HWaMMMaBi■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ fîemcKsmti® firnes. REFORM IS POSTPONED Printed Every Wednesday, by Administration Will Leave the Times Printing Company Trusts Undisturbed. C has . N ickbll , Editor TERMS One Year, in advance.. Six Months.................... LUKEWARM PRESIDENTS MESSAGE .81.5u . 1.00 Doeueat la a Victory For the Do Mothlosro—The Baron Do Not Fear Truat Controlled Co«cr«»a — Tart« Advertisements inserted at reasona­ ble rates. M adams P atti will keep the wolf from the door. She bas signed a cun tract for six months of concert io the United States next fall, for which she la to receive three hundred lhou«aud dollars. ___________ ■R“ T hk coinage at the San Francis*o mint during 1902 amounted tn 847,- 316,988, a heavy sbiirka^e fr m the output of 1901 which was 881,072,490, tbe largest in the history not only o' this but of all the iriut, in the coun­ try- eswawmm T hh total of the appropriations made by the 2(st session of the legisia- t ve assembly (1901) was 81,719,798.74. It is estimated that the amount this year will almost reach 82,000,000, ex­ slu.« i vs of the appropriation of 8500,- 000 for the Lewis and Clark Fair. T he legislature has passed the bill appropriating 1165,000 to build a port­ age railroad at the dalles of the Co­ lumbia river, between Celilo and The Dalles. The Oregon Railway and Navigation Company bad a powerful lobby about Salem opposing the bill. T he people of southern Oregon seem to think that we have had much more than our share of moisture du­ ring the past five months; yet al Cres­ cent City, Cal., 651 inches fell during the same time, or nearly twice as moeh rain as was recorded that season the year before. P robably no state in the Union can show a better financial condition than Oregon. The state bas no out­ standing bonded indebtedness, and it- current debits are more tban offset by accruing credits. In other words, Or­ egon is cut of debt, and with every­ thing collected and paid out that Is due,there would n main a considerable balance in tbe treasury. A W ashingtom report says one sen­ ator at least was greatly Incensed at Rockefeller sending him a dispatch to the effect that tbe anti-trust bill must be killed. That is tbe first case on reaord of a senator getting angry through notice from tbe big fellows. If not millionaires themselves tbe senators are often under pay of some big corporation. M ore evidence of the fact that the State Senate, like the U. S. Senate, is not doing its duty by the people was given when it defeated Representa­ tion Hale’s bill for removal of tbe lim­ itation of 85600 in suits for damages growing out of tbedealh of a person ar­ ising from wrongful acts or negligence of another was defeated in the Senate Monday. This was om of tbe best measures before tbe leg Mature. J udos W. R. D ay of Ohio, who has been appointed to succeed Judge Shi­ ras as a nu mber oHbe U. S Suprt me Ooutt, is the second member of that body named by President Roosevelt. One supreme judge was appointed by Mr. McKinley, two by Mr. Harii on, tbiee by Mr. Cleveland and > ne— the veteran Justice Bai Ian--by Mr. Hayes. As has been the case far several years, six of tbe nine members will be ap­ pointees of Republican presidents. Chief Justice Muller is a Democrat and was named by Cleveland. T hk wheat situation is considerably stronger than it was last week. Wil­ lamette millers are offering several cents a bushel over tbe quotations re­ ported on Saturday. Ttday’s quota­ tions are: Walla Walla, 75 and 704c ; Bluestem, 87 and 88c; Valley, 78 and 80c. Additional advances are expect­ ed in tbe various grade«, Valley wheat, especially, being expected to rhe. Late reports stow that about one third of »he last year’s crop is still in tbe bands of the Valley farmers. Tra legislature is not treating the labor unit ns with the con:Id ration they expected—at least the Senate ia killing those measures which they fa­ vored moat. Senator Browne'l’s bills making eight hours a day's work in specific occupations was indefinitely, postponed. Bailey’s bills prohibiting the use of deception or mlsr.presenta- ti n In procuring employees to work, and to guarantee the right of * or king men to belong to labor organizations, were both Indefinitely poitponed in the Senate. They bad paesid the House. ___________ Tua U. 8. Senate passed the Per- kins bill, authorizing tbe President to designate areas within forest reserves to be set aside for tbe protection of wild animals, birds and fish, and to be recognized as breeding places tberefor. When such areas have been designated and marked all Looting, trapping, killing or capture of wild animals, birds and tish within their limits will be unlawful, except under legulations to