at--’ s. «I ®emoGrôtie firnes. TWO KINDS F BEGGARS. Printed Every Wednesday, by Time« Printing Company C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr. TERMS: One Year, In advance... Six Months...................... • 1.50 . 1.00 -Tk’vST Advertisements inserted at reasona­ ble rates. Entered at the Postonica at Jacksonville, Oro., as Second Class Mail Malter T here is a row in Albany soci tty clrcl s, and a serious one,too. A num­ ber of unmarried ladies, who arc ol 1 enough to vote, arc the rccipknt-of invitations like this: “Papa says I can have a party, and so I want you to come to my house next Thursday afternoon. Bring your playthings.*’ S enator M arsters of I» tuglas will propose that the half a milliou appro­ priation asked of the legislature for the Lewis and Clark fair be referred to a referendum vote of the people of the state. This wou dlea practical test ot the constitutional amendment adopted by the people of Oregon last June. Hark, hark th«)gS jo bark. Tiie beggars coming to town, Some in rags 1 some iu tags And some in [yet gowns. So long as you have beggars in velve>wns eating unearned bread at the front doors of the legislatures, so long will yoave beggars in rags and tags eating th« crusts of charity , at the buck doors of nation.—Herbert S. Bigelow. O ub new policy of imperialism Is | responsible for any lessened force lhe | Monroe doctrine may have. If we ac-1 quire territory In another hemisphere . foreign powers do not see why we; Prices Are Raised Beyond the should object to acquisition by them Reach of the Poor. I d this hemisphere. But eveD at the risk ot being thought inconsistent we cannot afford to alter the doctrine WANT AND SICKNESS IN THE CITIES •nd let down the bars to Europe. COAL TRUST MISERY TARIFF AND EXPORT PRICES Priera of Anierlean Manufacturas Lower Abroad Than at Home. Congressman Holliday of Indiana tells the Sentinel’s Washington corre­ spondent that be “takes no stock in tbe talk that the tariff is tbe mother of trusts.” On the contrary, be asserts that “we would have had the same trusts under a free trade policy.” Xo Restraint to Rapacity of the Coal Conceding for the sake of the argu­ S tockmen all over the Dakotas, Barons—The People Helpless In the ment that Mr. Holliday actually be­ Wyoming and Eastern Montana are Hands of the Trust — Republican lieves what he says as to tbe existence despondent on account of large log es Administration Makes No Effort to of trusts, he certainly cannot deny that the tariff gives the trusts the oppor­ of cattle, witb more in prospe t. Carry Out tiie Law. tunity to extort higher prices from the Prominent stockmen estimate the The rapacity and greed of the coal Americau consumer. This may be il­ loss of cattle Lorn blizzirds since Jan­ barons are getting almost beyoud en­ lustrateti by the price of borax. There uary 1st will reach fully one hundred durance. The bituminous coal combine is a borax trust In this country and thousand head. And, they as»rt, is equally as guilty as the anthracite likewise one in Great Britain. IirEng- the worst is yet to come, as fully a trust, for it has advanced prices in land lierax is selling at 2^ cents a million head are starving uow. about the «¡ muc proportion. The coke pound, witb a profit to the trust. In combine has also increased «prices ou a this country it is selling at 7% cents a T be Standard Oil Company is grad­ l»r with its brother reprobates, The pound. The American tariff on borax ually absorbing the oil fields about pretense is being made by the hard is 5 cents a pound. There can be no Beaumont, Texas, and is read i >g coal trust that it has a bard and fast possible explanation of tbe difference for Southern California land s. Ti e price of $3.75 a ton at the mines, to except that tbe tariff wall enables the oil industry is at a low s'age in Cal- which is add«Ml the railroad freight Americau trust to exact this additional 5 cents from the consumer. forniajhe price being ri<| culou^ly lew rate of $1.55 to New York, $2 to Wash­ Nobody denies that most trust made for the crude product. It is au oppor­ ington and “whatever the traffic will products are sold cheaper abroad than tune time for tbe Stard ird to ex‘end i bear” to other points, which varies ac­ at home. It was freely conceded be­ Its tentacles and it will rule nr r tln