voter«, it is always test to register before signing, if the signer is not already a registeied voter. The petition f. r the referendum of the Portage Rai1 way Corp*«ration Tax Bill and Exemption Bill can be found at D. H. Miller’s hardware store. All de-iiiug to sign the peti­ tion will please do so as quickly as possible. W. C. C owgill . Spring Humors Come to most people and cause many troubles,—pimples, boils and other eruptions, besides loss of appetite, that tired feeling, fits of biliousness, indigestion and headache. The sooner one gets rid of them the better, and the way to get rid of them and to build up the system that has Buffered from them is to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Pills Forming in combination the Spring Medicine par excellence, ot unequalled strength in purifying the blood as shown by unequalled, radical and per­ manent cures of Salt Rheum Scrofula Scald Head All Kinds of Humor Blood Poisoning Catarrh Bolls, Pimples Psoriasis Rheumatism Dyspopsla, Etc Accept no substitute, but be sure to get Hood’s, aud get it today. N. D. YOUNG, Civil Engineer and Locator of Government Land, WIMER, - OREGON Next Friday is May day. We pay the highest market price in cash for sheep’s wool anil goat’s hair. Nunan, Jacksonville. Geo. W. Reynolds, who has invested in a tine camera, will go to Elk creek this week, to take views. He is doing excellent work. Wool bags, tli*eee twine, Little's Sheep Dip, for sale at Nuuan’s, Jack­ sonville. Spring salmon fishing commenced at the mouth of Rogue river, April 6th. To date the catch has been better than during the same period last year. Subscriptions for Mr. Bryan’sp pers Tlie Commoner, the leading Demo­ cratic newspaper in the United States are taken at T he T imes office. More or less frost has been the order during the past week, and early fruit has been hurt considerably in many places. In some localities ice formed. ummm £ PERSONAL MENTION W. C. Deneff spent several hours in Medford Tuesday. W.G. Kenney spent a few days in Medford this week. Dan Reynolds made his many friends in Jacksonville a visit Monday. Miss Bernice Cameron of Uniontown has been visiting in Medford recently. District Attorney Reames and Judge Prim were at Ashland one day last week. Hon. W. M. Colvig has returned from a professional visit at Grant's Pass. Al. Pankey, the genial manager of Hotel Oregon, was down from Ashland Sunday. Mrs. H. D. Kubli and Miss Ada Cam­ eron of Applegate visited in Medford Friday. C. W. Haines is in the valley, look­ ing after the interests of the Bug me tannery. W. J. Plymale, the well-known news­ paper correspondent, was in Medford Tuesday. Mr. aud Mrs. S. C. Minnick, who live near Central Point, were in Med­ ford Tuesday. L. Lowe was at Grant’s Pass last week. He will leave for Resort, Idaho, in a short time. Judge Hanna, who is holding court at Grant's Pass, spent a few hours at home on Sunday. M. J. Donaldson-Selby and Wnj. Sears of Sterlingville precinct were in town yesterday. Ernest Langley and his wife are visit­ ing in Medford. They have been stop­ ping at Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Orth returned from Portlaud Sunday night, and have gone to housekeeping. Alfred Gorden was in Medford Mon­ day, en route to Klamath county, to look after his stock interests. Lewis Martin, who has been visiting in Jacksonville, returned to his home in Harney county last week. J. F. Ramsey, who lives near Central Point, IL Rogers and his two sisters, tarried awhile in Medford Tuesday. A NEW ORDER OBTAINS IN OREGON. For Fifty Years Hostetter’s Stomaeli Bitters, Grove’s Tasteless Coin Tonic has stood the test 25 years. bottles LOCAL NOTES. Prof. E. E. Washburn was an Ash­ Births Must be Recorded and Burial land visitor Saturday. Certificates Issued. Coppie Bros., who live near Union­ town, were in Jacksonville Wednesday. It is necessary, after Feb. 20 h, to Hon. Robt. P. Neil of Ashland has make official record of every birth and been making a business trip to Rose­ every death. A new law, that is al­ burg. ready in effect, requires every phyi-i- The County Commissioners’ Court cian, midwife or head of the family will be in session next week, beginning to give notice by the end of the mouth Wednesday. to the county health officer of any V. Cook, a member of the Sterling birth that occurs under his or her charge. Every physician, midwife or Mining Co.. arrived from Portland head of a family must give notice to Wednesday. such