be preacrijed by tbe Secretary of the Interior. Violations of this law are punishable by tine not exceeding 11000 and imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. This bill, If Anally enacted, will in no way interfere with local game laws affect­ ing private, state or territorial lands. Cancer Cured Mr. W. W. Prickett, Smithfield, Ill»., writes, Sept. 10th, 1901: *1 had been suffering several yeaiswith a cancer on sty face, which gave me great annoyance and unbearable itch­ ing. I was using Ballard’s Snow Liniment for a sore leg, and through an accident I rubbed some of tbe lin­ iment on the caocer, and as It gave me almost Instant relief 1 deeded to con­ tinue to use liniment on the cancer. In a short time tbe cancer came out, my face healed up and there is not tbe •lightest tear left. 1 have implicit, faith in the merifB of this prepara­ tion, and it ennoot be tco highly rec­ ommended.” 25c, 50 and 81.00. For ante by City Drag Store. Will Continue to Protect the Truata nnd Roh the People. The fight in the ranks of the Repub­ lican party on the trust aud tariff is­ sues bas resulted in the triumph of tbe Hanna faction. “Let well enough alone,” or do as little as possible, is to be the programme in congress and not a vigorous reform of abuses which was promised before election. It had been fondly hoped that Presi­ dent Roosevelt would add the weight of his great office to ths side of the people and urge reform. But to the great regret of all who believe in “equal rights to all and special priv­ ileges to none” tbe lukewarm recom­ mendations in the president's message ar« a victory for the do nothings. Strange to say, there is no specific rec­ ommendation in the whole message for a law to prevent tbe extortions of the trusts or the subsidies granted them by the protective tariff. It Is not the production of the strenuous Roosevelt, but the glittering generalities of the anxious politician. Intent on pleasing all 'factions and especially the stron­ gest If Mr. Morgan or Mr. Rockefeller had been president and had written the message or decided upon its contents, tt could not have been more conserva­ tive and the intention made more evi­ dent that no legislation of consequence will be attempted by congress. The financial kings of Wall street through their senatorial and congressional al­ lies. appear to have by tbe force of numbers deluded the president into the belief that there is great danger of dis­ turbing tbe business of the country if any reform is even attempted. The presidential chariot has been hitched to the Juggernaut of Wall street which ruthlessly ignores tbe cries of distress of those under their feet The presi­ dential recommendation for a tariff commission bas for weeks been the demand of the principal Wall street organ, tt being well known that the procrastinating workings of such a body would hinder rather than accel­ erate reform. In fact President Roose­ velt emphasizes this when he says, “The unhurried and unbiased report of this commission would show what changes should be made in the various schedules.” “Unhurry” is Just what Wall street and the trusts desire. Furthermore, tbe president has been led to believe that reforming the tariff by removing the protection that allows the trusts to ■ell their products cheaper to foreign­ ers than to our people “would be whol­ ly ineffective.” Thus the beef trust, the coal trust tbe steel trust and the hundred other trusts, as far as tbe tar­ iff is concerned, are to have free rein to continue their exactions. But Pres­ ident Roosevelt recommends that tbe duty on anthracite coal be repealed, though he acknowledges that such an amendment wopld only be of service in such a crisis as was produced by the coal strike. He does not recommend that bituminous coal should also be free, though that would be of greater benefit In regulating tbe price of fue! ■t all times. Regarding the power of congress to regulate the trusts tbe president is evi­ dently in an uncertain mind and makes no specific recommendations or sugges­ tions. He, however, acknowledges that tt may be necessary to amend the con- stitution to give more power to con- ‘ PROFITS AND CHARITY. Baron« Rob tbe People and Pay a Small Percentage aa Haah Money. The Standard OU company notified its customers Dec. 10 that it had ad­ vanced the price of oil another cent per gallon. This is an Increase of 3V4 cents since the beginning of the coal strike. On Dec. 11 Commander Booth Tuck­ er of the Salvation Army got a prom­ ise by telephone from J. Pierpont Mor­ gan that he would do all in his power to aid the Salvation Army to supply the poor with coal. The army is bold­ ing meetings on corners in the tene­ ment section of New York for the pur­ pose of giving