cording to tbe competition of river aud fore tbe industrial commission. John In California yet, as it has in Ten Syl­ lake transportation. To these charges W. Gates of the steel and wire trust testified in November, 1899, that steel vania and New York- is addid $1.50 allowed the retailer for and wire goods were sold cheaper to I cartage and profit. The agents of the T he biennial report of Nupf rin’er d- I coal trust are, they say, obliged to foreigners than to American consum­ ers. Charles M. Schwab, president of ent Lee, of the Oregon P«nitentiary, I agree not to ebarge above the prices the steel trust, testified in May, 1901, show-« that during the last two years given—that is, on the basis of $6.75 at that all kinds of manufactured goods the number of convict« in the peniten­ New York, $7.25 at Washington, and were sold cheaper for export than for tiary ha« increased from 278 to 360. at other points according to the In­ the home market A. B. Farquhar, The earnings of the institution h «ve creased railroad charges. Tbe facts, the agricultural implement man, said. amounted to 928..37O 92 for the 21 however, do not substantiate this scale “Certainly our manufactures are sold months ending September 30, 1902. and I of prices, for when the harassed house­ 1 much lower abroad.” Why? There can be but one answer, at the same rate the total will be over | holder puts In his order for coal to the and that is that by excluding foreign 932,400 for two years, as compared I agents of the trust lie is informed that competition from our markets we have with *26,700 fcr the preceding term. his order will be booked, but delivery enabled the trusts to monopolize them cannut I m - promised. Compelled to find and to put prices far above the polut H on . G eo . E. C hamberlain was coal that will be delivered immediate­ of reasonable profits. — Indianapolis inaugurated governor of Oregon ly, the buyer finds that tiie indei»endeut Sentinel. Wednesday. His addre s was listened dealers have hard coal on band, but An 111 Wind That Blows, Etc. to by a large number, and gave gener­ the price ranges from $9 to $15 a ton. Tbe Standard Oil company advanced The natural conclusion to arrive at is al sali'faction. His first act was to that the trusL is selling at a large ad­ the price of kerosene oil 1 cent per rtslgu tbe position cf district attor­ vance In price to tbe independent deal­ gallon on Dec. 10. This makes 3^4 ney for Multnomah county and ap- ers Instead of supplying its own agents cents advanie since tbe beginning of p dnt John Manning, who was his at the advertised rates. thn c al si rike. The New York Com­ chief deputy, to tbe position. W. N. Tbe rich ar J well to do are, of course, mercial says: “There has been no advance in the Galena of Portland will be his private able to obtain coal, but the largely in­ secretary. Both are first-cla'S ap­ creased cost to the poor, vastly aug­ Standard Oil products shipped to for­ mented by the profits of the small deal­ eign countries because there is no coal pointments. ers, is so serious that great destitution strike there and because there is com­ petition with Russian oil. O f course we a>e not exreefed to and sufferiug are reported in the large “The Standard Oil company has been cities. In New York alone it is report­ use the Monroe article asa we p-m 1 f, ed that 5,090 families are unable to using every possible means to develop defense for South American state buy fuel, aud the corporation of Great­ tbe use of kerosene in beating and to cheat creditors out of their honest er New York has appropriated $100,000 couklng stoves since the beginning of d«bte witb, but the wh-le allied to purchase coal to be given to such the coal strike. The increased con­ sumption, a Standard Oil official said crowd are ui der 4 u pk-ion. W e i. no » destitute persons. what England did ,n Egypt, «rid *e There is no doubt that the misery recently, has been very large. The gen­ know what she w«ml. All we ran s iy price of coal will lead to a great in­ has been that the Standard Oil com­ to England and Germany is: Collect crease of sickness and a consequent pany is trying to make its profits large great loss of life from pulmonary and enough to pay 50 per cent dividend If you can and get out, but keep off kindred diseases. during tbe present fiscal year.” American