health officer within 48 hours of Rev. 8. H. Jones will hold services every death. No burial can take place at the Presbyterian church Sunday until a proper burial certificate has evening, at 8 o’clock. been made out and transmitted to the Hon. and Mrs. Miles Cantrail of county health officer. These n qutremeut- are tlie result of the act cieating the state board of health, which passed the late legisla­ ture. It contained an emergency clause, and to >k effect on its . pp-oval H. Grigsby, a promineut citizeu uf by the governor. It creates a county Lake county, Calif., has been visiting as well as a state health board. The his brother, Thos. Grigsby of Rogue county board is the county judge and river. He may return here in the fall. I SEVERE ATTACK OF GRIP county physician. If there is no coun­ The Readlek Co., a first-class troupe, Cured by One Bottle of Chamber­ ty physician, as is the case in Jackson, will perform Camille, one of the great­ lain’s Cough Remedy. then the county buard of health as est plays ever written, at Wilson’s ‘‘When I had an attack of grip last well as the county health effi er. opera house ou the evening of May 4th winter (the second one), I actually To this officer must be reported all Harry Andrews, who has been in cur»d myself withone Itoitleof Cham- infectious diseases, deaths, causes Medford visiting his family, returned beiIain's Cough Remedy,” says F. W. thereof, places oi burial of every per­ Perry, editor of the Enterprise, Sliort- Josephine county. He is in the em­ vllle, N. Y. “This is the truth. 1 at son that dies in said county, and in ploy of the Old Channel Miniug Co. ti u es kept from coughing myself t case of birth of auy child give name pieces by taking a teaspoonful of this as book-keeper. of parents, their residence and their remedy, and when Hiccoughing «pt 11 “Strength and vigor comeof good would c >me on at night I would take occupation. food, duly digested. “Force,” a ready- a di sc, and it seemed that in the Power is given the county board of to-serve wheat and barley food, adds briefest interval the tough would pass health to quarantine again«t infec­ no burden, but sustains, nourishes, in­ off and 1 would go to sleep perfectly tious diseases in other county or vigorates.” free from cough and its accompanying counties of the state, to quarantine The carnival and street fair which pain«. To say that the remedy acted as a most agreeable surprise ispultiug any case or ca>es of infectious diseas­ was announced to place in Ashland in it mildly. 1 had no idea that it would es witiiin said county, and to call uj>- June, under the auspices of the local knock out the grip, simply because 1 ou all police ofticers, sheriffs and con­ lodge of W. of W., has b«en indefinite­ had never tried it for such a purpose, stables to enforce such quarantine. but it did, and it seemed with the ly postponed. second attack of coughing the remedy All cases i f birth, d over the arrival of their first grand- Mr and Mrs. Gus Newbury and Rev. He Invented “Gin Rickey.’’ tats, aerialist, riders, jugglers ami child, born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- S. II. Jones were Medford visitorsdur- clowns lip.ve been added to tl'.eir enor­ who Elroy, w ho live near .1 ackson ville,on Colonel Joseph Kyle Rickey, said to mous collection ot trained animal«, ing the week. So were Misses Reuter the22«l. The little one’s great grand be the originator of the famous drink and the aggregatim augmented t> and Britt and Mrs. T. Cameron. folk are also alive and well. Prof. A P. Armstrong of the Port­ known as the “Gin Rickey,’’ died sud­ fully twice the size of former years, Roy Hurlburt, who is charged with these enterprising showmen have land Business College, who has been denly at New York April 23d. He being one of the Lyons gang of horse carefully guarded against their well- visiting Laurelash Farm, situated two was formerly a resident of St. Lld at six Round-tri p collections, on account of the tax roll reception at Portland. Weinstock, Lubin & Co. have only or seven t itues the price of Standard tickets will be sold Maj - 20tk for $9.90, for 1902, which shows that he roceived new go 'ds luugbt since the dre in Oil. It has paid dividends of #10,000, • and turned over to the county treasur­ good returning until May 22nd; to Sa­ January. 