instructions as to how to use porous bricks which may be saturated with kerosene or petroleum and used for heating purposes Instead of coal. Morgan controls the coal and Rocke­ feller tbe oil trust Each profits by the other’s mouopoly uud high prices. The prices of both coal and oil will average 40 to 00 per cent higher this year than last year. There is almost no limit to tbe price which these coal and oil barons could obtain in winter for these earth commodities. Their monopoly is now complete enough, but they fear the wrath of the people too much to double prices at once. They welcomed the coal strike because it accustomed the people to higher prices. The 3t4 cents per gallon advance in the price of oil meaus 835,000,000 of extra profits to the trust which paid dividends last year of 848,000,000. The 82.50 or 83 per ton advance in the price of coal means 8125,000,000 or 8150,000,000 a year to the coal trust. It pays to be a divine bolder of tbe coal and oil properties of this country, even if a part of tbe profits of the busi­ ness is given as charity to the poor to help them to keep warm. If a little given in this way will keep tbe people quiet while the trusts put on the screws and add another cent per gal­ lon or another 50 cents per ton it is a good investment. The “Christian men to whom Qod In bis infiulte wisdom has given control of the property in­ terests of this country” are both char­ itable and wise. We are at their mercy, and they are merciful unto us. There is no law to compel them to give a dollar of their profits to charity. They just give out of the goodness of their hearts. We may be thankful that such wise and good agents are put in charge of the coal and oil mlues of this boun­ tiful earth. Following the Prealdent’« Lea«. BRIEF MENTION. The county bridge at the Bybee place is being temporarily repaired. Miss Sophia Davis of Gold Hill has become a student of the Medford Busi­ ness College. L. F. Jordan has begun a suit for di­ vorce against his wife. Colvig & Can­ non are his attorneys. Peter Britt, the well-known pioneer, is recovering from a severe spell of sick­ ness. He is nearly 85 years of age. Pottenger & Cox this week bought a hog of R. V. Beall of Pooh Bah that weighed 604 pounds. Ilow’s that for high? Tresspass notices, printed on cloth, for sale at this office. Thev are just what U needed to koep people off your property. JT H. Drake has traded the old Lacy place, located in Pooh Bah precinct,for Polk Hull’s ranch in Meadows district* giving $2500 extra. The S. P. Co. will pay taxes to the amount of $22,274.85 this time, which is about one-fifth of the total amount that will be collected. J. T. Taylor, treasurer of Josephine county, announces that he lias funds on hand for payment of warrants protest­ ed to January 15, 1896. Subscript!, ns for Mr.-Bryan’s piper, The Commoner, tbe leading Demo­ cratic newspaper in the United States, are taken at T he ’T imes office. Veach, who was sent to the peniten­ tiary from this county for two years, for appropriating a fish-net the prop­ erty of a neighbor and selling it to J. T. Eads & Son, has returned to Med­ ford, where his wife and five children reside. He was pardoned by Gov. Geer after having served half his time. Pity the Poor FlUytaoe. President Schurman of Cornell uni­ versity in a speech delivered before tbe Nineteenth Century club in New York on Dec. 11 gave a pitiful picture of conditions in the Philippines, which is much at variance with the optimistic picture drawn by President Roosevelt in bls message to congress. Professor Schurman said: “Tbe Filipinos are tbe victims of famine, pestilence, whole­ sale loss of farm animals by disease, depression of agriculture, decline of way Motr The bill of Senator Lodge to reduce trade and disastrous derangement of the. tariff on Philippine products com­ the currency. Tbe insular government ing into the United States from tbe 75 is purchasing rice on the Asiatic con­ par cent of tbe Dingley rates, which tinent to furnish the Filipinos with the they now bedr, to 25 per cent is a good means of subsistence.” The great pros­ ■tar toward fair play to our impover­ perity which Republican organs and ished and plague stricken subjects in spellbinders assure us exists there those islands. But why should not would thus appear to be a myth, in­ there be as free trade between them vented for political purposes, and their and us as there ia with I’orto Klco or tale of peace and plenty is made out of whole cloth. with Hawaii? Teachers’ Examination. Result of a Son’s Crime. Tbe report has reached Eugene that Mrs. Lyons, mother of E. E. Lyons, the murderer of Sheriff Withers, died Monday night at her home at Walton as a result of the terrible ordeal into which her son