territory. The criminal section of the antitrust The coal strike is a godseud to the law covers just such a restraint of hungry Standard Otl trust. It is coin­ L ondon has an trdioaoce re'ative trade and monopoly as tbe coal trust is ing money out of the misfortunes of to drunkenness, which enable* either imposing upon the American people. the poor. husband or wife to i-ecuie a separatiou The administration of that law Is in In the case of habitual drunkenoesw the hands of the attorney general of Sauta Claua Ip Aaalnat a Toy Tyaat. A toy trust is the latest to orgautee. Hallows the police to a’re-Un InebrJ- the United States, and in each state the All the priucgal kinds of children's United States district attorney can en­ ateany where except In a private t ous , force the law In the federal courts. toys Vvill in future be tbe product of whether disorderly or n »t. After con Thus the whole machiuery for bringing tbe National Novelty corporation, with vtottou drunkards are Idit kli t’d f >r the coal monopolists to tbe bar of jus­ $10,000,900 capital. This monopoly of the space of three yia s. If il.. ya’- tice cap be put in motion by the Repub­ the gifts that Santa Claus disburses in tempt to obiain t’rit km-u.' In' p ■ lican administration. One word from the stockings of tbe little ones will rkd they ate liable lu a fin , wit e t President Roosevelt would compel his doubtless add to the cost and make it publican supply ng :h in is fi .id $50 attorney general to act. As be does more difficult for the poor folk to bring lor the first i ff -t se and $10) fo H e nothing to curb the mouopoiy, it would a gleam of sunshine into the home at second offen-e Impri-o-in mt is seem certain that he does not want any Christmas time. There is a tariff duty action taken or, for political reasons, of from 35 to 60 per cent on all toys, provided for drutikiune-sofa persca in does not wish the extortion of the trust which will allow tbe trust to add that charge of a child under 7 years of age. stopped. much to what the cost would other­ The criminal statute would allow the wise be. T be .awauti-oi izi- g the] u i ation urrest of the coal barons, and upon con­ Window Glass to Be Free. of the records of the Oregon volunteers viction of being parties to any restraint The timeliness of tbe bill of the of trade or of having formed a combi ­ In the Sj ani-t war ar d Phil’rp'ne in­ Knights of Labor to put window glass nation to control prices they could be surrection preserve that th - erity for this trust. Con­ Oregon Volunteer Light Artillery, would be too light to float.—Galveston gress should take prompt action on this and io the wife, father or mother of News. very important bUL each of I he «4 members of the Second Oregon who lost their lives while Io Timber Land Fraud in Idaho. Krause—Muller the service, ptovidtd they apply t i Asa result of art investigation made •the Adjutant General before May 1, Otis Krau-e, eldest son i.f Mrs. 19(3. Copies net deli vend in person by L. L. Sharp, Inspector of the Gen­ Theo. C.meton, and MiasSopltiaMul- will le fo. warded to the applicants en eral Land Office, warrants arj out for ler,youngest duugliUr of Mrs. M. Mul­ tilled to them, express cha’ge« to be J. W. Lusk and W. R. Simmot s, who ler, both <>f whom are natives of Jack­ eullectrd on delivery. The meth< d of have been living at B tee, Idaho, on sonville, were married at Oak I end, d stribution cf such volumes as msy a chirgc of tbrainitg money under Calif., list Sunday, R v. D. E. Potter remain on hand May 1, 19'3, will be fals- pretence«. It is said that these offi iai ing. Owing to the recent death announced at that time. This book men have victimized some 70 p ople of the bride’s father thewiddi g was bypriteuding to locate timler land is a splendid publication ot 760 pave*, for them. They would show the a simple but pntty one. 7 he bridal well bound and full of.lolerestiDg datv victim a fine body of 1 imber Unit was party entered to the s: rains of Men- not. open io li ca> ion. Th« n they would and illustrations. tiie him ott some worthless land. delis« lin's veil ling u a ch, p’ayed by Miss Carrie Edwaids. The bride was The two men have disappeared.. Deafaeaa Cannot be Cured gowned beautifully In white silk mull A Marvelous Invention. By local application«, aa they eanooi reach