X Mt MEDFORD SQUIBS Miss Marie Tongue o! Hillsboro is in Medford. I. L. Hamilton went to Grant’s Pass this morning. Mrs. J. W. Lozier of Ashland is vis- iting In Medford. John E. Soliss was an Ashland V isi- tor Wednesday. J. F. Williams of Central Point was among us Thursday. W. II. Gore of Pooh Bah is among the many in town to-day. A. Dickey and W. J. Stanley of Ash­ land were hero yesterday. J. II. Smith, a prominent merchant of Grant’s Pass, is in Medford. Maj. Andrus is being visited by an old friend, G. M. Davis of Idaho. Mrs. Henry Brophy of Salem is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Biden. Mrs. J. D. Cook and her daughter went to Grant’s Pass this morning. Hon. G. F. Schmidtl«-in of Wood­ ville precinct is visiting in Medford. A. J. T. Smith of Gold Hill is looking after his property interests in Medford. J. Patterson, one of our county com­ missioners, was in Medford not long since. W. E. Phipps and J. A. Jeffrey, the attorneys, made Jacksonville a visit Thursday. S IL Harnish of Eagle Point and V. A. Dunlap, the Talent merchant, were recent visitors. D. Lawton, manager ol Mitchell, Lewis A Co.’s branch at Medford, has “ D f ar M rs . P inkham : — There are but few wives and mothers who been quite sick. ii ixc m » a. trrn s emuiivd agonies and such pain as only women know. Hon. W. A. Carter and J. B. Weth- I w ish :i I V nren knew the value of Lydia E. Pinkham** Vegetable erell of Gold Hill spent yesterday after­ Compound. It i - a remarkable medicine, different in action from any noon iu Medford. I ever k: ew and thoroughly reliable. Ed. Welch has returned from Salem. *’? ' ‘1' ^ ^" 'i”n? wo-nendiKtorec’ for years without penna- * *'* u * 'A ero curod in less than three months after taking your He spent several weeks very pleasantly \ egeu >k- < oin|>oui»d, while others who wei^ chronic and incurable at his formor home. came oil t-.:> happy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment J. S. Howard has returned from vv ita ’. . l ..io. I Lave never used it myse'f without gaining great bjn.T.*. A t w d restores my strength anti appetite, and tones up Gold Hill, where he has been doing t io en ire st -. u \ i our medicine has been tried and found true, hence some civil engineering I t ,’ t id r> : . — ?I s. R. A. A xderson , 2’25 Washington St_ Jack- Capt. O. C. Applegate, U. S. agent at son'il!e, I h. the Klamath Indian Agency, is in Med­ ford, on bis way home. Mrs. Reed, 2425 E. Cumberland SL,Philadelphia, Pa., says: F W. Hollis of the Medford Furni­ “D ear M rs . P inkiiam : —I feel it my duty write and tell you the good I have received ture Co. has been making his many from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ friends at Salem a visit. pound. Mrs. A. O. Heatherly of Central “I have been a great sufferer with female Point has been I he guest of her sister, trouble, trying different doctors and medicines ■ with no beneht. Two years ago I went under ■ Mrs J. C. Hall of Medford. an operation, and it left me in a very weak J. N. Hockersmith, one of the prom- condition. I had stomach trouble, backache, I inent farmers^of Roxy precinct, made headache, ixilpitation of the heart, and was very i us a pleasant call Wednesday. nervous; in fact, I ached all over. I find J. J O’Neill of the Ashland Cigar yours is the only medicine that reaches i such troubles, and would cheerfully rec­ Factory and D. King spent several ommend Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable hours in Medford Wednesday. I ConiiMund to all suffering women.” Jacob S. Walch.who owns the Julien I When women arc troubled with irregular or painful menstruation, weak­ place, located in Antelope district, ¡ b in ness, leuvorrhiea. displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down Medford, en route to California. feeling, inflaraTn 'tian^of. the ovaries, backache, flatulence, general debility, indignation, and ne. tous prostration, thev should remember there is oue tried A. B. Campbell, an expert miner, and true remedy. Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once who arrived from Idaho during the removes such troubles. I I week, expects to locate among us. Th© experience and testimony of some of the most noted C. D. Garrison of Portland, a promi­ women of America go to prove, beyond a question, that Lydia E. nent operator in timber lands, was Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will eorr»*ct all such trouble at tho guest of Geo. F. King yesterday. once by removing the cause and restoring the organ* to a healthy and normal condition. If in doubt, write Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, A. M. Cannon, the attorney, who has Mass, as thousands do. been visiting in the State of Washing­ ton, is expected home in a few days. Ko other medicine in the world has received such widespread and bnqualitied rrrse-n r t. Noother medicine has such a record of cures Representative Emmitt of Klamath of femafe tn • ides. P fuse to buy any sulistitute. county was on the southbound train f. FCTtFEIT f i nr.-tti*-. 111-. ..ririi ::l I. tier. ,»nf the plural wiie. Mr. LRTtch alro ca rets that “Pres- •lent Jo: eph F. Smith, the president f the ’¿c:,.c.a church, is living in pen polygamy and has bed a child orn to him by hi; plural wiie as late is 1898.'* And al_.o that "President ixirenzo Saow lived aud died in the practice of pelybamy aud polygamous cohabitation, and that his plural wife, Minnie Jensen Snow, bore him a child as late as the winter of 1896-1897.” Salt Lake, Utah, Feb. 26.—“The Ministerial Alliance is not back of the charges of polygamy brought against Mr. Smoot by Dr. Leilitch,” said the Rev. W. M. Paden of the First Presbyterian church today. “The charges are brought independently by Dr. Leilitch. I was Informed last night that such charges does not form part of the formal protest against Mr. Smoot brought by the Ministerial Alliance, yet that body will stand back of Dr. Leilitch." The polygamy charge against Sen­ ator-elect Smoot was received with the utmost Burprise in Salt Lake, among Mormons and Gentiles alike. SAN FRANCISCO MAY HAVE A MILK FAMINE. San Francisco, Feb. 26.—This city 13 threatened with a milk famine, as over 250 milk wagon drivers are out on strike. The officials of the Milk Wagon Drivers’ Union say that if the walk­ out of the drivers does not prove ef­ fective in bringing the Dairymen’s Association to terms within a few days, the members of the Milkers’ Union, the Horseshoers’ Union and the Cooks and Waiters' Alliance will elso be called out to completely tie up the industry. A. C. Jacobson, foreman of the Suc­ cess, has returned from Portland, to which city he accompanied his wife W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. For rates, folders and other and other relatives, who are en route 124 TLiid St., 1 ORTL AND, ORE. nformation, address to Bioom field, Neb , and Sioux City, on a visit. If The Baby la Cutting Teeth. We were favored with an invitation Be sure and use that old and well-tried reme­ to tho wedding of Miss Minnie Talent, dy, M rs . W inslow ' s S oothing S yrup , for Your appetite is poor, 'eetbins. It soothes the child, soft­ the amiable and accomplished daugh­ children your heart “flutters,” ens the gum*, allays all pain, cures wind oollc ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Talent, and and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty you have headaches, tongue is coated, bad breath, bowels con­ live cents a bottle. Ellis Beau, who is connected with the stipated, bad taste in the mouth ? If Shannon Grocery Co., a prominent not all of these symptoms, Dake** Agency Moved. business establishment of Seattle, which then some of them? It’s The E. C. Dake Newspaper Adver- took place at Portland Thursday. We your liver join their many friends in wishing t i-ini/ Agency of San Fianclsco, Cal­ them a long life of happiness and pros­ ifornia, has moved from the Mer­ chant.'.’ Exchange, where it> has been perity. locwd for the lust 23 jear* to 11.e is a E.re Build in/, 124 Hanronie si net, natural Mysterious Circumstance. new nr d Irrgcr qnarteis. This is the vegetable remedy, O e «¡is jal: and sallow ard ti e eidiug agdcy ui I he court, in fact It containing no mineral or oilier fre-ih and rosy. Whence the dH- is the only anency, for It places adver­ Lrente? She who is blushing with tisements alm* st anywhere and by narcotic poisons. It will correct health uses Dr. Kir g’s New Life P.lls telegraph If neceasarÿ. This agency __ any or all symptoms, make your health, tomantain it. By gently arousing Is now known as one of the solid insti­ appetite and spirits good. At druggists, 50 centA the laz.y organs they comjiel good di­ tutions of the West and many who gestion and head off constipation. Try wish Iodo business throueh a reliable them. Only 2fc. al City Drug Store. s< jirce hunt up Dake’s Agency when City Drug Jacksonville wishing to plate advert i-ing. STOPOVERS ALLOWED At Store, notice Is hereby given that all persons are strictly forbidden from entering or in any manner trespassing upon the premises < f the under­ signed. For descriptkn < f tnv land see Jack- sou county records All trespassers will be punished in the manner provided for in sec U|on 1793 of the Criminal Code of Oregon. My agents have full charge of this matter. C. B. ROSTKL. home of those arriving i e-e have v< ry little idea ot condlli d > in Ore­ gon. They think they can go right out and pick up a claim of 160 acies within 10 or 15 niiks of nearly at y town. A large proporticn of the ne>.- C'tmers seem to have te?n given to understand that almost the who e state is still open for settlement. There is considerable land that can be homesteaded; but the b anc seeker must get back some dis’ance from the railroad to Hod It. PAINE’S COMMITTED Hamilton, Ohio, Feb. 26.—Alfred Knapp, the Indiunappolis man arrest­ ed yesterday, who confessed to the murder of his third wife, today made a full confession of five murders Among them is that of Ida Gailhard the West Indianapolis girl who was found murdered in a stable July 3 1895. Knapp’s confession, which was sworn to before Mayor Beach, is as follows: “On January 21, 1894, 1 killed Emma Littleman in a lumber yard in Gest street, Cincinnati. “On August 1, 1894, I killed May Eckert in Walnut street, opposite the Young Men's Christian Association, in Cincinnati. “On August 7, 1894, I killed my wife, Jennie Connors Knapp, under the canal bridge in Liberty street. Cin cinnati, and threw her into the canal. “In Indianapolis, in July, 1895, 1 killed Ida Gebhard. "On December 2, 1992, I killed my wife. Anna Knapp, at 339 South Fourth street, in Hamilton, and threw her into the river out by Llndenwaid. - “This is the truth. “I make this statement of my own free will and not by the request of any officer or any one else. "ALBERT KNAPP.” “Sworn to before me, this, the 26th day of February, 1903. “C. F. BOSCH, Mayor. Doomed to Disappointment. Rescued from Suffering and Death by CONFESSES TO MURDERING FIVE Celery Compound I THE GREAT MEDICINE. MR. ALFRED BROWN, A Prominent and Popular Citizen, Says: “After the The Season Opening. U m of Paine’s Celery Compound, B e ball is becoming popular, now that spring seems to be ht re. Con siderable practice Is reported in the different towns of the valley. As G ant’s Pass has declined to become amembir of the proposed Southern Oregon League, it is probible that it will be organiz'd without a represent­ ative from that town. A number of interesting garni s are promised us during the coming summer, in which f reign t 1-nt will probibly parti- c'pite. I Am Now iu the Best of Health.” The greatest of modern physicians, Prof. Edward E. Whelps, M. D., LL. D., after years of long practice and close scientific study, gave to suffering and diseased men and women his marvelous, life giving prescription, with the conviction and positive knowledge that it had peculiar virtues and ample powers to cure. Thousands of the strongest testimonials from the l>est known and most reliable men and women of our country fully sustain the claims made l>y Dr. Phelps regarding his incompar­ able I’aine’s Celery Compound. One of the most convincing proofs furnished, comes recently from a gentleman widely known in the