brought her and the rest or tbe family. She is said to have suffered terribly from spasms brought on by much weeping and uncontrolla­ FOR STATE PAPERS. MinnieGowland.G. R. Carlock, Ma­ ble hysterical conditions. She was mie Me William«, Hattie Gleason and about 78 years old. The father, her Anna Bogue. husband, is also in a very critical con dltion, from last accounts. FOR COUNTY PAPERS. Tbe semi annual examination of ap­ plicants for teachers’ certificates is being held at Jacksonville. Tbe num­ ber is not a9 large as usual. Supt. Daily, assisted by Prof. Washburn and Prof. Hanby, are the exami­ ners, and tbe following applicants are In attendance: Josephine Donegan, Ambrosine Mur­ phy, Margaret Porter, Clara Richard­ son, Corta Masterson, Ella Dodge, Anna Beet-on, Flossie Briscoe, Flor­ ence Reynolds, Martina Thiele, Sarah Holler, Mabel BelJ, Lelah Stinson, Ethel Flory, Iorz Kitchen, Mrs. Lou Norris and Gertrude Richardson. Language Lessons. Beginning Jan. 15, 1903, private lessons in French, German and Latin will be given at tbe residence of Rev. J. D. Murpby. Address Lock Box 115, Jacksonville. ( Bilious Colic. H. beever, a carpenter and builder of Kenton, Tenn., when suffering in­ tensely from an attack of bilious col­ ic, sent to a nearby drug store for something to relieve him. Tbe drug­ gist sent him a bottle of Chamber­ lain’s col'c, cholera and diarrhoea remedy, three doses of which effected a permanent cure. This Is the only remedy that can be depended upon in the most severe cases of colic and chol­ era morbus. Most druggists know this and recommend it when such a medicine is called for. For sale at City Drug Store. “Trusty” White’s 8uicide. County Treasurer Miller has made x There was an unusual buzz about another call, this time having enough the Corvallis & Eastern station at funds with which to redeem warrants Corvallis on the arrival of the train protested up to May 10, I960. from Yaquina, Thursday. In the The county clerk has completed the baggage car was the dead body of a extension of the tax roll and Sheriff man, and gradually It leaked out that Rader is now ready to receive taxes, the deceased was noue other than Ed. This is several weeks sooner than usu­ White, the fugitive trusty who es­ al. caped from the Oregon penitentiary a A correspondent writes that two run­ couple of weeks ago, and who bas away girls, aged 14 and 11 years, were since become notorious in connection taken in charge by the marshal of with the scandal in which the name Central Point and sent back to their of a female convict from Jackson homes at Tolo. county is mentioned. Deeds, mortgage«, leases, bends In a desperate encounter with offi­ bills of sale and every imaginable cers, worn out with the fatigue of kind of legal blauks-the latest and best—are constantly on band at the flight and exposure to tbe weather, T1ME8 office. and tbe constant pursuit of tbe Lin­ N. C. Gunn, one of our energetic coln county sheriff and deputies, and farmers, made Medford a call Thurs­ eager to find in death a relief from his day. He informs us that he has or­ troubles, White, after the manner of dered two incubators and will engage Tracy, finding himself wounded, placed a revolver to his own fore­ in raising poultry on a large scale. head and sent a bullet crashing The Jacksonville base-ball grounds, through his brain. He died five min­ which are among the beet on the coast, utes later, still clutching with a were damaged considerably by the wa death grip bls revolver, one hand ter of Jackson creek during the January holding the handle and the other tbe flood. They will be put in first-class muzzle of the weapon. order before the season opens. Tbe encounter happened Wednes­ Senate Bill No. 3, which passed the day, near the farm house of Robert House, and will now go to the Govern­ Warnick, who resides a short distance or for approval, provides that in fut- beyond Eddyville, Lincoln county. ure, whenever the death sentence has The only participants were tbe fugi­ been imposed, the execution shall take tive and Robert Warnick. The latter, place at the state penitentiary. armed with a Winchester rifle, order­ Blue-print maps of any township in ed White to throw up his hands, and Roseburg, Oregon, Land District, show the reply of the latter was to present ing all the vacant lands, for 50 cents a 44-calibre (Jolt’s reveiver, which, each. It you want any information though every chamber was loaded, he from the U. S. Land Office, address Title Guarantee & Loan Co., Rose­ did not discharge. At the moment Warnick leveled bis Winchester and burg, Oregon. ( Houck Bros. ’ electric-light plant at White quickly turned and fled. After Gold Hill is in operation again. A 25- several shots a ball fired by Warnick