the tulle uvir silk, elaborately trimmed diaoaaod portion of the ear There Is only one Wonders never cease. A machine with lace. She wore a long wedding way to cure deafness, and that la by comtUiu tlonal remedies. Deafness la caused by an in has been invented that will cut, paste veil and c irricd a shower bouquet of flamed oondltion of the mucous lining of the wall paper. The field of in- Kuatacblan Tube. When this lobe ie Intiamed I and hang --------- s - -------------------------------------- . bride’s roses. The maid cf honor was you have a rumbling sound or imperfect ventium* and discoveries is Dr. King’s ina. and -------- when - ------------------- it is entirely closed Deafness is New --------- - ------------------------------- New Piscovt Discovt ry ry for for Cot Cot sumptton. sumptiuu. In It her sister, Miss Amelia Muller, who the result, and unless the inflammation eaa be has done a world t f uood fr.r »„„v taken out and thia tut« restortd to its normal 1 u )nt’ a woria ( I gooa for weak was prettily gowned in a costume of condition, bearing will be deatrortd torecor; I lungs and saved many"a life. Thou­ pale green gauze and chiffon over nine caaee out of ten are caused by Catarrh, sands have, ’rimmed with touches of tbe mucous services Wm. Muller, a We will give One Hurd red Dollars for an? Contumplion. Tt-eir general verdict velvet and g-dd. case of Deafness (onused by oat arm) that can is: “It’a lite best and most reliable brother of the bride, acted as best boi be cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. Send for medicine for throat ano iung troub­ man. The couple will reside in Oak­ eircai&r*. free Every 59c and 11.00 b< ttle is F. J.CHENEY AGO., Toledo O. les.” Sold by Druggist« 75e. guaranteed by City Drug Store. Trial land. They have tt e best wisbi s of Mail's Faaatly Pills are ti e beat. all. bottle free. « BRIEF MENTION. Salted a Gold Mine. Jacksonville district has levied a tax of 10 mills, for the maintenance of its public school. Jas. D. Stevens of Grant’s Pass Is confined to bis bed with a severe at­ tack of bladder trouble. Judge Hanna has granted I. M. Stinson of Griffin creek a divorce, and the custody of the minor children. Henry Vogelei, an old resident of this section, has entered tho National Soldiers’ Home at Santa Monica, Calif. D. H. Jackson of Dunn precinct has been elected journal clerk of tho State Senate, a position he is well qualified to fill. Tresspass notices, printed on cloth, for sale at this office.. They aro just what i- needed to keep people off your property. Alvin Cardwell, a former resident of Jacksonville, is at Yreka. Calif., where he is looking after the interests of a mining company. Isaac Coffman of Forest creek has bought S. C. Minnick’s property situ­ ated on South C street, Medford,which ho will improve considerably. Subscriptions for Mr. Hryau’s piper, Tiie Commoner, the leading Demo­ cratic uewspa|«er in the United States, are taken at T he T imes office. The Stratton Independence Com­ pany has tiled in the Uoited States Court for Colorado a suit for $6,000,- 000 against I lie executors and trustees of the Stratton estate, and also against Harry Stiatton, hoir-at-law. The complaint alleges that at the time tbe mine was sampled, prepara­ tory to concluding the sale, which had been negotiated through the Venture Corporation of London, the samples were “salted to that the amount of ore estimated on those samples was valued at $7,000,000, when in reality the ore Insight was worth only $2,- 000,000 or less." It is allegori that the b'oeks of samples were opened and quickly but thoroughly sprinkled witb rich, ground-up silvanite. The Ven­ ture Corporation will also bling a simi'ar suit, claiming tliat its expert, C. A. Rickard, was deceived by the salted ore, and the individual stock- lu lders will bring actionsdor the re­ turn of their money, alleging that they were induced to purchase stock at $5,110 and $15 when in reality it was not worth such prices. A. J. Stevens, president of the Jack- son Co. Lumber Co., was in town Thursday. His company is manufac- turing a large quantity of superior lumber. Hon. Wm. Smith of Baker City, grand master of the A. O. U. W. for Oregon, is making the di fieront lodges a visit. He will soon be in Southern Oregon. Deeds, mortgages, leases, lx nds bills of