capital city of the Dominion of Canada. We refer to Mr. Alfred Brown, 91 O’Connor St., Ottawa, Ont. Mr. Brown’s letter fully demonstrates the fact that the greatest sufferer may cast off his or her burden of disease and become well, strong, and happy. It proves, too, that the great medicine main­ tains more fully than ever liefore its unrivaled placa in the estimation of people of wealth and social standing as well as with the masses. Mr. Brown says: — “ I acknowledge with thankfulness and pleasure the fact that I have been cured of a very painful illness of eight years’ standing by use of Paine's Celery Compound. I had, during the years of my iihiess, tried almost all the advertised medicines without deriving any good results. I was also treated by several of the best doctors of this city, hoping to find that one of them, at least, would understand my case. “ 1 was getting worse, and was tolJ I was incurable. I was indeed in a critical condi­ tion. I could not go from the house alone, as I was liable to sudden collapse. I tried hospital treatment, but no relief or good results came to me. I could not sleep; anything that I ate increased my agonies; I was extremely weak, restless, tired, and des|x>ndent; was obliged to walk about with my hands pressed firmly into my left side to ease my pains; my feet and hands were cold continually; bad inclination to r’omit, had profuse, cold sweats, quick breathing, and would be racked with pain for hours at a time. “ After the regular use of Paine’s Celery Compound for a time, I am now in the best of health, have good appetite, and can use any kind of food. Thank God 1 am my old self once more, all through the use of Paine’s Celery Compound.” Horses Wanted. PORTLAND, OREGON (Founded 1880.): A Boarding and Day School for Girls. MUSIC, ART AND ELOCUTION. This Schcol offers to girl» a 1:< ac trd thorf.ugb education, rombirid with the »¿vantage, of a healthful and retir ed home It occupies u large ut.d attractive building in the Immediate vicinity of the City Park 1 he sanitary condition of the premises baa been made a mattercf special attention. The bed chamber», Clara and recitation rooms a j Urge and thoroughly ventilated; and the conatruction of the build’np is such that every rocn: is or eh tothe sunlight The greatest care has been taken to provide all the necessary uppoinniienls of a «ell- equipped school, ard to furnish every facility tor training pupils in the D ost si proved methoos The aim of the school la to give thorough and weH-otdercd Instruction to girls and young women, Otting them for college when that Is desired, and to aid in the cett lopment of true and womanly character. The Fall term opens September Ifl, 1901. A faculty of twenty comrctri t teachers Ins tires for children and young women that Individual care and lnstructlor rce a Urtili J-itrorer of all forms of iDflsmnsitoDtn min or beast Me and 41 per boltlo. i< «. SUTTON, one proprietor and mxuufiKt'jrenAaiilMd, Oregon For»>a at Cilv Drug Store. J-Acmoavllle. »nd by Or J Hinkle Centra Point. ooo Roll Butter. i I The young housekeeper who told th< fish man that she wanted some eels nnc When he asked her bow much replied “About two yards and a half,” has a rival. “I wish to get some butter, please,’ she said to the dealer. “Roll butter, ma’am?” he asked po litely. “No. We wish to eat it on toast. We Seldom have roils.”—Chicago News. THE SOUTHERN OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Opens Wt^ncsdey- September t- Full Faculty; ituptovid buildings; exhaustive r curse of atudy; i acb c< rartnif i>t filled by a ¡-{ec'alist. Latin'and Economics added for the Lem tit of th< ¡>e ¡ rej anog to Uacb in IligbEcbcols; but are op­ tima). *2C0 ic Cash Prize® f. »laudard home dyea. Every diacor- ery io dying haa been utilixed to improve them Today they are the «irapleet, etronnet, and moet reliable of all dye« for bume uee. birwlion book and 45 dy ed aamplee free. We hare a apecial department of advice, and will answer free any question* about dyeing. Bend aarnple of gooda when pooetbl«. DIAMOND DYES, Burlington, Vt. B. F. MULKEY. President. CLIFFORD THOMAS, Secretary. SOUTH AND FAST —VIA - She Furnished Bulletin*. “Their marriage was a surprise, wasn’t it?” “Weil. Ids friends were surprised, but I believe iter friends were expect- in«r It”—Brooklyn Life. & DON’T WANT “OLD GLORY" ON Saint Helen’s Hall •••• Lv Pi rtiuna. ... Lv Medford....... I 8:30 ; 11:45 A-bland.......... 