horse power gasoline engine furnish- brought the culprit to his knee«, ■» the power in place of their dam which when be ended his life by his own was wrecked during the storm. It also band. The bill Introduced by Senator Cul­ lom to amend tbe antitrust law prohib­ its interstate commerce in articles made by trusts, the penalty for viola­ tion being a fine of from 8500 to 85,- 000. Tbe meat in the bill is In the proposed appointment of fifty special agents to act as spies to report any In­ fringement of the law. What a snap these appointments would be for tbe henchmen of Republican congressmen of the Rathbone and Neely stripe! But “the boys” will have to wait some time before the trusts will be called upon to “put up the stuff” to avoid prosecution. Senator Cullom and tbe Republican majority have no intention of really reforming the trusts or the tariff, and the flood of bills that have already been Introduced Is only intended to please their constituent« Since President Roosevelt’s “conservative” message has been made public a good many anti­ trust bills have been held up for revi­ sion on more conservative lines, and more will follow the presidential tip that there Is to be “nothing doing" at runs their flour mill during the day. this session and will go into the waste­ Several sheriffs attended the funeral basket The voters who expected Re­ of Lane county’s late sheriff, held st publican action against the trusts or the protective turiff will again be dis­ Eugene Tuesday afternoon, among them 3eing Rader cf Jackson, Storey appointed. of Multnomah, Burnett of Benton, The Baaket Get» the Goo« Rille. Huston of Linn and Pennington of Un­ ion. It is safe to say that the present con- gross will pass no legislation that will Tbos. C. Norris have received a full injuriously affects tbe trusts or relieve line of new harness and saddles, which they are selling at very reasonable the people from the* exorbitantly high rates. They also keep an exceUen prices of the necessaries of life that tbe assortment of second-hand goods in the protective tariff now allows the trusts same building and execute upholstery to* impose. An attempt will be made in of every description. the next congress to amend tbe anti­ Capt. J. Edw. Thornton and Miss Isa trust law, and some change or addition Dnncan, prominent society folks of may be accomplished in view of the ap­ proaching presidential election, but that Ashland, who were married in Califor­ any legislation that will regulate ti^e nia recently, have returned. They trusts in the public interest or prevent hare the congratulations and best wish­ them from extorting all tbe present es of their many friends. A handsome laws win allow is hardly possible un­ reception was given them Thursday less the whole power of the administra­ afternoon. tion should by some miracle be thrown on the side of tbe people, and this Pres­ ident Roosevelt evidently does not In­ tend to countenance. Thus the issues are joined between the Democrats and the party in power, and the final battle will be fought in the national campaign of 1904. Who can doubt the result? On tbe one side will be the great mass of consumers who find their incomes squandered to fill tbe pockets of the trust magnates; en tbe other side Is the Republican ma­ chine,. with Its Wall street allies. The machine is discredited in some states even by-tbe voters of the party it repre- aenta'ang would be discarded by the voters everywhere if the contributions and official patronage were not so large­ ly used to maintain it Yet'In spite of • lukewarm president and a trust con­ trolled congress reform is certain, and tbe longer it is postponed the more rad­ ical will be the remedy. Chas Nickell, U. S. Commissioner for the District of Oregon, is fully equipped to receive applications un­ der the timber and stone, also home­ stead laws. Final proofs taken, and all business connected with U. S. gov­ ernment lands transacted. Office with S outhern O regonian , Medford. Phone 211. An agreement to sell the tract known as the Herrin donation land claim, in this county, was made between A. J. Weeks, the owner of the property, and C. H. Lewis, who la already the owner of the Weeks h Orr orchard, which it adjoins, and is partly set to fruit. The consideration mentioned in the deed is 812,000. It is considered well adapted to fruit-raising, consisting of soli of a character similar to that of the Weeks & Orr orchard, which raises fruit of the very finest quality, says tho Tid­ ings. The Southern Oregon Co-operative Supply Co. is the name of a new organ­ ization perfected by the Grant’s Pass Federated Trades Union. The purpose of this company will be to establish a cooperative store in Grant’s Pass for the benefit of the members