000 in a single year on a nominal capi­ er the big sum of #102,106 14. This lem the round trip will cost $8.30 tal of «2,500,000, of which only #1,200,- leaves only $16,891.06 uncollected, of 000 was ever paid in—a rate of 400 per which $12,680.06 is delinquent. A very cent on the par value or 833 per cent creditable showing. on the cash investment. Il has paid Capt. Carroll, who owns a fine or­ over #80,000,000 in dividends ia thirty chard, situated a few miles northeast years. of Medford, and raises peaches, This celebrated family mod mine has boon before the Toe Red Jacket shaft pf the Calu­ aprieots and o her early fruit of a su­ public and has established a record of cures of stomach, met and Hecla is the deepest shaft in perior quality successfully, informs us liver and kidney complaints unequalled by any other the world—4900 feet in vi rtical depth, that Jack Frost has overlooked his STOMACH remedy. To-day, it is generally conceded that or almost a mile. It goes over 3000 plaee so far. He exhibited a twig bear­ FITTERS feet below the level of ti e sea. ing* number of apricots of good size The owneis of this mine have been as evidence. especially lucky in n t encountering Walter Kyler of Corning, Mo., who any gr.at nias-es i f| me copper. 00 is connected with the Harriman lines A neighboring ui’ne was almost is the most reliable family medicine before the public. I œ as immigration agent, spent a few days , No home is complete without a bottle of it in the medi­ bankrupted by striking a chunk of tine ri in the valley this week, for the purpose | cine chest as a means of preventing serious illness. It metal weighing six or seven hundred m m positively cures of becoming better acquainted with it. I tons. It, was woith al out #200,000; He says that never before In the history Loss of Appotite, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, hut it c mid never be. dug or bla-ted, of Pacific Coa*t has tin* influx of set­ Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation, and had to be cut away with chisels. tlers is been so great as it ¡»now. Insomnia ani Malaria, Fover and Ague. Tie Indians of the Lake Superior Chas Nickell, U. 8. Commissioner region knew ab mt its c»*ppt rdesposits is also especially adapted to women in need of atonic for the District of Oregon, is billy and regulator. Don’t, fail to try it. The genuine must for hundreds of years and used to equipped to receive applications un­ have our Private Stamp over the neck of the bottle. worship the nuggets as ei lier cods der the timber and stone, also home­ ' themselves or the treasures of goods. stead laws. Final proofs taken, and •..»•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• all business connected with U. S. gov­ ernment lands transacted. Office with S outhern O regonian , Medford. Phone 211. H. Snook, Welch Jc Co. and Mr. Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction McChesney were the only ones who Guaranteed. submitted blds for the construction of Jacksonville’s proposed school house. To Coro Coustl|»r ion Forever .Ska Cascarela Candy Cathartic Ilk* or 26< All were much higher than the esti- > 7 C. (X tail to curs. drurglMa rotund mates made. No action has as yet been taken by the directors, who made a great mistake in accepting the plans of Burgraff,an architect living at Albany. Rodgers Bros.’ Comedy Co., whieh was billed to perform in Medford Sat­ urday night, was not allowed the privi­ lege of doing so. A report received from Ashland, to the effect that the show was of a rather of “warm’’ na­ ture, caused the proprietor ot the opera house and the authorities to discour­ age the appearance of the aggregation. It gave performances at Jacksonville and Gold Hill, however, and those in attendance say it was not so bad. The officials of the Roseburg Land Office were kept busy Friday by (¡lines being made by settlers on township 15 south, range 3 east, w.'ich was thrown open for settlement at 9 o’clock that day. About 40 settlers were in line, and most all were successful in their filings. A young man supposed to b buying for Land Agent Andrews, of the* O. X C. R. Co., was hustled out of line, but a woman was allowed to take* her stand near the front end of waiting settlers. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million ' ? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Grove’s Black Root. Liver Pills. MR. REAMES’ CAMPAIGN WILL BE GENTEEL In Every Way. Devoid of Personali­ ties and One that Will Reflect Credit on His Candidacy. Paraphrasing New York’s time- honored election expression, A. E. Reames will c me duwn the Umpqua river with an overwhelming majority. It is impossible to temain long in this part of the First Congressional district without being impressed with the imnien*e popularity uf Mr. lieames among the votes all classes. The fact that he has once easily car­ ried this district is partial proof, at I least, that his chances are excellent to repeat tiiat achievement on the Union precinct were among those in Absolutely Pure first day of J uue. town during the past week. In this part ot the suite Mr. j Rev. J. D. Murphy holde services at THLR£ IS NO SUBSTITUT* Reames has. lived all his life, with i the Catholic church in Jacksonville •the exception of a few years spent iu Sunday, at the usual hour. • ■* Eugene. Portland, San J use and Lex­ Remember that little Verna Felton ington, Va. Tfio-e who are backing A Dashing Young Woman appears in ‘ The Power of Wealth,” his candidacy make no small point uf Comes to Grief. which was written for her, at the mat­ the fact that his hume popularity is a inee Saturday afternoon. What is believed to be the first step good recommendation to the people Interesting Josephine county items, farther removed frem the place uf his toward prosecuting those involved in also circuit proceedings, will be found residence. the alleged land frauds in Oregon has on the last page of today’s T imes . Mr. Reames lias already organized been taken by Secretary of the Interl- Johnny Cantrall has gone to Klam­ his campaign, which he proposes to ; or Hitchcock. He has asked of the ath county, where he will remain with prosecute vigorously from tins diy Department of Justice that steps lie his brother, Roscoe Cantrall, for until the date of election. He has aken to secure the indictment of arranged his itinerary, and p oposesto Miss Marie Ware, formerly United some* time. cover the district very thoroughly, States iand commissioner at Eugene. Jacksonville Fire Co. and the board It is understood that among the speaking in as many places as the in­ of trustees will hold their monthly ses- numerous charges of extensive land tervening time will permit. This sions Monday and Tuesday evenings frauds in connection with the admin­ itinerary has teen arranged in respectively. conjunction with the District Con­ istration of Oregon offices is one Miss Kate Edwards, an excellent against Miss Ware, and that the De- gressional Committee, and will be an­ dartmeot has been secretly iwresti- musician, has organized a class in music nounced in a few days. It will tike gating me matter for several months. at Jacksonville, and is meeting with him from one eud of his district t • She recently resigned her position, considerable success. the other, and nwt more than two or and it is now said that she has disap­ The Supreme Court has affirmed three c unties will be < mitted, peared and the Federal officers are Judge Hanna’s decision in the case oí among these being Coos ani Curry, searching for her. Miss Ware was indiscreet, tc say Hilgar vs. Miller, involving the title to ■ which it is impracticable to reach in the least. She is a dashing and styl­ a house and lot in Medford. ish woman, and was commonly known the limited time remaining. as “a good fellow.” She was not Chas. A. Foeller, one of Trail creek’s ' It is quite surprising to learn of the bound by ordinary conventionalities, thriftiest citizens, was among those in ! rem irkable support that i- c ming to aud was a thorough Bohemian. Hor­ Medford Tuesday. He reports that him vi luntarily from ail quarters. ace McKinley, who has been promi­ section in a flourishing condition. Every mail brings voluminous c rres- nent in the location of timber land tn Oregon, and who has not earned the Judge Hanna returned from Grant’s 1 pondence containing proffers of as­ reputation of being scrupi lous, is Pass Wednesday, having finished the I sistance of the most valuable kind. said to be an intimate friend of Miss business that was presented at the If there be anything in surface indi­ Ware. Aprli term of circuit court for Jose­ cation-, one must judge that the drift Incorporation Perfected is towards Reames. His campaign phine county. Chas. J. Nunan is with us again, and managers realize lhe heavy majority The Rogue River Fruit Growers’ interest in baseball and other sports that must be overcome, and that to Union held its regular meeting, which has revived considerably. He com­ overcome it is not a small ta-k. Or­ was an important one, at Medford Sat­ pleted a course in one of the leading; dinarily to do s j would be a practical urday afternoon, at the office of J. A. impossibility, but a careful ana y-i-> of Perry. business colleges of San Francisco. ! the situation satisfies them, so they The articles of incorporation hereto­ District Attorney Reames, who will ! assert, that they will be able to ac­ fore adopted were signed in due form be our next congressman, went to Ash­ ■ eomplish that for which they are and the organization of the Union as a land Wednesday morning.