sale and every imajnable kind of legal blanks-tiie latest and best—are constantly od iiand at the T imes office. William Young, bridge carpenter, working on the Klamath River Rail­ road, was instantly killed Saturday by falling a distance of 53 feet from the top of a trestle. Chas. Darby, a relative of Rev. Dar­ by, uho recently arrived from Mis­ souri, has purchased part of J. P. True’s farm, iu Griffin creek district, paying $30 an acre therefor. The Rock Point bridge, which has been rather in a dilapidated condition, is being put in good shape County Commissioner Riley is supervising lhe work with his usual efficiency. Blue-print maps of anv township in Roseburg, Oregon, Land District,show ing all tbe vacant lands, for 50 cents each. If you want any information from the U. S. Land Office, address Title Guarantee & Loan Co., Rose­ burg, Oregon. Jacob Huger, who with W. J. Free­ man owned a fine prune orchard lo­ cated near Centupl Point, containing 40 acres, has sold his interest to Chas. Pheister. The price paid was 91750, and is low. Prof. Hanby, principal of the Centra^ Point school, make« the following re­ port for the month ending Jan. 8th: Number of days taught, 19; days at­ tended, 2649: days absent, 147; cases of tardiness, 36; total enrolled, 173. John Coleman, a pioneer of Southern Oreg« n, is quite ill at his residence in Phoenix. His daughters, Mrs. G. N. Anderson of Ashland, Mrs. Lee Cal vert of Grant’s Pass and Miss Minnie Cole­ man of San Francisco, have been visit­ ing him. The Supreme Court has affirmed the decision of Judge Hanna in the case of York & Wortman vs. J. T. C. Nash, which was brought to recover a commis­ sion for the sale of the Nash Stables in Medford, and decided in favor of the plaintiff. Noel E. Graves of Yreka,Calif.,theex- pert civil engineer, and J. H. Magoffey, his attorney, are in the valley, for the purpose of taking depositions in the suit for divorce he has begun. Mr. and Mrs. G. were formerly residents of Jacksonville. J. D. B. Lee, a pioneer of Southern Oregon, who crossed the plains in 1852 with an ox team, and served in tbe Rogue River Indian War, died a short time since at his home near Myrtle Point, Coos county. He removed from this section in 1873. Thos C. Norris have received a full line of new harness and saddles, which they are Belling at very reasonable rates They also keep an exceilen assortment of second-hand goods in lhe same building and execute upholstory of every description. Geo. W. Skinner of Council Bluffs, Towa, arrived in Medford Thursday night, accompanied by seventeen oth- «•rs. They came for the purpose of making final proof on their timber claims, which are located in the vicin­ ity of the Glade Fork of Applegate. PERSONAL MENTION. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OO Southern Oregon Joel Holman, the miner, was in'Med-' 10000000000000000c-> ford Friday. Miss Pauline Levy was a Medford Notices fur the location I have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor visitor Thursday. »-date and quartz mines, etc., up-t^ ----- for thirty years. It is elegant for Paul Spuhn, lately of Phoenix, has and complete, for sale st this office. a hair dressing and for keeping the removed to Cantara, Calif. hair from splitting at the ends. — L. F. Jordan and S. W. McClendon, J. A. Gruenenfelder, Grantfork, III. S. F. Godfrey of Table Rock precinct representin : the Bowden Mining Co., was in our town one day last week. are making arrangements to puichase Hair-splitting splits E. P. Dunlap was at Grant’s Pass tlie Huruason mill and water light, Monday. He is now located near Tolu located neat Gold Hill. Th sw II add friendships. If the hair­ John Grieve of Prospect and C. J materially to tiie value of t he prop­ splitting is done on your Geer of Brownsboro were in Medford erty, as well as to cheapen its opera­ own head, it loses friends tion and development. Friday. for you, for every hair of Miners’ liens, deeds to mines,water Sheriff Rader has been spending a your head is a friend. locations and other mining few days at his home in Eagle Point right blanks always on hand at this office. Ayer’s Hair Vigor in precinct. The quartz mines of S uth of advance will prevent the Mrs. J. H. Messner visited her many Myrtle frvelt are coming to the front. splitting. If the splitting friends living