of the trades union and all other stockholders. On­ ly groceries will be handled at first; but all lines of mercantile goods will be taken up later. The store will be run on the same plan as are the co-opera­ tive establishments of the Patrons of Husbandry and like or anizations. Jake Marshall, foreman of Coggins Bros’ ranch near Coles, Calif., per­ ished in the snow while making the re­ turn trip on snowshoes from Job Gar­ retson’s Cinnabar springs, a mountain resort in the Siskiyous, and within one mile of his home. He was 31 years old and unmarried. When you lack energy, do not relish your food, feel dull and stupid, after eating, all you need is a dose of Cham­ berlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets. They will make you feel like a new man and give you an appetite like a bear. For sale by City Drug Store. Lyons Interviewed. A reporter of the Eugene Guard was granted an Interview with E. E. Ly­ ons, tbe murderer of Sheriff Withers, in the Lane county jail. The prison­ er looked much worn and worried, but was not in the least nervous and talked in a clear voice without hesi­ tancy. Lyons said: "Yes, 1 admit killing Billie; 1 shot him and am caught. 1 would not have shot anoth­ er man to make my escape." "Did you try to leave on the south­ bound passenger train ?" "No. 1 waited until the train was out and struck down she track. My leg hurt me so I could not walk more than three hundred yards at a time; then I would have to rest. I got out near Goshen and I slept a little while by some ties. Pretty soon I got up and went to Cresswell.” "What made you shoot Withers ?” “Oh, I told him I wouldn’t go with him, and wanted to be stubborn, 1 guess. My wife commenced to plead for me, and I saw a small chance to get away. Billie didn’t have his gun pulled, so I thought I would hold him up and force him to let me go. He held me by the coat, and I bad my gun In my pocket. I just pointed it at him from my side and fired. I wished I hadn’t right away; but I ran as fast as I could.” Special Tax Levies. In addition to state and county taxes, the citizens of the following towns and school districts will pay special taxes: CITIES. MILLS. Ashland .. .010 Medford ..................................... .. .011 The wife of Wm. Hillis of Woodville Jacksonville.............................. .. .004 died at her home in Pleasant ereek 8CBOOL. MILLS. precinct Feb. 9th, aged 26 years. Her Disi. No. 1 Jacksonville....... .. .010 maiden name was Emma Brooks and 18 5 Ashland.............. .. .011 she formerly lived In Marion county. A 14 6 Central Point.... .. .007 lady of many estimable traits of char- El 9 Ragle Point....... .. .009 ccter, she was highly respected by <1 18 Antioch.............. .. .005 all who knew her. is rica ar d $10 to put away a working man wi.o Is poor; where to be virtuout is lonesome and to be honest is to be a crank: where we sit ou the safetv-valve of energy and pull wide < peu the throttle i f conscience; where g< Id Is substance— the one tiling sought fur; where we pay 815,000 lor a dog and nfieen cents a d< zen to a poor woman for making shirts; where we teach the untutored Indian eternal life from the bible and kill him off with bad whiskey; where we put a man in jail for stealing a loaf of bread and in congre-s for steal­ ing a railroad; where the check-book talks, sin walks io broad daylight, justice is asleep, crime runs amuck, corruption permeates our whole so clai and political fabric, and the devil laughs from every street corner. Come to us, Fillies! We’ve got the greatest aggregation of good things and bad things, hot things and co’d things, all sizes, varieties and colors, ever exhibi ted under one tent.” A Weak Stomach Causes a weak body and invites dis. ease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures and strengthens tbe stomach, • nd wards off and overcomes disease. J. B. Tay­ lor, a prominent merchant of Charles- man, Tex., says: “I could not eat be­ cause of a weak stomach. I lost all strength and ran down in wi igbt. All that money could do was done, but all hope cf recovery vanished. Hearing of some wonderful cures effected by use of Kodol, I concluded to try it- Tbe first bottle benefited me, and after taking the four bottles I am fully restortd to my usual strength, weight and health. A SMALL POX CURE. Simple Means for Overcoming This Disease and also Scarlet Fever. Capt. Nash has favored us with the following paragraphs which may be of special interest at this time: John S. Tennys n lately publi-hed the following In the Herald of Stock- ton, Cal.: “I herewith append a re­ ceipt which has been used to my cer­ tain knowledge io hundreds of cas s. It will prevent or cure small p'x through the pittings and fi ling«. It is