- He be­ I striving. corporation perfected. They have been gins his campaign, which will be a filed with the Secretary of State. Cap- vigorous, effective one, and free from CAMPAIGN NOTES. I Ital stock has bten placed at #1000, in personalities, in that city tonight. shares of $5 each, nearly all of which Rev. E. B. Lockhart will hold servic­ A strong effort Is being made to has been subscribed. es at the M. E. church in Jacksonville | The following board of directors were Sunday evening only: subject—“An­ induce President Ruisevelt, during elected: S. L. Bennett, W. H.Norcross, other Talk on the Bible.” He will his visit in Oregon, to say s. metbing J. A. Perry. L. F. Lozier, H. F. Mead­ preach at Central Point in the morn­ in behalf of Binger Hermann. He er. T L. Taylor, J. Me.-ley, J. Mc­ Pherson and G. A. Hove.*. At the ing. where the regular quarterly meet­ cannot do so and be consistent. close o«’ the stockholders’ meeting the I t may seem strange, but it is nev­ directors held a meeting and elected ing will be held. ertheless true, that every Republican officers, who are to serve for the ensu- There will be a matinee at the U. S. in Oregon who is opp sed ta Presi­ ! ing year, towit: S. L. Bennett, Pres.; Hall Saturda.v afternoon, when little H. F. Meader, Vice-pres.; W. H. Nor- Verna Felton, the theatrical wonder, dent Roos velt’s nimiuation in 1964 ’ cross, Sec.: L. F. Lozier, Treas. is a vigorous supporter of Binger Her ­ The next meeting of the board of di­ will appear in a play especially written rectors wili be held May 9th. for her, entitled “The Power of mann for Congress. Why? Wealth.” It is pronounced first-class T he First Judicial District has a by all who have seen it. congressional candidate peculiarly its An excellent game of base ball was own, and will give him an over­ played on Neuber & Taylor’s ground whelming majority. Mr. Reames will Sunday afternoon, between two picked prove on; of the best fitted men, in nines. It was interesting from start to every way, ever sent to Congress from Like the running brook, the finish, and was won by the Amateurs Oregon. by a score of 9 to 8. A full account of T he Siuslaw harbor is going the red blood that flows through the contest will be given in our next. way of Yaquina, through govern­ the veins has to come from Hon. L. B. Reeder of Pendleton, mental neglect. What’s the matter’? somewhere. grand sachem of the Improved Order We have always been told that a Re­ The springs of red blood are o Red Men for Oregon, made Orego­ publican is necessary at Washington found in the soft core of the nian Pocahontas Tribe No. 1, Imp’d O. to get anything for Oregon. Why bones called the marrow and R. M., an official visit Saturday. The not try Evan Reames? some say red blood also comes meeting was well attended and quite in­ P bof . W. A. W ann , of Eugene, teresting. The Order is making rapid candidate on the Democratic ticket i from the spleen. Healthy bone strides forward everywhere. for Superintendent of Public Instruc­ marrow and healthy spleen John S. Orth and John F. Miller, tion at the recent state elect i n, is in are full of fat with their better halves, who returned Harrisburg, says the Bulletin. Prof. Scott’s Emulsion makes new from their wedding trip Monday, were Wann is agent for the Mutual Life blood by feeding the bone the recipients of a handsome serenade Insurance Company, of New York, at night. The boys followed with an and the nature of bis business neces­ marrow and the spleen with old-fashioned charivari. An appropri­ sitates his traveling a great deal, lie tlie richest of all fats, the pure ate response w as made in each case, has just returned from a trip on the cod liver oil. west side and through the lower val­ and everybody had a good time. For pale school girls and ley, and says that in his rounds he The Iowa Lumber Co. has received invalids and for all whose a huge engine and boiler, which will be met numerous