1’2:30 Sacramento... 5:05 San I ra ..cisco. Í 7:55 air. ptu an; pit* pu> The NORTH-WESTERN LINE C- St. F». M. & O. Ry. The scientific blending of Ar Los Angeles. . 2.00 California figs and prunes with A El 1’asO____ d:0o Ar Fort Worth. .. 6.3u carefully selected grain makes Ar City of Mexico. Houston......... A perfect cereal coffee Ar Ar New Orleans.. Ar Washington .. of delicate flavor and Ar New York .... 8:35 a m G;i 0 pm The peer of all flue trains la­ tween these lange cities is the famoas 11:30 am 7:00 am 6:30 pm 6:42 pm 12:10 pm .North-Western t>;30 am fragrant aroma. Pullman CHICAGO Route Shasta Trains leave Medford for Portland mû way stations al 4:21 a. m. and 5:52 p. m. FOREIGN-BUILT SHIPS. New York, Feb. 26.—The Board cl Directors of the Maritime Association of the Port of New York have taken action against several special bills now pending in Congress for the ad­ mission to American registry of a number of foreign built vessels which have been wrecked outside of the United States and repaired in Amer­ ican ship yards. Resolutions protest­ ing against the passage of these bills have been adopted and a delegation from the association will appear be­ fore the Senate Committee on Com merce in opposition to the measures The preamble to the resolutions adopted states, among other things: “By special acts of Congress for eign-built vessels have from time to time been admitted to American reg istry in steadily increasing numbers which special registers are a direct | and personal injury to owners of American-built vessels who have paid I an average of 50 per cent mere foi the vessels they have built In Amer- lean shipyards than has been paid for those specially American registered foreign-built vessels. “The passage of the special bills now pending would place upon the much more expensive American-built vessels an additional burden of com­ petition. and especially in the coast­ wise trade, the effect of which will be greatly to depredate the value of such American-built vessels. “Should American registers be granted in the pending special cases but one more stepp will be required to admit freely any foreign-built ves­ sel to American registry and to the benefits of cur coastwise trade, which injury can oniy be prevented by ef­ fectively checking this movement in its incipiency." Southern Pacific Co. and A delicious beverage having Cars all the satisfying qualities of coffee and On both trains. Chair cirs Sacra­ mento t<> El Paso, and tourist cars to New Orleans and Washington. Boil from Connecting at San Francisco with 5 to IO the several steamship lines for Hono­ lulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Cen­ minutes tral and South America. only. See agent at Medford statioo, or address ALL W. E COMAN, G F. & P. A., GROCERS. Portland, Oregon Tourist B est CEREAL % For lowest rates, time of trains, etc, address H L. SISLER General Agent. 218 alder St Portland. Ore« on. T W. TEASDALE Gen'l Passenger Agent, St Paul Minn. coffee E. S. Wolfer FRANK E. ALLEY, akes siic:t roads. Tin Roofing and Sheet Metal \ ’ rk. ARCHITECT and ABSTRACTER We make a Specialty BLUE PRINTS Of any To*n>hlp nd light loads. REAS Stockmen's Call. ood for everything We, the undersigned stockmen Jackson county, believing that our terests can be bettered by closer asso­ ciation and united efforts, respectfully ask that all who are interested in the livestock business meet in the City Hall at Medford, Saturday, March 7, 1903, at 1 o’clock P. M., for the purpose of organizing a stockmen’s association. B arneburg B ros ., M. F. H anley , W. W. T aylor , C. C. T aylor , J. M. R ader , G. R awlings . that runs on wheels « Sold Everywhere. Of Acetylene Gas Plants, Gal­ vanized Cornice