as unfailing as fate, and conquer- in everv instance, and is bar rule-« when taken by a well person. It will also cure scarlet fever. Here i* the recipeas I have u«ed it, and cured my children of scarlet fever, and a« I have used it to cure small pox: Sulphate of zinc, one grain; half a toasponnful of sugar; mix with two t tble«|KX)D8 of water; takes tablespoonfulevey hour, and either disease will disippear in twelve In urs For a child sma’ler doses, according to age. If this wen- used there would be n> need of pe-t house«. If you value advice and ex­ perience use this f >r that terrible dis­ ease.” It was sent out by the mot scientific school in the world, that of Paris. Office of tlie County Treasurer of 1 Jackson County, Oregon, Jack- J- sonville, February 13, 1903. ) Notice is hereby given that there are funds Io the county treasury for the redemption <«t a l outstanding c >ui>tv warrants protested from April Hth, 1900, to May 9th, 1900, both dates inclusive. Interest on same will cease after the above date. I). H M iller , County Treasurer. $1.08 ■ bottle. All drvtrfCs. If your drogKUt cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure andrite tbe name of your nearest express office. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. ATTORN EY-A T-UW, The United States land offices in Oregon are now sending receipts to all parties who have proved up on timber claims, except in a few cises where ttie land was taken through fraud, or is being purchased under contiact with large timber concern«. The land office at Oregon City caused tbe cancellation of timber en­ tries in Tillamook county amounting to 30,000 acres, on the ground of fraud and collusion between entrymen and parties who had arranged to buy the land on title being secured. C. E. Hays was the principal contestant and Robert Sturgeon principal c mtestee. On Sturgeon’s case tl.e fate of 100 oth­ ers depended. Oretoa. - - Jacksonville. •W Office in Red Men’s Building. ROBT. G. SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Grant’s Pass, Oregoa. practices all tbe courts building op stairs office tc Bank J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. OPERATIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY Onice» ,n tbe Adkins Denel block • Medford, Oregon • P. P. PRIM A SON. ATTORNEY’S AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Jacksonville, Oregon. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. 1 Will practice tn all eourta or the State. Of uoe in the Court House last door on the rlrht from entrance A. C HOUGH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ ... Oregaa. courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor Graat’a Pasa. and cheerfulness soon Office over Halr-R.ddle Hardware Store * disappear when the kid­ neys are out of order or diseased. H. D. NORTON, Kidney trouble has become so prevalent TTOR NEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW that it is not uncommon Grant’s Pass, Oregoa. for a child to be bom ? afflicted with weak kid­ neys. if the child urin- SWOfflce above S. P. D.t LCo i Store. . ates too often, if the d'-LL. ----- . urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first JACKSONVILLE step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis­ erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized, it is sold by druggists, tn fifty- Abstract» made ta Titles af cent and one dollar Lands. sizes. You may have a LEGAL DOCUMENTS. sample bottle by mail __ sllxind drawn up especially pertalnl m free, also pamphlet tell- ibe settlement of estates ing all about it, including many of ths thousands of testimonial letters received frem sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer MONEY LOANED. 8c Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure anc invatment securities a »peeiaMy. Jar Misa r ention this paper. Oiunty Scrip bought and sold. »css« Silas *1. Day Notary Public Real Estate Agent and U. S. l ommissioner for Jackson County. Accounts Siücited, Prompt Remit mce Don’t make any mistake, but re­ member the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on even bottle. have a complete set or maps or all earvavaa tanda in this county, and rece.ive Abstracts monthly from Roseburg Land < the department ot the O. * C. R R. ' lh”staÂr Land Department at Salem ot all new estría, made i am thus prepared to mtk“ ont stead papers and take proofs thereon Al¿í í take filings and proofs «H^rïïnds ^d fan. 8»T® Phrt.es the expense or s’ Irin to tbe Roseburg land office " sí“é b Fr®b«rt» I» my hawda ter •V-Proncm reply made to all letters. Cintre «a in acooniance with the times Refers, by permission, Hon. H. K. Hanna °f ‘Ji* 181 Judcl<1 District, aud to any business house in Jacksonville. ’ silas