in Central Point a few A recent shipment of 13 tons if ore days ago. has begun, it will stop it. netted over $700, above all exieases tl.M a brttle. All dnfrikU. Mrs. A. R. Thompson and Mrs. J. B. for mining, shipping and mu king. Harris were in Medford Thursday The ore was taken from the Little If your druggist cannot supply you, «end us one dollar and we win express afternoon? Chieftain mine. 1 lie Continental ad­ you a bottle. Be sure and give tbe name of vour nearest express office. Address, Lee Robinson, who went to the Phil­ joining. was sold a few day* ago by G. J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mam. ippines as a soldier, has returned from W. Crews to W. B. Stewart for 920, 000. An offer was since made, by rei - the islands. Jacob Oleson, a thrifty farmer living resentativ«s of Eastern capitalists, of near Central Point, was in Medford 950,000 for the Little Chieftain, but PROFESSION! CARDS. was refused. A Movable Fort. Wednesday. One of tbe mint valua> le copper One of the latest Inventions for ser­ Judge Hanna and Hon W. M. Colvig, vice in war times is called the war who have been at Grant’s Pass, re­ properties in Southern Oregon is the R. G. GALF, M. D. motor. Being built on wheels it can Cook & Green, located not far from turned Wednesday. be operated by a very few men, and the big cop; er mit e owned by Cooper, Office in Orth’s Building. is strongly recommended for sea-coast J. Byrum, after a short visit in this Hours—2 tO 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. defence. Tbe only medicine that is section, has returned to Powell’s Val­ Hamilton & Co., in tiie Siskiyou sfrongly recommended by thousands mountain«, very close to tiie state of grateful jeople, who have used it ley, Multnomah county. line. It is in charge of A. T. Lun- Oregon as a defeme agait st all stomach, liver Mr. and Mrs. E H. Hoisey of Gold gr. n, a miner of skill and experience. Jacksonville and kidney complainte, is Hostetter’s Hill precinct tarried a few hours In Much work ha« already been d nc, the Stomach Bitters. It cured them and A. E. REAMES, will not fail in your case. Try it, if Medford a few days ago. mine, which is frr-m 87 to feet 450 feit ATTORN ey - at - la w , you are a sufferer from loss of appe­ Joe Murphy, lhe tonsoriai artist, in width, having already b en de­ tite, headache, insomnia, indizeation, who got bis start in Jacksonville, is veloped to a considersb’e dt ptii. Tue Jacksonville. - • Oregon. dyspepsia, torpid liver, cjnstipated now located at Oakland, Calif. ore prospect« from 2j to 10 per cent bowels, or kidney tr. ubles, ana you •»•Office in Red Men'« Building. will not be disappointed. Ask your Willie Murphy, who is employed at In copper, and shows $6 and 97 in go'd druggist for a copy of our 1903 Illus­ Deuel n, and you C. Swett and his wifo have gone to Kbatract* made ta Titles af are certain to be delighted tepith the Fortuna, Calif., leaving N. O. Haskins Laads. prompt relief which they afford, Fur LEGAL DOCUMENTS. in charge of their farm, the old Jack- sale at City Drug Store. all Bind drawn up eapeciallvpertaining 10 sou place, located on Rogue river. lhe settlement or eataiea Important to Miners. Ex-Senator Cameron went to Port­ Accounts Silicited, Prompt Remittaacc. land Thursday evening. He will tarry MONEY LOANED. In acc rdancewith the policy of the a while at Salem, where he spent five luvstment securities a speeiait). jackaea United States Geological Suivey to terms as a member of the legislature. Jjunty Scrip bought and sold. have a complete set ot maps of all surveyed make availablethe results of its re­ Jas. Stewart and H. D. Jones have tends in this oounty, and receive Abakraeta searches as eaily as possible, and in a gone to Salem. They have secured monthly from Roaebure Land Office, the Lead 3epartment ot the O. A C. R. R. and the State form suitible to the business needs of clerkships at the disposal of the Ore­ Land Lb partment at Salem of all new entriea made I am thus prepared to make out home- the country, a 1ml etln is in prepara­ gon legislature and will be gone forty «tcad papers and take proofs thereon. Also I tion and will shortly bo issued which I days. take filings aud proofs of timber lands, and can save to the eipenae of s trip will contain a c nclse summary of tl.e Geo. W. Kincaid, who