and Tin Work for buildings, Galvanized Iron Water Tanks, and Plumbing. Opposite Mitchell’s Blacksmith Shop, Medford in the Roseburg Land District. FILING PAPERS Prepared for Fllingnc I! ill - stead or Timber Claims feÿ*Spccial Attention given to Mutters in Connecliou with the U S Land Office. e phone us THE e Great Rock Islard MarksBid.,Roseburg, Or Made by STANDARD OIL CO. ROUTE LIPPI N COTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE 4 F amily L ibrary The Bast in Current Litaateh I I t 12 CcsKcrt N ovels Y early I MANY SHORT STORIES AN3 « PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS I To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets Druggists refund the money if it falla to cure. 9rove’, signature is on each box. 25c. $2 50 FXR »EAR, 25 CTS * CO*- Through personally conducted Tourist sleeping cars between Portland and Chicago once a week, and between Ogden and Chicago three times a week via the Rock Island NO CONTINUED SiUrtIL The Poetry of the Orange. It; appeals to y:»u, when th; f uil hangs iip» and sweet on the tree late in February, or etrly In March. Then the blossoms break ou’, a :d the trees are yellow with golden globes, ant white with oranLpJ, and t hen you have an artistic background f>ratropiaal forest. The air is full of sunshine, aud heavy with fragrance as n’ght. comes on, and ( her, if I lie moon i< shinin', you may iiea* at midnight, through oren windows the song of the mocking bird in I lie scented grovo, and it never seemed so melodi­ ous before. An • xperitin',e like this is possible any winter, and It is worth a Journey ot a thousand milts, while you can have it, by inking the s tenlc Shasta fb ute i hr >ugh thtTgrand and pictur­ esque Siskiyou un i Shasta mountains, to Southern California. Complete in- f< rotation about the trip, and descrip­ tive in it ter, telling al out. California, may I e had from any Southern Paci­ fic Ageut, < r of W. E. C oman , Gen. Pass. Agt. S. P. C ., Linee in Oregon. Portland, Oregon. O Brnrith. Signature «r TOU. I A. lha Kind You HavMlways Bought EVERY DUMBER COMPCk : u N ITS'... Scenic Line Mrs. Fred Unra.th, President t’onnlry Club, Benton llurbur, MU*U. “After my firjt baby wut born I did not jeem to regain my »trength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he consid­ ered very superior, but Instead cf getting better I grew weaker every day. My hus- band insisted that I take Wine of Cardui for a week and see whit it would do for me. I did take the medicine and wes very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning, in two weeks 1 was out of bed and in a month I was able to take up my usual duties. I am vary enthusi­ astic In its praise.” Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg­ nancy and childbirth. It prevents mis­ carriage. No woman who takes W ine of Cardui need fear the coining of her child. If Mrt.*Unrath haa taken Wine of Cardui l>efore her baby came she would not hive been weakened us she was. Her rapid recovery should commend tlrts great remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of Cardui ivguiaKJ mu uiuuou uai flow. . regulates the menstrual huo 1 (WINEorCARD^ Weeks & Baker Funeral Directors and Embalmers West Side, Medford. Ore. Open Nights Through Standard Sleeping Cars daily between Ogden ana Chicago via the Scenic Line. Through Standard Sleeping Cars daily between Colorado Springs I and St. Louis- I Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars daily between Sau Franci-co and Chicago via Lus Angeles and El Paso. Through Standard Sleeping Cars and Chair Cars daily between St. Paul and Chicago. Be sure to see that your ticket reads via the Great Rock Island Route THE WEST SIDE GROCERY The best and most reasonable Din­ ing Car service. . For rates, folders and descriptive literature write to L. B. GORHAM, T. J.CLARK, General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agt. 250 Alder St.. Portland, Or. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. T- J. G00DWYN. PROPRIETOR 7 KADACHKcured ln20 minutes by Dr. MU«* ’’AH. fau. “Une cent a duM»“ AsdntasMa