j. day St. Mary’s Academy, Jacksonville, Oregon. ESTABLISHED IN 186S. Tn« school continues the careful sSfy iXT *?S,rucliM1 for ’b>c* K is fX* The Music Depar (men( GREATEST STRENGTH FINEST FLAVOR AND ABSOLUTE PURITY G LJ A R XX txi T E. F O «Mr- For prospectus, add ,^sg SISTERS O> THE BOLT NAMES. I »•• it fcR. JORDAN’S MEAT Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food, ltgivesinstant relief and never falls to cure. It allows vou to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive Stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation ofgason the stom­ ach, relieving all distress after eating, Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It oan't help but do you good E- OtWiTT A Ua, Chicago Tte 8L boule contains lx UmeaUt^SOc. ruSEUH OF AK’TOM? ju . ISSl MARKET ST.. MN R-- IPMWtM Btnl «■« XcraMk.. fTY M» JV 1 TheUrgeet«---irmlnF >tnaaa_ tn cue World. Orrntm attracts yate disuses ■ U M*« »•»•■ who auw eufferlax from lhe effect« of youthful lndl/ crettoo« or exeeew« In niuurar yenr». Nervoi^ and pbrelcal |>e»»iit- A Fr-I.ufT •f UrlMaUBg, otw By • comblXuJi^t remedio«, of g roat curative power, tbe Doetor 1 *■•• •» »"»»red hl« treatment that it wUl not °“ly »Jort Immediate relief, but permanaat I i cis;, ■VFIHI.XM thoroughly eradicated team the ay«tem without the uw ot Mereiry. . »**“■? u*d by “ Expert. "-r»fly|1 tor ■•»» tn re. A quick and —~rii| . Fl«*wre and Flatwlae^fcy 1 Dr. Jordan1» «peclal palnl«ea methode " MAX applying to u« will rweetva 1 »rt'uou of Mi complaint. ___ w* Wtll OuarentM a MXSZTZF« CUUf te I •very cm « ,<>« ui4 irrmta “ Con'uitatkia FRKK anditrtoHy Brtvnt» I Treatmeu t peraoaally or by loiter. i _Write f<»k Book. FHILOftGMrr •* MARRIAGE. Malian Kann, ( a valnohde i hook tor mea.) Oall or write ‘ 1 I Wt JORDAN a CO . (Ml Martatat.. S. n LAND FOB SALB. Tbe undersigned offers for sale 1743 acres of land, under the Fish Lake Co.’s dlt' h, 10 mile® from Medford and 5 miles from Central Point; also 1560 acres lo rated in Antelope dis­ trict, in the heart of the best stock country in Southern Oregon, 10 miles east of Medford. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply or address W m . B ybee , Jackson vllle, Ore. One thing is certain,— Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hairgrows, that’s all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al­ ways restores color to gray hair. Receipts for Timber Lands. To Meet at Ashland and Banquet— List of Papers to Be Read. Treasurer’s Sixth Notice “I had a very severe sickness that took off ail my hair. I pur­ chased a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back again.” W. D. Quinn, Marseilles, 111. Cured Consumption. PROFESSION CARDS. Mrs. B. W. Evan«, C earwater, Kan., writes: ‘‘My husband liy sick for three 'months; the doctors stated R. G. GALF, M. D. lie had quick eon«umpt on. We pio- cured a bottle of Bail&rd’s II oii -I m und Syrun and it cured him. That was six Office in Orth’» Building. Hours—2 VO 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. years ago, and since then we always kept a bottle in tHe house. We cm- not do without It. For coughs and Jacksonville - - Oregon colds it has no equal.” 25c, 50c. and 81.00 bottle at City Drug Store. A. E. REAMES, PACIFIC COA8T TRAFFIC AGENTS The annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Association of Railroad Traffic Agents will be held Ashland, Feb 21. It promises to be one of the most interesting gatherings ever held by the association. After the general meet­ ing a banquet will be given, where a number of papars prepared by traffic men will be read. The papers to be presented and those presenting them will be aa fol­ lows: "The General Agent,” H. 8. Rowe; “Railroad Builder«,” G. W. “Annual Meeting of Arbuckle; American Association of Traveling Passenger Agents at New Orleans, 1903,” T. F. Fitzgerald; "Develop­ ment of the Trans-Paciflc Steam­ ship,” B. K. Denbigh; "The Rela­ tions of the Railroads to the People,’* H. E. Loui sbury, "Advantages of Through Billing in Conjunction With Trunk Lines and Transcontinent a' Roads,” W. B. Hinchman ; "Passen­ ger Department.,’’ James O’Gara!; "The Ideal Traffic Man,” George W. Willett, "Division Meetings of the Pacific Coast Association of Traffic Agents,” Charles J. Gray. J. W. Adams, tbe well-known rep resentative of the Nickel Plate Line at San Frauci«co, will officiate as toastmaster. My Hair V Seeds 1 V xr» planted by fanner 1 ■ and Hardener who luu 1 ■ Mopped eiperttneutUMLlt 1 f 1° P»y a little more JWj'wy'MMllwtpXireal Jeofworeat tl>e barveid. All *»k-ra. IMS Seed Aa.aal postpaid free to aU appllcanla &?«•• ( Medford Furniture Co., HouseFurnishers and Undertakers. JohnH. Butler, Funeral Di­ rector. Phone 165, Medford, Oregon.