Republicans who were blood is thin and pale, Scott’s used in propelling the planing ma­ going to vote for Mr. Reames for con­ chine received lately. It is installing gress. The Professor is of the opin­ Emulsion is a pleasant and rich It not only feeds a burner, that will consume the saw­ ion that Mr. Reames will be elected. blood food. the bl. odrinaking organs but dust produced at the mill. The com­ A First-class Troupe pany will soon have one of the best and gives them strength to do most complete plants in Southern Ore­ their proper work. The Allen Dramatic Co. is playing a gon. Send for f rec sample. Dr. T. T. Shaw, a skillful aud experi­ successful engagement at U. S. Hall, SCOTT & BOW NR, Chemists, street. New York. enced dentist, who recently located In Jacksonville, producing some of the 409-415 Pearl 50c. aud $1.00; all druggists. leading standard dramas to the edifi ­ Jacksonville, has established an office upstairs in Ryan's brick building, on cation of large and delighted audien­ Dr. T. nr. SHAW. California street, between Oregon and ces. It is without doubt one of the Third. Le is proficient it. every branch very best companies that ever ap­ RESIDENT DENTIST, of his profession, does fine work at rea­ peared in Southern Gregon, jnd de­ sonable price's and spares no pains to serves the liberal patronage it is receiv­ J acksonville , - O regon . ing everywhere. give satisfaction. The repertoire for the balanceof the Let me say I have used Ely’s Cream Office in Ryan’s Brick Building, Cali­ Balm for catarrh and can thoroughly week will be: Wednesday, “Real Lord recommend it for what it claims. Very Denox;” Thursday, “Hazel Kirke;” fornia Street, two doors east of Post truly, (Rev.) H. W. Hathaway, Eliza­ Friday, “A Fair Rebel;” Saturday, Office. beth, N J. ---------------------------—*---------------- —— I tried Ely’s Cream Balm and to all “The Dangers of New York.” This is ADMINISTRATOR’S SAXE OF appearances am cured of catarrh. The certainly a superier one. terrible headaches from which I long REAL ESTATE. We take pleasure in recommending suffered are gone.—W. J. Hitchcock, the company to the people. late Major tl. S. Vol. and A. A. Gen , Iu the County Court for Jackson County, State Buffalo, N. Y. of Oregon, sitting in Probate. The Balm does not irritate or cause An Unfair Statement. Iu the matter of the estate of Jessie I. Ham­ sneezing. Sold by druggists at 50 cts. mond. deceased. or mailed by Ely Brothers, 50 Warren NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an The editor of tlie Ashland Tidings, St., New York. iu his issue of April 23d, makes the order of the aforesaid County Court, made in the matter of the Estate of Jessie I. Hammond, statement that in case A. E. Reames deceased, ou the 22d day of April, 1903. the un­ Miners Wanted. is elected congressman from the first dersigned. administrator of said estate, will Ten g >od miners, who have had ex­ district his brother, Clarence L. sell at private sale, subject to continuation by perience in placer mining, can get Reames, will be appointed pri secut- said county court, to the highest bidder for steidy emplojin *iit by applying to the ing attorney fur this judicial district. cash, from and after undeisigm<1. Wages, #2.25 a day; This assertion is absolutely without Saturday, May 80, 1908, board, 60 cents a day. Address or foundation. C. L. Reames has filed All of the following described real property be­ call on with Gov. Chamberlain a statement longing to said estate, towit: O ld C hannel M ining C o ., Galice, Josephine Co., Ore. that in no event will* he accept ti e Commencing at the SE corner of the SWR NWg, Section 25, Township 37 S, R 2 W; office of district attorney at his hands. ot thence north 765 feet; thence west ISO feet Farm for Sale We hope Bro. Wagner will now be sat­ thence south «6 feet; thence west SO feet; thenoe south 310 feet; thence east 23U feet, to place ot isfied and retract. Eighty acres ot land, tn Meadows precinc, black loam, part in cultivation, all ” " fenced watered by two tine springs. 2(4 miles from school, 20 miles from Gold Hili, Title per- feet. Will be sold at a bargain, gj pply for further particulars to SILAS J. DAY, Real Estate Agent, Jacksonville, Or POWDER CÆSTOniA, Bean the Big nature st ^in(' ^ou Ha»» Always Bougtj beginning, in Jackson county,Oregon. A. S. HAMMOND, Admlnistratorof the Estate of Jessie I. Ham. mond, deceased. First publication of notice dated this 2Sthday April, 1903.