is Dr. Ray’s to the Roseburg land office advances in economicgeology made by foreman, spent Wednesday in Medford. ; have a Number of FtaeFarma and otl or tbe Survt y during the last year. This He was looking for the party who stole Desirable Propertv la my handa for Sale. will not take tiie place of Lite more ex­ a horse and saddle from tbe Kesterson WPromnt reply made toalllettera Chare­ tended reports or the organization, ranch ’s in accordance with «he times Refers, by permission, Hon. H. K. Haana. but will p’ace before the public the District Attorney Reames. who is a judge ot the 1st Judcial District, and to any essent i tl features of the Investigations son-in-law of tho late Congressman business bouse ia Jacksonville. SILAS J. DAY of tre yeir in the metalliferous and Tongue, returned from Hillsboro non-metallifciou« dep< sits of the Thursday, «hither he acconipantod his countiy, so that tlio«e desiring the in­ wifo. Ha went back the next day, to fo mation may obtain it in concise attend the funeral. form without the neces.-i’yof t-earch- Jacksonville, Oregon. Language Lessons. iDg through voluminous reports. By tills uuans the results of investig.- RSTABLISHED IN t8C>s. Beginning Jan 15, 1903, private i ton will a s » be male available much lesson? in French, German and Lnliu earlier than lias heretofore been pos­ w.ll Is* given nt. tbe re-ddci ceti’ Rev. Tna school continues the careful training and thorough instruction for which it is favor­ sible. It. Is probable that a bulletin J. D Murphy. Address Lo k B ix 115, ably known. of this nitu*e will be pubbs’i'd an­ Jacks-'uviile. nually fur the benefit of tl.e public. The Music Department Silas J. Day . Notary Public Real Estate Agent and U. S. Commissioner for Jackson County. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure To Cure • Cold In One Day. All Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Druggists rotund the money it It tails to cure. Grove's signature is on each bcx. 25c. Hon. J. H. Ackerman, superintend­ ent of public instruction, has announced Another Robbery. that eighth-grade examinations will take place throughout the Stale on Some’rody, iale Wednesday nigh’, the following dates: January 28,29 ent red the stable of Dr. Ray, on t»ie and 30; April 8, 9 and 10; May 20, 21 K*iv«d much bet.efit until I used Ballard’s Snow Liniment for rlieumatbm and pains. 1 tiling it the bes' liuiment. < n e«rth.” 25c, 50c and SI.00 buttle at City Drug Stire. fo Cur. Vou«iV|Miti*,i, «Ve Cascarete Candy Ctuburi«- orb. O- C. tail to curs ortwc'-ti» -« Xui».- ««..<•«• undersigned, administrator of tbe estate of Ellzab th Miller deceased,has Sled In the coun­ ty oourl of Jacksou county. On gon.his tlual ac­ count as said administrator, and by order ot Hon Chas. Prim, judge of sai<* court. Febru­ ary 14. 1*8, at 10 o'oloek a . m , Is set to- the bearing thereof. All persons interested are hereby notified to appear and ti'e his or Ler ob­ jection to the same'on or before said day. Dated January 14, 1903. J C. TUR NIDGE, Administrator of Estate ft Elizabeth Miller, deceased. Nsn. a N kii ., Attorney for Admlr.Istritor. Jour Cold Curea tor St. Mary’s Academy, is always in cha ye of competent and exper­ ienced teachers. Hoard and tuition per session of twenty weeks, im.lB. Studies will be resum­ ed September 2, 1902. For prospectus, address SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES. visit DR. JORDAN’S orcat MUSEUM OF I OS I MARKET ST., SAN FIM ta«vwa Bins •»« Bnwk^, The ’--t— - BiOBl tn the Wor.> rhe CXT m A ««»uizr/ut »«.-At/or vUUun. Weak«»»»»« er say conlrscA ed dLieam.poal lively cured hr the oldeet BpecUilst uu tbe Fadffie CiMkBU ExtsbUsbed M years OR. JORDAN—PUYATi DIM AH* T«aa< ■>* and ■sJSMIe *«ed Mseai who are suOMng from tbe efleet» of youthful lodto- creUotis or exceasM tn maturar yeara. Nenruua and physical DeMllty.Iaa- poteney, !.<••« Jl».l>uod in Bu iieccmmy cation»; Sperai»Uirrb'.-mte« a f'O.'JTIFK CUlt to n»ry rate we u-pl-rruha Consultation F11KK «nd strictly private OHAEOEff VERY R.KASDHRRIJL Treatment personally or by letter. Write for Book. PHlLOSSriT •> MARBlAeB. MaiLUDFeaw. (A valnaS» book tor meu.) Cell or writs OR JORDAN * CO , 1081 BL. fl P. Medford Furniture Co. HouseFurnishers and Undertakers. JohnH. Butler. Fune r a 1 D i - rector. Phone 165 Medford, Oregon